// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __EVENTPIPE_H__ #define __EVENTPIPE_H__ #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING class CrstStatic; class EventPipeConfiguration; class EventPipeEvent; class EventPipeFile; class EventPipeJsonFile; class EventPipeBuffer; class EventPipeBufferManager; class EventPipeProvider; class MethodDesc; class SampleProfilerEventInstance; struct EventPipeProviderConfiguration; // Define the event pipe callback to match the ETW callback signature. typedef void (*EventPipeCallback)( LPCGUID SourceID, ULONG IsEnabled, UCHAR Level, ULONGLONG MatchAnyKeywords, ULONGLONG MatchAllKeywords, void *FilterData, void *CallbackContext); class StackContents { private: const static unsigned int MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 100; // Array of IP values from a stack crawl. // Top of stack is at index 0. UINT_PTR m_stackFrames[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]; #ifdef _DEBUG // Parallel array of MethodDesc pointers. // Used for debug-only stack printing. MethodDesc* m_methods[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]; #endif // _DEBUG // The next available slot in StackFrames. unsigned int m_nextAvailableFrame; public: StackContents() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; Reset(); } void CopyTo(StackContents *pDest) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pDest != NULL); memcpy_s(pDest->m_stackFrames, MAX_STACK_DEPTH * sizeof(UINT_PTR), m_stackFrames, sizeof(UINT_PTR) * m_nextAvailableFrame); #ifdef _DEBUG memcpy_s(pDest->m_methods, MAX_STACK_DEPTH * sizeof(MethodDesc*), m_methods, sizeof(MethodDesc*) * m_nextAvailableFrame); #endif pDest->m_nextAvailableFrame = m_nextAvailableFrame; } void Reset() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_nextAvailableFrame = 0; } bool IsEmpty() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_nextAvailableFrame == 0); } unsigned int GetLength() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nextAvailableFrame; } UINT_PTR GetIP(unsigned int frameIndex) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(frameIndex < MAX_STACK_DEPTH); if (frameIndex >= MAX_STACK_DEPTH) { return 0; } return m_stackFrames[frameIndex]; } #ifdef _DEBUG MethodDesc* GetMethod(unsigned int frameIndex) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(frameIndex < MAX_STACK_DEPTH); if (frameIndex >= MAX_STACK_DEPTH) { return NULL; } return m_methods[frameIndex]; } #endif // _DEBUG void Append(UINT_PTR controlPC, MethodDesc *pMethod) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if(m_nextAvailableFrame < MAX_STACK_DEPTH) { m_stackFrames[m_nextAvailableFrame] = controlPC; #ifdef _DEBUG m_methods[m_nextAvailableFrame] = pMethod; #endif m_nextAvailableFrame++; } } BYTE* GetPointer() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (BYTE*)m_stackFrames; } unsigned int GetSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_nextAvailableFrame * sizeof(UINT_PTR)); } }; class EventPipe { // Declare friends. friend class EventPipeConfiguration; friend class EventPipeFile; friend class EventPipeProvider; friend class EventPipeBufferManager; friend class SampleProfiler; public: // Initialize the event pipe. static void Initialize(); // Shutdown the event pipe. static void Shutdown(); // Enable tracing from the start-up path based on COMPLUS variable. static void EnableOnStartup(); // Enable tracing via the event pipe. static void Enable( LPCWSTR strOutputPath, unsigned int circularBufferSizeInMB, EventPipeProviderConfiguration *pProviders, int numProviders); // Disable tracing via the event pipe. static void Disable(); // Specifies whether or not the event pipe is enabled. static bool Enabled(); // Create a provider. static EventPipeProvider* CreateProvider(const GUID &providerID, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunction = NULL, void *pCallbackData = NULL); // Delete a provider. static void DeleteProvider(EventPipeProvider *pProvider); // Write out an event. // Data is written as a serialized blob matching the ETW serialization conventions. static void WriteEvent(EventPipeEvent &event, BYTE *pData, unsigned int length, LPCGUID pActivityId = NULL, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId = NULL); // Write out a sample profile event. static void WriteSampleProfileEvent(Thread *pSamplingThread, EventPipeEvent *pEvent, Thread *pTargetThread, StackContents &stackContents, BYTE *pData = NULL, unsigned int length = 0); // Get the managed call stack for the current thread. static bool WalkManagedStackForCurrentThread(StackContents &stackContents); // Get the managed call stack for the specified thread. static bool WalkManagedStackForThread(Thread *pThread, StackContents &stackContents); private: // Callback function for the stack walker. For each frame walked, this callback is invoked. static StackWalkAction StackWalkCallback(CrawlFrame *pCf, StackContents *pData); // Get the configuration object. // This is called directly by the EventPipeProvider constructor to register the new provider. static EventPipeConfiguration* GetConfiguration(); // Get the event pipe configuration lock. static CrstStatic* GetLock(); static CrstStatic s_configCrst; static bool s_tracingInitialized; static EventPipeConfiguration *s_pConfig; static EventPipeBufferManager *s_pBufferManager; static EventPipeFile *s_pFile; #ifdef _DEBUG static EventPipeFile *s_pSyncFile; static EventPipeJsonFile *s_pJsonFile; #endif // _DEBUG }; struct EventPipeProviderConfiguration { private: LPCWSTR m_pProviderName; UINT64 m_keywords; unsigned int m_loggingLevel; public: EventPipeProviderConfiguration() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pProviderName = NULL; m_keywords = NULL; m_loggingLevel = 0; } EventPipeProviderConfiguration( LPCWSTR pProviderName, UINT64 keywords, unsigned int loggingLevel) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pProviderName = pProviderName; m_keywords = keywords; m_loggingLevel = loggingLevel; } LPCWSTR GetProviderName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pProviderName; } UINT64 GetKeywords() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_keywords; } unsigned int GetLevel() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_loggingLevel; } }; class EventPipeInternal { public: static void QCALLTYPE Enable( __in_z LPCWSTR outputFile, unsigned int circularBufferSizeInMB, long profilerSamplingRateInNanoseconds, EventPipeProviderConfiguration *pProviders, int numProviders); static void QCALLTYPE Disable(); static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE CreateProvider( GUID providerID, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunc); static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE DefineEvent( INT_PTR provHandle, unsigned int eventID, __int64 keywords, unsigned int eventVersion, unsigned int level, void *pMetadata, unsigned int metadataLength); static void QCALLTYPE DeleteProvider( INT_PTR provHandle); static void QCALLTYPE WriteEvent( INT_PTR eventHandle, unsigned int eventID, void *pData, unsigned int length, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId); }; #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING #endif // __EVENTPIPE_H__