// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: mlinfo.h // // #include "stubgen.h" #include "custommarshalerinfo.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include #endif #ifndef _MLINFO_H_ #define _MLINFO_H_ #define NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT NATIVE_TYPE_MAX #define VARIABLESIZE ((BYTE)(-1)) #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP class DispParamMarshaler; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP enum DispatchWrapperType { DispatchWrapperType_Unknown = 0x00000001, DispatchWrapperType_Dispatch = 0x00000002, //DispatchWrapperType_Record = 0x00000004, DispatchWrapperType_Error = 0x00000008, DispatchWrapperType_Currency = 0x00000010, DispatchWrapperType_BStr = 0x00000020, DispatchWrapperType_SafeArray = 0x00010000 }; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP typedef enum { HANDLEASNORMAL = 0, OVERRIDDEN = 1, DISALLOWED = 2, } MarshalerOverrideStatus; enum MarshalFlags { MARSHAL_FLAG_CLR_TO_NATIVE = 0x01, MARSHAL_FLAG_IN = 0x02, MARSHAL_FLAG_OUT = 0x04, MARSHAL_FLAG_BYREF = 0x08, MARSHAL_FLAG_HRESULT_SWAP = 0x10, MARSHAL_FLAG_RETVAL = 0x20, MARSHAL_FLAG_HIDDENLENPARAM = 0x40, }; #include // Captures arguments for C array marshaling. struct CREATE_MARSHALER_CARRAY_OPERANDS { MethodTable* methodTable; UINT32 multiplier; UINT32 additive; VARTYPE elementType; UINT16 countParamIdx; BYTE bestfitmapping; BYTE throwonunmappablechar; }; #include struct OverrideProcArgs { class MarshalInfo* m_pMarshalInfo; union { MethodTable* m_pMT; struct { VARTYPE m_vt; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP SIZE_T m_cbElementSize; WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex m_redirectedTypeIndex; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } na; struct { MethodTable* m_pMT; MethodDesc* m_pCopyCtor; MethodDesc* m_pDtor; } mm; struct { MethodDesc* m_pMD; mdToken m_paramToken; void* m_hndManagedType; // TypeHandle cannot be a union member } rcm; // MARSHAL_TYPE_REFERENCECUSTOMMARSHALER }; }; typedef MarshalerOverrideStatus (*OVERRIDEPROC)(NDirectStubLinker* psl, BOOL byref, BOOL fin, BOOL fout, BOOL fManagedToNative, OverrideProcArgs* pargs, UINT* pResID, UINT argidx, UINT nativeStackOffset); typedef MarshalerOverrideStatus (*RETURNOVERRIDEPROC)(NDirectStubLinker* psl, BOOL fManagedToNative, BOOL fHresultSwap, OverrideProcArgs* pargs, UINT* pResID); //========================================================================== // This structure contains the native type information for a given // parameter. //========================================================================== struct NativeTypeParamInfo { NativeTypeParamInfo() : m_NativeType(NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT) , m_ArrayElementType(NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT) , m_SizeIsSpecified(FALSE) , m_CountParamIdx(0) , m_Multiplier(0) , m_Additive(1) , m_strCMMarshalerTypeName(NULL) , m_cCMMarshalerTypeNameBytes(0) , m_strCMCookie(NULL) , m_cCMCookieStrBytes(0) #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP , m_SafeArrayElementVT(VT_EMPTY) , m_strSafeArrayUserDefTypeName(NULL) , m_cSafeArrayUserDefTypeNameBytes(0) , m_IidParamIndex(-1) , m_strInterfaceTypeName(NULL) , m_cInterfaceTypeNameBytes(0) #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } // The native type of the parameter. CorNativeType m_NativeType; // for NT_ARRAY only CorNativeType m_ArrayElementType; // The array element type. BOOL m_SizeIsSpecified; // used to do some validation UINT16 m_CountParamIdx; // index of "sizeis" parameter UINT32 m_Multiplier; // multipler for "sizeis" UINT32 m_Additive; // additive for 'sizeis" // For NT_CUSTOMMARSHALER only. LPUTF8 m_strCMMarshalerTypeName; DWORD m_cCMMarshalerTypeNameBytes; LPUTF8 m_strCMCookie; DWORD m_cCMCookieStrBytes; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // For NT_SAFEARRAY only. VARTYPE m_SafeArrayElementVT; LPUTF8 m_strSafeArrayUserDefTypeName; DWORD m_cSafeArrayUserDefTypeNameBytes; DWORD m_IidParamIndex; // Capture iid_is syntax from IDL. // for NATIVE_TYPE_SPECIFIED_INTERFACE LPUTF8 m_strInterfaceTypeName; DWORD m_cInterfaceTypeNameBytes; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP }; HRESULT CheckForCompressedData(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeTypeStart, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType, ULONG cbNativeType); BOOL ParseNativeTypeInfo(mdToken token, IMDInternalImport* pScope, NativeTypeParamInfo* pParamInfo); void VerifyAndAdjustNormalizedType( Module * pModule, SigPointer sigPtr, const SigTypeContext * pTypeContext, CorElementType * pManagedElemType, CorNativeType * pNativeType); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP class EventArgsMarshalingInfo { public: // Constructor. EventArgsMarshalingInfo(); // Destructor. ~EventArgsMarshalingInfo(); // EventArgsMarshalingInfo's are always allocated on the loader heap so we need to redefine // the new and delete operators to ensure this. void *operator new(size_t size, LoaderHeap *pHeap); void operator delete(void *pMem); // Accessors. TypeHandle GetSystemNCCEventArgsType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_hndSystemNCCEventArgsType; } TypeHandle GetSystemPCEventArgsType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_hndSystemPCEventArgsType; } MethodDesc *GetSystemNCCEventArgsToWinRTNCCEventArgsMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSystemNCCEventArgsToWinRTNCCEventArgsMD; } MethodDesc *GetWinRTNCCEventArgsToSystemNCCEventArgsMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pWinRTNCCEventArgsToSystemNCCEventArgsMD; } MethodDesc *GetSystemPCEventArgsToWinRTPCEventArgsMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSystemPCEventArgsToWinRTPCEventArgsMD; } MethodDesc *GetWinRTPCEventArgsToSystemPCEventArgsMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pWinRTPCEventArgsToSystemPCEventArgsMD; } private: TypeHandle m_hndSystemNCCEventArgsType; TypeHandle m_hndSystemPCEventArgsType; MethodDesc *m_pSystemNCCEventArgsToWinRTNCCEventArgsMD; MethodDesc *m_pWinRTNCCEventArgsToSystemNCCEventArgsMD; MethodDesc *m_pSystemPCEventArgsToWinRTPCEventArgsMD; MethodDesc *m_pWinRTPCEventArgsToSystemPCEventArgsMD; }; class UriMarshalingInfo { public: // Constructor. UriMarshalingInfo(); // Destructor ~UriMarshalingInfo(); // UriMarshalingInfo's are always allocated on the loader heap so we need to redefine // the new and delete operators to ensure this. void *operator new(size_t size, LoaderHeap *pHeap); void operator delete(void *pMem); // Accessors. TypeHandle GetSystemUriType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_hndSystemUriType; } ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClassFactory* GetUriFactory() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; // For potential COOP->PREEMP->COOP switch MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!GetAppDomain()->IsCompilationDomain()); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pUriFactory.Load() == NULL) { GCX_PREEMP(); SafeComHolderPreemp pUriFactory; // IUriRuntimeClassFactory: 44A9796F-723E-4FDF-A218-033E75B0C084 IfFailThrow(clr::winrt::GetActivationFactory(g_WinRTUriClassNameW, (ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClassFactory **)&pUriFactory)); _ASSERTE_MSG(pUriFactory, "Got Null Uri factory!"); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pUriFactory, (ABI::Windows::Foundation::IUriRuntimeClassFactory *) pUriFactory, NULL) == NULL) pUriFactory.SuppressRelease(); } return m_pUriFactory; } MethodDesc *GetSystemUriCtorMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_SystemUriCtorMD; } MethodDesc *GetSystemUriOriginalStringMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_SystemUriOriginalStringGetterMD; } private: TypeHandle m_hndSystemUriType; MethodDesc* m_SystemUriCtorMD; MethodDesc* m_SystemUriOriginalStringGetterMD; VolatilePtr m_pUriFactory; }; class OleColorMarshalingInfo { public: // Constructor. OleColorMarshalingInfo(); // OleColorMarshalingInfo's are always allocated on the loader heap so we need to redefine // the new and delete operators to ensure this. void *operator new(size_t size, LoaderHeap *pHeap); void operator delete(void *pMem); // Accessors. TypeHandle GetColorType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_hndColorType; } MethodDesc *GetOleColorToSystemColorMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_OleColorToSystemColorMD; } MethodDesc *GetSystemColorToOleColorMD() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_SystemColorToOleColorMD; } private: TypeHandle m_hndColorType; MethodDesc* m_OleColorToSystemColorMD; MethodDesc* m_SystemColorToOleColorMD; }; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP class EEMarshalingData { public: EEMarshalingData(LoaderAllocator *pAllocator, CrstBase *pCrst); ~EEMarshalingData(); // EEMarshalingData's are always allocated on the loader heap so we need to redefine // the new and delete operators to ensure this. void *operator new(size_t size, LoaderHeap *pHeap); void operator delete(void *pMem); // This method returns the custom marshaling helper associated with the name cookie pair. If the // CM info has not been created yet for this pair then it will be created and returned. CustomMarshalerHelper *GetCustomMarshalerHelper(Assembly *pAssembly, TypeHandle hndManagedType, LPCUTF8 strMarshalerTypeName, DWORD cMarshalerTypeNameBytes, LPCUTF8 strCookie, DWORD cCookieStrBytes); // This method returns the custom marshaling info associated with shared CM helper. CustomMarshalerInfo *GetCustomMarshalerInfo(SharedCustomMarshalerHelper *pSharedCMHelper); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // This method retrieves OLE_COLOR marshaling info. OleColorMarshalingInfo *GetOleColorMarshalingInfo(); UriMarshalingInfo *GetUriMarshalingInfo(); EventArgsMarshalingInfo *GetEventArgsMarshalingInfo(); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP private: #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE EECMHelperHashTable m_CMHelperHashtable; EEPtrHashTable m_SharedCMHelperToCMInfoMap; #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE LoaderAllocator* m_pAllocator; LoaderHeap* m_pHeap; CMINFOLIST m_pCMInfoList; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP OleColorMarshalingInfo* m_pOleColorInfo; UriMarshalingInfo* m_pUriInfo; EventArgsMarshalingInfo* m_pEventArgsInfo; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP CrstBase* m_lock; }; struct ItfMarshalInfo; class MarshalInfo { public: enum MarshalType { #define DEFINE_MARSHALER_TYPE(mtype, mclass, fWinRTSupported) mtype, #include "mtypes.h" MARSHAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN }; enum MarshalScenario { MARSHAL_SCENARIO_NDIRECT, #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP, MARSHAL_SCENARIO_WINRT, #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP MARSHAL_SCENARIO_FIELD }; private: public: void *operator new(size_t size, void *pInPlace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return pInPlace; } MarshalInfo(Module* pModule, SigPointer sig, const SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, mdToken token, MarshalScenario ms, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags, BOOL isParam, UINT paramidx, // parameter # for use in error messages (ignored if not parameter) UINT numArgs, // number of arguments. used to check SizeParamIndex is within valid range BOOL BestFit, BOOL ThrowOnUnmappableChar, BOOL fEmitsIL, MethodDesc* pMD = NULL, BOOL fUseCustomMarshal = TRUE #ifdef _DEBUG , LPCUTF8 pDebugName = NULL, LPCUTF8 pDebugClassName = NULL, UINT argidx = 0 // 0 for return value, -1 for field #endif ); VOID EmitOrThrowInteropParamException(NDirectStubLinker* psl, BOOL fMngToNative, UINT resID, UINT paramIdx); // These methods retrieve the information for different element types. HRESULT HandleArrayElemType(NativeTypeParamInfo *pParamInfo, TypeHandle elemTypeHnd, int iRank, BOOL fNoLowerBounds, BOOL isParam, Assembly *pAssembly); void GenerateArgumentIL(NDirectStubLinker* psl, int argOffset, // the argument's index is m_paramidx + argOffset UINT nativeStackOffset, // offset of the argument on the native stack BOOL fMngToNative); void GenerateReturnIL(NDirectStubLinker* psl, int argOffset, // the argument's index is m_paramidx + argOffset BOOL fMngToNative, BOOL fieldGetter, BOOL retval); void SetupArgumentSizes(); UINT16 GetNativeArgSize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nativeArgSize; } MarshalType GetMarshalType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_type; } BYTE GetBestFitMapping() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((m_BestFit == 0) ? 0 : 1); } BYTE GetThrowOnUnmappableChar() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((m_ThrowOnUnmappableChar == 0) ? 0 : 1); } BOOL IsFpuReturn() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_type == MARSHAL_TYPE_FLOAT || m_type == MARSHAL_TYPE_DOUBLE; } BOOL IsIn() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_in; } BOOL IsOut() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_out; } BOOL IsByRef() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_byref; } Module* GetModule() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pModule; } int GetArrayRank() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_iArrayRank; } BOOL GetNoLowerBounds() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nolowerbounds; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void SetHiddenLengthParamIndex(UINT16 index) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_hiddenLengthParamIndex == (UINT16)-1); m_hiddenLengthParamIndex = index; } UINT16 HiddenLengthParamIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_hiddenLengthParamIndex != (UINT16)-1); return m_hiddenLengthParamIndex; } DWORD GetHiddenLengthManagedHome() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_dwHiddenLengthManagedHomeLocal != 0xFFFFFFFF); return m_dwHiddenLengthManagedHomeLocal; } DWORD GetHiddenLengthNativeHome() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_dwHiddenLengthNativeHomeLocal != 0xFFFFFFFF); return m_dwHiddenLengthNativeHomeLocal; } MarshalType GetHiddenLengthParamMarshalType(); CorElementType GetHiddenLengthParamElementType(); UINT16 GetHiddenLengthParamStackSize(); void MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(NDirectStubLinker *psl, BOOL managedToNative, BOOL isForReturnArray); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // used the same logic of tlbexp to check whether the argument of the method is a VarArg BOOL IsOleVarArgCandidate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fOleVarArgCandidate; // m_fOleVarArgCandidate is set in the constructor method } void GetMops(CREATE_MARSHALER_CARRAY_OPERANDS* pMopsOut) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; pMopsOut->methodTable = m_hndArrayElemType.AsMethodTable(); pMopsOut->elementType = m_arrayElementType; pMopsOut->countParamIdx = m_countParamIdx; pMopsOut->multiplier = m_multiplier; pMopsOut->additive = m_additive; pMopsOut->bestfitmapping = GetBestFitMapping(); pMopsOut->throwonunmappablechar = GetThrowOnUnmappableChar(); } TypeHandle GetArrayElementTypeHandle() { return m_hndArrayElemType; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP DispParamMarshaler *GenerateDispParamMarshaler(); DispatchWrapperType GetDispWrapperType(); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP void GetItfMarshalInfo(ItfMarshalInfo* pInfo); // Helper functions used to map the specified type to its interface marshalling info. static void GetItfMarshalInfo(TypeHandle th, TypeHandle thItf, BOOL fDispItf, BOOL fInspItf, MarshalScenario ms, ItfMarshalInfo *pInfo); static HRESULT TryGetItfMarshalInfo(TypeHandle th, BOOL fDispItf, BOOL fInspItf, ItfMarshalInfo *pInfo); VOID MarshalTypeToString(SString& strMarshalType, BOOL fSizeIsSpecified); static VOID VarTypeToString(VARTYPE vt, SString& strVarType); // Returns true if the specified marshaler requires COM to have been started. bool MarshalerRequiresCOM(); MethodDesc *GetMethodDesc() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pMD; } UINT GetParamIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_paramidx; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP BOOL IsWinRTScenario() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_ms == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_WINRT; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP private: UINT16 GetManagedSize(MarshalType mtype, MarshalScenario ms); UINT16 GetNativeSize(MarshalType mtype, MarshalScenario ms); static bool IsInOnly(MarshalType mtype); static bool IsSupportedForWinRT(MarshalType mtype); static OVERRIDEPROC GetArgumentOverrideProc(MarshalType mtype); static RETURNOVERRIDEPROC GetReturnOverrideProc(MarshalType mtype); #ifdef _DEBUG VOID DumpMarshalInfo(Module* pModule, SigPointer sig, const SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, mdToken token, MarshalScenario ms, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags); #endif private: MarshalType m_type; BOOL m_byref; BOOL m_in; BOOL m_out; MethodTable* m_pMT; // Used if this is a true value type MethodDesc* m_pMD; // Save MethodDesc for later inspection so that we can pass SizeParamIndex by ref TypeHandle m_hndArrayElemType; VARTYPE m_arrayElementType; int m_iArrayRank; BOOL m_nolowerbounds; // if managed type is SZARRAY, don't allow lower bounds // for NT_ARRAY only UINT32 m_multiplier; // multipler for "sizeis" UINT32 m_additive; // additive for 'sizeis" UINT16 m_countParamIdx; // index of "sizeis" parameter #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // For NATIVE_TYPE_HIDDENLENGTHARRAY UINT16 m_hiddenLengthParamIndex; // index of the injected hidden length parameter DWORD m_dwHiddenLengthManagedHomeLocal; // home local for the managed hidden length parameter DWORD m_dwHiddenLengthNativeHomeLocal; // home local for the native hidden length parameter MethodTable* m_pDefaultItfMT; // WinRT default interface (if m_pMT is a class) #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP UINT16 m_nativeArgSize; UINT16 m_managedArgSize; MarshalScenario m_ms; BOOL m_fAnsi; BOOL m_fDispItf; BOOL m_fInspItf; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP BOOL m_fErrorNativeType; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Information used by NT_CUSTOMMARSHALER. CustomMarshalerHelper* m_pCMHelper; VARTYPE m_CMVt; OverrideProcArgs m_args; UINT m_paramidx; UINT m_resID; // resource ID for error message (if any) BOOL m_BestFit; BOOL m_ThrowOnUnmappableChar; BOOL m_fOleVarArgCandidate; // indicate whether the arg is a candidate for vararg or not #if defined(_DEBUG) LPCUTF8 m_strDebugMethName; LPCUTF8 m_strDebugClassName; UINT m_iArg; // 0 for return value, -1 for field #endif Module* m_pModule; }; // // Flags used to control the behavior of the ArrayMarshalInfo class. // enum ArrayMarshalInfoFlags { amiRuntime = 0x0001, amiExport32Bit = 0x0002, amiExport64Bit = 0x0004, amiIsPtr = 0x0008, amiSafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified = 0x0010 }; #define IsAMIRuntime(flags) (flags & amiRuntime) #define IsAMIExport(flags) (flags & (amiExport32Bit | amiExport64Bit)) #define IsAMIExport32Bit(flags) (flags & amiExport32Bit) #define IsAMIExport64Bit(flags) (flags & amiExport64Bit) #define IsAMIPtr(flags) (flags & amiIsPtr) #define IsAMISafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified(flags) (flags & amiSafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified) // // Helper classes to determine the marshalling information for arrays. // class ArrayMarshalInfo { public: ArrayMarshalInfo(ArrayMarshalInfoFlags flags) : m_vtElement(VT_EMPTY) , m_errorResourceId(0) , m_flags(flags) #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP , m_redirectedTypeIndex((WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex)0) , m_cbElementSize(0) #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } void InitForNativeArray(MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms, TypeHandle elemTypeHnd, CorNativeType elementNativeType, BOOL isAnsi); void InitForFixedArray(TypeHandle elemTypeHnd, CorNativeType elementNativeType, BOOL isAnsi); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void InitForSafeArray(MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms, TypeHandle elemTypeHnd, VARTYPE elementVT, BOOL isAnsi); void InitForHiddenLengthArray(TypeHandle elemTypeHnd); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP TypeHandle GetElementTypeHandle() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_thElement; } BOOL IsPtr() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return IsAMIPtr(m_flags); } VARTYPE GetElementVT() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if ((IsAMIRuntime(m_flags) && IsAMIPtr(m_flags)) != 0) { // for the purpose of marshaling, we don't care about the inner // type - we just marshal pointer-sized values return (sizeof(LPVOID) == 4 ? VT_I4 : VT_I8); } else { return m_vtElement; } } BOOL IsValid() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_vtElement != VT_EMPTY; } BOOL IsSafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return IsAMISafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified(m_flags); } DWORD GetErrorResourceId() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!IsValid()); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_errorResourceId; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex GetRedirectedTypeIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_redirectedTypeIndex; } SIZE_T GetElementSize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbElementSize; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP protected: // Helper function that does the actual work to figure out the element type handle and var type. void InitElementInfo(CorNativeType arrayNativeType, MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms, TypeHandle elemTypeHnd, CorNativeType elementNativeType, BOOL isAnsi); VARTYPE GetPointerSize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // If we are exporting, use the pointer size specified via the flags, otherwise use // the current size of a pointer. if (IsAMIExport32Bit(m_flags)) return 4; else if (IsAMIExport64Bit(m_flags)) return 8; else return sizeof(LPVOID); } protected: TypeHandle m_thElement; TypeHandle m_thInterfaceArrayElementClass; VARTYPE m_vtElement; DWORD m_errorResourceId; ArrayMarshalInfoFlags m_flags; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex m_redirectedTypeIndex; SIZE_T m_cbElementSize; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP }; //=================================================================================== // Throws an exception indicating a param has invalid element type / native type // information. //=================================================================================== VOID ThrowInteropParamException(UINT resID, UINT paramIdx); VOID CollateParamTokens(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, mdMethodDef md, ULONG numargs, mdParamDef *aParams); bool IsUnsupportedTypedrefReturn(MetaSig& msig); void FindCopyCtor(Module *pModule, MethodTable *pMT, MethodDesc **pMDOut); void FindDtor(Module *pModule, MethodTable *pMT, MethodDesc **pMDOut); // We'll cap the total native size at a (somewhat) arbitrary limit to ensure // that we don't expose some overflow bug later on. #define MAX_SIZE_FOR_INTEROP 0x7ffffff0 #endif // _MLINFO_H_