// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __EVENTPIPE_BUFFER_H__ #define __EVENTPIPE_BUFFER_H__ #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING #include "eventpipeevent.h" #include "eventpipeeventinstance.h" class EventPipeBuffer { friend class EventPipeBufferList; friend class EventPipeBufferManager; private: // A pointer to the actual buffer. BYTE *m_pBuffer; // The current write pointer. BYTE *m_pCurrent; // The max write pointer (end of the buffer). BYTE *m_pLimit; // The timestamp of the most recent event in the buffer. LARGE_INTEGER m_mostRecentTimeStamp; // Used by PopNext as input to GetNext. // If NULL, no events have been popped. // The event will still remain in the buffer after it is popped, but PopNext will not return it again. EventPipeEventInstance *m_pLastPoppedEvent; // Each buffer will become part of a per-thread linked list of buffers. // The linked list is invasive, thus we declare the pointers here. EventPipeBuffer *m_pPrevBuffer; EventPipeBuffer *m_pNextBuffer; unsigned int GetSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (unsigned int)(m_pLimit - m_pBuffer); } EventPipeBuffer* GetPrevious() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pPrevBuffer; } EventPipeBuffer* GetNext() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pNextBuffer; } void SetPrevious(EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pPrevBuffer = pBuffer; } void SetNext(EventPipeBuffer *pBuffer) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pNextBuffer = pBuffer; } public: EventPipeBuffer(unsigned int bufferSize); ~EventPipeBuffer(); // Write an event to the buffer. // An optional stack trace can be provided for sample profiler events. // Otherwise, if a stack trace is needed, one will be automatically collected. // Returns: // - true: The write succeeded. // - false: The write failed. In this case, the buffer should be considered full. bool WriteEvent(Thread *pThread, EventPipeEvent &event, BYTE *pData, unsigned int dataLength, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId, StackContents *pStack = NULL); // Get the timestamp of the most recent event in the buffer. LARGE_INTEGER GetMostRecentTimeStamp() const; // Clear the buffer. void Clear(); // Get the next event from the buffer as long as it is before the specified timestamp. // Input of NULL gets the first event. EventPipeEventInstance* GetNext(EventPipeEventInstance *pEvent, LARGE_INTEGER beforeTimeStamp); // Get the next event from the buffer, but don't mark it read. EventPipeEventInstance* PeekNext(LARGE_INTEGER beforeTimeStamp); // Get the next event from the buffer and mark it as read. EventPipeEventInstance* PopNext(LARGE_INTEGER beforeTimeStamp); #ifdef _DEBUG bool EnsureConsistency(); #endif // _DEBUG }; #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING #endif // __EVENTPIPE_BUFFER_H__