// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // FILE: dwbucketmanager.hpp // // This file contains the manager types for differents types of Watson buckets // and various helper types. // // // // ============================================================================ #ifndef DWBUCKETMANAGER_HPP #define DWBUCKETMANAGER_HPP #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE #include "corhost.h" #endif // this will be used as an index into g_WerEventTraits enum WatsonBucketType { CLR20r3 = 0, MoCrash, #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE WinPhoneCrash, #endif // insert new types above this line EndOfWerBucketTypes }; const DWORD kInvalidParamsCount = 0xffffffff; struct WerEventTypeTraits { const LPCWSTR EventName; const DWORD CountParams; INDEBUG(const WatsonBucketType BucketType); WerEventTypeTraits(LPCWSTR name, DWORD params DEBUG_ARG(WatsonBucketType type)) : EventName(name), CountParams(params) DEBUG_ARG(BucketType(type)) { _ASSERTE(params < kInvalidParamsCount); } }; const WerEventTypeTraits g_WerEventTraits[] = { WerEventTypeTraits(W("CLR20r3"), 9 DEBUG_ARG(CLR20r3)), WerEventTypeTraits(W("MoAppCrash"), 9 DEBUG_ARG(MoCrash)) #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE // unfortunately Apollo uses the same event name ,WerEventTypeTraits(W("CLR20r3"), 9 DEBUG_ARG(WinPhoneCrash)) #endif }; DWORD GetCountBucketParamsForEvent(LPCWSTR wzEventName) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; if (wzEventName == NULL) { _ASSERTE(!"missing event name when retrieving bucket params count"); return 10; } DWORD countParams = kInvalidParamsCount; for (int index = 0; index < EndOfWerBucketTypes; ++index) { if (wcscmp(wzEventName, g_WerEventTraits[index].EventName) == 0) { _ASSERTE(index == g_WerEventTraits[index].BucketType); countParams = g_WerEventTraits[index].CountParams; break; } } if (countParams == kInvalidParamsCount) { _ASSERTE(!"unknown event name when retrieving bucket params count"); countParams = 10; } return countParams; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #include "dwreport.h" #include #include "dbginterface.h" #include #ifdef FEATURE_APPX #include "appxutil.h" #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Description // Converts an array of bytes to a string of base32 encoded characters. // // Constructor // pData -- The bytes to be converted. // nData -- Count of bytes to be converted. // // Convert // pOut -- Put converted bytes here. // nOut -- Max number of characters to put // // returns -- Number of characters put. // // Notes // Five bytes of input produces 8 characters of output. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class BytesToBase32 { private: // Five doesn't go into 8 very well, so we will wind up with 8 characters per // five bytes of input. Specifically, a block of 5 bytes will be formatted // like this: // 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 <-- bit # // 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 // 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 <-- which character does the bit go to? // 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 // 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 // 4 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 // This structure defines 2 masks and 3 shift values per 5-bit value. // The first mask is the mask from the first byte. The first two // shifts are a left- OR a right- shift for the bits obtained via that mask. // If there is a second mask, that is to get bits from the next byte, // shifted right by the second shift value. Finally, there is a bit to // indicate that the scanner should advance to the next byte. // Referring to the table above, the decoder values for the first 5-bit // value will be: // m1 : 0xf8 - mask // l1 : 0 - no left shift // r1 : 3 - right shift 3 bits // m2 : 0 - no second mask // r2 : 0 - no second right shift // skip : 0 - don't skip to next byte (still 3 more bits, for the second 5-bits. struct decoder_ { unsigned int m1 : 8; // Mask 1 unsigned int l1 : 4; // Left shift 1 unsigned int r1 : 4; // Right shift 2 unsigned int m2 : 8; // Mask 2 unsigned int r2 : 4; // Right shift 2 unsigned int skip:4; // Skip to next input byte }; static const decoder_ decoder[8]; // Array of decoder specs. static const WCHAR base32[33]; // Array of 33 characters: A-Z, 0-5, = BYTE *pData; // Pointer to data. int nData; // Total bytes of data. BYTE *pEnd; int nWhich; // Where in the sequence of 8 5-bit datums? public: BytesToBase32(BYTE *p, int n) : pData(p), nData(n), nWhich(0) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; pEnd = pData + nData; } WCHAR GetNextChar(); BOOL MoreChars() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return pData < pEnd; } int Convert(__inout_ecount(nOut) LPWSTR pOut, int nOut); }; // This table tells how to pick out 5-bits at a time (8 times) from 5-bytes of data. const BytesToBase32::decoder_ BytesToBase32::decoder[8] = { // m1 l1 r1 m2 r2 skip {0xf8, 0, 3, 0x00, 0, 0}, {0x07, 2, 0, 0xc0, 6, 1}, {0x3e, 0, 1, 0x00, 0, 0}, {0x01, 4, 0, 0xf0, 4, 1}, {0x0f, 1, 0, 0x80, 7, 1}, {0x7c, 0, 2, 0x00, 0, 0}, {0x03, 3, 0, 0xe0, 5, 1}, {0x1f, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 1}, }; // Array of characters with which to encode. const WCHAR BytesToBase32::base32[33] = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L', 'M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Description // Converts 5-bits to a character; fundamental base32 encoding. // // Parameters // none // // Returns // The next 5-bits, converted to a character. Also advances the // character pointer. When no characters remain to be converted, // returns W('6') // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WCHAR BytesToBase32::GetNextChar() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; unsigned int result = 0; _ASSERTE(pData <= pEnd); _ASSERTE(nWhich >= 0 && nWhich < lengthof(decoder)); // If out of data, return signal value, > any valid char. if (pData == pEnd) return base32[lengthof(base32)-1]; #if defined(_DEBUG) if (decoder[nWhich].l1) { // There is a l1 shift. _ASSERTE(decoder[nWhich].m1); // There should be a m1 mask _ASSERTE(decoder[nWhich].r1 == 0); // There should not be a r1 shift _ASSERTE(decoder[nWhich].m2); // There shoulbe a m2 mask to fill in the rest of the bits. _ASSERTE(decoder[nWhich].r2); // m2 bits never start in the right place; there must be a shift // The masks, shifted, and or'd together should equal 0x1f, 5-bits. _ASSERTE( ( (decoder[nWhich].m1 << decoder[nWhich].l1) | (decoder[nWhich].m2 >> decoder[nWhich].r2)) == 0x1f); } else { // There is no l1 shift. _ASSERTE(decoder[nWhich].m2 == 0); // There should not be any m2 bits _ASSERTE( (decoder[nWhich].m1 >> decoder[nWhich].r1) == 0x1f); // The m1 bits, shifted should be 0x1f, 5-bits. } #endif // Mask off the bits. result = *pData & decoder[nWhich].m1; // Shift left or right as needed. if (decoder[nWhich].l1) { // Shift up to make space for low-order bits from next byte. result = result << decoder[nWhich].l1; } else if (decoder[nWhich].r1) { // Shift down into position. There should be no more bits from next byte. result = result >> decoder[nWhich].r1; } // Skip to next byte if appropriate. if (decoder[nWhich].skip) ++pData; // Grab more bits if specified, and more are available. if (pData < pEnd && decoder[nWhich].m2) { // All second-byte data are shifted right, so just mask and shift. result |= ( (*pData & decoder[nWhich].m2) >> decoder[nWhich].r2); } // Advance the 'state machine' -- which 5-bits from an 8-byte block. if (++nWhich == lengthof(decoder)) nWhich = 0; // Sanity check on value. _ASSERTE(result < lengthof(base32)); return base32[result]; } // WCHAR BytesToBase32::GetNextChar() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Description // Performs the conversion of a buffer to base32. // // Parameters // pOut -- Buffer to receive the characters. // nOut -- Maximum characters to write to the buffer. // // Returns // the number of characters copied to the output buffer. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int BytesToBase32::Convert( __inout_ecount(nOut) LPWSTR pOut, int nOut) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; int nWritten = 0; // Count of bytes written to output. // Stop when the buffer is full, or the bytes are fully converted. while (nOut > 0 && MoreChars()) { *pOut = GetNextChar(); ++pOut; --nOut; ++nWritten; } return nWritten; } // int BytesToBase32::Convert() // this abstract class provides base functionality for populating a bucket parameter in the GMB with some data. // the actual mapping of ordinal parameter to data type (eg parameter 1 is app name) is handled in subclasses // of this type. see GetBucketParamsManager() for retrieving a bucket params manager. class BaseBucketParamsManager { private: GenericModeBlock* m_pGmb; TypeOfReportedError m_tore; Thread* m_pThread; OBJECTREF* m_pException; INDEBUG(size_t m_countParamsLogged); MethodDesc* m_pFaultingMD; PCODE m_faultingPc; // misc helper functions DWORD GetILOffset(); bool GetFileVersionInfoForModule(Module* pModule, USHORT& major, USHORT& minor, USHORT& build, USHORT& revision); bool IsCodeContractsFrame(MethodDesc* pMD); void FindFaultingMethodInfo(); OBJECTREF GetRealExceptionObject(); WCHAR* GetParamBufferForIndex(BucketParameterIndex paramIndex); void LogParam(__in_z LPCWSTR paramValue, BucketParameterIndex paramIndex); protected: ~BaseBucketParamsManager(); typedef void (BaseBucketParamsManager::*DataPopulatorFunction)(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void PopulateBucketParameter(BucketParameterIndex paramIndex, DataPopulatorFunction pFnDataPopulator, int maxLength); void PopulateEventName(LPCWSTR eventTypeName); // functions for retrieving data to go into various bucket parameters void GetAppName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetAppVersion(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetAppTimeStamp(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetModuleName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetModuleVersion(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetModuleTimeStamp(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetMethodDef(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetIlOffset(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetExceptionName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetPackageMoniker(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetPRAID(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); void GetIlRva(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength); public: BaseBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE initialFaultingPc, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException); static int CopyStringToBucket(__out_ecount(targetMaxLength) LPWSTR pTargetParam, int targetMaxLength, __in_z LPCWSTR pSource, bool cannonicalize = false); // function that consumers should call to populate the GMB virtual void PopulateBucketParameters() = 0; }; BaseBucketParamsManager::BaseBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE initialFaultingPc, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException) : m_pFaultingMD(NULL), m_faultingPc(initialFaultingPc), m_pGmb(pGenericModeBlock), m_tore(typeOfError), m_pThread(pFaultingThread), m_pException(pThrownException) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(m_pGmb); INDEBUG(m_countParamsLogged = 0); ZeroMemory(pGenericModeBlock, sizeof(GenericModeBlock)); EECodeInfo codeInfo(initialFaultingPc); if (codeInfo.IsValid()) { m_pFaultingMD = codeInfo.GetMethodDesc(); if (m_pFaultingMD) FindFaultingMethodInfo(); } } BaseBucketParamsManager::~BaseBucketParamsManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_countParamsLogged == GetCountBucketParamsForEvent(m_pGmb->wzEventTypeName)); } void BaseBucketParamsManager::PopulateEventName(LPCWSTR eventTypeName) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; wcsncpy_s(m_pGmb->wzEventTypeName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC, eventTypeName, _TRUNCATE); _ASSERTE(GetCountBucketParamsForEvent(eventTypeName)); LOG((LF_EH, LL_INFO10, "Event : %S\n", m_pGmb->wzEventTypeName)); } WCHAR* BaseBucketParamsManager::GetParamBufferForIndex(BucketParameterIndex paramIndex) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(paramIndex < InvalidBucketParamIndex); switch (paramIndex) { case Parameter1: return m_pGmb->wzP1; case Parameter2: return m_pGmb->wzP2; case Parameter3: return m_pGmb->wzP3; case Parameter4: return m_pGmb->wzP4; case Parameter5: return m_pGmb->wzP5; case Parameter6: return m_pGmb->wzP6; case Parameter7: return m_pGmb->wzP7; case Parameter8: return m_pGmb->wzP8; case Parameter9: return m_pGmb->wzP9; default: { _ASSERTE(!"bad paramIndex"); // this is a back-stop to prevent returning NULL and having to have // callers check for it. we should never get here though anyways. return m_pGmb->wzP10; } } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::PopulateBucketParameter(BucketParameterIndex paramIndex, DataPopulatorFunction pFnDataPopulator, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(paramIndex < InvalidBucketParamIndex); WCHAR* targetParam = GetParamBufferForIndex(paramIndex); // verify that we haven't already written data to this param _ASSERTE(targetParam && targetParam[0] == W('\0')); #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE WCHAR const* overrideParam = g_CLRErrorReportingManager.GetBucketParamOverride(paramIndex); if (overrideParam != NULL) { CopyStringToBucket(targetParam, maxLength, overrideParam, false); } else #endif // FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE { (this->*pFnDataPopulator)(targetParam, maxLength); } LogParam(targetParam, paramIndex); } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetAppName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HMODULE hModule = WszGetModuleHandle(NULL); PathString appPath; if (GetCurrentModuleFileName(appPath) == S_OK) { CopyStringToBucket(targetParam, maxLength, appPath); } else { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetAppVersion(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HMODULE hModule = WszGetModuleHandle(NULL); PathString appPath; WCHAR verBuf[23] = {0}; USHORT major, minor, build, revision; if ((GetCurrentModuleFileName(appPath) == S_OK) && SUCCEEDED(DwGetFileVersionInfo(appPath, major, minor, build, revision))) { _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%d.%d.%d.%d"), major, minor, build, revision); } else if (DwGetAssemblyVersion(appPath, verBuf, NumItems(verBuf)) != 0) { wcscpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, verBuf); } else { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetAppTimeStamp(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; EX_TRY { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation); HMODULE hModule = WszGetModuleHandle(NULL); PEDecoder pe(hModule); ULONG ulTimeStamp = pe.GetTimeDateStamp(); _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%x"), ulTimeStamp); } EX_CATCH { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetModuleName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; Module* pModule = NULL; if (m_pFaultingMD != NULL) pModule = m_pFaultingMD->GetModule(); bool failed = false; if (pModule) { // Get the assembly name, and determine its length, including terminating NULL. Assembly* pAssembly = pModule->GetAssembly(); LPCUTF8 utf8AssemblyName = pAssembly->GetSimpleName(); const int assemblyNameLength = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8AssemblyName, -1, NULL, 0); // full name and length. minor assumption that this is not multi-module. WCHAR *fullName = NULL; int fullNameLength = assemblyNameLength; if (pModule->IsManifest()) { // Single-module assembly; allocate a buffer and convert assembly name. fullName = reinterpret_cast< WCHAR* >(_alloca(sizeof(WCHAR)*(fullNameLength))); WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8AssemblyName, -1, fullName, fullNameLength); } else { // This is a non-manifest module, which means it is a multi-module assembly. // Construct a name like 'assembly+module'. // Get the module name, and determine its length, including terminating NULL. LPCUTF8 utf8ModuleName = pModule->GetSimpleName(); const int moduleNameLength = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8ModuleName, -1, NULL, 0); // Full name length is assembly name length + module name length + 1 char for '+'. // However, both assemblyNameLength and moduleNameLength include space for terminating NULL, // but of course only one NULL is needed, so the final length is just the sum of the two lengths. if (!ClrSafeInt::addition(assemblyNameLength, moduleNameLength, fullNameLength)) { failed = true; } else { // Allocate a buffer with proper prefast checks. int AllocLen; if (!ClrSafeInt::multiply(sizeof(WCHAR), fullNameLength, AllocLen)) { failed = true; } else { fullName = reinterpret_cast< WCHAR* >(_alloca(AllocLen)); // Convert the assembly name. WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8AssemblyName, -1, fullName, assemblyNameLength); // replace NULL with '+' _ASSERTE(fullName[assemblyNameLength-1] == 0); fullName[assemblyNameLength-1] = W('+'); // Convert the module name after the '+' WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8ModuleName,-1, &fullName[assemblyNameLength], moduleNameLength); } } } if (!failed) { // Make sure NULL termination is right. _ASSERTE(fullName[fullNameLength - 1] == 0); // Copy name in, with possible truncation or hashing. CopyStringToBucket(targetParam, maxLength, fullName); } } if (!pModule || failed) { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetModuleVersion(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; Module* pModule = NULL; if (m_pFaultingMD != NULL) pModule = m_pFaultingMD->GetModule(); bool failed = false; // @TODO: what if the it is in-memory module? It can have the version info. // But we will not retrieve it right. if (pModule) { USHORT major = 0, minor = 0, build = 0, revision = 0; bool gotFileVersion = GetFileVersionInfoForModule(pModule, major, minor, build, revision); // if we failed to get a version and this isn't the manifest module then try that if (!gotFileVersion && !pModule->IsManifest()) { pModule = pModule->GetAssembly()->GetManifestModule(); if (pModule) gotFileVersion = GetFileVersionInfoForModule(pModule, major, minor, build, revision); } if (!gotFileVersion) { // if we didn't get a file version then fall back to assembly version (typical for in-memory modules) if (FAILED(pModule->GetAssembly()->GetVersion(&major, &minor, &build, &revision))) failed = true; } if (!failed) { _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%d.%d.%d.%d"), major, minor, build, revision); } } if (!pModule || failed) { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetModuleTimeStamp(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; Module* pModule = NULL; if (m_pFaultingMD != NULL) pModule = m_pFaultingMD->GetModule(); bool failed = false; if (pModule) { EX_TRY { // We only store the IL timestamp in the native image for the // manifest module. We should consider fixing this for Orcas. PTR_PEFile pFile = pModule->GetAssembly()->GetManifestModule()->GetFile(); // for dynamic modules use 0 as the time stamp ULONG ulTimeStamp = 0; if (!pFile->IsDynamic()) { ulTimeStamp = pFile->GetILImageTimeDateStamp(); _ASSERTE(ulTimeStamp != 0); } _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%x"), ulTimeStamp); } EX_CATCH { failed = true; } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) } if (!pModule || failed) { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetMethodDef(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pFaultingMD) { mdMethodDef methodDef = m_pFaultingMD->GetMemberDef(); _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%x"), RidFromToken(methodDef)); } else { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetIlOffset(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD ilOffset = GetILOffset(); _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%x"), ilOffset); } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetExceptionName(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_tore.GetType() != TypeOfReportedError::StackOverflowException) { // At this point we have to switch to cooperative mode, because we need an OBJECTREF. GCX_COOP(); OBJECTREF throwable = GetRealExceptionObject(); LPCWSTR pExceptionName = NULL; if (throwable == NULL) { // Don't have an exception object. Make up something reasonable. switch (m_tore.GetType()) { case TypeOfReportedError::NativeThreadUnhandledException: case TypeOfReportedError::UnhandledException: pExceptionName = W("Exception"); break; case TypeOfReportedError::FatalError: pExceptionName = W("FatalError"); break; case TypeOfReportedError::UserBreakpoint: pExceptionName = W("Debugger.Break"); break; case TypeOfReportedError::NativeBreakpoint: pExceptionName = W("Breakpoint"); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected TypeOfReportedError"); break; } } else { MethodTable* pMT = OBJECTREFToObject(throwable)->GetMethodTable(); DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassWOnStack(); EX_TRY { pExceptionName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareW(pMT); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } _ASSERTE(pExceptionName); // Copy name in, with possible truncation or hashing. CopyStringToBucket(targetParam, maxLength, pExceptionName); } else // StackOverflowException { // During StackOverflowException processing we may be under ThreadStore lock and cannot spawn a managed thread (otherwise deadlock). // So we avoid using any managed heap objects and switching to GC_COOP. CopyStringToBucket(targetParam, maxLength, W("System.StackOverflowException")); } } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetPackageMoniker(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR bool success = false; EX_TRY { wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, AppX::GetHeadPackageMoniker(), _TRUNCATE); success = true; } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (!success) { // should this ever legitimately fail?? _ASSERTE(!"failed to get package moniker for watson"); wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } #else _ASSERTE(!"AppX support NYI for CoreCLR"); #endif // FEATURE_CORECLR } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetPRAID(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR LPCWSTR pPraid = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(AppX::GetApplicationId(pPraid))) { _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("praid:%s"), pPraid); } else { // should this ever legitimately fail?? _ASSERTE(!"failed to get PRAID for watson"); wcsncpy_s(targetParam, maxLength, W("missing"), _TRUNCATE); } #else _ASSERTE(!"PRAID support NYI for CoreCLR"); #endif } void BaseBucketParamsManager::GetIlRva(__out_ecount(maxLength) WCHAR* targetParam, int maxLength) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD ilOffset = GetILOffset(); if (ilOffset == MAXDWORD) ilOffset = 0; if (m_pFaultingMD) ilOffset += m_pFaultingMD->GetRVA(); _snwprintf_s(targetParam, maxLength, _TRUNCATE, W("%x"), ilOffset); } // helper functions DWORD BaseBucketParamsManager::GetILOffset() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD nativeOffset = 0; DWORD ilOffset = MAXDWORD; EECodeInfo codeInfo(m_faultingPc); if (codeInfo.IsValid()) { nativeOffset = codeInfo.GetRelOffset(); _ASSERTE(m_pFaultingMD == codeInfo.GetMethodDesc()); } if (m_pFaultingMD) { EX_TRY { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation); _ASSERTE(g_pDebugInterface != NULL); g_pDebugInterface->GetILOffsetFromNative( m_pFaultingMD, (const BYTE *)m_faultingPc, nativeOffset, &ilOffset); } EX_CATCH { // Swallow the exception, and just use MAXDWORD. } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) } return ilOffset; } // attempts to get file version information for the specified module. // returns true on success and all out params will contain data. // on failure the out params are not touched. // assumes that pModule is not NULL!! bool BaseBucketParamsManager::GetFileVersionInfoForModule(Module* pModule, USHORT& major, USHORT& minor, USHORT& build, USHORT& revision) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pModule != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; bool succeeded = false; PEFile* pFile = pModule->GetFile(); if (pFile) { // if we have a native imaged loaded for this module then get the version information from that. if (pFile->IsNativeLoaded()) { PEImage* pNativeImage = pFile->GetPersistentNativeImage(); if (pNativeImage) { LPCWSTR niPath = pNativeImage->GetPath().GetUnicode(); if (niPath != NULL && niPath != SString::Empty() && SUCCEEDED(DwGetFileVersionInfo(niPath, major, minor, build, revision))) { succeeded = true; } } } // if we failed to get the version info from the native image then fall back to the IL image. if (!succeeded) { LPCWSTR modulePath = pFile->GetPath().GetUnicode(); if (modulePath != NULL && modulePath != SString::Empty() && SUCCEEDED(DwGetFileVersionInfo(modulePath, major, minor, build, revision))) { succeeded = true; } } } return succeeded; } // attempts to determine if the specified MethodDesc is one of the code contracts methods. // this is defined as any method on the System.Diagnostics.Contracts.__ContractsRuntime type. bool BaseBucketParamsManager::IsCodeContractsFrame(MethodDesc* pMD) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(pMD != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!pMD) return false; MethodTable* pMT = pMD->GetMethodTable_NoLogging(); LPCUTF8 pszNamespace = NULL; LPCUTF8 pszName = NULL; pszName = pMT->GetFullyQualifiedNameInfo(&pszNamespace); if (!pszName || !pszNamespace) return false; LPCUTF8 pszContractsNamespace = "System.Diagnostics.Contracts"; LPCUTF8 pszContractsRuntimeType = "__ContractsRuntime"; if (strcmp(pszNamespace, pszContractsNamespace) == 0 && strcmp(pszName, pszContractsRuntimeType) == 0) return true; return false; } // code contract failures will have several frames on the stack which are part of the code contracts infrastructure. // as such we don't want to blame any of these frames since they're just propagating the fault from the user's code. // the purpose of this function is to identify if the current faulting frame is part of the code contract infrastructure // and if it is to traverse the stack trace in the exception object until the first frame which isn't code contracts stuff. void BaseBucketParamsManager::FindFaultingMethodInfo() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_pFaultingMD != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // check if this frame is part of the code contracts infrastructure if (IsCodeContractsFrame(m_pFaultingMD)) { // it is so we need to do more searching to find the correct faulting MethodDesc. // iterate over each frame in the stack trace object until we find the first // frame that isn't part of the code contracts goop. GCX_COOP(); OBJECTREF throwable = GetRealExceptionObject(); if (throwable != NULL) { StackTraceArray traceData; EXCEPTIONREF(throwable)->GetStackTrace(traceData); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(traceData); size_t numElements = traceData.Size(); ContractFailureKind kind = GetContractFailureKind(throwable); // skip frame 0 since we already know it's part of code contracts for (size_t index = 1; index < numElements; ++index) { StackTraceElement const& cur = traceData[index]; MethodDesc* pMD = cur.pFunc; _ASSERTE(pMD); if (!IsCodeContractsFrame(pMD)) { // we want the next frame for preconditions however if we don't have it for some // reason then just use this frame (better than defaulting to the code contracts goop) if ((kind == CONTRACT_FAILURE_PRECONDITION) && (index + 1 < numElements)) { _ASSERTE(!IsCodeContractsFrame(traceData[index + 1].pFunc)); continue; } m_pFaultingMD = pMD; m_faultingPc = cur.ip; break; } } GCPROTECT_END(); } } } // gets the "real" exception object. it might be m_pException or the exception object on the thread OBJECTREF BaseBucketParamsManager::GetRealExceptionObject() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF throwable = NULL; if (m_pException != NULL) { _ASSERTE(IsProtectedByGCFrame(m_pException)); throwable = *m_pException; } else if (m_tore.IsException()) { // If it is an exception, see if there is a Throwable object. if (m_pThread != NULL) { throwable = m_pThread->GetThrowable(); // If the "Throwable" is null, try the "LastThrownObject" if (throwable == NULL) throwable = m_pThread->LastThrownObject(); } } return throwable; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Description // Copies a string to a Watson bucket parameter. If the offered string is // longer than the maxLen, the string will be shortened. // // Parameters // pTargetParam -- the destination buffer. // targetMaxLength -- the max length of the parameter. // pSource -- the input string. // cannonicalize -- if true, cannonicalize the filename (tolower) // // Returns // the number of characters copied to the output buffer. zero indicates an // error. // // Notes // The truncation algorithm is this: // - if the value contains non-ascii characters, divide the maxLen by 4, // due to restrictions in Watson bucketing rules // - if the value fits, just copy it as-is // - if the value doesn't fit, strip any trailing ".dll", ".exe", ".netmodule", // or "Exception" // - if the value still doesn't fit, take a SHA1 hash of the source, and // encode in base32. // - if the value may require hashing, the maxlen should be at least 32, // because that is what a SHA1 hash coded in base32 will require. // - the maxlen does not include the terminating nul. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int BaseBucketParamsManager::CopyStringToBucket(__out_ecount(targetMaxLength) LPWSTR pTargetParam, int targetMaxLength, __in_z LPCWSTR pSource, bool cannonicalize) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Array of suffixes to truncate if necessary. static const LPCWSTR truncations[] = { W("Exception"), W(".dll"), W(".exe"), W(".netmodule"), 0 }; int srcLen = static_cast(wcslen(pSource)); // If the source contains unicode characters, they'll be encoded at 4 chars per char. int targLen = ContainsUnicodeChars(pSource) ? targetMaxLength / 4 : targetMaxLength; // If the string is too long, see if there is a suffix that can be trimmed. if (srcLen > targLen) { for (int i = 0; truncations[i]; ++i) { // how long is this suffix? int slen = static_cast(wcslen(truncations[i])); // Could the string have this suffix? if (slen < srcLen) { // maybe -- check. if (SString::_wcsicmp(&pSource[srcLen - slen], truncations[i]) == 0) { // yes, the string does have this suffix. drop it. srcLen -= slen; break; } } } } // If the (possibly truncated) value fits, copy it and return. if (srcLen <= targLen) { wcsncpy_s(pTargetParam, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC, pSource, srcLen); if (cannonicalize) { // cannonicalize filenames so that the same exceptions tend to the same buckets. _wcslwr_s(pTargetParam, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC); } return srcLen; } // String didn't fit, so hash it. SHA1Hash hash; hash.AddData(reinterpret_cast(const_cast(pSource)), (static_cast(wcslen(pSource))) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Encode in base32. The hash is a fixed size; we'll accept up to maxLen characters of the encoding. BytesToBase32 b32(hash.GetHash(), SHA1_HASH_SIZE); targLen = b32.Convert(pTargetParam, targetMaxLength); pTargetParam[targLen] = W('\0'); return targLen; } void BaseBucketParamsManager::LogParam(__in_z LPCWSTR paramValue, BucketParameterIndex paramIndex) { #ifdef _DEBUG LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(paramIndex < InvalidBucketParamIndex); // the BucketParameterIndex enum starts at 0 however we refer to Watson // bucket params with 1-based indices so we add one to paramIndex. LOG((LF_EH, LL_INFO10, " p %d: %S\n", paramIndex + 1, paramValue)); ++m_countParamsLogged; #endif } // specific manager classes for the various watson bucket types that the CLR reports. // each type is responsible for populating the GMB according to the event type schema. // to add support for a new schema simply inherit from the BaseBucketParamsManager and // in the PopulateBucketParameters() function fill out the GMB as required. then update // function GetBucketParamsManager() (and a few depedent functions) to return the new // type as required. class CLR20r3BucketParamsManager : public BaseBucketParamsManager { public: CLR20r3BucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException); ~CLR20r3BucketParamsManager(); virtual void PopulateBucketParameters(); }; CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::CLR20r3BucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException) : BaseBucketParamsManager(pGenericModeBlock, typeOfError, faultingPC, pFaultingThread, pThrownException) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; } CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::~CLR20r3BucketParamsManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::PopulateBucketParameters() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; PopulateEventName(g_WerEventTraits[CLR20r3].EventName); // the "+ 1" is to explicitly indicate which fields need to specify space for NULL PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter1, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetAppName, 32); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter2, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetAppVersion, 23 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter3, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetAppTimeStamp, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter4, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetModuleName, 64); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter5, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetModuleVersion, 23 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter6, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetModuleTimeStamp, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter7, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetMethodDef, 6 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter8, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetIlOffset, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter9, &CLR20r3BucketParamsManager::GetExceptionName, 32); } class MoCrashBucketParamsManager : public BaseBucketParamsManager { public: MoCrashBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException); ~MoCrashBucketParamsManager(); virtual void PopulateBucketParameters(); }; MoCrashBucketParamsManager::MoCrashBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException) : BaseBucketParamsManager(pGenericModeBlock, typeOfError, faultingPC, pFaultingThread, pThrownException) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; } MoCrashBucketParamsManager::~MoCrashBucketParamsManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void MoCrashBucketParamsManager::PopulateBucketParameters() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; PopulateEventName(g_WerEventTraits[MoCrash].EventName); // DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1 to ensure space for NULL PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter1, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetPackageMoniker, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter2, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetPRAID, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter3, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetAppVersion, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter4, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetAppTimeStamp, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter5, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetModuleName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter6, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetModuleVersion, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter7, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetModuleTimeStamp, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter8, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetExceptionName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter9, &MoCrashBucketParamsManager::GetIlRva, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); } #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE class WinPhoneBucketParamsManager : public BaseBucketParamsManager { public: WinPhoneBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException); ~WinPhoneBucketParamsManager(); virtual void PopulateBucketParameters(); }; WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::WinPhoneBucketParamsManager(GenericModeBlock* pGenericModeBlock, TypeOfReportedError typeOfError, PCODE faultingPC, Thread* pFaultingThread, OBJECTREF* pThrownException) : BaseBucketParamsManager(pGenericModeBlock, typeOfError, faultingPC, pFaultingThread, pThrownException) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; } WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::~WinPhoneBucketParamsManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::PopulateBucketParameters() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; PopulateEventName(g_WerEventTraits[WinPhoneCrash].EventName); // the "+ 1" is to explicitly indicate which fields need to specify space for NULL PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter1, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetAppName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter2, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetAppVersion, 23 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter3, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetAppTimeStamp, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter4, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetModuleName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter5, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetModuleVersion, 23 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter6, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetModuleTimeStamp, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter7, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetMethodDef, 6 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter8, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetIlOffset, 8 + 1); PopulateBucketParameter(Parameter9, &WinPhoneBucketParamsManager::GetExceptionName, DW_MAX_BUCKETPARAM_CWC - 1); } #endif // FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE WatsonBucketType GetWatsonBucketType() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; #if defined(FEATURE_APPX) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) if (AppX::IsAppXProcess() && !AppX::IsAppXNGen()) return MoCrash; else #endif // FEATURE_APPX #ifdef FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE return WinPhoneCrash; #else return CLR20r3; #endif // FEATURE_WINDOWSPHONE } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // DWBUCKETMANAGER_HPP