// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // Summary: // -------- // // StackSampler is intended to identify methods where the process is spending most of its time // and to re-JIT such methods in the background. Call these methods hot. // // Identifying hot methods: // ======================== // // There is no easy way to tell at a given point in execution whether in the future an unseen // or un-hot method will become hot; So we track an evolving list of hot methods. // // We identify hot methods by suspending the runtime every "m" milliseconds. This operation // freezes all the threads. We now get a list of threads that are executing and walk their // stacks to get the managed method at the top of their stacks. The sampled list of methods // for each thread constitute a single sample. Once we obtain a sample, the threads are thawed. // // The more a method is present in samples, it is clear that the process is spending its time // in that method at several given points in time. // // We track this information on a per method basis, the count of its occurrences in each sample // using a hash map. // // Note: // ===== // o Using the above technique we have only identified top methods at a given point in the execution. // The list of hot methods keeps evolving as we get more samples. Only at the process end can we // say that the evolving list of hot methods is THE list of hot methods for the whole process. // o Because we get the top managed method in the thread, this includes time spent by that method // in helper calls. // o If GC is in progress it has suspended the threads, and we would not be able to suspend the threads. // // Future Consideration: // ===================== // We could track "trending" methods, as methods decay out so we can keep only "trending" variants // in the code manager and kick out "past" hot methods. // // Jitting in the background: // ========================== // Once we have the hot methods at a given point in time, we JIT them. The decision to JIT is configurable // by configuring the number of times a method is seen in samples before we would JIT it. // For example, if we are sampling every 10 msec and if we expect methods that spend at least 1 second // to be hot, then the number of times to see this method is roughly, 100, it is best to be conservative // with this number. // // Note that we JIT the evolving list of methods, without knowing ahead of time that the methods we JIT // will be the final top "n" hot methods due to the lack of knowledge of when the process will end. // This means we would over-JIT but this only yields results with false negatives. // // Currently we JIT in the background only once (with the current goal of getting a trace.) // // Note: // ===== // o To run the JIT in the background, we try our best to JIT in the same app domain in which the original // JITting happened. But if we fail to acquire (ngen'ed method) or enter (unloaded domain) the original domain, // we then try to JIT it under the thread's app domain in which the method was last seen to be executing. // // o The JIT to use is configurable with COMPlus_AltJitName when COMPlus_StackSampling is enabled. // // o One use case is to collect traces as an .mc file from SuperPMI Shim JIT. // // Jitting parameters: // ========================== // The prestub tells us at JITting time using "RecordJittingInfo" to record the parameters used to JIT // originally. We use these parameters to JIT in the background when we decide to JIT the method. // #include "common.h" #include "corjit.h" #include "stacksampler.h" #include "threadsuspend.h" #ifdef FEATURE_STACK_SAMPLING // Global instance of the sampler StackSampler* g_pStackSampler = nullptr; // Create an instance of the stack sampler if sampling is enabled. void StackSampler::Init() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; bool samplingEnabled = (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StackSamplingEnabled) != 0); if (samplingEnabled) { g_pStackSampler = new (nothrow) StackSampler(); } } // ThreadProc for performing sampling and JITting. /* static */ DWORD __stdcall StackSampler::SamplingThreadProc(void* arg) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; StackSampler* pThis = (StackSampler*) arg; pThis->ThreadProc(); return 0; } // Constructor StackSampler::StackSampler() : m_nSampleAfter(0) , m_nSampleEvery(s_knDefaultSamplingIntervalMsec) , m_nNumMethods(s_knDefaultNumMethods) , m_crstJitInfo(CrstStackSampler, (CrstFlags) (CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE)) { // When to start sampling after the thread launch. int nSampleAfter = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StackSamplingAfter); if (nSampleAfter != INT_MAX && nSampleAfter >= 0) { m_nSampleAfter = nSampleAfter; } // How frequently to sample. int nSampleEvery = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StackSamplingEvery); if (nSampleEvery != INT_MAX && nSampleEvery > 0) { m_nSampleEvery = nSampleEvery; } // Max number of methods to track. int nNumMethods = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StackSamplingNumMethods); if (nNumMethods != INT_MAX && nNumMethods > 0) { m_nNumMethods = nNumMethods; } // Launch the thread. m_pThread = SetupUnstartedThread(); m_pThread->SetBackground(TRUE); // Passing "this" to the thread in the constructor. if (m_pThread->CreateNewThread(1*1024*1024, SamplingThreadProc, this)) { m_pThread->StartThread(); } } // Is "pMD" a good method, that is suitable for tracking as HOT and // JITting in the background. bool IsGoodMethodDesc(MethodDesc* pMD) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return !(pMD == nullptr || !pMD->IsIL() || pMD->IsUnboxingStub() || pMD->GetMethodTable()->Collectible()); } // // An opportunity to record the parameters passed to the JIT at the time of JITting this method. /* static */ void StackSampler::RecordJittingInfo(MethodDesc* pMD, CORJIT_FLAGS flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (g_pStackSampler == nullptr) { return; } // Skip if this is not a good method desc. if (!IsGoodMethodDesc(pMD)) { return; } // Record in the hash map. g_pStackSampler->RecordJittingInfoInternal(pMD, flags); } void StackSampler::RecordJittingInfoInternal(MethodDesc* pMD, CORJIT_FLAGS flags) { ADID dwDomainId = GetThread()->GetDomain()->GetId(); JitInfoHashEntry entry(pMD, dwDomainId); // Record the domain in the hash map. { CrstHolder ch(&m_crstJitInfo); m_jitInfo.AddOrReplace(entry); } } // Obtain the domain ID in which the method was originally JITted, if // it was never JITted (Ngened) or the original app domain was unloaded // use the "defaultId" supplied. ADID StackSampler::GetDomainId(MethodDesc* pMD, const ADID& defaultId) { ADID adId; BOOL bPresent = FALSE; { CrstHolder ch(&m_crstJitInfo); bPresent = m_jitInfo.Lookup(pMD, &adId); } if (bPresent != FALSE) { return adId; } return defaultId; } // Stack walk callback data. struct WalkInfo { StackSampler* pThis; // The thread in which the walk is happening and the method is executing. // Used to obtain the app domain. Thread* pMdThread; }; // Visitor for stack walk callback. StackWalkAction StackSampler::StackWalkCallback(CrawlFrame* pCf, VOID* data) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; WalkInfo* info = (WalkInfo*) data; return ((StackSampler*) info->pThis)->CrawlFrameVisitor(pCf, info->pMdThread); } // Stack walk visitor helper to maintain the hash map of method desc, their count // and the thread's domain in which the method is executing. StackWalkAction StackSampler::CrawlFrameVisitor(CrawlFrame* pCf, Thread* pMdThread) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; MethodDesc* pMD = pCf->GetFunction(); // Filter out methods we don't care about if (!IsGoodMethodDesc(pMD)) { return SWA_CONTINUE; } // Lookup the method desc and obtain info. ADID adId = pMdThread->GetDomain()->GetId(); CountInfo info(adId); m_countInfo.Lookup(pMD, &info); // Record the current domain ID of the method's thread, i.e., // the method is last known to be executing. info.adDomainId = adId; info.uCount++; // Put the info back. m_countInfo.AddOrReplace(CountInfoHashEntry(pMD, info)); // We got the top good one, skip. return SWA_ABORT; } // Thread routine that suspends the runtime, walks the other threads' stacks to get the // top managed method. Restarts the runtime after samples are collected. Identifies top // methods from the samples and re-JITs them in the background. void StackSampler::ThreadProc() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; SO_INTOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; // Complete the thread init. if (!m_pThread->HasStarted()) { return; } BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE(m_pThread); // User asked us to sample after certain time. m_pThread->UserSleep(m_nSampleAfter); WalkInfo info = { this, nullptr }; while (true) { EX_TRY { // Suspend the runtime. ThreadSuspend::SuspendEE(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_OTHER); // Walk all other threads. Thread* pThread = nullptr; while ((pThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pThread)) != nullptr) { if (pThread == m_pThread) { continue; } // TODO: Detect if thread is suspended by user before we suspended and skip. info.pMdThread = pThread; // Walk the frames. pThread->StackWalkFrames(StackWalkCallback, &info, FUNCTIONSONLY | ALLOW_ASYNC_STACK_WALK); } // Restart the runtime. ThreadSuspend::RestartEE(FALSE, TRUE); // JIT the methods that frequently occur in samples. JitFrequentMethodsInSamples(); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); // User asked us to sample every few seconds. // TODO: Measure time to JIT using CycleTimer and subtract from the time we sleep every time. m_pThread->UserSleep(m_nSampleEvery); } END_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE; } // Find the most frequent method in the samples and JIT them. void StackSampler::JitFrequentMethodsInSamples() { struct Count { MethodDesc* pMD; CountInfo info; static int __cdecl Decreasing(const void* e1, const void* e2) { return ((Count*) e2)->info.uCount - ((Count*) e1)->info.uCount; } }; // We want to keep a max-heap of the top frequent methods in the samples. NewHolder freq(new (nothrow) Count[m_nNumMethods]); // // For each element in the samples, call it incoming, add to the "frequent" list // if the list has space to hold the incoming element. // // If the list doesn't have space, replace the min frequent element in the list // with the incoming element, if the latter is more frequent. // unsigned uLength = 0; for (CountInfoHash::Iterator iter = m_countInfo.Begin(), end = m_countInfo.End(); iter != end; iter++) { Count c = { (*iter).Key(), (*iter).Value() }; // Is the list full? Drop the min element if incoming is more frequent. if (uLength == m_nNumMethods) { // Find the min element and the min index. unsigned uMinIndex = 0; unsigned uMin = freq[0].info.uCount; for (unsigned i = 1; i < uLength; ++i) { if (uMin > freq[i].info.uCount) { uMin = freq[i].info.uCount; uMinIndex = i; } } if (uMin < c.info.uCount) { freq[uMinIndex] = c; } } // List is not full, just add the incoming element. else { freq[uLength] = c; uLength++; } } // Sort by most frequent element first. qsort(freq, uLength, sizeof(Count), Count::Decreasing); #ifdef _DEBUG LOG((LF_JIT, LL_INFO100000, "-----------HOT METHODS-------\n")); for (unsigned i = 0; i < uLength; ++i) { // printf("%s:%s, %u\n", freq[i].pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetClass()->GetDebugClassName(), freq[i].pMD->GetName(), freq[i].info.uCount); LOG((LF_JIT, LL_INFO100000, "%s:%s, %u\n", freq[i].pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetClass()->GetDebugClassName(), freq[i].pMD->GetName(), freq[i].info.uCount)); } LOG((LF_JIT, LL_INFO100000, "-----------------------------\n")); #endif // Do the JITting. for (unsigned i = 0; i < uLength; ++i) { // If not already JITted and the method is frequent enough to be important. if (!freq[i].info.fJitted && freq[i].info.uCount > s_knDefaultCountForImportance) { // Try to get the original app domain ID in which the method was JITTed, if not // use the app domain ID the method was last seen executing. ADID adId = GetDomainId(freq[i].pMD, freq[i].info.adDomainId); JitAndCollectTrace(freq[i].pMD, adId); } } } // Invoke the JIT for the method desc. Switch to the appropriate domain. void StackSampler::JitAndCollectTrace(MethodDesc* pMD, const ADID& adId) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Indicate to the JIT or the JIT interface that we are JITting // in the background for stack sampling. CORJIT_FLAGS flags(CORJIT_FLAGS::CORJIT_FLAG_SAMPLING_JIT_BACKGROUND); _ASSERTE(pMD->IsIL()); EX_TRY { ENTER_DOMAIN_ID(adId) { GCX_PREEMP(); COR_ILMETHOD_DECODER::DecoderStatus status; NewHolder pDecoder( new COR_ILMETHOD_DECODER(pMD->GetILHeader(), pMD->GetMDImport(), &status)); #ifdef _DEBUG LOG((LF_JIT, LL_INFO100000, "Jitting the hot method desc using SuperPMI in the background thread -> ")); LOG((LF_JIT, LL_INFO100000, "%s:%s\n", pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetClass()->GetDebugClassName(), pMD->GetName())); #endif PCODE pCode = UnsafeJitFunction(pMD, pDecoder, flags); } END_DOMAIN_TRANSITION; // Update that this method has been already JITted. CountInfo info((ADID) DefaultADID); m_countInfo.Lookup(pMD, &info); info.fJitted = true; m_countInfo.AddOrReplace(CountInfoHashEntry(pMD, info)); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) } #endif // FEATURE_STACK_SAMPLING