// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stack Probe Header // Used to setup stack guards //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __STACKPROBE_h__ #define __STACKPROBE_h__ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stack Guards. // // The idea is to force stack overflows to occur at convenient spots. // * Fire at RequiresNPagesStack (beggining of func) if this functions locals // cause overflow. Note that in a debug mode, initing the locals to garbage // will cause the overflow before this macro is executed. // // * Fire at CheckStack (end of func) if either our nested function calls // cause or use of _alloca cause the stack overflow. Note that this macro // is debug only, so release builds won't catch on this // // Some comments: // - Stack grows *down*, // - Ideally, all funcs would have EBP frame and we'd use EBP instead of ESP, // however, we use the 'this' ptr to get the stack ptr, since the guard // is declared on the stack. // // Comments about inlining assembly w/ Macros: // - Must use cstyle comments /* ... */ // - No semi colons, need __asm keyword at the start of each line //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // *How* to use stack guards. // // See, in a CLR enlistment, src\ndp\clr\doc\OtherDevDocs\untriaged\clrdev_web\ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stack guards have 3 compiler states: //#define FEATURE_STACK_PROBE // (All) All stack guard code is completely removed by the preprocessor if // not defined. This is used for CoreCLR. // //#define STACK_GUARDS_DEBUG // (DEBUG) Full stack guard debugging including cookies, tracking ips, and // chaining. More heavy weight, recommended for a debug build only // //#define STACK_GUARDS_RELEASE // (RELEASE) Light stack guard code. For golden builds. Forces Stack Overflow // to happen at "convenient" times. No debugging help. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "genericstackprobe.h" #include "utilcode.h" /* defining VM_NO_SO_INFRASTRUCTURE_CODE for VM code * This macro can be used to have code which will be present * only for code inside VM directory when SO infrastructure code is not built. * Eg. Currently it is used in macro EX_END_HOOK. * For VM code EX_HOOK calls CLREXception::HandleState::SetupCatch(). * When Stack guards are disabled we will tear down the process in * CLREXception::HandleState::SetupCatch() if there is a StackOverflow. * So we should not reach EX_END_HOOK when there is StackOverflow. * This change cannot be done for all other code because * CLREXception::HandleState::SetupCatch() is not called rather * EXception::HandleState::SetupCatch() is called which is a nop. */ #ifndef FEATURE_STACK_PROBE #undef VM_NO_SO_INFRASTRUCTURE_CODE #define VM_NO_SO_INFRASTRUCTURE_CODE(x) x #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STACK_PROBE #define DEFAULT_INTERIOR_PROBE_AMOUNT 4 #define MINIMUM_STACK_REQUIREMENT (0.25) BOOL IsBackoutCalledForEH(BYTE *origSP, BYTE *backoutSP); //============================================================================= // Common code //============================================================================= // Release version of the probe function BOOL RetailStackProbeNoThrow(unsigned int n, Thread *pThread); BOOL RetailStackProbeNoThrowWorker(unsigned int n, Thread *pThread); void RetailStackProbe(unsigned int n, Thread *pThread); void RetailStackProbeWorker(unsigned int n, Thread *pThread); void ReportStackOverflow(); // Retail stack probe with default amount is the most common stack probe. Create // a dedicated method for it to reduce code size. void DefaultRetailStackProbeWorker(Thread * pThread); void RetailStackProbe(unsigned int n); BOOL ShouldProbeOnThisThread(); int SOTolerantBoundaryFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo, DWORD * pdwSOTolerantFlags); void SOTolerantCode_RecoverStack(DWORD dwFlags); void SOTolerantCode_ExceptBody(DWORD * pdwFlags, Frame * pSafeForSOFrame); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_STACK_PROBE) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) inline bool IsStackProbingEnabled() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return g_StackProbingEnabled; } //============================================================================= // DEBUG //============================================================================= #if defined(STACK_GUARDS_DEBUG) #include "common.h" class BaseStackGuard; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Need to chain together stack guard address for nested functions // Use a TLS slot to store the head of the chain //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern DWORD g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base version - has no ctor/dtor, so we can use it with SEH // // *** Don't declare any members here. Put them in BaseStackGuardGeneric. // We downcast directly from the base to the derived, using the knowledge // that the base class and the derived class are identical for members. // class BaseStackGuard : public BaseStackGuardGeneric { protected: BaseStackGuard() { _ASSERTE(!"No default construction allowed"); } public: BaseStackGuard(const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, unsigned int lineNum) : BaseStackGuardGeneric(szFunction, szFile, lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; } UINT_PTR *Marker() { return m_pMarker; } unsigned int Depth() { return m_depth; } const char *FunctionName() { return m_szFunction; } BOOL IsProbeGuard() { return (m_isBoundaryGuard == FALSE); } BOOL IsBoundaryGuard() { return (m_isBoundaryGuard == TRUE); } inline BOOL ShouldCheckPreviousCookieIntegrity(); inline BOOL ShouldCheckThisCookieIntegrity(); BOOL RequiresNStackPages(unsigned int n, BOOL fThrowOnSO = TRUE); BOOL RequiresNStackPagesThrowing(unsigned int n); BOOL RequiresNStackPagesNoThrow(unsigned int n); private: BOOL RequiresNStackPagesInternal(unsigned int n, BOOL fThrowOnSO = TRUE); public: BOOL DoProbe(unsigned int n, BOOL fThrowOnSO); void CheckStack(); static void RestoreCurrentGuard(BOOL fWasDisabled = FALSE); void PopGuardForEH(); // Different error messages for the different times we detemine there's a problem. void HandleOverwrittenThisStackGuard(__in_z char *stackID); void HandleOverwrittenPreviousStackGuard(int shortFall, __in_z char *stackID); void HandleOverwrittenCurrentStackGuard(int shortFall, __in_z char *stackID); static void HandleOverwrittenCurrentStackGuard(void *pGuard, int shortFall, __in_z char *stackID); void CheckMarkerIntegrity(); void RestorePreviousGuard(); void ProtectMarkerPageInDebugger(); void UndoPageProtectionInDebugger(); static void ProtectMarkerPageInDebugger(void *pGuard); static void UndoPageProtectionInDebugger(void *pGuard); inline HRESULT PrepGuard() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // See if it has already been prepped... if (ClrFlsGetValue(g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx) != NULL) return S_OK; // Let's see if we'll be able to put in a guard page ClrFlsSetValue(g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx, (void*)-1); if (ClrFlsGetValue(g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx) != (void*)-1) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; } inline static BaseStackGuard* GetCurrentGuard() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx != -1) return (BaseStackGuard*) ClrFlsGetValue(g_CurrentStackGuardTlsIdx); else return NULL; } inline static BOOL IsGuard(BaseStackGuard *probe) { return (probe != NULL); } static void SetCurrentGuard(BaseStackGuard* pGuard); static void ResetCurrentGuard(BaseStackGuard* pGuard); inline static BOOL IsProbeGuard(BaseStackGuard *probe) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (IsGuard(probe) != NULL && probe->IsProbeGuard()); } inline static BOOL IsBoundaryGuard(BaseStackGuard *probe) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (IsGuard(probe) != NULL && probe->IsBoundaryGuard()); } static void InitProbeReportingToFaultInjectionFramework(); BOOL ReportProbeToFaultInjectionFramework(); static void Terminate(); static HMODULE m_hProbeCallBack; typedef BOOL (*ProbeCallbackType)(unsigned, const char *); static ProbeCallbackType m_pfnProbeCallback; }; // Derived version, add a dtor that automatically calls Check_Stack, move convenient, but can't use with SEH. class AutoCleanupStackGuard : public BaseStackGuard { protected: AutoCleanupStackGuard() { _ASSERTE(!"No default construction allowed"); } public: DEBUG_NOINLINE AutoCleanupStackGuard(const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, unsigned int lineNum) : BaseStackGuard(szFunction, szFile, lineNum) { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; // This CANNOT be a STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_INTOLERANT b/c that isn't // really just a static contract, it is actually calls EnsureSOIntolerantOK // as well. Instead we just use the annotation. ANNOTATION_FN_SO_INTOLERANT; } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~AutoCleanupStackGuard() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; CheckStack(); } }; class DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandlerBeginOnly { BOOL m_prevSOTolerantState; ClrDebugState* m_clrDebugState; char *m_ctorSP; public: DEBUG_NOINLINE DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandlerBeginOnly(EEThreadHandle thread); DEBUG_NOINLINE ~DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandlerBeginOnly(); }; extern DWORD g_InteriorProbeAmount; //============================================================================= // Macros for transition into SO_INTOLERANT code //============================================================================= FORCEINLINE DWORD DefaultEntryProbeAmount() { return g_EntryPointProbeAmount; } #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE(pThread) \ BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_FOR(pThread, g_EntryPointProbeAmount) \ #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_FOR(pThread, n) \ { \ /*_ASSERTE(pThread); */ \ AutoCleanupStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesThrowing(ADJUST_PROBE(n)); \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) \ { \ DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandler __soIntolerantTransitionHandler; \ ANNOTATION_SO_PROBE_BEGIN(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT); \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) \ { \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(SO_INTOLERANT) #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ { \ /*_ASSERTE(pThread || IsGCSpecialThread());*/ \ AutoCleanupStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ if (! stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesNoThrow(ADJUST_PROBE(g_EntryPointProbeAmount)))\ { \ stack_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ ActionOnSO; \ } \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ else \ { \ DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandler __soIntolerantTransitionHandler; \ ANNOTATION_SO_PROBE_BEGIN(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT); \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) \ { \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(SO_INTOLERANT) // This is defined just for using in the InternalSetupForComCall macro which // doesn't have a corresponding end macro because no exception will pass through it // It should not be used in any situation where an exception could pass through // the transition. #define SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ AutoCleanupStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ if (! stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesNoThrow(ADJUST_PROBE(g_EntryPointProbeAmount)))\ { \ ActionOnSO; \ } \ stack_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandlerBeginOnly __soIntolerantTransitionHandler(pThread); \ ANNOTATION_SO_PROBE_BEGIN(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT); // For some codepaths used during the handling of an SO, we need to guarantee a // minimal stack consumption to avoid an SO on that codepath. These are typically host // APIS such as allocation. The host is going to use < 1/4 page, so make sure // we have that amount before calling. Then use the BACKOUT_VALIDATION to ensure // that we don't overrun it. We call ReportStackOverflow, which will generate a hard // SO if we have less than a page left. #define MINIMAL_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD(pThread) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) \ { \ Thread *__pThread = pThread; \ if (__pThread && ! __pThread->IsStackSpaceAvailable(MINIMUM_STACK_REQUIREMENT)) \ { \ ReportStackOverflow(); \ } \ } \ CONTRACT_VIOLATION(SOToleranceViolation); // We don't use the DebugSOIntolerantTransitionHandler here because we don't need to transition into // SO-intolerant code. We're already there. We also don't need to annotate as having probed, // because this only matters for entry point functions. // We have a way to separate the declaration from the actual probing for cases where need // to do a test, such as IsGCThread(), to decide if should probe. #define DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE \ { \ AutoCleanupStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);\ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(STACK_PROBE) // A function containing an interior probe is implicilty SO-Intolerant because we // assume that it is not behind a probe. So confirm that we are in the correct state. #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) \ _ASSERTE(pThread != NULL); \ stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesThrowing(ADJUST_PROBE(n)); \ EnsureSOIntolerantOK(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) \ if (ShouldProbeOnThisThread()) \ { \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(GetThread(), g_InteriorProbeAmount); \ } // A function containing an interior probe is implicilty SO-Intolerant because we // assume that it is not behind a probe. So confirm that we are in the correct state. #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, actionOnSO) \ _ASSERTE(pThread != NULL); \ if (! stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesNoThrow(ADJUST_PROBE(n))) \ { \ stack_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ actionOnSO; \ } \ EnsureSOIntolerantOK(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, actionOnSO) \ if (ShouldProbeOnThisThread()) \ { \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(GetThread(), n, actionOnSO); \ } #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE(pThread) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, g_InteriorProbeAmount) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(g_InteriorProbeAmount) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, g_InteriorProbeAmount, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(ActionOnSO) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(g_InteriorProbeAmount, ActionOnSO) #define END_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_END(STACK_PROBE) \ stack_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ } #define RETURN_FROM_INTERIOR_PROBE(x) \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_BEGIN(STACK_PROBE) \ stack_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ RETURN(x); \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_END(STACK_PROBE) // This is used for EH code where we are about to throw. // To avoid taking an SO during EH processing, want to include it in our probe limits // So we will just do a big probe and then throw. #define STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) \ AutoCleanupStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ if (pThread != NULL) \ { \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, ADJUST_PROBE(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT)); \ } // This is used for throws where we cannot use a dtor-based probe. #define PUSH_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) \ BaseStackGuard stack_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ stack_guard_XXX.RequiresNStackPagesThrowing(ADJUST_PROBE(g_EntryPointProbeAmount)); #define SAVE_ADDRESS_OF_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) \ pGuard = &stack_guard_XXX; #define RESET_EXCEPTION_FROM_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) \ pGuard->SetNoException (); #define POP_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) \ pGuard->CheckStack(); //============================================================================= // Macros for transition into SO_TOLERANT code //============================================================================= // @todo : put this assert in when all probes are in place. // _ASSERTE(! pThread->IsSOTolerant()); //********************************************************************************* // A boundary stack guard is pushed onto the probe stack when we leave the EE and // popped when we return. It is used for 1) restoring the original probe's cookie // when we return, as managed code could trash it and 2) marking a boundary so that // we know not to check for over-written probes before it when install a real probe. // class BoundaryStackGuard : public BaseStackGuard { protected: BoundaryStackGuard() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!"No default construction allowed"); } public: DEBUG_NOINLINE BoundaryStackGuard(const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, unsigned int lineNum) : BaseStackGuard(szFunction, szFile, lineNum) { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; ANNOTATION_FN_SO_TOLERANT; m_isBoundaryGuard = TRUE; } DEBUG_NOINLINE void Push(); DEBUG_NOINLINE void Pop(); DEBUG_NOINLINE void SetNoExceptionNoPop() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; SetNoException(); } }; // Derived version, add a dtor that automatically calls Pop, more convenient, but can't use with SEH. class AutoCleanupBoundaryStackGuard : public BoundaryStackGuard { protected: AutoCleanupBoundaryStackGuard() { _ASSERTE(!"No default construction allowed"); } public: DEBUG_NOINLINE AutoCleanupBoundaryStackGuard(const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, unsigned int lineNum) : BoundaryStackGuard(szFunction, szFile, lineNum) { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; ANNOTATION_FN_SO_TOLERANT; } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~AutoCleanupBoundaryStackGuard() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; Pop(); } }; class DebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler { BOOL m_prevSOTolerantState; ClrDebugState* m_clrDebugState; public: void EnterSOTolerantCode(Thread *pThread); void ReturnFromSOTolerantCode(); }; class AutoCleanupDebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler : DebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler { BOOL m_prevSOTolerantState; ClrDebugState* m_clrDebugState; public: DEBUG_NOINLINE AutoCleanupDebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler(Thread *pThread) { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; ANNOTATION_FN_SO_INTOLERANT; EnterSOTolerantCode(pThread); } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~AutoCleanupDebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; ReturnFromSOTolerantCode(); } }; // When we enter SO-tolerant code, we // 1) probe to make sure that we will have enough stack to run our backout code. We don't // need to check that the cookie was overrun because we only care that we had enough stack. // But we do anyway, to pop off the guard.s // The backout code infrastcture ensures that we stay below the BACKOUT_CODE_STACK_LIMIT. // 2) Install a boundary guard, which will preserve our cookie and prevent spurious checks if // we call back into the EE. // 3) Formally transition into SO-tolerant code so that we can make sure we are probing if we call // back into the EE. // #undef OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND #define OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND(pThread, pFrame) #define BSTC_RECOVER_STACK 0x1 #define BSTC_IS_SO 0x2 #define BSTC_IS_SOFT_SO 0x4 #define BSTC_TRIGGERING_UNWIND_FOR_SO 0x8 #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE(pThread) \ { /* add an outer scope so that we'll restore our state as soon as we return */ \ Thread * const __pThread = pThread; \ DWORD __dwFlags = 0; \ Frame * __pSafeForSOFrame = __pThread ? __pThread->GetFrame() : NULL; \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER(); \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_MARK(); \ BoundaryStackGuard boundary_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ boundary_guard_XXX.Push(); \ DebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler __soTolerantTransitionHandler; \ __soTolerantTransitionHandler.EnterSOTolerantCode(__pThread); \ __try \ { \ SCAN_EHMARKER(); \ __try \ { \ SCAN_EHMARKER_TRY(); \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(STACK_PROBE) \ __try \ { // We need to catch any hard SO that comes through in order to get our stack back and make sure that we can run our backout code. // Also can't allow a hard SO to propogate into SO-intolerant code, as we can't tell where it came from and would have to rip the process. // So install a filter and catch hard SO and rethrow a C++ SO. Note that we don't check the host policy here it only applies to exceptions // that will leak back into managed code. #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE \ } \ __finally \ { \ STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_TOLERANT; \ if (__dwFlags & BSTC_TRIGGERING_UNWIND_FOR_SO) \ { \ OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND(__pThread, __pSafeForSOFrame) \ } \ } \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_END(STACK_PROBE) \ boundary_guard_XXX.SetNoException(); \ SCAN_EHMARKER_END_TRY(); \ } \ __except(SOTolerantBoundaryFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), &__dwFlags)) \ { \ SCAN_EHMARKER_CATCH(); \ __soTolerantTransitionHandler.ReturnFromSOTolerantCode(); \ SOTolerantCode_ExceptBody(&__dwFlags, __pSafeForSOFrame); \ SCAN_EHMARKER_END_CATCH(); \ } \ /* This will correctly set the annotation back to SOIntolerant if needed */ \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_USE(); \ if (__dwFlags & BSTC_RECOVER_STACK) \ { \ SOTolerantCode_RecoverStack(__dwFlags); \ } \ } \ __finally \ { \ __soTolerantTransitionHandler.ReturnFromSOTolerantCode(); \ boundary_guard_XXX.Pop(); \ } \ /* This is actually attached to the SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_USE() in the try scope */ \ /* but should hopefully chain the right annotations for a call to a __finally */ \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_END_USE(); \ } extern unsigned __int64 getTimeStamp(); INDEBUG(void AddHostCallsStaticMarker();) // This is used for calling into host // We only need to install the boundary guard, and transition into SO-tolerant code. #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST(pThread) \ { \ ULONGLONG __entryTime = 0; \ __int64 __entryTimeStamp = 0; \ if (CLRTaskHosted()) \ { \ __entryTimeStamp = getTimeStamp(); \ __entryTime = CLRGetTickCount64(); \ } \ _ASSERTE(CanThisThreadCallIntoHost()); \ _ASSERTE((pThread == NULL) || \ (pThread->GetClrDebugState() == NULL) || \ ((pThread->GetClrDebugState()->ViolationMask() & \ (HostViolation|BadDebugState)) != 0) || \ (pThread->GetClrDebugState()->IsHostCaller())); \ INDEBUG(AddHostCallsStaticMarker();) \ _ASSERTE(pThread == NULL || !pThread->IsInForbidSuspendRegion()); \ { \ AutoCleanupBoundaryStackGuard boundary_guard_XXX(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ boundary_guard_XXX.Push(); \ AutoCleanupDebugSOTolerantTransitionHandler __soTolerantTransitionHandler(pThread); \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(STACK_PROBE); \ #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_END(STACK_PROBE) \ boundary_guard_XXX.SetNoExceptionNoPop(); \ } \ if (CLRTaskHosted()) \ { \ ULONGLONG __endTime = CLRGetTickCount64(); \ ULONGLONG __elapse = __endTime - __entryTime; \ if (__elapse > 20000 && __entryTimeStamp) \ { \ STRESS_LOG4(LF_EH, LL_INFO10, \ "CALLING HOST takes %d ms: line %d in %s(%s)\n", \ (int)__elapse, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); \ } \ } \ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Startup & Shutdown stack guard subsystem //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitStackProbes(); void TerminateStackProbes(); #elif defined(STACK_GUARDS_RELEASE) //============================================================================= // Release - really streamlined, //============================================================================= void InitStackProbesRetail(); inline void InitStackProbes() { InitStackProbesRetail(); } inline void TerminateStackProbes() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } //============================================================================= // Macros for transition into SO_INTOLERANT code //============================================================================= FORCEINLINE DWORD DefaultEntryProbeAmount() { return DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT; } #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE(pThread) \ { \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) DefaultRetailStackProbeWorker(pThread); \ /* match with the else used in other macros */ \ if (true) { \ SOIntolerantTransitionHandler __soIntolerantTransitionHandler; \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) { \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(SO_INTOLERANT) #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_FOR(pThread, n) \ { \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) RetailStackProbeWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(n), pThread); \ /* match with the else used in other macros */ \ if (true) { \ SOIntolerantTransitionHandler __soIntolerantTransitionHandler; \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) { \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(SO_INTOLERANT) #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ { \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled() && !RetailStackProbeNoThrowWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT), pThread)) \ { \ ActionOnSO; \ } else { \ SOIntolerantTransitionHandler __soIntolerantTransitionHandler; \ /* work around unreachable code warning */ \ if (true) { \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(SO_INTOLERANT) // This is defined just for using in the InternalSetupForComCall macro which // doesn't have a corresponding end macro because no exception will pass through it // It should not be used in any situation where an exception could pass through // the transition. #define SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled() && !RetailStackProbeNoThrowWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT), pThread)) \ { \ ActionOnSO; \ } \ #define MINIMAL_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD(pThread) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) \ { \ Thread *__pThread = pThread; \ if (__pThread && ! __pThread->IsStackSpaceAvailable(MINIMUM_STACK_REQUIREMENT)) \ { \ ReportStackOverflow(); \ } \ } #define DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) \ { \ RetailStackProbeWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(n), pThread); \ } #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled() && ShouldProbeOnThisThread()) \ { \ RetailStackProbeWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(n), GetThread()); \ } #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled()) \ { \ if (!RetailStackProbeNoThrowWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(n), pThread)) \ { \ ActionOnSO; \ } \ } #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) \ if (IsStackProbingEnabled() && ShouldProbeOnThisThread()) \ { \ if (!RetailStackProbeNoThrowWorker(ADJUST_PROBE(n), GetThread())) \ { \ ActionOnSO; \ } \ } #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) \ DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE; \ DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE(pThread) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, DEFAULT_INTERIOR_PROBE_AMOUNT) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(DEFAULT_INTERIOR_PROBE_AMOUNT) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, DEFAULT_INTERIOR_PROBE_AMOUNT, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(ActionOnSO) \ INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(DEFAULT_INTERIOR_PROBE_AMOUNT, ActionOnSO) #define END_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE #define RETURN_FROM_INTERIOR_PROBE(x) RETURN(x) // This is used for EH code where we are about to throw // To avoid taking an SO during EH processing, want to include it in our probe limits // So we will just do a big probe and then throw. #define STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) \ if (pThread != NULL) \ { \ RetailStackProbe(ADJUST_PROBE(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT), pThread); \ } \ #define PUSH_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) \ RetailStackProbe(ADJUST_PROBE(DEFAULT_ENTRY_PROBE_AMOUNT), pThread); #define SAVE_ADDRESS_OF_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) #define POP_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) //============================================================================= // Macros for transition into SO_TOLERANT code //============================================================================= #undef OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND #define OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND(pThread, pFrame) #define BSTC_RECOVER_STACK 0x1 #define BSTC_IS_SO 0x2 #define BSTC_IS_SOFT_SO 0x4 #define BSTC_TRIGGERING_UNWIND_FOR_SO 0x8 #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE(pThread) \ { \ Thread * __pThread = pThread; \ DWORD __dwFlags = 0; \ Frame * __pSafeForSOFrame = __pThread ? __pThread->GetFrame() : NULL; \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER(); \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_MARK(); \ SCAN_EHMARKER(); \ __try \ { \ SCAN_EHMARKER_TRY() \ __try \ { // We need to catch any hard SO that comes through in order to get our stack back and make sure that we can run our backout code. // Also can't allow a hard SO to propogate into SO-intolerant code, as we can't tell where it came from and would have to rip the process. // So install a filter and catch hard SO and rethrow a C++ SO. #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE \ } \ __finally \ { \ STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_TOLERANT; \ if (__dwFlags & BSTC_TRIGGERING_UNWIND_FOR_SO) \ { \ OPTIONAL_SO_CLEANUP_UNWIND(__pThread, __pSafeForSOFrame) \ } \ } \ SCAN_EHMARKER_END_TRY(); \ } \ __except(SOTolerantBoundaryFilter(GetExceptionInformation(), &__dwFlags)) \ { \ SCAN_EHMARKER_CATCH(); \ SOTolerantCode_ExceptBody(&__dwFlags, __pSafeForSOFrame); \ SCAN_EHMARKER_END_CATCH(); \ } \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_USE(); \ if (__dwFlags & BSTC_RECOVER_STACK) \ { \ SOTolerantCode_RecoverStack(__dwFlags); \ } \ SCAN_BLOCKMARKER_END_USE(); \ } #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST(pThread) \ { \ #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST \ } #endif #else // FEATURE_STACK_PROBE && !DACCESS_COMPILE inline void InitStackProbes() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } inline void TerminateStackProbes() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE(pThread) #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_FOR(pThread, n) #define BEGIN_SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) #define SO_INTOLERANT_CODE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) #define MINIMAL_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD(pThread) #define DECLARE_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) #define DO_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR(pThread, n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_CHECK_THREAD(n) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW(pThread, n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_FOR_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(n, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE(pThread) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_CHECK_THREAD #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW(pThread, ActionOnSO) #define INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE_NOTHROW_CHECK_THREAD(ActionOnSO) #define END_INTERIOR_STACK_PROBE #define RETURN_FROM_INTERIOR_PROBE(x) RETURN(x) #define STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) #define PUSH_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pThread) #define SAVE_ADDRESS_OF_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) #define POP_STACK_PROBE_FOR_THROW(pGuard) #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE(pThread) #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE #define RETURN_FROM_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_HAS_CATCH #define BEGIN_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST(pThread) \ _ASSERTE(CanThisThreadCallIntoHost()); #define END_SO_TOLERANT_CODE_CALLING_HOST #endif // FEATURE_STACK_PROBE && !DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // __STACKPROBE_h__