// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: ILStubCache.cpp // // #include "common.h" #include "ilstubcache.h" #include "dllimport.h" #include #include "jitinterface.h" #include "sigbuilder.h" #include "ngenhash.inl" #include "compile.h" #include "eventtrace.h" const char* FormatSig(MethodDesc* pMD, LoaderHeap *pHeap, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); ILStubCache::ILStubCache(LoaderHeap *pHeap) : CClosedHashBase( #ifdef _DEBUG 3, #else 17, // CClosedHashTable will grow as necessary #endif sizeof(ILCHASHENTRY), FALSE ), m_crst(CrstStubCache, CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE), m_heap(pHeap), m_pStubMT(NULL) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } void ILStubCache::Init(LoaderHeap* pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(NULL == m_heap); m_heap = pHeap; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void CreateModuleIndependentSignature(LoaderHeap* pCreationHeap, AllocMemTracker* pamTracker, Module* pSigModule, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cbSig, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, PCCOR_SIGNATURE* ppNewSig, DWORD* pcbNewSig) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSigModule, NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppNewSig, NULL_NOT_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pcbNewSig, NULL_NOT_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; SigPointer sigPtr(pSig, cbSig); SigBuilder sigBuilder; sigPtr.ConvertToInternalSignature(pSigModule, pTypeContext, &sigBuilder); DWORD cbNewSig; PVOID pConvertedSig = sigBuilder.GetSignature(&cbNewSig); PVOID pNewSig = pamTracker->Track(pCreationHeap->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(cbNewSig))); memcpy(pNewSig, pConvertedSig, cbNewSig); *ppNewSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)pNewSig; *pcbNewSig = cbNewSig; } // static MethodDesc* ILStubCache::CreateAndLinkNewILStubMethodDesc(LoaderAllocator* pAllocator, MethodTable* pMT, DWORD dwStubFlags, Module* pSigModule, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cbSig, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, ILStubLinker* pStubLinker) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT, NULL_NOT_OK)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; AllocMemTracker amTracker; MethodDesc *pStubMD = ILStubCache::CreateNewMethodDesc(pAllocator->GetHighFrequencyHeap(), pMT, dwStubFlags, pSigModule, pSig, cbSig, pTypeContext, &amTracker); amTracker.SuppressRelease(); ILStubResolver *pResolver = pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->GetILStubResolver(); pResolver->SetStubMethodDesc(pStubMD); { UINT maxStack; size_t cbCode; DWORD cbSig; BYTE * pbBuffer; BYTE * pbLocalSig; cbCode = pStubLinker->Link(&maxStack); cbSig = pStubLinker->GetLocalSigSize(); COR_ILMETHOD_DECODER * pILHeader = pResolver->AllocGeneratedIL(cbCode, cbSig, maxStack); pbBuffer = (BYTE *)pILHeader->Code; pbLocalSig = (BYTE *)pILHeader->LocalVarSig; _ASSERTE(cbSig == pILHeader->cbLocalVarSig); pStubLinker->GenerateCode(pbBuffer, cbCode); pStubLinker->GetLocalSig(pbLocalSig, cbSig); pResolver->SetJitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS(CORJIT_FLAGS::CORJIT_FLAG_IL_STUB)); } pResolver->SetTokenLookupMap(pStubLinker->GetTokenLookupMap()); RETURN pStubMD; } // static MethodDesc* ILStubCache::CreateNewMethodDesc(LoaderHeap* pCreationHeap, MethodTable* pMT, DWORD dwStubFlags, Module* pSigModule, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cbSig, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, AllocMemTracker* pamTracker) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT, NULL_NOT_OK)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; // @TODO: reuse the same chunk for multiple methods MethodDescChunk* pChunk = MethodDescChunk::CreateChunk(pCreationHeap, 1, mcDynamic, TRUE /* fNonVtableSlot */, TRUE /* fNativeCodeSlot */, FALSE /* fComPlusCallInfo */, pMT, pamTracker); // Note: The method desc memory is zero initialized DynamicMethodDesc* pMD = (DynamicMethodDesc*)pChunk->GetFirstMethodDesc(); pMD->SetMemberDef(0); pMD->SetSlot(MethodTable::NO_SLOT); // we can't ever use the slot for dynamic methods // the no metadata part of the method desc pMD->m_pszMethodName = (PTR_CUTF8)"IL_STUB"; pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags = mdPublic | DynamicMethodDesc::nomdILStub; pMD->SetTemporaryEntryPoint(pMT->GetLoaderAllocator(), pamTracker); // // convert signature to a compatible signature if needed // PCCOR_SIGNATURE pNewSig; DWORD cbNewSig; // If we are in the same module and don't have any generics, we can use the incoming signature. // Note that pTypeContext may be non-empty and the signature can still have no E_T_(M)VAR in it. // We could do a more precise check if we cared. if (pMT->GetModule() == pSigModule && (pTypeContext == NULL || pTypeContext->IsEmpty())) { pNewSig = pSig; cbNewSig = cbSig; } else { CreateModuleIndependentSignature(pCreationHeap, pamTracker, pSigModule, pSig, cbSig, pTypeContext, &pNewSig, &cbNewSig); } pMD->SetStoredMethodSig(pNewSig, cbNewSig); SigPointer sigPtr(pNewSig, cbNewSig); ULONG callConvInfo; IfFailThrow(sigPtr.GetCallingConvInfo(&callConvInfo)); if (!(callConvInfo & CORINFO_CALLCONV_HASTHIS)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= mdStatic; pMD->SetStatic(); } pMD->m_pResolver = (ILStubResolver*)pamTracker->Track(pCreationHeap->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(ILStubResolver)))); #ifdef _DEBUG // Poison the ILStubResolver storage memset((void*)pMD->m_pResolver, 0xCC, sizeof(ILStubResolver)); #endif // _DEBUG pMD->m_pResolver = new (pMD->m_pResolver) ILStubResolver(); #ifdef FEATURE_ARRAYSTUB_AS_IL if (SF_IsArrayOpStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::ArrayOpStub); } else #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STUBS_AS_IL if (SF_IsSecureDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdSecureDelegateStub; pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::SecureDelegateStub); } else if (SF_IsMulticastDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdMulticastStub; pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::MulticastDelegateStub); } else if (SF_IsUnboxingILStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdUnboxingILStub; pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::UnboxingILStub); } else if (SF_IsInstantiatingStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::InstantiatingStub); } else #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { // mark certain types of stub MDs with random flags so ILStubManager recognizes them if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdReverseStub; ILStubResolver::ILStubType type = (SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags) ? ILStubResolver::WinRTToCLRInteropStub : ILStubResolver::COMToCLRInteropStub); pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(type); } else { ILStubResolver::ILStubType type = (SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags) ? ILStubResolver::CLRToWinRTInteropStub : ILStubResolver::CLRToCOMInteropStub); pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(type); } if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdDelegateCOMStub; } } else #endif { // mark certain types of stub MDs with random flags so ILStubManager recognizes them if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdReverseStub; pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::NativeToCLRInteropStub); } else { if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdDelegateStub; } else if (SF_IsCALLIStub(dwStubFlags)) { pMD->m_dwExtendedFlags |= DynamicMethodDesc::nomdCALLIStub; } pMD->GetILStubResolver()->SetStubType(ILStubResolver::CLRToNativeInteropStub); } } // if we made it this far, we can set a more descriptive stub name #ifdef FEATURE_ARRAYSTUB_AS_IL if (SF_IsArrayOpStub(dwStubFlags)) { switch(dwStubFlags) { case ILSTUB_ARRAYOP_GET: pMD->m_pszMethodName = (PTR_CUTF8)"IL_STUB_Array_Get"; break; case ILSTUB_ARRAYOP_SET: pMD->m_pszMethodName = (PTR_CUTF8)"IL_STUB_Array_Set"; break; case ILSTUB_ARRAYOP_ADDRESS: pMD->m_pszMethodName = (PTR_CUTF8)"IL_STUB_Array_Address"; break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unknown array il stub"); } } else #endif { pMD->m_pszMethodName = pMD->GetILStubResolver()->GetStubMethodName(); } #ifdef _DEBUG pMD->m_pszDebugMethodName = pMD->m_pszMethodName; pMD->m_pszDebugClassName = ILStubResolver::GetStubClassName(pMD); // must be called after type is set pMD->m_pszDebugMethodSignature = FormatSig(pMD, pCreationHeap, pamTracker); pMD->m_pDebugMethodTable.SetValue(pMT); #endif // _DEBUG RETURN pMD; } // // This will get or create a MethodTable in the Module/AppDomain on which // we can place a new IL stub MethodDesc. // MethodTable* ILStubCache::GetOrCreateStubMethodTable(Module* pModule) { CONTRACT (MethodTable*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; #ifdef _DEBUG if (pModule->GetDomain()->IsSharedDomain() || pModule->GetDomain()->AsAppDomain()->IsCompilationDomain()) { // in the shared domain and compilation AD we are associated with the module CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pModule->GetILStubCache() == this); } else { // otherwise we are associated with the AD AppDomain* pStubCacheDomain = AppDomain::GetDomain(this); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pStubCacheDomain == pModule->GetDomain()->AsAppDomain()); } #endif // _DEBUG if (NULL == m_pStubMT) { CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); if (NULL == m_pStubMT) { AllocMemTracker amt; MethodTable* pNewMT = CreateMinimalMethodTable(pModule, m_heap, &amt); amt.SuppressRelease(); VolatileStore(&m_pStubMT, pNewMT); } } RETURN m_pStubMT; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // // NGEN'ed IL stubs // // - We will never NGEN a CALLI pinvoke or vararg pinvoke // // - We will always place the IL stub MethodDesc on the same MethodTable that the // PInvoke or COM Interop call declaration lives on. // // - We will not pre-populate our runtime ILStubCache with compile-time // information (i.e. NGENed stubs are only reachable from the same NGEN image.) // // JIT'ed IL stubs // // - The ILStubCache is per-BaseDomain // // - Each BaseDomain's ILStubCache will lazily create a "minimal MethodTable" to // serve as the home for IL stub MethodDescs // // - The created MethodTables will use the Module belonging to one of the // following, based on what type of interop stub we need to create first. // // - If that stub is for a static-sig-based pinvoke, we will use the // Module belonging to that pinvoke's MethodDesc. // // - If that stub is for a CALLI or vararg pinvoke, we will use the // Module belonging to the VASigCookie that the caller supplied to us. // // It's important to point out that the Module we latch onto here has no knowledge // of the MethodTable that we've just "added" to it. There only exists a "back // pointer" to the Module from the MethodTable itself. So we're really only using // that module to answer the question of what BaseDomain the MethodTable lives in. // So as long as the BaseDomain for that module is the same as the BaseDomain the // ILStubCache lives in, I think we have a fairly consistent story here. // // We're relying on the fact that a VASigCookie may only mention types within the // corresponding module used to qualify the signature and the fact that interop // stubs may only reference mscorlib code or code related to a type mentioned in // the signature. Both of these are true unless the sig is allowed to contain // ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL, which may refer to any type. // // We can only access E_T_INTERNAL through LCG, which does not permit referring // to types in other BaseDomains. // // // Places for improvement: // // - allow NGEN'ing of CALLI pinvoke and vararg pinvoke // // - pre-populate the per-BaseDomain cache with IL stubs from NGEN'ed image // MethodDesc* ILStubCache::GetStubMethodDesc( MethodDesc *pTargetMD, ILStubHashBlob* pParams, DWORD dwStubFlags, Module* pSigModule, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cbSig, AllocMemTracker* pamTracker, bool& bILStubCreator, MethodDesc *pLastMD) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; MethodDesc* pMD = NULL; bool bFireETWCacheHitEvent = true; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE ILStubHashBlob* pBlob = NULL; INDEBUG(LPCSTR pszResult = "[hit cache]"); if (SF_IsSharedStub(dwStubFlags)) { CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); // Try to find the stub ILCHASHENTRY* phe = NULL; phe = (ILCHASHENTRY*)Find((LPVOID)pParams); if (phe) { pMD = phe->m_pMethodDesc; if (pMD == pLastMD) bFireETWCacheHitEvent = false; } } if (!pMD) { size_t cbSizeOfBlob = pParams->m_cbSizeOfBlob; AllocMemHolder pBlobHolder( m_heap->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(cbSizeOfBlob)) ); // // Couldn't find it, let's make a new one. // Module *pContainingModule = pSigModule; if (pTargetMD != NULL) { // loader module may be different from signature module for generic targets pContainingModule = pTargetMD->GetLoaderModule(); } MethodTable *pStubMT = GetOrCreateStubMethodTable(pContainingModule); SigTypeContext typeContext; if (pTargetMD != NULL) { SigTypeContext::InitTypeContext(pTargetMD, &typeContext); } pMD = ILStubCache::CreateNewMethodDesc(m_heap, pStubMT, dwStubFlags, pSigModule, pSig, cbSig, &typeContext, pamTracker); if (SF_IsSharedStub(dwStubFlags)) { CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); ILCHASHENTRY* phe = NULL; bool bNew; phe = (ILCHASHENTRY*)FindOrAdd((LPVOID)pParams, bNew); bILStubCreator |= bNew; if (NULL != phe) { if (bNew) { pBlobHolder.SuppressRelease(); phe->m_pMethodDesc = pMD; pBlob = pBlobHolder; phe->m_pBlob = pBlob; _ASSERTE(pParams->m_cbSizeOfBlob == cbSizeOfBlob); memcpy(pBlob, pParams, cbSizeOfBlob); INDEBUG(pszResult = "[missed cache]"); bFireETWCacheHitEvent = false; } else { INDEBUG(pszResult = "[hit cache][wasted new MethodDesc due to race]"); } pMD = phe->m_pMethodDesc; } else { pMD = NULL; } } else { INDEBUG(pszResult = "[cache disabled for COM->CLR field access stubs]"); } } if (!pMD) { // Couldn't grow hash table due to lack of memory. COMPlusThrowOM(); } #ifdef _DEBUG CQuickBytes qbManaged; PrettyPrintSig(pSig, cbSig, "*", &qbManaged, pSigModule->GetMDImport(), NULL); LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "ILSTUBCACHE: ILStubCache::GetStubMethodDesc %s StubMD: %p module: %p blob: %p sig: %s\n", pszResult, pMD, pSigModule, pBlob, qbManaged.Ptr())); #endif // _DEBUG #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE RETURN pMD; } void ILStubCache::DeleteEntry(void* pParams) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); ILCHASHENTRY* phe = NULL; phe = (ILCHASHENTRY*)Find((LPVOID)pParams); if (phe) { #ifdef _DEBUG LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "ILSTUBCACHE: ILStubCache::DeleteEntry StubMD: %p\n", phe->m_pMethodDesc)); #endif Delete(pParams); } } void ILStubCache::AddMethodDescChunkWithLockTaken(MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetClass()->AddChunkIfItHasNotBeenAdded(pMD->GetMethodDescChunk()); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor //--------------------------------------------------------- ILStubCache::~ILStubCache() { } //***************************************************************************** // Hash is called with a pointer to an element in the table. You must override // this method and provide a hash algorithm for your element type. //***************************************************************************** unsigned int ILStubCache::Hash( // The key value. void const* pData) // Raw data to hash. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const ILStubHashBlob* pBlob = (const ILStubHashBlob *)pData; size_t cb = pBlob->m_cbSizeOfBlob - sizeof(ILStubHashBlobBase); int hash = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cb; i++) { hash = _rotl(hash,1) + pBlob->m_rgbBlobData[i]; } return hash; } //***************************************************************************** // Compare is used in the typical memcmp way, 0 is eqaulity, -1/1 indicate // direction of miscompare. In this system everything is always equal or not. //***************************************************************************** unsigned int ILStubCache::Compare( // 0, -1, or 1. void const* pData, // Raw key data on lookup. BYTE* pElement) // The element to compare data against. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const ILStubHashBlob* pBlob1 = (const ILStubHashBlob*)pData; const ILStubHashBlob* pBlob2 = (const ILStubHashBlob*)GetKey(pElement); size_t cb1 = pBlob1->m_cbSizeOfBlob - sizeof(ILStubHashBlobBase); size_t cb2 = pBlob2->m_cbSizeOfBlob - sizeof(ILStubHashBlobBase); if (cb1 != cb2) { return 1; // not equal } else { // @TODO: use memcmp for (size_t i = 0; i < cb1; i++) { if (pBlob1->m_rgbBlobData[i] != pBlob2->m_rgbBlobData[i]) { return 1; // not equal } } return 0; // equal } } //***************************************************************************** // Return true if the element is free to be used. //***************************************************************************** CClosedHashBase::ELEMENTSTATUS ILStubCache::Status( // The status of the entry. BYTE* pElement) // The element to check. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; MethodDesc* pMD = ((ILCHASHENTRY*)pElement)->m_pMethodDesc; if (pMD == NULL) { return FREE; } else if (pMD == (MethodDesc*)(-((INT_PTR)1))) { return DELETED; } else { return USED; } } //***************************************************************************** // Sets the status of the given element. //***************************************************************************** void ILStubCache::SetStatus( BYTE* pElement, // The element to set status for. CClosedHashBase::ELEMENTSTATUS eStatus) // New status. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; ILCHASHENTRY* phe = (ILCHASHENTRY*)pElement; switch (eStatus) { case FREE: phe->m_pMethodDesc = NULL; break; case DELETED: phe->m_pMethodDesc = (MethodDesc*)(-((INT_PTR)1)); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"MLCacheEntry::SetStatus(): Bad argument."); } } //***************************************************************************** // Returns the internal key value for an element. //***************************************************************************** void* ILStubCache::GetKey( // The data to hash on. BYTE* pElement) // The element to return data ptr for. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; ILCHASHENTRY* phe = (ILCHASHENTRY*)pElement; return (void *)(phe->m_pBlob); } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // ============================================================================ // Stub method hash entry methods // ============================================================================ PTR_MethodDesc StubMethodHashEntry::GetMethod() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return pMD; } PTR_MethodDesc StubMethodHashEntry::GetStubMethod() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return pStubMD; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void StubMethodHashEntry::SetMethodAndStub(MethodDesc *pMD, MethodDesc *pStubMD) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; this->pMD = pMD; this->pStubMD = pStubMD; } // ============================================================================ // Stub method hash table methods // ============================================================================ /* static */ StubMethodHashTable *StubMethodHashTable::Create(LoaderAllocator *pAllocator, Module *pModule, DWORD dwNumBuckets, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END LoaderHeap *pHeap = pAllocator->GetLowFrequencyHeap(); StubMethodHashTable *pThis = (StubMethodHashTable *)pamTracker->Track(pHeap->AllocMem((S_SIZE_T)sizeof(StubMethodHashTable))); new (pThis) StubMethodHashTable(pModule, pHeap, dwNumBuckets); return pThis; } // Calculate a hash value for a key static DWORD Hash(MethodDesc *pMD) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD dwHash = 0x87654321; #define INST_HASH_ADD(_value) dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ (_value) INST_HASH_ADD(pMD->GetMemberDef()); Instantiation inst = pMD->GetClassInstantiation(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < inst.GetNumArgs(); i++) { TypeHandle thArg = inst[i]; if (thArg.GetMethodTable()) { INST_HASH_ADD(thArg.GetCl()); Instantiation sArgInst = thArg.GetInstantiation(); for (DWORD j = 0; j < sArgInst.GetNumArgs(); j++) { TypeHandle thSubArg = sArgInst[j]; if (thSubArg.GetMethodTable()) INST_HASH_ADD(thSubArg.GetCl()); else INST_HASH_ADD(thSubArg.GetSignatureCorElementType()); } } else INST_HASH_ADD(thArg.GetSignatureCorElementType()); } return dwHash; } MethodDesc *StubMethodHashTable::FindMethodDesc(MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END MethodDesc *pMDResult = NULL; DWORD dwHash = Hash(pMD); StubMethodHashEntry_t* pSearch; LookupContext sContext; for (pSearch = BaseFindFirstEntryByHash(dwHash, &sContext); pSearch != NULL; pSearch = BaseFindNextEntryByHash(&sContext)) { if (pSearch->GetMethod() == pMD) { pMDResult = pSearch->GetStubMethod(); break; } } return pMDResult; } // Add method desc to the hash table; must not be present already void StubMethodHashTable::InsertMethodDesc(MethodDesc *pMD, MethodDesc *pStubMD) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pStubMD)); } CONTRACTL_END StubMethodHashEntry_t *pNewEntry = (StubMethodHashEntry_t *)BaseAllocateEntry(NULL); pNewEntry->SetMethodAndStub(pMD, pStubMD); DWORD dwHash = Hash(pMD); BaseInsertEntry(dwHash, pNewEntry); } #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION // Save the hash table and any method descriptors referenced by it void StubMethodHashTable::Save(DataImage *image, CorProfileData *pProfileData) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; BaseSave(image, pProfileData); } void StubMethodHashTable::Fixup(DataImage *image) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; BaseFixup(image); } void StubMethodHashTable::FixupEntry(DataImage *pImage, StubMethodHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pFixupBase, DWORD cbFixupOffset) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; pImage->FixupField(pFixupBase, cbFixupOffset + offsetof(StubMethodHashEntry_t, pMD), pEntry->GetMethod()); pImage->FixupField(pFixupBase, cbFixupOffset + offsetof(StubMethodHashEntry_t, pStubMD), pEntry->GetStubMethod()); } bool StubMethodHashTable::ShouldSave(DataImage *pImage, StubMethodHashEntry_t *pEntry) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; MethodDesc *pMD = pEntry->GetMethod(); if (pMD->GetClassification() == mcInstantiated) { // save entries only for "accepted" methods if (!pImage->GetPreloader()->IsMethodInTransitiveClosureOfInstantiations(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE(pMD))) return false; } // Save the entry only if the native code was successfully generated for the stub if (pImage->GetCodeAddress(pEntry->GetStubMethod()) == NULL) return false; return true; } #endif // FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void StubMethodHashTable::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; BaseEnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void StubMethodHashTable::EnumMemoryRegionsForEntry(StubMethodHashEntry_t *pEntry, CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; if (pEntry->GetMethod().IsValid()) pEntry->GetMethod()->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT