// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: ReadyToRunInfo.cpp // // // Runtime support for Ready to Run // =========================================================================== #include "common.h" #include "dbginterface.h" #include "compile.h" #include "versionresilienthashcode.h" #include "typehashingalgorithms.h" using namespace NativeFormat; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * ReadyToRunInfo::FindSection(DWORD type) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; PTR_READYTORUN_SECTION pSections = dac_cast(dac_cast(m_pHeader) + sizeof(READYTORUN_HEADER)); for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_pHeader->NumberOfSections; i++) { // Verify that section types are sorted _ASSERTE(i == 0 || (pSections[i-1].Type < pSections[i].Type)); READYTORUN_SECTION * pSection = pSections + i; if (pSection->Type == type) return &pSection->Section; } return NULL; } MethodDesc * ReadyToRunInfo::GetMethodDescForEntryPoint(PCODE entryPoint) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ // A normal method entry point is always 8 byte aligned, but a funclet can start at an odd address. // Since PtrHashMap can't handle odd pointers, check for this case and return NULL. if ((entryPoint & 0x1) != 0) return NULL; #endif TADDR val = (TADDR)m_entryPointToMethodDescMap.LookupValue(PCODEToPINSTR(entryPoint), (LPVOID)PCODEToPINSTR(entryPoint)); if (val == (TADDR)INVALIDENTRY) return NULL; return dac_cast(val); } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::HasHashtableOfTypes() { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; return !m_availableTypesHashtable.IsNull(); } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::TryLookupTypeTokenFromName(NameHandle *pName, mdToken * pFoundTypeToken) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_INTOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(!m_availableTypesHashtable.IsNull()); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_availableTypesHashtable.IsNull()) return FALSE; LPCUTF8 pszName = NULL; LPCUTF8 pszNameSpace = NULL; // // Compute the hashcode of the type (hashcode based on type name and namespace name) // int dwHashCode = 0; if (pName->GetTypeToken() == mdtBaseType || pName->GetTypeModule() == NULL) { // Name-based lookups (ex: Type.GetType()). pszName = pName->GetName(); pszNameSpace = ""; if (pName->GetNameSpace() != NULL) { pszNameSpace = pName->GetNameSpace(); } else { LPCUTF8 p; CQuickBytes szNamespace; if ((p = ns::FindSep(pszName)) != NULL) { SIZE_T d = p - pszName; FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); pszNameSpace = szNamespace.SetStringNoThrow(pszName, d); if (pszNameSpace == NULL) return FALSE; pszName = (p + 1); } } _ASSERT(pszNameSpace != NULL); dwHashCode ^= ComputeNameHashCode(pszNameSpace, pszName); // Bucket is not 'null' for a nested type, and it will have information about the nested type's encloser if (!pName->GetBucket().IsNull()) { // Must be a token based bucket that we found earlier in the R2R types hashtable _ASSERT(pName->GetBucket().GetEntryType() == HashedTypeEntry::IsHashedTokenEntry); const HashedTypeEntry::TokenTypeEntry& tokenBasedEncloser = pName->GetBucket().GetTokenBasedEntryValue(); // Token must be a typedef token that we previously resolved (we shouldn't get here with an exported type token) _ASSERT(TypeFromToken(tokenBasedEncloser.m_TypeToken) == mdtTypeDef); int dwCurrentHashCode; mdToken mdCurrentTypeToken = tokenBasedEncloser.m_TypeToken; if (!GetVersionResilientTypeHashCode(tokenBasedEncloser.m_pModule->GetMDImport(), mdCurrentTypeToken, &dwCurrentHashCode)) return FALSE; dwHashCode ^= dwCurrentHashCode; } } else { // Token based lookups (ex: tokens from IL code) if (!GetVersionResilientTypeHashCode(pName->GetTypeModule()->GetMDImport(), pName->GetTypeToken(), &dwHashCode)) return FALSE; } // // Lookup the type in the native hashtable using the computed token // { NativeHashtable::Enumerator lookup = m_availableTypesHashtable.Lookup((int)dwHashCode); NativeParser entryParser; while (lookup.GetNext(entryParser)) { DWORD ridAndFlag = entryParser.GetUnsigned(); mdToken cl = ((ridAndFlag & 1) ? ((ridAndFlag >> 1) | mdtExportedType) : ((ridAndFlag >> 1) | mdtTypeDef)); _ASSERT(RidFromToken(cl) != 0); if (pName->GetTypeToken() == mdtBaseType || pName->GetTypeModule() == NULL) { // Compare type name and namespace name LPCUTF8 pszFoundName; LPCUTF8 pszFoundNameSpace; if (!GetTypeNameFromToken(m_pModule->GetMDImport(), cl, &pszFoundName, &pszFoundNameSpace)) continue; if (strcmp(pszName, pszFoundName) != 0 || strcmp(pszNameSpace, pszFoundNameSpace) != 0) continue; mdToken mdFoundTypeEncloser; BOOL inputTypeHasEncloser = !pName->GetBucket().IsNull(); BOOL foundTypeHasEncloser = GetEnclosingToken(m_pModule->GetMDImport(), cl, &mdFoundTypeEncloser); if (inputTypeHasEncloser != foundTypeHasEncloser) continue; // Compare the enclosing types chain for a match if (inputTypeHasEncloser) { const HashedTypeEntry::TokenTypeEntry& tokenBasedEncloser = pName->GetBucket().GetTokenBasedEntryValue(); if (!CompareTypeNameOfTokens(tokenBasedEncloser.m_TypeToken, tokenBasedEncloser.m_pModule->GetMDImport(), mdFoundTypeEncloser, m_pModule->GetMDImport())) continue; } } else { // Compare type name, namespace name, and enclosing types chain for a match if (!CompareTypeNameOfTokens(pName->GetTypeToken(), pName->GetTypeModule()->GetMDImport(), cl, m_pModule->GetMDImport())) continue; } // Found a match! *pFoundTypeToken = cl; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; // No matching type found } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::GetTypeNameFromToken(IMDInternalImport * pImport, mdToken mdType, LPCUTF8 * ppszName, LPCUTF8 * ppszNameSpace) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtTypeRef || TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtExportedType); } CONTRACTL_END; switch (TypeFromToken(mdType)) { case mdtTypeDef: return SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(mdType, ppszName, ppszNameSpace)); case mdtTypeRef: return SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetNameOfTypeRef(mdType, ppszNameSpace, ppszName)); case mdtExportedType: return SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetExportedTypeProps(mdType, ppszNameSpace, ppszName, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } return FALSE; } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::GetEnclosingToken(IMDInternalImport * pImport, mdToken mdType, mdToken * pEnclosingToken) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtTypeRef || TypeFromToken(mdType) == mdtExportedType); } CONTRACTL_END; mdToken mdEncloser; switch (TypeFromToken(mdType)) { case mdtTypeDef: return SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetNestedClassProps(mdType, pEnclosingToken)); case mdtTypeRef: if (SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetResolutionScopeOfTypeRef(mdType, pEnclosingToken))) return ((TypeFromToken(*pEnclosingToken) == mdtTypeRef) && (*pEnclosingToken != mdTypeRefNil)); case mdtExportedType: if (SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetExportedTypeProps(mdType, NULL, NULL, pEnclosingToken, NULL, NULL))) return ((TypeFromToken(*pEnclosingToken) == mdtExportedType) && (*pEnclosingToken != mdExportedTypeNil)); } return FALSE; } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::CompareTypeNameOfTokens(mdToken mdToken1, IMDInternalImport * pImport1, mdToken mdToken2, IMDInternalImport * pImport2) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(mdToken1) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(mdToken1) == mdtTypeRef || TypeFromToken(mdToken1) == mdtExportedType); PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(mdToken2) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(mdToken2) == mdtExportedType); } CONTRACTL_END; BOOL hasEncloser; do { LPCUTF8 pszName1; LPCUTF8 pszNameSpace1; if (!GetTypeNameFromToken(pImport1, mdToken1, &pszName1, &pszNameSpace1)) return FALSE; LPCUTF8 pszName2; LPCUTF8 pszNameSpace2; if (!GetTypeNameFromToken(pImport2, mdToken2, &pszName2, &pszNameSpace2)) return FALSE; if (strcmp(pszName1, pszName2) != 0 || strcmp(pszNameSpace1, pszNameSpace2) != 0) return FALSE; if ((hasEncloser = GetEnclosingToken(pImport1, mdToken1, &mdToken1)) != GetEnclosingToken(pImport2, mdToken2, &mdToken2)) return FALSE; } while (hasEncloser); return TRUE; } PTR_BYTE ReadyToRunInfo::GetDebugInfo(PTR_RUNTIME_FUNCTION pRuntimeFunction) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; THROWS; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pDebugInfoDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_DEBUG_INFO); if (pDebugInfoDir == NULL) return NULL; SIZE_T methodIndex = pRuntimeFunction - m_pRuntimeFunctions; _ASSERTE(methodIndex < m_nRuntimeFunctions); NativeArray debugInfoIndex(dac_cast(PTR_HOST_INT_TO_TADDR(&m_nativeReader)), pDebugInfoDir->VirtualAddress); uint offset; if (!debugInfoIndex.TryGetAt((DWORD)methodIndex, &offset)) return NULL; uint lookBack; uint debugInfoOffset = m_nativeReader.DecodeUnsigned(offset, &lookBack); if (lookBack != 0) debugInfoOffset = offset - lookBack; return dac_cast(m_pLayout->GetBase()) + debugInfoOffset; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::IsReadyToRunEnabled() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; static ConfigDWORD configReadyToRun; return configReadyToRun.val(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_ReadyToRun); } // A log file to record success/failure of R2R loads. s_r2rLogFile can have the following values: // -1: Logging not yet initialized. // NULL: Logging disabled. // Any other value: Handle of the log file. static FILE * volatile s_r2rLogFile = (FILE *)(-1); static void LogR2r(const char *msg, PEFile *pFile) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Make a local copy of s_r2rLogFile, so we're not affected by other threads. FILE *r2rLogFile = s_r2rLogFile; if (r2rLogFile == (FILE *)(-1)) { // Initialize Ready to Run logging. Any errors cause logging to be disabled. NewArrayHolder wszReadyToRunLogFile; if (SUCCEEDED(CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_ReadyToRunLogFile, &wszReadyToRunLogFile)) && wszReadyToRunLogFile) { // Append process ID to the log file name, so multiple processes can log at the same time. StackSString fullname; fullname.Printf(W("%s.%u"), wszReadyToRunLogFile.GetValue(), GetCurrentProcessId()); r2rLogFile = _wfopen(fullname.GetUnicode(), W("w")); } else r2rLogFile = NULL; if (r2rLogFile != NULL && !ReadyToRunInfo::IsReadyToRunEnabled()) { fputs("Ready to Run not enabled.\n", r2rLogFile); fclose(r2rLogFile); r2rLogFile = NULL; } if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&s_r2rLogFile, r2rLogFile, (FILE *)(-1)) != (FILE *)(-1)) { if (r2rLogFile != NULL) fclose(r2rLogFile); r2rLogFile = s_r2rLogFile; } } if (r2rLogFile == NULL) return; fprintf(r2rLogFile, "%s: \"%S\".\n", msg, pFile->GetPath().GetUnicode()); fflush(r2rLogFile); } #define DoLog(msg) if (s_r2rLogFile != NULL) LogR2r(msg, pFile) // Try to acquire an R2R image for exclusive use by a particular module. // Returns true if successful. Returns false if the image is already been used // by another module. Each R2R image has a space to store a pointer to the // module that owns it. We set this pointer unless it has already be // initialized to point to another Module. static bool AcquireImage(Module * pModule, PEImageLayout * pLayout, READYTORUN_HEADER * pHeader) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // First find the import sections of the image. READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION * pImportSections = NULL; READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION * pImportSectionsEnd = NULL; READYTORUN_SECTION * pSections = (READYTORUN_SECTION*)(pHeader + 1); for (DWORD i = 0; i < pHeader->NumberOfSections; i++) { if (pSections[i].Type == READYTORUN_SECTION_IMPORT_SECTIONS) { pImportSections = (READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION*)((PBYTE)pLayout->GetBase() + pSections[i].Section.VirtualAddress); pImportSectionsEnd = (READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION*)((PBYTE)pImportSections + pSections[i].Section.Size); break; } } // Go through the import sections to find the import for the module pointer. for (READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION * pCurSection = pImportSections; pCurSection < pImportSectionsEnd; pCurSection++) { // The import for the module pointer is always in an eager fixup section, so skip delayed fixup sections. if ((pCurSection->Flags & READYTORUN_IMPORT_SECTION_FLAGS_EAGER) == 0) continue; // Found an eager fixup section. Check the signature of each fixup in this section. PVOID *pFixups = (PVOID *)((PBYTE)pLayout->GetBase() + pCurSection->Section.VirtualAddress); DWORD nFixups = pCurSection->Section.Size / sizeof(PVOID); DWORD *pSignatures = (DWORD *)((PBYTE)pLayout->GetBase() + pCurSection->Signatures); for (DWORD i = 0; i < nFixups; i++) { // See if we found the fixup for the Module pointer. PBYTE pSig = (PBYTE)pLayout->GetBase() + pSignatures[i]; if (pSig[0] == READYTORUN_FIXUP_Helper && pSig[1] == READYTORUN_HELPER_Module) { Module * pPrevious = InterlockedCompareExchangeT(EnsureWritablePages((Module **)(pFixups + i)), pModule, NULL); return pPrevious == NULL || pPrevious == pModule; } } } return false; } PTR_ReadyToRunInfo ReadyToRunInfo::Initialize(Module * pModule, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PEFile * pFile = pModule->GetFile(); // Ignore ReadyToRun for introspection-only loads if (pFile->IsIntrospectionOnly()) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - module loaded for reflection"); return NULL; } if (!pFile->HasLoadedIL()) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - no loaded IL image"); return NULL; } PEImageLayout * pLayout = pFile->GetLoadedIL(); if (!pLayout->HasReadyToRunHeader()) { DoLog("Ready to Run header not found"); return NULL; } if (!IsReadyToRunEnabled()) { // Log message is ignored in this case. DoLog(NULL); return NULL; } if (g_pConfig->ExcludeReadyToRun(pModule->GetSimpleName())) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - module on exclusion list"); return NULL; } if (!pLayout->IsNativeMachineFormat()) { #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR // For CoreCLR, be strict about disallowing machine mismatches. COMPlusThrowHR(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); #else DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - mismatched architecture"); return NULL; #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION // Ignore ReadyToRun during NGen if (IsCompilationProcess() && !IsNgenPDBCompilationProcess()) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - compilation process"); return NULL; } #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // The file must have been loaded using LoadLibrary if (!pLayout->IsRelocated()) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - module not loaded for execution"); return NULL; } #endif READYTORUN_HEADER * pHeader = pLayout->GetReadyToRunHeader(); // Ignore the content if the image major version is higher than the major version currently supported by the runtime if (pHeader->MajorVersion > READYTORUN_MAJOR_VERSION) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - unsupported header version"); return NULL; } if (!AcquireImage(pModule, pLayout, pHeader)) { DoLog("Ready to Run disabled - module already loaded in another AppDomain"); return NULL; } LoaderHeap *pHeap = pModule->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetHighFrequencyHeap(); void * pMemory = pamTracker->Track(pHeap->AllocMem((S_SIZE_T)sizeof(ReadyToRunInfo))); DoLog("Ready to Run initialized successfully"); return new (pMemory) ReadyToRunInfo(pModule, pLayout, pHeader); } ReadyToRunInfo::ReadyToRunInfo(Module * pModule, PEImageLayout * pLayout, READYTORUN_HEADER * pHeader) : m_pModule(pModule), m_pLayout(pLayout), m_pHeader(pHeader), m_Crst(CrstLeafLock) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pRuntimeFunctionsDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_RUNTIME_FUNCTIONS); if (pRuntimeFunctionsDir != NULL) { m_pRuntimeFunctions = (T_RUNTIME_FUNCTION *)pLayout->GetDirectoryData(pRuntimeFunctionsDir); m_nRuntimeFunctions = pRuntimeFunctionsDir->Size / sizeof(T_RUNTIME_FUNCTION); } else { m_nRuntimeFunctions = 0; } IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pImportSectionsDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_IMPORT_SECTIONS); if (pImportSectionsDir != NULL) { m_pImportSections = (CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION*)pLayout->GetDirectoryData(pImportSectionsDir); m_nImportSections = pImportSectionsDir->Size / sizeof(CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION); } else { m_nImportSections = 0; } m_nativeReader = NativeReader((byte *)pLayout->GetBase(), pLayout->GetVirtualSize()); IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pEntryPointsDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_METHODDEF_ENTRYPOINTS); if (pEntryPointsDir != NULL) { m_methodDefEntryPoints = NativeArray(&m_nativeReader, pEntryPointsDir->VirtualAddress); } IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pinstMethodsDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_INSTANCE_METHOD_ENTRYPOINTS); if (pinstMethodsDir != NULL) { NativeParser parser = NativeParser(&m_nativeReader, pinstMethodsDir->VirtualAddress); m_instMethodEntryPoints = NativeHashtable(parser); } IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pAvailableTypesDir = FindSection(READYTORUN_SECTION_AVAILABLE_TYPES); if (pAvailableTypesDir != NULL) { NativeParser parser = NativeParser(&m_nativeReader, pAvailableTypesDir->VirtualAddress); m_availableTypesHashtable = NativeHashtable(parser); } { LockOwner lock = {&m_Crst, IsOwnerOfCrst}; m_entryPointToMethodDescMap.Init(TRUE, &lock); } } static bool SigMatchesMethodDesc(MethodDesc* pMD, SigPointer &sig, Module * pModule) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ZapSig::Context zapSigContext(pModule, (void *)pModule, ZapSig::NormalTokens); ZapSig::Context * pZapSigContext = &zapSigContext; DWORD methodFlags; IfFailThrow(sig.GetData(&methodFlags)); if (methodFlags & ENCODE_METHOD_SIG_OwnerType) { PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSigType; DWORD cbSigType; sig.GetSignature(&pSigType, &cbSigType); if (!ZapSig::CompareSignatureToTypeHandle(pSigType, pModule, TypeHandle(pMD->GetMethodTable()), pZapSigContext)) return false; IfFailThrow(sig.SkipExactlyOne()); } _ASSERTE((methodFlags & ENCODE_METHOD_SIG_SlotInsteadOfToken) == 0); _ASSERTE((methodFlags & ENCODE_METHOD_SIG_MemberRefToken) == 0); RID rid; IfFailThrow(sig.GetData(&rid)); if (RidFromToken(pMD->GetMemberDef()) != rid) return false; if (methodFlags & ENCODE_METHOD_SIG_MethodInstantiation) { DWORD numGenericArgs; IfFailThrow(sig.GetData(&numGenericArgs)); Instantiation inst = pMD->GetMethodInstantiation(); if (numGenericArgs != inst.GetNumArgs()) return false; for (DWORD i = 0; i < numGenericArgs; i++) { PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSigArg; DWORD cbSigArg; sig.GetSignature(&pSigArg, &cbSigArg); if (!ZapSig::CompareSignatureToTypeHandle(pSigArg, pModule, inst[i], pZapSigContext)) return false; IfFailThrow(sig.SkipExactlyOne()); } } return true; } PCODE ReadyToRunInfo::GetEntryPoint(MethodDesc * pMD, BOOL fFixups /*=TRUE*/) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; mdToken token = pMD->GetMemberDef(); int rid = RidFromToken(token); if (rid == 0) return NULL; uint offset; if (pMD->HasClassOrMethodInstantiation()) { if (m_instMethodEntryPoints.IsNull()) return NULL; NativeHashtable::Enumerator lookup = m_instMethodEntryPoints.Lookup(GetVersionResilientMethodHashCode(pMD)); NativeParser entryParser; offset = -1; while (lookup.GetNext(entryParser)) { PCCOR_SIGNATURE pBlob = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)entryParser.GetBlob(); SigPointer sig(pBlob); if (SigMatchesMethodDesc(pMD, sig, m_pModule)) { // Get the updated SigPointer location, so we can calculate the size of the blob, // in order to skip the blob and find the entry point data. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSigNew; DWORD cbSigNew; sig.GetSignature(&pSigNew, &cbSigNew); offset = entryParser.GetOffset() + (uint)(pSigNew - pBlob); break; } } if (offset == -1) return NULL; } else { if (!m_methodDefEntryPoints.TryGetAt(rid - 1, &offset)) return NULL; } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED BOOL fShouldSearchCache = TRUE; { BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerTrackCacheSearches()); g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface-> JITCachedFunctionSearchStarted((FunctionID)pMD, &fShouldSearchCache); END_PIN_PROFILER(); } if (!fShouldSearchCache) { return NULL; } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE uint id; offset = m_nativeReader.DecodeUnsigned(offset, &id); if (id & 1) { if (id & 2) { uint val; m_nativeReader.DecodeUnsigned(offset, &val); offset -= val; } if (fFixups) { if (!m_pModule->FixupDelayList(dac_cast(m_pLayout->GetBase()) + offset)) return NULL; } id >>= 2; } else { id >>= 1; } _ASSERTE(id < m_nRuntimeFunctions); PCODE pEntryPoint = dac_cast(m_pLayout->GetBase()) + m_pRuntimeFunctions[id].BeginAddress; { CrstHolder ch(&m_Crst); if (m_entryPointToMethodDescMap.LookupValue(PCODEToPINSTR(pEntryPoint), (LPVOID)PCODEToPINSTR(pEntryPoint)) == (LPVOID)INVALIDENTRY) m_entryPointToMethodDescMap.InsertValue(PCODEToPINSTR(pEntryPoint), pMD); } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED { BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerTrackCacheSearches()); g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface-> JITCachedFunctionSearchFinished((FunctionID)pMD, COR_PRF_CACHED_FUNCTION_FOUND); END_PIN_PROFILER(); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE if (g_pDebugInterface != NULL) { g_pDebugInterface->JITComplete(pMD, pEntryPoint); } return pEntryPoint; } BOOL ReadyToRunInfo::MethodIterator::Next() { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; while (++m_methodDefIndex < (int)m_pInfo->m_methodDefEntryPoints.GetCount()) { uint offset; if (m_pInfo->m_methodDefEntryPoints.TryGetAt(m_methodDefIndex, &offset)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } MethodDesc * ReadyToRunInfo::MethodIterator::GetMethodDesc() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; return MemberLoader::GetMethodDescFromMethodDef(m_pInfo->m_pModule, mdtMethodDef | (m_methodDefIndex + 1), FALSE); } MethodDesc * ReadyToRunInfo::MethodIterator::GetMethodDesc_NoRestore() { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; uint offset; if (!m_pInfo->m_methodDefEntryPoints.TryGetAt(m_methodDefIndex, &offset)) { return NULL; } uint id; offset = m_pInfo->m_nativeReader.DecodeUnsigned(offset, &id); if (id & 1) { if (id & 2) { uint val; m_pInfo->m_nativeReader.DecodeUnsigned(offset, &val); offset -= val; } id >>= 2; } else { id >>= 1; } _ASSERTE(id < m_pInfo->m_nRuntimeFunctions); PCODE pEntryPoint = dac_cast(m_pInfo->m_pLayout->GetBase()) + m_pInfo->m_pRuntimeFunctions[id].BeginAddress; return m_pInfo->GetMethodDescForEntryPoint(pEntryPoint); } PCODE ReadyToRunInfo::MethodIterator::GetMethodStartAddress() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PCODE ret = m_pInfo->GetEntryPoint(GetMethodDesc(), FALSE); _ASSERTE(ret != NULL); return ret; } DWORD ReadyToRunInfo::GetFieldBaseOffset(MethodTable * pMT) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; DWORD dwAlignment = DATA_ALIGNMENT; DWORD dwOffsetBias = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_64BIT_ALIGNMENT dwOffsetBias = 4; if (pMT->RequiresAlign8()) dwAlignment = 8; #endif MethodTable * pParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); DWORD dwCumulativeInstanceFieldPos = (pParentMT != NULL) ? pParentMT->GetNumInstanceFieldBytes() : 0; dwCumulativeInstanceFieldPos += dwOffsetBias; dwCumulativeInstanceFieldPos = (DWORD)ALIGN_UP(dwCumulativeInstanceFieldPos, dwAlignment); return (DWORD)sizeof(Object) + dwCumulativeInstanceFieldPos - dwOffsetBias; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE