; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ; ==++== ; ; ; ==--== ; ; FILE: asmhelpers.asm ; ; *** NOTE: If you make changes to this file, propagate the changes to ; asmhelpers.s in this directory ; ; ; ====================================================================================== .586 .model flat include asmconstants.inc assume fs: nothing option casemap:none .code EXTERN __imp__RtlUnwind@16:DWORD ifdef _DEBUG EXTERN _HelperMethodFrameConfirmState@20:PROC endif EXTERN _StubRareEnableWorker@4:PROC ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN _StubRareDisableHRWorker@4:PROC endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN _StubRareDisableTHROWWorker@4:PROC EXTERN __imp__TlsGetValue@4:DWORD TlsGetValue PROTO stdcall ifdef FEATURE_HIJACK EXTERN _OnHijackWorker@4:PROC endif ;FEATURE_HIJACK EXTERN _COMPlusFrameHandler:PROC ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN _COMPlusFrameHandlerRevCom:PROC endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN __alloca_probe:PROC EXTERN _NDirectImportWorker@4:PROC EXTERN _UMThunkStubRareDisableWorker@8:PROC EXTERN _VarargPInvokeStubWorker@12:PROC EXTERN _GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker@12:PROC ifdef MDA_SUPPORTED EXTERN _PInvokeStackImbalanceWorker@8:PROC endif ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR EXTERN _CopyCtorCallStubWorker@4:PROC endif EXTERN _PreStubWorker@8:PROC ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN _CLRToCOMWorker@8:PROC endif ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT EXTERN _ExternalMethodFixupWorker@16:PROC EXTERN _VirtualMethodFixupWorker@8:PROC EXTERN _StubDispatchFixupWorker@16:PROC endif ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP EXTERN _ComPreStubWorker@8:PROC endif ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN EXTERN _DynamicHelperWorker@20:PROC endif EXTERN @JIT_InternalThrow@4:PROC EXTERN @ProfileEnter@8:PROC EXTERN @ProfileLeave@8:PROC EXTERN @ProfileTailcall@8:PROC UNREFERENCED macro arg local unref unref equ size arg endm FASTCALL_FUNC macro FuncName,cbArgs FuncNameReal EQU @&FuncName&@&cbArgs FuncNameReal proc public endm FASTCALL_ENDFUNC macro FuncNameReal endp endm ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ifdef _DEBUG CPFH_STACK_SIZE equ SIZEOF_FrameHandlerExRecord + STACK_OVERWRITE_BARRIER_SIZE*4 else ; _DEBUG CPFH_STACK_SIZE equ SIZEOF_FrameHandlerExRecord endif ; _DEBUG PUSH_CPFH_FOR_COM macro trashReg, pFrameBaseReg, pFrameOffset ; ; Setup the FrameHandlerExRecord ; push dword ptr [pFrameBaseReg + pFrameOffset] push _COMPlusFrameHandlerRevCom mov trashReg, fs:[0] push trashReg mov fs:[0], esp ifdef _DEBUG mov trashReg, STACK_OVERWRITE_BARRIER_SIZE @@: push STACK_OVERWRITE_BARRIER_VALUE dec trashReg jnz @B endif ; _DEBUG endm ; PUSH_CPFH_FOR_COM POP_CPFH_FOR_COM macro trashReg ; ; Unlink FrameHandlerExRecord from FS:0 chain ; ifdef _DEBUG add esp, STACK_OVERWRITE_BARRIER_SIZE*4 endif mov trashReg, [esp + OFFSETOF__FrameHandlerExRecord__m_ExReg__Next] mov fs:[0], trashReg add esp, SIZEOF_FrameHandlerExRecord endm ; POP_CPFH_FOR_COM endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP ; ; FramedMethodFrame prolog ; STUB_PROLOG macro ; push ebp-frame push ebp mov ebp,esp ; save CalleeSavedRegisters push ebx push esi push edi ; push ArgumentRegisters push ecx push edx endm ; ; FramedMethodFrame epilog ; STUB_EPILOG macro ; pop ArgumentRegisters pop edx pop ecx ; pop CalleeSavedRegisters pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp endm ; ; FramedMethodFrame epilog ; STUB_EPILOG_RETURN macro ; pop ArgumentRegisters add esp, 8 ; pop CalleeSavedRegisters pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp endm STUB_PROLOG_2_HIDDEN_ARGS macro ; ; The stub arguments are where we want to setup the TransitionBlock. We will ; setup the TransitionBlock later once we can trash them ; ; push ebp-frame ; push ebp ; mov ebp,esp ; save CalleeSavedRegisters ; push ebx push esi push edi ; push ArgumentRegisters push ecx push edx mov ecx, [esp + 4*4] mov edx, [esp + 5*4] ; Setup up proper EBP frame now that the stub arguments can be trashed mov [esp + 4*4],ebx mov [esp + 5*4],ebp lea ebp, [esp + 5*4] endm ResetCurrentContext PROC stdcall public LOCAL ctrlWord:WORD ; Clear the direction flag (used for rep instructions) cld fnstcw ctrlWord fninit ; reset FPU and ctrlWord, 0f00h ; preserve precision and rounding control or ctrlWord, 007fh ; mask all exceptions fldcw ctrlWord ; preserve precision control RET ResetCurrentContext ENDP ;Incoming: ; ESP+4: Pointer to buffer to which FPU state should be saved _CaptureFPUContext@4 PROC public mov ecx, [esp+4] fnstenv [ecx] retn 4 _CaptureFPUContext@4 ENDP ; Incoming: ; ESP+4: Pointer to buffer from which FPU state should be restored _RestoreFPUContext@4 PROC public mov ecx, [esp+4] fldenv [ecx] retn 4 _RestoreFPUContext@4 ENDP ; Register CLR exception handlers defined on the C++ side with SAFESEH. ; Note that these directives must be in a file that defines symbols that will be used during linking, ; otherwise it's possible that the resulting .obj will completly be ignored by the linker and these ; directives will have no effect. COMPlusFrameHandler proto c .safeseh COMPlusFrameHandler COMPlusNestedExceptionHandler proto c .safeseh COMPlusNestedExceptionHandler FastNExportExceptHandler proto c .safeseh FastNExportExceptHandler UMThunkPrestubHandler proto c .safeseh UMThunkPrestubHandler ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP COMPlusFrameHandlerRevCom proto c .safeseh COMPlusFrameHandlerRevCom endif ; Note that RtlUnwind trashes EBX, ESI and EDI, so this wrapper preserves them CallRtlUnwind PROC stdcall public USES ebx esi edi, pEstablisherFrame :DWORD, callback :DWORD, pExceptionRecord :DWORD, retVal :DWORD push retVal push pExceptionRecord push callback push pEstablisherFrame call dword ptr [__imp__RtlUnwind@16] ; return 1 push 1 pop eax RET CallRtlUnwind ENDP _ResumeAtJitEHHelper@4 PROC public mov edx, [esp+4] ; edx = pContext (EHContext*) mov ebx, [edx+EHContext_Ebx] mov esi, [edx+EHContext_Esi] mov edi, [edx+EHContext_Edi] mov ebp, [edx+EHContext_Ebp] mov ecx, [edx+EHContext_Esp] mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Eip] mov [ecx-4], eax mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Eax] mov [ecx-8], eax mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Ecx] mov [ecx-0Ch], eax mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Edx] mov [ecx-10h], eax lea esp, [ecx-10h] pop edx pop ecx pop eax ret _ResumeAtJitEHHelper@4 ENDP ; int __stdcall CallJitEHFilterHelper(size_t *pShadowSP, EHContext *pContext); ; on entry, only the pContext->Esp, Ebx, Esi, Edi, Ebp, and Eip are initialized _CallJitEHFilterHelper@8 PROC public push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi pShadowSP equ [ebp+8] pContext equ [ebp+12] mov eax, pShadowSP ; Write esp-4 to the shadowSP slot test eax, eax jz DONE_SHADOWSP_FILTER mov ebx, esp sub ebx, 4 or ebx, SHADOW_SP_IN_FILTER_ASM mov [eax], ebx DONE_SHADOWSP_FILTER: mov edx, [pContext] mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Eax] mov ebx, [edx+EHContext_Ebx] mov esi, [edx+EHContext_Esi] mov edi, [edx+EHContext_Edi] mov ebp, [edx+EHContext_Ebp] call dword ptr [edx+EHContext_Eip] ifdef _DEBUG nop ; Indicate that it is OK to call managed code directly from here endif pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp ; don't use 'leave' here, as ebp as been trashed retn 8 _CallJitEHFilterHelper@8 ENDP ; void __stdcall CallJITEHFinallyHelper(size_t *pShadowSP, EHContext *pContext); ; on entry, only the pContext->Esp, Ebx, Esi, Edi, Ebp, and Eip are initialized _CallJitEHFinallyHelper@8 PROC public push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi pShadowSP equ [ebp+8] pContext equ [ebp+12] mov eax, pShadowSP ; Write esp-4 to the shadowSP slot test eax, eax jz DONE_SHADOWSP_FINALLY mov ebx, esp sub ebx, 4 mov [eax], ebx DONE_SHADOWSP_FINALLY: mov edx, [pContext] mov eax, [edx+EHContext_Eax] mov ebx, [edx+EHContext_Ebx] mov esi, [edx+EHContext_Esi] mov edi, [edx+EHContext_Edi] mov ebp, [edx+EHContext_Ebp] call dword ptr [edx+EHContext_Eip] ifdef _DEBUG nop ; Indicate that it is OK to call managed code directly from here endif ; Reflect the changes to the context and only update non-volatile registers. ; This will be used later to update REGDISPLAY mov edx, [esp+12+12] mov [edx+EHContext_Ebx], ebx mov [edx+EHContext_Esi], esi mov [edx+EHContext_Edi], edi mov [edx+EHContext_Ebp], ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp ; don't use 'leave' here, as ebp as been trashed retn 8 _CallJitEHFinallyHelper@8 ENDP _GetSpecificCpuTypeAsm@0 PROC public push ebx ; ebx is trashed by the cpuid calls ; See if the chip supports CPUID pushfd pop ecx ; Get the EFLAGS mov eax, ecx ; Save for later testing xor ecx, 200000h ; Invert the ID bit. push ecx popfd ; Save the updated flags. pushfd pop ecx ; Retrieve the updated flags xor ecx, eax ; Test if it actually changed (bit set means yes) push eax popfd ; Restore the flags test ecx, 200000h jz Assume486 xor eax, eax cpuid test eax, eax jz Assume486 ; brif CPUID1 not allowed mov eax, 1 cpuid ; filter out everything except family and model ; Note that some multi-procs have different stepping number for each proc and eax, 0ff0h jmp CpuTypeDone Assume486: mov eax, 0400h ; report 486 CpuTypeDone: pop ebx retn _GetSpecificCpuTypeAsm@0 ENDP ; DWORD __stdcall GetSpecificCpuFeaturesAsm(DWORD *pInfo); _GetSpecificCpuFeaturesAsm@4 PROC public push ebx ; ebx is trashed by the cpuid calls ; See if the chip supports CPUID pushfd pop ecx ; Get the EFLAGS mov eax, ecx ; Save for later testing xor ecx, 200000h ; Invert the ID bit. push ecx popfd ; Save the updated flags. pushfd pop ecx ; Retrieve the updated flags xor ecx, eax ; Test if it actually changed (bit set means yes) push eax popfd ; Restore the flags test ecx, 200000h jz CpuFeaturesFail xor eax, eax cpuid test eax, eax jz CpuFeaturesDone ; br if CPUID1 not allowed mov eax, 1 cpuid mov eax, edx ; return all feature flags mov edx, [esp+8] test edx, edx jz CpuFeaturesDone mov [edx],ebx ; return additional useful information jmp CpuFeaturesDone CpuFeaturesFail: xor eax, eax ; Nothing to report CpuFeaturesDone: pop ebx retn 4 _GetSpecificCpuFeaturesAsm@4 ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The out-of-line portion of the code to enable preemptive GC. ; After the work is done, the code jumps back to the "pRejoinPoint" ; which should be emitted right after the inline part is generated. ; ; Assumptions: ; ebx = Thread ; Preserves ; all registers except ecx. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- _StubRareEnable proc public push eax push edx push ebx call _StubRareEnableWorker@4 pop edx pop eax retn _StubRareEnable ENDP ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP _StubRareDisableHR proc public push edx push ebx ; Thread call _StubRareDisableHRWorker@4 pop edx retn _StubRareDisableHR ENDP endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP _StubRareDisableTHROW proc public push eax push edx push ebx ; Thread call _StubRareDisableTHROWWorker@4 pop edx pop eax retn _StubRareDisableTHROW endp InternalExceptionWorker proc public pop edx ; recover RETADDR add esp, eax ; release caller's args push edx ; restore RETADDR jmp @JIT_InternalThrow@4 InternalExceptionWorker endp ; EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going ; to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean. _ArrayOpStubNullException proc public ; kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop ; them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs. pop esi pop edi mov ecx, CORINFO_NullReferenceException_ASM jmp InternalExceptionWorker _ArrayOpStubNullException endp ; EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going ; to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean. _ArrayOpStubRangeException proc public ; kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop ; them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs. pop esi pop edi mov ecx, CORINFO_IndexOutOfRangeException_ASM jmp InternalExceptionWorker _ArrayOpStubRangeException endp ; EAX -> number of caller arg bytes on the stack that we must remove before going ; to the throw helper, which assumes the stack is clean. _ArrayOpStubTypeMismatchException proc public ; kFactorReg and kTotalReg could not have been modified, but let's pop ; them anyway for consistency and to avoid future bugs. pop esi pop edi mov ecx, CORINFO_ArrayTypeMismatchException_ASM jmp InternalExceptionWorker _ArrayOpStubTypeMismatchException endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This helper routine enregisters the appropriate arguments and makes the ; actual call. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; void STDCALL CallDescrWorkerInternal(CallDescrWorkerParams * pParams) CallDescrWorkerInternal PROC stdcall public USES EBX, pParams: DWORD mov ebx, pParams mov ecx, [ebx+CallDescrData__numStackSlots] mov eax, [ebx+CallDescrData__pSrc] ; copy the stack test ecx, ecx jz donestack lea eax, [eax+4*ecx-4] ; last argument push dword ptr [eax] dec ecx jz donestack sub eax, 4 push dword ptr [eax] dec ecx jz donestack stackloop: sub eax, 4 push dword ptr [eax] dec ecx jnz stackloop donestack: ; now we must push each field of the ArgumentRegister structure mov eax, [ebx+CallDescrData__pArgumentRegisters] mov edx, dword ptr [eax] mov ecx, dword ptr [eax+4] call [ebx+CallDescrData__pTarget] ifdef _DEBUG nop ; This is a tag that we use in an assert. Fcalls expect to ; be called from Jitted code or from certain blessed call sites like ; this one. (See HelperMethodFrame::InsureInit) endif ; Save FP return value if necessary mov ecx, [ebx+CallDescrData__fpReturnSize] cmp ecx, 0 je ReturnsInt cmp ecx, 4 je ReturnsFloat cmp ecx, 8 je ReturnsDouble ; unexpected jmp Epilog ReturnsInt: mov [ebx+CallDescrData__returnValue], eax mov [ebx+CallDescrData__returnValue+4], edx Epilog: RET ReturnsFloat: fstp dword ptr [ebx+CallDescrData__returnValue] ; Spill the Float return value jmp Epilog ReturnsDouble: fstp qword ptr [ebx+CallDescrData__returnValue] ; Spill the Double return value jmp Epilog CallDescrWorkerInternal endp ifdef _DEBUG ; int __fastcall HelperMethodFrameRestoreState(HelperMethodFrame*, struct MachState *) FASTCALL_FUNC HelperMethodFrameRestoreState,8 mov eax, edx ; eax = MachState* else ; int __fastcall HelperMethodFrameRestoreState(struct MachState *) FASTCALL_FUNC HelperMethodFrameRestoreState,4 mov eax, ecx ; eax = MachState* endif ; restore the registers from the m_MachState stucture. Note that ; we only do this for register that where not saved on the stack ; at the time the machine state snapshot was taken. cmp [eax+MachState__pRetAddr], 0 ifdef _DEBUG jnz noConfirm push ebp push ebx push edi push esi push ecx ; HelperFrame* call _HelperMethodFrameConfirmState@20 ; on return, eax = MachState* cmp [eax+MachState__pRetAddr], 0 noConfirm: endif jz doRet lea edx, [eax+MachState__esi] ; Did we have to spill ESI cmp [eax+MachState__pEsi], edx jnz SkipESI mov esi, [edx] ; Then restore it SkipESI: lea edx, [eax+MachState__edi] ; Did we have to spill EDI cmp [eax+MachState__pEdi], edx jnz SkipEDI mov edi, [edx] ; Then restore it SkipEDI: lea edx, [eax+MachState__ebx] ; Did we have to spill EBX cmp [eax+MachState__pEbx], edx jnz SkipEBX mov ebx, [edx] ; Then restore it SkipEBX: lea edx, [eax+MachState__ebp] ; Did we have to spill EBP cmp [eax+MachState__pEbp], edx jnz SkipEBP mov ebp, [edx] ; Then restore it SkipEBP: doRet: xor eax, eax retn FASTCALL_ENDFUNC HelperMethodFrameRestoreState ifdef FEATURE_HIJACK ; A JITted method's return address was hijacked to return to us here. ; VOID OnHijackTripThread() OnHijackTripThread PROC stdcall public ; Don't fiddle with this unless you change HijackFrame::UpdateRegDisplay ; and HijackArgs push eax ; make room for the real return address (Eip) push ebp push eax push ecx push edx push ebx push esi push edi ; unused space for floating point state sub esp,12 push esp call _OnHijackWorker@4 ; unused space for floating point state add esp,12 pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop edx pop ecx pop eax pop ebp retn ; return to the correct place, adjusted by our caller OnHijackTripThread ENDP ; VOID OnHijackFPTripThread() OnHijackFPTripThread PROC stdcall public ; Don't fiddle with this unless you change HijackFrame::UpdateRegDisplay ; and HijackArgs push eax ; make room for the real return address (Eip) push ebp push eax push ecx push edx push ebx push esi push edi sub esp,12 ; save top of the floating point stack (there is return value passed in it) ; save full 10 bytes to avoid precision loss fstp tbyte ptr [esp] push esp call _OnHijackWorker@4 ; restore top of the floating point stack fld tbyte ptr [esp] add esp,12 pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop edx pop ecx pop eax pop ebp retn ; return to the correct place, adjusted by our caller OnHijackFPTripThread ENDP endif ; FEATURE_HIJACK ;========================================================================== ; This function is reached only via the embedded ImportThunkGlue code inside ; an NDirectMethodDesc. It's purpose is to load the DLL associated with an ; N/Direct method, then backpatch the DLL target into the methoddesc. ; ; Initial state: ; ; Preemptive GC is *enabled*: we are actually in an unmanaged state. ; ; ; [esp+...] - The *unmanaged* parameters to the DLL target. ; [esp+4] - Return address back into the JIT'ted code that made ; the DLL call. ; [esp] - Contains the "return address." Because we got here ; thru a call embedded inside a MD, this "return address" ; gives us an easy to way to find the MD (which was the ; whole purpose of the embedded call manuever.) ; ; ; ;========================================================================== _NDirectImportThunk@0 proc public ; Preserve argument registers push ecx push edx ; Invoke the function that does the real work. push eax call _NDirectImportWorker@4 ; Restore argument registers pop edx pop ecx ; If we got back from NDirectImportWorker, the MD has been successfully ; linked and "eax" contains the DLL target. Proceed to execute the ; original DLL call. jmp eax ; Jump to DLL target _NDirectImportThunk@0 endp ;========================================================================== ; The call in fixup precode initally points to this function. ; The pupose of this function is to load the MethodDesc and forward the call the prestub. _PrecodeFixupThunk@0 proc public pop eax ; Pop the return address. It points right after the call instruction in the precode. push esi push edi ; Inline computation done by FixupPrecode::GetMethodDesc() movzx esi,byte ptr [eax+2] ; m_PrecodeChunkIndex movzx edi,byte ptr [eax+1] ; m_MethodDescChunkIndex mov eax,dword ptr [eax+esi*8+3] lea eax,[eax+edi*4] pop edi pop esi jmp _ThePreStub@0 _PrecodeFixupThunk@0 endp ; LPVOID __stdcall CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper2( ; const void *pTarget, ; LPVOID pvFirst, ; LPVOID pvSecond) CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper2 proc stdcall public, pTarget : DWORD, pvFirst : DWORD, pvSecond : DWORD mov ecx, pvFirst mov edx, pvSecond call pTarget ifdef _DEBUG nop ; Mark this as a special call site that can ; directly call unmanaged code endif ret CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper2 endp ; LPVOID __stdcall CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper3( ; const void *pTarget, ; LPVOID pvFirst, ; LPVOID pvSecond, ; LPVOID pvThird) CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper3 proc stdcall public, pTarget : DWORD, pvFirst : DWORD, pvSecond : DWORD, pvThird : DWORD push pvThird mov ecx, pvFirst mov edx, pvSecond call pTarget ifdef _DEBUG nop ; Mark this as a special call site that can ; directly call unmanaged code endif ret CTPMethodTable__CallTargetHelper3 endp ; void __stdcall setFPReturn(int fpSize, INT64 retVal) _setFPReturn@12 proc public mov ecx, [esp+4] ; leave the return value in eax:edx if it is not the floating point case mov eax, [esp+8] mov edx, [esp+12] cmp ecx, 4 jz setFPReturn4 cmp ecx, 8 jnz setFPReturnNot8 fld qword ptr [esp+8] setFPReturnNot8: retn 12 setFPReturn4: fld dword ptr [esp+8] retn 12 _setFPReturn@12 endp ; void __stdcall getFPReturn(int fpSize, INT64 *pretVal) _getFPReturn@8 proc public mov ecx, [esp+4] mov eax, [esp+8] cmp ecx, 4 jz getFPReturn4 cmp ecx, 8 jnz getFPReturnNot8 fstp qword ptr [eax] getFPReturnNot8: retn 8 getFPReturn4: fstp dword ptr [eax] retn 8 _getFPReturn@8 endp ; VOID __cdecl UMThunkStubRareDisable() ; ; @todo: this is very similar to StubRareDisable ; _UMThunkStubRareDisable proc public push eax push ecx push eax ; Push the UMEntryThunk push ecx ; Push thread call _UMThunkStubRareDisableWorker@8 pop ecx pop eax retn _UMThunkStubRareDisable endp ; void __stdcall JIT_ProfilerEnterLeaveTailcallStub(UINT_PTR ProfilerHandle) _JIT_ProfilerEnterLeaveTailcallStub@4 proc public ; this function must preserve all registers, including scratch retn 4 _JIT_ProfilerEnterLeaveTailcallStub@4 endp ; ; Used to get the current instruction pointer value ; ; UINT_PTR __stdcall GetCurrentIP(void); _GetCurrentIP@0 proc public mov eax, [esp] retn _GetCurrentIP@0 endp ; LPVOID __stdcall GetCurrentSP(void); _GetCurrentSP@0 proc public mov eax, esp retn _GetCurrentSP@0 endp ; void __stdcall ProfileEnterNaked(FunctionIDOrClientID functionIDOrClientID); _ProfileEnterNaked@4 proc public push esi push edi ; ; Push in reverse order the fields of ProfilePlatformSpecificData ; push dword ptr [esp+8] ; EIP of the managed code that we return to. -- struct ip field push ebp ; Methods are always EBP framed add [esp], 8 ; Skip past the return IP, straight to the stack args that were passed to our caller ; Skip past saved EBP value: 4 bytes ; - plus return address from caller's caller: 4 bytes ; ; Assuming Foo() calls Bar(), and Bar() calls ProfileEnterNake() as illustrated (stack ; grows up). We want to get what Foo() passed on the stack to Bar(), so we need to pass ; the return address from caller's caller which is Foo() in this example. ; ; ProfileEnterNaked() ; Bar() ; Foo() ; ; [ESP] is now the ESP of caller's caller pointing to the arguments to the caller. push ecx ; -- struct ecx field push edx ; -- struct edx field push eax ; -- struct eax field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatingPointValuePresent field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatBuffer field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer2 field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer1 field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct functionId field mov edx, esp ; the address of the Platform structure mov ecx, [esp+52]; The functionIDOrClientID parameter that was pushed to FunctionEnter ; Skip past ProfilePlatformSpecificData we pushed: 40 bytes ; - plus saved edi, esi : 8 bytes ; - plus return address from caller: 4 bytes call @ProfileEnter@8 add esp, 20 ; Remove buffer space pop eax pop edx pop ecx add esp, 8 ; Remove buffer space pop edi pop esi retn 4 _ProfileEnterNaked@4 endp ; void __stdcall ProfileLeaveNaked(FunctionIDOrClientID functionIDOrClientID); _ProfileLeaveNaked@4 proc public push ecx ; We do not strictly need to save ECX, however ; emitNoGChelper(CORINFO_HELP_PROF_FCN_LEAVE) returns true in the JITcompiler push edx ; Return value may be in EAX:EDX ; ; Push in reverse order the fields of ProfilePlatformSpecificData ; push dword ptr [esp+8] ; EIP of the managed code that we return to. -- struct ip field push ebp ; Methods are always EBP framed add [esp], 8 ; Skip past the return IP, straight to the stack args that were passed to our caller ; Skip past saved EBP value: 4 bytes ; - plus return address from caller's caller: 4 bytes ; ; Assuming Foo() calls Bar(), and Bar() calls ProfileEnterNake() as illustrated (stack ; grows up). We want to get what Foo() passed on the stack to Bar(), so we need to pass ; the return address from caller's caller which is Foo() in this example. ; ; ProfileEnterNaked() ; Bar() ; Foo() ; ; [ESP] is now the ESP of caller's caller pointing to the arguments to the caller. push ecx ; -- struct ecx field push edx ; -- struct edx field push eax ; -- struct eax field ; Check if we need to save off any floating point registers fstsw ax and ax, 3800h ; Check the top-of-fp-stack bits cmp ax, 0 ; If non-zero, we have something to save jnz SaveFPReg push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatingPointValuePresent field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatBuffer field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer2 field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer1 field jmp Continue SaveFPReg: push 1 ; mark that a float value is present -- struct floatingPointValuePresent field sub esp, 4 ; Make room for the FP value fst dword ptr [esp] ; Copy the FP value to the buffer as a float -- struct floatBuffer field sub esp, 8 ; Make room for the FP value fstp qword ptr [esp] ; Copy FP values to the buffer as a double -- struct doubleBuffer1 and doubleBuffer2 fields Continue: push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct functionId field mov edx, esp ; the address of the Platform structure mov ecx, [esp+52]; The clientData that was pushed to FunctionEnter ; Skip past ProfilePlatformSpecificData we pushed: 40 bytes ; - plus saved edx, ecx : 8 bytes ; - plus return address from caller: 4 bytes call @ProfileLeave@8 ; ; Now see if we have to restore and floating point registers ; cmp [esp + 16], 0 jz NoRestore fld qword ptr [esp + 4] NoRestore: add esp, 20 ; Remove buffer space pop eax add esp, 16 ; Remove buffer space pop edx pop ecx retn 4 _ProfileLeaveNaked@4 endp ; void __stdcall ProfileTailcallNaked(FunctionIDOrClientID functionIDOrClientID); _ProfileTailcallNaked@4 proc public push ecx push edx ; ; Push in reverse order the fields of ProfilePlatformSpecificData ; push dword ptr [esp+8] ; EIP of the managed code that we return to. -- struct ip field push ebp ; Methods are always EBP framed add [esp], 8 ; Skip past the return IP, straight to the stack args that were passed to our caller ; Skip past saved EBP value: 4 bytes ; - plus return address from caller's caller: 4 bytes ; ; Assuming Foo() calls Bar(), and Bar() calls ProfileEnterNake() as illustrated (stack ; grows up). We want to get what Foo() passed on the stack to Bar(), so we need to pass ; the return address from caller's caller which is Foo() in this example. ; ; ProfileEnterNaked() ; Bar() ; Foo() ; ; [ESP] is now the ESP of caller's caller pointing to the arguments to the caller. push ecx ; -- struct ecx field push edx ; -- struct edx field push eax ; -- struct eax field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatingPointValuePresent field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct floatBuffer field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer2 field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct doubleBuffer1 field push 0 ; Create buffer space in the structure -- struct functionId field mov edx, esp ; the address of the Platform structure mov ecx, [esp+52]; The clientData that was pushed to FunctionEnter ; Skip past ProfilePlatformSpecificData we pushed: 40 bytes ; - plus saved edx, ecx : 8 bytes ; - plus return address from caller: 4 bytes call @ProfileTailcall@8 add esp, 40 ; Remove buffer space pop edx pop ecx retn 4 _ProfileTailcallNaked@4 endp ;========================================================================== ; Invoked for vararg forward P/Invoke calls as a stub. ; Except for secret return buffer, arguments come on the stack so EDX is available as scratch. ; EAX - the NDirectMethodDesc ; ECX - may be return buffer address ; [ESP + 4] - the VASigCookie ; _VarargPInvokeStub@0 proc public ; EDX <- VASigCookie mov edx, [esp + 4] ; skip retaddr mov edx, [edx + VASigCookie__StubOffset] test edx, edx jz GoCallVarargWorker ; --------------------------------------- ; EAX contains MD ptr for the IL stub jmp edx GoCallVarargWorker: ; ; MD ptr in EAX, VASigCookie ptr at [esp+4] ; STUB_PROLOG mov esi, esp ; save pMD push eax push eax ; pMD push dword ptr [esi + 4*7] ; pVaSigCookie push esi ; pTransitionBlock call _VarargPInvokeStubWorker@12 ; restore pMD pop eax STUB_EPILOG ; jump back to the helper - this time it won't come back here as the stub already exists jmp _VarargPInvokeStub@0 _VarargPInvokeStub@0 endp ;========================================================================== ; Invoked for marshaling-required unmanaged CALLI calls as a stub. ; EAX - the unmanaged target ; ECX, EDX - arguments ; [ESP + 4] - the VASigCookie ; _GenericPInvokeCalliHelper@0 proc public ; save the target push eax ; EAX <- VASigCookie mov eax, [esp + 8] ; skip target and retaddr mov eax, [eax + VASigCookie__StubOffset] test eax, eax jz GoCallCalliWorker ; --------------------------------------- push eax ; stack layout at this point: ; ; | ... | ; | stack arguments | ESP + 16 ; +----------------------+ ; | VASigCookie* | ESP + 12 ; +----------------------+ ; | return address | ESP + 8 ; +----------------------+ ; | CALLI target address | ESP + 4 ; +----------------------+ ; | stub entry point | ESP + 0 ; ------------------------ ; remove VASigCookie from the stack mov eax, [esp + 8] mov [esp + 12], eax ; move stub entry point below the RA mov eax, [esp] mov [esp + 8], eax ; load EAX with the target address pop eax pop eax ; stack layout at this point: ; ; | ... | ; | stack arguments | ESP + 8 ; +----------------------+ ; | return address | ESP + 4 ; +----------------------+ ; | stub entry point | ESP + 0 ; ------------------------ ; CALLI target address is in EAX ret GoCallCalliWorker: ; the target is on the stack and will become m_Datum of PInvokeCalliFrame ; call the stub generating worker pop eax ; ; target ptr in EAX, VASigCookie ptr in EDX ; STUB_PROLOG mov esi, esp ; save target push eax push eax ; unmanaged target push dword ptr [esi + 4*7] ; pVaSigCookie (first stack argument) push esi ; pTransitionBlock call _GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker@12 ; restore target pop eax STUB_EPILOG ; jump back to the helper - this time it won't come back here as the stub already exists jmp _GenericPInvokeCalliHelper@0 _GenericPInvokeCalliHelper@0 endp ifdef MDA_SUPPORTED ;========================================================================== ; Invoked from on-the-fly generated stubs when the stack imbalance MDA is ; enabled. The common low-level work for both direct P/Invoke and unmanaged ; delegate P/Invoke happens here. PInvokeStackImbalanceWorker is where the ; actual imbalance check is implemented. ; [ESP + 4] - the StackImbalanceCookie ; [EBP + 8] - stack arguments (EBP frame pushed by the calling stub) ; _PInvokeStackImbalanceHelper@0 proc public ; StackImbalanceCookie to EBX push ebx lea ebx, [esp + 8] push esi push edi ; copy stack args mov edx, ecx mov ecx, [ebx + StackImbalanceCookie__m_dwStackArgSize] sub esp, ecx shr ecx, 2 lea edi, [esp] lea esi, [ebp + 8] cld rep movsd ; record pre-call ESP mov [ebx + StackImbalanceCookie__m_dwSavedEsp], esp ; call the target (restore ECX in case it's a thiscall) mov ecx, edx call [ebx + StackImbalanceCookie__m_pTarget] ; record post-call ESP and restore ESP to pre-pushed state mov ecx, esp lea esp, [ebp - SIZEOF_StackImbalanceCookie - 16] ; 4 DWORDs and the cookie have been pushed ; save return value push eax push edx sub esp, 12 .errnz (StackImbalanceCookie__HAS_FP_RETURN_VALUE AND 00ffffffh), HAS_FP_RETURN_VALUE has changed - update asm code ; save top of the floating point stack if the target has FP retval test byte ptr [ebx + StackImbalanceCookie__m_callConv + 3], (StackImbalanceCookie__HAS_FP_RETURN_VALUE SHR 24) jz noFPURetVal fstp tbyte ptr [esp] ; save full 10 bytes to avoid precision loss noFPURetVal: ; call PInvokeStackImbalanceWorker(StackImbalanceCookie *pSICookie, DWORD dwPostESP) push ecx push ebx call _PInvokeStackImbalanceWorker@8 ; restore return value test byte ptr [ebx + StackImbalanceCookie__m_callConv + 3], (StackImbalanceCookie__HAS_FP_RETURN_VALUE SHR 24) jz noFPURetValToRestore fld tbyte ptr [esp] noFPURetValToRestore: add esp, 12 pop edx pop eax ; restore registers pop edi pop esi pop ebx ; EBP frame and original stack arguments will be removed by the caller ret _PInvokeStackImbalanceHelper@0 endp endif ; MDA_SUPPORTED ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ;========================================================================== ; This is a fast alternative to CallDescr* tailored specifically for ; COM to CLR calls. Stack arguments don't come in a continuous buffer ; and secret argument can be passed in EAX. ; ; extern "C" ARG_SLOT __fastcall COMToCLRDispatchHelper( ; INT_PTR dwArgECX, ; ecx ; INT_PTR dwArgEDX, ; edx ; PCODE pTarget, ; [esp + 4] ; PCODE pSecretArg, ; [esp + 8] ; INT_PTR *pInputStack, ; [esp + c] ; WORD wOutputStackSlots, ; [esp +10] ; UINT16 *pOutputStackOffsets, ; [esp +14] ; Frame *pCurFrame); ; [esp +18] FASTCALL_FUNC COMToCLRDispatchHelper, 32 ; ecx: dwArgECX ; edx: dwArgEDX offset_pTarget equ 4 offset_pSecretArg equ 8 offset_pInputStack equ 0Ch offset_wOutputStackSlots equ 10h offset_pOutputStackOffsets equ 14h offset_pCurFrame equ 18h movzx eax, word ptr [esp + offset_wOutputStackSlots] test eax, eax jnz CopyStackArgs ; There are no stack args to copy and ECX and EDX are already setup ; with the correct arguments for the callee, so we just have to ; push the CPFH and make the call. PUSH_CPFH_FOR_COM eax, esp, offset_pCurFrame ; trashes eax mov eax, [esp + offset_pSecretArg + CPFH_STACK_SIZE] call [esp + offset_pTarget + CPFH_STACK_SIZE] ifdef _DEBUG nop ; This is a tag that we use in an assert. endif POP_CPFH_FOR_COM ecx ; trashes ecx ret 18h CopyStackArgs: ; eax: num stack slots ; ecx: dwArgECX ; edx: dwArgEDX push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi ebpFrame_adjust equ 4h ebp_offset_pCurFrame equ ebpFrame_adjust + offset_pCurFrame PUSH_CPFH_FOR_COM ebx, ebp, ebp_offset_pCurFrame ; trashes ebx mov edi, [ebp + ebpFrame_adjust + offset_pOutputStackOffsets] mov esi, [ebp + ebpFrame_adjust + offset_pInputStack] ; eax: num stack slots ; ecx: dwArgECX ; edx: dwArgEDX ; edi: pOutputStackOffsets ; esi: pInputStack CopyStackLoop: dec eax movzx ebx, word ptr [edi + 2 * eax] ; ebx <- input stack offset push [esi + ebx] ; stack <- value on the input stack jnz CopyStackLoop ; ECX and EDX are setup with the correct arguments for the callee, ; and we've copied the stack arguments over as well, so now it's ; time to make the call. mov eax, [ebp + ebpFrame_adjust + offset_pSecretArg] call [ebp + ebpFrame_adjust + offset_pTarget] ifdef _DEBUG nop ; This is a tag that we use in an assert. endif POP_CPFH_FOR_COM ecx ; trashes ecx pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp ret 18h FASTCALL_ENDFUNC endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR ;========================================================================== ; This is small stub whose purpose is to record current stack pointer and ; call CopyCtorCallStubWorker to invoke copy constructors and destructors ; as appropriate. This stub operates on arguments already pushed to the ; stack by JITted IL stub and must not create a new frame, i.e. it must tail ; call to the target for it to see the arguments that copy ctors have been ; called on. ; _CopyCtorCallStub@0 proc public ; there may be an argument in ecx - save it push ecx ; push pointer to arguments lea edx, [esp + 8] push edx call _CopyCtorCallStubWorker@4 ; restore ecx and tail call to the target pop ecx jmp eax _CopyCtorCallStub@0 endp endif ; !FEATURE_CORECLR ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT ;========================================================================== _StubDispatchFixupStub@0 proc public STUB_PROLOG mov esi, esp push 0 push 0 push eax ; siteAddrForRegisterIndirect (for tailcalls) push esi ; pTransitionBlock call _StubDispatchFixupWorker@16 STUB_EPILOG _StubDispatchFixupPatchLabel@0: public _StubDispatchFixupPatchLabel@0 ; Tailcall target jmp eax ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _StubDispatchFixupStub@0 endp ;========================================================================== _ExternalMethodFixupStub@0 proc public pop eax ; pop off the return address to the stub ; leaving the actual caller's return address on top of the stack STUB_PROLOG mov esi, esp ; EAX is return address into CORCOMPILE_EXTERNAL_METHOD_THUNK. Subtract 5 to get start address. sub eax, 5 push 0 push 0 push eax ; pTransitionBlock push esi call _ExternalMethodFixupWorker@16 ; eax now contains replacement stub. PreStubWorker will never return ; NULL (it throws an exception if stub creation fails.) ; From here on, mustn't trash eax STUB_EPILOG _ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel@0: public _ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel@0 ; Tailcall target jmp eax ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _ExternalMethodFixupStub@0 endp ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN ;========================================================================== _DelayLoad_MethodCall@0 proc public STUB_PROLOG_2_HIDDEN_ARGS mov esi, esp push ecx push edx push eax ; pTransitionBlock push esi call _ExternalMethodFixupWorker@16 ; eax now contains replacement stub. PreStubWorker will never return ; NULL (it throws an exception if stub creation fails.) ; From here on, mustn't trash eax STUB_EPILOG ; Share the patch label jmp _ExternalMethodFixupPatchLabel@0 ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _DelayLoad_MethodCall@0 endp endif ;======================================================================================= ; The call in softbound vtable slots initially points to this function. ; The pupose of this function is to transfer the control to right target and ; to optionally patch the target of the jump so that we do not take this slow path again. ; _VirtualMethodFixupStub@0 proc public pop eax ; Pop the return address. It points right after the call instruction in the thunk. sub eax,5 ; Calculate the address of the thunk ; Push ebp frame to get good callstack under debugger push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Preserve argument registers push ecx push edx push eax ; address of the thunk push ecx ; this ptr call _VirtualMethodFixupWorker@8 ; Restore argument registers pop edx pop ecx ; Pop ebp frame pop ebp _VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel@0: public _VirtualMethodFixupPatchLabel@0 ; Proceed to execute the actual method. jmp eax ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _VirtualMethodFixupStub@0 endp endif ; FEATURE_PREJIT ;========================================================================== ; The prestub _ThePreStub@0 proc public STUB_PROLOG mov esi, esp ; EAX contains MethodDesc* from the precode. Push it here as argument ; for PreStubWorker push eax push esi call _PreStubWorker@8 ; eax now contains replacement stub. PreStubWorker will never return ; NULL (it throws an exception if stub creation fails.) ; From here on, mustn't trash eax STUB_EPILOG ; Tailcall target jmp eax ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _ThePreStub@0 endp ; This method does nothing. It's just a fixed function for the debugger to put a breakpoint ; on so that it can trace a call target. _ThePreStubPatch@0 proc public ; make sure that the basic block is unique test eax,34 _ThePreStubPatchLabel@0: public _ThePreStubPatchLabel@0 ret _ThePreStubPatch@0 endp ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ;========================================================================== ; CLR -> COM generic or late-bound call _GenericComPlusCallStub@0 proc public STUB_PROLOG ; pTransitionBlock mov esi, esp ; return value sub esp, 8 ; save pMD mov ebx, eax push eax ; pMD push esi ; pTransitionBlock call _CLRToCOMWorker@8 push eax call _setFPReturn@12 ; pop & set the return value ; From here on, mustn't trash eax:edx ; Get pComPlusCallInfo for return thunk mov ecx, [ebx + ComPlusCallMethodDesc__m_pComPlusCallInfo] STUB_EPILOG_RETURN ; Tailcall return thunk jmp [ecx + ComPlusCallInfo__m_pRetThunk] ; This will never be executed. It is just to help out stack-walking logic ; which disassembles the epilog to unwind the stack. ret _GenericComPlusCallStub@0 endp endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This is the code that all com call method stubs run initially. ; Most of the real work occurs in ComStubWorker(), a C++ routine. ; The template only does the part that absolutely has to be in assembly ; language. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ComCallPreStub@0 proc public pop eax ;ComCallMethodDesc* ; push ebp-frame push ebp mov ebp,esp ; save CalleeSavedRegisters push ebx push esi push edi push eax ; ComCallMethodDesc* sub esp, 5*4 ; next, vtable, gscookie, 64-bit error return lea edi, [esp] lea esi, [esp+3*4] push edi ; pErrorReturn push esi ; pFrame call _ComPreStubWorker@8 ; eax now contains replacement stub. ComStubWorker will return NULL if stub creation fails cmp eax, 0 je nostub ; oops we could not create a stub add esp, 6*4 ; pop CalleeSavedRegisters pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp jmp eax ; Reexecute with replacement stub. ; We will never get here. This "ret" is just so that code-disassembling ; profilers know to stop disassembling any further ret nostub: ; Even though the ComPreStubWorker sets a 64 bit value as the error return code. ; Only the lower 32 bits contain usefula data. The reason for this is that the ; possible error return types are: failure HRESULT, 0 and floating point 0. ; In each case, the data fits in 32 bits. Instead, we use the upper half of ; the return value to store number of bytes to pop mov eax, [edi] mov edx, [edi+4] add esp, 6*4 ; pop CalleeSavedRegisters pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp pop ecx ; return address add esp, edx ; pop bytes of the stack push ecx ; return address ; We need to deal with the case where the method is PreserveSig=true and has an 8 ; byte return type. There are 2 types of 8 byte return types: integer and floating point. ; For integer 8 byte return types, we always return 0 in case of failure. For floating ; point return types, we return the value in the floating point register. In both cases ; edx should be 0. xor edx, edx ; edx <-- 0 ret _ComCallPreStub@0 endp endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN ;========================================================================== ; Define helpers for delay loading of readytorun helpers DYNAMICHELPER macro frameFlags, suffix _DelayLoad_Helper&suffix&@0 proc public STUB_PROLOG_2_HIDDEN_ARGS mov esi, esp push frameFlags push ecx ; module push edx ; section index push eax ; indirection cell address. push esi ; pTransitionBlock call _DynamicHelperWorker@20 test eax,eax jnz @F mov eax, [esi] ; The result is stored in the argument area of the transition block STUB_EPILOG_RETURN ret @@: STUB_EPILOG jmp eax _DelayLoad_Helper&suffix&@0 endp endm DYNAMICHELPER DynamicHelperFrameFlags_Default DYNAMICHELPER DynamicHelperFrameFlags_ObjectArg, _Obj DYNAMICHELPER , _ObjObj endif ; FEATURE_READYTORUN end