// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // NSENUMS.H - // // // Defines NStruct-related enums // // NStruct Field Type's // // Columns: // Name - name of enum // Size - the native size (in bytes) of the field. // for some fields, this value cannot be computed // without more information. if so, put a zero here // and make sure CollectNStructFieldMetadata() // has code to compute the size. // WinRTSupported - true if the field type is supported in WinRT // scenarios. // // PS - Append new entries only at the end of the enum to avoid phone versioning break. // Name (COM+ - Native) Size DEFINE_NFT(NFT_NONE, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_STRINGUNI, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_STRINGANSI, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_FIXEDSTRINGUNI, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_FIXEDSTRINGANSI, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_FIXEDCHARARRAYANSI, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_FIXEDARRAY, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_DELEGATE, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_COPY1, 1, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_COPY2, 2, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_COPY4, 4, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_COPY8, 8, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_ANSICHAR, 1, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_WINBOOL, sizeof(BOOL), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_NESTEDLAYOUTCLASS, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_NESTEDVALUECLASS, 0, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_CBOOL, 1, true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_DATE, sizeof(DATE), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_DECIMAL, sizeof(DECIMAL), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_INTERFACE, sizeof(IUnknown*), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_SAFEHANDLE, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_CRITICALHANDLE, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_BSTR, sizeof(BSTR), false) #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP DEFINE_NFT(NFT_SAFEARRAY, 0, false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_HSTRING, sizeof(HSTRING), true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_VARIANT, sizeof(VARIANT), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_VARIANTBOOL, sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_CURRENCY, sizeof(CURRENCY), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_DATETIMEOFFSET, sizeof(INT64), true) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_SYSTEMTYPE, sizeof(TypeNameNative), true) // System.Type -> Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName DEFINE_NFT(NFT_WINDOWSFOUNDATIONHRESULT, sizeof(int), true) // Windows.Foundation.HResult is marshaled to System.Exception. #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP DEFINE_NFT(NFT_STRINGUTF8, sizeof(LPVOID), false) DEFINE_NFT(NFT_ILLEGAL, 1, true) #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP DEFINE_NFT(NFT_WINDOWSFOUNDATIONIREFERENCE, sizeof(IUnknown*), true) // Windows.Foundation.IReference`1 is marshaled to System.Nullable`1. #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Append new entries only at the end of the enum to avoid phone versioning break.