// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // ProfAttachClient.cpp // // // Implementation of the AttachProfiler() API, used by CLRProfilingImpl::AttachProfiler. // // CLRProfilingImpl::AttachProfiler (in ndp\clr\src\DLLS\shim\shimapi.cpp) just thunks down // to mscorwks!AttachProfiler (below), which calls other functions in this file, all of // which are in mscorwks.dll. The AttachProfiler() API is consumed by trigger processes // in order to force the runtime of a target process to load a profiler. The prime // portion of this implementation lives in ProfilingAPIAttachClient, which handles // opening a client connection to the pipe created by the target profilee, and sending // requests across that pipe to force the target profilee (which acts as the pipe server) // to attach a profiler. // // Since these functions are executed by the trigger process, they intentionally seek the // event and pipe objects by names based on the PID of the target app to profile (which // is NOT the PID of the current process, as the current process is just the trigger // process). This implies, for example, that the variable // ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::s_hAttachEvent is of no use to the current process, as // s_hAttachEvent is only applicable to the target profilee app's process. // // Most of the contracts in this file follow the lead of default contracts throughout the // CLR (triggers, throws, etc.). Since AttachProfiler() is called by native code either // on a native thread created by the trigger process, or via a P/Invoke, these functions // will all run on threads in MODE_PREEMPTIVE. // * MODE_PREEMPTIVE also allows for GetThread() == NULL, which will be the case for // a native-only thread calling AttachProfiler() // // ====================================================================================== #include "common.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH #include "tlhelp32.h" // For CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, etc. in MightProcessExist() #include "profilinghelper.h" #include "profattach.h" #include "profattach.inl" #include "profattachclient.h" // CLRProfilingImpl::AttachProfiler calls this, which itself is just a simple wrapper around // code:ProfilingAPIAttachClient::AttachProfiler. See public documentation for a // description of the parameters, return value, etc. extern "C" HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AttachProfiler( DWORD dwProfileeProcessID, DWORD dwMillisecondsMax, const CLSID * pClsidProfiler, LPCWSTR wszProfilerPath, void * pvClientData, UINT cbClientData, LPCWSTR wszRuntimeVersion) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; EX_TRY { ProfilingAPIAttachClient attachClient; hr = attachClient.AttachProfiler( dwProfileeProcessID, dwMillisecondsMax, pClsidProfiler, wszProfilerPath, pvClientData, cbClientData, wszRuntimeVersion); } EX_CATCH { hr = GET_EXCEPTION()->GetHR(); _ASSERTE(!"Unhandled exception executing AttachProfiler API"); } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions); // For ease-of-use by profilers, normalize similar HRESULTs down. if ((hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED)) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PIPE))) { hr = CORPROF_E_IPC_FAILED; } return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AdjustRemainingMs // // Description: // Simple helper to do timeout arithmetic. Timeout arithmetic is based on // CLRGetTickCount64, which returns an unsigned 64-bit int representing the number of // milliseconds transpired since the machine has been up. Since a machine is unlikely // to be up for > 500 million years, wraparound issues may be ignored. // // Caller repeatedly calls this function (usually once before a lenghty operation // with a timeout) to check on its remaining time allotment and get alerted when time // runs out. // // Arguments: // * ui64StartTimeMs - [in] When did caller begin, in tick counts (ms)? // * dwMillisecondsMax - [in] How much time does caller have, total? // * pdwMillisecondsRemaining - [out] Remaining ms caller has before exceeding its // timeout. // // Return Value: // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT) if caller is out of time; else S_OK // static HRESULT AdjustRemainingMs( ULONGLONG ui64StartTimeMs, DWORD dwMillisecondsMax, DWORD * pdwMillisecondsRemaining) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(pdwMillisecondsRemaining != NULL); ULONGLONG ui64NowMs = CLRGetTickCount64(); if (ui64NowMs - ui64StartTimeMs > dwMillisecondsMax) { // Out of time! return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT); } // How much of dwMillisecondsMax remain to be used? *pdwMillisecondsRemaining = dwMillisecondsMax - static_cast(ui64NowMs - ui64StartTimeMs); return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::AttachProfiler // // Description: // Main worker for AttachProfiler API. Trigger process calls mscoree!AttachProfiler // which just defers to this function to do all the work. // // ** See public API docs for description of params / return value. ** // // Note that, in the trigger process, the dwMillisecondsMax timeouts are cumulative: // the caller specifies a single timeout value for the entire AttachProfiler API call. // So we must constantly adjust the timeouts we use so they're based on the time // remaining from the original dwMillisecondsMax specified by the AttachProfiler API // client. // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::AttachProfiler( DWORD dwProfileeProcessID, DWORD dwMillisecondsMax, const CLSID * pClsidProfiler, LPCWSTR wszProfilerPath, void * pvClientData, UINT cbClientData, LPCWSTR wszRuntimeVersion) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; InitializeLogging(); HRESULT hr; // Is cbClientData just crazy-sick-overflow big? if (cbClientData >= 0xFFFFffffUL - sizeof(AttachRequestMessage)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if ((pvClientData == NULL) && (cbClientData != 0)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (pClsidProfiler == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if ((wszProfilerPath != NULL) && (wcslen(wszProfilerPath) >= MAX_LONGPATH)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // See if we can early-out due to the profilee process ID not existing. // MightProcessExist() only returns FALSE if it has positively verified the process // ID didn't exist when MightProcessExist() was called. So it might incorrectly // return TRUE (if it hit an error trying to determine whether the process exists). // But that's ok, as we'll catch a nonexistent process later on when we try to fiddle // with its event & pipe. MightProcessExist() is used strictly as an optional // optimization to early-out before waiting for the event to appear. if (!MightProcessExist(dwProfileeProcessID)) { return CORPROF_E_PROFILEE_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND; } // Adjust time out value according to env var COMPlus_ProfAPI_AttachProfilerTimeoutInMs // The default is 10 seconds as we want to avoid client (trigger process) time out too early // due to wait operation for concurrent GC in the server (profilee side) DWORD dwMillisecondsMinFromEnv = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_ProfAPI_AttachProfilerMinTimeoutInMs); if (dwMillisecondsMax < dwMillisecondsMinFromEnv) dwMillisecondsMax = dwMillisecondsMinFromEnv; #ifdef _DEBUG { WCHAR wszClsidProfiler[40]; if (!StringFromGUID2(*pClsidProfiler, wszClsidProfiler, _countof(wszClsidProfiler))) { wcscpy_s(&wszClsidProfiler[0], _countof(wszClsidProfiler), W("(error)")); } LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO10, "**PROF TRIGGER: mscorwks!AttachProfiler invoked with Trigger Process ID: '%d', " "Target Profilee Process ID: '%d', dwMillisecondsMax: '%d', pClsidProfiler: '%S'," "wszProfilerPath: '%S'\n", GetProcessId(GetCurrentProcess()), dwProfileeProcessID, dwMillisecondsMax, wszClsidProfiler, wszProfilerPath == NULL ? W("") : wszProfilerPath)); } #endif // _DEBUG // See code:AdjustRemainingMs ULONGLONG ui64StartTimeMs = CLRGetTickCount64(); DWORD dwMillisecondsRemaining = dwMillisecondsMax; HandleHolder hProfileeProcess = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProfileeProcessID); if (!hProfileeProcess) { LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: OpenProcess failed. LastError=0x%x.\n", ::GetLastError())); return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } StackSString attachPipeName; ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::GetAttachPipeNameForPidAndVersion(hProfileeProcess, wszRuntimeVersion, &attachPipeName); // Try to open pipe with 0ms timeout in case the pipe is still around from // a previous attach request hr = OpenPipeClient(attachPipeName.GetUnicode(), 0); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { // Pipe doesn't exist, so signal attach event and retry. Note that any other // failure from the above OpenPipeClient call will NOT cause us to signal // the attach event, as signaling the attach event can only help with making // sure the pipe gets created, and nothing else. StackSString attachEventName; ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::GetAttachEventNameForPidAndVersion(hProfileeProcess, wszRuntimeVersion, &attachEventName); hr = SignalAttachEvent(attachEventName.GetUnicode()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: Unable to signal the global attach event. hr=0x%x.\n", hr)); // It's reasonable for SignalAttachEvent to err out if the event // simply doesn't exist. This happens on server apps that just circumvent // using an event. They just create the AttachThread and attach pipe on // startup, and are always listening on the pipe. So if event signaling // failed due to nonexistent event, keep on going and try connecting to the // pipe again. But if event signaling failed for any other reason, that's // unexpected so give up. if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { return hr; } } hr = AdjustRemainingMs(ui64StartTimeMs, dwMillisecondsMax, &dwMillisecondsRemaining); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = OpenPipeClient(attachPipeName.GetUnicode(), dwMillisecondsRemaining); } // hr now holds the result of either the original OpenPipeClient call (if it // failed for a reason other than ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) or the 2nd // OpenPipeClient call (if the first call yielded ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and we // signaled the event and retried). if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: Unable to open a client connection to the pipe. hr=0x%x.\n", hr)); return hr; } // At this point the pipe is definitely open _ASSERTE(IsValidHandle(m_hPipeClient)); hr = AdjustRemainingMs(ui64StartTimeMs, dwMillisecondsMax, &dwMillisecondsRemaining); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Send the GetVersion message and verify we're talking the same language hr = VerifyVersionIsCompatible(dwMillisecondsRemaining); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = AdjustRemainingMs(ui64StartTimeMs, dwMillisecondsMax, &dwMillisecondsRemaining); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Send the attach message! HRESULT hrAttach; hr = SendAttachRequest( dwMillisecondsRemaining, pClsidProfiler, wszProfilerPath, pvClientData, cbClientData, &hrAttach); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO10, "**PROF TRIGGER: AttachProfiler succeeded sending attach request. Trigger Process ID: '%d', " "Target Profilee Process ID: '%d', Attach HRESULT: '0x%x'\n", GetProcessId(GetCurrentProcess()), dwProfileeProcessID, hrAttach)); return hrAttach; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::MightProcessExist // // Description: // Returns BOOL indicating whether a process with the specified process ID might exist // on the local computer. // // Arguments: // * dwProcessID - Process ID to look up // // Return Value: // nonzero if process might possibly exist; FALSE if not // // Notes: // * Since processes come and go while this function executes, this should only be // used on a process ID that is supposed to exist both before and after this // function returns. A return of FALSE reliably tells you that supposition is // wrong. A return of TRUE, however, only means the process ID existed when this // function did its search. It's still possible the process has exited by the time // this function returns. // * If this function is unsure of a process's existence (e.g., if it encounters an // error while trying to find out), it errs on the side of optimism and returns // TRUE. // BOOL ProfilingAPIAttachClient::MightProcessExist(DWORD dwProcessID) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; MODE_ANY; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; // There are a few ways to check whether a process exists. Some dismissed // alternatives: // // * OpenProcess() with a "limited" access right. // * Even relatively limited access rights such as SYNCHRONIZE and // PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION often fail with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, even if // the caller is running as administrator. // // * EnumProcesses() + search through returned PIDs // * EnumProcesses() requires psychic powers to know how big to allocate the // array of PIDs to receive (EnumProcesses() won't give you a hint if // you're wrong). // // Method of choice is CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, which gives an enumerator to iterate // through all processes. // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system. HandleHolder hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 // Unused when snap type is TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS ); if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Dunno if process exists. Err on the side of optimism return TRUE; } // Set the size of the structure before using it. PROCESSENTRY32 entry; ZeroMemory(&entry, sizeof(entry)); entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // Start enumeration with Process32First. It will set dwSize to tell us how many // members of PROCESSENTRY32 we can trust. We only need th32ProcessID if (!Process32First(hProcessSnap, &entry) || (offsetof(PROCESSENTRY32, th32ProcessID) + sizeof(entry.th32ProcessID) > entry.dwSize)) { // Can't tell if process exists, so assume it might return TRUE; } do { if (entry.th32ProcessID == dwProcessID) { // Definitely exists return TRUE; } } while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &entry)); // Process32Next() failed. Return FALSE only if we exhausted our search return (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::OpenPipeClient // // Description: // Attempts to create a client connection to the remote server pipe // // Arguments: // * wszPipeName - Name of pipe to connect to. // * dwMillisecondsMax - Total ms to spend trying to connect to the pipe. // // Return Value: // HRESULT indicating success / failure // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::OpenPipeClient( LPCWSTR wszPipeName, DWORD dwMillisecondsMax) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; const DWORD kSleepMsUntilRetryCreateFile = 100; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwErr; // See code:AdjustRemainingMs ULONGLONG ui64StartTimeMs = CLRGetTickCount64(); DWORD dwMillisecondsRemaining = dwMillisecondsMax; HandleHolder hPipeClient; // We need to wait until the pipe is both CREATED (i.e., target profilee app has // created the server end of the pipe) and AVAILABLE (i.e., no other trigger has opened // the client end to the pipe). There is no Win32 API to wait until the pipe is // CREATED, so we must make our own retry loop that calls CreateFileW. Once the pipe // is known to be CREATED, we can use WaitNamedPipe to wait until the pipe is // AVAILABLE. (Note: It would have been nice if we could use WaitNamedPipe to wait // until the pipe is both CREATED and AVAILABLE. But WaitNamedPipe just returns an // error immediately if the pipe is not yet CREATED, regardless of the timeout value // specified.) while (TRUE) { // This CreateFile call doesn't create the pipe. The pipe must be created by the // target profilee. This CreateFile call attempts to open a client connection to // the pipe. If CreateFile succeeds, that implies the pipe had already been // successfully CREATED by the target profilee, and is AVAILABLE, and we now have // a client connection to the pipe ready to go. hPipeClient = CreateFileW( wszPipeName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // dwShareMode (i.e., no sharing) NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes (i.e., handle not inheritable and // only current user may access this handle) OPEN_EXISTING, // Only open (don't create) the pipe FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // Using overlapped I/O allows async ops w/ timeout NULL); // hTemplateFile if (hPipeClient != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // CreateFile succeeded! Pipe is CREATED (by target profilee) // and AVAILABLE and we're connected break; } // Opening the pipe failed. Why? dwErr = GetLastError(); switch(dwErr) { default: // Any error other than the ones specifically brought out below isn't // retry-able (e.g., security failure) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // Pipe not CREATED yet. Can we retry? if (dwMillisecondsRemaining <= kSleepMsUntilRetryCreateFile) { // No time left, gotta bail! return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } // Sleep and retry // (bAlertable=FALSE: don't wake up due to overlapped I/O) ClrSleepEx(kSleepMsUntilRetryCreateFile, FALSE); dwMillisecondsRemaining -= kSleepMsUntilRetryCreateFile; break; case ERROR_PIPE_BUSY: // Pipe CREATED, but it's not AVAILABLE. Wait until it's AVAILABLE LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO10, "**PROF TRIGGER: Found pipe, but pipe is busy. Waiting until pipe is available.\n")); hr = AdjustRemainingMs(ui64StartTimeMs, dwMillisecondsMax, &dwMillisecondsRemaining); if (FAILED(hr)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PIPE_BUSY); } if (!WaitNamedPipeW(wszPipeName, dwMillisecondsRemaining)) { // If we timeout here, convert the error into something more useful dwErr = GetLastError(); if ((dwErr == ERROR_TIMEOUT) || (dwErr == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PIPE_BUSY); } // Failed for a reason other timeout. Send that reason back to caller LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: WaitNamedPipe failed for a reason other timeout. hr=0x%x.\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr))); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } // Pipe should be ready to open now, so retry. Note that it's still // possible that another client sneaks in and connects before we get a // chance to. If that happens, CreateFile will fail again, and we'll end up // here waiting again (until we timeout). break; } } // Only way to exit loop above is if pipe is CREATED and AVAILABLE. _ASSERTE(IsValidHandle(hPipeClient)); // We now have a valid handle on the pipe, which means we're connected // to the pipe, and no one else is // change to message-read mode. DWORD dwMode = PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE; if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState( hPipeClient, // pipe handle &dwMode, // new pipe mode (PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE) NULL, // lpMaxCollectionCount, must be NULL when client & server on same box NULL)) // lpCollectDataTimeout, must be NULL when client & server on same box { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: SetNamedPipeHandleState failed. hr=0x%x.\n", hr)); return hr; } // Pipe's client handle is now ready for use by this class m_hPipeClient = (HANDLE) hPipeClient; // Ownership transferred to this class, so this function shouldn't call CloseHandle() hPipeClient.SuppressRelease(); return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SignalAttachEvent // // Description: // Trigger process calls this (indirectly via AttachProfiler()) to find, open, and // signal the Globally Named Attach Event. // // Arguments: // * wszEventName - Name of event to signal // // Return Value: // HRESULT indicating success or failure. // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SignalAttachEvent(LPCWSTR wszEventName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; HandleHolder hAttachEvent; hAttachEvent = OpenEventW( EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, // dwDesiredAccess FALSE, // bInheritHandle wszEventName); if (hAttachEvent == NULL) { return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } // Dealing directly with Windows event objects, not CLR event cookies, so // using Win32 API directly. Note that none of this code executes on Unix, // so the CLR wrapper is of no use to us anyway. #pragma push_macro("SetEvent") #undef SetEvent if (!SetEvent(hAttachEvent)) #pragma pop_macro("SetEvent") { return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::VerifyVersionIsCompatible // // Description: // Sends a GetVersion request message across the pipe to the target profilee, reads // the response, and determines if the response allows for compatible communication. // // Arguments: // * dwMillisecondsMax - How much time do we have left to wait for the response? // // Return Value: // HRESULT indicating success or failure. If pipe communication succeeds, but we // determine that the response doesn't allow for compatible communication, return // CORPROF_E_PROFILEE_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_TRIGGER. // // Assumptions: // * Client connection should be established before calling this function (or a // callee will assert). // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::VerifyVersionIsCompatible( DWORD dwMillisecondsMax) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr; DWORD cbReceived; GetVersionRequestMessage requestMsg; GetVersionResponseMessage responseMsg; hr = SendAndReceive( dwMillisecondsMax, reinterpret_cast(&requestMsg), static_cast(sizeof(requestMsg)), reinterpret_cast(&responseMsg), static_cast(sizeof(responseMsg)), &cbReceived); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Did profilee successfully carry out the GetVersion request? if (FAILED(responseMsg.m_hr)) { return responseMsg.m_hr; } // We should have valid version info for the target profilee. Now do the // comparisons to determine if we're compatible. if ( // Am I too old (i.e., profilee requires a newer trigger)? (ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::kCurrentProcessVersion < responseMsg.m_minimumAllowableTriggerVersion) || // Is the profilee too old (i.e., this trigger requires a newer profilee)? (responseMsg.m_profileeVersion < ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::kMinimumAllowableProfileeVersion)) { return CORPROF_E_PROFILEE_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_TRIGGER; } return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SendAttachRequest // // Description: // Sends an Attach request message across the pipe to the target profilee, and returns // the response. // // Arguments: // * dwMillisecondsMax - [in] How much time is left to wait for response? // * pClsidProfiler - [in] CLSID of profiler to attach // * pvClientData - [in] Client data to pass to profiler's InitializeForAttach // callback // * cbClientData - [in] Size of client data // * phrAttach - [out] Response HRESULT sent back by target profilee // // Return Value: // HRESULT indicating success / failure with sending request & receiving response. If // S_OK is returned, consult phrAttach to determine success / failure of the actual // attach operation. // // Assumptions: // * Client connection should be established before calling this function (or a callee // will assert). // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SendAttachRequest( DWORD dwMillisecondsMax, const CLSID * pClsidProfiler, LPCWSTR wszProfilerPath, void * pvClientData, UINT cbClientData, HRESULT * phrAttach) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(phrAttach != NULL); // These were already verified early on _ASSERTE(cbClientData < 0xFFFFffffUL - sizeof(AttachRequestMessageV2)); _ASSERTE((pvClientData != NULL) || (cbClientData == 0)); // Allocate enough space for the message, including the variable-length client data. DWORD cbMessage = sizeof(AttachRequestMessageV2) + cbClientData; _ASSERTE(cbMessage >= sizeof(AttachRequestMessageV2)); NewHolder pbMessageStart(new (nothrow) BYTE[cbMessage]); if (pbMessageStart == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Initialize the message. First the client data at the tail end... memcpy(pbMessageStart + sizeof(AttachRequestMessageV2), pvClientData, cbClientData); // ...then the message struct fields (use constructor in-place) new ((void *) pbMessageStart) AttachRequestMessageV2( cbMessage, ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::kCurrentProcessVersion, // Version of the trigger process pClsidProfiler, wszProfilerPath, sizeof(AttachRequestMessageV2), // dwClientDataStartOffset cbClientData, dwMillisecondsMax ); HRESULT hr; DWORD cbReceived; AttachResponseMessage attachResponseMessage(E_UNEXPECTED); hr = SendAndReceive( dwMillisecondsMax, (LPVOID) pbMessageStart, cbMessage, reinterpret_cast(&attachResponseMessage), static_cast(sizeof(attachResponseMessage)), &cbReceived); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Successfully got a response from target. The response contained the HRESULT // indicating whether the attach was successful, so return that HRESULT in the [out] // param. *phrAttach = attachResponseMessage.m_hr; return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SendAndReceive // // Description: // Used in trigger process to send a request and receive the response. // // Arguments: // * dwMillisecondsMax - [in] Timeout for entire send/receive operation // * pvInBuffer - [in] Buffer contaning the request message // * cbInBuffer - [in] Number of bytes in the request message // * pvOutBuffer - [in/out] Buffer to write the response into // * cbOutBuffer - [in] Size of the response buffer // * pcbReceived - [out] Number of bytes actually written into response buffer // // Return Value: // HRESULT indicating success or failure // // Notes: // * The [out] parameters may be written to even if this function fails. But their // contents should be ignored by the caller in this case. // HRESULT ProfilingAPIAttachClient::SendAndReceive( DWORD dwMillisecondsMax, LPVOID pvInBuffer, DWORD cbInBuffer, LPVOID pvOutBuffer, DWORD cbOutBuffer, DWORD * pcbReceived) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(IsValidHandle(m_hPipeClient)); _ASSERTE(pvInBuffer != NULL); _ASSERTE(pvOutBuffer != NULL); _ASSERTE(pcbReceived != NULL); HRESULT hr; DWORD dwErr; ProfilingAPIAttachDetach::OverlappedResultHolder overlapped; hr = overlapped.Initialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (TransactNamedPipe( m_hPipeClient, pvInBuffer, cbInBuffer, pvOutBuffer, cbOutBuffer, pcbReceived, overlapped)) { // Hot dog! Send and receive succeeded immediately! All done. return S_OK; } dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // An unexpected error. Caller has to deal with it hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: TransactNamedPipe failed. hr=0x%x.\n", hr)); return hr; } // Typical case=ERROR_IO_PENDING: TransactNamedPipe has begun the transaction, and // it's still in progress. Wait until it's done (or timeout expires). hr = overlapped.Wait( dwMillisecondsMax, m_hPipeClient, pcbReceived); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(( LF_CORPROF, LL_ERROR, "**PROF TRIGGER: Waiting for overlapped result for TransactNamedPipe failed. hr=0x%x.\n", hr)); return hr; } return S_OK; } #endif // FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH