// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __EVENTPIPE_BLOCK_H__ #define __EVENTPIPE_BLOCK_H__ #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING #include "eventpipeeventinstance.h" #include "fastserializableobject.h" #include "fastserializer.h" struct EventPipeSequencePoint; // The base class for all file blocks in the Nettrace file format // This class handles memory management to buffer the block data, // bookkeeping, block version numbers, and serializing the data // to the file with correct alignment. // Sub-classes decide the format of the block contents and how // the blocks are named. class EventPipeBlock : public FastSerializableObject { public: EventPipeBlock(unsigned int maxBlockSize, EventPipeSerializationFormat format = EventPipeSerializationFormat::NetTraceV4); ~EventPipeBlock(); virtual void Clear(); unsigned int GetBytesWritten() const { return m_pBlock == nullptr ? 0 : (unsigned int)(m_pWritePointer - m_pBlock); } // The size of the header for this block, if any virtual unsigned int GetHeaderSize() { return 0; } // Write the header to the stream virtual void SerializeHeader(FastSerializer *pSerializer) { } void FastSerialize(FastSerializer *pSerializer) override { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(pSerializer != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pBlock == NULL) return; unsigned int dataSize = GetBytesWritten(); // We shouldn't attempt to write blocks that have no data _ASSERTE(dataSize != 0); unsigned int headerSize = GetHeaderSize(); unsigned int totalSize = dataSize + headerSize; pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&totalSize, sizeof(totalSize)); unsigned int requiredPadding = pSerializer->GetRequiredPadding(); if (requiredPadding != 0) { BYTE maxPadding[ALIGNMENT_SIZE - 1] = {}; // it's longest possible padding, we are going to use only part of it pSerializer->WriteBuffer(maxPadding, requiredPadding); // we write zeros here, the reader is going to always read from the first aligned address of the serialized content _ASSERTE(pSerializer->HasWriteErrors() || (pSerializer->GetRequiredPadding() == 0)); } SerializeHeader(pSerializer); pSerializer->WriteBuffer(m_pBlock, dataSize); } protected: BYTE *m_pBlock; BYTE *m_pWritePointer; BYTE *m_pEndOfTheBuffer; EventPipeSerializationFormat m_format; unsigned int GetSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pBlock == nullptr ? 0 : (unsigned int)(m_pEndOfTheBuffer - m_pBlock); } }; struct EventPipeEventHeader { DWORD MetadataId; DWORD SequenceNumber; ULONGLONG ThreadId; ULONGLONG CaptureThreadId; DWORD StackId; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; GUID ActivityId; GUID RelatedActivityId; DWORD DataLength; }; // The base type for blocks that contain events (EventBlock and EventMetadataBlock) class EventPipeEventBlockBase : public EventPipeBlock { public: EventPipeEventBlockBase(unsigned int maxBlockSize, EventPipeSerializationFormat format, bool fUseHeaderCompression = true); void Clear() override; unsigned int GetHeaderSize() override { if(m_format == EventPipeSerializationFormat::NetPerfV3) { return 0; } else { return sizeof(unsigned short) + // header size sizeof(unsigned short) + // flags sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER) + // min timestamp sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER); // max timestamp } } void SerializeHeader(FastSerializer* pSerializer) override { if(m_format == EventPipeSerializationFormat::NetPerfV3) { return; } else { const unsigned short headerSize = GetHeaderSize(); pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&headerSize, sizeof(headerSize)); const unsigned short flags = m_fUseHeaderCompression ? 1 : 0; pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&flags, sizeof(flags)); pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&m_minTimeStamp, sizeof(m_minTimeStamp)); pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&m_maxTimeStamp, sizeof(m_maxTimeStamp)); } } // Write an event to the block. // Returns: // - true: The write succeeded. // - false: The write failed. In this case, the block should be considered full. bool WriteEvent(EventPipeEventInstance &instance, ULONGLONG captureThreadId, unsigned int sequenceNumber, DWORD stackId, BOOL isSortedEvent); private: EventPipeEventHeader m_lastHeader; BYTE m_compressedHeader[100]; bool m_fUseHeaderCompression; LARGE_INTEGER m_minTimeStamp; LARGE_INTEGER m_maxTimeStamp; }; class EventPipeEventBlock : public EventPipeEventBlockBase { public: EventPipeEventBlock(unsigned int maxBlockSize, EventPipeSerializationFormat format); const char *GetTypeName() override { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "EventBlock"; } }; class EventPipeMetadataBlock : public EventPipeEventBlockBase { public: EventPipeMetadataBlock(unsigned int maxBlockSize); const char *GetTypeName() override { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "MetadataBlock"; } }; class EventPipeSequencePointBlock : public EventPipeBlock { public: EventPipeSequencePointBlock(EventPipeSequencePoint* sequencePoint); const char *GetTypeName() override { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "SPBlock"; } }; // The block that contains interned stacks class EventPipeStackBlock : public EventPipeBlock { public: EventPipeStackBlock(unsigned int maxBlockSize); unsigned int GetHeaderSize() override { return sizeof(unsigned int) + // start index sizeof(unsigned int); // count of indices } void SerializeHeader(FastSerializer* pSerializer) override { pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&m_initialIndex, sizeof(m_initialIndex)); pSerializer->WriteBuffer((BYTE *)&m_count, sizeof(m_count)); } void Clear() override; // Write a stack to the block // Returns: // - true: The write succeeded. // - false: The write failed. In this case, the block should be considered full. bool WriteStack(DWORD stackId, StackContents* pStack); const char *GetTypeName() override { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return "StackBlock"; } private: bool m_hasInitialIndex; unsigned int m_initialIndex; unsigned int m_count; }; #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING #endif // __EVENTPIPE_BLOCK_H__