// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*============================================================ ** ** Header: FusionBind.cpp ** ** Purpose: Implements fusion interface ** ** ===========================================================*/ #include "common.h" #include #include "fusionbind.h" #include "shimload.h" #include "eventtrace.h" #include "strongnameholders.h" HRESULT BaseAssemblySpec::ParseName() { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!m_pAssemblyName) return S_OK; CQuickBytes ssName; hr = ssName.ConvertUtf8_UnicodeNoThrow(m_pAssemblyName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { NonVMComHolder pName; IfFailRet(CreateAssemblyNameObject(&pName, (LPCWSTR) ssName.Ptr(), CANOF_PARSE_DISPLAY_NAME, NULL)); if (m_ownedFlags & NAME_OWNED) delete [] m_pAssemblyName; m_pAssemblyName = NULL; hr = Init(pName); } return hr; } void BaseAssemblySpec::GetFileOrDisplayName(DWORD flags, SString &result) const { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory()); PRECONDITION(CheckValue(result)); PRECONDITION(result.IsEmpty()); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pAssemblyName != NULL) { NonVMComHolder pFusionName; IfFailThrow(CreateFusionName(&pFusionName)); FusionBind::GetAssemblyNameDisplayName(pFusionName, result, flags); } else result.Set(m_wszCodeBase); } HRESULT AssemblySpec::LoadAssembly(IApplicationContext* pFusionContext, FusionSink *pSink, IAssembly** ppIAssembly, IHostAssembly** ppIHostAssembly, IBindResult** ppNativeFusionAssembly, BOOL fForIntrospectionOnly, BOOL fSuppressSecurityChecks) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory()); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (!IsAfContentType_Default(m_dwFlags)) { // Fusion can process only Default ContentType (non-WindowsRuntime) IfFailThrow(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } NonVMComHolder pIAssembly(NULL); NonVMComHolder pNativeFusionAssembly(NULL); NonVMComHolder pIHostAssembly(NULL); NonVMComHolder pSpecName; NonVMComHolder pCodeBaseName; BOOL fFXOnly = FALSE; DWORD size = sizeof(fFXOnly); hr = pFusionContext->Get(ACTAG_FX_ONLY, &fFXOnly, &size, 0); if(FAILED(hr)) { /// just in case it corrupted fFXOnly fFXOnly = FALSE; } // reset hr hr = E_FAIL; // Make sure we don't have malformed names if (m_pAssemblyName) IfFailGo(FusionBind::VerifyBindingString(m_pAssemblyName)); if (m_context.szLocale) IfFailGo(FusionBind::VerifyBindingString(m_context.szLocale)); // If we have assembly name info, first bind using that if (m_pAssemblyName != NULL) { IfFailGo(CreateFusionName(&pSpecName, FALSE)); if(m_fParentLoadContext == LOADCTX_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { BOOL bOptionallyRetargetable; IfFailGo(IsOptionallyRetargetableAssembly(pSpecName, &bOptionallyRetargetable)); if (bOptionallyRetargetable) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); // do not propagate to load, let the event handle } hr = FusionBind::RemoteLoad(pFusionContext, pSink, pSpecName, GetParentIAssembly(), NULL, &pIAssembly, &pIHostAssembly, &pNativeFusionAssembly, fForIntrospectionOnly, fSuppressSecurityChecks); } // Now, bind using the codebase. if (FAILED(hr) && !fFXOnly && m_wszCodeBase) { // No resolution by code base for SQL-hosted environment, except for introspection if((!fForIntrospectionOnly) && CorHost2::IsLoadFromBlocked()) { hr = FUSION_E_LOADFROM_BLOCKED; goto ErrExit; } IfFailGo(CreateAssemblyNameObject(&pCodeBaseName, NULL, 0, NULL)); IfFailGo(pCodeBaseName->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CODEBASE_URL, (void*)m_wszCodeBase, (DWORD)(wcslen(m_wszCodeBase) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); // Note that we cannot bind a native image using a codebase, as it will // always be in the LoadFrom context which does not support native images. pSink->Reset(); hr = FusionBind::RemoteLoad(pFusionContext, pSink, pCodeBaseName, NULL, m_wszCodeBase, &pIAssembly, &pIHostAssembly, &pNativeFusionAssembly, fForIntrospectionOnly, fSuppressSecurityChecks); // If we had both name info and codebase, make sure they are consistent. if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_pAssemblyName != NULL) { NonVMComHolder pPolicyRefName(NULL); if (!fForIntrospectionOnly) { // Get post-policy ref, because we'll be comparing // it against a post-policy def HRESULT policyHr = PreBindAssembly(pFusionContext, pSpecName, NULL, // pAsmParent &pPolicyRefName, NULL); // pvReserved if (FAILED(policyHr) && (policyHr != FUSION_E_REF_DEF_MISMATCH) && (policyHr != E_INVALIDARG)) // partial ref IfFailGo(policyHr); } NonVMComHolder pBoundName; if (pIAssembly == NULL) IfFailGo(pIHostAssembly->GetAssemblyNameDef(&pBoundName)); else IfFailGo(pIAssembly->GetAssemblyNameDef(&pBoundName)); // Order matters: Ref->IsEqual(Def) HRESULT equalHr; if (pPolicyRefName) equalHr = pPolicyRefName->IsEqual(pBoundName, ASM_CMPF_DEFAULT); else equalHr = pSpecName->IsEqual(pBoundName, ASM_CMPF_DEFAULT); if (equalHr != S_OK) { // post-policy name is pBoundName and it's not correct for the // original name, so we need to clear it ReleaseNameAfterPolicy(); IfFailGo(FUSION_E_REF_DEF_MISMATCH); } } } // We should have found an assembly by now. IfFailGo(hr); // Comment about the comment below. The work is done in fusion now. // But we still keep the comment here to illustrate the problem. // Until we can create multiple Assembly objects for a single HMODULE // we can only store one IAssembly* per Assembly. It is very important // to maintain the IAssembly* for an image that is in the load-context. // An Assembly in the load-from-context can bind to an assembly in the // load-context but not visa-versa. Therefore, if we every get an IAssembly // from the load-from-context we must make sure that it will never be // found using a load. If it did then we could end up with Assembly dependencies // that are wrong. For example, if I do a LoadFrom() on an assembly in the GAC // and it requires another Assembly that I have preloaded in the load-from-context // then that dependency gets burnt into the Jitted code. Later on a Load() is // done on the assembly in the GAC and we single instance it back to the one // we have gotten from the load-from-context because the HMODULES are the same. // Now the dependency is wrong because it would not have the preloaded assembly // if the order was reversed. #if 0 if (!fForIntrospectionOnly) { NonVMComHolder pLoadContext; if (pIAssembly == NULL) IfFailGo(pIHostAssembly->GetFusionLoadContext(&pLoadContext)); else IfFailGo(pIAssembly->GetFusionLoadContext(&pLoadContext)); if (pLoadContext->GetContextType() == LOADCTX_TYPE_LOADFROM) { _ASSERTE(pIAssembly != NULL); HRESULT hrLocal; NonVMComHolder pBoundName; pIAssembly->GetAssemblyNameDef(&pBoundName); // We need to copy the bound name to modify it IAssemblyName *pClone; IfFailGo(pBoundName->Clone(&pClone)); pBoundName.Release(); pBoundName = pClone; // Null out the architecture for the second bind IfFailGo(pBoundName->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_ARCHITECTURE, NULL, 0)); NonVMComHolder pAliasingAssembly; NonVMComHolder pIHA; pSink->Reset(); hrLocal = FusionBind::RemoteLoad(pFusionContext, pSink, pBoundName, NULL, NULL, &pAliasingAssembly, &pIHA, fForIntrospectionOnly); if(SUCCEEDED(hrLocal)) { // If the paths are the same or the loadfrom assembly is in the GAC, // then use the non-LoadFrom assembly as the result. DWORD location; hrLocal = pIAssembly->GetAssemblyLocation(&location); BOOL alias = (SUCCEEDED(hrLocal) && location == ASMLOC_GAC); if (!alias) { SString boundPath; GetAssemblyManifestModulePath(pIAssembly, boundPath); SString aliasingPath; GetAssemblyManifestModulePath(pAliasingAssembly, aliasingPath); alias = SString::_wcsicmp(boundPath, aliasingPath) == 0; } // Keep the default context's IAssembly if the paths are the same if (alias) pIAssembly = pAliasingAssembly.Extract(); } } } #endif if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pIAssembly == NULL) *ppIHostAssembly = pIHostAssembly.Extract(); else *ppIAssembly = pIAssembly.Extract(); if (ppNativeFusionAssembly) { *ppNativeFusionAssembly = pNativeFusionAssembly.Extract(); } } ErrExit: return hr; } /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::RemoteLoad(IApplicationContext* pFusionContext, FusionSink *pSink, IAssemblyName *pName, IAssembly *pParentAssembly, LPCWSTR pCodeBase, IAssembly** ppIAssembly, IHostAssembly** ppIHostAssembly, IBindResult **ppNativeFusionAssembly, BOOL fForIntrospectionOnly, BOOL fSuppressSecurityChecks) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; // The resulting IP must be held so the assembly will not be scavenged. PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppIAssembly)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppIHostAssembly)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pName)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; ETWOnStartup (FusionBinding_V1, FusionBindingEnd_V1); HRESULT hr; ASM_BIND_FLAGS dwFlags = ASM_BINDF_NONE; DWORD dwReserved = 0; LPVOID pReserved = NULL; // Event Tracing for Windows is used to log data for performance and functional testing purposes. // The events below are used to help measure the performance of the download phase of assembly binding (be it download of a remote file or accessing a local file on disk), // as well as of lookup scenarios such as from a host store. DWORD dwAppDomainId = ETWAppDomainIdNotAvailable; if (ETW_TRACING_CATEGORY_ENABLED(MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_DOTNETRUNTIME_PRIVATE_PROVIDER_Context, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, CLR_PRIVATEBINDING_KEYWORD)) { DWORD cbValue = sizeof(dwAppDomainId); // Gather data used by ETW events later in this function. if (pFusionContext == NULL || FAILED(pFusionContext->Get(ACTAG_APP_DOMAIN_ID, &dwAppDomainId, &cbValue, 0))) { dwAppDomainId = ETWAppDomainIdNotAvailable; } } NonVMComHolder< IUnknown > pSinkIUnknown(NULL); NonVMComHolder< IAssemblyNameBinder> pBinder(NULL); *ppNativeFusionAssembly=NULL; if(pParentAssembly != NULL) { // Only use a parent assembly hint when the parent assembly has a load context. // Assemblies in anonymous context are not dicoverable by loader's binding rules, // thus loader can't find their dependencies. // Loader will only try to locate dependencies in default load context. if (pParentAssembly->GetFusionLoadContext() != LOADCTX_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { dwReserved = sizeof(IAssembly*); pReserved = (LPVOID) pParentAssembly; dwFlags = ASM_BINDF_PARENT_ASM_HINT; } } IfFailRet(pSink->AssemblyResetEvent()); IfFailRet(pSink->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pSinkIUnknown)); IUnknown *pFusionAssembly=NULL; IUnknown *pNativeAssembly=NULL; BOOL fCached = TRUE; if (fForIntrospectionOnly) { dwFlags = (ASM_BIND_FLAGS)(dwFlags | ASM_BINDF_INSPECTION_ONLY); } if (fSuppressSecurityChecks) { dwFlags = (ASM_BIND_FLAGS)(dwFlags | ASM_BINDF_SUPPRESS_SECURITY_CHECKS); } IfFailRet(pName->QueryInterface(IID_IAssemblyNameBinder, (void **)&pBinder)); { // In SQL, this can call back into the runtime CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation); hr = pBinder->BindToObject(IID_IAssembly, pSinkIUnknown, pFusionContext, pCodeBase, dwFlags, pReserved, dwReserved, (void**) &pFusionAssembly, (void**)&pNativeAssembly); } if(hr == E_PENDING) { // If there is an assembly IP then we were successful. hr = pSink->Wait(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pSink->LastResult(); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(pSink->m_punk) { if (pSink->m_pNIunk) pNativeAssembly=pSink->m_pNIunk; pFusionAssembly = pSink->m_punk; fCached = FALSE; } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } } FireEtwBindingDownloadPhaseEnd(dwAppDomainId, ETWLoadContextNotAvailable, ETWFieldUnused, ETWLoaderLoadTypeNotAvailable, pCodeBase, NULL, GetClrInstanceId()); FireEtwBindingLookupAndProbingPhaseEnd(dwAppDomainId, ETWLoadContextNotAvailable, ETWFieldUnused, ETWLoaderLoadTypeNotAvailable, pCodeBase, NULL, GetClrInstanceId()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Keep a handle to ensure it does not disappear from the cache // and allow access to modules associated with the assembly. hr = pFusionAssembly->QueryInterface(IID_IAssembly, (void**) ppIAssembly); if (hr == E_NOINTERFACE) // IStream assembly hr = pFusionAssembly->QueryInterface(IID_IHostAssembly, (void**) ppIHostAssembly); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pNativeAssembly) hr=pNativeAssembly->QueryInterface(IID_IBindResult, (void**)ppNativeFusionAssembly); if (fCached) { pFusionAssembly->Release(); if(pNativeAssembly) pNativeAssembly->Release(); } } return hr; } /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::RemoteLoadModule(IApplicationContext * pFusionContext, IAssemblyModuleImport* pModule, FusionSink *pSink, IAssemblyModuleImport** pResult) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pFusionContext)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSink)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pResult)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; ETWOnStartup (FusionBinding_V1, FusionBindingEnd_V1); HRESULT hr; IfFailGo(pSink->AssemblyResetEvent()); hr = pModule->BindToObject(pSink, pFusionContext, ASM_BINDF_NONE, (void**) pResult); if(hr == E_PENDING) { // If there is an assembly IP then we were successful. hr = pSink->Wait(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pSink->LastResult(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(pSink->m_punk) hr = pSink->m_punk->QueryInterface(IID_IAssemblyModuleImport, (void**) pResult); else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } } ErrExit: return hr; } /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::AddEnvironmentProperty(__in LPCWSTR variable, __in LPCWSTR pProperty, IApplicationContext* pFusionContext) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pProperty)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(variable)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pFusionContext)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD size = _MAX_PATH; WCHAR rcValue[_MAX_PATH]; // Buffer for the directory. WCHAR *pValue = &(rcValue[0]); size = WszGetEnvironmentVariable(variable, pValue, size); if(size > _MAX_PATH) { pValue = (WCHAR*) _alloca(size * sizeof(WCHAR)); size = WszGetEnvironmentVariable(variable, pValue, size); size++; // Add in the null terminator } if(size) return pFusionContext->Set(pProperty, pValue, size * sizeof(WCHAR), 0); else return S_FALSE; // no variable found } // Fusion uses a context class to drive resolution of assemblies. // Each application has properties that can be pushed into the // fusion context (see fusionp.h). The public api is part of // application domains. /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::SetupFusionContext(LPCWSTR szAppBase, LPCWSTR szPrivateBin, IApplicationContext** ppFusionContext) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppFusionContext)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; NonVMComHolder pFusionContext; LPCWSTR pBase; // if the appbase is null then use the current directory if (szAppBase == NULL) { pBase = (LPCWSTR) _alloca(_MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!WszGetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, (LPWSTR) pBase)) IfFailGo(HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError()); } else pBase = szAppBase; IfFailGo(CreateFusionContext(pBase, &pFusionContext)); IfFailGo((pFusionContext)->Set(ACTAG_APP_BASE_URL, (void*) pBase, (DWORD)(wcslen(pBase) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0)); if (szPrivateBin) IfFailGo((pFusionContext)->Set(ACTAG_APP_PRIVATE_BINPATH, (void*) szPrivateBin, (DWORD)(wcslen(szPrivateBin) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0)); else IfFailGo(AddEnvironmentProperty(APPENV_RELATIVEPATH, ACTAG_APP_PRIVATE_BINPATH, pFusionContext)); *ppFusionContext=pFusionContext; pFusionContext.SuppressRelease(); ErrExit: return hr; } /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::CreateFusionContext(LPCWSTR pzName, IApplicationContext** ppFusionContext) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppFusionContext)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; // This is a file name not a namespace LPCWSTR contextName = NULL; if(pzName) { contextName = wcsrchr( pzName, W('\\') ); if(contextName) contextName++; else contextName = pzName; } // We go off and create a fusion context for this application domain. // Note, once it is made it can not be modified. NonVMComHolder pFusionAssemblyName; HRESULT hr = CreateAssemblyNameObject(&pFusionAssemblyName, contextName, 0, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = CreateApplicationContext(pFusionAssemblyName, ppFusionContext); return hr; } /* static */ HRESULT FusionBind::GetVersion(__out_ecount(*pdwVersion) LPWSTR pVersion, __inout DWORD* pdwVersion) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pdwVersion)); PRECONDITION(pdwVersion>0 && CheckPointer(pVersion)); INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD dwCORSystem = 0; LPCWSTR pCORSystem = GetInternalSystemDirectory(&dwCORSystem); if (dwCORSystem == 0) return E_FAIL; dwCORSystem--; // remove the null character if (dwCORSystem && pCORSystem[dwCORSystem-1] == W('\\')) dwCORSystem--; // and the trailing slash if it exists if (dwCORSystem==0) return E_FAIL; const WCHAR* pSeparator; const WCHAR* pTail = pCORSystem + dwCORSystem; for (pSeparator = pCORSystem+dwCORSystem-1; pSeparator > pCORSystem && *pSeparator != W('\\');pSeparator--); if (*pSeparator == W('\\')) pSeparator++; DWORD lgth = (DWORD)(pTail - pSeparator); if (lgth > *pdwVersion) { *pdwVersion = lgth+1; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:26000) // "Disable PREFast/espX warning about buffer overflow" #endif while(pSeparator < pTail) *pVersion++ = *pSeparator++; *pVersion = W('\0'); #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif return S_OK; } // FusionBind::GetVersion