// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "utilcode.h" #include "corjit.h" #include "jithost.h" void* JitHost::allocateMemory(size_t size) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ClrAllocInProcessHeap(0, S_SIZE_T(size)); } void JitHost::freeMemory(void* block) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ClrFreeInProcessHeap(0, block); } int JitHost::getIntConfigValue(const wchar_t* name, int defaultValue) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Translate JIT call into runtime configuration query CLRConfig::ConfigDWORDInfo info{ name, (DWORD)defaultValue, CLRConfig::EEConfig_default }; // Perform a CLRConfig look up on behalf of the JIT. return CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(info); } const wchar_t* JitHost::getStringConfigValue(const wchar_t* name) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Translate JIT call into runtime configuration query CLRConfig::ConfigStringInfo info{ name, CLRConfig::EEConfig_default }; // Perform a CLRConfig look up on behalf of the JIT. return CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(info); } void JitHost::freeStringConfigValue(const wchar_t* value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CLRConfig::FreeConfigString(const_cast(value)); } // // Pool memory blocks for JIT to avoid frequent commit/decommit. The frequent commit/decommit has been // shown to slow down the JIT significantly (10% or more). The memory blocks used by the JIT tend to be too big // to be covered by pooling done by the default malloc. // // - Keep up to some limit worth of memory, with loose affinization of memory blocks to threads. // - On finalizer thread, release the extra memory that was not used recently. // void* JitHost::allocateSlab(size_t size, size_t* pActualSize) { size = max(size, sizeof(Slab)); Thread* pCurrentThread = GetThread(); if (m_pCurrentCachedList != NULL || m_pPreviousCachedList != NULL) { CrstHolder lock(&m_jitSlabAllocatorCrst); Slab** ppCandidate = NULL; for (Slab ** ppList = &m_pCurrentCachedList; *ppList != NULL; ppList = &(*ppList)->pNext) { Slab* p = *ppList; if (p->size >= size && p->size <= 4 * size) // Avoid wasting more than 4x memory { ppCandidate = ppList; if (p->affinity == pCurrentThread) break; } } if (ppCandidate == NULL) { for (Slab ** ppList = &m_pPreviousCachedList; *ppList != NULL; ppList = &(*ppList)->pNext) { Slab* p = *ppList; if (p->size == size) // Allocation from previous list requires exact match { ppCandidate = ppList; if (p->affinity == pCurrentThread) break; } } } if (ppCandidate != NULL) { Slab* p = *ppCandidate; *ppCandidate = p->pNext; m_totalCached -= p->size; *pActualSize = p->size; return p; } } *pActualSize = size; return ClrAllocInProcessHeap(0, S_SIZE_T(size)); } void JitHost::freeSlab(void* slab, size_t actualSize) { _ASSERTE(actualSize >= sizeof(Slab)); if (actualSize < 0x100000) // Do not cache blocks that are more than 1MB { CrstHolder lock(&m_jitSlabAllocatorCrst); if (m_totalCached < 0x1000000) // Do not cache more than 16MB { m_totalCached += actualSize; Slab* pSlab = (Slab*)slab; pSlab->size = actualSize; pSlab->affinity = GetThread(); pSlab->pNext = m_pCurrentCachedList; m_pCurrentCachedList = pSlab; return; } } ClrFreeInProcessHeap(0, slab); } void JitHost::init() { m_jitSlabAllocatorCrst.Init(CrstLeafLock); } void JitHost::reclaim() { if (m_pCurrentCachedList != NULL || m_pPreviousCachedList != NULL) { DWORD ticks = ::GetTickCount(); if (m_lastFlush == 0) // Just update m_lastFlush first time around { m_lastFlush = ticks; return; } if ((DWORD)(ticks - m_lastFlush) < 2000) // Flush the free lists every 2 seconds return; m_lastFlush = ticks; // Flush all slabs in m_pPreviousCachedList for (;;) { Slab* slabToDelete = NULL; { CrstHolder lock(&m_jitSlabAllocatorCrst); slabToDelete = m_pPreviousCachedList; if (slabToDelete == NULL) { m_pPreviousCachedList = m_pCurrentCachedList; m_pCurrentCachedList = NULL; break; } m_totalCached -= slabToDelete->size; m_pPreviousCachedList = slabToDelete->pNext; } ClrFreeInProcessHeap(0, slabToDelete); } } } JitHost JitHost::s_theJitHost;