// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DomainFile.h // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _DOMAINFILE_H_ #define _DOMAINFILE_H_ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Required headers // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward class declarations // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AppDomain; class DomainAssembly; class DomainModule; class Assembly; class Module; class DynamicMethodTable; enum FileLoadLevel { // These states are tracked by FileLoadLock // Note: This enum must match the static array fileLoadLevelName[] // which contains the printable names of the enum values // Note that semantics here are description is the LAST step done, not what is // currently being done. FILE_LOAD_CREATE, FILE_LOAD_BEGIN, FILE_LOAD_FIND_NATIVE_IMAGE, FILE_LOAD_VERIFY_NATIVE_IMAGE_DEPENDENCIES, FILE_LOAD_ALLOCATE, FILE_LOAD_ADD_DEPENDENCIES, FILE_LOAD_PRE_LOADLIBRARY, FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY, FILE_LOAD_POST_LOADLIBRARY, FILE_LOAD_EAGER_FIXUPS, FILE_LOAD_VTABLE_FIXUPS, FILE_LOAD_DELIVER_EVENTS, FILE_LOADED, // Loaded by not yet active FILE_LOAD_VERIFY_EXECUTION, FILE_ACTIVE // Fully active (constructors run & security checked) }; enum NotificationStatus { NOT_NOTIFIED=0, PROFILER_NOTIFIED=1, DEBUGGER_NEEDNOTIFICATION=2, DEBUGGER_NOTIFIED=4 }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DomainFile represents a file loaded (or being loaded) into an app domain. It // is guranteed to be unique per file per app domain. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DomainFile { VPTR_BASE_VTABLE_CLASS(DomainFile); public: // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Public API // ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual ~DomainFile(); DomainFile() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT;}; #endif virtual LoaderAllocator *GetLoaderAllocator(); PTR_AppDomain GetAppDomain() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_pDomain; } PEFile *GetFile() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_pFile; } PEFile *GetOriginalFile() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_pOriginalFile!= NULL ? m_pOriginalFile : m_pFile; } IMDInternalImport *GetMDImport() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_pFile->GetPersistentMDImport(); } OBJECTREF GetExposedModuleObjectIfExists() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(GetLoaderAllocator(), m_hExposedModuleObject, &objRet); return objRet; } OBJECTREF GetExposedModuleObject(); BOOL IsSystem() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->IsSystem(); } LPCUTF8 GetSimpleName() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->GetSimpleName(); } #ifdef LOGGING LPCWSTR GetDebugName() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->GetDebugName(); } #endif void ReleaseFiles() DAC_EMPTY(); virtual BOOL IsAssembly() = 0; DomainAssembly *GetDomainAssembly(); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Loading state checks // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Return the File's load level. Note that this is the last level actually successfully completed. // Note that this is subtly different than the FileLoadLock's level, which is the last level // which was triggered (but potentially skipped if error or inappropriate.) FileLoadLevel GetLoadLevel() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_level; } // Error means that a permanent x-appdomain load error has occurred. BOOL IsError() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; DACCOP_IGNORE(FieldAccess, "No marshalling required"); return m_pError != NULL; } // Loading means that the load is still being tracked by a FileLoadLock. BOOL IsLoading() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_loading; } // Loaded means that the file can be used passively. This includes loading types, reflection, and // jitting. BOOL IsLoaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_level >= FILE_LOAD_DELIVER_EVENTS; } // Active means that the file can be used actively in the current app domain. Note that a shared file // may conditionally not be able to be made active on a per app domain basis. BOOL IsActive() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_level >= FILE_ACTIVE; } // Checks if the load has reached the point where profilers may be notified // about the file. It's important that IF a profiler is notified, THEN this returns // TRUE, otherwise there can be profiler-attach races where the profiler doesn't see // the file via either enumeration or notification. As a result, this begins // returning TRUE just before the profiler is actually notified. See // code:ProfilerFunctionEnum::Init#ProfilerEnumAssemblies BOOL IsAvailableToProfilers() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return IsProfilerNotified(); // despite the name, this function returns TRUE just before we notify the profiler } // CheckLoaded is appropriate for asserts that the assembly can be passively used. CHECK CheckLoaded(); // CheckActivated is appropriate for asserts that the assembly can be actively used. Note that // it is slightly different from IsActive in that it deals with reentrancy cases properly. CHECK CheckActivated(); // Ensure that an assembly has reached at least the IsLoaded state. Throw if not. void EnsureLoaded() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return EnsureLoadLevel(FILE_LOADED); } // Ensure that an assembly has reached at least the IsActive state. Throw if not. void EnsureActive() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return EnsureLoadLevel(FILE_ACTIVE); } // Ensure that an assembly has reached at least the Allocated state. Throw if not. void EnsureAllocated() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return EnsureLoadLevel(FILE_LOAD_ALLOCATE); } void EnsureLibraryLoaded() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return EnsureLoadLevel(FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY); } // This wraps EnsureActive, suppressing non-transient exceptions BOOL TryEnsureActive(); // EnsureLoadLevel is a generic routine used to ensure that the file is not in a delay loaded // state (unless it needs to be.) This should be used when a particular level of loading // is required for an operation. Note that deadlocks are tolerated so the level may be one void EnsureLoadLevel(FileLoadLevel targetLevel) DAC_EMPTY(); // AttemptLoadLevel is a generic routine used to try to further load the file to a given level. // No guarantee is made about the load level resulting however. void AttemptLoadLevel(FileLoadLevel targetLevel) DAC_EMPTY(); // CheckLoadLevel is an assert predicate used to verify the load level of an assembly. // deadlockOK indicates that the level is allowed to be one short if we are restricted // by loader reentrancy. CHECK CheckLoadLevel(FileLoadLevel requiredLevel, BOOL deadlockOK = TRUE) DAC_EMPTY_RET(CHECK::OK()); // RequireLoadLevel throws an exception if the domain file isn't loaded enough. Note // that this is intolerant of deadlock related failures so is only really appropriate for // checks inside the main loading loop. void RequireLoadLevel(FileLoadLevel targetLevel) DAC_EMPTY(); // Throws if a load error has occurred void ThrowIfError(FileLoadLevel targetLevel) DAC_EMPTY(); // Checks that a load error has not occurred before the given level CHECK CheckNoError(FileLoadLevel targetLevel) DAC_EMPTY_RET(CHECK::OK()); // IsNotified means that the profiler API notification has been delivered BOOL IsProfilerNotified() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_notifyflags & PROFILER_NOTIFIED; } BOOL IsDebuggerNotified() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_notifyflags & DEBUGGER_NOTIFIED; } BOOL ShouldNotifyDebugger() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_notifyflags & DEBUGGER_NEEDNOTIFICATION; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Other public APIs // ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL Equals(DomainFile *pFile) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->Equals(pFile->GetFile()); } BOOL Equals(PEFile *pFile) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->Equals(pFile); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE Module* GetCurrentModule(); Module* GetLoadedModule(); Module* GetModule(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL IsZapRequired(); // Are we absolutely required to use a native image? #endif // The format string is intentionally unicode to avoid globalization bugs #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void ExternalLog(DWORD level, const WCHAR *fmt, ...); void ExternalLog(DWORD level, const char *msg); #endif #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // light code gen. Keep the list of MethodTables needed for creating dynamic methods DynamicMethodTable* GetDynamicMethodTable(); #endif protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Loader API // ------------------------------------------------------------ friend class AppDomain; friend class Assembly; friend class Module; friend class FileLoadLock; DomainFile(AppDomain *pDomain, PEFile *pFile); BOOL DoIncrementalLoad(FileLoadLevel targetLevel); void ClearLoading() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_loading = FALSE; } void SetLoadLevel(FileLoadLevel level) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_level = level; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void Begin() = 0; virtual void Allocate() = 0; void AddDependencies(); void PreLoadLibrary(); void LoadLibrary(); void PostLoadLibrary(); void EagerFixups(); void VtableFixups(); virtual void DeliverSyncEvents() = 0; virtual void DeliverAsyncEvents() = 0; void FinishLoad(); void VerifyExecution(); void Activate(); #endif // This is called when a new active dependency is added. static BOOL PropagateNewActivation(Module *pModuleFrom, Module *pModuleTo); #ifdef FEATURE_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION static BOOL PropagateActivationInAppDomain(Module *pModuleFrom, Module *pModuleTo, AppDomain* pDomain); #endif // This can be used to verify that no propagation is needed static CHECK CheckUnactivatedInAllDomains(Module *pModule); // This should be used to permanently set the load to fail. Do not use with transient conditions void SetError(Exception *ex); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void FindNativeImage() = 0; #endif void VerifyNativeImageDependencies(bool verifyOnly = FALSE); // Are we absolutely required to use a native image? void CheckZapRequired(); void ClearNativeImageStress(); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT void SetProfilerNotified() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_notifyflags|= PROFILER_NOTIFIED; } void SetDebuggerNotified() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_notifyflags|=DEBUGGER_NOTIFIED; } void SetShouldNotifyDebugger() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_notifyflags|=DEBUGGER_NEEDNOTIFICATION; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void UpdatePEFileWorker(PTR_PEFile pFile); #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Instance data // ------------------------------------------------------------ PTR_AppDomain m_pDomain; PTR_PEFile m_pFile; PTR_PEFile m_pOriginalFile; // keep file alive just in case someone is sitill using it. If this is not NULL then m_pFile contains reused file from the shared assembly PTR_Module m_pModule; FileLoadLevel m_level; LOADERHANDLE m_hExposedModuleObject; class ExInfo { enum { ExType_ClrEx, ExType_HR } m_type; union { Exception *m_pEx; HRESULT m_hr; }; public: void Throw() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_type==ExType_ClrEx) { PAL_CPP_THROW(Exception *, m_pEx->DomainBoundClone()); } if (m_type==ExType_HR) ThrowHR(m_hr); _ASSERTE(!"Bad exception type"); ThrowHR(E_UNEXPECTED); }; ExInfo(Exception* pEx) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_type=ExType_ClrEx; m_pEx=pEx; }; void ConvertToHResult() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if(m_type==ExType_HR) return; _ASSERTE(m_type==ExType_ClrEx); HRESULT hr=m_pEx->GetHR(); delete m_pEx; m_hr=hr; m_type=ExType_HR; }; ~ExInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_type==ExType_ClrEx) delete m_pEx; } }* m_pError; void ReleaseManagedData() { if (m_pError) m_pError->ConvertToHResult(); }; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Lock-free enumeration of DomainFiles in an AppDomain. public: DomainFile *FindNextDomainFileWithNativeImage(); private: void InsertIntoDomainFileWithNativeImageList(); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT DWORD m_notifyflags; BOOL m_loading; // m_pDynamicMethodTable is used by the light code generation to allow method // generation on the fly. They are lazily created when/if a dynamic method is requested // for this specific module DynamicMethodTable *m_pDynamicMethodTable; class UMThunkHash *m_pUMThunkHash; BOOL m_bDisableActivationCheck; // This value is to make it easier to diagnose Assembly Loader "rejected native image" crashes. // See Dev11 bug 358184 for more details public: DWORD m_dwReasonForRejectingNativeImage; // See code:g_dwLoaderReasonForNotSharing in Assembly.cpp for a similar variable. private: #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // This value is to allow lock-free enumeration of all native images in an AppDomain Volatile m_pNextDomainFileWithNativeImage; #endif }; // These will sometimes result in a crash with error code 0x80131506 COR_E_EXECUTIONENGINE // "An internal error happened in the Common Language Runtime's Execution Engine" // Cause: Incorrectly committed to using native image for enum ReasonForRejectingNativeImage { ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_NoNiForManifestModule = 0x101, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_DependencyNotNative = 0x102, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_MscorlibNotNative = 0x103, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_FailedSecurityCheck = 0x104, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_DependencyIdentityMismatch = 0x105, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_CannotShareNiAssemblyNotDomainNeutral = 0x106, ReasonForRejectingNativeImage_NiAlreadyUsedInAnotherSharedAssembly = 0x107, }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // One of these values is specified when requesting a module iterator to customize which // modules should appear in the enumeration enum ModuleIterationOption { // include only modules that are already loaded (m_level >= FILE_LOAD_DELIVER_EVENTS) kModIterIncludeLoaded = 1, // include all modules, even those that are still in the process of loading (all m_level values) kModIterIncludeLoading = 2, // include only modules loaded just enough that profilers are notified of them. // (m_level >= FILE_LOAD_LOADLIBRARY). See comment at code:DomainFile::IsAvailableToProfilers kModIterIncludeAvailableToProfilers = 3, }; enum CMD_State { CMD_Unknown, CMD_NotNeeded, CMD_IndeedMissing, CMD_Resolved }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DomainAssembly is a subclass of DomainFile which specifically represents a assembly. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DomainAssembly : public DomainFile { VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(DomainAssembly, DomainFile); public: // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Public API // ------------------------------------------------------------ PEAssembly *GetFile() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return PTR_PEAssembly(m_pFile); } LoaderAllocator *GetLoaderAllocator() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pLoaderAllocator; } #ifdef FEATURE_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION public: CMD_State CheckMissingDependencies(); BOOL MissingDependenciesCheckDone(); #endif // FEATURE_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void ReleaseFiles(); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Finds only loaded hmods DomainFile *FindIJWModule(HMODULE hMod); void SetAssembly(Assembly* pAssembly); BOOL IsAssembly() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return TRUE; } OBJECTREF GetExposedAssemblyObjectIfExists() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(GetLoaderAllocator(), m_hExposedAssemblyObject, &objRet); return objRet; } // Returns managed representation of the assembly (Assembly or AssemblyBuilder). // Returns NULL if the managed scout was already collected (see code:LoaderAllocator#AssemblyPhases). OBJECTREF GetExposedAssemblyObject(); Assembly* GetCurrentAssembly(); Assembly* GetLoadedAssembly(); Assembly* GetAssembly(); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Modules // ------------------------------------------------------------ class ModuleIterator { ArrayList::Iterator m_i; ModuleIterationOption m_moduleIterationOption; public: BOOL Next() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; while (m_i.Next()) { if (m_i.GetElement() == NULL) { continue; } if (GetDomainFile()->IsError()) { continue; } if (m_moduleIterationOption == kModIterIncludeLoading) return TRUE; if ((m_moduleIterationOption == kModIterIncludeLoaded) && GetDomainFile()->IsLoaded()) return TRUE; if ((m_moduleIterationOption == kModIterIncludeAvailableToProfilers) && GetDomainFile()->IsAvailableToProfilers()) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Module *GetModule() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetDomainFile()->GetModule(); } Module *GetLoadedModule() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetDomainFile()->GetLoadedModule(); } DomainFile *GetDomainFile() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return dac_cast(m_i.GetElement()); } SIZE_T GetIndex() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_i.GetIndex(); } private: friend class DomainAssembly; // Cannot have constructor so this iterator can be used inside a union static ModuleIterator Create(DomainAssembly * pDomainAssembly, ModuleIterationOption moduleIterationOption) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ModuleIterator i; i.m_i = pDomainAssembly->m_Modules.Iterate(); i.m_moduleIterationOption = moduleIterationOption; return i; } }; friend class ModuleIterator; ModuleIterator IterateModules(ModuleIterationOption moduleIterationOption) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ModuleIterator::Create(this, moduleIterationOption); } DomainFile *LookupDomainFile(DWORD index) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (index >= m_Modules.GetCount()) return NULL; else return dac_cast(m_Modules.Get(index)); } Module *LookupModule(DWORD index) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DomainFile *pModule = LookupDomainFile(index); if (pModule == NULL) return NULL; else return pModule->GetModule(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Resource access // ------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL GetResource(LPCSTR szName, DWORD *cbResource, PBYTE *pbInMemoryResource, DomainAssembly** pAssemblyRef, LPCSTR *szFileName, DWORD *dwLocation, StackCrawlMark *pStackMark, BOOL fSkipSecurityCheck, BOOL fSkipRaiseResolveEvent); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Prejitting API // ------------------------------------------------------------ void GetCurrentVersionInfo(CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pZapVersionInfo); void GetOptimizedIdentitySignature(CORCOMPILE_ASSEMBLY_SIGNATURE *pSignature); BOOL CheckZapDependencyIdentities(PEImage *pNativeImage); BOOL CheckZapSecurity(PEImage *pNativeImage); BOOL CheckFileSystemTimeStamps(PEFile *pZapManifest); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Debugger control API // ------------------------------------------------------------ DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags GetDebuggerInfoBits(void) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_debuggerFlags; } void SetDebuggerInfoBits(DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags newBits) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_debuggerFlags = newBits; } void SetupDebuggingConfig(void); DWORD ComputeDebuggingConfig(void); bool GetDebuggingOverrides(DWORD *pdwFlags); HRESULT GetDebuggingCustomAttributes(DWORD *pdwFlags); BOOL IsVisibleToDebugger(); BOOL NotifyDebuggerLoad(int flags, BOOL attaching); void NotifyDebuggerUnload(); inline BOOL IsCollectible(); // // GC API // void EnumStaticGCRefs(promote_func* fn, ScanContext* sc); private: // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Loader API // ------------------------------------------------------------ friend class AppDomain; friend class Assembly; friend class AssemblyNameNative; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE public: ~DomainAssembly(); private: DomainAssembly(AppDomain *pDomain, PEFile *pFile, LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator); #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Internal routines // ------------------------------------------------------------ void SetSecurityError(Exception *ex); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void Begin(); void Allocate(); void LoadSharers(); void DeliverSyncEvents(); void DeliverAsyncEvents(); #endif void UpdatePEFile(PTR_PEFile pFile); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void FindNativeImage(); #endif #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL IsInstrumented(); public: ULONG HashIdentity(); private: BOOL ShouldLoadDomainNeutral(); BOOL ShouldLoadDomainNeutralHelper(); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Instance data // ------------------------------------------------------------ private: LOADERHANDLE m_hExposedAssemblyObject; PTR_Assembly m_pAssembly; DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags m_debuggerFlags; CMD_State m_MissingDependenciesCheckStatus; ArrayList m_Modules; BOOL m_fDebuggerUnloadStarted; BOOL m_fCollectible; Volatile m_fHostAssemblyPublished; Volatile m_fCalculatedShouldLoadDomainNeutral; Volatile m_fShouldLoadDomainNeutral; PTR_LoaderAllocator m_pLoaderAllocator; DomainAssembly* m_NextDomainAssemblyInSameALC; public: DomainAssembly* GetNextDomainAssemblyInSameALC() { return m_NextDomainAssemblyInSameALC; } void SetNextDomainAssemblyInSameALC(DomainAssembly* domainAssembly) { _ASSERTE(m_NextDomainAssemblyInSameALC == NULL); m_NextDomainAssemblyInSameALC = domainAssembly; } // Indicates if the assembly can be cached in a binding cache such as AssemblySpecBindingCache. inline bool CanUseWithBindingCache() { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; return GetFile()->CanUseWithBindingCache(); } }; typedef DomainAssembly::ModuleIterator DomainModuleIterator; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DomainModule is a subclass of DomainFile which specifically represents a module. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // _DOMAINFILE_H_