// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "stubmgr.h" #include "virtualcallstub.h" #include "dllimportcallback.h" #include "stubhelpers.h" #include "asmconstants.h" #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING #include "remoting.h" #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "olecontexthelpers.h" #endif #ifdef LOGGING const char *GetTType( TraceType tt) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; switch( tt ) { case TRACE_ENTRY_STUB: return "TRACE_ENTRY_STUB"; case TRACE_STUB: return "TRACE_STUB"; case TRACE_UNMANAGED: return "TRACE_UNMANAGED"; case TRACE_MANAGED: return "TRACE_MANAGED"; case TRACE_FRAME_PUSH: return "TRACE_FRAME_PUSH"; case TRACE_MGR_PUSH: return "TRACE_MGR_PUSH"; case TRACE_OTHER: return "TRACE_OTHER"; case TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD: return "TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD"; } return "TRACE_REALLY_WACKED"; } void LogTraceDestination(const char * szHint, PCODE stubAddr, TraceDestination * pTrace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (pTrace->GetTraceType() == TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD) { MethodDesc * md = pTrace->GetMethodDesc(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "'%s' yields '%s' to method 0x%p for input 0x%p.\n", szHint, GetTType(pTrace->GetTraceType()), md, stubAddr)); } else { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "'%s' yields '%s' to address 0x%p for input 0x%p.\n", szHint, GetTType(pTrace->GetTraceType()), pTrace->GetAddress(), stubAddr)); } } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG // Get a string representation of this TraceDestination // Uses the supplied buffer to store the memory (or may return a string literal). const WCHAR * TraceDestination::DbgToString(SString & buffer) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const WCHAR * pValue = W("unknown"); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (!StubManager::IsStubLoggingEnabled()) { return W(""); } // Now that we know we're not interop-debugging, we can safely call new. SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); EX_TRY { switch(this->type) { case TRACE_ENTRY_STUB: buffer.Printf("TRACE_ENTRY_STUB(addr=0x%p)", GetAddress()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_STUB: buffer.Printf("TRACE_STUB(addr=0x%p)", GetAddress()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_UNMANAGED: buffer.Printf("TRACE_UNMANAGED(addr=0x%p)", GetAddress()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_MANAGED: buffer.Printf("TRACE_MANAGED(addr=0x%p)", GetAddress()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD: { MethodDesc * md = this->GetMethodDesc(); buffer.Printf("TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD(md=0x%p, %s::%s)", md, md->m_pszDebugClassName, md->m_pszDebugMethodName); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); } break; case TRACE_FRAME_PUSH: buffer.Printf("TRACE_FRAME_PUSH(addr=0x%p)", GetAddress()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_MGR_PUSH: buffer.Printf("TRACE_MGR_PUSH(addr=0x%p, sm=%s)", GetAddress(), this->GetStubManager()->DbgGetName()); pValue = buffer.GetUnicode(); break; case TRACE_OTHER: pValue = W("TRACE_OTHER"); break; } } EX_CATCH { pValue = W("(OOM while printing TD)"); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); #endif return pValue; } #endif void TraceDestination::InitForUnjittedMethod(MethodDesc * pDesc) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pDesc)); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(pDesc->SanityCheck()); { // If this is a wrapper stub, then find the real method that it will go to and patch that. // This is more than just a convenience - converted wrapper MD to real MD is required for correct behavior. // Wrapper MDs look like unjitted MethodDescs. So when the debugger patches one, // it won't actually bind + apply the patch (it'll wait for the jit-complete instead). // But if the wrapper MD is for prejitted code, then we'll never get the Jit-complete. // Thus it'll miss the patch completely. if (pDesc->IsWrapperStub()) { MethodDesc * pNewDesc = NULL; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE EX_TRY { pNewDesc = pDesc->GetExistingWrappedMethodDesc(); } EX_CATCH { // In case of an error, we'll just stick w/ the original method desc. } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) #else // @todo - DAC needs this too, but the method is currently not DACized. // However, we don't throw here b/c the error may not be fatal. // DacNotImpl(); #endif if (pNewDesc != NULL) { pDesc = pNewDesc; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "TD::UnjittedMethod: wrapper md: %p --> %p", pDesc, pNewDesc)); } } } this->type = TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD; this->pDesc = pDesc; this->stubManager = NULL; } // Initialize statics. #ifdef _DEBUG SString * StubManager::s_pDbgStubManagerLog = NULL; CrstStatic StubManager::s_DbgLogCrst; #endif SPTR_IMPL(StubManager, StubManager, g_pFirstManager); CrstStatic StubManager::s_StubManagerListCrst; //----------------------------------------------------------- // For perf reasons, the stub managers are now kept in a two // tier system: all stub managers but the VirtualStubManagers // are in the first tier. A VirtualStubManagerManager takes // care of all VirtualStubManagers, and is iterated last of // all. It does a smarter job of looking up the owning // manager for virtual stubs, checking the current and shared // appdomains before checking the remaining managers. // // Thus, this iterator will run the regular list until it // hits the end, then it will check the VSMM, then it will // end. //----------------------------------------------------------- class StubManagerIterator { public: StubManagerIterator(); ~StubManagerIterator(); void Reset(); BOOL Next(); PTR_StubManager Current(); protected: enum SMI_State { SMI_START, SMI_NORMAL, SMI_VIRTUALCALLSTUBMANAGER, SMI_END }; SMI_State m_state; PTR_StubManager m_pCurMgr; SimpleReadLockHolder m_lh; }; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Ctor //----------------------------------------------------------- StubManagerIterator::StubManagerIterator() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; Reset(); } void StubManagerIterator::Reset() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; m_pCurMgr = NULL; m_state = SMI_START; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Ctor //----------------------------------------------------------- StubManagerIterator::~StubManagerIterator() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Move to the next element. Iterators are created at // start-1, so must call Next before using Current //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StubManagerIterator::Next() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // because of m_lh.Assign() #else CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; #endif } CONTRACTL_END; SUPPORTS_DAC; do { if (m_state == SMI_START) { m_state = SMI_NORMAL; m_pCurMgr = StubManager::g_pFirstManager; } else if (m_state == SMI_NORMAL) { if (m_pCurMgr != NULL) { m_pCurMgr = m_pCurMgr->m_pNextManager; } else { // If we've reached the end of the regular list of stub managers, then we // set the VirtualCallStubManagerManager is the current item (effectively // forcing it to always be the last manager checked). m_state = SMI_VIRTUALCALLSTUBMANAGER; VirtualCallStubManagerManager *pVCSMMgr = VirtualCallStubManagerManager::GlobalManager(); m_pCurMgr = PTR_StubManager(pVCSMMgr); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE m_lh.Assign(&pVCSMMgr->m_RWLock); #endif } } else if (m_state == SMI_VIRTUALCALLSTUBMANAGER) { m_state = SMI_END; m_pCurMgr = NULL; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE m_lh.Clear(); #endif } } while (m_state != SMI_END && m_pCurMgr == NULL); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_state == SMI_END || m_pCurMgr != NULL); return (m_state != SMI_END); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Get the current contents of the iterator //----------------------------------------------------------- PTR_StubManager StubManagerIterator::Current() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_state != SMI_START); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_state != SMI_END); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(m_pCurMgr)); return m_pCurMgr; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- StubManager::StubManager() : m_pNextManager(NULL) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- StubManager::~StubManager() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // StubManager::UnlinkStubManager uses a crst PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); } CONTRACTL_END; UnlinkStubManager(this); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL //----------------------------------------------------------- // Verify that the stub is owned by the given stub manager // and no other stub manager. If a stub is claimed by multiple managers, // then the wrong manager may claim ownership and improperly trace the stub. //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StubManager::IsSingleOwner(PCODE stubAddress, StubManager * pOwner) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // courtesy StubManagerIterator // ensure this stubmanager owns it. _ASSERTE(pOwner != NULL); // ensure nobody else does. bool ownerFound = false; int count = 0; StubManagerIterator it; while (it.Next()) { // Callers would have iterated till pOwner. if (!ownerFound && it.Current() != pOwner) continue; if (it.Current() == pOwner) ownerFound = true; if (it.Current()->CheckIsStub_Worker(stubAddress)) { // If you hit this assert, you can tell what 2 stub managers are conflicting by inspecting their vtable. CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSGF((it.Current() == pOwner), ("Stub at 0x%p is owner by multiple managers (0x%p, 0x%p)", (void*) stubAddress, pOwner, it.Current())); count++; } else { _ASSERTE(it.Current() != pOwner); } } _ASSERTE(ownerFound); // We expect pOwner to be the only one to own this stub. return (count == 1); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StubManager::CheckIsStub_Worker(PCODE stubStartAddress) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // CheckIsStub_Internal can enter SimpleRWLock GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; SUPPORTS_DAC; // @todo - consider having a single check for null right up front. // Though this may cover bugs where stub-managers don't handle bad addresses. // And someone could just as easily pass (0x01) as NULL. if (stubStartAddress == NULL) { return FALSE; } CONTRACT_VIOLATION(SOToleranceViolation); // @todo : this might not have a thread // BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(GetThread(), return FALSE); struct Param { BOOL fIsStub; StubManager *pThis; TADDR stubStartAddress; } param; param.fIsStub = FALSE; param.pThis = this; param.stubStartAddress = stubStartAddress; // This may be called from DAC, and DAC + non-DAC have very different // exception handling. #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE PAL_TRY(Param *, pParam, ¶m) #else Param *pParam = ¶m; EX_TRY #endif { SUPPORTS_DAC; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Use CheckIsStub_Internal may AV. That's ok. AVInRuntimeImplOkayHolder AVOkay; #endif // Make a Polymorphic call to derived stub manager. // Try to see if this address is for a stub. If the address is // completely bogus, then this might fault, so we protect it // with SEH. pParam->fIsStub = pParam->pThis->CheckIsStub_Internal(pParam->stubStartAddress); } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE PAL_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #else EX_CATCH #endif { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "D::GASTSI: exception indicated addr is bad.\n")); param.fIsStub = FALSE; } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE PAL_ENDTRY #else EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); #endif //END_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE; return param.fIsStub; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // stubAddress may be an invalid address. //----------------------------------------------------------- PTR_StubManager StubManager::FindStubManager(PCODE stubAddress) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // courtesy StubManagerIterator } CONTRACTL_END; SUPPORTS_DAC; StubManagerIterator it; while (it.Next()) { if (it.Current()->CheckIsStub_Worker(stubAddress)) { _ASSERTE_IMPL(IsSingleOwner(stubAddress, it.Current())); return it.Current(); } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Given an address, figure out a TraceDestination describing where // the instructions at that address will eventually transfer execution to. //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StubManager::TraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; StubManagerIterator it; while (it.Next()) { StubManager * pCurrent = it.Current(); if (pCurrent->CheckIsStub_Worker(stubStartAddress)) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubManager::TraceStub: addr 0x%p claimed by mgr " "0x%p.\n", stubStartAddress, pCurrent)); _ASSERTE_IMPL(IsSingleOwner(stubStartAddress, pCurrent)); BOOL fValid = pCurrent->DoTraceStub(stubStartAddress, trace); #ifdef _DEBUG if (IsStubLoggingEnabled()) { DbgWriteLog("Doing TraceStub for Address 0x%p, claimed by '%s' (0x%p)\n", stubStartAddress, pCurrent->DbgGetName(), pCurrent); if (fValid) { SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); SString buffer; DbgWriteLog(" td=%S\n", trace->DbgToString(buffer)); } else { DbgWriteLog(" stubmanager returned false. Does not expect to call managed code\n"); } } // logging #endif return fValid; } } if (ExecutionManager::IsManagedCode(stubStartAddress)) { trace->InitForManaged(stubStartAddress); #ifdef _DEBUG DbgWriteLog("Doing TraceStub for Address 0x%p is jitted code claimed by codemanager\n", stubStartAddress); #endif LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubManager::TraceStub: addr 0x%p is managed code\n", stubStartAddress)); return TRUE; } LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubManager::TraceStub: addr 0x%p unknown. TRACE_OTHER...\n", stubStartAddress)); #ifdef _DEBUG DbgWriteLog("Doing TraceStub for Address 0x%p is unknown!!!\n", stubStartAddress); #endif trace->InitForOther(stubStartAddress); return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StubManager::FollowTrace(TraceDestination *trace) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; while (trace->GetTraceType() == TRACE_STUB) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubManager::FollowTrace: TRACE_STUB for 0x%p\n", trace->GetAddress())); if (!TraceStub(trace->GetAddress(), trace)) { // // No stub manager claimed it - it must be an EE helper or something. // trace->InitForOther(trace->GetAddress()); } } LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, NULL, "StubManager::FollowTrace"); return trace->GetTraceType() != TRACE_OTHER; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::AddStubManager(StubManager *mgr) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(g_pFirstManager, NULL_OK)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(mgr)); GCX_COOP_NO_THREAD_BROKEN(); CrstHolder ch(&s_StubManagerListCrst); if (g_pFirstManager == NULL) { g_pFirstManager = mgr; } else { mgr->m_pNextManager = g_pFirstManager; g_pFirstManager = mgr; } LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "StubManager::AddStubManager - 0x%p (vptr %x%p)\n", mgr, (*(PVOID*)mgr))); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: The runtime MUST be suspended to use this in a // truly safe manner. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::UnlinkStubManager(StubManager *mgr) { STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(g_pFirstManager, NULL_OK)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(mgr)); CrstHolder ch(&s_StubManagerListCrst); StubManager **m = &g_pFirstManager; while (*m != NULL) { if (*m == mgr) { *m = (*m)->m_pNextManager; return; } m = &(*m)->m_pNextManager; } } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; // Report the global list head. DacEnumMemoryRegion(DacGlobalBase() + g_dacGlobals.StubManager__g_pFirstManager, sizeof(TADDR)); // // Report the list contents. // StubManagerIterator it; while (it.Next()) { it.Current()->DoEnumMemoryRegions(flags); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p StubManager base\n", dac_cast(this))); } #endif // #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE //----------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the global stub manager service. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::InitializeStubManagers() { #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #if defined(_DEBUG) s_DbgLogCrst.Init(CrstDebuggerHeapLock, (CrstFlags)(CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE | CRST_DEBUGGER_THREAD | CRST_TAKEN_DURING_SHUTDOWN)); #endif s_StubManagerListCrst.Init(CrstDebuggerHeapLock, (CrstFlags)(CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE | CRST_DEBUGGER_THREAD | CRST_TAKEN_DURING_SHUTDOWN)); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Terminate the global stub manager service. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::TerminateStubManagers() { #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #if defined(_DEBUG) DbgFinishLog(); s_DbgLogCrst.Destroy(); #endif s_StubManagerListCrst.Destroy(); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE } #ifdef _DEBUG //----------------------------------------------------------- // Should stub-manager logging be enabled? //----------------------------------------------------------- bool StubManager::IsStubLoggingEnabled() { // Our current logging impl uses SString, which uses new(), which can't be called // on the helper thread. (B/c it may deadlock. See SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE) // We avoid this by just not logging when native-debugging. if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Call to reset the log. This is used at the start of a new step-operation. // pThread is the managed thread doing the stepping. // It should either be the current thread or the helper thread. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::DbgBeginLog(TADDR addrCallInstruction, TADDR addrCallTarget) { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // We can't call new() if another thread holds the heap lock and is then suspended by // an interop-debugging. Since this is debug-only logging code, we'll just skip // it under those cases. if (!IsStubLoggingEnabled()) { return; } // Now that we know we're not interop-debugging, we can safely call new. SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); { CrstHolder ch(&s_DbgLogCrst); EX_TRY { if (s_pDbgStubManagerLog == NULL) { s_pDbgStubManagerLog = new SString(); } s_pDbgStubManagerLog->Clear(); } EX_CATCH { DbgFinishLog(); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } DbgWriteLog("Beginning Step-in. IP after Call instruction is at 0x%p, call target is at 0x%p\n", addrCallInstruction, addrCallTarget); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Finish logging for this thread. // pThread is the managed thread doing the stepping. // It should either be the current thread or the helper thread. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::DbgFinishLog() { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; CrstHolder ch(&s_DbgLogCrst); // Since this is just a tool for debugging, we don't care if we call new. SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); delete s_pDbgStubManagerLog; s_pDbgStubManagerLog = NULL; #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Write an arbitrary string to the log. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::DbgWriteLog(const CHAR *format, ...) { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsStubLoggingEnabled()) { return; } // Since this is just a tool for debugging, we don't care if we call new. SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); CrstHolder ch(&s_DbgLogCrst); if (s_pDbgStubManagerLog == NULL) { return; } // Suppress asserts about lossy encoding conversion in SString::Printf CHECK chk; BOOL fEntered = chk.EnterAssert(); EX_TRY { va_list args; va_start(args, format); s_pDbgStubManagerLog->AppendVPrintf(format, args); va_end(args); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (fEntered) chk.LeaveAssert(); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Get the log as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------- void StubManager::DbgGetLog(SString * pStringOut) { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pStringOut)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsStubLoggingEnabled()) { return; } // Since this is just a tool for debugging, we don't care if we call new. SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); CrstHolder ch(&s_DbgLogCrst); if (s_pDbgStubManagerLog == NULL) { return; } EX_TRY { pStringOut->Set(*s_pDbgStubManagerLog); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); #endif } #endif // _DEBUG extern "C" void STDCALL ThePreStubPatchLabel(void); //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ThePreStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(stubStartAddress != NULL); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(trace)); } CONTRACTL_END; // // We cannot tell where the stub will end up // until after the prestub worker has been run. // trace->InitForFramePush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(ThePreStubPatchLabel)); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ThePreStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return stubStartAddress == GetPreStubEntryPoint(); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Stub manager functions & globals // ------------------------------------------------------- SPTR_IMPL(PrecodeStubManager, PrecodeStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void PrecodeStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END g_pManager = new PrecodeStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ BOOL PrecodeStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; // address may be bad, so we may AV. GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; // Forwarded to from RangeSectionStubManager return FALSE; } BOOL PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub called\n")); MethodDesc* pMD = NULL; #ifdef HAS_COMPACT_ENTRYPOINTS if (MethodDescChunk::IsCompactEntryPointAtAddress(stubStartAddress)) { pMD = MethodDescChunk::GetMethodDescFromCompactEntryPoint(stubStartAddress); } else #endif // HAS_COMPACT_ENTRYPOINTS { Precode* pPrecode = Precode::GetPrecodeFromEntryPoint(stubStartAddress); PREFIX_ASSUME(pPrecode != NULL); switch (pPrecode->GetType()) { case PRECODE_STUB: break; #ifdef HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE case PRECODE_NDIRECT_IMPORT: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE trace->InitForUnmanaged(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(NDirectImportThunk)); #else trace->InitForOther(NULL); #endif LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub - NDirect import"); return TRUE; #endif // HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE #ifdef HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE case PRECODE_REMOTING: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE trace->InitForManagerPush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(PrecodeRemotingThunk), this); #else trace->InitForOther(NULL); #endif LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub - remoting"); return TRUE; #endif // HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE #ifdef HAS_FIXUP_PRECODE case PRECODE_FIXUP: break; #endif // HAS_FIXUP_PRECODE #ifdef HAS_THISPTR_RETBUF_PRECODE case PRECODE_THISPTR_RETBUF: break; #endif // HAS_THISPTR_RETBUF_PRECODE default: _ASSERTE_IMPL(!"DoTraceStub: Unexpected precode type"); break; } PCODE target = pPrecode->GetTarget(); // check if the method has been jitted if (!pPrecode->IsPointingToPrestub(target)) { trace->InitForStub(target); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub - code"); return TRUE; } pMD = pPrecode->GetMethodDesc(); } PREFIX_ASSUME(pMD != NULL); // If the method is not IL, then we patch the prestub because no one will ever change the call here at the // MethodDesc. If, however, this is an IL method, then we are at risk to have another thread backpatch the call // here, so we'd miss if we patched the prestub. Therefore, we go right to the IL method and patch IL offset 0 // by using TRACE_UNJITTED_METHOD. if (!pMD->IsIL()) { trace->InitForStub(GetPreStubEntryPoint()); } else { trace->InitForUnjittedMethod(pMD); } LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "PrecodeStubManager::DoTraceStub - prestub"); return TRUE; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL PrecodeStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(thread, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(trace)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pContext)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pRetAddr)); } CONTRACTL_END; BOOL bRet = FALSE; #ifdef HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE PCODE ip = GetIP(pContext); if (ip == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(PrecodeRemotingThunk)) { BYTE** pStack = (BYTE**)GetSP(pContext); // Aligning down will handle differences in layout of virtual and nonvirtual remoting precodes #ifdef _TARGET_ARM_ // The offset here is Lr-7. 6 for the size of the Precode struct, 1 for THUMB_CODE alignment. Precode* pPrecode = (Precode*)(pContext->Lr - 7); _ASSERTE(pPrecode->GetType() == PRECODE_REMOTING); // We need to tell the debugger where we're returning to just in case // the debugger can't continue on. *pRetAddr = pStack[1]; Object* pThis = (Object*)(size_t)pContext->R0; #else Precode* pPrecode = (Precode*)ALIGN_DOWN(pStack[0] - sizeof(INT32) - offsetof(RemotingPrecode,m_callRel32), PRECODE_ALIGNMENT); _ASSERTE(pPrecode->GetType() == PRECODE_REMOTING); // We need to tell the debugger where we're returning to just in case // the debugger can't continue on. *pRetAddr = pStack[1]; Object* pThis = (Object*)(size_t)pContext->Ecx; #endif if (pThis != NULL && pThis->IsTransparentProxy()) { // We have proxy in the way. #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE DacNotImpl(); #else trace->InitForFramePush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(TransparentProxyStubPatchLabel)); #endif } else { // No proxy in the way. Follow the target. trace->InitForStub(pPrecode->GetTarget()); } bRet = TRUE; } else #endif // HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE { _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected call to PrecodeStubManager::TraceManager"); } return bRet; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------- // StubLinkStubManager // ------------------------------------------------------- SPTR_IMPL(StubLinkStubManager, StubLinkStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void StubLinkStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END g_pManager = new StubLinkStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL StubLinkStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress); } BOOL StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub: stubStartAddress=0x%08x\n", stubStartAddress)); Stub *stub = Stub::RecoverStub(stubStartAddress); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub: stub=0x%08x\n", stub)); // // If this is an intercept stub, we may be able to step // into the intercepted stub. // // !!! Note that this case should not be necessary, it's just // here until I get all of the patch offsets & frame patch // methods in place. // TADDR pRealAddr = 0; if (stub->IsIntercept()) { InterceptStub *is = dac_cast(stub); if (*is->GetInterceptedStub() == NULL) { pRealAddr = *is->GetRealAddr(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub" " Intercept stub, no following stub, real addr:0x%x\n", pRealAddr)); } else { stub = *is->GetInterceptedStub(); pRealAddr = stub->GetEntryPoint(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub: intercepted " "stub=0x%08x, ep=0x%08x\n", stub, stub->GetEntryPoint())); } _ASSERTE( pRealAddr ); // !!! will push a frame??? return TraceStub(pRealAddr, trace); } else if (stub->IsMulticastDelegate()) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager(MCDel)::DoTraceStub: stubStartAddress=0x%08x\n", stubStartAddress)); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager(MCDel)::DoTraceStub: stub=0x%08x MGR_PUSH to entrypoint:0x%x\n", stub, stub->GetEntryPoint())); // If it's a MC delegate, then we want to set a BP & do a context-ful // manager push, so that we can figure out if this call will be to a // single multicast delegate or a multi multicast delegate trace->InitForManagerPush(stubStartAddress, this); return TRUE; } else if (stub->GetPatchOffset() == 0) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub: patch offset is 0!\n")); return FALSE; } else { trace->InitForFramePush((PCODE)stub->GetPatchAddress()); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "StubLinkStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return TRUE; } } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL StubLinkStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(return FALSE;); } CONTRACTL_END // NOTE that we're assuming that this will be called if and ONLY if // we're examing a multicast delegate stub. Otherwise, we'll have to figure out // what we're looking iat BYTE *pbDel = 0; LPVOID pc = (LPVOID)GetIP(pContext); *pRetAddr = (BYTE *)StubManagerHelpers::GetReturnAddress(pContext); pbDel = (BYTE *)StubManagerHelpers::GetThisPtr(pContext); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "SLSM:TM at 0x%x, retAddr is 0x%x\n", pc, (*pRetAddr))); return DelegateInvokeStubManager::TraceDelegateObject(pbDel, trace); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // ------------------------------------------------------- // Stub manager for thunks. // // Note, the only reason we have this stub manager is so that we can recgonize UMEntryThunks for IsTransitionStub. If it // turns out that having a full-blown stub manager for these things causes problems else where, then we can just attach // a range list to the thunk heap and have IsTransitionStub check that after checking with the main stub manager. // ------------------------------------------------------- SPTR_IMPL(ThunkHeapStubManager, ThunkHeapStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void ThunkHeapStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; g_pManager = new ThunkHeapStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL ThunkHeapStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // Its a stub if its in our heaps range. return GetRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress); } BOOL ThunkHeapStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We never trace through these stubs when stepping through managed code. The only reason we have this stub manager // is so that IsTransitionStub can recgonize UMEntryThunks. return FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // JumpStub stubs // // Stub manager for jump stubs created by ExecutionManager::jumpStub() // These are currently used only on the 64-bit targets IA64 and AMD64 // // ------------------------------------------------------- SPTR_IMPL(JumpStubStubManager, JumpStubStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void JumpStubStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END g_pManager = new JumpStubStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL JumpStubStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // Forwarded to from RangeSectionStubManager return FALSE; } BOOL JumpStubStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PCODE jumpTarget = decodeBackToBackJump(stubStartAddress); trace->InitForStub(jumpTarget); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "JumpStubStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return TRUE; } // // Stub manager for code sections. It forwards the query to the more appropriate // stub manager, or handles the query itself. // SPTR_IMPL(RangeSectionStubManager, RangeSectionStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void RangeSectionStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END g_pManager = new RangeSectionStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL RangeSectionStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; switch (GetStubKind(stubStartAddress)) { case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_PRECODE: case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_JUMPSTUB: case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_STUBLINK: case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_VIRTUAL_METHOD_THUNK: case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_EXTERNAL_METHOD_THUNK: case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_METHOD_CALL_THUNK: return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } BOOL RangeSectionStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END switch (GetStubKind(stubStartAddress)) { case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_PRECODE: return PrecodeStubManager::g_pManager->DoTraceStub(stubStartAddress, trace); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_JUMPSTUB: return JumpStubStubManager::g_pManager->DoTraceStub(stubStartAddress, trace); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_STUBLINK: return StubLinkStubManager::g_pManager->DoTraceStub(stubStartAddress, trace); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_VIRTUAL_METHOD_THUNK: { PCODE pTarget = GetMethodThunkTarget(stubStartAddress); if (pTarget == ExecutionManager::FindZapModule(stubStartAddress)-> GetNGenLayoutInfo()->m_pVirtualImportFixupJumpStub) { #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE DacNotImpl(); #else trace->InitForManagerPush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel), this); #endif } else { trace->InitForStub(pTarget); } return TRUE; } case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_EXTERNAL_METHOD_THUNK: { PCODE pTarget = GetMethodThunkTarget(stubStartAddress); if (pTarget != ExecutionManager::FindZapModule(stubStartAddress)-> GetNGenLayoutInfo()->m_pExternalMethodFixupJumpStub) { trace->InitForStub(pTarget); return TRUE; } } __fallthrough; case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_METHOD_CALL_THUNK: #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE DacNotImpl(); #else trace->InitForManagerPush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel), this); #endif return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL RangeSectionStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Both virtual and external import thunks have the same structure. We can use // common code to handle them. _ASSERTE(GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel) || GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel)); *pRetAddr = (BYTE *)StubManagerHelpers::GetReturnAddress(pContext); PCODE target = StubManagerHelpers::GetTailCallTarget(pContext); trace->InitForStub(target); return TRUE; } #endif PCODE RangeSectionStubManager::GetMethodThunkTarget(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) return rel32Decode(stubStartAddress+1); #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) TADDR pInstr = PCODEToPINSTR(stubStartAddress); return *dac_cast(pInstr + 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); #else PORTABILITY_ASSERT("RangeSectionStubManager::GetMethodThunkTarget"); return NULL; #endif } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE LPCWSTR RangeSectionStubManager::GetStubManagerName(PCODE addr) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; switch (GetStubKind(addr)) { case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_PRECODE: return W("MethodDescPrestub"); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_JUMPSTUB: return W("JumpStub"); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_STUBLINK: return W("StubLinkStub"); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_VIRTUAL_METHOD_THUNK: return W("VirtualMethodThunk"); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_EXTERNAL_METHOD_THUNK: return W("ExternalMethodThunk"); case STUB_CODE_BLOCK_METHOD_CALL_THUNK: return W("MethodCallThunk"); default: break; } return W("UnknownRangeSectionStub"); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE StubCodeBlockKind RangeSectionStubManager::GetStubKind(PCODE stubStartAddress) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; RangeSection * pRS = ExecutionManager::FindCodeRange(stubStartAddress, ExecutionManager::ScanReaderLock); if (pRS == NULL) return STUB_CODE_BLOCK_UNKNOWN; return pRS->pjit->GetStubCodeBlockKind(pRS, stubStartAddress); } // // This is the stub manager for IL stubs. // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void ILStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END StubManager::AddStubManager(new ILStubManager()); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL ILStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; MethodDesc *pMD = ExecutionManager::GetCodeMethodDesc(stubStartAddress); return (pMD != NULL) && pMD->IsILStub(); } BOOL ILStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "ILStubManager::DoTraceStub called\n")); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE PCODE traceDestination = NULL; #ifdef FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL MethodDesc* pStubMD = ExecutionManager::GetCodeMethodDesc(stubStartAddress); if (pStubMD != NULL && pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->IsMulticastStub()) { traceDestination = GetEEFuncEntryPoint(StubHelpers::MulticastDebuggerTraceHelper); } else #endif // FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL { // This call is going out to unmanaged code, either through pinvoke or COM interop. traceDestination = stubStartAddress; } trace->InitForManagerPush(traceDestination, this); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, traceDestination, "ILStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return TRUE; #else // !DACCESS_COMPILE trace->InitForOther(NULL); return FALSE; #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP PCODE ILStubManager::GetCOMTarget(Object *pThis, ComPlusCallInfo *pComPlusCallInfo) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // calculate the target interface pointer SafeComHolder pUnk; OBJECTREF oref = ObjectToOBJECTREF(pThis); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref); pUnk = ComObject::GetComIPFromRCWThrowing(&oref, pComPlusCallInfo->m_pInterfaceMT); GCPROTECT_END(); LPVOID *lpVtbl = *(LPVOID **)(IUnknown *)pUnk; PCODE target = (PCODE)lpVtbl[pComPlusCallInfo->m_cachedComSlot]; return target; } // This function should return the same result as StubHelpers::GetWinRTFactoryObject followed by // ILStubManager::GetCOMTarget. The difference is that it does not allocate managed memory, so it // does not trigger GC. // // The reason why GC (and potentially a stack walk for other purposes, such as exception handling) // would be problematic is that we are stopped at the first instruction of an IL stub which is // not a GC-safe point. Technically, the function still has the GC_TRIGGERS contract but we should // not see GC in practice here without allocating. // // Note that the GC suspension logic detects the debugger-is-attached-at-GC-unsafe-point case and // will back off and retry. This means that it suffices to ensure that this thread does not trigger // GC, allocations on other threads will wait and not cause major trouble. PCODE ILStubManager::GetWinRTFactoryTarget(ComPlusCallMethodDesc *pCMD) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; MethodTable *pMT = pCMD->GetMethodTable(); // GetComClassFactory could load types and trigger GC, get class name manually InlineSString ssClassName; pMT->_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass(ssClassName); IID iid; pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pInterfaceMT->GetGuid(&iid, FALSE, FALSE); SafeComHolder pFactory; { GCX_PREEMP(); if (SUCCEEDED(RoGetActivationFactory(WinRtStringRef(ssClassName.GetUnicode(), ssClassName.GetCount()), iid, &pFactory))) { LPVOID *lpVtbl = *(LPVOID **)(IUnknown *)pFactory; return (PCODE)lpVtbl[pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_cachedComSlot]; } } return NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE BOOL ILStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { // See code:ILStubCache.CreateNewMethodDesc for the code that sets flags on stub MDs PCODE stubIP = GetIP(pContext); *pRetAddr = (BYTE *)StubManagerHelpers::GetReturnAddress(pContext); #ifdef FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL if (stubIP == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(StubHelpers::MulticastDebuggerTraceHelper)) { stubIP = (PCODE)*pRetAddr; *pRetAddr = (BYTE*)StubManagerHelpers::GetRetAddrFromMulticastILStubFrame(pContext); } #endif DynamicMethodDesc *pStubMD = Entry2MethodDesc(stubIP, NULL)->AsDynamicMethodDesc(); TADDR arg = StubManagerHelpers::GetHiddenArg(pContext); Object * pThis = StubManagerHelpers::GetThisPtr(pContext); // See code:ILStubCache.CreateNewMethodDesc for the code that sets flags on stub MDs PCODE target; #ifdef FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL if(pStubMD->IsMulticastStub()) { _ASSERTE(GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(StubHelpers::MulticastDebuggerTraceHelper)); int delegateCount = (int)StubManagerHelpers::GetSecondArg(pContext); int totalDelegateCount = (int)*(size_t*)((BYTE*)pThis + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfInvocationCount()); if (delegateCount == totalDelegateCount) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO1000, "MF::TF: Executed all stubs, should return\n")); // We've executed all the stubs, so we should return return FALSE; } else { // We're going to execute stub delegateCount next, so go and grab it. BYTE *pbDelInvocationList = *(BYTE **)((BYTE*)pThis + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfInvocationList()); BYTE* pbDel = *(BYTE**)( ((ArrayBase *)pbDelInvocationList)->GetDataPtr() + ((ArrayBase *)pbDelInvocationList)->GetComponentSize()*delegateCount); _ASSERTE(pbDel); return DelegateInvokeStubManager::TraceDelegateObject(pbDel, trace); } } else #endif // FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL if (pStubMD->IsReverseStub()) { if (pStubMD->IsStatic()) { // This is reverse P/Invoke stub, the argument is UMEntryThunk UMEntryThunk *pEntryThunk = (UMEntryThunk *)arg; target = pEntryThunk->GetManagedTarget(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: Reverse P/Invoke case 0x%x\n", target)); } else { // This is COM-to-CLR stub, the argument is the target target = (PCODE)arg; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: COM-to-CLR case 0x%x\n", target)); } trace->InitForManaged(target); } else if (pStubMD->IsDelegateStub()) { // This is forward delegate P/Invoke stub, the argument is undefined DelegateObject *pDel = (DelegateObject *)pThis; target = pDel->GetMethodPtrAux(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: Forward delegate P/Invoke case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } else if (pStubMD->IsCALLIStub()) { // This is unmanaged CALLI stub, the argument is the target target = (PCODE)arg; // The value is mangled on 64-bit #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ target = target >> 1; // call target is encoded as (addr << 1) | 1 #endif // _TARGET_AMD64_ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: Unmanaged CALLI case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pStubMD->IsDelegateCOMStub()) { // This is a delegate, but the target is COM. DelegateObject *pDel = (DelegateObject *)pThis; DelegateEEClass *pClass = (DelegateEEClass *)pDel->GetMethodTable()->GetClass(); target = GetCOMTarget(pThis, pClass->m_pComPlusCallInfo); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: CLR-to-COM via delegate case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP else { // This is either direct forward P/Invoke or a CLR-to-COM call, the argument is MD MethodDesc *pMD = (MethodDesc *)arg; if (pMD->IsNDirect()) { target = (PCODE)((NDirectMethodDesc *)pMD)->GetNativeNDirectTarget(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: Forward P/Invoke case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else { _ASSERTE(pMD->IsComPlusCall()); ComPlusCallMethodDesc *pCMD = (ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)pMD; if (pCMD->IsStatic() || pCMD->IsCtor()) { // pThis is not the object we'll be calling, we need to get the factory object instead MethodTable *pMTOfTypeToCreate = pCMD->GetMethodTable(); pThis = OBJECTREFToObject(GetAppDomain()->LookupWinRTFactoryObject(pMTOfTypeToCreate, GetCurrentCtxCookie())); if (pThis == NULL) { // If we don't have an RCW of the factory object yet, don't create it. We would // risk triggering GC which is not safe here because the IL stub is not at a GC // safe point. Instead, query WinRT directly and release the factory immediately. target = GetWinRTFactoryTarget(pCMD); if (target != NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: CLR-to-COM WinRT factory RCW-does-not-exist-yet case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } } } if (pThis != NULL) { target = GetCOMTarget(pThis, pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "ILSM::TraceManager: CLR-to-COM case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } return TRUE; } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE // This is used to recognize GenericComPlusCallStub, VarargPInvokeStub, and GenericPInvokeCalliHelper. #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE /* static */ void InteropDispatchStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END StubManager::AddStubManager(new InteropDispatchStubManager()); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE PCODE TheGenericComplusCallStub(); // clrtocom.cpp #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static BOOL IsVarargPInvokeStub(PCODE stubStartAddress) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (stubStartAddress == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(VarargPInvokeStub)) return TRUE; #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ if (stubStartAddress == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(VarargPInvokeStub_RetBuffArg)) return TRUE; #endif return FALSE; } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL InteropDispatchStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; //@dbgtodo dharvey implement DAC suport #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (stubStartAddress == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(GenericComPlusCallStub)) { return true; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (IsVarargPInvokeStub(stubStartAddress)) { return true; } if (stubStartAddress == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(GenericPInvokeCalliHelper)) { return true; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE return false; } BOOL InteropDispatchStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "InteropDispatchStubManager::DoTraceStub called\n")); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE _ASSERTE(CheckIsStub_Internal(stubStartAddress)); trace->InitForManagerPush(stubStartAddress, this); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "InteropDispatchStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return TRUE; #else // !DACCESS_COMPILE trace->InitForOther(NULL); return FALSE; #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL InteropDispatchStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; *pRetAddr = (BYTE *)StubManagerHelpers::GetReturnAddress(pContext); TADDR arg = StubManagerHelpers::GetHiddenArg(pContext); // IL stub may not exist at this point so we init directly for the target (TODO?) if (IsVarargPInvokeStub(GetIP(pContext))) { NDirectMethodDesc *pNMD = (NDirectMethodDesc *)arg; _ASSERTE(pNMD->IsNDirect()); PCODE target = (PCODE)pNMD->GetNDirectTarget(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "IDSM::TraceManager: Vararg P/Invoke case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } else if (GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(GenericPInvokeCalliHelper)) { PCODE target = (PCODE)arg; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "IDSM::TraceManager: Unmanaged CALLI case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else { ComPlusCallMethodDesc *pCMD = (ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)arg; _ASSERTE(pCMD->IsComPlusCall()); Object * pThis = StubManagerHelpers::GetThisPtr(pContext); #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING if (pThis != NULL && pThis->IsTransparentProxy()) { // We have remoting proxy in the way #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE DacNotImpl(); #else trace->InitForFramePush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(TransparentProxyStubPatchLabel)); #endif } else #endif // FEATURE_REMOTING { if (!pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pInterfaceMT->IsComEventItfType() && (pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pILStub != NULL)) { // Early-bound CLR->COM call - continue in the IL stub trace->InitForStub(pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pILStub); } else { // Late-bound CLR->COM call - continue in target's IDispatch::Invoke OBJECTREF oref = ObjectToOBJECTREF(pThis); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref); MethodTable *pItfMT = pCMD->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pInterfaceMT; _ASSERTE(pItfMT->GetComInterfaceType() == ifDispatch); SafeComHolder pUnk = ComObject::GetComIPFromRCWThrowing(&oref, pItfMT); LPVOID *lpVtbl = *(LPVOID **)(IUnknown *)pUnk; PCODE target = (PCODE)lpVtbl[6]; // DISPATCH_INVOKE_SLOT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "CPSM::TraceManager: CLR-to-COM late-bound case 0x%x\n", target)); trace->InitForUnmanaged(target); GCPROTECT_END(); } } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP return TRUE; } #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE // // Since we don't generate delegate invoke stubs at runtime on IA64, we // can't use the StubLinkStubManager for these stubs. Instead, we create // an additional DelegateInvokeStubManager instead. // SPTR_IMPL(DelegateInvokeStubManager, DelegateInvokeStubManager, g_pManager); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // static void DelegateInvokeStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END g_pManager = new DelegateInvokeStubManager(); StubManager::AddStubManager(g_pManager); } BOOL DelegateInvokeStubManager::AddStub(Stub* pStub) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; PCODE start = pStub->GetEntryPoint(); // We don't really care about the size here. We only stop in these stubs at the first instruction, // so we'll never be asked to claim an address in the middle of a stub. return GetRangeList()->AddRange((BYTE *)start, (BYTE *)start + 1, (LPVOID)start); } void DelegateInvokeStubManager::RemoveStub(Stub* pStub) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; PCODE start = pStub->GetEntryPoint(); // We don't really care about the size here. We only stop in these stubs at the first instruction, // so we'll never be asked to claim an address in the middle of a stub. GetRangeList()->RemoveRanges((LPVOID)start); } #endif BOOL DelegateInvokeStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; bool fIsStub = false; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ fIsStub = fIsStub || (stubStartAddress == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub)); #endif #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE fIsStub = fIsStub || GetRangeList()->IsInRange(stubStartAddress); return fIsStub; } BOOL DelegateInvokeStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "DelegateInvokeStubManager::DoTraceStub called\n")); _ASSERTE(CheckIsStub_Internal(stubStartAddress)); // If it's a MC delegate, then we want to set a BP & do a context-ful // manager push, so that we can figure out if this call will be to a // single multicast delegate or a multi multicast delegate trace->InitForManagerPush(stubStartAddress, this); LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "DelegateInvokeStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return TRUE; } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) BOOL DelegateInvokeStubManager::TraceManager(Thread *thread, TraceDestination *trace, T_CONTEXT *pContext, BYTE **pRetAddr) { CONTRACTL { MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; PCODE destAddr; PCODE pc; pc = ::GetIP(pContext); BYTE* pThis; pThis = NULL; // Retrieve the this pointer from the context. #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) (*pRetAddr) = *(BYTE **)(size_t)(pContext->Esp); pThis = (BYTE*)(size_t)(pContext->Ecx); destAddr = *(PCODE*)(pThis + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtrAux()); #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) // // We need to check whether the following is the correct return address. // (*pRetAddr) = *(BYTE **)(size_t)(pContext->Rsp); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "DISM:TM at 0x%p, retAddr is 0x%p\n", pc, (*pRetAddr))); DELEGATEREF orDelegate; if (GetEEFuncEntryPoint(SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub) == pc) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TraceManager: isSingle\n")); orDelegate = (DELEGATEREF)ObjectToOBJECTREF(StubManagerHelpers::GetThisPtr(pContext)); // _methodPtr is where we are going to next. However, in ngen cases, we may have a shuffle thunk // burned into the ngen image, in which case the shuffle thunk is not added to the range list of // the DelegateInvokeStubManager. So we use _methodPtrAux as a fallback. destAddr = orDelegate->GetMethodPtr(); if (StubManager::TraceStub(destAddr, trace)) { LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TM: ppbDest: 0x%p\n", destAddr)); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TM: res: 1, result type: %d\n", trace->GetTraceType())); return TRUE; } } else { // We get here if we are stopped at the beginning of a shuffle thunk. // The next address we are going to is _methodPtrAux. Stub* pStub = Stub::RecoverStub(pc); // We use the patch offset field to indicate whether the stub has a hidden return buffer argument. // This field is set in SetupShuffleThunk(). if (pStub->GetPatchOffset() != 0) { // This stub has a hidden return buffer argument. orDelegate = (DELEGATEREF)ObjectToOBJECTREF(StubManagerHelpers::GetSecondArg(pContext)); } else { orDelegate = (DELEGATEREF)ObjectToOBJECTREF(StubManagerHelpers::GetThisPtr(pContext)); } } destAddr = orDelegate->GetMethodPtrAux(); #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) (*pRetAddr) = (BYTE *)(size_t)(pContext->Lr); pThis = (BYTE*)(size_t)(pContext->R0); // Could be in the singlecast invoke stub (in which case the next destination is in _methodPtr) or a // shuffle thunk (destination in _methodPtrAux). int offsetOfNextDest; if (pc == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub)) offsetOfNextDest = DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtr(); else offsetOfNextDest = DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtrAux(); destAddr = *(PCODE*)(pThis + offsetOfNextDest); #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) (*pRetAddr) = (BYTE *)(size_t)(pContext->Lr); pThis = (BYTE*)(size_t)(pContext->X0); // Could be in the singlecast invoke stub (in which case the next destination is in _methodPtr) or a // shuffle thunk (destination in _methodPtrAux). int offsetOfNextDest; if (pc == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(SinglecastDelegateInvokeStub)) offsetOfNextDest = DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtr(); else offsetOfNextDest = DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtrAux(); destAddr = *(PCODE*)(pThis + offsetOfNextDest); #else PORTABILITY_ASSERT("DelegateInvokeStubManager::TraceManager"); destAddr = NULL; #endif LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TM: ppbDest: 0x%p\n", destAddr)); BOOL res = StubManager::TraceStub(destAddr, trace); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TM: res: %d, result type: %d\n", res, trace->GetTraceType())); return res; } // static BOOL DelegateInvokeStubManager::TraceDelegateObject(BYTE* pbDel, TraceDestination *trace) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; BYTE **ppbDest = NULL; // If we got here, then we're here b/c we're at the start of a delegate stub // need to figure out the kind of delegates we are dealing with BYTE *pbDelInvocationList = *(BYTE **)(pbDel + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfInvocationList()); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM::TMI: invocationList: 0x%x\n", pbDelInvocationList)); if (pbDelInvocationList == NULL) { // null invocationList can be one of the following: // Instance closed, Instance open non-virt, Instance open virtual, Static closed, Static opened, Unmanaged FtnPtr // Instance open virtual is complex and we need to figure out what to do (TODO). // For the others the logic is the following: // if _methodPtrAux is 0 the target is in _methodPtr, otherwise the taret is _methodPtrAux ppbDest = (BYTE **)(pbDel + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtrAux()); if (*ppbDest == NULL) { ppbDest = (BYTE **)(pbDel + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtr()); if (*ppbDest == NULL) { // it's not looking good, bail out LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(DelegateStub)::TM: can't trace into it\n")); return FALSE; } } LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(DelegateStub)::TM: ppbDest: 0x%x *ppbDest:0x%x\n", ppbDest, *ppbDest)); BOOL res = StubManager::TraceStub((PCODE) (*ppbDest), trace); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(MCDel)::TM: res: %d, result type: %d\n", res, trace->GetTraceType())); return res; } // invocationList is not null, so it can be one of the following: // Multicast, Static closed (special sig), Secure // rule out the static with special sig BYTE *pbCount = *(BYTE **)(pbDel + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfInvocationCount()); if (!pbCount) { // it's a static closed, the target lives in _methodAuxPtr ppbDest = (BYTE **)(pbDel + DelegateObject::GetOffsetOfMethodPtrAux()); if (*ppbDest == NULL) { // it's not looking good, bail out LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(DelegateStub)::TM: can't trace into it\n")); return FALSE; } LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(DelegateStub)::TM: ppbDest: 0x%x *ppbDest:0x%x\n", ppbDest, *ppbDest)); BOOL res = StubManager::TraceStub((PCODE) (*ppbDest), trace); LOG((LF_CORDB,LL_INFO10000, "DISM(MCDel)::TM: res: %d, result type: %d\n", res, trace->GetTraceType())); return res; } MethodTable *pType = *(MethodTable**)pbDelInvocationList; if (pType->IsDelegate()) { // this is a secure deelgate. The target is hidden inside this field, so recurse in and pray... return TraceDelegateObject(pbDelInvocationList, trace); } // Otherwise, we're going for the first invoke of the multi case. // In order to go to the correct spot, we have just have to fish out // slot 0 of the invocation list, and figure out where that's going to, // then put a breakpoint there... pbDel = *(BYTE**)(((ArrayBase *)pbDelInvocationList)->GetDataPtr()); return TraceDelegateObject(pbDel, trace); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) // static void TailCallStubManager::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END StubManager::AddStubManager(new TailCallStubManager()); } bool TailCallStubManager::IsTailCallStubHelper(PCODE code) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return code == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCall); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILED BOOL TailCallStubManager::CheckIsStub_Internal(PCODE stubStartAddress) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; bool fIsStub = false; #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) fIsStub = IsTailCallStubHelper(stubStartAddress); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE return fIsStub; } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) EXTERN_C void STDCALL JIT_TailCallLeave(); EXTERN_C void STDCALL JIT_TailCallVSDLeave(); #endif // _TARGET_X86_ BOOL TailCallStubManager::TraceManager(Thread * pThread, TraceDestination * pTrace, T_CONTEXT * pContext, BYTE ** ppRetAddr) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) TADDR esp = GetSP(pContext); TADDR ebp = GetFP(pContext); // Check if we are stopped at the beginning of JIT_TailCall(). if (GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCall)) { // There are two cases in JIT_TailCall(). The first one is a normal tail call. // The second one is a tail call to a virtual method. *ppRetAddr = *(reinterpret_cast(ebp + sizeof(SIZE_T))); // Check whether this is a VSD tail call. SIZE_T flags = *(reinterpret_cast(esp + JIT_TailCall_StackOffsetToFlags)); if (flags & 0x2) { // This is a VSD tail call. pTrace->InitForManagerPush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCallVSDLeave), this); return TRUE; } else { // This is not a VSD tail call. pTrace->InitForManagerPush(GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCallLeave), this); return TRUE; } } else { if (GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCallLeave)) { // This is the simple case. The tail call goes directly to the target. There won't be an // explicit frame on the stack. We should be right at the return instruction which branches to // the call target. The return address is stored in the second leafmost stack slot. *ppRetAddr = *(reinterpret_cast(esp + sizeof(SIZE_T))); } else { _ASSERTE(GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCallVSDLeave)); // This is the VSD case. The tail call goes through a assembly helper function which sets up // and tears down an explicit frame. In this case, the return address is at the same place // as on entry to JIT_TailCall(). *ppRetAddr = *(reinterpret_cast(ebp + sizeof(SIZE_T))); } // In both cases, the target address is stored in the leafmost stack slot. pTrace->InitForStub((PCODE)*reinterpret_cast(esp)); return TRUE; } #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_) _ASSERTE(GetIP(pContext) == GetEEFuncEntryPoint(JIT_TailCall)); // The target address is the second argument #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ PCODE target = (PCODE)pContext->Rdx; #else PCODE target = (PCODE)pContext->R1; #endif *ppRetAddr = reinterpret_cast(target); pTrace->InitForStub(target); return TRUE; #else // !_TARGET_X86_ && !_TARGET_AMD64_ && !_TARGET_ARM_ _ASSERTE(!"TCSM::TM - TailCallStubManager should not be necessary on this platform"); return FALSE; #endif // _TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_ } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL TailCallStubManager::DoTraceStub(PCODE stubStartAddress, TraceDestination *trace) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "TailCallStubManager::DoTraceStub called\n")); BOOL fResult = FALSE; // Make sure we are stopped at the beginning of JIT_TailCall(). _ASSERTE(CheckIsStub_Internal(stubStartAddress)); trace->InitForManagerPush(stubStartAddress, this); fResult = TRUE; LOG_TRACE_DESTINATION(trace, stubStartAddress, "TailCallStubManager::DoTraceStub"); return fResult; } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void PrecodeStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p PrecodeStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } void StubLinkStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p StubLinkStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); GetRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void ThunkHeapStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p ThunkHeapStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); GetRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void JumpStubStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p JumpStubStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void RangeSectionStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p RangeSectionStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } #endif void ILStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p ILStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } void InteropDispatchStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p InteropDispatchStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } void DelegateInvokeStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p DelegateInvokeStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); GetRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void VirtualCallStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p VirtualCallStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); GetLookupRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); GetResolveRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); GetDispatchRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); GetCacheEntryRangeList()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void TailCallStubManager::DoEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_VTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p TailCallStubManager\n", dac_cast(this))); } #endif // #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE