// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __EVENTPIPE_H__ #define __EVENTPIPE_H__ #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING #include "common.h" #include "eventpipecommontypes.h" #include "stackcontents.h" class CrstStatic; class CrawlFrame; class EventPipeConfiguration; class EventPipeEvent; class EventPipeEventInstance; class EventPipeFile; class EventPipeEventSource; class EventPipeProvider; class EventPipeSession; class IpcStream; enum class EventPipeSessionType; enum class EventPipeSerializationFormat; class EventPipeEventPayload; struct EventData; typedef uint64_t EventPipeSessionID; class EventPipe { // Declare friends. friend class EventPipeConfiguration; friend class EventPipeFile; friend class EventPipeProvider; public: static const uint32_t MaxNumberOfSessions = 64; // Initialize the event pipe. static void Initialize(); // Shutdown the event pipe. static void Shutdown(); // Enable tracing via the event pipe. static EventPipeSessionID Enable( LPCWSTR strOutputPath, uint32_t circularBufferSizeInMB, const EventPipeProviderConfiguration *pProviders, uint32_t numProviders, EventPipeSessionType sessionType, EventPipeSerializationFormat format, IpcStream *const pStream); // Disable tracing via the event pipe. static void Disable(EventPipeSessionID id); // Get the session for the specified session ID. static EventPipeSession *GetSession(EventPipeSessionID id); // Specifies whether or not the event pipe is enabled. static bool Enabled() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return s_tracingInitialized && (s_numberOfSessions.LoadWithoutBarrier() > 0); } // Create a provider. static EventPipeProvider *CreateProvider( const SString &providerName, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunction = nullptr, void *pCallbackData = nullptr); static EventPipeProvider *CreateProvider(const SString &providerName, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunction, void *pCallbackData, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue* pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Get a provider. static EventPipeProvider *GetProvider(const SString &providerName); // Delete a provider. static void DeleteProvider(EventPipeProvider *pProvider); // Write out an event from a flat buffer. // Data is written as a serialized blob matching the ETW serialization conventions. static void WriteEvent(EventPipeEvent &event, BYTE *pData, unsigned int length, LPCGUID pActivityId = NULL, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId = NULL); // Write out an event from an EventData array. // Data is written as a serialized blob matching the ETW serialization conventions. static void WriteEvent(EventPipeEvent &event, EventData *pEventData, unsigned int eventDataCount, LPCGUID pActivityId = NULL, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId = NULL); // Write out a sample profile event. static void WriteSampleProfileEvent(Thread *pSamplingThread, EventPipeEvent *pEvent, Thread *pTargetThread, StackContents &stackContents, BYTE *pData = NULL, unsigned int length = 0); // Get the managed call stack for the current thread. static bool WalkManagedStackForCurrentThread(StackContents &stackContents); // Get the managed call stack for the specified thread. static bool WalkManagedStackForThread(Thread *pThread, StackContents &stackContents); // Get next event. static EventPipeEventInstance *GetNextEvent(EventPipeSessionID sessionID); #ifdef DEBUG static bool IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread(); #endif template static void RunWithCallbackPostponed(T f) { EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue eventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue; EventPipeProviderCallbackData eventPipeProviderCallbackData; { CrstHolder _crst(GetLock()); f(&eventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); } while (eventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue.TryDequeue(&eventPipeProviderCallbackData)) InvokeCallback(eventPipeProviderCallbackData); } // Returns the a number 0...N representing the processor number this thread is currently // running on. If for any reason we can't tell then return 0xFFFFFFFF. static unsigned int GetCurrentProcessorNumber() { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (s_pProcGroupOffsets) { PROCESSOR_NUMBER procNum; GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(&procNum); return s_pProcGroupOffsets[procNum.Group] + procNum.Number; } #endif return 0xFFFFFFFF; } private: static void InvokeCallback(EventPipeProviderCallbackData eventPipeProviderCallbackData); // Get the event used to write metadata to the event stream. static EventPipeEventInstance *BuildEventMetadataEvent(EventPipeEventInstance &instance, unsigned int metadataId); // The counterpart to WriteEvent which after the payload is constructed static void WriteEventInternal( EventPipeEvent &event, EventPipeEventPayload &payload, LPCGUID pActivityId = nullptr, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId = nullptr); static void WriteEventInternal( Thread *pThread, EventPipeEvent &event, EventPipeEventPayload &payload, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId, Thread *pEventThread = nullptr, StackContents *pStack = nullptr); static void DisableInternal(EventPipeSessionID id, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue* pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Enable the specified EventPipe session. static bool EnableInternal( EventPipeSession *const pSession, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue *pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Callback function for the stack walker. For each frame walked, this callback is invoked. static StackWalkAction StackWalkCallback(CrawlFrame *pCf, StackContents *pData); //! Helper function used to locate a free index in the range 0 - EventPipe::MaxNumberOfSessions //! Returns EventPipe::MaxNumberOfSessions if there are no free indexes static uint32_t GenerateSessionIndex(); static bool IsSessionIdInCollection(EventPipeSessionID id); template static void ForEachSession(EventPipeSessionHandlerCallback callback) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); for (VolatilePtr &session : s_pSessions) { // Entering EventPipe lock gave us a barrier, we don't need // more of them EventPipeSession *const pSession = session.LoadWithoutBarrier(); if (pSession) callback(*pSession); } } // Get the event pipe configuration lock. static CrstStatic *GetLock() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &s_configCrst; } static CrstStatic s_configCrst; static Volatile s_tracingInitialized; static EventPipeConfiguration s_config; static VolatilePtr s_pSessions[MaxNumberOfSessions]; static EventPipeEventSource *s_pEventSource; //! Bitmask tracking EventPipe active sessions. // in all groups preceding it. For example if there are three groups with sizes: // 1, 7, 6 the table would be 0, 1, 8 #ifndef FEATURE_PAL static unsigned int * s_pProcGroupOffsets; #endif static Volatile s_numberOfSessions; }; static_assert(EventPipe::MaxNumberOfSessions == 64, "Maximum number of EventPipe sessions is not 64."); #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING #endif // __EVENTPIPE_H__