// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // =========================================================================== // File: REJIT.H // // // REJIT.H defines the class and structures used to store info about rejitted // methods. See comment at top of rejit.cpp for more information on how // rejit works. // // =========================================================================== #ifndef _REJIT_H_ #define _REJIT_H_ #include "common.h" #include "contractimpl.h" #include "shash.h" #include "corprof.h" #include "codeversion.h" class ReJitManager; class MethodDesc; class ClrDataAccess; #ifdef FEATURE_REJIT //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The CLR's implementation of ICorProfilerFunctionControl, which is passed // to the profiler. The profiler calls methods on this to specify the IL and // codegen flags for a given rejit request. // class ProfilerFunctionControl : public ICorProfilerFunctionControl { public: ProfilerFunctionControl(LoaderHeap * pHeap); virtual ~ProfilerFunctionControl(); // IUnknown functions virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID id, void** pInterface); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(); // ICorProfilerFunctionControl functions virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetCodegenFlags(DWORD flags); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetILFunctionBody(ULONG cbNewILMethodHeader, LPCBYTE pbNewILMethodHeader); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetILInstrumentedCodeMap(ULONG cILMapEntries, COR_IL_MAP * rgILMapEntries); // Accessors DWORD GetCodegenFlags(); LPBYTE GetIL(); ULONG GetInstrumentedMapEntryCount(); COR_IL_MAP* GetInstrumentedMapEntries(); protected: Volatile m_refCount; LoaderHeap * m_pHeap; DWORD m_dwCodegenFlags; ULONG m_cbIL; // This pointer will get copied into SharedReJitInfo::m_pbIL and owned there. LPBYTE m_pbIL; ULONG m_cInstrumentedMapEntries; COR_IL_MAP * m_rgInstrumentedMapEntries; }; #endif // FEATURE_REJIT //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The big honcho. One of these per AppDomain, plus one for the // SharedDomain. Contains the hash table of ReJitInfo structures to manage // every rejit and revert request for its owning domain. // class ReJitManager { friend class ClrDataAccess; friend class DacDbiInterfaceImpl; private: #ifdef FEATURE_REJIT // One global crst (for the entire CLR instance) to synchronize // cross-ReJitManager operations, such as batch calls to RequestRejit and // RequestRevert (which modify multiple ReJitManager instances). static CrstStatic s_csGlobalRequest; #endif //FEATURE_REJIT public: static void InitStatic(); static BOOL IsReJITEnabled(); static HRESULT RequestReJIT( ULONG cFunctions, ModuleID rgModuleIDs[], mdMethodDef rgMethodDefs[]); static HRESULT RequestRevert( ULONG cFunctions, ModuleID rgModuleIDs[], mdMethodDef rgMethodDefs[], HRESULT rgHrStatuses[]); static HRESULT ConfigureILCodeVersion(ILCodeVersion ilCodeVersion); static CORJIT_FLAGS JitFlagsFromProfCodegenFlags(DWORD dwCodegenFlags); static ReJITID GetReJitId(PTR_MethodDesc pMD, PCODE pCodeStart); static ReJITID GetReJitIdNoLock(PTR_MethodDesc pMD, PCODE pCodeStart); static HRESULT GetReJITIDs(PTR_MethodDesc pMD, ULONG cReJitIds, ULONG * pcReJitIds, ReJITID reJitIds[]); #ifdef FEATURE_REJIT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static void ReportReJITError(CodeVersionManager::CodePublishError* pErrorRecord); static void ReportReJITError(Module* pModule, mdMethodDef methodDef, MethodDesc* pMD, HRESULT hrStatus); #endif private: static HRESULT UpdateActiveILVersions( ULONG cFunctions, ModuleID rgModuleIDs[], mdMethodDef rgMethodDefs[], HRESULT rgHrStatuses[], BOOL fIsRevert); struct CodeActivationBatch { CodeActivationBatch(CodeVersionManager * pCodeVersionManager) : m_pCodeVersionManager(pCodeVersionManager) {} CodeVersionManager* m_pCodeVersionManager; CDynArray m_methodsToActivate; }; class CodeActivationBatchTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { public: typedef DefaultSHashTraits PARENT; typedef PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef PARENT::count_t count_t; typedef CodeVersionManager * key_t; static key_t GetKey(const element_t &e) { return e->m_pCodeVersionManager; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { return (k1 == k2); } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { return (count_t)(SIZE_T)k; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { return (e == NULL); } }; static HRESULT BindILVersion( CodeVersionManager* pCodeVersionManager, PTR_Module pModule, mdMethodDef methodDef, ILCodeVersion *pILCodeVersion); #endif // FEATURE_REJIT }; #include "rejit.inl" #endif // _REJIT_H_