// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef _SYNCBLK_INL_ #define _SYNCBLK_INL_ #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTryLock() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return InterlockedTryLock(*this); } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTryLock(LockState state) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // The monitor is fair to release waiters in FIFO order, but allows non-waiters to acquire the lock if it's available to // avoid lock convoys. // // Lock convoys can be detrimental to performance in scenarios where work is being done on multiple threads and the work // involves periodically taking a particular lock for a short time to access shared resources. With a lock convoy, once // there is a waiter for the lock (which is not uncommon in such scenarios), a worker thread would be forced to // context-switch on the subsequent attempt to acquire the lock, often long before the worker thread exhausts its time // slice. This process repeats as long as the lock has a waiter, forcing every worker to context-switch on each attempt to // acquire the lock, killing performance and creating a negative feedback loop that makes it more likely for the lock to // have waiters. To avoid the lock convoy, each worker needs to be allowed to acquire the lock multiple times in sequence // despite there being a waiter for the lock in order to have the worker continue working efficiently during its time slice // as long as the lock is not contended. // // This scheme has the possibility to starve waiters. Waiter starvation is mitigated by other means, see // InterlockedTrySetShouldNotPreemptWaitersIfNecessary(). if (state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock()) { LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsLocked(); return CompareExchangeAcquire(newState, state) == state; } return false; } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedUnlock() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; static_assert_no_msg(IsLockedMask == 1); _ASSERTE(IsLocked()); LockState state = InterlockedDecrementRelease((LONG *)&m_state); while (true) { // Keep track of whether a thread has been signaled to wake but has not yet woken from the wait. // IsWaiterSignaledToWakeMask is cleared when a signaled thread wakes up by observing a signal. Since threads can // preempt waiting threads and acquire the lock (see InterlockedTryLock()), it allows for example, one thread to acquire // and release the lock multiple times while there are multiple waiting threads. In such a case, we don't want that // thread to signal a waiter every time it releases the lock, as that will cause unnecessary context switches with more // and more signaled threads waking up, finding that the lock is still locked, and going right back into a wait state. // So, signal only one waiting thread at a time. if (!state.NeedToSignalWaiter()) { return false; } LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsWaiterSignaledToWake(); LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return true; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTrySetShouldNotPreemptWaitersIfNecessary(AwareLock *awareLock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return InterlockedTrySetShouldNotPreemptWaitersIfNecessary(awareLock, *this); } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTrySetShouldNotPreemptWaitersIfNecessary( AwareLock *awareLock, LockState state) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(awareLock != nullptr); _ASSERTE(&awareLock->m_lockState == this); // Normally, threads are allowed to preempt waiters to acquire the lock in order to avoid creating lock convoys, see // InterlockedTryLock(). There are cases where waiters can be easily starved as a result. For example, a thread that // holds a lock for a significant amount of time (much longer than the time it takes to do a context switch), then // releases and reacquires the lock in quick succession, and repeats. Though a waiter would be woken upon lock release, // usually it will not have enough time to context-switch-in and take the lock, and can be starved for an unreasonably long // duration. // // In order to prevent such starvation and force a bit of fair forward progress, it is sometimes necessary to change the // normal policy and disallow threads from preempting waiters. ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() indicates the current state of the // policy and this function determines whether the policy should be changed to disallow non-waiters from preempting waiters. // - When the first waiter begins waiting, it records the current time as a "waiter starvation start time". That is a // point in time after which no forward progress has occurred for waiters. When a waiter acquires the lock, the time is // updated to the current time. // - This function checks whether the starvation duration has crossed a threshold and if so, sets // ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() // // When unreasonable starvation is occurring, the lock will be released occasionally and if caused by spinners, spinners // will be starting to spin. // - Before starting to spin this function is called. If ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() is set, the spinner will skip spinning // and wait instead. Spinners that are already registered at the time ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() is set will stop // spinning as necessary. Eventually, all spinners will drain and no new ones will be registered. // - Upon releasing a lock, if there are no spinners, a waiter will be signaled to wake. On that path, this function // is called. // - Eventually, after spinners have drained, only a waiter will be able to acquire the lock. When a waiter acquires // the lock, or when the last waiter unregisters itself, ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() is cleared to restore the normal // policy. while (true) { if (!state.HasAnyWaiters()) { _ASSERTE(!state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters()); return false; } if (state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters()) { return true; } if (!awareLock->ShouldStopPreemptingWaiters()) { return false; } LockState newState = state; newState.InvertShouldNotPreemptWaiters(); LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return true; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE AwareLock::EnterHelperResult AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTry_LockOrRegisterSpinner(LockState state) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; while (true) { LockState newState = state; if (state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock()) { newState.InvertIsLocked(); } else if (state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() || !newState.TryIncrementSpinnerCount()) { return EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock() ? EnterHelperResult_Entered : EnterHelperResult_Contention; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE AwareLock::EnterHelperResult AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTry_LockAndUnregisterSpinner() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // This function is called from inside a spin loop, it must unregister the spinner if and only if the lock is acquired LockState state = *this; while (true) { _ASSERTE(state.HasAnySpinners()); if (!state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock()) { return state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() ? EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath : EnterHelperResult_Contention; } LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsLocked(); newState.DecrementSpinnerCount(); LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return EnterHelperResult_Entered; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedUnregisterSpinner_TryLock() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // This function is called at the end of a spin loop, it must unregister the spinner always and acquire the lock if it's // available. If the lock is available, a spinner must acquire the lock along with unregistering itself, because a lock // releaser does not wake a waiter when there is a spinner registered. LockState stateBeforeUpdate = InterlockedExchangeAdd((LONG *)&m_state, -(LONG)SpinnerCountIncrement); _ASSERTE(stateBeforeUpdate.HasAnySpinners()); if (stateBeforeUpdate.IsLocked()) { return false; } LockState state = stateBeforeUpdate; state.DecrementSpinnerCount(); _ASSERTE(!state.IsLocked()); do { LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsLocked(); LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchangeAcquire(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return true; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } while (!state.IsLocked()); return false; } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTryLock_Or_RegisterWaiter(AwareLock *awareLock, LockState state) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(awareLock != nullptr); _ASSERTE(&awareLock->m_lockState == this); bool waiterStarvationStartTimeWasReset = false; while (true) { LockState newState = state; if (state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock()) { newState.InvertIsLocked(); } else { newState.IncrementWaiterCount(); if (!state.HasAnyWaiters() && !waiterStarvationStartTimeWasReset) { // This would be the first waiter. Once the waiter is registered, another thread may check the waiter starvation // start time and the previously recorded value may be stale, causing ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() to be set // unnecessarily. Reset the start time before registering the waiter. waiterStarvationStartTimeWasReset = true; awareLock->ResetWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } } LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { if (state.ShouldNonWaiterAttemptToAcquireLock()) { return true; } if (!state.HasAnyWaiters()) { // This was the first waiter, record the waiter starvation start time _ASSERTE(waiterStarvationStartTimeWasReset); awareLock->RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } return false; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE void AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedUnregisterWaiter() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LockState state = *this; while (true) { _ASSERTE(state.HasAnyWaiters()); LockState newState = state; newState.DecrementWaiterCount(); if (newState.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() && !newState.HasAnyWaiters()) { newState.InvertShouldNotPreemptWaiters(); } LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { return; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedTry_LockAndUnregisterWaiterAndObserveWakeSignal(AwareLock *awareLock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(awareLock != nullptr); _ASSERTE(&awareLock->m_lockState == this); // This function is called from the waiter's spin loop and should observe the wake signal only if the lock is taken, to // prevent a lock releaser from waking another waiter while one is already spinning to acquire the lock bool waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded = false; LockState state = *this; while (true) { _ASSERTE(state.HasAnyWaiters()); _ASSERTE(state.IsWaiterSignaledToWake()); if (state.IsLocked()) { return false; } LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsLocked(); newState.InvertIsWaiterSignaledToWake(); newState.DecrementWaiterCount(); if (newState.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters()) { newState.InvertShouldNotPreemptWaiters(); if (newState.HasAnyWaiters() && !waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded) { // Update the waiter starvation start time. The time must be recorded before ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() is // cleared, as once that is cleared, another thread may check the waiter starvation start time and the // previously recorded value may be stale, causing ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() to be set again unnecessarily. waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded = true; awareLock->RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } } LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { if (newState.HasAnyWaiters()) { _ASSERTE(!state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() || waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded); if (!waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded) { // Since the lock was acquired successfully by a waiter, update the waiter starvation start time awareLock->RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } } return true; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::LockState::InterlockedObserveWakeSignal_Try_LockAndUnregisterWaiter(AwareLock *awareLock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(awareLock != nullptr); _ASSERTE(&awareLock->m_lockState == this); // This function is called at the end of the waiter's spin loop. It must observe the wake signal always, and if the lock is // available, it must acquire the lock and unregister the waiter. If the lock is available, a waiter must acquire the lock // along with observing the wake signal, because a lock releaser does not wake a waiter when a waiter was signaled but the // wake signal has not been observed. LockState stateBeforeUpdate = InterlockedExchangeAdd((LONG *)&m_state, -(LONG)IsWaiterSignaledToWakeMask); _ASSERTE(stateBeforeUpdate.IsWaiterSignaledToWake()); if (stateBeforeUpdate.IsLocked()) { return false; } bool waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded = false; LockState state = stateBeforeUpdate; state.InvertIsWaiterSignaledToWake(); _ASSERTE(!state.IsLocked()); do { _ASSERTE(state.HasAnyWaiters()); LockState newState = state; newState.InvertIsLocked(); newState.DecrementWaiterCount(); if (newState.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters()) { newState.InvertShouldNotPreemptWaiters(); if (newState.HasAnyWaiters() && !waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded) { // Update the waiter starvation start time. The time must be recorded before ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() is // cleared, as once that is cleared, another thread may check the waiter starvation start time and the // previously recorded value may be stale, causing ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() to be set again unnecessarily. waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded = true; awareLock->RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } } LockState stateBeforeUpdate = CompareExchange(newState, state); if (stateBeforeUpdate == state) { if (newState.HasAnyWaiters()) { _ASSERTE(!state.ShouldNotPreemptWaiters() || waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded); if (!waiterStarvationStartTimeWasRecorded) { // Since the lock was acquired successfully by a waiter, update the waiter starvation start time awareLock->RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime(); } } return true; } state = stateBeforeUpdate; } while (!state.IsLocked()); return false; } FORCEINLINE void AwareLock::ResetWaiterStarvationStartTime() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_waiterStarvationStartTimeMs = 0; } FORCEINLINE void AwareLock::RecordWaiterStarvationStartTime() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DWORD currentTimeMs = GetTickCount(); if (currentTimeMs == 0) { // Don't record zero, that value is reserved for identifying that a time is not recorded --currentTimeMs; } m_waiterStarvationStartTimeMs = currentTimeMs; } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::ShouldStopPreemptingWaiters() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // If the recorded time is zero, a time has not been recorded yet DWORD waiterStarvationStartTimeMs = m_waiterStarvationStartTimeMs; return waiterStarvationStartTimeMs != 0 && GetTickCount() - waiterStarvationStartTimeMs >= WaiterStarvationDurationMsBeforeStoppingPreemptingWaiters; } FORCEINLINE void AwareLock::SpinWait(const YieldProcessorNormalizationInfo &normalizationInfo, DWORD spinIteration) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors != 1); _ASSERTE(spinIteration < g_SpinConstants.dwMonitorSpinCount); YieldProcessorWithBackOffNormalized(normalizationInfo, spinIteration); } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::TryEnterHelper(Thread* pCurThread) { CONTRACTL{ SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_lockState.InterlockedTryLock()) { m_HoldingThread = pCurThread; m_Recursion = 1; pCurThread->IncLockCount(); return true; } if (GetOwningThread() == pCurThread) /* monitor is held, but it could be a recursive case */ { m_Recursion++; return true; } return false; } FORCEINLINE AwareLock::EnterHelperResult AwareLock::TryEnterBeforeSpinLoopHelper(Thread *pCurThread) { CONTRACTL{ SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; LockState state = m_lockState; // Check the recursive case once before the spin loop. If it's not the recursive case in the beginning, it will not // be in the future, so the spin loop can avoid checking the recursive case. if (!state.IsLocked() || GetOwningThread() != pCurThread) { if (m_lockState.InterlockedTrySetShouldNotPreemptWaitersIfNecessary(this, state)) { // This thread currently should not preempt waiters, just wait return EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } // Not a recursive enter, try to acquire the lock or register the spinner EnterHelperResult result = m_lockState.InterlockedTry_LockOrRegisterSpinner(state); if (result != EnterHelperResult_Entered) { // EnterHelperResult_Contention: // Lock was not acquired and the spinner was registered // EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath: // This thread currently should not preempt waiters, or we reached the maximum number of spinners, just wait return result; } // Lock was acquired and the spinner was not registered m_HoldingThread = pCurThread; m_Recursion = 1; pCurThread->IncLockCount(); return EnterHelperResult_Entered; } // Recursive enter m_Recursion++; return EnterHelperResult_Entered; } FORCEINLINE AwareLock::EnterHelperResult AwareLock::TryEnterInsideSpinLoopHelper(Thread *pCurThread) { CONTRACTL{ SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Try to acquire the lock and unregister the spinner. The recursive case is not checked here because // TryEnterBeforeSpinLoopHelper() would have taken care of that case before the spin loop. EnterHelperResult result = m_lockState.InterlockedTry_LockAndUnregisterSpinner(); if (result != EnterHelperResult_Entered) { // EnterHelperResult_Contention: // Lock was not acquired and the spinner was not unregistered // EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath: // This thread currently should not preempt waiters, stop spinning and just wait return result; } // Lock was acquired and spinner was unregistered m_HoldingThread = pCurThread; m_Recursion = 1; pCurThread->IncLockCount(); return EnterHelperResult_Entered; } FORCEINLINE bool AwareLock::TryEnterAfterSpinLoopHelper(Thread *pCurThread) { CONTRACTL{ SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Unregister the spinner and try to acquire the lock. A spinner must not unregister itself without trying to acquire the // lock because a lock releaser does not wake a waiter when a spinner can acquire the lock. if (!m_lockState.InterlockedUnregisterSpinner_TryLock()) { // Spinner was unregistered and the lock was not acquired return false; } // Spinner was unregistered and the lock was acquired m_HoldingThread = pCurThread; m_Recursion = 1; pCurThread->IncLockCount(); return true; } FORCEINLINE AwareLock::EnterHelperResult ObjHeader::EnterObjMonitorHelper(Thread* pCurThread) { CONTRACTL{ SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; LONG oldValue = m_SyncBlockValue.LoadWithoutBarrier(); if ((oldValue & (BIT_SBLK_IS_HASH_OR_SYNCBLKINDEX + BIT_SBLK_SPIN_LOCK + SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID + SBLK_MASK_LOCK_RECLEVEL)) == 0) { DWORD tid = pCurThread->GetThreadId(); if (tid > SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } LONG newValue = oldValue | tid; if (InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire((LONG*)&m_SyncBlockValue, newValue, oldValue) == oldValue) { pCurThread->IncLockCount(); return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Entered; } return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Contention; } if (oldValue & BIT_SBLK_IS_HASH_OR_SYNCBLKINDEX) { // If we have a hash code already, we need to create a sync block if (oldValue & BIT_SBLK_IS_HASHCODE) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } SyncBlock *syncBlock = g_pSyncTable[oldValue & MASK_SYNCBLOCKINDEX].m_SyncBlock; _ASSERTE(syncBlock != NULL); if (syncBlock->m_Monitor.TryEnterHelper(pCurThread)) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Entered; } return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Contention; } // The header is transitioning - treat this as if the lock was taken if (oldValue & BIT_SBLK_SPIN_LOCK) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Contention; } // Here we know we have the "thin lock" layout, but the lock is not free. // It could still be the recursion case - compare the thread id to check if (pCurThread->GetThreadId() != (DWORD)(oldValue & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID)) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Contention; } // Ok, the thread id matches, it's the recursion case. // Bump up the recursion level and check for overflow LONG newValue = oldValue + SBLK_LOCK_RECLEVEL_INC; if ((newValue & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_RECLEVEL) == 0) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } if (InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire((LONG*)&m_SyncBlockValue, newValue, oldValue) == oldValue) { return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_Entered; } // Use the slow path instead of spinning. The compare-exchange above would not fail often, and it's not worth forcing the // spin loop that typically follows the call to this function to check the recursive case, so just bail to the slow path. return AwareLock::EnterHelperResult_UseSlowPath; } // Helper encapsulating the core logic for releasing monitor. Returns what kind of // follow up action is necessary. This is FORCEINLINE to make it provide a very efficient implementation. FORCEINLINE AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction AwareLock::LeaveHelper(Thread* pCurThread) { CONTRACTL { SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_HoldingThread != pCurThread) return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Error; _ASSERTE(m_lockState.IsLocked()); _ASSERTE(m_Recursion >= 1); #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(TRACK_SYNC) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) // The best place to grab this is from the ECall frame Frame *pFrame = pCurThread->GetFrame(); int caller = (pFrame && pFrame != FRAME_TOP ? (int) pFrame->GetReturnAddress() : -1); pCurThread->m_pTrackSync->LeaveSync(caller, this); #endif if (--m_Recursion == 0) { m_HoldingThread->DecLockCount(); m_HoldingThread = NULL; // Clear lock bit and determine whether we must signal a waiter to wake if (!m_lockState.InterlockedUnlock()) { return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_None; } // There is a waiter and we must signal a waiter to wake return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Signal; } return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_None; } // Helper encapsulating the core logic for releasing monitor. Returns what kind of // follow up action is necessary. This is FORCEINLINE to make it provide a very efficient implementation. FORCEINLINE AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction ObjHeader::LeaveObjMonitorHelper(Thread* pCurThread) { CONTRACTL { SO_TOLERANT; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD syncBlockValue = m_SyncBlockValue.LoadWithoutBarrier(); if ((syncBlockValue & (BIT_SBLK_SPIN_LOCK + BIT_SBLK_IS_HASH_OR_SYNCBLKINDEX)) == 0) { if ((syncBlockValue & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID) != pCurThread->GetThreadId()) { // This thread does not own the lock. return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Error; } if (!(syncBlockValue & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_RECLEVEL)) { // We are leaving the lock DWORD newValue = (syncBlockValue & (~SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID)); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease((LONG*)&m_SyncBlockValue, newValue, syncBlockValue) != (LONG)syncBlockValue) { return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Yield; } pCurThread->DecLockCount(); } else { // recursion and ThinLock DWORD newValue = syncBlockValue - SBLK_LOCK_RECLEVEL_INC; if (InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease((LONG*)&m_SyncBlockValue, newValue, syncBlockValue) != (LONG)syncBlockValue) { return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Yield; } } return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_None; } if ((syncBlockValue & (BIT_SBLK_SPIN_LOCK + BIT_SBLK_IS_HASHCODE)) == 0) { _ASSERTE((syncBlockValue & BIT_SBLK_IS_HASH_OR_SYNCBLKINDEX) != 0); SyncBlock *syncBlock = g_pSyncTable[syncBlockValue & MASK_SYNCBLOCKINDEX].m_SyncBlock; _ASSERTE(syncBlock != NULL); return syncBlock->m_Monitor.LeaveHelper(pCurThread); } if (syncBlockValue & BIT_SBLK_SPIN_LOCK) { return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Contention; } // This thread does not own the lock. return AwareLock::LeaveHelperAction_Error; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Provide access to the object associated with this awarelock, so client can // protect it. inline OBJECTREF AwareLock::GetOwningObject() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // gcc on mac needs these intermediate casts to avoid some ambiuous overloading in the DAC case PTR_SyncTableEntry table = SyncTableEntry::GetSyncTableEntry(); return (OBJECTREF)(Object*)(PTR_Object)table[(m_dwSyncIndex & ~SyncBlock::SyncBlockPrecious)].m_Object; } #endif // _SYNCBLK_INL_