// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. .intel_syntax noprefix #include "unixasmmacros.inc" #include "asmconstants.h" // int __fastcall LazyMachStateCaptureState(struct LazyMachState *pState); LEAF_ENTRY LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT // marks that this is not yet valid mov dword ptr [ecx+MachState__pRetAddr], 0 // remember register values mov [ecx+MachState__edi], edi mov [ecx+MachState__esi], esi mov [ecx+MachState__ebx], ebx mov [ecx+LazyMachState_captureEbp], ebp mov [ecx+LazyMachState_captureEsp], esp // capture return address mov eax, [esp] mov dword ptr [ecx+LazyMachState_captureEip], eax // return 0 xor eax, eax ret LEAF_END LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT