// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "eventpipe.h" #include "eventpipeconfiguration.h" #include "eventpipebuffer.h" #include "eventpipebuffermanager.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING EventPipeBufferManager::EventPipeBufferManager() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; m_pPerThreadBufferList = new SList>(); m_sizeOfAllBuffers = 0; m_lock.Init(LOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); #ifdef _DEBUG m_numBuffersAllocated = 0; m_numBuffersStolen = 0; m_numBuffersLeaked = 0; m_numEventsStored = 0; m_numEventsWritten = 0; #endif // _DEBUG } EventPipeBufferManager::~EventPipeBufferManager() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if(m_pPerThreadBufferList != NULL) { SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { SListElem *pCurElem = pElem; EventPipeBufferList *pThreadBufferList = pCurElem->GetValue(); if (!pThreadBufferList->OwnedByThread()) { Thread *pThread = NULL; while ((pThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pThread)) != NULL) { if (pThread->GetEventPipeBufferList() == pThreadBufferList) { pThread->SetEventPipeBufferList(NULL); break; } } // We don't delete buffers themself because they can be in-use delete(pThreadBufferList); } pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); delete(pCurElem); } delete(m_pPerThreadBufferList); m_pPerThreadBufferList = NULL; } } EventPipeBuffer* EventPipeBufferManager::AllocateBufferForThread(Thread *pThread, unsigned int requestSize) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pThread != NULL); PRECONDITION(requestSize > 0); } CONTRACTL_END; // Allocating a buffer requires us to take the lock. SpinLockHolder _slh(&m_lock); // Determine if the requesting thread has at least one buffer. // If not, we guarantee that each thread gets at least one (to prevent thrashing when the circular buffer size is too small). bool allocateNewBuffer = false; EventPipeBufferList *pThreadBufferList = pThread->GetEventPipeBufferList(); if(pThreadBufferList == NULL) { pThreadBufferList = new EventPipeBufferList(this); m_pPerThreadBufferList->InsertTail(new SListElem(pThreadBufferList)); pThread->SetEventPipeBufferList(pThreadBufferList); allocateNewBuffer = true; } // Determine if policy allows us to allocate another buffer, or if we need to steal one // from another thread. if(!allocateNewBuffer) { EventPipeConfiguration *pConfig = EventPipe::GetConfiguration(); if(pConfig == NULL) { return NULL; } size_t circularBufferSizeInBytes = pConfig->GetCircularBufferSize(); if(m_sizeOfAllBuffers < circularBufferSizeInBytes) { // We don't worry about the fact that a new buffer could put us over the circular buffer size. // This is OK, and we won't do it again if we actually go over. allocateNewBuffer = true; } } EventPipeBuffer *pNewBuffer = NULL; if(!allocateNewBuffer) { // We can't allocate a new buffer. // Find the oldest buffer, zero it, and re-purpose it for this thread. // Find the thread that contains the oldest stealable buffer, and get its list of buffers. EventPipeBufferList *pListToStealFrom = FindThreadToStealFrom(); if(pListToStealFrom != NULL) { // Assert that the buffer we're stealing is not the only buffer in the list. // This invariant is enforced by FindThreadToStealFrom. _ASSERTE((pListToStealFrom->GetHead() != NULL) && (pListToStealFrom->GetHead()->GetNext() != NULL)); // Remove the oldest buffer from the list. pNewBuffer = pListToStealFrom->GetAndRemoveHead(); // De-allocate the buffer. We do this because buffers are variable sized // based on how much volume is coming from the thread. DeAllocateBuffer(pNewBuffer); pNewBuffer = NULL; // Set that we want to allocate a new buffer. allocateNewBuffer = true; #ifdef _DEBUG m_numBuffersStolen++; #endif // _DEBUG } else { // This only happens when # of threads == # of buffers. // We'll allocate one more buffer, and then this won't happen again. allocateNewBuffer = true; } } if(allocateNewBuffer) { // Pick a buffer size by multiplying the base buffer size by the number of buffers already allocated for this thread. unsigned int sizeMultiplier = pThreadBufferList->GetCount() + 1; // Pick the base buffer size based. Debug builds have a smaller size to stress the allocate/steal path more. unsigned int baseBufferSize = #ifdef _DEBUG 5 * 1024; // 5K #else 100 * 1024; // 100K #endif unsigned int bufferSize = baseBufferSize * sizeMultiplier; // Make sure that buffer size >= request size so that the buffer size does not // determine the max event size. if(bufferSize < requestSize) { bufferSize = requestSize; } pNewBuffer = new EventPipeBuffer(bufferSize); m_sizeOfAllBuffers += bufferSize; #ifdef _DEBUG m_numBuffersAllocated++; #endif // _DEBUG } // Set the buffer on the thread. if(pNewBuffer != NULL) { pThreadBufferList->InsertTail(pNewBuffer); return pNewBuffer; } return NULL; } EventPipeBufferList* EventPipeBufferManager::FindThreadToStealFrom() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_lock.OwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; // Find the thread buffer list containing the buffer whose most recent event is the oldest as long as the buffer is not // the current buffer for the thread (e.g. it's next pointer is non-NULL). // This means that the thread must also have multiple buffers, so that we don't steal its only buffer. EventPipeBufferList *pOldestContainingList = NULL; SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { EventPipeBufferList *pCandidate = pElem->GetValue(); // The current candidate has more than one buffer (otherwise it is disqualified). if(pCandidate->GetHead()->GetNext() != NULL) { // If we haven't seen any candidates, this one automatically becomes the oldest candidate. if(pOldestContainingList == NULL) { pOldestContainingList = pCandidate; } // Otherwise, to replace the existing candidate, this candidate must have an older timestamp in its oldest buffer. else if((pOldestContainingList->GetHead()->GetMostRecentTimeStamp().QuadPart) > (pCandidate->GetHead()->GetMostRecentTimeStamp().QuadPart)) { pOldestContainingList = pCandidate; } } pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); } return pOldestContainingList; } void EventPipeBufferManager::DeAllocateBuffer(EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if(pBuffer != NULL) { m_sizeOfAllBuffers -= pBuffer->GetSize(); delete(pBuffer); #ifdef _DEBUG m_numBuffersAllocated--; #endif // _DEBUG } } bool EventPipeBufferManager::WriteEvent(Thread *pThread, EventPipeEvent &event, EventPipeEventPayload &payload, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId, Thread *pEventThread, StackContents *pStack) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; // The input thread must match the current thread because no lock is taken on the buffer. PRECONDITION(pThread == GetThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(pThread == GetThread()); // Check to see an event thread was specified. If not, then use the current thread. if(pEventThread == NULL) { pEventThread = pThread; } // Before we pick a buffer, make sure the event is enabled. if(!event.IsEnabled()) { return false; } // The event is still enabled. Mark that the thread is now writing an event. pThread->SetEventWriteInProgress(true); // Check one more time to make sure that the event is still enabled. // We do this because we might be trying to disable tracing and free buffers, so we // must make sure that the event is enabled after we mark that we're writing to avoid // races with the destructing thread. if(!event.IsEnabled()) { return false; } // See if the thread already has a buffer to try. bool allocNewBuffer = false; EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer = NULL; EventPipeBufferList *pThreadBufferList = pThread->GetEventPipeBufferList(); if(pThreadBufferList == NULL) { allocNewBuffer = true; } else { // The thread already has a buffer list. Select the newest buffer and attempt to write into it. pBuffer = pThreadBufferList->GetTail(); if(pBuffer == NULL) { // This should never happen. If the buffer list exists, it must contain at least one entry. _ASSERT(!"Thread buffer list with zero entries encountered."); return false; } else { // Attempt to write the event to the buffer. If this fails, we should allocate a new buffer. allocNewBuffer = !pBuffer->WriteEvent(pEventThread, event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId, pStack); } } // Check to see if we need to allocate a new buffer, and if so, do it here. if(allocNewBuffer) { // We previously switched to preemptive mode here, however, this is not safe and can cause deadlocks. // When a GC is started, and background threads are created (for the first BGC), a thread creation event is fired. // When control gets here the buffer is allocated, but then the thread hangs waiting for the GC to complete // (it was marked as started before creating threads) so that it can switch back to cooperative mode. // However, the GC is waiting on this call to return so that it can make forward progress. Thus it is not safe // to switch to preemptive mode here. unsigned int requestSize = sizeof(EventPipeEventInstance) + payload.GetSize(); pBuffer = AllocateBufferForThread(pThread, requestSize); } // Try to write the event after we allocated (or stole) a buffer. // This is the first time if the thread had no buffers before the call to this function. // This is the second time if this thread did have one or more buffers, but they were full. if(allocNewBuffer && pBuffer != NULL) { allocNewBuffer = !pBuffer->WriteEvent(pEventThread, event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId, pStack); } // Mark that the thread is no longer writing an event. pThread->SetEventWriteInProgress(false); #ifdef _DEBUG if(!allocNewBuffer) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_numEventsStored); } #endif // _DEBUG return !allocNewBuffer; } void EventPipeBufferManager::WriteAllBuffersToFile(EventPipeFile *pFile, LARGE_INTEGER stopTimeStamp) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pFile != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // TODO: Better version of merge sort. // 1. Iterate through all of the threads, adding each buffer to a temporary list. // 2. While iterating, get the lowest most recent timestamp. This is the timestamp that we want to process up to. // 3. Process up to the lowest most recent timestamp for the set of buffers. // 4. When we get NULLs from each of the buffers on PopNext(), we're done. // 5. While iterating if PopNext() == NULL && Empty() == NULL, remove the buffer from the list. It's empty. // 6. While iterating, grab the next lowest most recent timestamp. // 7. Walk through the list again and look for any buffers that have a lower most recent timestamp than the next most recent timestamp. // 8. If we find one, add it to the list and select its most recent timestamp as the lowest. // 9. Process again (go to 3). // 10. Continue until there are no more buffers to process. // Take the lock before walking the buffer list. SpinLockHolder _slh(&m_lock); // Naively walk the circular buffer, writing the event stream in timestamp order. while(true) { EventPipeEventInstance *pOldestInstance = NULL; EventPipeBuffer *pOldestContainingBuffer = NULL; EventPipeBufferList *pOldestContainingList = NULL; SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { EventPipeBufferList *pBufferList = pElem->GetValue(); // Peek the next event out of the list. EventPipeBuffer *pContainingBuffer = NULL; EventPipeEventInstance *pNext = pBufferList->PeekNextEvent(stopTimeStamp, &pContainingBuffer); if(pNext != NULL) { // If it's the oldest event we've seen, then save it. if((pOldestInstance == NULL) || (pOldestInstance->GetTimeStamp().QuadPart > pNext->GetTimeStamp().QuadPart)) { pOldestInstance = pNext; pOldestContainingBuffer = pContainingBuffer; pOldestContainingList = pBufferList; } } pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); } if(pOldestInstance == NULL) { // We're done. There are no more events. break; } // Write the oldest event. pFile->WriteEvent(*pOldestInstance); #ifdef _DEBUG m_numEventsWritten++; #endif // _DEBUG // Pop the event from the buffer. pOldestContainingList->PopNextEvent(stopTimeStamp); } } void EventPipeBufferManager::DeAllocateBuffers() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(EnsureConsistency()); // Take the thread store lock because we're going to iterate through the thread list. { ThreadStoreLockHolder tsl; // Take the buffer manager manipulation lock. SpinLockHolder _slh(&m_lock); Thread *pThread = NULL; while ((pThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pThread)) != NULL) { // Get the thread's buffer list. EventPipeBufferList *pBufferList = pThread->GetEventPipeBufferList(); if(pBufferList != NULL) { // Attempt to free the buffer list. // If the thread is using its buffer list skip it. // This means we will leak a single buffer, but if tracing is re-enabled, that buffer can be used again. if(!pThread->GetEventWriteInProgress()) { EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer = pBufferList->GetAndRemoveHead(); while(pBuffer != NULL) { DeAllocateBuffer(pBuffer); pBuffer = pBufferList->GetAndRemoveHead(); } // Remove the list entry from the per thread buffer list. SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { EventPipeBufferList* pEntry = pElem->GetValue(); if(pEntry == pBufferList) { pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->FindAndRemove(pElem); // In DEBUG, make sure that the element was found and removed. _ASSERTE(pElem != NULL); SListElem *pCurElem = pElem; pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); delete(pCurElem); } else { pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); } } // Remove the list reference from the thread. pThread->SetEventPipeBufferList(NULL); // Now that all of the list elements have been freed, free the list itself. delete(pBufferList); pBufferList = NULL; } #ifdef _DEBUG else { // We can't deallocate the buffers. m_numBuffersLeaked += pBufferList->GetCount(); } #endif // _DEBUG } } } // Now that we've walked through all of the threads, let's see if there are any other buffers // that belonged to threads that died during tracing. We can free these now. // Take the buffer manager manipulation lock SpinLockHolder _slh(&m_lock); SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { // Get the list and determine if we can free it. EventPipeBufferList *pBufferList = pElem->GetValue(); if(!pBufferList->OwnedByThread()) { // Iterate over all nodes in the list and de-allocate them. EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer = pBufferList->GetAndRemoveHead(); while(pBuffer != NULL) { DeAllocateBuffer(pBuffer); pBuffer = pBufferList->GetAndRemoveHead(); } // Remove the buffer list from the per-thread buffer list. pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->FindAndRemove(pElem); _ASSERTE(pElem != NULL); SListElem *pCurElem = pElem; pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); delete(pCurElem); // Now that all of the list elements have been freed, free the list itself. delete(pBufferList); pBufferList = NULL; } else { pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); } } } #ifdef _DEBUG bool EventPipeBufferManager::EnsureConsistency() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SListElem *pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetHead(); while(pElem != NULL) { EventPipeBufferList *pBufferList = pElem->GetValue(); _ASSERTE(pBufferList->EnsureConsistency()); pElem = m_pPerThreadBufferList->GetNext(pElem); } return true; } #endif // _DEBUG EventPipeBufferList::EventPipeBufferList(EventPipeBufferManager *pManager) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pManager = pManager; m_pHeadBuffer = NULL; m_pTailBuffer = NULL; m_bufferCount = 0; m_pReadBuffer = NULL; m_ownedByThread = true; #ifdef _DEBUG m_pCreatingThread = GetThread(); #endif // _DEBUG } EventPipeBuffer* EventPipeBufferList::GetHead() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pHeadBuffer; } EventPipeBuffer* EventPipeBufferList::GetTail() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTailBuffer; } void EventPipeBufferList::InsertTail(EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pBuffer != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(EnsureConsistency()); // Ensure that the input buffer didn't come from another list that was improperly cleaned up. _ASSERTE((pBuffer->GetNext() == NULL) && (pBuffer->GetPrevious() == NULL)); // First node in the list. if(m_pTailBuffer == NULL) { m_pHeadBuffer = m_pTailBuffer = pBuffer; } else { // Set links between the old and new tail nodes. m_pTailBuffer->SetNext(pBuffer); pBuffer->SetPrevious(m_pTailBuffer); // Set the new tail node. m_pTailBuffer = pBuffer; } m_bufferCount++; _ASSERTE(EnsureConsistency()); } EventPipeBuffer* EventPipeBufferList::GetAndRemoveHead() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(EnsureConsistency()); EventPipeBuffer *pRetBuffer = NULL; if(m_pHeadBuffer != NULL) { // Save the head node. pRetBuffer = m_pHeadBuffer; // Set the new head node. m_pHeadBuffer = m_pHeadBuffer->GetNext(); // Update the head node's previous pointer. if(m_pHeadBuffer != NULL) { m_pHeadBuffer->SetPrevious(NULL); } else { // We just removed the last buffer from the list. // Make sure both head and tail pointers are NULL. m_pTailBuffer = NULL; } // Clear the next pointer of the old head node. pRetBuffer->SetNext(NULL); // Ensure that the old head node has no dangling references. _ASSERTE((pRetBuffer->GetNext() == NULL) && (pRetBuffer->GetPrevious() == NULL)); // Decrement the count of buffers in the list. m_bufferCount--; } _ASSERTE(EnsureConsistency()); return pRetBuffer; } unsigned int EventPipeBufferList::GetCount() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_bufferCount; } EventPipeEventInstance* EventPipeBufferList::PeekNextEvent(LARGE_INTEGER beforeTimeStamp, EventPipeBuffer **pContainingBuffer) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Get the current read buffer. // If it's not set, start with the head buffer. if(m_pReadBuffer == NULL) { m_pReadBuffer = m_pHeadBuffer; } // If the read buffer is still NULL, then this list contains no buffers. if(m_pReadBuffer == NULL) { return NULL; } // Get the next event in the buffer. EventPipeEventInstance *pNext = m_pReadBuffer->PeekNext(beforeTimeStamp); // If the next event is NULL, then go to the next buffer. if(pNext == NULL) { m_pReadBuffer = m_pReadBuffer->GetNext(); if(m_pReadBuffer != NULL) { pNext = m_pReadBuffer->PeekNext(beforeTimeStamp); } } // Set the containing buffer. if(pNext != NULL && pContainingBuffer != NULL) { *pContainingBuffer = m_pReadBuffer; } // Make sure pContainingBuffer is properly set. _ASSERTE((pNext == NULL) || (pNext != NULL && pContainingBuffer == NULL) || (pNext != NULL && *pContainingBuffer == m_pReadBuffer)); return pNext; } EventPipeEventInstance* EventPipeBufferList::PopNextEvent(LARGE_INTEGER beforeTimeStamp) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Get the next event. EventPipeBuffer *pContainingBuffer = NULL; EventPipeEventInstance *pNext = PeekNextEvent(beforeTimeStamp, &pContainingBuffer); // If the event is non-NULL, pop it. if(pNext != NULL && pContainingBuffer != NULL) { pContainingBuffer->PopNext(beforeTimeStamp); // If the buffer is not the last buffer in the list and it has been drained, de-allocate it. if((pContainingBuffer->GetNext() != NULL) && (pContainingBuffer->PeekNext(beforeTimeStamp) == NULL)) { // This buffer must be the head node of the list. _ASSERTE(pContainingBuffer->GetPrevious() == NULL); EventPipeBuffer *pRemoved = GetAndRemoveHead(); _ASSERTE(pRemoved == pContainingBuffer); // De-allocate the buffer. m_pManager->DeAllocateBuffer(pRemoved); // Reset the read buffer so that it becomes the head node on next peek or pop operation. m_pReadBuffer = NULL; } } return pNext; } bool EventPipeBufferList::OwnedByThread() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_ownedByThread; } void EventPipeBufferList::SetOwnedByThread(bool value) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_ownedByThread = value; } #ifdef _DEBUG Thread* EventPipeBufferList::GetThread() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pCreatingThread; } bool EventPipeBufferList::EnsureConsistency() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Either the head and tail nodes are both NULL or both are non-NULL. _ASSERTE((m_pHeadBuffer == NULL && m_pTailBuffer == NULL) || (m_pHeadBuffer != NULL && m_pTailBuffer != NULL)); // If the list is NULL, check the count and return. if(m_pHeadBuffer == NULL) { _ASSERTE(m_bufferCount == 0); return true; } // If the list is non-NULL, walk the list forward until we get to the end. unsigned int nodeCount = (m_pHeadBuffer != NULL) ? 1 : 0; EventPipeBuffer *pIter = m_pHeadBuffer; while(pIter->GetNext() != NULL) { pIter = pIter->GetNext(); nodeCount++; // Check for consistency of the buffer itself. // NOTE: We can't check the last buffer because the owning thread could // be writing to it, which could result in false asserts. if(pIter->GetNext() != NULL) { _ASSERTE(pIter->EnsureConsistency()); } // Check for cycles. _ASSERTE(nodeCount <= m_bufferCount); } // When we're done with the walk, pIter must point to the tail node. _ASSERTE(pIter == m_pTailBuffer); // Node count must equal the buffer count. _ASSERTE(nodeCount == m_bufferCount); // Now, walk the list in reverse. pIter = m_pTailBuffer; nodeCount = (m_pTailBuffer != NULL) ? 1 : 0; while(pIter->GetPrevious() != NULL) { pIter = pIter->GetPrevious(); nodeCount++; // Check for cycles. _ASSERTE(nodeCount <= m_bufferCount); } // When we're done with the reverse walk, pIter must point to the head node. _ASSERTE(pIter == m_pHeadBuffer); // Node count must equal the buffer count. _ASSERTE(nodeCount == m_bufferCount); // We're done. return true; } #endif // _DEBUG #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING