// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "eventpipebuffermanager.h" #include "eventpipeeventinstance.h" #include "sampleprofiler.h" #include "hosting.h" #include "threadsuspend.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #include #endif //FEATURE_PAL const unsigned long NUM_NANOSECONDS_IN_1_MS = 1000000; Volatile SampleProfiler::s_profilingEnabled = false; Thread* SampleProfiler::s_pSamplingThread = NULL; const WCHAR* SampleProfiler::s_providerName = W("Microsoft-DotNETCore-SampleProfiler"); EventPipeProvider* SampleProfiler::s_pEventPipeProvider = NULL; EventPipeEvent* SampleProfiler::s_pThreadTimeEvent = NULL; BYTE* SampleProfiler::s_pPayloadExternal = NULL; BYTE* SampleProfiler::s_pPayloadManaged = NULL; CLREventStatic SampleProfiler::s_threadShutdownEvent; unsigned long SampleProfiler::s_samplingRateInNs = NUM_NANOSECONDS_IN_1_MS; // 1ms bool SampleProfiler::s_timePeriodIsSet = FALSE; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL PVOID SampleProfiler::s_timeBeginPeriodFn = NULL; PVOID SampleProfiler::s_timeEndPeriodFn = NULL; HINSTANCE SampleProfiler::s_hMultimediaLib = NULL; typedef MMRESULT (WINAPI *TimePeriodFnPtr) (UINT uPeriod); #endif //FEATURE_PAL void SampleProfiler::Enable() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(s_pSamplingThread == NULL); // Synchronization of multiple callers occurs in EventPipe::Enable. PRECONDITION(EventPipe::GetLock()->OwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; LoadDependencies(); if(s_pEventPipeProvider == NULL) { s_pEventPipeProvider = EventPipe::CreateProvider(SL(s_providerName)); s_pThreadTimeEvent = s_pEventPipeProvider->AddEvent( 0, /* eventID */ 0, /* keywords */ 0, /* eventVersion */ EventPipeEventLevel::Informational, false /* NeedStack */); } // Check to see if the sample profiler event is enabled. If it is not, do not spin up the sampling thread. if(!s_pThreadTimeEvent->IsEnabled()) { return; } if(s_pPayloadExternal == NULL) { s_pPayloadExternal = new BYTE[sizeof(unsigned int)]; *((unsigned int *)s_pPayloadExternal) = static_cast(SampleProfilerSampleType::External); s_pPayloadManaged = new BYTE[sizeof(unsigned int)]; *((unsigned int *)s_pPayloadManaged) = static_cast(SampleProfilerSampleType::Managed); } s_profilingEnabled = true; s_pSamplingThread = SetupUnstartedThread(); if(s_pSamplingThread->CreateNewThread(0, ThreadProc, NULL)) { // Start the sampling thread. s_pSamplingThread->SetBackground(TRUE); s_pSamplingThread->StartThread(); } else { _ASSERT(!"Unable to create sample profiler thread."); } s_threadShutdownEvent.CreateManualEvent(FALSE); SetTimeGranularity(); } void SampleProfiler::Disable() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; // Synchronization of multiple callers occurs in EventPipe::Disable. PRECONDITION(EventPipe::GetLock()->OwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; // Bail early if profiling is not enabled. if(!s_profilingEnabled) { return; } // Reset the event before shutdown. s_threadShutdownEvent.Reset(); // The sampling thread will watch this value and exit // when profiling is disabled. s_profilingEnabled = false; // Wait for the sampling thread to clean itself up. s_threadShutdownEvent.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE /* bAlertable */); s_threadShutdownEvent.CloseEvent(); if(s_timePeriodIsSet) { ResetTimeGranularity(); } UnloadDependencies(); } void SampleProfiler::SetSamplingRate(unsigned long nanoseconds) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // If the time period setting was modified by us, // make sure to change it back before changing our period // and losing track of what we set it to if(s_timePeriodIsSet) { ResetTimeGranularity(); } s_samplingRateInNs = nanoseconds; if(!s_timePeriodIsSet) { SetTimeGranularity(); } } DWORD WINAPI SampleProfiler::ThreadProc(void *args) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(s_pSamplingThread != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // Complete thread initialization and start the profiling loop. if(s_pSamplingThread->HasStarted()) { // Switch to pre-emptive mode so that this thread doesn't starve the GC. GCX_PREEMP(); while(s_profilingEnabled) { // Check to see if we can suspend managed execution. if(ThreadSuspend::SysIsSuspendInProgress() || (ThreadSuspend::GetSuspensionThread() != 0)) { // Skip the current sample. PlatformSleep(s_samplingRateInNs); continue; } // Actually suspend managed execution. ThreadSuspend::SuspendEE(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_REASON::SUSPEND_OTHER); // Walk all managed threads and capture stacks. WalkManagedThreads(); // Resume managed execution. ThreadSuspend::RestartEE(FALSE /* bFinishedGC */, TRUE /* SuspendSucceeded */); // Wait until it's time to sample again. PlatformSleep(s_samplingRateInNs); } } // Destroy the sampling thread when it is done running. DestroyThread(s_pSamplingThread); s_pSamplingThread = NULL; // Signal Disable() that the thread has been destroyed. s_threadShutdownEvent.Set(); return S_OK; } // The thread store lock must already be held by the thread before this function // is called. ThreadSuspend::SuspendEE acquires the thread store lock. void SampleProfiler::WalkManagedThreads() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; Thread *pTargetThread = NULL; // Iterate over all managed threads. // Assumes that the ThreadStoreLock is held because we've suspended all threads. while ((pTargetThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pTargetThread)) != NULL) { StackContents stackContents; // Walk the stack and write it out as an event. if(EventPipe::WalkManagedStackForThread(pTargetThread, stackContents) && !stackContents.IsEmpty()) { // Set the payload. If the GC mode on suspension > 0, then the thread was in cooperative mode. // Even though there are some cases where this is not managed code, we assume it is managed code here. // If the GC mode on suspension == 0 then the thread was in preemptive mode, which we qualify as external here. BYTE *pPayload = s_pPayloadExternal; if(pTargetThread->GetGCModeOnSuspension()) { pPayload = s_pPayloadManaged; } // Write the sample. EventPipe::WriteSampleProfileEvent(s_pSamplingThread, s_pThreadTimeEvent, pTargetThread, stackContents, pPayload, c_payloadSize); } // Reset the GC mode. pTargetThread->ClearGCModeOnSuspension(); } } void SampleProfiler::PlatformSleep(unsigned long nanoseconds) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL PAL_nanosleep(nanoseconds); #else //FEATURE_PAL ClrSleepEx(s_samplingRateInNs / NUM_NANOSECONDS_IN_1_MS, FALSE); #endif //FEATURE_PAL } void SampleProfiler::SetTimeGranularity() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // Attempt to set the systems minimum timer period to the sampling rate // If the sampling rate is lower than the current system setting (16ms by default), // this will cause the OS to wake more often for scheduling descsion, allowing us to take samples // Note that is effects a system-wide setting and when set low will increase the amount of time // the OS is on-CPU, decreasing overall system performance and increasing power consumption if(s_timeBeginPeriodFn != NULL) { if(((TimePeriodFnPtr) s_timeBeginPeriodFn)(s_samplingRateInNs / NUM_NANOSECONDS_IN_1_MS) == TIMERR_NOERROR) { s_timePeriodIsSet = TRUE; } } #endif //FEATURE_PAL } void SampleProfiler::ResetTimeGranularity() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // End the modifications we had to the timer period in Enable if(s_timeEndPeriodFn != NULL) { if(((TimePeriodFnPtr) s_timeEndPeriodFn)(s_samplingRateInNs / NUM_NANOSECONDS_IN_1_MS) == TIMERR_NOERROR) { s_timePeriodIsSet = FALSE; } } #endif //FEATURE_PAL } bool SampleProfiler::LoadDependencies() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL s_hMultimediaLib = WszLoadLibrary(W("winmm.dll")); if (s_hMultimediaLib != NULL) { s_timeBeginPeriodFn = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(s_hMultimediaLib, "timeBeginPeriod"); s_timeEndPeriodFn = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(s_hMultimediaLib, "timeEndPeriod"); } return s_hMultimediaLib != NULL && s_timeBeginPeriodFn != NULL && s_timeEndPeriodFn != NULL; #else return FALSE; #endif //FEATURE_PAL } void SampleProfiler::UnloadDependencies() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (s_hMultimediaLib != NULL) { FreeLibrary(s_hMultimediaLib); s_hMultimediaLib = NULL; s_timeBeginPeriodFn = NULL; s_timeEndPeriodFn = NULL; } #endif //FEATURE_PAL } #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING