// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: perfmap.cpp // #include "common.h" #if defined(FEATURE_PERFMAP) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #include "perfmap.h" #include "perfinfo.h" #include "pal.h" // The code addresses are actually native image offsets during crossgen. Print // them as 32-bit numbers for consistent output when cross-targeting and to // make the output more compact. #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #define FMT_CODE_ADDR "%08x" #else #define FMT_CODE_ADDR "%p" #endif PerfMap * PerfMap::s_Current = nullptr; // Initialize the map for the process - called from EEStartupHelper. void PerfMap::Initialize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Only enable the map if requested. if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_PerfMapEnabled)) { // Get the current process id. int currentPid = GetCurrentProcessId(); // Create the map. s_Current = new PerfMap(currentPid); int signalNum = (int) CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_PerfMapIgnoreSignal); if (signalNum > 0) { PAL_IgnoreProfileSignal(signalNum); } } } // Destroy the map for the process - called from EEShutdownHelper. void PerfMap::Destroy() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (s_Current != nullptr) { delete s_Current; s_Current = nullptr; } } // Construct a new map for the process. PerfMap::PerfMap(int pid) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Initialize with no failures. m_ErrorEncountered = false; m_StubsMapped = 0; // Build the path to the map file on disk. WCHAR tempPath[MAX_LONGPATH+1]; if(!GetTempPathW(MAX_LONGPATH, tempPath)) { return; } SString path; path.Printf("%Sperf-%d.map", &tempPath, pid); // Open the map file for writing. OpenFile(path); m_PerfInfo = new PerfInfo(pid); } // Construct a new map without a specified file name. // Used for offline creation of NGEN map files. PerfMap::PerfMap() : m_FileStream(nullptr) , m_PerfInfo(nullptr) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Initialize with no failures. m_ErrorEncountered = false; m_StubsMapped = 0; } // Clean-up resources. PerfMap::~PerfMap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete m_FileStream; m_FileStream = nullptr; delete m_PerfInfo; m_PerfInfo = nullptr; } // Open the specified destination map file. void PerfMap::OpenFile(SString& path) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Open the file stream. m_FileStream = new (nothrow) CFileStream(); if(m_FileStream != nullptr) { HRESULT hr = m_FileStream->OpenForWrite(path.GetUnicode()); if(FAILED(hr)) { delete m_FileStream; m_FileStream = nullptr; } } } // Write a line to the map file. void PerfMap::WriteLine(SString& line) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; EX_TRY { // Write the line. // The PAL already takes a lock when writing, so we don't need to do so here. StackScratchBuffer scratch; const char * strLine = line.GetANSI(scratch); ULONG inCount = line.GetCount(); ULONG outCount; m_FileStream->Write(strLine, inCount, &outCount); if (inCount != outCount) { // This will cause us to stop writing to the file. // The file will still remain open until shutdown so that we don't have to take a lock at this level when we touch the file stream. m_ErrorEncountered = true; } } EX_CATCH{} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } // Log a method to the map. void PerfMap::LogMethod(MethodDesc * pMethod, PCODE pCode, size_t codeSize) { CONTRACTL{ THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(pMethod != nullptr); PRECONDITION(pCode != nullptr); PRECONDITION(codeSize > 0); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_FileStream == nullptr || m_ErrorEncountered) { // A failure occurred, do not log. return; } // Logging failures should not cause any exceptions to flow upstream. EX_TRY { // Get the full method signature. SString fullMethodSignature; pMethod->GetFullMethodInfo(fullMethodSignature); // Build the map file line. StackScratchBuffer scratch; SString line; line.Printf(FMT_CODE_ADDR " %x %s\n", pCode, codeSize, fullMethodSignature.GetANSI(scratch)); // Write the line. WriteLine(line); } EX_CATCH{} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } void PerfMap::LogImageLoad(PEFile * pFile) { if (s_Current != nullptr) { s_Current->LogImage(pFile); } } // Log an image load to the map. void PerfMap::LogImage(PEFile * pFile) { CONTRACTL{ THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(pFile != nullptr); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_FileStream == nullptr || m_ErrorEncountered) { // A failure occurred, do not log. return; } EX_TRY { WCHAR wszSignature[39]; GetNativeImageSignature(pFile, wszSignature, lengthof(wszSignature)); m_PerfInfo->LogImage(pFile, wszSignature); } EX_CATCH{} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } // Log a method to the map. void PerfMap::LogJITCompiledMethod(MethodDesc * pMethod, PCODE pCode, size_t codeSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (s_Current != nullptr) { s_Current->LogMethod(pMethod, pCode, codeSize); } } // Log a set of stub to the map. void PerfMap::LogStubs(const char* stubType, const char* stubOwner, PCODE pCode, size_t codeSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (s_Current == nullptr || s_Current->m_FileStream == nullptr) { return; } // Logging failures should not cause any exceptions to flow upstream. EX_TRY { if(!stubOwner) { stubOwner = "?"; } if(!stubType) { stubOwner = "?"; } // Build the map file line. SString line; line.Printf(FMT_CODE_ADDR " %x stub<%d> %s<%s>\n", pCode, codeSize, ++(s_Current->m_StubsMapped), stubType, stubOwner); // Write the line. s_Current->WriteLine(line); } EX_CATCH{} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } void PerfMap::GetNativeImageSignature(PEFile * pFile, WCHAR * pwszSig, unsigned int nSigSize) { CONTRACTL{ PRECONDITION(pFile != nullptr); PRECONDITION(pwszSig != nullptr); PRECONDITION(nSigSize >= 39); } CONTRACTL_END; // We use the MVID as the signature, since ready to run images // don't have a native image signature. GUID mvid; pFile->GetMVID(&mvid); if(!StringFromGUID2(mvid, pwszSig, nSigSize)) { pwszSig[0] = '\0'; } } // Create a new native image perf map. NativeImagePerfMap::NativeImagePerfMap(Assembly * pAssembly, BSTR pDestPath) : PerfMap() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Generate perfmap path. // Get the assembly simple name. LPCUTF8 lpcSimpleName = pAssembly->GetSimpleName(); // Get the native image signature (GUID). // Used to ensure that we match symbols to the correct NGEN image. WCHAR wszSignature[39]; GetNativeImageSignature(pAssembly->GetManifestFile(), wszSignature, lengthof(wszSignature)); // Build the path to the perfmap file, which consists of .ni..map. // Example: /tmp/mscorlib.ni.{GUID}.map SString sDestPerfMapPath; sDestPerfMapPath.Printf("%S%s.ni.%S.map", pDestPath, lpcSimpleName, wszSignature); // Open the perf map file. OpenFile(sDestPerfMapPath); } // Log data to the perfmap for the specified module. void NativeImagePerfMap::LogDataForModule(Module * pModule) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PEImageLayout * pLoadedLayout = pModule->GetFile()->GetLoaded(); _ASSERTE(pLoadedLayout != nullptr); SIZE_T baseAddr = (SIZE_T)pLoadedLayout->GetBase(); #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN_COMPILER if (pLoadedLayout->HasReadyToRunHeader()) { ReadyToRunInfo::MethodIterator mi(pModule->GetReadyToRunInfo()); while (mi.Next()) { MethodDesc *hotDesc = mi.GetMethodDesc(); LogPreCompiledMethod(hotDesc, mi.GetMethodStartAddress(), baseAddr); } } else #endif // FEATURE_READYTORUN_COMPILER { MethodIterator mi((PTR_Module)pModule); while (mi.Next()) { MethodDesc *hotDesc = mi.GetMethodDesc(); hotDesc->CheckRestore(); LogPreCompiledMethod(hotDesc, mi.GetMethodStartAddress(), baseAddr); } } } // Log a pre-compiled method to the perfmap. void NativeImagePerfMap::LogPreCompiledMethod(MethodDesc * pMethod, PCODE pCode, SIZE_T baseAddr) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Get information about the NGEN'd method code. EECodeInfo codeInfo(pCode); _ASSERTE(codeInfo.IsValid()); IJitManager::MethodRegionInfo methodRegionInfo; codeInfo.GetMethodRegionInfo(&methodRegionInfo); // NGEN can split code between hot and cold sections which are separate in memory. // Emit an entry for each section if it is used. if (methodRegionInfo.hotSize > 0) { LogMethod(pMethod, (PCODE)methodRegionInfo.hotStartAddress - baseAddr, methodRegionInfo.hotSize); } if (methodRegionInfo.coldSize > 0) { LogMethod(pMethod, (PCODE)methodRegionInfo.coldStartAddress - baseAddr, methodRegionInfo.coldSize); } } #endif // FEATURE_PERFMAP && !DACCESS_COMPILE