// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // #ifndef __stackcompressor_h__ #define __stackcompressor_h__ #ifdef FEATURE_COMPRESSEDSTACK #include "common.h" #include "newcompressedstack.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE class StackCompressor { public: static DWORD StackCompressor::GetCSInnerAppDomainAssertCount(COMPRESSEDSTACKREF csRef); static DWORD StackCompressor::GetCSInnerAppDomainOverridesCount(COMPRESSEDSTACKREF csRef); static void* SetAppDomainStack(Thread* pThread, void* curr); static void RestoreAppDomainStack(Thread* pThread, void* appDomainStack); static void Destroy(void *stack); static OBJECTREF GetCompressedStack( StackCrawlMark* stackMark = NULL, BOOL fWalkStack = TRUE ); }; #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // #ifdef FEATURE_COMPRESSEDSTACK #endif // __stackcompressor_h__