// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // #include "common.h" #include "security.h" #include "field.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "typeparse.h" #include "appdomain.inl" #include "mdaassistants.h" #include "fstring.h" HRESULT BlobToAttributeSet(BYTE* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, DWORD dwAction); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE OBJECTREF SecurityAttributes::CreatePermissionSet(BOOL fTrusted) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF pPermSet = NULL; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(pPermSet); MethodTable* pMT = MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__PERMISSION_SET); pPermSet = (OBJECTREF) AllocateObject(pMT); ARG_SLOT fStatus = (fTrusted) ? 1 : 0; MethodDescCallSite ctor(METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__CTOR); ARG_SLOT arg[2] = { ObjToArgSlot(pPermSet), BoolToArgSlot(fStatus) }; ctor.Call(arg); GCPROTECT_END(); return pPermSet; } #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY // todo: remove the non-cas parameters (because they're bogus now anyway) void SecurityAttributes::XmlToPermissionSet(PBYTE pbXmlBlob, DWORD cbXmlBlob, OBJECTREF* pPermSet, OBJECTREF* pEncoding, PBYTE pbNonCasXmlBlob, DWORD cbNonCasXmlBlob, OBJECTREF* pNonCasPermSet, OBJECTREF* pNonCasEncoding) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pPermSet)); PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pEncoding)); PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pNonCasPermSet)); PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pNonCasEncoding)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Get Host Protection Flags EApiCategories eProtectedCategories = GetHostProtectionManager()->GetProtectedCategories(); MethodDescCallSite decodeXML(METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__DECODE_XML, pPermSet); // can trigger GC // Deserialize the CAS PermissionSet if(pbXmlBlob && cbXmlBlob > 0) { _ASSERTE(*pbXmlBlob != LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG); // Create a new (empty) permission set. *pPermSet = SecurityAttributes::CreatePermissionSet(FALSE); // Buffer in managed space. SecurityAttributes::CopyEncodingToByteArray(pbXmlBlob, cbXmlBlob, pEncoding); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(*pPermSet), ObjToArgSlot(*pEncoding), (ARG_SLOT)eProtectedCategories, (ARG_SLOT)0, }; // Deserialize into a managed object. BOOL success = FALSE; EX_TRY { // Elevate thread's allowed loading level. This can cause load failures if assemblies loaded from this point on require // any assemblies currently being loaded. OVERRIDE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(FILE_ACTIVE); OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED); success = decodeXML.Call_RetBool(args); } EX_SWALLOW_NONTERMINAL if (!success) COMPlusThrow(kSecurityException, IDS_ENCODEDPERMSET_DECODEFAILURE); } // Deserialize the non-CAS PermissionSet if(pbNonCasXmlBlob && cbNonCasXmlBlob > 0) { _ASSERTE(*pbNonCasXmlBlob != LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG); // Create a new (empty) permission set. *pNonCasPermSet = SecurityAttributes::CreatePermissionSet(FALSE); // Buffer in managed space. SecurityAttributes::CopyEncodingToByteArray(pbNonCasXmlBlob, cbNonCasXmlBlob, pNonCasEncoding); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(*pNonCasPermSet), ObjToArgSlot(*pNonCasEncoding), (ARG_SLOT)eProtectedCategories, (ARG_SLOT)0, }; // Deserialize into a managed object. BOOL success = FALSE; EX_TRY { // Elevate thread's allowed loading level. This can cause load failures if assemblies loaded from this point on require // any assemblies currently being loaded. OVERRIDE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(FILE_ACTIVE); OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED); success = decodeXML.Call_RetBool(args); } EX_SWALLOW_NONTERMINAL if (!success) COMPlusThrow(kSecurityException, IDS_ENCODEDPERMSET_DECODEFAILURE); } } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY // // Determine if a security action allows an optimization where an empty permission set can be represented as // NULL. Some VM optimizations kick in if an empty permission set can be represented as NULL; however since // some security actions have a semantic difference between not being specified at all and having an explicit // empty permission set specified, permission sets associated with those actions must be represented as an // empty object rather than as NULL. // // Arguments: // action - security action to check // // Return Value: // true if the security action may have an empty permission set optimized to NULL, false otherwise // // Notes: // The security actions which cannot have NULL represent an empty permission set are: // // * PermitOnly - a PermitOnly set containing no permissions means that all demands should fail, as // opposed to not having a PermitOnly set on a method. // * RequestOptional - not specifying a RequestOptional set is equivilent to having a RequestOptional set // of FullTrust, rather than having an empty RequestOptional set. // // static bool SecurityAttributes::ActionAllowsNullPermissionSet(CorDeclSecurity action) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return action != dclPermitOnly && action != dclRequestOptional; } #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY PsetCacheEntry* SecurityAttributes::MergePermissionSets(IN PsetCacheEntry *pPCE1, IN PsetCacheEntry *pPCE2, IN bool fIntersect, DWORD dwAction) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; SecurityDeclarativeCache *pSDC; PsetCacheEntry* pMergedPCE; struct _gc { OBJECTREF orSet1; OBJECTREF orSet2; OBJECTREF orMergedSet; } gc; memset(&gc, '\0', sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); { // Union or Intersect the two PermissionSets gc.orSet1 = pPCE1->CreateManagedPsetObject (dwAction); if(gc.orSet1 == NULL) pMergedPCE = fIntersect ? pPCE1 : pPCE2; else { gc.orSet2 = pPCE2->CreateManagedPsetObject (dwAction); if(gc.orSet2 == NULL) pMergedPCE = fIntersect ? pPCE2 : pPCE1; else { BinderMethodID methID = (fIntersect ? METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__INTERSECT : METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__UNION); MethodDescCallSite mergeMethod(methID, &gc.orSet1); ARG_SLOT args[2] = { ObjToArgSlot(gc.orSet1), ObjToArgSlot(gc.orSet2), }; gc.orMergedSet = mergeMethod.Call_RetOBJECTREF(args); if(gc.orMergedSet == NULL) gc.orMergedSet = CreatePermissionSet(false); // Convert to XML blob PBYTE pbData; DWORD cbData; EncodePermissionSet(&gc.orMergedSet, &pbData, &cbData); // Store XML blob and obtain an index to reference it pSDC = &(GetAppDomain()->m_pSecContext->m_pSecurityDeclarativeCache); pMergedPCE = pSDC->CreateAndCachePset (pbData, cbData); } } } GCPROTECT_END(); return pMergedPCE; } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY void SecurityAttributes::CopyEncodingToByteArray(IN PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbData, OUT OBJECTREF* pArray) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; U1ARRAYREF pObj; _ASSERTE(pArray); pObj = (U1ARRAYREF)AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_U1,cbData); memcpyNoGCRefs(pObj->m_Array, pbData, cbData); *pArray = (OBJECTREF) pObj; } void SecurityAttributes::CopyByteArrayToEncoding(IN U1ARRAYREF* pArray, OUT PBYTE* ppbData, OUT DWORD* pcbData) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pArray)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppbData)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pcbData)); PRECONDITION(*pArray != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD size = (DWORD) (*pArray)->GetNumComponents(); *ppbData = new BYTE[size]; *pcbData = size; CopyMemory(*ppbData, (*pArray)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(), size); } #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY void SecurityAttributes::EncodePermissionSet(IN OBJECTREF* pRef, OUT PBYTE* ppbData, OUT DWORD* pcbData) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pRef)); } CONTRACTL_END; MethodDescCallSite encodeXML(METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__ENCODE_XML); // Encode up the result ARG_SLOT args1[1]; args1[0] = ObjToArgSlot(*pRef); OBJECTREF pByteArray = NULL; pByteArray = encodeXML.Call_RetOBJECTREF(args1); SecurityAttributes::CopyByteArrayToEncoding((U1ARRAYREF*) &pByteArray, ppbData, pcbData); } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY static void SetupRestrictSecAttributes() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; EX_TRY { MethodDescCallSite setupSecurity(METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__SETUP_SECURITY); setupSecurity.Call(NULL); } EX_CATCH { // There is a possibility that we've already set the appdomain policy // level for this process. In that case we'll get a policy exception // that we are free to ignore. OBJECTREF pThrowable = GET_THROWABLE(); DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassOnStack(); LPCUTF8 szClass = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass(pThrowable->GetMethodTable()); if (strcmp(g_PolicyExceptionClassName, szClass) != 0) COMPlusThrow(pThrowable); } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions) } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY Assembly* SecurityAttributes::LoadAssemblyFromToken(IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport, mdAssemblyRef tkAssemblyRef) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkAssemblyRef) == mdtAssemblyRef); // Find all the details needed to name an assembly for loading. ASSEMBLYMETADATA sContext; BYTE *pbPublicKeyOrToken; DWORD cbPublicKeyOrToken; DWORD dwFlags; LPWSTR wszName; DWORD cchName; // Initialize ASSEMBLYMETADATA structure. ZeroMemory(&sContext, sizeof(ASSEMBLYMETADATA)); // Retrieve size of assembly name. HRESULT hr = pImport->GetAssemblyRefProps(tkAssemblyRef, // [IN] The AssemblyRef for which to get the properties. NULL, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. NULL, // [IN] Size of buffer in wide chars. &cchName, // [OUT] Actual # of wide chars in name. &sContext, // [OUT] Assembly MetaData. NULL, // [OUT] Hash blob. NULL, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the hash blob. NULL); // [OUT] Flags. _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Allocate the necessary buffers. wszName = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchName * sizeof(WCHAR)); sContext.szLocale = (LPWSTR)_alloca(sContext.cbLocale * sizeof(WCHAR)); sContext.rProcessor = (DWORD *)_alloca(sContext.ulProcessor * sizeof(DWORD)); sContext.rOS = (OSINFO *)_alloca(sContext.ulOS * sizeof(OSINFO)); // Get the assembly name and rest of naming properties. hr = pImport->GetAssemblyRefProps(tkAssemblyRef, (const void **)&pbPublicKeyOrToken, &cbPublicKeyOrToken, wszName, cchName, &cchName, &sContext, NULL, NULL, &dwFlags); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // We've got the details of the assembly, just need to load it. // Convert assembly name to UTF8. MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE(uszAssemblyName, wszName); // Unfortunately we've got an ASSEMBLYMETADATA structure, but we need // an AssemblyMetaDataInternal AssemblyMetaDataInternal internalContext; // Initialize the structure. ZeroMemory(&internalContext, sizeof(AssemblyMetaDataInternal)); internalContext.usMajorVersion = sContext.usMajorVersion; internalContext.usMinorVersion = sContext.usMinorVersion; internalContext.usBuildNumber = sContext.usBuildNumber; internalContext.usRevisionNumber = sContext.usRevisionNumber; internalContext.rProcessor = sContext.rProcessor; internalContext.ulProcessor = sContext.ulProcessor; internalContext.rOS = sContext.rOS; internalContext.ulOS = sContext.ulOS; if(sContext.cbLocale) { MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE(pLocale, sContext.szLocale); internalContext.szLocale = pLocale; } else { internalContext.szLocale = ""; } Assembly* pAssembly = NULL; { // Elevate thread's allowed loading level. This can cause load failures if assemblies loaded from this point on require // any assemblies currently being loaded. OVERRIDE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(FILE_ACTIVE); pAssembly = AssemblySpec::LoadAssembly(uszAssemblyName, &internalContext, pbPublicKeyOrToken, cbPublicKeyOrToken, dwFlags); } // @todo: Add CORSECATTR_E_ASSEMBLY_LOAD_FAILED_EX context to this exception path? return pAssembly; } TypeHandle FindSecurityAttributeHandle(LPCWSTR wszTypeName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; TypeHandle hType; MethodDescCallSite findSecurityAttributeTypeHandle(METHOD__SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE__FIND_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_HANDLE); struct _gc { STRINGREF str; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); gc.str = StringObject::NewString(wszTypeName); ARG_SLOT arg[1] = { ObjToArgSlot(gc.str) }; TypeHandle th = TypeHandle::FromPtr(findSecurityAttributeTypeHandle.Call_RetLPVOID(arg)); hType = th; GCPROTECT_END(); return hType; } // @TODO: replace this method with a call to the reflection code that decodes CA blobs // and instantiates managed attribute objects. Currently the most significant perf // cost of this method is due to TypeName::GetTypeWorker which it calls via // GetTypeFromAssemblyQualifiedName, and GetTypeUsingCASearchRules HRESULT SecurityAttributes::AttributeSetToManaged(OBJECTREF* /*OUT*/obj, CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, OBJECTREF* pThrowable, DWORD* pdwErrorIndex, bool bLazy) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; // Assumption: if the first obj is protected, the whole array is protected if (pAttrSet->dwAttrCount > 0) {PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (obj));} } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i; TypeHandle hType; MethodTable *pMT = NULL; MethodDesc *pMD = NULL; // Elevate the allowed loading level // Elevate thread's allowed loading level. This can cause load failures if assemblies loaded from this point on require any assemblies currently being loaded. OVERRIDE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(FILE_ACTIVE); OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED); for (i = 0; i < pAttrSet->dwAttrCount; i++) { CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr = &pAttrSet->pAttrs[i]; if (pdwErrorIndex) *pdwErrorIndex = pAttr->dwIndex; // Find the assembly that contains the security attribute class. _ASSERTE(pAttr->pName); Assembly *pAssembly; if (bLazy) { // Convert type name to Unicode MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszTypeName, pAttr->pName); { // Load the type { DWORD error = (DWORD)-1; NewHolder pTypeName = new TypeName(wszTypeName, &error); if (error == (DWORD)(-1) && !(pTypeName->GetAssembly()->IsEmpty())) { hType = pTypeName->GetTypeFromAsm(FALSE); } else { hType = TypeName::GetTypeFromAssembly(wszTypeName, SystemDomain::SystemAssembly()); } } // Special workaround for if the compile-time version of the attribute is no longer available if (hType.IsNull() || hType.GetMethodTable() == NULL) hType = FindSecurityAttributeHandle(wszTypeName); } } else { if (!IsNilToken(pAttr->tkAssemblyRef) && TypeFromToken(pAttr->tkAssemblyRef) == mdtAssemblyRef) { // Load from AssemblyRef token stored in the CORSEC_ATTRSET pAssembly = LoadAssemblyFromToken(pAttrSet->pImport, pAttr->tkAssemblyRef); } else { // Load from MSCORLIB. pAssembly = SystemDomain::SystemAssembly(); } _ASSERTE(pAssembly && "Failed to find assembly with declarative attribute"); EX_TRY { hType = ClassLoader::LoadTypeByNameThrowing(pAssembly, NULL, pAttr->pName); } EX_CATCH_THROWABLE(pThrowable); } // Load the security attribute class. if (hType.IsNull() || (pMT = hType.GetMethodTable()) == NULL) { MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszTemp, pAttr->pName); SString sMessage; GetExceptionMessage(*pThrowable, sMessage); if (!sMessage.IsEmpty()) hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TYPE_LOAD_FAILED_EX, wszTemp, sMessage.GetUnicode()); else hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TYPE_LOAD_FAILED, wszTemp); return hr; } // Make sure it's not abstract. if (pMT->IsAbstract()) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_ABSTRACT); #ifdef _DEBUG // Make sure it's really a security attribute class /*{ MethodTable *pParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); CHAR *szClass; DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassOnStack(); while (pParentMT) { szClass = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass(pParentMT->GetClass()); if (stricmpUTF8(szClass, COR_BASE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_ANSI) == 0) break; pParentMT = pParentMT->GetParentMethodTable(); } _ASSERTE(pParentMT && "Security attribute not derived from COR_BASE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS"); }*/ #endif // Instantiate an instance. obj[i] = pMT->Allocate(); // Find and call the constructor. pMD = MemberLoader::FindConstructor(pMT, &gsig_IM_SecurityAction_RetVoid); if (pMD == NULL) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_MISSING_CONSTRUCTOR); MethodDescCallSite ctor(pMD); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(obj[i]), (ARG_SLOT)pAttrSet->dwAction }; ctor.Call(args); // Set the attributes and properties hr = SetAttrFieldsAndProperties(pAttr, pThrowable, pMT, &obj[i]); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT SecurityAttributes::SetAttrFieldsAndProperties(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr, OBJECTREF* pThrowable, MethodTable* pMT, OBJECTREF* pObj) { // Setup fields and properties on the object, as specified by the // serialized data passed to us. BYTE *pbBuffer = pAttr->pbValues; SIZE_T cbBuffer = pAttr->cbValues; BYTE *pbBufferEnd = pbBuffer + cbBuffer; DWORD j; HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { for (j = 0; j < pAttr->wValues; j++) { DWORD dwType = 0; BOOL bIsField = FALSE; BYTE *pbName; DWORD cbName; DWORD dwLength; NewArrayHolder szName(NULL); TypeHandle hEnum; CorElementType eEnumType = ELEMENT_TYPE_END; // Check we've got at least the field/property specifier and the // type code. if(cbBuffer < (sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE))) { hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); goto Error; } // Grab the field/property specifier. bIsField = *(BYTE*)pbBuffer == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_FIELD; if(!bIsField && *(BYTE*)pbBuffer != SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY) { hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); goto Error; } pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); // Grab the value type. dwType = *(BYTE*)pbBuffer; pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); // If it's a type that needs further specification, get that information switch (dwType) { case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_ENUM: // Immediately after the enum type token is the fully // qualified name of the value type used to represent // the enum. if (FAILED(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)pbBuffer, (BYTE const *)pbBufferEnd, &cbName, (BYTE const **)&pbName))) { hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); goto Error; } // SafeGetData ensured that the name is within the buffer _ASSERTE(FitsIn((pbName - pbBuffer) + cbName)); dwLength = static_cast((pbName - pbBuffer) + cbName); pbBuffer += dwLength; cbBuffer -= dwLength; // Buffer the name and nul terminate it. szName = new (nothrow) CHAR[cbName + 1]; if (szName == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } memcpy(szName, pbName, cbName); szName[cbName] = '\0'; // Lookup the type (possibly loading an assembly containing // the type). hEnum = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(szName, NULL); //If we couldn't find the type, post an error if (hEnum.IsNull()) { MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszTemp, szName); SString sMessage; GetExceptionMessage(*pThrowable, sMessage); if (!sMessage.IsEmpty()) hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TYPE_LOAD_FAILED_EX, wszTemp, sMessage.GetUnicode()); else hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TYPE_LOAD_FAILED, wszTemp); goto Error; } // Calculate the underlying primitive type of the // enumeration. eEnumType = hEnum.GetInternalCorElementType(); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_SZARRAY: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_TYPE: // Can't deal with these yet. hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE); goto Error; } // Grab the field/property name and length. if (FAILED(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)pbBuffer, (BYTE const *)pbBufferEnd, &cbName, (BYTE const **)&pbName))) { hr = VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); goto Error; } // SafeGetData ensured that the name is within the buffer _ASSERTE(FitsIn((pbName - pbBuffer) + cbName)); dwLength = static_cast((pbName - pbBuffer) + cbName); pbBuffer += dwLength; cbBuffer -= dwLength; // Buffer the name and null terminate it. szName = new (nothrow) CHAR[cbName + 1]; if (szName == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } memcpy(szName, pbName, cbName); szName[cbName] = '\0'; // Set the field or property if (bIsField) hr = SetAttrField(&pbBuffer, &cbBuffer, dwType, hEnum, pMT, szName, pObj, dwLength, pbName, cbName, eEnumType); else hr = SetAttrProperty(&pbBuffer, &cbBuffer, pMT, dwType, szName, pObj, dwLength, pbName, cbName, eEnumType); } } Error:; EX_CATCH { hr = GET_EXCEPTION()->GetHR(); if (pThrowable) { *pThrowable = GET_THROWABLE(); } } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); return hr; } HRESULT SecurityAttributes::SetAttrField(BYTE** ppbBuffer, SIZE_T* pcbBuffer, DWORD dwType, TypeHandle hEnum, MethodTable* pMT, __in_z LPSTR szName, OBJECTREF* pObj, DWORD dwLength, BYTE* pbName, DWORD cbName, CorElementType eEnumType) { DWORD cbSig = 0; NewArrayHolder pbSig(new (nothrow) BYTE[128]); if (pbSig == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; BYTE *pbBufferEnd = *ppbBuffer + *pcbBuffer; // Build the field signature. cbSig += CorSigCompressData((ULONG)IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD, &pbSig[cbSig]); switch (dwType) { case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I1: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I2: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U1: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U2: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_CHAR: static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_BOOLEAN == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I1 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_I1); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I2 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_I2); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I4 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_I4); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I8 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_I8); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U1 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_U1); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U2 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_U2); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U4 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_U4); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U8 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_U8); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R4 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_R4); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R8 == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_R8); static_assert_no_msg(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_CHAR == (CorSerializationType)ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR); cbSig += CorSigCompressData(dwType, &pbSig[cbSig]); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_STRING: cbSig += CorSigCompressData((ULONG)ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING, &pbSig[cbSig]); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_ENUM: // To avoid problems when the field and enum are defined // in different scopes (we'd have to go hunting for // typerefs), we build a signature with a special type // (ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL, which contains a TypeHandle). // This compares loaded types for indentity. cbSig += CorSigCompressData((ULONG)ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL, &pbSig[cbSig]); cbSig += CorSigCompressPointer(hEnum.AsPtr(), &pbSig[cbSig]); break; default: return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE); } // Locate a field desc. FieldDesc* pFD = MemberLoader::FindField(pMT, szName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)pbSig, cbSig, pMT->GetModule()); if (pFD == NULL) { MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszTemp, szName); return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_NO_FIELD, wszTemp); } // Set the field value. LPSTR szString; switch (dwType) { case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I1: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U1: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue8(*pObj, *(BYTE*)(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(BYTE); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(BYTE); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_CHAR: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I2: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U2: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(WORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue16(*pObj, GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(WORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(WORD); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R4: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(DWORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue32(*pObj, GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(DWORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(DWORD); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R8: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(INT64)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue64(*pObj, GET_UNALIGNED_VAL64(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(INT64); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(INT64); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_STRING: // Ensures special case 'null' check below does not overrun buffer if(*ppbBuffer >= pbBufferEnd) { return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } // Special case 'null' (represented as a length byte of '0xFF'). if (*(*ppbBuffer) == 0xFF) { szString = NULL; dwLength = sizeof(BYTE); } else { if (FAILED(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)*ppbBuffer, (BYTE const *)pbBufferEnd, &cbName, (BYTE const **)&pbName))) { return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } // SafeGetData will ensure the name is within the buffer _ASSERTE(FitsIn((pbName - *ppbBuffer) + cbName)); dwLength = static_cast((pbName - *ppbBuffer) + cbName); DWORD allocLen = cbName + 1; // Buffer and nul terminate it. szString = (LPSTR)_alloca(allocLen); memcpy(szString, pbName, cbName); szString[cbName] = '\0'; } // Allocate and initialize a managed version of the string. { STRINGREF orString; if (szString) { orString = StringObject::NewString(szString, cbName); if (orString == NULL) COMPlusThrowOM(); } else orString = NULL; pFD->SetRefValue(*pObj, (OBJECTREF)orString); } (*ppbBuffer) += dwLength; (*pcbBuffer) -= dwLength; break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_ENUM: // Get the underlying primitive type. switch (eEnumType) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue8(*pObj, *(BYTE*)(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(BYTE); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(BYTE); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(WORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue16(*pObj, GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(WORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(WORD); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(DWORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); pFD->SetValue32(*pObj, GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(*ppbBuffer)); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(DWORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(DWORD); break; default: return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENUM_TYPE); } break; default: return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE); } return S_OK; } HRESULT SecurityAttributes::SetAttrProperty(BYTE** ppbBuffer, SIZE_T* pcbBuffer, MethodTable* pMT, DWORD dwType, __in_z LPSTR szName, OBJECTREF* pObj, DWORD dwLength, BYTE* pbName, DWORD cbName, CorElementType eEnumType) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame (pObj)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Locate the property setter. MethodDesc* pMD = MemberLoader::FindPropertyMethod(pMT, szName, PropertySet); if (pMD == NULL) { MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszTemp, szName); return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_NO_PROPERTY, wszTemp); } MethodDescCallSite propSet(pMD); // Build the argument list. ARG_SLOT args[2] = { NULL, NULL }; LPSTR szString; NewHolder tmpLargeStringHolder (NULL); switch (dwType) { case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I1: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U1: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)*(BYTE*)(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(BYTE); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(BYTE); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_CHAR: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I2: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U2: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(WORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(WORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(WORD); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U4: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R4: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(DWORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(DWORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(DWORD); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_U8: case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_R8: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(INT64)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)GET_UNALIGNED_VAL64(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(INT64); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(INT64); break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_STRING: // Ensures special case 'null' check below does not overrun buffer if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) { return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } // Special case 'null' (represented as a length byte of '0xFF'). if (*(*ppbBuffer) == 0xFF) { szString = NULL; dwLength = sizeof(BYTE); if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } else { if (FAILED(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)(*ppbBuffer), (BYTE const *)(*ppbBuffer + *pcbBuffer), &cbName, (BYTE const **)&pbName))) { return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } // Used below - SafeGetData ensures that name is within the buffer _ASSERTE(FitsIn((pbName - *ppbBuffer) + cbName)); dwLength = static_cast((pbName - *ppbBuffer) + cbName); DWORD allocLen = cbName + 1; // // For smaller size strings allocate from stack, use heap otherwise // if ((pbName - *ppbBuffer) < 4) { // Buffer and nul terminate it. szString = (LPSTR)_alloca(allocLen); } else { tmpLargeStringHolder = new BYTE[allocLen]; szString = (LPSTR) ((BYTE*)tmpLargeStringHolder); } memcpy(szString, pbName, cbName); szString[cbName] = '\0'; } // Allocate and initialize a managed version of the string. { STRINGREF orString; if (szString) { orString = StringObject::NewString(szString, cbName); if (orString == NULL) COMPlusThrowOM(); } else orString = NULL; args[1] = ObjToArgSlot(orString); } (*ppbBuffer) += dwLength; (*pcbBuffer) -= dwLength; break; case SERIALIZATION_TYPE_ENUM: // Get the underlying primitive type. switch (eEnumType) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(BYTE)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)*(BYTE*)(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(BYTE); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(BYTE); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(WORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(WORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(WORD); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: if(*pcbBuffer < sizeof(DWORD)) return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); args[1] = (ARG_SLOT)GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(*ppbBuffer); (*ppbBuffer) += sizeof(DWORD); (*pcbBuffer) -= sizeof(DWORD); break; default: return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENUM_TYPE); } break; default: return VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE); } // ! don't move this up, StringObject::NewString // ! inside the switch causes a GC args[0] = ObjToArgSlot(*pObj); // Call the setter. propSet.Call(args); return S_OK; } void SecurityAttributes::AttrSetBlobToPermissionSets( IN BYTE* pbRawPermissions, IN DWORD cbRawPermissions, OUT OBJECTREF* pObj, DWORD dwAction) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(pbRawPermissions); _ASSERTE(cbRawPermissions > 0); _ASSERTE(pbRawPermissions[0] == LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CORSEC_ATTRSET pset; // Deserialize the CORSEC_ATTRSET hr = BlobToAttributeSet(pbRawPermissions, cbRawPermissions, &pset, dwAction); if(FAILED(hr)) COMPlusThrowHR(hr); OBJECTREF throwable = NULL; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(throwable); { // allocate and GC-protect an array of objectrefs to reference the permissions OBJECTREF* attrArray = (OBJECTREF*)_alloca(pset.dwAttrCount * sizeof(OBJECTREF)); memset(attrArray, 0, pset.dwAttrCount * sizeof(OBJECTREF)); GCPROTECT_ARRAY_BEGIN(*attrArray, pset.dwAttrCount); { // Convert to a managed array of attribute objects DWORD dwErrorIndex; hr = AttributeSetToManaged(/*OUT*/attrArray, &pset, &throwable, &dwErrorIndex, true); // Convert the array of attribute objects to a serialized PermissionSet if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BYTE* pbXmlBlob = NULL; DWORD cbXmlBlob = 0; BYTE* pbNonCasXmlBlob = NULL; DWORD cbNonCasXmlBlob = 0; AttrArrayToPermissionSet(attrArray, false, pset.dwAttrCount, &pbXmlBlob, &cbXmlBlob, &pbNonCasXmlBlob, &cbNonCasXmlBlob, ActionAllowsNullPermissionSet(static_cast(dwAction)), pObj); _ASSERTE(pbXmlBlob == NULL && cbXmlBlob == 0 && pbNonCasXmlBlob == NULL && cbNonCasXmlBlob == 0); } } GCPROTECT_END(); } GCPROTECT_END(); if(FAILED(hr)) COMPlusThrowHR(hr); } #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY HRESULT SecurityAttributes::TranslateSecurityAttributesHelper( CORSEC_ATTRSET *pAttrSet, BYTE **ppbOutput, DWORD *pcbOutput, BYTE **ppbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pcbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pdwErrorIndex) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; OBJECTREF *attrArray; DWORD dwGlobalError = 0; EX_TRY { if (pdwErrorIndex) dwGlobalError = *pdwErrorIndex; // Get into the context of the special compilation appdomain (which has an // AppBase set to the current directory). ComCallWrapper *pWrap = ComCallWrapper::GetWrapperFromIP(pAttrSet->pAppDomain); ENTER_DOMAIN_ID(pWrap->GetDomainID()) { struct _gc { OBJECTREF throwable; OBJECTREF orPermSet; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); { // we need to setup special security settings that we use during compilation SetupRestrictSecAttributes(); // allocate and protect an array of objectrefs to reference the permissions attrArray = (OBJECTREF*)_alloca(pAttrSet->dwAttrCount * sizeof(OBJECTREF)); memset(attrArray, 0, pAttrSet->dwAttrCount * sizeof(OBJECTREF)); GCPROTECT_ARRAY_BEGIN(*attrArray, pAttrSet->dwAttrCount); { // Convert to an array of attributes, and then serialize to XML hr = AttributeSetToManaged(/*OUT*/attrArray, pAttrSet, &gc.throwable, pdwErrorIndex, false); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pdwErrorIndex) *pdwErrorIndex = dwGlobalError; // Convert the array of attribute objects to a serialized PermissionSet or PermissionSetCollection AttrArrayToPermissionSet(attrArray, true, pAttrSet->dwAttrCount, ppbOutput, pcbOutput, ppbNonCasOutput, pcbNonCasOutput, ActionAllowsNullPermissionSet(static_cast(pAttrSet->dwAction)), &gc.orPermSet); } } GCPROTECT_END(); } GCPROTECT_END(); // for throwable } END_DOMAIN_TRANSITION; } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY // Call into managed code to group permissions into a PermissionSet and serialize it to XML void SecurityAttributes::AttrArrayToPermissionSet(OBJECTREF* attrArray, bool fSerialize, DWORD attrCount, BYTE **ppbOutput, DWORD *pcbOutput, BYTE **ppbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pcbNonCasOutput, bool fAllowEmptyPermissionSet, OBJECTREF* pPermSet) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; EApiCategories eProtectedCategories = (EApiCategories)(GetHostProtectionManager()->GetProtectedCategories()); MethodDescCallSite createSerialized(METHOD__PERMISSION_SET__CREATE_SERIALIZED); // Allocate a managed array of security attribute objects for input to the function. PTRARRAYREF orInput = (PTRARRAYREF) AllocateObjectArray(attrCount, g_pObjectClass); // Copy over the permission objects references. DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { orInput->SetAt(i, attrArray[i]); } // Call the routine. struct _gc { U1ARRAYREF orNonCasOutput; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(orInput), BoolToArgSlot(fSerialize), PtrToArgSlot(&gc.orNonCasOutput), PtrToArgSlot(pPermSet), (ARG_SLOT)eProtectedCategories, BoolToArgSlot(fAllowEmptyPermissionSet) }; U1ARRAYREF orOutput = NULL; { // Elevate the allowed loading level // Elevate thread's allowed loading level. This can cause load failures if assemblies loaded from this point on require any assemblies currently being loaded. OVERRIDE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(FILE_ACTIVE); OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED); orOutput = (U1ARRAYREF) createSerialized.Call_RetOBJECTREF(args); } // Buffer the managed output in a native binary blob. // Special case the empty blob. We might get a second blob output if // there were any non-CAS permissions present. NewArrayHolder TempOutput(NULL); NewArrayHolder TempNonCasOutput(NULL); if (orOutput == NULL) { *pcbOutput = 0; } else { BYTE *pbArray = orOutput->GetDataPtr(); DWORD cbArray = orOutput->GetNumComponents(); TempOutput = new BYTE[cbArray]; memcpy(TempOutput, pbArray, cbArray); *pcbOutput = cbArray; } if (gc.orNonCasOutput == NULL) { *pcbNonCasOutput = 0; } else { BYTE *pbArray = gc.orNonCasOutput->GetDataPtr(); DWORD cbArray = gc.orNonCasOutput->GetNumComponents(); TempNonCasOutput = new BYTE[cbArray]; memcpy(TempNonCasOutput, pbArray, cbArray); *pcbNonCasOutput = cbArray; } *ppbOutput = TempOutput; *ppbNonCasOutput = TempNonCasOutput; TempOutput.SuppressRelease(); TempNonCasOutput.SuppressRelease(); GCPROTECT_END(); } // // This is a public exported method // // Translate a set of security custom attributes into a serialized permission set blob. HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TranslateSecurityAttributes(CORSEC_ATTRSET *pAttrSet, BYTE **ppbOutput, DWORD *pcbOutput, BYTE **ppbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pcbNonCasOutput, DWORD *pdwErrorIndex) { #ifdef FEATURE_CAS_POLICY CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; ENTRY_POINT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; GCX_COOP(); // because it calls into managed code to instantiate the PermissionSet objects hr = SecurityAttributes::TranslateSecurityAttributesHelper(pAttrSet, ppbOutput, pcbOutput, ppbNonCasOutput, pcbNonCasOutput, pdwErrorIndex); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; #else return E_NOTIMPL; #endif } // // This is a public exported method // // Reads permission requests (if any) from the manifest of an assembly. HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPermissionRequests(LPCWSTR pwszFileName, BYTE **ppbMinimal, DWORD *pcbMinimal, BYTE **ppbOptional, DWORD *pcbOptional, BYTE **ppbRefused, DWORD *pcbRefused) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; ENTRY_POINT; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT(&hr) { IMetaDataDispenser *pMD = NULL; IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pMDAsmImport = NULL; IMetaDataImport *pMDImport = NULL; mdAssembly mdAssembly; BYTE *pbMinimal = NULL; DWORD cbMinimal = 0; BYTE *pbOptional = NULL; DWORD cbOptional = 0; BYTE *pbRefused = NULL; DWORD cbRefused = 0; HCORENUM hEnumDcl = NULL; mdPermission rPSets[dclMaximumValue + 1]; DWORD dwSets; DWORD i; *ppbMinimal = NULL; *pcbMinimal = 0; *ppbOptional = NULL; *pcbOptional = 0; *ppbRefused = NULL; *pcbRefused = 0; // Get the meta data interface dispenser. hr = MetaDataGetDispenser(CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser, IID_IMetaDataDispenserEx, (void **)&pMD); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; // Open a scope on the assembly file. hr = pMD->OpenScope(pwszFileName, 0, IID_IMetaDataAssemblyImport, (IUnknown**)&pMDAsmImport); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; // Determine the assembly token. hr = pMDAsmImport->GetAssemblyFromScope(&mdAssembly); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; // QI for a normal import interface. hr = pMDAsmImport->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (void**)&pMDImport); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; // Look for permission request sets hung off the assembly token. hr = pMDImport->EnumPermissionSets(&hEnumDcl, mdAssembly, dclActionNil, rPSets, dclMaximumValue + 1, &dwSets); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; for (i = 0; i < dwSets; i++) { BYTE *pbData; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwAction; pMDImport->GetPermissionSetProps(rPSets[i], &dwAction, (void const **)&pbData, &cbData); switch (dwAction) { case dclRequestMinimum: _ASSERTE(pbMinimal == NULL); pbMinimal = pbData; cbMinimal = cbData; break; case dclRequestOptional: _ASSERTE(pbOptional == NULL); pbOptional = pbData; cbOptional = cbData; break; case dclRequestRefuse: _ASSERTE(pbRefused == NULL); pbRefused = pbData; cbRefused = cbData; break; default: _ASSERTE(FALSE); } } pMDImport->CloseEnum(hEnumDcl); // Buffer the results (since we're about to close the metadata scope and // lose the original data). if (pbMinimal) { *ppbMinimal = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbMinimal]; if (*ppbMinimal == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } memcpy(*ppbMinimal, pbMinimal, cbMinimal); *pcbMinimal = cbMinimal; } if (pbOptional) { *ppbOptional = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbOptional]; if (*ppbOptional == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } memcpy(*ppbOptional, pbOptional, cbOptional); *pcbOptional = cbOptional; } if (pbRefused) { *ppbRefused = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbRefused]; if (*ppbRefused == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } memcpy(*ppbRefused, pbRefused, cbRefused); *pcbRefused = cbRefused; } Error: if (pMDImport) pMDImport->Release(); if (pMDAsmImport) pMDAsmImport->Release(); if (pMD) pMD->Release(); } END_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT; return hr; } // Load permission requests in their serialized form from assembly metadata. // This consists of a required permissions set and optionally an optional and // deny permission set. void SecurityAttributes::LoadPermissionRequestsFromAssembly(IN IMDInternalImport* pImport, OUT OBJECTREF* pReqdPermissions, OUT OBJECTREF* pOptPermissions, OUT OBJECTREF* pDenyPermissions) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pReqdPermissions)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pOptPermissions)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pDenyPermissions)); } CONTRACTL_END; mdAssembly mdAssembly; HRESULT hr; *pReqdPermissions = NULL; *pOptPermissions = NULL; *pDenyPermissions = NULL; // It's OK to be called with a NULL assembly. This can happen in the code // path where we're just checking for a signature, nothing else. So just // return without doing anything. if (pImport == NULL) return; // Locate assembly metadata token since the various permission sets are // written as custom values against this token. if (pImport->GetAssemblyFromScope(&mdAssembly) != S_OK) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return; } struct _gc { OBJECTREF reqdPset; OBJECTREF optPset; OBJECTREF denyPset; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); { GCX_COOP(); // because GetDeclaredPermissions may call into managed code GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); // Read and translate required permission set. hr = Security::GetDeclaredPermissions(pImport, mdAssembly, dclRequestMinimum, &gc.reqdPset, NULL); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND)); // Now the optional permission set. PsetCacheEntry *pOptPSCacheEntry = NULL; hr = Security::GetDeclaredPermissions(pImport, mdAssembly, dclRequestOptional, &gc.optPset, &pOptPSCacheEntry); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND)); // An empty permission set has semantic meaning if it is an assembly's optional permission set. // If we have an optional set, then we need to make sure it is created. if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && gc.optPset == NULL && pOptPSCacheEntry != NULL) { gc.optPset = pOptPSCacheEntry->CreateManagedPsetObject(dclRequestOptional, /* createEmptySet */ true); } // And finally the refused permission set. hr = Security::GetDeclaredPermissions(pImport, mdAssembly, dclRequestRefuse, &gc.denyPset, NULL); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND)); *pReqdPermissions = gc.reqdPset; *pOptPermissions = gc.optPset; *pDenyPermissions = gc.denyPset; GCPROTECT_END(); } } // Determine whether a RequestOptional or RequestRefused are made in the assembly manifest. BOOL SecurityAttributes::RestrictiveRequestsInAssembly(IMDInternalImport* pImport) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; mdAssembly mdAssembly; HRESULT hr; HENUMInternal hEnumDcl; // Locate assembly metadata token since the various permission sets are // written as custom values against this token. hr = pImport->GetAssemblyFromScope(&mdAssembly); if (FAILED(hr)) return TRUE; hr = pImport->EnumPermissionSetsInit(mdAssembly, dclRequestRefuse, &hEnumDcl); BOOL bFoundRequestRefuse = (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND); pImport->EnumClose(&hEnumDcl); if (bFoundRequestRefuse) return TRUE; hr = pImport->EnumPermissionSetsInit(mdAssembly, dclRequestOptional, &hEnumDcl); BOOL bFoundRequestOptional = (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND); pImport->EnumClose(&hEnumDcl); return bFoundRequestOptional; } #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE HRESULT SecurityAttributes::GetPermissionsFromMetaData(IN IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, IN mdToken token, IN CorDeclSecurity action, OUT PBYTE* ppbPerm, OUT ULONG* pcbPerm) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; mdPermission tkPerm; void const ** ppData = const_cast (reinterpret_cast (ppbPerm)); DWORD dwActionDummy; // Get the blob for the CAS action from the security action table in metadata HENUMInternalHolder hEnumDcl(pInternalImport); if (hEnumDcl.EnumPermissionSetsInit(token,action)) { _ASSERTE(pInternalImport->EnumGetCount(&hEnumDcl) == 1 && "Multiple permissions sets for the same declaration aren't currently supported."); if (pInternalImport->EnumNext(&hEnumDcl, &tkPerm)) { hr = pInternalImport->GetPermissionSetProps( tkPerm, &dwActionDummy, ppData, pcbPerm); if (FAILED(hr) ) { COMPlusThrowHR(hr); } } else { _ASSERTE(!"At least one enumeration expected"); } } else { hr = CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND; } return hr; } void SecurityAttributes::CreateAndCachePermissions( IN PBYTE pbPerm, IN ULONG cbPerm, IN CorDeclSecurity action, OUT OBJECTREF *pDeclaredPermissions, OUT PsetCacheEntry **pPSCacheEntry) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; SecurityDeclarativeCache *pSDC; PsetCacheEntry* pPCE; pSDC = &(GetAppDomain()->m_pSecContext->m_pSecurityDeclarativeCache); pPCE = pSDC->CreateAndCachePset (pbPerm, cbPerm); if (pDeclaredPermissions) { #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE _ASSERTE(!"This codepath should be unreachable during crossgen"); *pDeclaredPermissions = NULL; #else *pDeclaredPermissions = pPCE->CreateManagedPsetObject (action); #endif } if (pPSCacheEntry) { *pPSCacheEntry = pPCE; } } // Returns the declared PermissionSet for the specified action type. HRESULT SecurityAttributes::GetDeclaredPermissions(IN IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, IN mdToken token, IN CorDeclSecurity action, OUT OBJECTREF *pDeclaredPermissions, OUT PsetCacheEntry **pPSCacheEntry) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; PBYTE pbPerm = NULL; ULONG cbPerm = 0; _ASSERTE(action > dclActionNil && action <= dclMaximumValue); // Initialize the output parameters. if (pDeclaredPermissions) *pDeclaredPermissions = NULL; if(pPSCacheEntry) *pPSCacheEntry = NULL; bool bCas = !(action == dclNonCasDemand || action == dclNonCasLinkDemand || action == dclNonCasInheritance); hr = GetPermissionsFromMetaData(pInternalImport, token, action, &pbPerm, &cbPerm); if(pbPerm && cbPerm > 0) { CreateAndCachePermissions(pbPerm, cbPerm, action, pDeclaredPermissions, pPSCacheEntry); } else if(!bCas) { // We're looking for a non-CAS action which may be encoded with the corresponding CAS action // Pre-Whidbey, we used to encode CAS and non-CAS actions separately because we used to do // declarative security processing at build time (we used to create a // permset object corresponding to a declarative action, convert it into XML and then store the serialized // XML in the assembly). // // In Whidbey the default is what we call LAZY declarative security (LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG below) - to not do any // declarative security processing at build time (we just take the declarative annotiation and store it as a // serialzied blob - no permsets created/converted to XML). And at runtime, we do the actual processing (create permsets etc.) // // What does this mean? It means that in Whidbey (and beyond), we cannot tell at build time if it is a declarative CAS action // or non-CAS action. So at runtime, we need to check the permset stored under the cas action for a non-CAS action. // Of course, we need to do this only if LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG is in effect. // Determine the corresponding CAS action CorDeclSecurity casAction = dclDemand; if(action == dclNonCasLinkDemand) casAction = dclLinktimeCheck; else if(action == dclNonCasInheritance) casAction = dclInheritanceCheck; // Get the blob for the CAS action from the security action table in metadata hr = GetPermissionsFromMetaData(pInternalImport, token, casAction, &pbPerm, &cbPerm); if(pbPerm && cbPerm > 0 && pbPerm[0] == LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG) // if it's a serialized CORSEC_ATTRSET { CreateAndCachePermissions(pbPerm, cbPerm, casAction, pDeclaredPermissions, pPSCacheEntry); } } return hr; } bool SecurityAttributes::IsHostProtectionAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr) { static const char s_HostProtectionAttributeName[] = "System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute, mscorlib"; return (strncmp(pAttr->pName, s_HostProtectionAttributeName, sizeof(s_HostProtectionAttributeName)-1) == 0); } bool SecurityAttributes::IsBuiltInCASPermissionAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; static const char s_permissionsNamespace[] = "System.Security.Permissions."; if(strncmp(pAttr->pName, s_permissionsNamespace, sizeof(s_permissionsNamespace) - 1) != 0) return false; // not built-in permission static const char s_principalPermissionName[] = "System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute, mscorlib"; // ASSERT: at this point we know we are in builtin namespace...so compare with PrincipalPermissionAttribute if (strncmp(pAttr->pName, s_principalPermissionName, sizeof(s_principalPermissionName)-1) == 0) return false; // found a principal permission => Not a built-in CAS permission // special-case the unrestricted permission set attribute. static const char s_PermissionSetName[] = "System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute, mscorlib"; if (strncmp(pAttr->pName, s_PermissionSetName, sizeof(s_PermissionSetName)-1) == 0) return IsUnrestrictedPermissionSetAttribute(pAttr); return true; //built-in perm, but not principal perm => IsBuiltInCASPermissionAttribute } bool SecurityAttributes::IsUnrestrictedPermissionSetAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pPerm) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; BYTE const * pbBuffer = pPerm->pbValues; SIZE_T cbBuffer = pPerm->cbValues; BYTE const * pbBufferEnd = pbBuffer + cbBuffer; if (cbBuffer < 2 * sizeof(BYTE)) return false; // Get the field/property specifier if (*(BYTE*)pbBuffer == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_FIELD) return false; _ASSERTE(*(BYTE*)pbBuffer == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY); pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); // Get the value type DWORD dwType = *(BYTE*)pbBuffer; pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); if (dwType != SERIALIZATION_TYPE_BOOLEAN) return false; // Grab the field/property name and length. DWORD cbName; BYTE const * pbName; if (FAILED(CPackedLen::SafeGetData(pbBuffer, pbBufferEnd, &cbName, &pbName))) { return false; } PREFIX_ASSUME(pbName != NULL); // SafeGetData will ensure the name is within the buffer SIZE_T cbNameOffset = pbName - pbBuffer; _ASSERTE(FitsIn(cbNameOffset)); DWORD dwLength = static_cast(cbNameOffset + cbName); pbBuffer += dwLength; cbBuffer -= dwLength; // Buffer the name of the property and null terminate it. DWORD allocLen = cbName + 1; if (allocLen < cbName) return false; LPSTR szName = (LPSTR)_alloca(allocLen); memcpy(szName, pbName, cbName); szName[cbName] = '\0'; if (strcmp(szName, "Unrestricted") != 0) return false; // Make sure the value isn't "false" return (*pbBuffer != 0); } // This takes a PermissionSetAttribute blob and looks to see if it uses the "FILE" property. If it // does, then it loads the file now and modifies the attribute to use the XML property instead // (because the file may not be available at runtime.) HRESULT SecurityAttributes::FixUpPermissionSetAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pPerm) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(pPerm->wValues == 1 && strcmp(pPerm->pName, "System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute") == 0); BYTE const * pbBuffer = pPerm->pbValues; SIZE_T cbBuffer = pPerm->cbValues; BYTE const * pbBufferEnd = pbBuffer + cbBuffer; HRESULT hr; // Check we've got at least the field/property specifier and the // type code. _ASSERTE(cbBuffer >= (sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE))); // Grab the field/property specifier. bool bIsField = *(BYTE*)pbBuffer == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_FIELD; _ASSERTE(bIsField || (*(BYTE*)pbBuffer == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY)); pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); // Grab the value type. DWORD dwType = *(BYTE*)pbBuffer; pbBuffer += sizeof(BYTE); cbBuffer -= sizeof(BYTE); if(bIsField) return S_OK; if(dwType != SERIALIZATION_TYPE_STRING) return S_OK; // Grab the field/property name and length. ULONG cbName; BYTE const * pbName; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetData(pbBuffer, pbBufferEnd, &cbName, &pbName)); PREFIX_ASSUME(pbName != NULL); // SafeGetData ensures name is within buffer SIZE_T cbNameOffset = pbName - pbBuffer; _ASSERTE(FitsIn(cbNameOffset)); DWORD dwLength = static_cast(cbNameOffset + cbName); pbBuffer += dwLength; cbBuffer -= dwLength; // Buffer the name of the property and null terminate it. DWORD allocLen = cbName + 1; LPSTR szName = (LPSTR)_alloca(allocLen); memcpy(szName, pbName, cbName); szName[cbName] = '\0'; if(strcmp(szName, "File") != 0) return S_OK; if(*pbBuffer == 0xFF) // special case that represents NULL string return S_OK; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetData(pbBuffer, pbBufferEnd, &cbName, &pbName)); PREFIX_ASSUME(pbName != NULL); // SafeGetData ensures name is within buffer cbNameOffset = pbName - pbBuffer; _ASSERTE(FitsIn(cbNameOffset)); dwLength = static_cast(cbNameOffset + cbName); _ASSERTE(cbBuffer >= dwLength); // Open the file MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8N(wszFileName, (LPCSTR)pbName, cbName); HandleHolder hFile(WszCreateFile (wszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); DWORD dwFileLen = SafeGetFileSize(hFile, 0); if (dwFileLen == 0xFFFFFFFF) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); // Read the file BYTE* pFileBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[(dwFileLen + 4) * sizeof(BYTE)]; if(!pFileBuffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; DWORD dwBytesRead; if ((SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (!ReadFile(hFile, pFileBuffer, dwFileLen, &dwBytesRead, NULL))) { delete [] pFileBuffer; return E_FAIL; } if(dwBytesRead < dwFileLen) { delete [] pFileBuffer; return E_FAIL; } // Make the new attribute blob BYTE* pNewAttrBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[(dwFileLen + 10) * 2 * sizeof(BYTE)]; if(!pNewAttrBuffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; BYTE* pCurBuf = pNewAttrBuffer; *pCurBuf = (BYTE)SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY; pCurBuf++; *pCurBuf = (BYTE)SERIALIZATION_TYPE_STRING; pCurBuf++; pCurBuf = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(pCurBuf, 3); memcpy(pCurBuf, "Hex", 3); pCurBuf += 3; pCurBuf = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(pCurBuf, dwFileLen * 2); DWORD n; BYTE b; for(n = 0; n < dwFileLen; n++) { b = (pFileBuffer[n] >> 4) & 0xf; *pCurBuf = (b < 10 ? '0' + b : 'a' + b - 10); pCurBuf++; b = pFileBuffer[n] & 0xf; *pCurBuf = (b < 10 ? '0' + b : 'a' + b - 10); pCurBuf++; } delete [] pFileBuffer; // We shouldn't have a serialized permission set that can be this large, but to be safe we'll ensure // that we fit in the output DWORD size. SIZE_T cbNewAttrSize = pCurBuf - pNewAttrBuffer; // Set the new values delete(pPerm->pbValues); pPerm->pbValues = pNewAttrBuffer; pPerm->cbValues = cbNewAttrSize; return S_OK; } // if tkAssemblyRef is NULL, this assumes the type is in this assembly // uszClassName should be a UTF8 string including both namespace and class HRESULT GetFullyQualifiedTypeName(SString* pString, mdAssemblyRef tkAssemblyRef, __in_z CHAR* uszClassName, IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport, mdToken tkCtor) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Add class name MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(wszClassName, uszClassName); (*pString) += (LPCWSTR) wszClassName; if(IsNilToken(tkAssemblyRef)) tkAssemblyRef = TokenFromRid(1, mdtAssembly); // Add a comma separator (*pString) += W(", "); DWORD dwDisplayFlags = ASM_DISPLAYF_VERSION | ASM_DISPLAYF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN | ASM_DISPLAYF_CULTURE; #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION // why is Security accessing Fusion interfaces bypassing Loader? // Retrieve size of assembly name ASSEMBLYMETADATA sContext; ZeroMemory(&sContext, sizeof(ASSEMBLYMETADATA)); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR wszAssemblyName = NULL; BYTE *pbPublicKeyOrToken = NULL; DWORD cbPublicKeyOrToken = 0; DWORD dwFlags = 0; if(TypeFromToken(tkAssemblyRef) == mdtAssembly) { DWORD cchName; hr = pImport->GetAssemblyProps(tkAssemblyRef, // [IN] The Assembly for which to get the properties. NULL, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Hash Algorithm NULL, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. NULL, // [IN] Size of buffer in wide chars. &cchName, // [OUT] Actual # of wide chars in name. &sContext, // [OUT] Assembly MetaData. NULL); // [OUT] Flags. if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Get the assembly name other naming properties wszAssemblyName = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchName * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = pImport->GetAssemblyProps(tkAssemblyRef, (const void **)&pbPublicKeyOrToken, &cbPublicKeyOrToken, NULL, wszAssemblyName, cchName, &cchName, &sContext, &dwFlags); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; } else if(TypeFromToken(tkAssemblyRef) == mdtAssemblyRef) { DWORD cchName; hr = pImport->GetAssemblyRefProps(tkAssemblyRef, // [IN] The AssemblyRef for which to get the properties. NULL, // [OUT] Pointer to the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the public key or token. NULL, // [OUT] Buffer to fill with name. NULL, // [IN] Size of buffer in wide chars. &cchName, // [OUT] Actual # of wide chars in name. &sContext, // [OUT] Assembly MetaData. NULL, // [OUT] Hash blob. NULL, // [OUT] Count of bytes in the hash blob. NULL); // [OUT] Flags. if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Get the assembly name other naming properties wszAssemblyName = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchName * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = pImport->GetAssemblyRefProps(tkAssemblyRef, (const void **)&pbPublicKeyOrToken, &cbPublicKeyOrToken, wszAssemblyName, cchName, &cchName, &sContext, NULL, NULL, &dwFlags); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; } else { _ASSERTE(false && "unexpected token"); } // Convert to an AssemblyNameObject ReleaseHolder pAssemblyNameObj; hr = CreateAssemblyNameObject(&pAssemblyNameObj, wszAssemblyName, CANOF_PARSE_DISPLAY_NAME, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; _ASSERTE(pAssemblyNameObj && "assembly name object shouldn't be NULL"); pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MAJOR_VERSION, &sContext.usMajorVersion, sizeof(WORD)); pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_MINOR_VERSION, &sContext.usMinorVersion, sizeof(WORD)); pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_BUILD_NUMBER, &sContext.usBuildNumber, sizeof(WORD)); pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_REVISION_NUMBER, &sContext.usRevisionNumber, sizeof(WORD)); pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CULTURE, W(""), sizeof(WCHAR)); if(pbPublicKeyOrToken && cbPublicKeyOrToken > 0) { if(dwFlags & afPublicKey) pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY, pbPublicKeyOrToken, cbPublicKeyOrToken); else pAssemblyNameObj->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, pbPublicKeyOrToken, cbPublicKeyOrToken); } // Convert assembly name to an ole string StackSString name; FusionBind::GetAssemblyNameDisplayName(pAssemblyNameObj, name, dwDisplayFlags); #else // FEATURE_FUSION HRESULT hr; AssemblySpec spec; StackSString name; IfFailRet(spec.Init((mdToken)tkAssemblyRef,pImport)); spec.GetFileOrDisplayName(dwDisplayFlags,name); #endif // FEATURE_FUSION _ASSERTE(!name.IsEmpty() && "the assembly name should not be empty here"); (*pString) += name; return S_OK; } HRESULT SecurityAttributes::SerializeAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pAttr, BYTE* pBuffer, SIZE_T* pCount, IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport) { // pBuffer can be NULL if the caller is only trying to determine the size of the serialized blob. In that case, let's make a little temp buffer to facilitate CPackedLen::PutLength SIZE_T cbPos = *pCount; BYTE* pTempBuf = pBuffer; SIZE_T const* pTempPos = &cbPos; BYTE tempBuf[8]; const SIZE_T zero = 0; if(!pTempBuf) { pTempBuf = tempBuf; pTempPos = &zero; } BYTE* pOldPos; // Get the fully qualified type name SString sType; HRESULT hr = GetFullyQualifiedTypeName(&sType, pAttr->tkAssemblyRef, pAttr->pName, pImport, pAttr->tkCtor); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Convert assembly name to UTF8. const WCHAR* wszTypeName = sType.GetUnicode(); MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE(uszTypeName, wszTypeName); DWORD dwUTF8TypeNameLen = (DWORD)strlen(uszTypeName); // Serialize the type name length pOldPos = &pTempBuf[*pTempPos]; cbPos += (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&pTempBuf[*pTempPos], dwUTF8TypeNameLen) - pOldPos; // Serialize the type name if(pBuffer) memcpy(&pBuffer[cbPos], uszTypeName, dwUTF8TypeNameLen); cbPos += dwUTF8TypeNameLen; // Serialize the size of the properties blob BYTE temp[32]; SIZE_T cbSizeOfCompressedPropertiesCount = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(temp, pAttr->wValues) - temp; pOldPos = &pTempBuf[*pTempPos]; _ASSERTE(FitsIn(pAttr->cbValues + cbSizeOfCompressedPropertiesCount)); ULONG propertiesLength = static_cast(pAttr->cbValues + cbSizeOfCompressedPropertiesCount); cbPos += (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&pTempBuf[*pTempPos], propertiesLength) - pOldPos; // Serialize the count of properties pOldPos = &pTempBuf[*pTempPos]; cbPos += (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&pTempBuf[*pTempPos], pAttr->wValues) - pOldPos; // Serialize the properties blob if(pBuffer) memcpy(&pBuffer[cbPos], pAttr->pbValues, pAttr->cbValues); cbPos += pAttr->cbValues; *pCount = cbPos; return hr; } HRESULT SecurityAttributes::DeserializeAttribute(CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr, BYTE* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, SIZE_T* pPos) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // Deserialize the size of the type name BYTE* pClassName; ULONG dwClassNameSize; BYTE* pBufferEnd = pBuffer + cbBuffer; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)&pBuffer[*pPos], (BYTE const *)pBufferEnd, &dwClassNameSize, (BYTE const **)&pClassName)); (*pPos) += pClassName - &pBuffer[*pPos]; // Deserialize the type name (*pPos) += dwClassNameSize; pAttr->pName = new (nothrow) CHAR[dwClassNameSize + 1]; if(!pAttr->pName) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(pAttr->pName, pClassName, dwClassNameSize); pAttr->pName[dwClassNameSize] = '\0'; // Deserialize the CA blob size BYTE* pCABlob; ULONG cbCABlob; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetData((BYTE const *)&pBuffer[*pPos], (BYTE const *)pBufferEnd, &cbCABlob, (BYTE const **)&pCABlob)); (*pPos) += pCABlob - &pBuffer[*pPos]; // Deserialize the CA blob value count BYTE* pCABlobValues; ULONG cCABlobValues; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetLength((BYTE const *)&pBuffer[*pPos], (BYTE const *)pBufferEnd, &cCABlobValues, (BYTE const **)&pCABlobValues)); (*pPos) += pCABlobValues - &pBuffer[*pPos]; if (!FitsIn(cCABlobValues)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pAttr->wValues = static_cast(cCABlobValues); // We know that pCABlobValues - pCABlob will be a positive result. if (cbCABlob < (ULONG)(pCABlobValues - pCABlob)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pAttr->cbValues = cbCABlob - (pCABlobValues - pCABlob); // Deserialize the CA blob pAttr->pbValues = new (nothrow) BYTE[pAttr->cbValues]; if(!pAttr->pbValues) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(pAttr->pbValues, pCABlobValues, pAttr->cbValues); (*pPos) += pAttr->cbValues; return S_OK; } HRESULT AttributeSetToBlob(CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, BYTE* pBuffer, SIZE_T* pCount, IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pImport, DWORD dwAction) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // pBuffer can be NULL if the caller is only trying to determine the size of the serialized blob. In that case, let's make a little temp buffer to facilitate CPackedLen::PutLength SIZE_T cbPos = 0; BYTE* pTempBuf = pBuffer; SIZE_T const *pTempPos = &cbPos; BYTE tempBuf[8]; const SIZE_T zero = 0; if(!pTempBuf) { pTempBuf = tempBuf; pTempPos = &zero; } BYTE* pOldPos; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Serialize a LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG to identify the blob format (as opposed to '<' which would indicate the older XML format) if(pBuffer) pBuffer[cbPos] = LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG; cbPos++; // Serialize the attribute count pOldPos = &pTempBuf[*pTempPos]; cbPos += (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&pTempBuf[*pTempPos], pAttrSet->dwAttrCount) - pOldPos; // Serialize the attributes DWORD i; for(i = 0; i < pAttrSet->dwAttrCount; i++) { // Get the attribute CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr = &pAttrSet->pAttrs[i]; // Perform any necessary fix-ups on it if(pAttr->wValues == 1 && strcmp(pAttr->pName, "System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute") == 0) IfFailGo(SecurityAttributes::FixUpPermissionSetAttribute(pAttr)); else if((dwAction == dclLinktimeCheck || dwAction == dclInheritanceCheck) && strcmp(pAttr->pName, "System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute") == 0) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_NONCAS); return CORSECATTR_E_BAD_NONCAS; } // Serialize it SIZE_T dwAttrSize = 0; IfFailGo(SecurityAttributes::SerializeAttribute(pAttr, pBuffer ? pBuffer + cbPos : NULL, &dwAttrSize, pImport)); cbPos += dwAttrSize; } if(pCount != NULL) *pCount = cbPos; ErrExit: if (FAILED(hr)) VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_FAILED_TO_CREATE_PERM); // Allows for the correct message to be printed by the compiler return hr; } HRESULT BlobToAttributeSet(BYTE* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, CORSEC_ATTRSET* pAttrSet, DWORD dwAction) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; SIZE_T cbPos = 0; BYTE* pBufferEnd = pBuffer + cbBuffer; memset(pAttrSet, '\0', sizeof(CORSEC_ATTRSET)); if (dwAction >= dclDemand && dwAction <= dclRequestRefuse) pAttrSet->dwAction = dwAction; // Already lies in the publicly visible range ( values that managed enum SecurityAction can take) else { // Map the action to a publicly visible value if (dwAction == dclNonCasDemand) pAttrSet->dwAction = dclDemand; else if (dwAction == dclNonCasInheritance) pAttrSet->dwAction = dclInheritanceCheck; else if (dwAction == dclNonCasLinkDemand) pAttrSet->dwAction = dclLinktimeCheck; else { // We have an unexpected security action here. It would be nice to fail, but for compatibility we need to simply // reset the action to Nil. pAttrSet->dwAction = dclActionNil; } } // Deserialize the LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG to identify serialization of CORSEC_ATTRSET (as opposed to '<' which would indicate a serialized permission as Xml) BYTE firstChar = pBuffer[cbPos]; cbPos++; if(firstChar != LAZY_DECL_SEC_FLAG) return S_FALSE; // Deserialize the attribute count BYTE* pBufferNext; IfFailRet(CPackedLen::SafeGetLength((BYTE const *)&pBuffer[cbPos], (BYTE const *)pBufferEnd, &pAttrSet->dwAttrCount, (BYTE const **)&pBufferNext)); cbPos += pBufferNext - &pBuffer[cbPos]; if(pAttrSet->dwAttrCount > 0) { pAttrSet->pAttrs = new (nothrow) CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE[pAttrSet->dwAttrCount]; if(!pAttrSet->pAttrs) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pAttrSet->dwAllocated = pAttrSet->dwAttrCount; } // Deserialize the attributes DWORD i; for(i = 0; i < pAttrSet->dwAttrCount; i++) { CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE *pAttr = &pAttrSet->pAttrs[i]; hr = SecurityAttributes::DeserializeAttribute(pAttr, pBuffer, cbBuffer, &cbPos); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return S_OK; } // This function takes an array of COR_SECATTR (which wrap custom security attribute blobs) and // converts it to an array of CORSEC_ATTRSET (which contains partially-parsed custom security attribute // blobs grouped by SecurityAction). Note that you must delete all the pPermissions that this allocates // for each COR_SECATTR HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GroupSecurityAttributesByAction( CORSEC_ATTRSET /*OUT*/rPermSets[], COR_SECATTR rSecAttrs[], ULONG cSecAttrs, mdToken tkObj, ULONG *pulErrorAttr, CMiniMdRW* pMiniMd, IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i, j, k; DWORD dwAction; BYTE* pData = NULL; CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE* pPerm; mdTypeDef tkParent; TypeDefRec* pTypeDefRec; MemberRefRec* pMemberRefRec; TypeRefRec* pTypeRefRec; SIZE_T cbAllocationSize; // If you are calling this at compile-time, you should pass in pMiniMd, and pInternalImport should be NULL // If you are calling this at run-time, you should pass in pInternalImport, and pMiniMd should be NULL _ASSERTE((pMiniMd && !pInternalImport) || (!pMiniMd && pInternalImport)); // Calculate number and sizes of permission sets to produce. This depends on // the security action code encoded as the single parameter to the // constructor for each security custom attribute. for (i = 0; i < cSecAttrs; i++) { if (pulErrorAttr) *pulErrorAttr = i; // Perform basic validation of the header of each security custom // attribute constructor call. pData = (BYTE*)rSecAttrs[i].pCustomAttribute; // Check minimum length. if (rSecAttrs[i].cbCustomAttribute < (sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(WORD))) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_TRUNCATED); } // Check version. if (GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(pData) != 1) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_VERSION); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_VERSION); } pData += sizeof(WORD); // Extract and check security action. if(pData[2] == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY) // check to see if it's a HostProtection attribute w/o an action dwAction = dclLinktimeCheck; else dwAction = GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(pData); if (dwAction == dclActionNil || dwAction > dclMaximumValue) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION); } // All other declarative security only valid on types and methods. if (TypeFromToken(tkObj) == mdtAssembly) { // Assemblies can only take permission requests. if (dwAction != dclRequestMinimum && dwAction != dclRequestOptional && dwAction != dclRequestRefuse) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION_ASM); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION_ASM); } } else if (TypeFromToken(tkObj) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(tkObj) == mdtMethodDef) { // Types and methods can only take declarative security. if (dwAction != dclRequest && dwAction != dclDemand && dwAction != dclAssert && dwAction != dclDeny && dwAction != dclPermitOnly && dwAction != dclLinktimeCheck && dwAction != dclInheritanceCheck) { VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION_OTHER); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION_OTHER); } } else { // Permission sets can't be attached to anything else. VMPostError(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_PARENT); IfFailGo(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_PARENT); } rPermSets[dwAction].dwAttrCount++; } // Initialize the descriptor for each type of permission set we are going to // produce. for (i = 0; i <= dclMaximumValue; i++) { if (rPermSets[i].dwAttrCount == 0) continue; rPermSets[i].tkObj = tkObj; rPermSets[i].dwAction = i; rPermSets[i].pImport = NULL; rPermSets[i].pAppDomain = NULL; rPermSets[i].pAttrs = new (nothrow) CORSEC_ATTRIBUTE[rPermSets[i].dwAttrCount]; IfNullGo(rPermSets[i].pAttrs); // Initialize a descriptor for each permission within the permission set. for (j = 0, k = 0; j < rPermSets[i].dwAttrCount; j++, k++) { // Locate the next security attribute that contributes to this // permission set. for (; k < cSecAttrs; k++) { pData = (BYTE*)rSecAttrs[k].pCustomAttribute; if(pData[4] == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY) // check to see if it's a HostProtection attribute w/o an action dwAction = dclLinktimeCheck; else dwAction = GET_UNALIGNED_VAL32(pData + sizeof(WORD)); if (dwAction == i) break; } _ASSERTE(k < cSecAttrs); if (pulErrorAttr) *pulErrorAttr = k; // Initialize the permission. pPerm = &rPermSets[i].pAttrs[j]; pPerm->tkCtor = rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor; pPerm->dwIndex = k; if(pData[4] == SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY) // check to see if it's a HostProtection attribute w/o an action { _ASSERTE(!pPerm->pbValues); //pPerm->pbValues = pData + (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(WORD)); if (!ClrSafeInt::subtraction(rSecAttrs[k].cbCustomAttribute, (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(WORD)), pPerm->cbValues)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pPerm->wValues = GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(pData + sizeof (WORD)); // Prefast overflow sanity check the addition. if (!ClrSafeInt::addition(pPerm->cbValues, sizeof(WORD), cbAllocationSize)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pPerm->pbValues = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbAllocationSize]; if(!pPerm->pbValues) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(pPerm->pbValues, pData + (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(WORD)), pPerm->cbValues); } else { _ASSERTE(!pPerm->pbValues); //pPerm->pbValues = pData + (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(WORD)); if (!ClrSafeInt::subtraction(rSecAttrs[k].cbCustomAttribute, (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof (DWORD) + sizeof(WORD)), pPerm->cbValues)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pPerm->wValues = GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(pData + sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(DWORD)); // Prefast overflow sanity check the addition. if (!ClrSafeInt::addition(pPerm->cbValues, sizeof(WORD), cbAllocationSize)) return COR_E_OVERFLOW; pPerm->pbValues = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbAllocationSize]; if(!pPerm->pbValues) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(pPerm->pbValues, pData + (sizeof (WORD) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(WORD)), pPerm->cbValues); } CQuickBytes qbFullName; CHAR* szFullName = NULL; LPCSTR szTypeName; LPCSTR szTypeNamespace; // Follow the security custom attribute constructor back up to its // defining assembly (so we know how to load its definition). If the // token resolution scope is not defined, it's assumed to be // mscorlib. if (TypeFromToken(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor) == mdtMethodDef) { if (pMiniMd != NULL) { // scratch buffer for full type name szFullName = (CHAR*) qbFullName.AllocNoThrow((MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(CHAR)); if(szFullName == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // grab the type that contains the security attribute constructor IfFailGo(pMiniMd->FindParentOfMethodHelper(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor, &tkParent)); // scratch buffer for nested type names CQuickBytes qbBuffer; CHAR* szBuffer; CHAR* szName = NULL; BOOL fFirstLoop = TRUE; pTypeDefRec = NULL; do { // get outer type name IfFailGo(pMiniMd->GetTypeDefRecord(RidFromToken(tkParent), &pTypeDefRec)); IfFailGo(pMiniMd->getNameOfTypeDef(pTypeDefRec, (LPCSTR *)&szName)); // If this is the first time through the loop, just assign values, otherwise build nested type name. if (!fFirstLoop) { szBuffer = (CHAR*) qbBuffer.AllocNoThrow((MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(CHAR)); if(szBuffer == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ns::MakeNestedTypeName(szBuffer, (MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(CHAR), szName, szFullName); szName = szBuffer; } else { fFirstLoop = FALSE; } // copy into buffer size_t localLen = strlen(szName) + 1; strcpy_s(szFullName, localLen, szName); // move to next parent DWORD dwFlags = pMiniMd->getFlagsOfTypeDef(pTypeDefRec); if (IsTdNested(dwFlags)) { RID ridNestedRec; IfFailGo(pMiniMd->FindNestedClassHelper(tkParent, &ridNestedRec)); _ASSERTE(!InvalidRid(ridNestedRec)); NestedClassRec *pNestedRec; IfFailGo(pMiniMd->GetNestedClassRecord(ridNestedRec, &pNestedRec)); tkParent = pMiniMd->getEnclosingClassOfNestedClass(pNestedRec); } else { tkParent = NULL; } } while (tkParent != NULL); IfFailGo(pMiniMd->getNamespaceOfTypeDef(pTypeDefRec, &szTypeNamespace)); szTypeName = szFullName; } else { IfFailGo(pInternalImport->GetParentToken(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor, &tkParent)); IfFailGo(pInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tkParent, &szTypeName, &szTypeNamespace)); } pPerm->tkTypeRef = mdTokenNil; pPerm->tkAssemblyRef = mdTokenNil; } else { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor) == mdtMemberRef); // Get the type ref if (pMiniMd != NULL) { IfFailGo(pMiniMd->GetMemberRefRecord(RidFromToken(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor), &pMemberRefRec)); pPerm->tkTypeRef = pMiniMd->getClassOfMemberRef(pMemberRefRec); } else { IfFailGo(pInternalImport->GetParentOfMemberRef(rSecAttrs[k].tkCtor, &pPerm->tkTypeRef)); } _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(pPerm->tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeRef); // Get an assembly ref pPerm->tkAssemblyRef = pPerm->tkTypeRef; pTypeRefRec = NULL; do { if (pMiniMd != NULL) { IfFailGo(pMiniMd->GetTypeRefRecord(RidFromToken(pPerm->tkAssemblyRef), &pTypeRefRec)); pPerm->tkAssemblyRef = pMiniMd->getResolutionScopeOfTypeRef(pTypeRefRec); } else { IfFailGo(pInternalImport->GetResolutionScopeOfTypeRef(pPerm->tkAssemblyRef, &pPerm->tkAssemblyRef)); } // loop because nested types have a resolution scope of the parent type rather than an assembly } while(TypeFromToken(pPerm->tkAssemblyRef) == mdtTypeRef); // Figure out the fully qualified type name if (pMiniMd != NULL) { IfFailGo(pMiniMd->getNamespaceOfTypeRef(pTypeRefRec, &szTypeNamespace)); IfFailGo(pMiniMd->getNameOfTypeRef(pTypeRefRec, &szTypeName)); } else { IfFailGo(pInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeRef(pPerm->tkTypeRef, &szTypeNamespace, &szTypeName)); } } CQuickBytes qb; CHAR* szTmp = (CHAR*) qb.AllocNoThrow((MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(CHAR)); if(szTmp == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ns::MakePath(szTmp, MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH, szTypeNamespace, szTypeName); size_t len = strlen(szTmp) + 1; pPerm->pName = new (nothrow) CHAR[len]; if(!pPerm->pName) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; strcpy_s(pPerm->pName, len, szTmp); } } ErrExit: return hr; }