// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: eehash.cpp // // #include "common.h" #include "excep.h" #include "eehash.h" #include "securityattributes.h" #include "securitydeclarativecache.h" #include "stringliteralmap.h" #include "clsload.hpp" #include "typectxt.h" #include "genericdict.h" // ============================================================================ // UTF8 string hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t * EEUtf8HashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(LPCUTF8 pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END EEHashEntry_t *pEntry; if (bDeepCopy) { DWORD StringLen = (DWORD)strlen(pKey); DWORD BufLen = 0; // Review conversion of size_t to DWORD. #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif if (!ClrSafeInt::addition(StringLen, SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(LPUTF8) + 1, BufLen)) #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif return NULL; pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[BufLen]; if (!pEntry) return NULL; memcpy(pEntry->Key + sizeof(LPUTF8), pKey, StringLen + 1); *((LPUTF8*)pEntry->Key) = (LPUTF8)(pEntry->Key + sizeof(LPUTF8)); } else { pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow)BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(LPUTF8)]; if (pEntry) *((LPCUTF8*)pEntry->Key) = pKey; } return pEntry; } void EEUtf8HashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } BOOL EEUtf8HashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, LPCUTF8 pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; LPCUTF8 pEntryKey = *((LPCUTF8*)pEntry->Key); return (strcmp(pEntryKey, pKey) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } DWORD EEUtf8HashTableHelper::Hash(LPCUTF8 pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; DWORD dwHash = 0; while (*pKey != 0) { dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + (dwHash >> 5) + (*pKey); pKey++; } return dwHash; } LPCUTF8 EEUtf8HashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return *((LPCUTF8*)pEntry->Key); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // ============================================================================ // Unicode string hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t * EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(EEStringData *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END EEHashEntry_t *pEntry; if (bDeepCopy) { pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(EEStringData) + ((pKey->GetCharCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))]; if (pEntry) { EEStringData *pEntryKey = (EEStringData *)(&pEntry->Key); pEntryKey->SetIsOnlyLowChars (pKey->GetIsOnlyLowChars()); pEntryKey->SetCharCount (pKey->GetCharCount()); pEntryKey->SetStringBuffer ((LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)pEntry->Key + sizeof(EEStringData))); memcpy((LPWSTR)pEntryKey->GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetCharCount() * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(EEStringData)]; if (pEntry) { EEStringData *pEntryKey = (EEStringData *) pEntry->Key; pEntryKey->SetIsOnlyLowChars (pKey->GetIsOnlyLowChars()); pEntryKey->SetCharCount (pKey->GetCharCount()); pEntryKey->SetStringBuffer (pKey->GetStringBuffer()); } } return pEntry; } void EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } BOOL EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, EEStringData *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; EEStringData *pEntryKey = (EEStringData*) pEntry->Key; // Same buffer, same string. if (pEntryKey->GetStringBuffer() == pKey->GetStringBuffer()) return TRUE; // Length not the same, never a match. if (pEntryKey->GetCharCount() != pKey->GetCharCount()) return FALSE; // Compare the entire thing. // We'll deliberately ignore the bOnlyLowChars field since this derived from the characters return !memcmp(pEntryKey->GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetStringBuffer(), pEntryKey->GetCharCount() * sizeof(WCHAR)); } DWORD EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::Hash(EEStringData *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (HashBytes((const BYTE *) pKey->GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetCharCount()*sizeof(WCHAR))); } EEStringData *EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (EEStringData*)pEntry->Key; } void EEUnicodeHashTableHelper::ReplaceKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, EEStringData *pNewKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ((EEStringData*)pEntry->Key)->SetStringBuffer (pNewKey->GetStringBuffer()); ((EEStringData*)pEntry->Key)->SetCharCount (pNewKey->GetCharCount()); ((EEStringData*)pEntry->Key)->SetIsOnlyLowChars (pNewKey->GetIsOnlyLowChars()); } // ============================================================================ // Unicode stringliteral hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t * EEUnicodeStringLiteralHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(EEStringData *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END // We assert here because we expect that the heap is not null for EEUnicodeStringLiteralHash table. // If someone finds more uses of this kind of hashtable then remove this asserte. // Also note that in case of heap being null we go ahead and use new /delete which is EXPENSIVE // But for production code this might be ok if the memory is fragmented then thers a better chance // of getting smaller allocations than full pages. _ASSERTE (pHeap); if (pHeap) return (EEHashEntry_t *) ((MemoryPool*)pHeap)->AllocateElementNoThrow (); else return (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY]; } void EEUnicodeStringLiteralHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END // We assert here because we expect that the heap is not null for EEUnicodeStringLiteralHash table. // If someone finds more uses of this kind of hashtable then remove this asserte. // Also note that in case of heap being null we go ahead and use new /delete which is EXPENSIVE // But for production code this might be ok if the memory is fragmented then thers a better chance // of getting smaller allocations than full pages. _ASSERTE (pHeap); if (pHeap) ((MemoryPool*)pHeap)->FreeElement(pEntry); else delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } BOOL EEUnicodeStringLiteralHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, EEStringData *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END GCX_COOP(); StringLiteralEntry *pHashData = (StringLiteralEntry *)pEntry->Data; EEStringData pEntryKey; pHashData->GetStringData(&pEntryKey); // Length not the same, never a match. if (pEntryKey.GetCharCount() != pKey->GetCharCount()) return FALSE; // Compare the entire thing. // We'll deliberately ignore the bOnlyLowChars field since this derived from the characters return (!memcmp(pEntryKey.GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetStringBuffer(), pEntryKey.GetCharCount() * sizeof(WCHAR))); } DWORD EEUnicodeStringLiteralHashTableHelper::Hash(EEStringData *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (HashBytes((const BYTE *) pKey->GetStringBuffer(), pKey->GetCharCount() * sizeof(WCHAR))); } // ============================================================================ // Permission set hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t * EEPsetHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(PsetCacheKey *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(!bDeepCopy); EEHashEntry_t *pEntry; if (pHeap) { S_SIZE_T sizeEntry; LoaderHeap *pLHeap; sizeEntry = S_SIZE_T(sizeof (BYTE)) * (S_SIZE_T)SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + (S_SIZE_T)sizeof (PPsetCacheKey); pLHeap = (LoaderHeap*) pHeap; pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) ((void*) pLHeap->AllocMem_NoThrow (sizeEntry)); } else { pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE [SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(PPsetCacheKey)]; } if (pEntry) { *((PPsetCacheKey*)pEntry->Key) = pKey; } return pEntry; } void EEPsetHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // // If a heap is present, memory will be reclaimed as part of appdomain // unload. // if (pHeap == NULL) { delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } } BOOL EEPsetHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, PsetCacheKey *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PsetCacheKey *pThis = *((PPsetCacheKey*)pEntry->Key); return pKey->IsEquiv(pThis); } DWORD EEPsetHashTableHelper::Hash(PsetCacheKey *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return pKey->Hash(); } PsetCacheKey * EEPsetHashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; PsetCacheKey *pThis = *((PPsetCacheKey*)pEntry->Key); return pThis; } // ============================================================================ // Instantiation hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t *EEInstantiationHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(const SigTypeContext *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, AllocationHeap pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END EEHashEntry_t *pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(SigTypeContext)]; if (!pEntry) return NULL; *((SigTypeContext*)pEntry->Key) = *pKey; return pEntry; } void EEInstantiationHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, AllocationHeap pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } BOOL EEInstantiationHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, const SigTypeContext *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SigTypeContext *pThis = (SigTypeContext*)&pEntry->Key; return SigTypeContext::Equal(pThis, pKey); } DWORD EEInstantiationHashTableHelper::Hash(const SigTypeContext *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD dwHash = 5381; DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < pKey->m_classInst.GetNumArgs(); i++) dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ (unsigned int)(SIZE_T)pKey->m_classInst[i].AsPtr(); for (i = 0; i < pKey->m_methodInst.GetNumArgs(); i++) dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ (unsigned int)(SIZE_T)pKey->m_methodInst[i].AsPtr(); return dwHash; } const SigTypeContext *EEInstantiationHashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (const SigTypeContext*)&pEntry->Key; } // ============================================================================ // ComComponentInfo hash table helper. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t *EEClassFactoryInfoHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(ClassFactoryInfo *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END EEHashEntry_t *pEntry; S_SIZE_T cbStringLen = S_SIZE_T(0); _ASSERTE(bDeepCopy && "Non deep copy is not supported by the EEComCompInfoHashTableHelper"); if (pKey->m_strServerName) cbStringLen = (S_SIZE_T(wcslen(pKey->m_strServerName)) + S_SIZE_T(1)) * S_SIZE_T(sizeof(WCHAR)); S_SIZE_T cbEntry = S_SIZE_T(SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(ClassFactoryInfo)) + cbStringLen; if (cbEntry.IsOverflow()) return NULL; _ASSERTE(!cbStringLen.IsOverflow()); pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[cbEntry.Value()]; if (pEntry) { memcpy(pEntry->Key + sizeof(ClassFactoryInfo), pKey->m_strServerName, cbStringLen.Value()); ((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_strServerName = pKey->m_strServerName ? (WCHAR*)(pEntry->Key + sizeof(ClassFactoryInfo)) : NULL; ((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_clsid = pKey->m_clsid; } return pEntry; } void EEClassFactoryInfoHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, void *pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] (BYTE*) pEntry; } BOOL EEClassFactoryInfoHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, ClassFactoryInfo *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // First check the GUIDs. if (((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_clsid != pKey->m_clsid) return FALSE; // Next do a trivial comparition on the server name pointer values. if (((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_strServerName == pKey->m_strServerName) return TRUE; // If the pointers are not equal then if one is NULL then the server names are different. if (!((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_strServerName || !pKey->m_strServerName) return FALSE; // Finally do a string comparition of the server names. return wcscmp(((ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key)->m_strServerName, pKey->m_strServerName) == 0; } DWORD EEClassFactoryInfoHashTableHelper::Hash(ClassFactoryInfo *pKey) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD dwHash = 0; BYTE *pGuidData = (BYTE*)&pKey->m_clsid; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(GUID); i++) { dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + (dwHash >> 5) + (*pGuidData); pGuidData++; } if (pKey->m_strServerName) { WCHAR *pSrvNameData = pKey->m_strServerName; while (*pSrvNameData != 0) { dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + (dwHash >> 5) + (*pSrvNameData); pSrvNameData++; } } return dwHash; } ClassFactoryInfo *EEClassFactoryInfoHashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (ClassFactoryInfo*)pEntry->Key; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE