// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "clrtypes.h" #include "safemath.h" #include "diagnosticsipc.h" #include "eventpipe.h" #include "eventpipebuffermanager.h" #include "eventpipeconfiguration.h" #include "eventpipeeventpayload.h" #include "eventpipesessionprovider.h" #include "eventpipeevent.h" #include "eventpipeeventsource.h" #include "eventpipefile.h" #include "eventpipeprovider.h" #include "eventpipesession.h" #include "eventpipejsonfile.h" #include "eventtracebase.h" #include "sampleprofiler.h" #include "win32threadpool.h" #include "ceemain.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PAL #include "pal.h" #endif // FEATURE_PAL #ifdef FEATURE_PERFTRACING CrstStatic EventPipe::s_configCrst; Volatile EventPipe::s_tracingInitialized(false); EventPipeConfiguration EventPipe::s_config; EventPipeEventSource *EventPipe::s_pEventSource = nullptr; VolatilePtr EventPipe::s_pSessions[MaxNumberOfSessions]; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL unsigned int * EventPipe::s_pProcGroupOffsets = nullptr; #endif Volatile EventPipe::s_numberOfSessions(0); // This function is auto-generated from /src/scripts/genEventPipe.py #ifdef FEATURE_PAL extern "C" #endif void InitProvidersAndEvents(); void EventPipe::Initialize() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (s_tracingInitialized) { _ASSERTE(!"EventPipe::Initialize was already initialized."); return; } const bool tracingInitialized = s_configCrst.InitNoThrow( CrstEventPipe, (CrstFlags)(CRST_REENTRANCY | CRST_TAKEN_DURING_SHUTDOWN | CRST_HOST_BREAKABLE)); // Initialize the session container to nullptr. for (VolatilePtr &session : s_pSessions) session.Store(nullptr); s_config.Initialize(); s_pEventSource = new EventPipeEventSource(); // This calls into auto-generated code to initialize the runtime providers // and events so that the EventPipe configuration lock isn't taken at runtime InitProvidersAndEvents(); // Set the sampling rate for the sample profiler. const unsigned long DefaultProfilerSamplingRateInNanoseconds = 1000000; // 1 msec. SampleProfiler::SetSamplingRate(DefaultProfilerSamplingRateInNanoseconds); if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EventPipeProcNumbers) != 0) { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // setup the windows processor group offset table WORD numGroups = ::GetActiveProcessorGroupCount(); s_pProcGroupOffsets = new (nothrow) unsigned int[numGroups]; if (s_pProcGroupOffsets) { unsigned int countProcs = 0; for (WORD i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) { s_pProcGroupOffsets[i] = countProcs; countProcs += GetActiveProcessorCount(i); } } #endif } { CrstHolder _crst(GetLock()); s_tracingInitialized = tracingInitialized; } } void EventPipe::Shutdown() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(s_tracingInitialized); } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_fProcessDetach) { // If g_fProcessDetach is true, all threads except this got ripped because someone called ExitProcess(). // This check is an attempt recognize that case and skip all unsafe cleanup work. // Since event reading/writing could happen while that ExitProcess happened, the stream is probably // screwed anyway. Therefore we do NOT attempt to flush buffer, do rundown. Cleaning up memory at this // point is rather meaningless too since the process is going to terminate soon. Therefore we simply // quickly exit here // TODO: Consider releasing the resources that could last longer than the process (e.g. the files) return; } // We are shutting down, so if disabling EventPipe throws, we need to move along anyway. EX_TRY { bool tracingInitialized = false; { CrstHolder _crst(GetLock()); tracingInitialized = s_tracingInitialized; // Mark tracing as no longer initialized. s_tracingInitialized = false; } if (tracingInitialized) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfSessions; ++i) { EventPipeSession *pSession = s_pSessions[i].Load(); if (pSession) Disable(reinterpret_cast(pSession)); } // dotnet/coreclr: issue 24850: EventPipe shutdown race conditions // Deallocating providers/events here might cause AV if a WriteEvent // was to occur. Thus, we are not doing this cleanup. // // Remove EventPipeEventSource first since it tries to use the data structures that we remove below. // // We need to do this after disabling sessions since those try to write to EventPipeEventSource. // delete s_pEventSource; // s_pEventSource = nullptr; // s_config.Shutdown(); } } EX_CATCH {} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } EventPipeSessionID EventPipe::Enable( LPCWSTR strOutputPath, uint32_t circularBufferSizeInMB, const EventPipeProviderConfiguration *pProviders, uint32_t numProviders, EventPipeSessionType sessionType, EventPipeSerializationFormat format, IpcStream *const pStream) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(format < EventPipeSerializationFormat::Count); PRECONDITION(circularBufferSizeInMB > 0); PRECONDITION(numProviders > 0 && pProviders != nullptr); } CONTRACTL_END; // If the state or arguments are invalid, bail here. if (sessionType == EventPipeSessionType::File && strOutputPath == nullptr) return 0; if (sessionType == EventPipeSessionType::IpcStream && pStream == nullptr) return 0; EventPipeSessionID sessionId = 0; RunWithCallbackPostponed([&](EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue *pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { if (!s_tracingInitialized) return; const uint32_t SessionIndex = GenerateSessionIndex(); if (SessionIndex >= EventPipe::MaxNumberOfSessions) return; EventPipeSession *const pSession = new EventPipeSession( SessionIndex, strOutputPath, pStream, sessionType, format, circularBufferSizeInMB, pProviders, numProviders); const bool fSuccess = EnableInternal(pSession, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); if (fSuccess) sessionId = reinterpret_cast(pSession); else delete pSession; }); return sessionId; } bool EventPipe::EnableInternal( EventPipeSession *const pSession, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue* pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(s_tracingInitialized); PRECONDITION(pSession != nullptr && pSession->IsValid()); PRECONDITION(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; if (pSession == nullptr || !pSession->IsValid()) return false; // Return if the index is invalid. if (pSession->GetIndex() >= MaxNumberOfSessions) { _ASSERTE(!"Session index was out of range."); return false; } if (s_numberOfSessions >= MaxNumberOfSessions) { _ASSERTE(!"Max number of sessions reached."); return false; } // Register the SampleProfiler the very first time. SampleProfiler::Initialize(pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Enable the EventPipe EventSource. s_pEventSource->Enable(pSession); // Save the session. if (s_pSessions[pSession->GetIndex()].LoadWithoutBarrier() != nullptr) { _ASSERTE(!"Attempting to override an existing session."); return false; } s_pSessions[pSession->GetIndex()].Store(pSession); ++s_numberOfSessions; // Enable tracing. s_config.Enable(*pSession, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Enable the sample profiler SampleProfiler::Enable(pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); // Enable the session. pSession->Enable(); return true; } void EventPipe::Disable(EventPipeSessionID id) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; SetupThread(); if (id == 0) return; // Don't block GC during clean-up. GCX_PREEMP(); RunWithCallbackPostponed([&](EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue *pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { if (s_numberOfSessions > 0) DisableInternal(id, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); }); } static void LogProcessInformationEvent(EventPipeEventSource &eventSource) { // Get the managed command line. LPCWSTR pCmdLine = GetManagedCommandLine(); // Checkout https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/24433 for more information about this fall back. if (pCmdLine == nullptr) { // Use the result from GetCommandLineW() instead pCmdLine = GetCommandLineW(); } // Log the process information event. eventSource.SendProcessInfo(pCmdLine); } void EventPipe::DisableInternal(EventPipeSessionID id, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue *pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(id != 0); PRECONDITION(s_numberOfSessions > 0); PRECONDITION(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsSessionIdInCollection(id)) return; // If the session was not found, then there is nothing else to do. EventPipeSession *const pSession = reinterpret_cast(id); // Disable the profiler. SampleProfiler::Disable(); // Log the process information event. LogProcessInformationEvent(*s_pEventSource); // Disable pSession tracing. s_config.Disable(*pSession, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); pSession->Disable(); // Suspend EventPipeBufferManager, and remove providers. // Do rundown before fully stopping the session. pSession->EnableRundown(); // Set Rundown provider. EventPipeThread *const pEventPipeThread = EventPipeThread::GetOrCreate(); if (pEventPipeThread != nullptr) { pEventPipeThread->SetAsRundownThread(pSession); { s_config.Enable(*pSession, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); { pSession->ExecuteRundown(); } s_config.Disable(*pSession, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); } pEventPipeThread->SetAsRundownThread(nullptr); } else { _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get or create the EventPipeThread for rundown events."); return; } --s_numberOfSessions; // At this point, we should not be writing events to this session anymore // This is a good time to remove the session from the array. _ASSERTE(s_pSessions[pSession->GetIndex()] == pSession); // Remove the session from the array, and mask. s_pSessions[pSession->GetIndex()].Store(nullptr); // Write a final sequence point to the file now that all events have // been emitted. pSession->WriteSequencePointUnbuffered(); delete pSession; // Providers can't be deleted during tracing because they may be needed when serializing the file. s_config.DeleteDeferredProviders(); } EventPipeSession *EventPipe::GetSession(EventPipeSessionID id) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; { CrstHolder _crst(GetLock()); if (!s_tracingInitialized) { _ASSERTE(!"EventPipe::GetSession invoked before EventPipe was initialized."); return nullptr; } return IsSessionIdInCollection(id) ? reinterpret_cast(id) : nullptr; } } EventPipeProvider *EventPipe::CreateProvider(const SString &providerName, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunction, void *pCallbackData) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; EventPipeProvider *pProvider = NULL; RunWithCallbackPostponed([&](EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue *pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { pProvider = CreateProvider(providerName, pCallbackFunction, pCallbackData, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); }); return pProvider; } EventPipeProvider *EventPipe::CreateProvider(const SString &providerName, EventPipeCallback pCallbackFunction, void *pCallbackData, EventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue* pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; return s_config.CreateProvider( providerName, pCallbackFunction, pCallbackData, pEventPipeProviderCallbackDataQueue); } EventPipeProvider *EventPipe::GetProvider(const SString &providerName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; return s_config.GetProvider(providerName); } void EventPipe::DeleteProvider(EventPipeProvider *pProvider) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Take the lock to make sure that we don't have a race // between disabling tracing and deleting a provider // where we hold a provider after tracing has been disabled. CrstHolder _crst(GetLock()); if (pProvider != NULL) { if (Enabled()) { // Save the provider until the end of the tracing session. pProvider->SetDeleteDeferred(); } else { // Delete the provider now. s_config.DeleteProvider(pProvider); } } } void EventPipe::WriteEvent(EventPipeEvent &event, BYTE *pData, unsigned int length, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; EventPipeEventPayload payload(pData, length); WriteEventInternal(event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId); } void EventPipe::WriteEvent(EventPipeEvent &event, EventData *pEventData, unsigned int eventDataCount, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; EventPipeEventPayload payload(pEventData, eventDataCount); WriteEventInternal(event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId); } void EventPipe::WriteEventInternal(EventPipeEvent &event, EventPipeEventPayload &payload, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // We can't proceed if tracing is not initialized. if (!s_tracingInitialized) return; // Exit early if the event is not enabled. if (!event.IsEnabled()) return; // Get the current thread; Thread *const pThread = GetThread(); // If the activity id isn't specified AND we are in a managed thread, pull it from the current thread. // If pThread is NULL (we aren't in writing from a managed thread) then pActivityId can be NULL if (pActivityId == nullptr && pThread != nullptr) pActivityId = pThread->GetActivityId(); WriteEventInternal( pThread, event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId); } void EventPipe::WriteEventInternal( Thread *pThread, EventPipeEvent &event, EventPipeEventPayload &payload, LPCGUID pActivityId, LPCGUID pRelatedActivityId, Thread *pEventThread, StackContents *pStack) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // We can't proceed if tracing is not initialized. if (!s_tracingInitialized) return; EventPipeThread *const pEventPipeThread = EventPipeThread::GetOrCreate(); if (pEventPipeThread == nullptr) { _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get or create an EventPipeThread."); return; } if (pEventPipeThread->IsRundownThread()) { EventPipeSession *const pRundownSession = pEventPipeThread->GetRundownSession(); _ASSERTE(pRundownSession != nullptr); _ASSERTE(pThread != nullptr); BYTE *pData = payload.GetFlatData(); if (pThread != nullptr && pRundownSession != nullptr && pData != nullptr) { // Write synchronously to the file. // We're under lock and blocking the disabling thread. // This copy occurs here (rather than at file write) because // A) The FastSerializer API would need to change if we waited // B) It is unclear there is a benefit to multiple file write calls // as opposed a a buffer copy here EventPipeEventInstance instance( event, GetCurrentProcessorNumber(), pEventPipeThread->GetOSThreadId(), pData, payload.GetSize(), pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId); instance.EnsureStack(*pRundownSession); // EventPipeFile::WriteEvent needs to allocate a metadata event // and can therefore throw. In this context we will silently // fail rather than disrupt the caller EX_TRY { _ASSERTE(pRundownSession != nullptr); if (pRundownSession != nullptr) pRundownSession->WriteEventUnbuffered(instance, pEventPipeThread); } EX_CATCH {} EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfSessions; ++i) { // This read is OK because we aren't derefencing the pointer and if we observe a value that // isn't up-to-date (whether null or non-null) that is just the natural race timing of trying to // write to a session while it is being concurrently enabled/disabled. if (s_pSessions[i].LoadWithoutBarrier() == nullptr) continue; // Now that we know this session is probably live we pay the perf cost of the memory barriers // Setting this flag lets a thread trying to do a concurrent disable that it is not safe to delete // session ID i. The if check above also ensures that once the session is unpublished this thread // will eventually stop ever storing ID i into the WriteInProgress flag. This is important to // guarantee termination of the YIELD_WHILE loop in SuspendWriteEvents. pEventPipeThread->SetSessionWriteInProgress(i); { EventPipeSession *const pSession = s_pSessions[i].Load(); // The NULL check above may make this check below appear redundant but it is not. Disable is // allowed to set s_pSessions[i] = NULL at any time and that may have occured in between // the check and the load if (pSession != nullptr) pSession->WriteEventBuffered( pThread, event, payload, pActivityId, pRelatedActivityId, pEventThread, pStack); } // Do not reference pSession past this point, we are signaling Disable() that it is safe to // delete it pEventPipeThread->SetSessionWriteInProgress(UINT32_MAX); } } } void EventPipe::WriteSampleProfileEvent(Thread *pSamplingThread, EventPipeEvent *pEvent, Thread *pTargetThread, StackContents &stackContents, BYTE *pData, unsigned int length) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(pEvent != nullptr); } CONTRACTL_END; EventPipeEventPayload payload(pData, length); WriteEventInternal( pSamplingThread, *pEvent, payload, nullptr /* pActivityId */, nullptr /* pRelatedActivityId */, pTargetThread, &stackContents ); } bool EventPipe::WalkManagedStackForCurrentThread(StackContents &stackContents) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; Thread *pThread = GetThread(); return (pThread != NULL) ? WalkManagedStackForThread(pThread, stackContents) : false; } bool EventPipe::WalkManagedStackForThread(Thread *pThread, StackContents &stackContents) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pThread != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // Calling into StackWalkFrames in preemptive mode violates the host contract, // but this contract is not used on CoreCLR. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(HostViolation); stackContents.Reset(); StackWalkAction swaRet = pThread->StackWalkFrames( (PSTACKWALKFRAMESCALLBACK)&StackWalkCallback, &stackContents, ALLOW_ASYNC_STACK_WALK | FUNCTIONSONLY | HANDLESKIPPEDFRAMES | ALLOW_INVALID_OBJECTS); return ((swaRet == SWA_DONE) || (swaRet == SWA_CONTINUE)); } StackWalkAction EventPipe::StackWalkCallback(CrawlFrame *pCf, StackContents *pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pCf != NULL); PRECONDITION(pData != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // Get the IP. UINT_PTR controlPC = (UINT_PTR)pCf->GetRegisterSet()->ControlPC; if (controlPC == 0) { if (pData->GetLength() == 0) { // This happens for pinvoke stubs on the top of the stack. return SWA_CONTINUE; } } _ASSERTE(controlPC != 0); // Add the IP to the captured stack. pData->Append( controlPC, pCf->GetFunction()); // Continue the stack walk. return SWA_CONTINUE; } uint32_t EventPipe::GenerateSessionIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PRECONDITION(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfSessions; ++i) if (s_pSessions[i].LoadWithoutBarrier() == nullptr) return i; return MaxNumberOfSessions; } bool EventPipe::IsSessionIdInCollection(EventPipeSessionID id) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PRECONDITION(id != 0); PRECONDITION(IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); const EventPipeSession *const pSession = reinterpret_cast(id); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfSessions; ++i) { if (s_pSessions[i] == pSession) { _ASSERTE(i == pSession->GetIndex()); return true; } } return false; } EventPipeEventInstance *EventPipe::GetNextEvent(EventPipeSessionID sessionID) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(!IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; // Only fetch the next event if a tracing session exists. // The buffer manager is not disposed until the process is shutdown. EventPipeSession *const pSession = GetSession(sessionID); return pSession ? pSession->GetNextEvent() : nullptr; } void EventPipe::InvokeCallback(EventPipeProviderCallbackData eventPipeProviderCallbackData) { EventPipeProvider::InvokeCallback(eventPipeProviderCallbackData); } EventPipeEventInstance *EventPipe::BuildEventMetadataEvent(EventPipeEventInstance &instance, unsigned int metadataId) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; return s_config.BuildEventMetadataEvent(instance, metadataId); } #ifdef DEBUG bool EventPipe::IsLockOwnedByCurrentThread() { return GetLock()->OwnedByCurrentThread(); } #endif #endif // FEATURE_PERFTRACING