// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ============================================================================================= // Code for tracking method inlinings in NGen images. // The only information stored is "who" got inlined "where", no offsets or inlining depth tracking. // (No good for debugger yet.) // This information is later exposed to profilers and can be useful for ReJIT. // Runtime inlining is not being tracked because profilers can deduce it via callbacks anyway. // ============================================================================================= #include "common.h" #include "inlinetracking.h" #include "ceeload.h" bool MethodInModule::operator <(const MethodInModule& other) const { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (m_module == other.m_module) { return m_methodDef < other.m_methodDef; } else { // Since NGen images are supposed to be determenistic, // we need stable sort order that isn't changing between different runs // That's why we use names and GUIDs instead of just doing m_module < other.m_module // First we try to compare simple names (should be fast enough) LPCUTF8 simpleName = m_module ? m_module->GetSimpleName() : ""; LPCUTF8 otherSimpleName = other.m_module ? other.m_module->GetSimpleName() : ""; int nameCmpResult = strcmp(simpleName, otherSimpleName); if (nameCmpResult == 0) { // Names are equal but module addresses aren't, it's suspicious // falling back to module GUIDs GUID thisGuid, otherGuid; if (m_module == NULL) { memset(&thisGuid, 0, sizeof(GUID)); } else { m_module->GetFile()->GetMVID(&thisGuid); } if (other.m_module == NULL) { memset(&otherGuid, 0, sizeof(GUID)); } else { other.m_module->GetFile()->GetMVID(&otherGuid); } return memcmp(&thisGuid, &otherGuid, sizeof(GUID)) < 0; } else { return nameCmpResult < 0; } } } bool MethodInModule::operator ==(const MethodInModule& other) const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_methodDef == other.m_methodDef && m_module == other.m_module; } bool MethodInModule::operator !=(const MethodInModule& other) const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_methodDef != other.m_methodDef || m_module != other.m_module; } void InlineTrackingEntry::SortAndDeduplicate() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; //Sort MethodInModule *begin = &m_inliners[0]; MethodInModule *end = begin + m_inliners.GetCount(); util::sort(begin, end); //Deduplicate MethodInModule *left = begin; MethodInModule *right = left + 1; while (right < end) { auto rvalue = *right; if (*left != rvalue) { left++; if (left != right) { *left = rvalue; } } right++; } //Shrink int newCount = (int)(left - begin + 1); m_inliners.SetCount(newCount); } InlineTrackingEntry::InlineTrackingEntry(const InlineTrackingEntry& other) :m_inlinee(other.m_inlinee) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_inliners.Set(other.m_inliners); } InlineTrackingEntry & InlineTrackingEntry::operator = (const InlineTrackingEntry &other) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_inlinee = other.m_inlinee; m_inliners.Set(other.m_inliners); return *this; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE COUNT_T PersistentInlineTrackingMap::GetInliners(PTR_Module inlineeOwnerMod, mdMethodDef inlineeTkn, COUNT_T inlinersSize, MethodInModule inliners[], BOOL *incompleteData) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(inlineeOwnerMod); _ASSERTE(inliners); if (incompleteData) { *incompleteData = FALSE; } if (m_inlineeIndex == NULL || m_inlinersBuffer == NULL) { //No inlines saved in this image. return 0; } // Binary search to find all records matching (inlineeTkn/inlineeOwnerMod) InlineeRecord probeRecord(RidFromToken(inlineeTkn), inlineeOwnerMod->GetSimpleName()); InlineeRecord *begin = m_inlineeIndex; InlineeRecord *end = m_inlineeIndex + m_inlineeIndexSize; InlineeRecord *foundRecord = util::lower_bound(begin, end, probeRecord); DWORD result = 0; DWORD outputIndex = 0; // Go through all matching records for (; foundRecord < end && *foundRecord == probeRecord; foundRecord++) { DWORD offset = foundRecord->m_offset; NibbleReader stream(m_inlinersBuffer + offset, m_inlinersBufferSize - offset); DWORD inlineeModuleZapIndex = stream.ReadEncodedU32(); Module *decodedInlineeModule = GetModuleByIndex(inlineeModuleZapIndex); // Check if this is just token/method name hash collision if (decodedInlineeModule == inlineeOwnerMod) { // We found the token and the module we were looking for! DWORD inlinerModuleZapIndex = stream.ReadEncodedU32(); //read inliner module, it is same for all inliners Module *inlinerModule = GetModuleByIndex(inlinerModuleZapIndex); if (inlinerModule != NULL) { DWORD inlinersCount = stream.ReadEncodedU32(); _ASSERTE(inlinersCount > 0); RID inlinerRid = 0; // Reading inliner RIDs one by one, each RID is represented as an adjustment (diff) to the previous one. // Adding inliners module and coping to the output buffer for (DWORD i = 0; i < inlinersCount && outputIndex < inlinersSize; i++) { inlinerRid += stream.ReadEncodedU32(); mdMethodDef inlinerTkn = TokenFromRid(inlinerRid, mdtMethodDef); inliners[outputIndex++] = MethodInModule(inlinerModule, inlinerTkn); } result += inlinersCount; } else { // We can't find module for this inlineeModuleZapIndex, it means it hasn't been loaded yet // (maybe it never will be), we just report it to the profiler. // Profiler might want to try later when more modules are loaded. if (incompleteData) { *incompleteData = TRUE; } } } } return result; } Module *PersistentInlineTrackingMap::GetModuleByIndex(DWORD index) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // This "black magic spell" has in fact nothing to do with GenericInstantiationCompare per se, but just sets a thread flag // that later activates more thorough search inside Module::GetAssemblyIfLoaded, which is indirectly called from GetModuleFromIndexIfLoaded. // This is useful when ngen image was compiler against a different assembly version than the one loaded now. ClrFlsThreadTypeSwitch genericInstantionCompareHolder(ThreadType_GenericInstantiationCompare); return m_module->GetModuleFromIndexIfLoaded(index); } PersistentInlineTrackingMap::InlineeRecord::InlineeRecord(RID rid, LPCUTF8 simpleName) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //XOR of up to first 24 bytes in module name DWORD hash = 0; for (int i = 0; simpleName[i] && i < 24; i++) hash ^= (BYTE)simpleName[i]; // This key contains 24 bits of RID and 8 bits from module name. // Since RID can't be longer than 24 bits, we can't have method RID collistions, // that's why PersistentInlineTrackingMap::GetInliners only deals with module collisions. m_key = (hash << 24) | rid; } InlineTrackingMap::InlineTrackingMap() : m_mapCrst(CrstInlineTrackingMap) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; } void InlineTrackingMap::AddInlining(MethodDesc *inliner, MethodDesc *inlinee) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(inliner != NULL); _ASSERTE(inlinee != NULL); MethodInModule inlineeMnM(inlinee->GetModule(), inlinee->GetMemberDef()); if (RidFromToken(inlineeMnM.m_methodDef) == 0 || RidFromToken(inliner->GetMemberDef()) == 0) { // Sometimes we do see methods that don't have valid tokens (stubs etc) // we just ignore them. return; } CrstHolder lock(&m_mapCrst); InlineTrackingEntry *existingEntry = const_cast(LookupPtr(inlineeMnM)); if (existingEntry) { // We saw this inlinee before, just add one more inliner existingEntry->Add(inliner); } else { // We haven't seen this inlinee before, create a new record in the hashtable // and add a first inliner to it. InlineTrackingEntry newEntry; newEntry.m_inlinee = inlineeMnM; newEntry.Add(inliner); Add(newEntry); } } void InlineTrackingEntry::Add(PTR_MethodDesc inliner) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; MethodInModule method(inliner->GetModule(), inliner->GetMemberDef()); // Going through last 10 inliners to check if a given inliner has recently been registered. // It allows to filter out most duplicates without having to scan through hundreds of inliners // for methods like Object.ctor or Monitor.Enter. // We are OK to keep occasional duplicates in m_inliners, we'll get rid of them // in SortAndDeduplicate() anyway. int count = static_cast(m_inliners.GetCount()); int start = max(0, count - 10); for (int i = count - 1; i >= start; i--) { if (m_inliners[i] == method) return; } //look like we see this inliner for the first time, add it to the collection m_inliners.Append(method); } #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION void PersistentInlineTrackingMap::ProcessInlineTrackingEntry(DataImage *image, SBuffer *inlinersBuffer, SArray *inlineeIndex, InlineTrackingEntry *entry) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // This call removes duplicates from inliners and makes sure they are sorted by module entry->SortAndDeduplicate(); MethodInModule inlinee = entry->m_inlinee; DWORD inlineeModuleZapIndex = image->GetModuleImportIndex(inlinee.m_module); InlineSArray &inliners = entry->m_inliners; COUNT_T tatalInlinersCount = inliners.GetCount(); _ASSERTE(tatalInlinersCount > 0); COUNT_T sameModuleCount; // Going through all inliners and grouping them by their module, for each module we'll create // InlineeRecord and encode inliners as bytes in inlinersBuffer. for (COUNT_T thisModuleBegin = 0; thisModuleBegin < tatalInlinersCount; thisModuleBegin += sameModuleCount) { Module *lastInlinerModule = inliners[thisModuleBegin].m_module; DWORD lastInlinerModuleZapIndex = image->GetModuleImportIndex(lastInlinerModule); // Counting how many inliners belong to this module sameModuleCount = 1; while (thisModuleBegin + sameModuleCount < tatalInlinersCount && inliners[thisModuleBegin + sameModuleCount].m_module == lastInlinerModule) { sameModuleCount++; } // Saving module indexes and number of inliners NibbleWriter inlinersStream; inlinersStream.WriteEncodedU32(inlineeModuleZapIndex); inlinersStream.WriteEncodedU32(lastInlinerModuleZapIndex); inlinersStream.WriteEncodedU32(sameModuleCount); // Saving inliners RIDs, each new RID is represented as an adjustment (diff) to the previous one RID prevMethodRid = 0; for (COUNT_T i = thisModuleBegin; i < thisModuleBegin + sameModuleCount; i++) { RID methodRid = RidFromToken(inliners[i].m_methodDef); _ASSERTE(methodRid >= prevMethodRid); inlinersStream.WriteEncodedU32(methodRid - prevMethodRid); prevMethodRid = methodRid; } inlinersStream.Flush(); // Copy output of NibbleWriter into a big buffer (inlinersBuffer) for inliners from the same module // and create an InlineeRecord with correct offset InlineeRecord record(RidFromToken(inlinee.m_methodDef), inlinee.m_module->GetSimpleName()); DWORD inlinersStreamSize; const BYTE *inlinersStreamPtr = (const BYTE *)inlinersStream.GetBlob(&inlinersStreamSize); record.m_offset = inlinersBuffer->GetSize(); inlinersBuffer->Insert(inlinersBuffer->End(), SBuffer(SBuffer::Immutable, inlinersStreamPtr, inlinersStreamSize)); inlineeIndex->Append(record); } } bool compare_entry(const InlineTrackingEntry* first, const InlineTrackingEntry* second) { return first->m_inlinee < second->m_inlinee; } void PersistentInlineTrackingMap::Save(DataImage *image, InlineTrackingMap* runtimeMap) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(image != NULL); _ASSERTE(runtimeMap != NULL); SArray inlineeIndex; SBuffer inlinersBuffer; // Sort records from runtimeMap, because we need to make sure // we save everything in deterministic order. Hashtable iteration is not deterministic. COUNT_T runtimeMapCount = runtimeMap->GetCount(); InlineTrackingEntry **inlinees = new InlineTrackingEntry *[runtimeMapCount]; NewArrayHolderinlineesHolder(inlinees); int index = 0; for (auto iter = runtimeMap->Begin(), end = runtimeMap->End(); iter != end; ++iter) { inlinees[index++] = const_cast(&*iter); } util::sort(inlinees, inlinees + runtimeMapCount, compare_entry); // Iterate throught each inlinee record from the InlineTrackingMap // and write corresponding records into inlineeIndex and inlinersBuffer for (COUNT_T i = 0; i < runtimeMapCount; i++) { ProcessInlineTrackingEntry(image, &inlinersBuffer, &inlineeIndex, inlinees[i]); } m_inlineeIndexSize = inlineeIndex.GetCount(); m_inlinersBufferSize = inlinersBuffer.GetSize(); _ASSERTE((m_inlineeIndexSize == 0) == (m_inlinersBufferSize == 0)); if (m_inlineeIndexSize != 0 && m_inlinersBufferSize != 0) { // Copy everything to the class fields, we didn't use the class fields for addition // because we want to make sure we don't waste memory for buffer's amortized growth m_inlineeIndex = new (image->GetHeap()) InlineeRecord[m_inlineeIndexSize]; inlineeIndex.Copy(m_inlineeIndex, inlineeIndex.Begin(), m_inlineeIndexSize); m_inlinersBuffer = new (image->GetHeap()) BYTE[m_inlinersBufferSize]; inlinersBuffer.Copy(m_inlinersBuffer, inlinersBuffer.Begin(), m_inlinersBufferSize); //Sort m_inlineeIndex so we can later use binary search util::sort(m_inlineeIndex, m_inlineeIndex + m_inlineeIndexSize); //Making sure all this memory actually gets saved into NGEN image image->StoreStructure(m_inlineeIndex, m_inlineeIndexSize * sizeof(m_inlineeIndex[0]), DataImage::ITEM_INLINING_DATA); image->StoreStructure(m_inlinersBuffer, m_inlinersBufferSize, DataImage::ITEM_INLINING_DATA); } image->StoreStructure(this, sizeof(*this), DataImage::ITEM_INLINING_DATA); LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO100000, "PersistentInlineTrackingMap saved. InlineeIndexSize: %d bytes, InlinersBufferSize: %d bytes\n", m_inlineeIndexSize * sizeof(m_inlineeIndex[0]), m_inlinersBufferSize)); } void PersistentInlineTrackingMap::Fixup(DataImage *image) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(PersistentInlineTrackingMap, m_module)); image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(PersistentInlineTrackingMap, m_inlineeIndex)); image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(PersistentInlineTrackingMap, m_inlinersBuffer)); } #endif //FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE