// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== #ifndef _FINALIZER_THREAD_H_ #define _FINALIZER_THREAD_H_ class FinalizerThread { static BOOL fRunFinalizersOnUnload; static BOOL fQuitFinalizer; static AppDomain *UnloadingAppDomain; #if defined(__linux__) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) static ULONGLONG LastHeapDumpTime; #endif static CLREvent *hEventFinalizer; static CLREvent *hEventFinalizerDone; static CLREvent *hEventShutDownToFinalizer; static CLREvent *hEventFinalizerToShutDown; // Note: This enum makes it easier to read much of the code that deals with the // array of events that the finalizer thread waits on. However, the ordering // is important. // See code:SVR::WaitForFinalizerEvent#MHandleTypeValues for more info enum MHandleType { kLowMemoryNotification = 0, kFinalizer = 1, #ifdef FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH kProfilingAPIAttach = 2, #endif // FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH kHandleCount, }; static HANDLE MHandles[kHandleCount]; static void WaitForFinalizerEvent (CLREvent *event); static BOOL FinalizerThreadWatchDogHelper(); #ifdef FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH static void ProcessProfilerAttachIfNecessary(ULONGLONG * pui64TimestampLastCheckedEventMs); #endif // FEATURE_PROFAPI_ATTACH_DETACH static Object * DoOneFinalization(Object* fobj, Thread* pThread, int bitToCheck, bool *pbTerminate); static void FinalizeAllObjects_Wrapper(void *ptr); static Object * FinalizeAllObjects(Object* fobj, int bitToCheck); public: static Thread* GetFinalizerThread() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(g_pFinalizerThread != 0); return g_pFinalizerThread; } // Start unloading app domain static void UnloadAppDomain(AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UnloadingAppDomain = pDomain; fRunFinalizersOnUnload = fRunFinalizers; } static AppDomain* GetUnloadingAppDomain() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return UnloadingAppDomain; } static BOOL IsCurrentThreadFinalizer(); static void EnableFinalization(); static BOOL HaveExtraWorkForFinalizer(); static void FinalizerThreadWait(DWORD timeout = INFINITE); // We wake up a wait for finaliation for two reasons: // if fFinalizer=TRUE, we have finished finalization. // if fFinalizer=FALSE, the timeout for finalization is changed, and AD unload helper thread is notified. static void SignalFinalizationDone(BOOL fFinalizer); static VOID FinalizerThreadWorker(void *args); static void FinalizeObjectsOnShutdown(LPVOID args); static DWORD __stdcall FinalizerThreadStart(void *args); static void FinalizerThreadCreate(); static BOOL FinalizerThreadWatchDog(); }; #endif // _FINALIZER_THREAD_H_