// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: eventtracepriv.h // // Contains some private definitions used by eventrace.cpp, but that aren't needed by // clients of eventtrace.cpp, and thus don't belong in eventtrace.h. Also, since // inclusions of this file are tightly controlled (basically just by eventtrace.cpp), we // can assume some classes are defined that aren't necessarily defined when eventtrace.h // is #included (e.g., StackSString and StackSArray). // // // // ============================================================================ #ifndef __EVENTTRACEPRIV_H__ #define __EVENTTRACEPRIV_H__ #ifndef _countof #define _countof(_array) (sizeof(_array)/sizeof(_array[0])) #endif // ETW has a limitation of 64K for TOTAL event Size, however there is overhead associated with // the event headers. It is unclear exactly how much that is, but 1K should be sufficiently // far away to avoid problems without sacrificing the perf of bulk processing. const UINT cbMaxEtwEvent = 63 * 1024; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C++ copies of ETW structures //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!! // The EventStruct* structs are described in the ETW manifest event templates, and the // LAYOUT MUST MATCH THE MANIFEST EXACTLY! // !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!! #pragma pack(push, 1) struct EventStructGCBulkRootEdgeValue { LPVOID RootedNodeAddress; BYTE GCRootKind; DWORD GCRootFlag; LPVOID GCRootID; }; struct EventStructGCBulkRootConditionalWeakTableElementEdgeValue { LPVOID GCKeyNodeID; LPVOID GCValueNodeID; LPVOID GCRootID; }; struct EventStructGCBulkNodeValue { LPVOID Address; ULONGLONG Size; ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONGLONG EdgeCount; }; struct EventStructGCBulkEdgeValue { LPVOID Value; ULONG ReferencingFieldID; }; struct EventStructGCBulkSurvivingObjectRangesValue { LPVOID RangeBase; ULONGLONG RangeLength; }; struct EventStructGCBulkMovedObjectRangesValue { LPVOID OldRangeBase; LPVOID NewRangeBase; ULONGLONG RangeLength; }; struct EventStructStaticBulkFixedSizeData { ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONGLONG Address; ULONGLONG Value; ULONG Flags; }; // This only contains the fixed-size data at the top of each struct in // the bulk type event. These fields must still match exactly the initial // fields of the struct described in the manifest. struct EventStructBulkTypeFixedSizedData { ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONGLONG ModuleID; ULONG TypeNameID; ULONG Flags; BYTE CorElementType; }; struct EventStaticEntry { ULONGLONG GCRootID; ULONGLONG ObjectID; ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONG Flags; wchar_t Name[0]; // Writes one EventStaticEntry to the buffer specified by ptr. Since we don't actually know how large the event will be, // this write may fail if the remaining buffer is not large enough. This function returns the number of bytes written // on success (return is >= 0), and -1 on failure. If we return -1, the caller is expected to flush the current buffer // and try again. static int WriteEntry(BYTE *ptr, int sizeRemaining, ULONGLONG addr, ULONGLONG obj, ULONGLONG typeId, ULONG flags, FieldDesc *fieldDesc) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // sizeRemaining must be larger than the structure + 1 wchar for the struct and // null terminator of Name. We will do a better bounds check when we know the // size of the field name. if (sizeRemaining < (int)(sizeof(EventStaticEntry) + sizeof(wchar_t))) return -1; // The location in the structure to write to. We won't actually write here unless we have sufficient buffer. wchar_t *name = (wchar_t *)(ptr + offsetof(EventStaticEntry, Name)); int len = 0; LPCUTF8 utf8Name = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(fieldDesc->GetName_NoThrow(&utf8Name))) { len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, utf8Name, -1, name, sizeRemaining - sizeof(EventStaticEntry)); if (len <= 0) { // We will ignore corrupted/bad metadata here and only emit names for fields which are // up to 255 characters (and also don't fit in the buffer). if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && sizeRemaining < 256) return -1; // nothing written, insufficient buffer. Flush and try again. // If the name is larger than 255 or we have some other error converting the string, // just emit an empty string. len = 1; name[0] = 0; } } else { // Couldn't get the name for some reason, just emit an empty string. len = 1; name[0] = 0; } // At this point we should have written something to the name buffer. _ASSERTE(len > 0); // At this point we've written the field name (even if it's just an empty string). // Write the rest of the fields to the buffer and return the total size. EventStaticEntry *entry = (EventStaticEntry*)ptr; entry->GCRootID = addr; entry->ObjectID = obj; entry->TypeID = typeId; entry->Flags = flags; return sizeof(EventStaticEntry) + len * sizeof(wchar_t); } }; struct EventRCWEntry { ULONGLONG ObjectID; ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONGLONG IUnk; ULONGLONG VTable; ULONG RefCount; ULONG Flags; }; struct EventCCWEntry { enum CCWFlags { Strong = 0x1, Pegged = 0x2 }; ULONGLONG RootID; ULONGLONG ObjectID; ULONGLONG TypeID; ULONGLONG IUnk; ULONG RefCount; ULONG JupiterRefCount; ULONG Flags; }; #pragma pack(pop) // Represents one instance of the Value struct inside a single BulkType event class BulkTypeValue { public: BulkTypeValue(); void Clear(); // How many bytes will this BulkTypeValue take up when written into the actual ETW // event? int GetByteCountInEvent() { return sizeof(fixedSizedData) + sizeof(cTypeParameters) + #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK sizeof(WCHAR) + // No name in event, so just the null terminator cTypeParameters * sizeof(ULONGLONG); // Type parameters #else (sName.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + // Size of name, including null terminator rgTypeParameters.GetCount() * sizeof(ULONGLONG);// Type parameters #endif } EventStructBulkTypeFixedSizedData fixedSizedData; // Below are the remainder of each struct in the bulk type event (i.e., the // variable-sized data). The var-sized fields are copied into the event individually // (not directly), so they don't need to have the same layout as in the ETW manifest // This is really a denorm of the size already stored in rgTypeParameters, but we // need a persistent place to stash this away so EventDataDescCreate & EventWrite // have a reliable place to copy it from. This is filled in at the last minute, // when sending the event. (On ProjectN, which doesn't have StackSArray, this is // filled in earlier and used in more places.) ULONG cTypeParameters; #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK // If > 1 type parameter, this is an array of their EEType*'s NewArrayHolder rgTypeParameters; // If exactly one type parameter, this is its EEType*. (If != 1 type parameter, // this is 0.) ULONGLONG ullSingleTypeParameter; #else // FEATURE_REDHAWK StackSString sName; StackSArray rgTypeParameters; #endif // FEATURE_REDHAWK }; // Encapsulates all the type event batching we need to do. This is used by // ETW::TypeSystemLog, which calls LogTypeAndParameters for each type to be logged. // BulkTypeEventLogger will batch each type and its generic type parameters, and flush to // ETW as necessary. ETW::TypeSystemLog also calls FireBulkTypeEvent directly to force a // flush (e.g., once at end of GC heap traversal, or on each object allocation). class BulkTypeEventLogger { private: // The maximum event size, and the size of the buffer that we allocate to hold the event contents. static const size_t kSizeOfEventBuffer = 65536; // Estimate of how many bytes we can squeeze in the event data for the value struct // array. (Intentionally overestimate the size of the non-array parts to keep it safe.) static const int kMaxBytesTypeValues = (cbMaxEtwEvent - 0x30); // Estimate of how many type value elements we can put into the struct array, while // staying under the ETW event size limit. Note that this is impossible to calculate // perfectly, since each element of the struct array has variable size. // // In addition to the byte-size limit per event, Windows always forces on us a // max-number-of-descriptors per event, which in the case of BulkType, will kick in // far sooner. There's a max number of 128 descriptors allowed per event. 2 are used // for Count + ClrInstanceID. Then 4 per batched value. (Might actually be 3 if there // are no type parameters to log, but let's overestimate at 4 per value). static const int kMaxCountTypeValues = (128 - 2) / 4; // Note: This results in a relatively small batch (about 31 types per event). We // could increase this substantially by creating a single, contiguous buffer, which // would let us max out the number of type values to batch by allowing the byte-size // limit to kick in before the max-descriptor limit. We could esimate that as // follows: // // static const int kMaxCountTypeValues = kMaxBytesTypeValues / // (sizeof(EventStructBulkTypeFixedSizedData) + // 200 * sizeof(WCHAR) + // Assume 199 + 1 terminating-NULL character in type name // sizeof(UINT) + // Type parameter count // 10 * sizeof(ULONGLONG)); // Assume 10 type parameters // // The downside, though, is that we would have to do a lot more copying to fill out // that buffer before sending the event. It's unclear that increasing the batch size // is enough of a win to offset all the extra buffer copying. So for now, we'll keep // the batch size low and avoid extra copying. // How many types have we batched? int m_nBulkTypeValueCount; // What is the byte size of all the types we've batched? int m_nBulkTypeValueByteCount; // List of types we've batched. BulkTypeValue m_rgBulkTypeValues[kMaxCountTypeValues]; BYTE *m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer; #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK int LogSingleType(EEType * pEEType); #else int LogSingleType(TypeHandle th); #endif public: BulkTypeEventLogger() : m_nBulkTypeValueCount(0), m_nBulkTypeValueByteCount(0) , m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer(NULL) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[kSizeOfEventBuffer]; } ~BulkTypeEventLogger() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; delete[] m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer; m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer = NULL; } void LogTypeAndParameters(ULONGLONG thAsAddr, ETW::TypeSystemLog::TypeLogBehavior typeLogBehavior); void FireBulkTypeEvent(); }; // Does all logging for RCWs and CCWs in the process. We walk RCWs by enumerating all syncblocks in // the process and seeing if they have associated interop information. We enumerate all CCWs in the // process from the RefCount handles on the handle table. class BulkComLogger { public: // If typeLogger is non-null, we will log out the types via the logger, otherwise no type // information will be logged. BulkComLogger(BulkTypeEventLogger *typeLogger); ~BulkComLogger(); // Walks all RCW/CCW objects. void LogAllComObjects(); // Forces a flush of all ETW events not yet fired. void FireBulkComEvent(); private: // Writes one RCW to the RCW buffer. May or may not fire the event. void WriteRcw(RCW *rcw, Object *obj); // Writes one CCW to the CCW buffer. May or may not fire the event. void WriteCcw(ComCallWrapper *ccw, Object **handle, Object *obj); // Forces a flush of all RCW ETW events not yet fired. void FlushRcw(); // Forces a flush of all CCW ETW events not yet fired. void FlushCcw(); // Callback used during handle table enumeration. static void HandleWalkCallback(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pref, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2); // Used during CCW enumeration to keep track of all object handles which point to a CCW. void AddCcwHandle(Object **handle); private: struct CCWEnumerationEntry { CCWEnumerationEntry *Next; int Count; Object **Handles[64]; CCWEnumerationEntry() : Next(0), Count(0) { } }; private: // The maximum number of RCW/CCW events we can batch up based on the max size of an ETW event. static const int kMaxRcwCount = (cbMaxEtwEvent - 0x30) / sizeof(EventRCWEntry); static const int kMaxCcwCount = (cbMaxEtwEvent - 0x30) / sizeof(EventCCWEntry); int m_currRcw; // The current number of batched (but not emitted) RCW events. int m_currCcw; // The current number of batched (but not emitted) CCW events. BulkTypeEventLogger *m_typeLogger; // Type logger to emit type data for. EventRCWEntry *m_etwRcwData; // RCW buffer. EventCCWEntry *m_etwCcwData; // CCW buffer. CCWEnumerationEntry *m_enumResult; }; // Does bulk static variable ETW logging. class BulkStaticsLogger { public: BulkStaticsLogger(BulkTypeEventLogger *typeLogger); ~BulkStaticsLogger(); // Walk all static variables in the process and write them to the buffer, firing ETW events // as we reach the max buffer size. void LogAllStatics(); // Force a flush of the static data, firing an ETW event for any not yet written. void FireBulkStaticsEvent(); private: // Write a single static variable to the log. void WriteEntry(AppDomain *domain, Object **address, Object *obj, FieldDesc *fieldDesc); private: // The maximum bytes we can emit in the statics buffer. static const int kMaxBytesValues = (cbMaxEtwEvent - 0x30); BYTE *m_buffer; // Buffer to queue up statics in int m_used; // The amount of bytes used in m_buffer. int m_count; // The number of statics currently written to m_buffer. AppDomain *m_domain; // The current AppDomain m_buffer contains statics for. BulkTypeEventLogger *m_typeLogger; // The type logger used to emit type data as we encounter it. }; #endif // __EVENTTRACEPRIV_H__