// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef _GCHEAPUTILITIES_H_ #define _GCHEAPUTILITIES_H_ #include "gcinterface.h" // The singular heap instance. GPTR_DECL(IGCHeap, g_pGCHeap); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE extern "C" { #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE GPTR_DECL(uint8_t,g_lowest_address); GPTR_DECL(uint8_t,g_highest_address); GPTR_DECL(uint32_t,g_card_table); GVAL_DECL(GCHeapType, g_heap_type); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE // For single-proc machines, the EE will use a single, shared alloc context // for all allocations. In order to avoid extra indirections in assembly // allocation helpers, the EE owns the global allocation context and the // GC will update it when it needs to. extern "C" gc_alloc_context g_global_alloc_context; extern "C" uint32_t* g_card_bundle_table; extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_low; extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_high; #ifdef FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP // Table containing the dirty state. This table is translated to exclude the lowest address it represents, see // TranslateTableToExcludeHeapStartAddress. extern "C" uint8_t *g_sw_ww_table; // Write watch may be disabled when it is not needed (between GCs for instance). This indicates whether it is enabled. extern "C" bool g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap; #endif // FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP // g_gc_dac_vars is a structure of pointers to GC globals that the // DAC uses. It is not exposed directly to the DAC. extern GcDacVars g_gc_dac_vars; // Instead of exposing g_gc_dac_vars to the DAC, a pointer to it // is exposed here (g_gcDacGlobals). The reason for this is to avoid // a problem in which a debugger attaches to a program while the program // is in the middle of initializing the GC DAC vars - if the "publishing" // of DAC vars isn't atomic, the debugger could see a partially initialized // GcDacVars structure. // // Instead, the debuggee "publishes" GcDacVars by assigning a pointer to g_gc_dac_vars // to this global, and the DAC will read this global. typedef DPTR(GcDacVars) PTR_GcDacVars; GPTR_DECL(GcDacVars, g_gcDacGlobals); // GCHeapUtilities provides a number of static methods // that operate on the global heap instance. It can't be // instantiated. class GCHeapUtilities { public: // Retrieves the GC heap. inline static IGCHeap* GetGCHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; assert(g_pGCHeap != nullptr); return g_pGCHeap; } // Returns true if the heap has been initialized, false otherwise. inline static bool IsGCHeapInitialized() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return g_pGCHeap != nullptr; } // Returns true if a the heap is initialized and a garbage collection // is in progress, false otherwise. inline static bool IsGCInProgress(bool bConsiderGCStart = false) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return (IsGCHeapInitialized() ? GetGCHeap()->IsGCInProgressHelper(bConsiderGCStart) : false); } // Returns true if we should be competing marking for statics. This // influences the behavior of `GCToEEInterface::GcScanRoots`. inline static bool MarkShouldCompeteForStatics() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return IsServerHeap() && g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors >= 2; } // Waits until a GC is complete, if the heap has been initialized. inline static void WaitForGCCompletion(bool bConsiderGCStart = false) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (IsGCHeapInitialized()) GetGCHeap()->WaitUntilGCComplete(bConsiderGCStart); } // Returns true if the held GC heap is a Server GC heap, false otherwise. inline static bool IsServerHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_SVR_GC _ASSERTE(g_heap_type != GC_HEAP_INVALID); return g_heap_type == GC_HEAP_SVR; #else return false; #endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC } static bool UseThreadAllocationContexts() { // When running on a single-proc system, it's more efficient to use a single global // allocation context for SOH allocations than to use one for every thread. #if defined(_TARGET_ARM_) || defined(FEATURE_PAL) || defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK) return true; #else return IsServerHeap() || ::GetCurrentProcessCpuCount() != 1; #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP // Returns True if software write watch is currently enabled for the GC Heap, // or False if it is not. inline static bool SoftwareWriteWatchIsEnabled() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap; } // In accordance with the SoftwareWriteWatch scheme, marks a given address as // "dirty" (e.g. has been written to). inline static void SoftwareWriteWatchSetDirty(void* address, size_t write_size) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We presumably have just written something to this address, so it can't be null. assert(address != nullptr); // The implementation is limited to writes of a pointer size or less. Writes larger // than pointer size may cross page boundaries and would require us to potentially // set more than one entry in the SWW table, which can't be done atomically under // the current scheme. assert(write_size <= sizeof(void*)); size_t table_byte_index = reinterpret_cast(address) >> SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift; // The table byte index that we calculate for the address should be the same as the one // calculated for a pointer to the end of the written region. If this were not the case, // this write crossed a boundary and would dirty two pages. uint8_t* end_of_write_ptr = reinterpret_cast(address) + (write_size - 1); assert(table_byte_index == reinterpret_cast(end_of_write_ptr) >> SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift); uint8_t* table_address = &g_sw_ww_table[table_byte_index]; if (*table_address == 0) { *table_address = 0xFF; } } // In accordance with the SoftwareWriteWatch scheme, marks a range of addresses // as dirty, starting at the given address and with the given length. inline static void SoftwareWriteWatchSetDirtyRegion(void* address, size_t length) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We presumably have just memcopied something to this address, so it can't be null. assert(address != nullptr); // The "base index" is the first index in the SWW table that covers the target // region of memory. size_t base_index = reinterpret_cast(address) >> SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift; // The "end_index" is the last index in the SWW table that covers the target // region of memory. uint8_t* end_pointer = reinterpret_cast(address) + length - 1; size_t end_index = reinterpret_cast(end_pointer) >> SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift; // We'll mark the entire region of memory as dirty by memseting all entries in // the SWW table between the start and end indexes. memset(&g_sw_ww_table[base_index], ~0, end_index - base_index + 1); } #endif // FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Loads (if using a standalone GC) and initializes the GC. static HRESULT LoadAndInitialize(); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE private: // This class should never be instantiated. GCHeapUtilities() = delete; }; #endif // _GCHEAPUTILITIES_H_