// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //************************************************************************************************* // PerfDefaults.cpp // // // Implementation of the "PerformanceScenario" config option, which defines a workload-specific // set of performance defaults. The key point of the code below is that it be clear exactly what // gets enabled for each scenario -- see the switch statements // // for host STARTUP_FLAGS, in GetModifiedStartupFlags // for environment, registry, or config CLRConfig values, in LookupConfigValue // for other global initialization, in InitializeForScenario // //************************************************************************************************* #include "common.h" #include "perfdefaults.h" // Useful to the readability of lists of settings below #define MATCHES(a,b) (SString::_wcsicmp((a),(b)) == 0) // The scenario we have been asked to run under PerformanceDefaults::PerformanceScenario PerformanceDefaults::s_Scenario = Uninitialized; // See use in code:PerformanceDefaults:InitializeForScenario extern int32_t g_bLowMemoryFromHost; // // Initialize our system to provide performance defaults for a given scenario. // If the scenario name is not recognized, intentionally ignore it and operate as if not specified. // void PerformanceDefaults::InitializeForScenario(__in_opt LPWSTR scenarioName) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // First convert the scenario name to the corresponding enum value s_Scenario = None; if (scenarioName != NULL) { if (MATCHES(scenarioName, W("HighDensityWebHosting"))) s_Scenario = HighDensityWebHosting; } // Next do any scenario-specific initialization switch (s_Scenario) { case None: break; case HighDensityWebHosting: // Tell the hosting API that we want the GC to operate as if the machine is under memory pressure. // This is a workaround because we do not want to expose "force low memory mode" as either a CLR // config option or a host startup flag (the two types of knob that PerformanceDefaults can alter) and // ASP.Net has not yet become a memory host. When they do, this can be removed and they can // make an initial call to ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback:OnMemoryNotification(eMemoryAvailableLow). // // Note that in order for ASP.Net to become a memory host the CLR will need to support profiler attach // in that condition. g_bLowMemoryFromHost = 1; break; case Uninitialized: // Unreachable, but make GCC happy break; } // Finally register our lookup function with the CLRConfig system so we get called when a 'MayHavePerformanceDefault' // config option is about to resolve to its runtime default if (s_Scenario != None) { CLRConfig::RegisterGetPerformanceDefaultValueCallback(&LookupConfigValue); } } // // Called at runtime startup to allow host-specified STARTUP_FLAGS to be overridden when running // under a scenario. // // Note that we are comfortable overriding the values the host has asked us to use (see // file:PerfDefaults.h), but we never want to override a value specified by a user to CLRConfig. // This comes up here because there are settings that are configurable through both systems. // So where an option has both STARTUP_FLAG A and CLRConfig value B, first check whether B has // been specified before altering the value of A. This way, we maintain complete compatibility // with whatever the interaction of A and B has produced in the past. // STARTUP_FLAGS PerformanceDefaults::GetModifiedStartupFlags(STARTUP_FLAGS originalFlags) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD newFlags = (DWORD)originalFlags; switch (s_Scenario) { case None: break; case HighDensityWebHosting: if (!CLRConfig::IsConfigOptionSpecified(W("gcServer"))) newFlags &= ~STARTUP_SERVER_GC; if (!CLRConfig::IsConfigOptionSpecified(W("gcConcurrent"))) newFlags &= ~STARTUP_CONCURRENT_GC; if (!CLRConfig::IsConfigOptionSpecified(W("gcTrimCommitOnLowMemory"))) newFlags |= STARTUP_TRIM_GC_COMMIT; break; case Uninitialized: // Check that no request for startup flags happens before our code has been initialized // and given a chance to modify them. _ASSERTE(!"PerformanceDefaults::InitializeForScenario should have already been called"); break; } return (STARTUP_FLAGS)newFlags; } // // Called by the CLRConfig system whenever a 'MayHavePerformanceDefault' config option is about // to resolve to its runtime default (i.e. none of the corresponding environment variable, registry, or // config file values were specified). // BOOL PerformanceDefaults::LookupConfigValue(LPCWSTR name, DWORD *pValue) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pValue != NULL); switch (s_Scenario) { case None: return FALSE; case HighDensityWebHosting: if (MATCHES(name, W("shadowCopyVerifyByTimestamp"))) { *pValue = 1; return TRUE; } return FALSE; case Uninitialized: // Check that no request for a MayHavePerformanceDefault CLRConfig option happens // before our code has been initialized and given a chance to provide a default value. _ASSERTE(!"PerformanceDefaults::InitializeForScenario should have already been called"); break; } return FALSE; }