// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // File: stubcache.cpp // // // Base class for caching stubs. // #include "common.h" #include "stubcache.h" #include "stublink.h" #include "cgensys.h" #include "excep.h" //--------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //--------------------------------------------------------- StubCacheBase::StubCacheBase(LoaderHeap *pHeap) : CClosedHashBase( #ifdef _DEBUG 3, #else 17, // CClosedHashTable will grow as necessary #endif sizeof(STUBHASHENTRY), FALSE ), m_crst(CrstStubCache), m_heap(pHeap) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL if (m_heap == NULL) m_heap = SystemDomain::GetGlobalLoaderAllocator()->GetExecutableHeap(); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor //--------------------------------------------------------- StubCacheBase::~StubCacheBase() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; STUBHASHENTRY *phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)GetFirst(); while (phe) { _ASSERTE(NULL != phe->m_pStub); phe->m_pStub->DecRef(); phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)GetNext((BYTE*)phe); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the equivalent hashed Stub, creating a new hash // entry if necessary. If the latter, will call out to CompileStub. // // Refcounting: // The caller is responsible for DecRef'ing the returned stub in // order to avoid leaks. //--------------------------------------------------------- Stub *StubCacheBase::Canonicalize(const BYTE * pRawStub) { CONTRACT (Stub*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; STUBHASHENTRY *phe = NULL; { CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); // Try to find the stub phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)Find((LPVOID)pRawStub); if (phe) { StubHolder pstub; pstub = phe->m_pStub; // IncRef as we're returning a reference to our caller. pstub->IncRef(); pstub.SuppressRelease(); RETURN pstub; } } // Couldn't find it, let's try to compile it. CPUSTUBLINKER sl; CPUSTUBLINKER *psl = &sl; CompileStub(pRawStub, psl); // Append the raw stub to the native stub // and link up the stub. CodeLabel *plabel = psl->EmitNewCodeLabel(); psl->EmitBytes(pRawStub, Length(pRawStub)); StubHolder pstub; pstub = psl->Link(m_heap); UINT32 offset = psl->GetLabelOffset(plabel); if (offset > 0xffff) COMPlusThrowOM(); { CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); bool bNew; phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)FindOrAdd((LPVOID)pRawStub, /*modifies*/bNew); if (phe) { if (bNew) { phe->m_pStub = pstub; phe->m_offsetOfRawStub = (UINT16)offset; AddStub(pRawStub, pstub); } else { // If we got here, some other thread got in // and enregistered an identical stub during // the window in which we were out of the m_crst. //Under DEBUG, two identical ML streams can actually compile // to different compiled stubs due to the checked build's // toggling between inlined TLSGetValue and api TLSGetValue. //_ASSERTE(phe->m_offsetOfRawStub == (UINT16)offset); //Use the previously created stub // This will DecRef the new stub for us. pstub = phe->m_pStub; } // IncRef so that caller has firm ownership of stub. pstub->IncRef(); } } if (!phe) { // Couldn't grow hash table due to lack of memory. COMPlusThrowOM(); } pstub.SuppressRelease(); RETURN pstub; } void StubCacheBase::AddStub(const BYTE* pRawStub, Stub* pNewStub) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // By default, don't do anything. return; } //***************************************************************************** // Hash is called with a pointer to an element in the table. You must override // this method and provide a hash algorithm for your element type. //***************************************************************************** unsigned int StubCacheBase::Hash( // The key value. void const *pData) // Raw data to hash. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const BYTE *pRawStub = (const BYTE *)pData; UINT cb = Length(pRawStub); int hash = 0; while (cb--) hash = _rotl(hash,1) + *(pRawStub++); return hash; } //***************************************************************************** // Compare is used in the typical memcmp way, 0 is eqaulity, -1/1 indicate // direction of miscompare. In this system everything is always equal or not. //***************************************************************************** unsigned int StubCacheBase::Compare( // 0, -1, or 1. void const *pData, // Raw key data on lookup. BYTE *pElement) // The element to compare data against. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const BYTE *pRawStub1 = (const BYTE *)pData; const BYTE *pRawStub2 = (const BYTE *)GetKey(pElement); UINT cb1 = Length(pRawStub1); UINT cb2 = Length(pRawStub2); if (cb1 != cb2) return 1; // not equal else { while (cb1--) { if (*(pRawStub1++) != *(pRawStub2++)) return 1; // not equal } return 0; } } //***************************************************************************** // Return true if the element is free to be used. //***************************************************************************** CClosedHashBase::ELEMENTSTATUS StubCacheBase::Status( // The status of the entry. BYTE *pElement) // The element to check. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; Stub *pStub = ((STUBHASHENTRY*)pElement)->m_pStub; if (pStub == NULL) return FREE; else if (pStub == (Stub*)(-1)) return DELETED; else return USED; } //***************************************************************************** // Sets the status of the given element. //***************************************************************************** void StubCacheBase::SetStatus( BYTE *pElement, // The element to set status for. ELEMENTSTATUS eStatus) // New status. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; STUBHASHENTRY *phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)pElement; switch (eStatus) { case FREE: phe->m_pStub = NULL; break; case DELETED: phe->m_pStub = (Stub*)(-1); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"MLCacheEntry::SetStatus(): Bad argument."); } } //***************************************************************************** // Returns the internal key value for an element. //***************************************************************************** void *StubCacheBase::GetKey( // The data to hash on. BYTE *pElement) // The element to return data ptr for. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; STUBHASHENTRY *phe = (STUBHASHENTRY*)pElement; return (void *)(phe->m_pStub->GetBlob() + phe->m_offsetOfRawStub); }