// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // FILE: ProfToEEInterfaceImpl.h // // Declaration of class that implements the ICorProfilerInfo* interfaces, which allow the // Profiler to communicate with the EE. This allows the Profiler DLL to get // access to private EE data structures and other things that should never be exported // outside of the EE. // // // ====================================================================================== #ifndef __PROFTOEEINTERFACEIMPL_H__ #define __PROFTOEEINTERFACEIMPL_H__ #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED #include "eeprofinterfaces.h" #include "vars.hpp" #include "threads.h" #include "codeman.h" #include "cor.h" #include "callingconvention.h" #include "profilinghelper.h" class ProfilerFunctionEnum; // // Helper routines. // extern MethodDesc *FunctionIdToMethodDesc(FunctionID functionID); extern ClassID TypeHandleToClassID(TypeHandle th); // // Function declarations for those functions that are platform specific. // extern UINT_PTR ProfileGetIPFromPlatformSpecificHandle(void * handle); extern void ProfileSetFunctionIDInPlatformSpecificHandle(void * pPlatformSpecificHandle, FunctionID functionID); // // The following class is implemented differently on each platform, using // the PlatformSpecificHandle to initialize an ArgIterator. // class ProfileArgIterator { private: void *m_handle; ArgIterator m_argIterator; public: ProfileArgIterator(MetaSig * pMetaSig, void* platformSpecificHandle); ~ProfileArgIterator(); // // Returns number of arguments returned by GetNextArgAddr // UINT GetNumArgs() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_argIterator.NumFixedArgs(); } // // After initialization, this method is called repeatedly until it // returns NULL to get the address of each arg. // // Note: this address could be anywhere on the stack. // LPVOID GetNextArgAddr(); // // Returns argument size // UINT GetArgSize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_argIterator.GetArgSize(); } // // Called after initialization, any number of times, to retrieve any // hidden argument, so that resolution for Generics can be done. // LPVOID GetHiddenArgValue(void); // // Called after initialization, any number of times, to retrieve the // value of 'this'. // LPVOID GetThis(void); // // Called after initialization, any number of times, to retrieve the // address of the return buffer, if there is one. NULL indicates no // return buffer. // LPVOID GetReturnBufferAddr(void); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This helper class wraps a loader heap which can be used to allocate // memory for IL after the current module. class ModuleILHeap : public IMethodMalloc { public: // IUnknown virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(); virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** pp); // IMethodMalloc virtual void *STDMETHODCALLTYPE Alloc(ULONG cb); static ModuleILHeap s_Heap; }; typedef struct _PROFILER_STACK_WALK_DATA PROFILER_STACK_WALK_DATA; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // One of these is allocated per EE instance. A pointer is cached to this // from the profiler implementation. The profiler will call back on the v-table // to get at EE internals as required. class ProfToEEInterfaceImpl : public ICorProfilerInfo10 { public: // Internal Housekeeping static void MethodTableCallback(void* context, void* methodTable); static void ObjectRefCallback(void* context, void* objectRefUNSAFE); ProfToEEInterfaceImpl(); virtual ~ProfToEEInterfaceImpl(); HRESULT Init(); // IUnknown ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(); COM_METHOD QueryInterface(REFIID id, void ** pInterface); // ICorProfilerInfo2 COM_METHOD GetEventMask(DWORD * pdwEvents); COM_METHOD SetEventMask(DWORD dwEventMask); COM_METHOD GetHandleFromThread(ThreadID threadId, HANDLE * phThread); COM_METHOD GetObjectSize(ObjectID objectId, ULONG * pcSize); COM_METHOD GetObjectSize2(ObjectID objectId, SIZE_T * pcSize); COM_METHOD IsArrayClass( /* [in] */ ClassID classId, /* [out] */ CorElementType * pBaseElemType, /* [out] */ ClassID * pBaseClassId, /* [out] */ ULONG * pcRank); COM_METHOD GetThreadInfo(ThreadID threadId, DWORD * pdwWin32ThreadId); COM_METHOD GetCurrentThreadID(ThreadID * pThreadId); COM_METHOD GetFunctionFromIP(LPCBYTE ip, FunctionID * pFunctionId); COM_METHOD GetTokenAndMetaDataFromFunction( FunctionID functionId, REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppOut, mdToken * pToken); COM_METHOD GetCodeInfo(FunctionID functionId, LPCBYTE * pStart, ULONG * pcSize); COM_METHOD GetModuleInfo( ModuleID moduleId, LPCBYTE * ppBaseLoadAddress, ULONG cchName, ULONG * pcchName, __out_ecount_part_opt(cchName, *pcchName) WCHAR szName[], AssemblyID * pAssemblyId); COM_METHOD GetModuleMetaData( ModuleID moduleId, DWORD dwOpenFlags, REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppOut); COM_METHOD GetILFunctionBody( ModuleID moduleId, mdMethodDef methodid, LPCBYTE * ppMethodHeader, ULONG * pcbMethodSize); COM_METHOD GetILFunctionBodyAllocator( ModuleID moduleId, IMethodMalloc ** ppMalloc); COM_METHOD SetILFunctionBody( ModuleID moduleId, mdMethodDef methodid, LPCBYTE pbNewILMethodHeader); COM_METHOD SetILInstrumentedCodeMap( FunctionID functionId, BOOL fStartJit, ULONG cILMapEntries, COR_IL_MAP rgILMapEntries[]); COM_METHOD ForceGC(); COM_METHOD GetClassIDInfo( ClassID classId, ModuleID * pModuleId, mdTypeDef * pTypeDefToken); COM_METHOD GetFunctionInfo( FunctionID functionId, ClassID * pClassId, ModuleID * pModuleId, mdToken * pToken); COM_METHOD GetClassFromObject( ObjectID objectId, ClassID * pClassId); COM_METHOD GetClassFromToken( ModuleID moduleId, mdTypeDef typeDef, ClassID * pClassId); COM_METHOD GetFunctionFromToken( ModuleID moduleId, mdToken typeDef, FunctionID * pFunctionId); COM_METHOD GetAppDomainInfo( AppDomainID appDomainId, ULONG cchName, ULONG * pcchName, __out_ecount_part_opt(cchName, *pcchName) WCHAR szName[], ProcessID * pProcessId); COM_METHOD GetAssemblyInfo( AssemblyID assemblyId, ULONG cchName, ULONG * pcchName, __out_ecount_part_opt(cchName, *pcchName) WCHAR szName[], AppDomainID * pAppDomainId, ModuleID * pModuleId); COM_METHOD SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks( FunctionEnter * pFuncEnter, FunctionLeave * pFuncLeave, FunctionTailcall * pFuncTailcall); COM_METHOD SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks2( FunctionEnter2 * pFuncEnter, FunctionLeave2 * pFuncLeave, FunctionTailcall2 * pFuncTailcall); COM_METHOD SetFunctionIDMapper( FunctionIDMapper * pFunc); COM_METHOD GetThreadContext( ThreadID threadId, ContextID * pContextId); COM_METHOD GetILToNativeMapping( /* [in] */ FunctionID functionId, /* [in] */ ULONG32 cMap, /* [out] */ ULONG32 * pcMap, /* [out, size_is(cMap), length_is(*pcMap)] */ COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP map[]); COM_METHOD GetFunctionInfo2( /* in */ FunctionID funcId, /* in */ COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO frameInfo, /* out */ ClassID * pClassId, /* out */ ModuleID * pModuleId, /* out */ mdToken * pToken, /* in */ ULONG32 cTypeArgs, /* out */ ULONG32 * pcTypeArgs, /* out */ ClassID typeArgs[]); COM_METHOD GetStringLayout( /* out */ ULONG * pBufferLengthOffset, /* out */ ULONG * pStringLengthOffset, /* out */ ULONG * pBufferOffset); COM_METHOD GetClassLayout( /* in */ ClassID classID, /* in.out*/ COR_FIELD_OFFSET rFieldOffset[], /* in */ ULONG cFieldOffset, /* out */ ULONG * pcFieldOffset, /* out */ ULONG * pulClassSize); COM_METHOD DoStackSnapshot( ThreadID thread, StackSnapshotCallback *callback, ULONG32 infoFlags, void * clientData, BYTE * pctx, ULONG32 contextSize); COM_METHOD GetCodeInfo2(FunctionID functionId, ULONG32 cCodeInfos, ULONG32 * pcCodeInfos, COR_PRF_CODE_INFO codeInfos[]); COM_METHOD GetArrayObjectInfo(ObjectID objectId, ULONG32 cDimensionSizes, ULONG32 pDimensionSizes[], int pDimensionLowerBounds[], BYTE ** ppData); COM_METHOD GetBoxClassLayout(ClassID classId, ULONG32 * pBufferOffset); COM_METHOD GetClassIDInfo2(ClassID classId, ModuleID * pModuleId, mdTypeDef * pTypeDefToken, ClassID * pParentClassId, ULONG32 cNumTypeArgs, ULONG32 * pcNumTypeArgs, ClassID typeArgs[]); COM_METHOD GetThreadAppDomain(ThreadID threadId, AppDomainID * pAppDomainId); COM_METHOD GetRVAStaticAddress(ClassID classId, mdFieldDef fieldToken, void ** ppAddress); COM_METHOD GetAppDomainStaticAddress(ClassID classId, mdFieldDef fieldToken, AppDomainID appDomainId, void ** ppAddress); COM_METHOD GetThreadStaticAddress(ClassID classId, mdFieldDef fieldToken, ThreadID threadId, void ** ppAddress); COM_METHOD GetContextStaticAddress(ClassID classId, mdFieldDef fieldToken, ContextID contextId, void ** ppAddress); COM_METHOD GetStaticFieldInfo(ClassID classId, mdFieldDef fieldToken, COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE * pFieldInfo); COM_METHOD GetClassFromTokenAndTypeArgs(ModuleID moduleID, mdTypeDef typeDef, ULONG32 cTypeArgs, ClassID typeArgs[], ClassID* pClassID); COM_METHOD EnumModuleFrozenObjects(ModuleID moduleID, ICorProfilerObjectEnum** ppEnum); COM_METHOD GetFunctionFromTokenAndTypeArgs(ModuleID moduleID, mdMethodDef funcDef, ClassID classId, ULONG32 cTypeArgs, ClassID typeArgs[], FunctionID* pFunctionID); COM_METHOD GetGenerationBounds(ULONG cObjectRanges, ULONG * pcObjectRanges, COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION_RANGE ranges[]); COM_METHOD GetObjectGeneration(ObjectID objectId, COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION_RANGE *range); COM_METHOD GetNotifiedExceptionClauseInfo(COR_PRF_EX_CLAUSE_INFO * pinfo); COM_METHOD SetFunctionReJIT(FunctionID); COM_METHOD GetInprocInspectionInterface(IUnknown **); COM_METHOD GetInprocInspectionIThisThread(IUnknown **); COM_METHOD BeginInprocDebugging(BOOL,DWORD *); COM_METHOD EndInprocDebugging(DWORD); // ICorProfilerInfo3 COM_METHOD EnumJITedFunctions(ICorProfilerFunctionEnum** ppEnum); COM_METHOD EnumModules(ICorProfilerModuleEnum ** ppEnum); COM_METHOD RequestProfilerDetach( /* in */ DWORD dwExpectedCompletionMilliseconds); COM_METHOD SetFunctionIDMapper2( FunctionIDMapper2 * pFunc, // in void * clientData); // in COM_METHOD SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks3( FunctionEnter3 * pFuncEnter3, // in FunctionLeave3 * pFuncLeave3, // in FunctionTailcall3 * pFuncTailcall3); // in COM_METHOD SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks3WithInfo( FunctionEnter3WithInfo * pFuncEnter3WithInfo, // in FunctionLeave3WithInfo * pFuncLeave3WithInfo, // in FunctionTailcall3WithInfo * pFuncTailcall3WithInfo); // in COM_METHOD GetFunctionEnter3Info( FunctionID functionId, // in COR_PRF_ELT_INFO eltInfo, // in COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo, // out ULONG * pcbArgumentInfo, // in, out COR_PRF_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_INFO * pArgumentInfo); // out COM_METHOD GetFunctionLeave3Info( FunctionID functionId, // in COR_PRF_ELT_INFO eltInfo, // in COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo, // out COR_PRF_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_RANGE * pRetvalRange); // out COM_METHOD GetFunctionTailcall3Info( FunctionID functionId, // in COR_PRF_ELT_INFO pFrameInfo, // in COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO * pFunc); // out COM_METHOD GetStringLayout2( /* out */ ULONG * pStringLengthOffset, /* out */ ULONG * pBufferOffset); COM_METHOD GetRuntimeInformation(USHORT * pClrInstanceId, // out COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE * pRuntimeType, // out USHORT * pMajorVersion, // out USHORT * pMinorVersion, // out USHORT * pBuildNumber, // out USHORT * pQFEVersion, // out ULONG cchVersionString, // in ULONG * pcchVersionString, // out __out_ecount_part_opt(cchVersionString, *pcchVersionString) WCHAR szVersionString[]); // out COM_METHOD GetThreadStaticAddress2(ClassID classId, // in mdFieldDef fieldToken, // in AppDomainID appDomainId, // in ThreadID threadId, // in void ** ppAddress); // out COM_METHOD GetAppDomainsContainingModule(ModuleID moduleId, // in ULONG32 cAppDomainIds, // in ULONG32 *pcAppDomainIds, // out AppDomainID appDomainIds[]); // out COM_METHOD GetModuleInfo2( ModuleID moduleId, LPCBYTE * ppBaseLoadAddress, ULONG cchName, ULONG * pcchName, __out_ecount_part_opt(cchName, *pcchName) WCHAR szName[], AssemblyID * pAssemblyId, DWORD * pdwModuleFlags); // end ICorProfilerInfo3 // ICorProfilerInfo4 COM_METHOD EnumThreads( /* out */ ICorProfilerThreadEnum ** ppEnum); COM_METHOD InitializeCurrentThread(); // end ICorProfilerInfo4 COM_METHOD RequestReJIT(ULONG cFunctions, // in ModuleID moduleIds[], // in mdMethodDef methodIds[]); // in COM_METHOD RequestRevert(ULONG cFunctions, // in ModuleID moduleIds[], // in mdMethodDef methodIds[], // in HRESULT status[]); // out COM_METHOD GetCodeInfo3(FunctionID functionID, // in ReJITID reJitId, // in ULONG32 cCodeInfos, // in ULONG32 * pcCodeInfos, // out COR_PRF_CODE_INFO codeInfos[]); // out COM_METHOD GetFunctionFromIP2(LPCBYTE ip, // in FunctionID * pFunctionId, // out ReJITID * pReJitId); // out COM_METHOD GetReJITIDs(FunctionID functionId, // in ULONG cReJitIds, // in ULONG * pcReJitIds, // out ReJITID reJitIds[]); // out COM_METHOD GetILToNativeMapping2( FunctionID functionId, // in ReJITID reJitId, // in ULONG32 cMap, // in ULONG32 * pcMap, // out COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP map[]); // out COM_METHOD EnumJITedFunctions2(ICorProfilerFunctionEnum** ppEnum); // end ICorProfilerInfo4 // begin ICorProfilerInfo5 COM_METHOD SetEventMask2( DWORD dwEventsLow, DWORD dwEventsHigh); COM_METHOD GetEventMask2(DWORD *pdwEventsLow, DWORD *pdwEventsHigh); // end ICorProfilerInfo5 // begin ICorProfilerInfo6 COM_METHOD EnumNgenModuleMethodsInliningThisMethod( ModuleID inlinersModuleId, ModuleID inlineeModuleId, mdMethodDef inlineeMethodId, BOOL *incompleteData, ICorProfilerMethodEnum** ppEnum); // end ICorProfilerInfo6 // begin ICorProfilerInfo7 COM_METHOD ApplyMetaData( ModuleID moduleId); COM_METHOD GetInMemorySymbolsLength( ModuleID moduleId, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytes); COM_METHOD ReadInMemorySymbols( ModuleID moduleId, DWORD symbolsReadOffset, BYTE* pSymbolBytes, DWORD countSymbolBytes, DWORD* pCountSymbolBytesRead); // end ICorProfilerInfo7 // begin ICorProfilerInfo8 COM_METHOD IsFunctionDynamic( FunctionID functionId, BOOL *isDynamic); COM_METHOD GetFunctionFromIP3( LPCBYTE ip, // in FunctionID * pFunctionId, // out ReJITID * pReJitId); // out COM_METHOD GetDynamicFunctionInfo( FunctionID functionId, ModuleID* moduleId, PCCOR_SIGNATURE* ppvSig, ULONG* pbSig, ULONG cchName, ULONG *pcchName, WCHAR wszName[]); // end ICorProfilerInfo8 // beging ICorProfilerInfo9 COM_METHOD GetNativeCodeStartAddresses( FunctionID functionID, ReJITID reJitId, ULONG32 cCodeStartAddresses, ULONG32 *pcCodeStartAddresses, UINT_PTR codeStartAddresses[]); COM_METHOD GetILToNativeMapping3( UINT_PTR pNativeCodeStartAddress, ULONG32 cMap, ULONG32 *pcMap, COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP map[]); COM_METHOD GetCodeInfo4( UINT_PTR pNativeCodeStartAddress, ULONG32 cCodeInfos, ULONG32* pcCodeInfos, COR_PRF_CODE_INFO codeInfos[]); // end ICorProfilerInfo9 // beging ICorProfilerInfo10 COM_METHOD GetObjectReferences( ObjectID objectId, ULONG32 cNumReferences, ULONG32 *pcNumReferences, ObjectID references[], SIZE_T offsets[]); COM_METHOD IsFrozenObject(ObjectID objectId, BOOL *pbFrozen); COM_METHOD GetLOHObjectSizeThreshold(DWORD *pThreshold); // end ICorProfilerInfo10 protected: // Internal Helper Functions HRESULT GetCodeInfoHelper(FunctionID functionId, ReJITID reJitId, ULONG32 cCodeInfos, ULONG32 * pcCodeInfos, COR_PRF_CODE_INFO codeInfos[]); HRESULT GetStringLayoutHelper(ULONG * pBufferLengthOffset, ULONG * pStringLengthOffset, ULONG * pBufferOffset); HRESULT GetArrayObjectInfoHelper(Object * pObj, ULONG32 cDimensionSizes, __out_ecount(cDimensionSizes) ULONG32 pDimensionSizes[], __out_ecount(cDimensionSizes) int pDimensionLowerBounds[], BYTE ** ppData); DWORD GetModuleFlags(Module * pModule); HRESULT DoStackSnapshotHelper(Thread * pThreadToSnapshot, PROFILER_STACK_WALK_DATA * pData, unsigned flags, LPCONTEXT pctxSeed); HRESULT ProfilerStackWalkFramesWrapper(Thread * pThreadToSnapshot, PROFILER_STACK_WALK_DATA * pData, unsigned flags); HRESULT EnumJITedFunctionsHelper(ProfilerFunctionEnum ** ppEnum, IJitManager ** ppJitMgr); #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ HRESULT ProfilerEbpWalker(Thread * pThreadToSnapshot, LPCONTEXT pctxSeed, StackSnapshotCallback * callback, void * clientData); #endif //_TARGET_X86_ }; #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This provides the implementations for FCALLs in managed code related to profiling class ProfilingFCallHelper { public: // This is a high-efficiency way for managed profiler code to determine if // profiling of remoting is active. static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, FC_TrackRemoting); // This is a high-efficiency way for managed profiler code to determine if // profiling of remoting with RPC cookie IDs is active. static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, FC_TrackRemotingCookie); // This is a high-efficiency way for managed profiler code to determine if // profiling of asynchronous remote calls is profiled static FCDECL0(FC_BOOL_RET, FC_TrackRemotingAsync); // This will let the profiler know that the client side is sending a message to // the server-side. static FCDECL2(void, FC_RemotingClientSendingMessage, GUID * pId, CLR_BOOL fIsAsync); // For __cdecl calling convention both arguments end up on // the stack but the order in which the jit puts them there needs to be reversed // For __fastcall calling convention the reversal has no effect because the GUID doesn't // fit in a register. On IA64 the macro is different. // This will let the profiler know that the client side is receiving a reply // to a message that it sent static FCDECL2_VI(void, FC_RemotingClientReceivingReply, GUID id, CLR_BOOL fIsAsync); // This will let the profiler know that the server side is receiving a message // from a client static FCDECL2_VI(void, FC_RemotingServerReceivingMessage, GUID id, CLR_BOOL fIsAsync); // This will let the profiler know that the server side is sending a reply to // a received message. static FCDECL2(void, FC_RemotingServerSendingReply, GUID * pId, CLR_BOOL fIsAsync); }; #endif // __PROFTOEEINTERFACEIMPL_H__