// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __EVENTPIPEINTERNAL_H__ #define __EVENTPIPEINTERNAL_H__ #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING // TODO: Maybe we should move the other types that are used on PInvoke here? class EventPipeInternal { private: enum class ActivityControlCode { EVENT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_GET_ID = 1, EVENT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_SET_ID = 2, EVENT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_CREATE_ID = 3, EVENT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_GET_SET_ID = 4, EVENT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_CREATE_SET_ID = 5 }; struct EventPipeEventInstanceData { void *ProviderID; unsigned int EventID; unsigned int ThreadID; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; GUID ActivityId; GUID RelatedActivityId; const BYTE *Payload; unsigned int PayloadLength; }; struct EventPipeSessionInfo { FILETIME StartTimeAsUTCFileTime; LARGE_INTEGER StartTimeStamp; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStampFrequency; }; public: //! //! Sets the sampling rate and enables the event pipe for the specified configuration. //! static UINT64 QCALLTYPE Enable( __in_z LPCWSTR outputFile, UINT32 circularBufferSizeInMB, INT64 profilerSamplingRateInNanoseconds, EventPipeProviderConfiguration *pProviders, UINT32 numProviders, UINT64 multiFileTraceLengthInSeconds); //! TODO: Add a ListActiveSessions to get the live SessionID in order to Disable? //! //! Disables the specified session Id. //! static void QCALLTYPE Disable(UINT64 sessionID); static bool QCALLTYPE GetSessionInfo(UINT64 sessionID, EventPipeSessionInfo *pSessionInfo); static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE CreateProvider( __in_z LPCWSTR providerName, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunc); static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE DefineEvent( INT_PTR provHandle, UINT32 eventID, __int64 keywords, UINT32 eventVersion, UINT32 level, void *pMetadata, UINT32 metadataLength); static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE GetProvider( __in_z LPCWSTR providerName); static void QCALLTYPE DeleteProvider( INT_PTR provHandle); static int QCALLTYPE EventActivityIdControl( uint32_t controlCode, GUID *pActivityId); static void QCALLTYPE WriteEvent( INT_PTR eventHandle, UINT32 eventID, void *pData, UINT32 length, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId); static void QCALLTYPE WriteEventData( INT_PTR eventHandle, UINT32 eventID, EventData *pEventData, UINT32 eventDataCount, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId); static bool QCALLTYPE GetNextEvent( EventPipeEventInstanceData *pInstance); }; #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING #endif // __EVENTPIPEINTERNAL_H__