// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: DllImport.cpp // // // P/Invoke support. // #include "common.h" #include "vars.hpp" #include "stublink.h" #include "threads.h" #include "excep.h" #include "dllimport.h" #include "method.hpp" #include "siginfo.hpp" #include "comdelegate.h" #include "ceeload.h" #include "mlinfo.h" #include "eeconfig.h" #include "comutilnative.h" #include "corhost.h" #include "asmconstants.h" #include "customattribute.h" #include "ilstubcache.h" #include "typeparse.h" #include "sigbuilder.h" #include "sigformat.h" #include "strongnameholders.h" #include "ecall.h" #include #include "../md/compiler/custattr.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "runtimecallablewrapper.h" #include "clrtocomcall.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #include "compile.h" #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #include "eventtrace.h" #include "clr/fs/path.h" using namespace clr::fs; // remove when we get an updated SDK #define LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR 0x00000100 #define LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS 0x00001000 void AppendEHClause(int nClauses, COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_EH * pEHSect, ILStubEHClause * pClause, int * pCurIdx) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (pClause->kind == ILStubEHClause::kNone) return; int idx = *pCurIdx; *pCurIdx = idx + 1; CorExceptionFlag flags; switch (pClause->kind) { case ILStubEHClause::kFinally: flags = COR_ILEXCEPTION_CLAUSE_FINALLY; break; case ILStubEHClause::kTypedCatch: flags = COR_ILEXCEPTION_CLAUSE_NONE; break; default: UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected ILStubEHClause kind"); } _ASSERTE(idx < nClauses); pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].Flags = flags; pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].TryOffset = pClause->dwTryBeginOffset; pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].TryLength = pClause->cbTryLength; pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].HandlerOffset = pClause->dwHandlerBeginOffset; pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].HandlerLength = pClause->cbHandlerLength; pEHSect->Fat.Clauses[idx].ClassToken = pClause->dwTypeToken; } VOID PopulateEHSect(COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_EH * pEHSect, int nClauses, ILStubEHClause * pOne, ILStubEHClause * pTwo) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; pEHSect->Fat.Kind = (CorILMethod_Sect_EHTable | CorILMethod_Sect_FatFormat); pEHSect->Fat.DataSize = COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_EH_FAT::Size(nClauses); int curIdx = 0; AppendEHClause(nClauses, pEHSect, pOne, &curIdx); AppendEHClause(nClauses, pEHSect, pTwo, &curIdx); } StubSigDesc::StubSigDesc(MethodDesc *pMD, PInvokeStaticSigInfo* pSigInfo /*= NULL*/) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END m_pMD = pMD; if (pSigInfo != NULL) { m_sig = pSigInfo->GetSignature(); m_pModule = pSigInfo->GetModule(); } else { _ASSERTE(pMD != NULL); m_sig = pMD->GetSignature(); m_pModule = pMD->GetModule(); // Used for token resolution. } if (pMD != NULL) { m_tkMethodDef = pMD->GetMemberDef(); SigTypeContext::InitTypeContext(pMD, &m_typeContext); m_pLoaderModule = pMD->GetLoaderModule(); // Used for ILStubCache selection and MethodTable creation. } else { m_tkMethodDef = mdMethodDefNil; m_pLoaderModule = m_pModule; } INDEBUG(InitDebugNames()); } StubSigDesc::StubSigDesc(MethodDesc *pMD, Signature sig, Module *pModule) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(!sig.IsEmpty()); PRECONDITION(pModule != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END m_pMD = pMD; m_sig = sig; m_pModule = pModule; if (pMD != NULL) { m_tkMethodDef = pMD->GetMemberDef(); SigTypeContext::InitTypeContext(pMD, &m_typeContext); m_pLoaderModule = pMD->GetLoaderModule(); // Used for ILStubCache selection and MethodTable creation. } else { m_tkMethodDef = mdMethodDefNil; m_pLoaderModule = m_pModule; } INDEBUG(InitDebugNames()); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE class StubState { public: virtual void SetLastError(BOOL fSetLastError) = 0; virtual void BeginEmit(DWORD dwStubFlags) = 0; virtual void MarshalReturn(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset) = 0; virtual void MarshalArgument(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset, UINT nativeStackOffset) = 0; virtual void MarshalLCID(int argIdx) = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP virtual void MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(MarshalInfo *pInfo, BOOL isForReturnArray) = 0; virtual void MarshalFactoryReturn() = 0; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP virtual void EmitInvokeTarget(MethodDesc *pStubMD) = 0; virtual void FinishEmit(MethodDesc* pMD) = 0; virtual ~StubState() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } }; class ILStubState : public StubState { protected: ILStubState( Module* pStubModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext* pTypeContext, BOOL fTargetHasThis, BOOL fStubHasThis, DWORD dwStubFlags, int iLCIDParamIdx, MethodDesc* pTargetMD) : m_slIL(dwStubFlags, pStubModule, signature, pTypeContext, pTargetMD, iLCIDParamIdx, fTargetHasThis, fStubHasThis) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_fSetLastError = 0; } public: void SetLastError(BOOL fSetLastError) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_fSetLastError = fSetLastError; } // We use three stub linkers to generate IL stubs. The pre linker is the main one. It does all the marshaling and // then calls the target method. The post return linker is only used to unmarshal the return value after we return // from the target method. The post linker handles all the unmarshaling for by ref arguments and clean-up. It // also checks if we should throw an exception etc. // // Currently, we have two "emittable" ILCodeLabel's. The first one is at the beginning of the pre linker. This // label is used to emit code to declare and initialize clean-up flags. Each argument which requires clean-up // emits one flag. This flag is set only after the marshaling is done, and it is checked before we do any clean-up // in the finally. // // The second "emittable" ILCodeLabel is at the beginning of the post linker. It is used to emit code which is // not safe to run in the case of an exception. The rest of the post linker is wrapped in a finally, and it contains // with the necessary clean-up which should be executed in both normal and exception cases. void BeginEmit(DWORD dwStubFlags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_slIL.Begin(dwStubFlags); m_dwStubFlags = dwStubFlags; } void MarshalReturn(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInfo)); } CONTRACTL_END; pInfo->GenerateReturnIL(&m_slIL, argOffset, SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags), SF_IsFieldGetterStub(m_dwStubFlags), SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags)); } void MarshalArgument(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset, UINT nativeStackOffset) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInfo)); } CONTRACTL_END; pInfo->GenerateArgumentIL(&m_slIL, argOffset, nativeStackOffset, SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags)); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Marshal the hidden length parameter for the managed parameter in pInfo virtual void MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(MarshalInfo *pInfo, BOOL isForReturnArray) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; pInfo->MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(&m_slIL, SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags), isForReturnArray); if (SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Hidden length arguments appear explicitly in the native signature // however, they are not in the managed signature. m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam(); } } void MarshalFactoryReturn() { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(SF_IsCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)); PRECONDITION(SF_IsWinRTCtorStub(m_dwStubFlags)); } CONTRACTL_END; ILCodeStream *pcsSetup = m_slIL.GetSetupCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsDispatch = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsUnmarshal = m_slIL.GetReturnUnmarshalCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsCleanup = m_slIL.GetCleanupCodeStream(); /* * SETUP */ // create a local to hold the returned pUnk and initialize to 0 in case the factory fails // and we try to release it during cleanup LocalDesc locDescFactoryRetVal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); DWORD dwFactoryRetValLocalNum = pcsSetup->NewLocal(locDescFactoryRetVal); pcsSetup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); DWORD dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum = -1; DWORD dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum = -1; if (SF_IsWinRTCompositionStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Create locals to store the outer and inner IInspectable values and initialize to null // Note that we do this in the setup stream so that we're guaranteed to have a null-initialized // value in the cleanup stream LocalDesc locDescOuterIInspectable(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum = pcsSetup->NewLocal(locDescOuterIInspectable); pcsSetup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum); LocalDesc locDescInnerIInspectable(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum = pcsSetup->NewLocal(locDescInnerIInspectable); pcsSetup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum); } /* * DISPATCH */ // For composition factories, add the two extra params if (SF_IsWinRTCompositionStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Get outer IInspectable. The helper will return NULL if this is the "top-level" constructor, // and the appropriate outer pointer otherwise. pcsDispatch->EmitLoadThis(); m_slIL.EmitLoadStubContext(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_OUTER_INSPECTABLE, 2, 1); pcsDispatch->EmitSTLOC(dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum); // load the outer IInspectable (3rd last argument) pcsDispatch->SetStubTargetArgType(ELEMENT_TYPE_I, false); pcsDispatch->EmitLDLOC(dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum); // pass pointer to where inner non-delegating IInspectable should be stored (2nd last argument) LocalDesc locDescInnerPtr(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); locDescInnerPtr.MakeByRef(); pcsDispatch->SetStubTargetArgType(&locDescInnerPtr, false); pcsDispatch->EmitLDLOCA(dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum); } // pass pointer to the local to the factory method (last argument) locDescFactoryRetVal.MakeByRef(); pcsDispatch->SetStubTargetArgType(&locDescFactoryRetVal, false); pcsDispatch->EmitLDLOCA(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); /* * UNMARSHAL */ // Mark that the factory method has succesfully returned and so cleanup will be necessary after // this point. m_slIL.EmitSetArgMarshalIndex(pcsUnmarshal, NDirectStubLinker::CLEANUP_INDEX_RETVAL_UNMARSHAL); // associate the 'this' RCW with one of the returned interface pointers pcsUnmarshal->EmitLoadThis(); // now we need to find the right interface pointer to load if (dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum != -1) { // We may have a composition scenario ILCodeLabel* pNonCompositionLabel = pcsUnmarshal->NewCodeLabel(); ILCodeLabel* pLoadedLabel = pcsUnmarshal->NewCodeLabel(); // Did we pass an outer IInspectable? pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDLOC(dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum); pcsUnmarshal->EmitBRFALSE(pNonCompositionLabel); // yes, this is a composition scenario { // ignore the delegating interface pointer (will be released in cleanup below) - we can // re-create it by QI'ing the non-delegating one. // Note that using this could be useful in the future (avoids an extra QueryInterface call) // Just load the non-delegating interface pointer pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDLOCA(dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum); pcsUnmarshal->EmitBR(pLoadedLabel); } // else, no this is a non-composition scenario { pcsUnmarshal->EmitLabel(pNonCompositionLabel); // ignore the non-delegating interface pointer (which should be null, but will regardless get // cleaned up below in the event the factory doesn't follow the pattern properly). // Just load the regular delegating interface pointer pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDLOCA(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); } pcsUnmarshal->EmitLabel(pLoadedLabel); } else { // Definitely can't be a composition scenario - use the only pointer we have pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDLOCA(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); } pcsUnmarshal->EmitCALL(METHOD__WINDOWSRUNTIMEMARSHAL__INITIALIZE_WRAPPER, 2, 0); /* * CLEANUP */ // release the returned interface pointer in the finally block m_slIL.SetCleanupNeeded(); ILCodeLabel *pSkipCleanupLabel = pcsCleanup->NewCodeLabel(); m_slIL.EmitCheckForArgCleanup(pcsCleanup, NDirectStubLinker::CLEANUP_INDEX_RETVAL_UNMARSHAL, NDirectStubLinker::BranchIfNotMarshaled, pSkipCleanupLabel); EmitInterfaceClearNative(pcsCleanup, dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); // Note that it's a no-op to pass NULL to Clear_Native, so we call it even though we don't // know if we assigned to the inner/outer IInspectable if (dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum != -1) { EmitInterfaceClearNative(pcsCleanup, dwInnerIInspectableLocalNum); } if (dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum != -1) { EmitInterfaceClearNative(pcsCleanup, dwOuterIInspectableLocalNum); } pcsCleanup->EmitLabel(pSkipCleanupLabel); } static void EmitInterfaceClearNative(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwLocalNum) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeLabel *pSkipClearNativeLabel = pcsEmit->NewCodeLabel(); pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(dwLocalNum); pcsEmit->EmitBRFALSE(pSkipClearNativeLabel); pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(dwLocalNum); pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__INTERFACEMARSHALER__CLEAR_NATIVE, 1, 0); pcsEmit->EmitLabel(pSkipClearNativeLabel); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP void MarshalLCID(int argIdx) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeStream* pcs = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); #ifdef FEATURE_USE_LCID if (SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { if ((m_slIL.GetStubTargetCallingConv() & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS) == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS) { // the arg number will be incremented by LDARG if we are in an instance method _ASSERTE(argIdx > 0); argIdx--; } // call CultureInfo.get_CurrentCulture() pcs->EmitCALL(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__GET_CURRENT_CULTURE, 0, 1); // save the current culture LocalDesc locDescCulture(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CULTURE_INFO)); DWORD dwCultureLocalNum = pcs->NewLocal(locDescCulture); pcs->EmitSTLOC(dwCultureLocalNum); // set a new one based on the LCID passed from unmanaged pcs->EmitLDARG(argIdx); // call CultureInfo..ctor(lcid) // call CultureInfo.set_CurrentCulture(culture) pcs->EmitNEWOBJ(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__INT_CTOR, 1); pcs->EmitCALL(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__SET_CURRENT_CULTURE, 1, 0); // and restore the current one after the call m_slIL.SetCleanupNeeded(); ILCodeStream *pcsCleanup = m_slIL.GetCleanupCodeStream(); // call CultureInfo.set_CurrentCulture(original_culture) pcsCleanup->EmitLDLOC(dwCultureLocalNum); pcsCleanup->EmitCALL(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__SET_CURRENT_CULTURE, 1, 0); } else { if (SF_IsCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // We used to get LCID from current thread's culture here. The code // was replaced by the hardcoded LCID_ENGLISH_US as requested by VSTO. pcs->EmitLDC(0x0409); // LCID_ENGLISH_US } else { // call CultureInfo.get_CurrentCulture() pcs->EmitCALL(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__GET_CURRENT_CULTURE, 0, 1); //call CultureInfo.get_LCID(this) pcs->EmitCALL(METHOD__CULTURE_INFO__GET_ID, 1, 1); } } #else // FEATURE_USE_LCID if (SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { pcs->EmitLDC(0x0409); // LCID_ENGLISH_US } #endif // FEATURE_USE_LCID // add the extra arg to the unmanaged signature LocalDesc locDescNative(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4); pcs->SetStubTargetArgType(&locDescNative, false); if (SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // reverse the effect of SetStubTargetArgType on the stack delta // (the LCID argument is explicitly passed from unmanaged but does not // show up in the managed signature in any way) m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam(); } } void SwapStubSignatures(MethodDesc* pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // // Since the stub handles native-to-managed transitions, we have to swap the // stub-state-calculated stub target sig with the stub sig itself. This is // because the stub target sig represents the native signature and the stub // sig represents the managed signature. // // The first step is to convert the managed signature to a module-independent // signature and then pass it off to SetStubTargetMethodSig. Note that the // ILStubResolver will copy the sig, so we only need to make a temporary copy // of it. // SigBuilder sigBuilder; { SigPointer sigPtr(pStubMD->GetSig()); sigPtr.ConvertToInternalSignature(pStubMD->GetModule(), NULL, &sigBuilder); } // // The second step is to reset the sig on the stub MethodDesc to be the // stub-state-calculated stub target sig. // { // // make a domain-local copy of the sig so that this state can outlive the // compile time state. // DWORD cbNewSig; PCCOR_SIGNATURE pNewSig; cbNewSig = GetStubTargetMethodSigLength(); pNewSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)(void *)pStubMD->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetHighFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(cbNewSig)); memcpyNoGCRefs((void *)pNewSig, GetStubTargetMethodSig(), cbNewSig); pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->SetStoredMethodSig(pNewSig, cbNewSig); SigPointer sigPtr(pNewSig, cbNewSig); ULONG callConvInfo; IfFailThrow(sigPtr.GetCallingConvInfo(&callConvInfo)); if (callConvInfo & CORINFO_CALLCONV_HASTHIS) { ((PTR_DynamicMethodDesc)pStubMD)->m_dwExtendedFlags &= ~mdStatic; pStubMD->ClearStatic(); } else { ((PTR_DynamicMethodDesc)pStubMD)->m_dwExtendedFlags |= mdStatic; pStubMD->SetStatic(); } #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ // we store the real managed argument stack size in the stub MethodDesc on non-X86 UINT stackSize = pStubMD->SizeOfNativeArgStack(); if (!FitsInU2(stackSize)) COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_SIGTOOCOMPLEX); pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->SetNativeStackArgSize(static_cast(stackSize)); #endif // _TARGET_X86_ } DWORD cbTempModuleIndependentSigLength; BYTE * pTempModuleIndependentSig = (BYTE *)sigBuilder.GetSignature(&cbTempModuleIndependentSigLength); // Finish it SetStubTargetMethodSig(pTempModuleIndependentSig, cbTempModuleIndependentSigLength); } void EmitInvokeTarget(MethodDesc *pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_slIL.DoNDirect(m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(), m_dwStubFlags, pStubMD); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void EmitExceptionHandler(LocalDesc* pNativeReturnType, LocalDesc* pManagedReturnType, ILCodeLabel** ppTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel, ILCodeLabel ** ppCatchEndAndReturnLabel) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeStream* pcsExceptionHandler = m_slIL.NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kExceptionHandler); *ppTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel = pcsExceptionHandler->NewCodeLabel(); *ppCatchEndAndReturnLabel = pcsExceptionHandler->NewCodeLabel(); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLEAVE(*ppCatchEndAndReturnLabel); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLabel(*ppTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel); BYTE nativeReturnElemType = pNativeReturnType->ElementType[0]; // return type of the stub BYTE managedReturnElemType = pManagedReturnType->ElementType[0]; // return type of the mananged target bool returnTheHRESULT = SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags) || (managedReturnElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_I4) || (managedReturnElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_U4); DWORD retvalLocalNum = m_slIL.GetReturnValueLocalNum(); BinderMethodID getHRForException; if (SF_IsWinRTStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { getHRForException = METHOD__WINDOWSRUNTIMEMARSHAL__GET_HR_FOR_EXCEPTION; } else { getHRForException = METHOD__MARSHAL__GET_HR_FOR_EXCEPTION; } pcsExceptionHandler->EmitCALL(getHRForException, 0, // WARNING: This method takes 1 input arg, the exception object. But the ILStubLinker // has no knowledge that the exception object is on the stack (because it is // unaware that we've just entered a catch block), so we lie and claim that we // don't take any input arguments. 1); switch (nativeReturnElemType) { default: UNREACHABLE_MSG("Unexpected element type found on native return type."); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID: _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum == (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitPOP(); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: { if (!returnTheHRESULT) { pcsExceptionHandler->EmitPOP(); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDC(0); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitCONV_T((CorElementType)nativeReturnElemType); } _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitSTLOC(retvalLocalNum); } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: pcsExceptionHandler->EmitPOP(); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDC_R4(CLR_NAN_32); _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitSTLOC(retvalLocalNum); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: pcsExceptionHandler->EmitPOP(); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDC_R8(CLR_NAN_64); _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitSTLOC(retvalLocalNum); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL: { TypeHandle returnTypeHnd = pNativeReturnType->InternalToken; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(returnTypeHnd.IsValueType()); _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDLOCA(retvalLocalNum); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitINITOBJ(m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream()->GetToken(returnTypeHnd)); } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U: pcsExceptionHandler->EmitPOP(); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDC(0); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitCONV_T((CorElementType)nativeReturnElemType); _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitSTLOC(retvalLocalNum); break; } pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLEAVE(*ppCatchEndAndReturnLabel); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLabel(*ppCatchEndAndReturnLabel); if (nativeReturnElemType != ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) { _ASSERTE(retvalLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); pcsExceptionHandler->EmitLDLOC(retvalLocalNum); } pcsExceptionHandler->EmitRET(); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP void FinishEmit(MethodDesc* pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeStream* pcsMarshal = m_slIL.GetMarshalCodeStream(); ILCodeStream* pcsUnmarshal = m_slIL.GetUnmarshalCodeStream(); ILCodeStream* pcsDispatch = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); if (SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags) && m_slIL.StubHasVoidReturnType()) { // if the return type is void, but we're doing HRESULT swapping, we // need to set the return type here. Otherwise, the return value // marshaler will do this. pcsMarshal->SetStubTargetReturnType(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4); // HRESULT if (SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // reverse interop needs to seed the return value if the // managed function returns void but we're doing hresult // swapping. pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDC(S_OK); } } LocalDesc nativeReturnType; LocalDesc managedReturnType; bool hasTryCatchForHRESULT = SF_IsReverseCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsFieldGetterStub(m_dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsFieldSetterStub(m_dwStubFlags); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { m_slIL.GetStubTargetReturnType(&nativeReturnType); m_slIL.GetStubReturnType(&managedReturnType); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags) && SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForReverseInteropHRESULTSwapping(); } if (SF_IsForwardCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Compensate for the 'this' parameter. m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam(); } // Don't touch target signatures from this point on otherwise it messes up the // cache in ILStubState::GetStubTargetMethodSig. #ifdef _DEBUG { // The native and local signatures should not have any tokens. // All token references should have been converted to // ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL. // // Note that MetaSig::GetReturnType and NextArg will normalize // ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL back to CLASS or VALUETYPE. // // need to recursively check ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR signatures SigTypeContext typeContext; // this is an empty type context: COM calls are guaranteed to not be generics. MetaSig nsig( GetStubTargetMethodSig(), GetStubTargetMethodSigLength(), MscorlibBinder::GetModule(), &typeContext); CorElementType type; IfFailThrow(nsig.GetReturnProps().PeekElemType(&type)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS != type && ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE != type); while (ELEMENT_TYPE_END != (type = nsig.NextArg())) { IfFailThrow(nsig.GetArgProps().PeekElemType(&type)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS != type && ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE != type); } } #endif // _DEBUG // // The profiler helpers below must be called immediately before and after the call to the target. // The debugger trace call helpers are invoked from StubRareDisableWorker // #if defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) DWORD dwMethodDescLocalNum = (DWORD)-1; // Notify the profiler of call out of the runtime if (!SF_IsReverseCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags) && (CORProfilerTrackTransitions() || SF_IsNGENedStubForProfiling(m_dwStubFlags))) { dwMethodDescLocalNum = m_slIL.EmitProfilerBeginTransitionCallback(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); _ASSERTE(dwMethodDescLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED // For CoreClr, clear the last error before calling the target that returns last error. // There isn't always a way to know the function have failed without checking last error, // in particular on Unix. if (m_fSetLastError && SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__CLEAR_LAST_ERROR, 0, 0); } // Invoke the target (calli, call method, call delegate, get/set field, etc.) EmitInvokeTarget(pStubMD); // Saving last error must be the first thing we do after returning from the target if (m_fSetLastError && SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__SET_LAST_ERROR, 0, 0); } #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) if (SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // the delegate may have an intercept stub attached to its sync block so we should // prevent it from being garbage collected when the call is in progress pcsDispatch->EmitLoadThis(); pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__GC__KEEP_ALIVE, 1, 0); } #endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP if (SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags) && g_pConfig->InteropValidatePinnedObjects()) { // call StubHelpers.ValidateObject/StubHelpers.ValidateByref on pinned locals m_slIL.EmitObjectValidation(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); } #endif // VERIFY_HEAP #if defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) // Notify the profiler of return back into the runtime if (dwMethodDescLocalNum != (DWORD)-1) { m_slIL.EmitProfilerEndTransitionCallback(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags, dwMethodDescLocalNum); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsForwardCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Make sure that the RCW stays alive for the duration of the call. Note that if we do HRESULT // swapping, we'll pass 'this' to GetCOMHRExceptionObject after returning from the target so // GC.KeepAlive is not necessary. if (!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags)) { m_slIL.EmitLoadRCWThis(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__GC__KEEP_ALIVE, 1, 0); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(m_dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsForwardStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { ILCodeLabel* pSkipThrowLabel = pcsDispatch->NewCodeLabel(); pcsDispatch->EmitDUP(); pcsDispatch->EmitLDC(0); pcsDispatch->EmitBGE(pSkipThrowLabel); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { m_slIL.EmitLoadStubContext(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); m_slIL.EmitLoadRCWThis(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); if (SF_IsWinRTStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_HR_EXCEPTION_OBJECT_WINRT, 3, 1); } else { pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_HR_EXCEPTION_OBJECT, 3, 1); } } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_HR_EXCEPTION_OBJECT, 1, 1); } pcsDispatch->EmitTHROW(); pcsDispatch->EmitLDC(0); // keep the IL stack balanced across the branch and the fall-through pcsDispatch->EmitLabel(pSkipThrowLabel); pcsDispatch->EmitPOP(); } } m_slIL.End(m_dwStubFlags); if (!hasTryCatchForHRESULT) // we will 'leave' the try scope and then 'ret' from outside { pcsUnmarshal->EmitRET(); } CORJIT_FLAGS jitFlags(CORJIT_FLAGS::CORJIT_FLAG_IL_STUB); if (m_slIL.HasInteropParamExceptionInfo()) { // This code will not use the secret parameter, so we do not // tell the JIT to bother with it. m_slIL.ClearCode(); m_slIL.GenerateInteropParamException(pcsMarshal); } else if (SF_IsFieldGetterStub(m_dwStubFlags) || SF_IsFieldSetterStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // Field access stubs are not shared and do not use the secret parameter. } #ifndef _WIN64 else if (SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(m_dwStubFlags) || (SF_IsForwardCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags) && SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(m_dwStubFlags))) { // Forward delegate stubs get all the context they need in 'this' so they // don't use the secret parameter. Except for AMD64 where we use the secret // argument to pass the real target to the stub-for-host. } #endif // !_WIN64 else { // All other IL stubs will need to use the secret parameter. jitFlags.Set(CORJIT_FLAGS::CORJIT_FLAG_PUBLISH_SECRET_PARAM); } if (SF_IsReverseStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { SwapStubSignatures(pStubMD); } ILCodeLabel* pTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel = NULL; // try ends at the same place the catch begins ILCodeLabel* pCatchEndAndReturnLabel = NULL; // catch ends at the same place we resume afterwards #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { EmitExceptionHandler(&nativeReturnType, &managedReturnType, &pTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel, &pCatchEndAndReturnLabel); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP UINT maxStack; size_t cbCode; DWORD cbSig; BYTE * pbBuffer; BYTE * pbLocalSig; cbCode = m_slIL.Link(&maxStack); cbSig = m_slIL.GetLocalSigSize(); ILStubResolver * pResolver = pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->GetILStubResolver(); COR_ILMETHOD_DECODER * pILHeader = pResolver->AllocGeneratedIL(cbCode, cbSig, maxStack); pbBuffer = (BYTE *)pILHeader->Code; pbLocalSig = (BYTE *)pILHeader->LocalVarSig; _ASSERTE(cbSig == pILHeader->cbLocalVarSig); ILStubEHClause cleanupTryFinally = { 0 }; ILStubEHClause convertToHRTryCatch = { 0 }; m_slIL.GetCleanupFinallyOffsets(&cleanupTryFinally); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { convertToHRTryCatch.kind = ILStubEHClause::kTypedCatch; convertToHRTryCatch.dwTryBeginOffset = 0; convertToHRTryCatch.dwHandlerBeginOffset = ((DWORD)pTryEndAndCatchBeginLabel->GetCodeOffset()); convertToHRTryCatch.cbTryLength = convertToHRTryCatch.dwHandlerBeginOffset - convertToHRTryCatch.dwTryBeginOffset; convertToHRTryCatch.cbHandlerLength = ((DWORD)pCatchEndAndReturnLabel->GetCodeOffset()) - convertToHRTryCatch.dwHandlerBeginOffset; convertToHRTryCatch.dwTypeToken = pcsDispatch->GetToken(g_pObjectClass); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP int nEHClauses = 0; if (convertToHRTryCatch.cbHandlerLength != 0) nEHClauses++; if (cleanupTryFinally.cbHandlerLength != 0) nEHClauses++; if (nEHClauses > 0) { COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_EH* pEHSect = pResolver->AllocEHSect(nEHClauses); PopulateEHSect(pEHSect, nEHClauses, &cleanupTryFinally, &convertToHRTryCatch); } m_slIL.GenerateCode(pbBuffer, cbCode); m_slIL.GetLocalSig(pbLocalSig, cbSig); pResolver->SetJitFlags(jitFlags); #ifdef LOGGING LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n")); LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "NDirect IL stub dump: %s::%s\n", pStubMD->m_pszDebugClassName, pStubMD->m_pszDebugMethodName)); if (LoggingEnabled() && LoggingOn(LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000)) { CQuickBytes qbManaged; CQuickBytes qbLocal; PCCOR_SIGNATURE pManagedSig; ULONG cManagedSig; IMDInternalImport* pIMDI = MscorlibBinder::GetModule()->GetMDImport(); pStubMD->GetSig(&pManagedSig, &cManagedSig); PrettyPrintSig(pManagedSig, cManagedSig, "*", &qbManaged, pStubMD->GetMDImport(), NULL); PrettyPrintSig(pbLocalSig, cbSig, NULL, &qbLocal, pIMDI, NULL); LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "incoming managed sig: %p: %s\n", pManagedSig, qbManaged.Ptr())); LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "locals sig: %p: %s\n", pbLocalSig+1, qbLocal.Ptr())); if (cleanupTryFinally.cbHandlerLength != 0) { LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "try_begin: 0x%04x try_end: 0x%04x finally_begin: 0x%04x finally_end: 0x%04x \n", cleanupTryFinally.dwTryBeginOffset, cleanupTryFinally.dwTryBeginOffset + cleanupTryFinally.cbTryLength, cleanupTryFinally.dwHandlerBeginOffset, cleanupTryFinally.dwHandlerBeginOffset + cleanupTryFinally.cbHandlerLength)); } if (convertToHRTryCatch.cbHandlerLength != 0) { LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "try_begin: 0x%04x try_end: 0x%04x catch_begin: 0x%04x catch_end: 0x%04x type_token: 0x%08x\n", convertToHRTryCatch.dwTryBeginOffset, convertToHRTryCatch.dwTryBeginOffset + convertToHRTryCatch.cbTryLength, convertToHRTryCatch.dwHandlerBeginOffset, convertToHRTryCatch.dwHandlerBeginOffset + convertToHRTryCatch.cbHandlerLength, convertToHRTryCatch.dwTypeToken)); } LogILStubFlags(LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, m_dwStubFlags); m_slIL.LogILStub(jitFlags); } LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n")); #endif // LOGGING // // Publish ETW events for IL stubs // // If the category and the event is enabled... if (ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_DOTNETRUNTIME_PROVIDER_Context, ILStubGenerated)) { EtwOnILStubGenerated( pStubMD, pbLocalSig, cbSig, jitFlags, &convertToHRTryCatch, &cleanupTryFinally, maxStack, (DWORD)cbCode ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void EtwOnILStubGenerated( MethodDesc * pStubMD, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbLocalSig, DWORD cbSig, CORJIT_FLAGS jitFlags, ILStubEHClause * pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds, ILStubEHClause * pCleanupTryFinallyBounds, DWORD maxStack, DWORD cbCode) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // // Interop Method Information // MethodDesc *pTargetMD = m_slIL.GetTargetMD(); SString strNamespaceOrClassName, strMethodName, strMethodSignature; UINT64 uModuleId = 0; if (pTargetMD) { pTargetMD->GetMethodInfoWithNewSig(strNamespaceOrClassName, strMethodName, strMethodSignature); uModuleId = (UINT64)pTargetMD->GetModule()->GetAddrModuleID(); } // // Stub Method Signature // SString stubNamespaceOrClassName, stubMethodName, stubMethodSignature; pStubMD->GetMethodInfoWithNewSig(stubNamespaceOrClassName, stubMethodName, stubMethodSignature); IMDInternalImport *pStubImport = pStubMD->GetModule()->GetMDImport(); CQuickBytes qbLocal; PrettyPrintSig(pbLocalSig, (DWORD)cbSig, NULL, &qbLocal, pStubImport, NULL); SString strLocalSig(SString::Utf8, (LPCUTF8)qbLocal.Ptr()); // // Native Signature // SString strNativeSignature(SString::Utf8); if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_REVERSE_INTEROP) { // Reverse interop. Use StubSignature strNativeSignature = stubMethodSignature; } else { // Forward interop. Use StubTarget siganture PCCOR_SIGNATURE pCallTargetSig = GetStubTargetMethodSig(); DWORD cCallTargetSig = GetStubTargetMethodSigLength(); CQuickBytes qbCallTargetSig; PrettyPrintSig(pCallTargetSig, cCallTargetSig, "", &qbCallTargetSig, pStubImport, NULL); strNativeSignature.SetUTF8((LPCUTF8)qbCallTargetSig.Ptr()); } // // Dump IL stub code // SString strILStubCode; strILStubCode.Preallocate(4096); // Preallocate 4K bytes to avoid unnecessary growth SString codeSizeFormat; codeSizeFormat.LoadResource(CCompRC::Optional, IDS_EE_INTEROP_CODE_SIZE_COMMENT); strILStubCode.AppendPrintf(W("// %s\t%d (0x%04x)\n"), codeSizeFormat.GetUnicode(), cbCode, cbCode); strILStubCode.AppendPrintf(W(".maxstack %d \n"), maxStack); strILStubCode.AppendPrintf(W(".locals %s\n"), strLocalSig.GetUnicode()); m_slIL.LogILStub(jitFlags, &strILStubCode); if (pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->cbTryLength != 0 && pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->cbHandlerLength != 0) { strILStubCode.AppendPrintf( W(".try IL_%04x to IL_%04x catch handler IL_%04x to IL_%04x\n"), pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->dwTryBeginOffset, pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->dwTryBeginOffset + pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->cbTryLength, pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->dwHandlerBeginOffset, pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->dwHandlerBeginOffset + pConvertToHRTryCatchBounds->cbHandlerLength); } if (pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->cbTryLength != 0 && pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->cbHandlerLength != 0) { strILStubCode.AppendPrintf( W(".try IL_%04x to IL_%04x finally handler IL_%04x to IL_%04x\n"), pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->dwTryBeginOffset, pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->dwTryBeginOffset + pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->cbTryLength, pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->dwHandlerBeginOffset, pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->dwHandlerBeginOffset + pCleanupTryFinallyBounds->cbHandlerLength); } // // Fire the event // DWORD dwFlags = 0; if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_REVERSE_INTEROP) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_REVERSE_INTEROP; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COM) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_COM_INTEROP; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUB) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_NGENED_STUB; if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DELEGATE) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_DELEGATE; if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_CONVSIGASVARARG) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_VARARG; if (m_dwStubFlags & NDIRECTSTUB_FL_UNMANAGED_CALLI) dwFlags |= ETW_IL_STUB_FLAGS_UNMANAGED_CALLI; DWORD dwToken = 0; if (pTargetMD) dwToken = pTargetMD->GetMemberDef(); // // Truncate string fields. Make sure the whole event is less than 64KB // TruncateUnicodeString(strNamespaceOrClassName, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); TruncateUnicodeString(strMethodName, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); TruncateUnicodeString(strMethodSignature, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); TruncateUnicodeString(strNativeSignature, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); TruncateUnicodeString(stubMethodSignature, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); TruncateUnicodeString(strILStubCode, ETW_IL_STUB_EVENT_CODE_STRING_FIELD_MAXSIZE); // // Fire ETW event // FireEtwILStubGenerated( GetClrInstanceId(), // ClrInstanceId uModuleId, // ModuleIdentifier (UINT64)pStubMD, // StubMethodIdentifier dwFlags, // StubFlags dwToken, // ManagedInteropMethodToken strNamespaceOrClassName.GetUnicode(), // ManagedInteropMethodNamespace strMethodName.GetUnicode(), // ManagedInteropMethodName strMethodSignature.GetUnicode(), // ManagedInteropMethodSignature strNativeSignature.GetUnicode(), // NativeSignature stubMethodSignature.GetUnicode(), // StubMethodSigature strILStubCode.GetUnicode() // StubMethodILCode ); } // EtwOnILStubGenerated #ifdef LOGGING //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static inline void LogOneFlag(DWORD flags, DWORD flag, LPCSTR str, DWORD facility, DWORD level) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (flags & flag) { LOG((facility, level, str)); } } static void LogILStubFlags(DWORD facility, DWORD level, DWORD dwStubFlags) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LOG((facility, level, "dwStubFlags: 0x%08x\n", dwStubFlags)); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_CONVSIGASVARARG, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_CONVSIGASVARARG\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_BESTFIT, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_BESTFIT\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_THROWONUNMAPPABLECHAR, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_THROWONUNMAPPABLECHAR\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUB, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUB\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DELEGATE, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DELEGATE\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_REVERSE_INTEROP, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_REVERSE_INTEROP\n", facility, level); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COM, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COM\n", facility, level); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUBFORPROFILING, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUBFORPROFILING\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_GENERATEDEBUGGABLEIL, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_GENERATEDEBUGGABLEIL\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_UNMANAGED_CALLI, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_UNMANAGED_CALLI\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_TRIGGERCCTOR, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_TRIGGERCCTOR\n", facility, level); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDGETTER, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDGETTER\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDSETTER, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDSETTER\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRT, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRT\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTDELEGATE, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTDELEGATE\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTSHAREDGENERIC, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTSHAREDGENERIC\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCTOR, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCTOR\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCOMPOSITION, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCOMPOSITION\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTSTATIC, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTSTATIC\n", facility, level); LogOneFlag(dwStubFlags, NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTHASREDIRECTION, " NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTHASREDIRECTION\n", facility, level); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // // no need to log the internal flags, let's just assert what we expect to see... // CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!SF_IsCOMLateBoundStub(dwStubFlags)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!SF_IsCOMEventCallStub(dwStubFlags)); DWORD dwKnownMask = NDIRECTSTUB_FL_CONVSIGASVARARG | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_BESTFIT | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_THROWONUNMAPPABLECHAR | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUB | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DELEGATE | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_REVERSE_INTEROP | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_NGENEDSTUBFORPROFILING | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_GENERATEDEBUGGABLEIL | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_UNMANAGED_CALLI | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_TRIGGERCCTOR | #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COM | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COMLATEBOUND | // internal NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COMEVENTCALL | // internal NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDGETTER | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FIELDSETTER | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRT | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTDELEGATE | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCTOR | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTCOMPOSITION | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTSTATIC | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_WINRTHASREDIRECTION | #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP NULL; DWORD dwUnknownFlags = dwStubFlags & ~dwKnownMask; if (0 != dwUnknownFlags) { LOG((facility, level, "UNKNOWN FLAGS: 0x%08x\n", dwUnknownFlags)); } } #endif // LOGGING PCCOR_SIGNATURE GetStubTargetMethodSig() { CONTRACT(PCCOR_SIGNATURE) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_NOT_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; BYTE *pb; if (!m_qbNativeFnSigBuffer.Size()) { DWORD cb = m_slIL.GetStubTargetMethodSigSize(); pb = (BYTE *)m_qbNativeFnSigBuffer.AllocThrows(cb); m_slIL.GetStubTargetMethodSig(pb, cb); } else { pb = (BYTE*)m_qbNativeFnSigBuffer.Ptr(); } RETURN pb; } DWORD GetStubTargetMethodSigLength() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_slIL.GetStubTargetMethodSigSize(); } void SetStubTargetMethodSig(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cSig) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_slIL.SetStubTargetMethodSig(pSig, cSig); m_qbNativeFnSigBuffer.Shrink(0); } TokenLookupMap* GetTokenLookupMap() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_slIL.GetTokenLookupMap(); } protected: CQuickBytes m_qbNativeFnSigBuffer; NDirectStubLinker m_slIL; BOOL m_fSetLastError; DWORD m_dwStubFlags; }; class PInvoke_ILStubState : public ILStubState { public: PInvoke_ILStubState(Module* pStubModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, DWORD dwStubFlags, CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv, int iLCIDParamIdx, MethodDesc* pTargetMD) : ILStubState( pStubModule, signature, pTypeContext, TargetHasThis(dwStubFlags), StubHasThis(dwStubFlags), dwStubFlags, iLCIDParamIdx, pTargetMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { m_slIL.SetCallingConvention(unmgdCallConv, SF_IsVarArgStub(dwStubFlags)); } } private: static BOOL TargetHasThis(DWORD dwStubFlags) { // // in reverse pinvoke on delegate, the managed target will // have a 'this' pointer, but the unmanaged signature does // not. // return SF_IsReverseDelegateStub(dwStubFlags); } static BOOL StubHasThis(DWORD dwStubFlags) { // // in forward pinvoke on a delegate, the stub will have a // 'this' pointer, but the unmanaged target will not. // return SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(dwStubFlags); } }; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP class CLRToCOM_ILStubState : public ILStubState { public: CLRToCOM_ILStubState(Module* pStubModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, DWORD dwStubFlags, int iLCIDParamIdx, MethodDesc* pTargetMD) : ILStubState( pStubModule, signature, pTypeContext, TRUE, !SF_IsWinRTStaticStub(dwStubFlags), // fStubHasThis dwStubFlags, iLCIDParamIdx, pTargetMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { m_slIL.SetCallingConvention(pmCallConvStdcall, SF_IsVarArgStub(dwStubFlags)); } } void BeginEmit(DWORD dwStubFlags) // CLR to COM IL { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILStubState::BeginEmit(dwStubFlags); ILCodeStream *pcsDispatch = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); // add the 'this' COM IP parameter to the target CALLI m_slIL.GetMarshalCodeStream()->SetStubTargetArgType(ELEMENT_TYPE_I, false); // convert 'this' to COM IP and the target method entry point m_slIL.EmitLoadRCWThis(pcsDispatch, m_dwStubFlags); #ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_ if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // write the stub context (EEImplMethodDesc representing the Invoke) // into the secret arg so it shows up in the InlinedCallFrame and can // be used by stub for host pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT_ADDR, 0, 1); m_slIL.EmitLoadStubContext(pcsDispatch, dwStubFlags); pcsDispatch->EmitSTIND_I(); pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT, 0, 1); } else #endif // _TARGET_64BIT_ { m_slIL.EmitLoadStubContext(pcsDispatch, dwStubFlags); } pcsDispatch->EmitLDLOCA(m_slIL.GetTargetEntryPointLocalNum()); BinderMethodID getCOMIPMethod; bool fDoPostCallIPCleanup = true; if (SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags)) { // WinRT uses optimized helpers if (SF_IsWinRTSharedGenericStub(dwStubFlags)) getCOMIPMethod = METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_IP_FROM_RCW_WINRT_SHARED_GENERIC; else if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) getCOMIPMethod = METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_IP_FROM_RCW_WINRT_DELEGATE; else getCOMIPMethod = METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_IP_FROM_RCW_WINRT; // GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRT, GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRTSharedGeneric, and GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRTDelegate // always cache the COM interface pointer so no post-call cleanup is needed fDoPostCallIPCleanup = false; } else { // classic COM interop uses the non-optimized helper getCOMIPMethod = METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_COM_IP_FROM_RCW; } DWORD dwIPRequiresCleanupLocalNum = (DWORD)-1; if (fDoPostCallIPCleanup) { dwIPRequiresCleanupLocalNum = pcsDispatch->NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); pcsDispatch->EmitLDLOCA(dwIPRequiresCleanupLocalNum); // StubHelpers.GetCOMIPFromRCW(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget, out bool pfNeedsRelease) pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(getCOMIPMethod, 4, 1); } else { // StubHelpers.GetCOMIPFromRCW_WinRT*(object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, out IntPtr ppTarget) pcsDispatch->EmitCALL(getCOMIPMethod, 3, 1); } // save it because we'll need it to compute the CALLI target and release it pcsDispatch->EmitDUP(); pcsDispatch->EmitSTLOC(m_slIL.GetTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum()); if (fDoPostCallIPCleanup) { // make sure it's Release()'ed after the call m_slIL.SetCleanupNeeded(); ILCodeStream *pcsCleanup = m_slIL.GetCleanupCodeStream(); ILCodeLabel *pSkipThisCleanup = pcsCleanup->NewCodeLabel(); // and if it requires cleanup (i.e. it's not taken from the RCW cache) pcsCleanup->EmitLDLOC(dwIPRequiresCleanupLocalNum); pcsCleanup->EmitBRFALSE(pSkipThisCleanup); pcsCleanup->EmitLDLOC(m_slIL.GetTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum()); pcsCleanup->EmitCALL(METHOD__INTERFACEMARSHALER__CLEAR_NATIVE, 1, 0); pcsCleanup->EmitLabel(pSkipThisCleanup); } } }; class COMToCLR_ILStubState : public ILStubState { public: COMToCLR_ILStubState(Module* pStubModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, DWORD dwStubFlags, int iLCIDParamIdx, MethodDesc* pTargetMD) : ILStubState( pStubModule, signature, pTypeContext, TRUE, TRUE, dwStubFlags, iLCIDParamIdx, pTargetMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; } void BeginEmit(DWORD dwStubFlags) // COM to CLR IL { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILStubState::BeginEmit(dwStubFlags); if (SF_IsWinRTStaticStub(dwStubFlags)) { // we are not loading 'this' because the target is static m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam(); } else { // load this m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream()->EmitLoadThis(); } } void MarshalFactoryReturn() { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(SF_IsWinRTCtorStub(m_dwStubFlags)); } CONTRACTL_END; ILCodeStream *pcsSetup = m_slIL.GetSetupCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsDispatch = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsUnmarshal = m_slIL.GetReturnUnmarshalCodeStream(); ILCodeStream *pcsExCleanup = m_slIL.GetExceptionCleanupCodeStream(); LocalDesc locDescFactoryRetVal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); DWORD dwFactoryRetValLocalNum = pcsSetup->NewLocal(locDescFactoryRetVal); pcsSetup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); locDescFactoryRetVal.MakeByRef(); // expect one additional argument - pointer to a location that receives the created instance DWORD dwRetValArgNum = pcsDispatch->SetStubTargetArgType(&locDescFactoryRetVal, false); m_slIL.AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam(); // convert 'this' to an interface pointer corresponding to the default interface of this class pcsUnmarshal->EmitLoadThis(); pcsUnmarshal->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT, 0, 1); pcsUnmarshal->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_WINRT_FACTORY_RETURN_VALUE, 2, 1); pcsUnmarshal->EmitSTLOC(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); // assign it to the location pointed to by the argument pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDARG(dwRetValArgNum); pcsUnmarshal->EmitLDLOC(dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); pcsUnmarshal->EmitSTIND_I(); // on exception, we want to release the IInspectable's and assign NULL to output locations m_slIL.SetExceptionCleanupNeeded(); EmitInterfaceClearNative(pcsExCleanup, dwFactoryRetValLocalNum); // *retVal = NULL pcsExCleanup->EmitLDARG(dwRetValArgNum); pcsExCleanup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsExCleanup->EmitSTIND_I(); } }; class COMToCLRFieldAccess_ILStubState : public COMToCLR_ILStubState { public: COMToCLRFieldAccess_ILStubState(Module* pStubModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, DWORD dwStubFlags, FieldDesc* pFD) : COMToCLR_ILStubState( pStubModule, signature, pTypeContext, dwStubFlags, -1, NULL) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pFD != NULL); m_pFD = pFD; } void EmitInvokeTarget(MethodDesc *pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeStream* pcsDispatch = m_slIL.GetDispatchCodeStream(); if (SF_IsFieldGetterStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { pcsDispatch->EmitLDFLD(pcsDispatch->GetToken(m_pFD)); } else { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SF_IsFieldSetterStub(m_dwStubFlags)); pcsDispatch->EmitSTFLD(pcsDispatch->GetToken(m_pFD)); } } protected: FieldDesc *m_pFD; }; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP NDirectStubLinker::NDirectStubLinker( DWORD dwStubFlags, Module* pModule, const Signature &signature, SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, MethodDesc* pTargetMD, int iLCIDParamIdx, BOOL fTargetHasThis, BOOL fStubHasThis) : ILStubLinker(pModule, signature, pTypeContext, pTargetMD, fTargetHasThis, fStubHasThis, !SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags), SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)), m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel(NULL), m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel(NULL), m_pSkipExceptionCleanupLabel(NULL), #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP m_dwWinRTFactoryObjectLocalNum(-1), #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP m_fHasCleanupCode(FALSE), m_fHasExceptionCleanupCode(FALSE), m_fCleanupWorkListIsSetup(FALSE), m_targetHasThis(fTargetHasThis), m_dwThreadLocalNum(-1), m_dwCleanupWorkListLocalNum(-1), m_dwRetValLocalNum(-1), m_ErrorResID(-1), m_ErrorParamIdx(-1), m_iLCIDParamIdx(iLCIDParamIdx), m_dwStubFlags(dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_pcsSetup = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kSetup); // do any one-time setup work m_pcsMarshal = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kMarshal); // marshals arguments m_pcsDispatch = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kDispatch); // sets up arguments and makes call m_pcsRetUnmarshal = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kReturnUnmarshal); // unmarshals return value m_pcsUnmarshal = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kUnmarshal); // unmarshals arguments m_pcsExceptionCleanup = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kExceptionCleanup); // MAY NOT THROW: goes in a finally and does exception-only cleanup m_pcsCleanup = NewCodeStream(ILStubLinker::kCleanup); // MAY NOT THROW: goes in a finally and does unconditional cleanup // // Add locals m_dwArgMarshalIndexLocalNum = NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4); m_pcsMarshal->EmitLDC(0); m_pcsMarshal->EmitSTLOC(m_dwArgMarshalIndexLocalNum); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // // Forward COM interop needs a local to hold target interface pointer // if (SF_IsForwardCOMStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { m_dwTargetEntryPointLocalNum = NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); m_dwTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum = NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); m_pcsSetup->EmitLoadNullPtr(); m_pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(m_dwTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } void NDirectStubLinker::SetCallingConvention(CorPinvokeMap unmngCallConv, BOOL fIsVarArg) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ULONG uNativeCallingConv = 0; #if !defined(_TARGET_X86_) if (fIsVarArg) { // The JIT has to use a different calling convention for unmanaged vararg targets on 64-bit and ARM: // any float values must be duplicated in the corresponding general-purpose registers. uNativeCallingConv = CORINFO_CALLCONV_NATIVEVARARG; } else #endif // !_TARGET_X86_ { switch (unmngCallConv) { case pmCallConvCdecl: uNativeCallingConv = CORINFO_CALLCONV_C; break; case pmCallConvStdcall: uNativeCallingConv = CORINFO_CALLCONV_STDCALL; break; case pmCallConvThiscall: uNativeCallingConv = CORINFO_CALLCONV_THISCALL; break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Invalid calling convention."); uNativeCallingConv = CORINFO_CALLCONV_STDCALL; break; } } SetStubTargetCallingConv((CorCallingConvention)uNativeCallingConv); } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitSetArgMarshalIndex(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, UINT uArgIdx) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // // This sets our state local variable that tracks the progress of the stub execution. // In the finally block we test this variable to see what cleanup we need to do. The // variable starts with the value of 0 and is assigned the following values as the // stub executes: // // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_MARSHAL + 1 - 1st argument marshaled // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_MARSHAL + 2 - 2nd argument marshaled // ... // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_MARSHAL + n - nth argument marshaled // CLEANUP_INDEX_RETVAL_UNMARSHAL + 1 - return value unmarshaled // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_UNMARSHAL + 1 - 1st argument unmarshaled // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_UNMARSHAL + 2 - 2nd argument unmarshaled // ... // CLEANUP_INDEX_ARG0_UNMARSHAL + n - nth argument unmarshaled // CLEANUP_INDEX_ALL_DONE + 1 - ran to completion, no exception thrown // // Note: There may be gaps, i.e. if say 2nd argument does not need cleanup, the // state variable will never be assigned the corresponding value. However, the // value must always monotonically increase so we can use <=, >, etc. // pcsEmit->EmitLDC(uArgIdx + 1); pcsEmit->EmitSTLOC(m_dwArgMarshalIndexLocalNum); } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitCheckForArgCleanup(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, UINT uArgIdx, ArgCleanupBranchKind branchKind, ILCodeLabel* pSkipCleanupLabel) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; SetCleanupNeeded(); // See EmitSetArgMarshalIndex. pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(m_dwArgMarshalIndexLocalNum); pcsEmit->EmitLDC(uArgIdx); switch (branchKind) { case BranchIfMarshaled: { // we branch to the label if the argument has been marshaled pcsEmit->EmitBGT(pSkipCleanupLabel); break; } case BranchIfNotMarshaled: { // we branch to the label if the argument has not been marshaled pcsEmit->EmitBLE(pSkipCleanupLabel); break; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } } int NDirectStubLinker::GetLCIDParamIdx() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_iLCIDParamIdx; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetSetupCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsSetup; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetMarshalCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsMarshal; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetUnmarshalCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsUnmarshal; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetReturnUnmarshalCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsRetUnmarshal; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetDispatchCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsDispatch; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetCleanupCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsCleanup; } ILCodeStream* NDirectStubLinker::GetExceptionCleanupCodeStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pcsExceptionCleanup; } void NDirectStubLinker::AdjustTargetStackDeltaForExtraParam() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // // Compensate for the extra parameter. // m_iTargetStackDelta++; } void NDirectStubLinker::AdjustTargetStackDeltaForReverseInteropHRESULTSwapping() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // // In the case of reverse pinvoke, we build up the 'target' // signature as if it were normal forward pinvoke and then // switch that signature (representing the native sig) with // the stub's sig (representing the managed sig). However, // as a side-effect, our calcualted target stack delta is // wrong. // // The only way that we support a different stack delta is // through hresult swapping. So this code "undoes" the // deltas that would have been applied in that case. // if (StubHasVoidReturnType()) { // // If the managed return type is void, undo the HRESULT // return type added to our target sig for HRESULT swapping. // No extra argument will have been added because it makes // no sense to add an extra byref void argument. // m_iTargetStackDelta--; } else { // // no longer pop the extra byref argument from the stack // m_iTargetStackDelta++; } } void NDirectStubLinker::SetInteropParamExceptionInfo(UINT resID, UINT paramIdx) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // only keep the first one if (HasInteropParamExceptionInfo()) { return; } m_ErrorResID = resID; m_ErrorParamIdx = paramIdx; } bool NDirectStubLinker::HasInteropParamExceptionInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return !(((DWORD)-1 == m_ErrorResID) && ((DWORD)-1 == m_ErrorParamIdx)); } void NDirectStubLinker::GenerateInteropParamException(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; pcsEmit->EmitLDC(m_ErrorResID); pcsEmit->EmitLDC(m_ErrorParamIdx); pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__THROW_INTEROP_PARAM_EXCEPTION, 2, 0); pcsEmit->EmitLDNULL(); pcsEmit->EmitTHROW(); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP DWORD NDirectStubLinker::GetTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_dwTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); return m_dwTargetInterfacePointerLocalNum; } DWORD NDirectStubLinker::GetTargetEntryPointLocalNum() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_dwTargetEntryPointLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); return m_dwTargetEntryPointLocalNum; } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitLoadRCWThis(ILCodeStream *pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags) && (SF_IsWinRTCtorStub(dwStubFlags) || SF_IsWinRTStaticStub(dwStubFlags))) { // WinRT ctor/static stubs make the call on the factory object instead of 'this' if (m_dwWinRTFactoryObjectLocalNum == (DWORD)-1) { m_dwWinRTFactoryObjectLocalNum = NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT); // get the factory object EmitLoadStubContext(m_pcsSetup, dwStubFlags); m_pcsSetup->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_WINRT_FACTORY_OBJECT, 1, 1); m_pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(m_dwWinRTFactoryObjectLocalNum); } pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(m_dwWinRTFactoryObjectLocalNum); } else { pcsEmit->EmitLoadThis(); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP DWORD NDirectStubLinker::GetCleanupWorkListLocalNum() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_dwCleanupWorkListLocalNum != (DWORD)-1); return m_dwCleanupWorkListLocalNum; } DWORD NDirectStubLinker::GetThreadLocalNum() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (m_dwThreadLocalNum == (DWORD)-1) { // The local is created and initialized lazily when first asked. m_dwThreadLocalNum = NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); m_pcsSetup->EmitCALL(METHOD__THREAD__INTERNAL_GET_CURRENT_THREAD, 0, 1); m_pcsSetup->EmitSTLOC(m_dwThreadLocalNum); } return m_dwThreadLocalNum; } DWORD NDirectStubLinker::GetReturnValueLocalNum() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_dwRetValLocalNum; } BOOL NDirectStubLinker::IsCleanupNeeded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_fHasCleanupCode || IsCleanupWorkListSetup()); } BOOL NDirectStubLinker::IsExceptionCleanupNeeded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fHasExceptionCleanupCode; } void NDirectStubLinker::InitCleanupCode() { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(NULL == m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel); } CONTRACTL_END; m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel = NewCodeLabel(); m_pcsExceptionCleanup->EmitLabel(m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel); } void NDirectStubLinker::InitExceptionCleanupCode() { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(NULL == m_pSkipExceptionCleanupLabel); } CONTRACTL_END; SetCleanupNeeded(); // we want to skip the entire exception cleanup if no exception has been thrown m_pSkipExceptionCleanupLabel = NewCodeLabel(); EmitCheckForArgCleanup(m_pcsExceptionCleanup, CLEANUP_INDEX_ALL_DONE, BranchIfMarshaled, m_pSkipExceptionCleanupLabel); } void NDirectStubLinker::SetCleanupNeeded() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (!m_fHasCleanupCode) { m_fHasCleanupCode = TRUE; InitCleanupCode(); } } void NDirectStubLinker::SetExceptionCleanupNeeded() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (!m_fHasExceptionCleanupCode) { m_fHasExceptionCleanupCode = TRUE; InitExceptionCleanupCode(); } } void NDirectStubLinker::NeedsCleanupList() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (!IsCleanupWorkListSetup()) { m_fCleanupWorkListIsSetup = TRUE; SetCleanupNeeded(); // we setup a new local that will hold the cleanup work list LocalDesc desc(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLEANUP_WORK_LIST_ELEMENT)); m_dwCleanupWorkListLocalNum = NewLocal(desc); } } BOOL NDirectStubLinker::IsCleanupWorkListSetup () { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fCleanupWorkListIsSetup; } void NDirectStubLinker::LoadCleanupWorkList(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NeedsCleanupList(); pcsEmit->EmitLDLOCA(GetCleanupWorkListLocalNum()); } void NDirectStubLinker::Begin(DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsWinRTHasRedirection(dwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(SF_IsForwardCOMStub(dwStubFlags)); // The very first thing we need to do is check whether the call should be routed to // the marshaling stub for the corresponding projected WinRT interface. If so, we // tail-call there. m_pcsSetup->EmitLoadThis(); EmitLoadStubContext(m_pcsSetup, dwStubFlags); m_pcsSetup->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__SHOULD_CALL_WINRT_INTERFACE, 2, 1); ILCodeLabel *pNoRedirection = m_pcsSetup->NewCodeLabel(); m_pcsSetup->EmitBRFALSE(pNoRedirection); MethodDesc *pAdapterMD = WinRTInterfaceRedirector::GetStubMethodForRedirectedInterfaceMethod( GetTargetMD(), TypeHandle::Interop_ManagedToNative); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pAdapterMD != NULL && !pAdapterMD->HasMethodInstantiation()); m_pcsSetup->EmitJMP(m_pcsSetup->GetToken(pAdapterMD)); m_pcsSetup->EmitLabel(pNoRedirection); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsStubWithCctorTrigger(dwStubFlags)) { EmitLoadStubContext(m_pcsSetup, dwStubFlags); m_pcsSetup->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__INIT_DECLARING_TYPE, 1, 0); } } else { if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { // // recover delegate object from UMEntryThunk EmitLoadStubContext(m_pcsDispatch, dwStubFlags); // load UMEntryThunk* m_pcsDispatch->EmitLDC(offsetof(UMEntryThunk, m_pObjectHandle)); m_pcsDispatch->EmitADD(); m_pcsDispatch->EmitLDIND_I(); // get OBJECTHANDLE m_pcsDispatch->EmitLDIND_REF(); // get Delegate object m_pcsDispatch->EmitLDFLD(GetToken(MscorlibBinder::GetField(FIELD__DELEGATE__TARGET))); } } m_pCleanupTryBeginLabel = NewCodeLabel(); m_pcsMarshal->EmitLabel(m_pCleanupTryBeginLabel); } void NDirectStubLinker::End(DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ILCodeStream* pcs = m_pcsUnmarshal; bool hasTryCatchForHRESULT = SF_IsReverseCOMStub(dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsFieldGetterStub(dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsFieldSetterStub(dwStubFlags); // // Create a local for the return value and store the return value in it. // if (IsCleanupNeeded() || hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { // Save the return value if necessary, since the IL stack will be emptied when we leave a try block. LocalDesc locDescRetVal; if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { GetStubReturnType(&locDescRetVal); } else { GetStubTargetReturnType(&locDescRetVal); } if (!( (locDescRetVal.cbType == 1) && (locDescRetVal.ElementType[0] == ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) )) { m_dwRetValLocalNum = m_pcsRetUnmarshal->NewLocal(locDescRetVal); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags) && StubHasVoidReturnType()) { // if the target returns void and we are doing HRESULT swapping, S_OK is loaded // in the unmarshal stream m_pcsUnmarshal->EmitSTLOC(m_dwRetValLocalNum); } else { // otherwise the return value is loaded in the return unmarshal stream m_pcsRetUnmarshal->EmitSTLOC(m_dwRetValLocalNum); } } else if (hasTryCatchForHRESULT && (locDescRetVal.ElementType[0] != ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID)) { m_dwRetValLocalNum = m_pcsRetUnmarshal->NewLocal(locDescRetVal); } } // // Emit end-of-try and end-of-finally code for the try/finally // if (IsCleanupNeeded()) { m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel = NewCodeLabel(); m_pCleanupTryEndLabel = NewCodeLabel(); if (IsExceptionCleanupNeeded()) { // if we made it here, no exception has been thrown EmitSetArgMarshalIndex(m_pcsUnmarshal, CLEANUP_INDEX_ALL_DONE); } // Emit a leave at the end of the try block. If we have an outer try/catch, we need // to leave to the beginning of the ExceptionHandler code stream, which follows the // Cleanup code stream. If we don't, we can just leave to the tail end of the // Unmarshal code stream where we'll emit our RET. ILCodeLabel* pLeaveTarget = m_pCleanupTryEndLabel; if (hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { pLeaveTarget = m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel; } m_pcsUnmarshal->EmitLEAVE(pLeaveTarget); m_pcsUnmarshal->EmitLabel(m_pCleanupTryEndLabel); // Emit a call to destroy the clean-up list if needed. if (IsCleanupWorkListSetup()) { LoadCleanupWorkList(m_pcsCleanup); m_pcsCleanup->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__DESTROY_CLEANUP_LIST, 1, 0); } // Emit the endfinally. m_pcsCleanup->EmitENDFINALLY(); m_pcsCleanup->EmitLabel(m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel); } if (IsExceptionCleanupNeeded()) { m_pcsExceptionCleanup->EmitLabel(m_pSkipExceptionCleanupLabel); } // Reload the return value if ((m_dwRetValLocalNum != (DWORD)-1) && !hasTryCatchForHRESULT) { pcs->EmitLDLOC(m_dwRetValLocalNum); } } void NDirectStubLinker::DoNDirect(ILCodeStream *pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc * pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) // managed-to-native { if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) // delegate invocation { // get the delegate unmanaged target - we call a helper instead of just grabbing // the _methodPtrAux field because we may need to intercept the call for host, etc. pcsEmit->EmitLoadThis(); #ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_ // on AMD64 GetDelegateTarget will return address of the generic stub for host when we are hosted // and update the secret argument with real target - the secret arg will be embedded in the // InlinedCallFrame by the JIT and fetched via TLS->Thread->Frame->Datum by the stub for host pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT_ADDR, 0, 1); #else // !_TARGET_64BIT_ // we don't need to do this on x86 because stub for host is generated dynamically per target pcsEmit->EmitLDNULL(); #endif // !_TARGET_64BIT_ pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_DELEGATE_TARGET, 2, 1); } else // direct invocation { if (SF_IsCALLIStub(dwStubFlags)) // unmanaged CALLI { // if we ever NGEN CALLI stubs, this would have to be done differently _ASSERTE(!SF_IsNGENedStub(dwStubFlags)); // for managed-to-unmanaged CALLI that requires marshaling, the target is passed // as the secret argument to the stub by GenericPInvokeCalliHelper (asmhelpers.asm) EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); #ifdef _WIN64 // the secret arg has been shifted to left and ORed with 1 (see code:GenericPInvokeCalliHelper) pcsEmit->EmitLDC(1); pcsEmit->EmitSHR_UN(); #endif } else #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (!SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) // forward P/Invoke #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); { // Perf: inline the helper for now //pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_NDIRECT_TARGET, 1, 1); pcsEmit->EmitLDC(offsetof(NDirectMethodDesc, ndirect.m_pWriteableData)); pcsEmit->EmitADD(); if (decltype(NDirectMethodDesc::ndirect.m_pWriteableData)::isRelative) { pcsEmit->EmitDUP(); } pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_I(); if (decltype(NDirectMethodDesc::ndirect.m_pWriteableData)::isRelative) { pcsEmit->EmitADD(); } pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_I(); } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else { // this is a CLR -> COM call // the target has been computed by StubHelpers::GetCOMIPFromRCW pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(m_dwTargetEntryPointLocalNum); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } } else // native-to-managed { if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) // reverse P/Invoke via delegate { int tokDelegate_methodPtr = pcsEmit->GetToken(MscorlibBinder::GetField(FIELD__DELEGATE__METHOD_PTR)); EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); pcsEmit->EmitLDC(offsetof(UMEntryThunk, m_pObjectHandle)); pcsEmit->EmitADD(); pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_I(); // Get OBJECTHANDLE pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_REF(); // Get Delegate object pcsEmit->EmitLDFLD(tokDelegate_methodPtr); // get _methodPtr } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) // COM -> CLR call { // managed target is passed directly in the secret argument EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP else // direct reverse P/Invoke (CoreCLR hosting) { EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(0 == offsetof(UMEntryThunk, m_pManagedTarget)); // if this changes, just add back the EmitLDC/EmitADD below // pcsEmit->EmitLDC(offsetof(UMEntryThunk, m_pManagedTarget)); // pcsEmit->EmitADD(); pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_I(); // Get UMEntryThunk::m_pManagedTarget } } // For managed-to-native calls, the rest of the work is done by the JIT. It will // erect InlinedCallFrame, flip GC mode, and use the specified calling convention // to call the target. For native-to-managed calls, this is an ordinary managed // CALLI and nothing special happens. pcsEmit->EmitCALLI(TOKEN_ILSTUB_TARGET_SIG, 0, m_iTargetStackDelta); } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitLogNativeArgument(ILCodeStream* pslILEmit, DWORD dwPinnedLocal) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardPInvokeStub(m_dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(m_dwStubFlags)) { // get the secret argument via intrinsic pslILEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT, 0, 1); } else { // no secret argument pslILEmit->EmitLoadNullPtr(); } pslILEmit->EmitLDLOC(dwPinnedLocal); pslILEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__LOG_PINNED_ARGUMENT, 2, 0); } void NDirectStubLinker::GetCleanupFinallyOffsets(ILStubEHClause * pClause) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClause)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel) { _ASSERTE(m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel); _ASSERTE(m_pCleanupTryBeginLabel); _ASSERTE(m_pCleanupTryEndLabel); pClause->kind = ILStubEHClause::kFinally; pClause->dwTryBeginOffset = (DWORD)m_pCleanupTryBeginLabel->GetCodeOffset(); pClause->cbTryLength = (DWORD)m_pCleanupTryEndLabel->GetCodeOffset() - pClause->dwTryBeginOffset; pClause->dwHandlerBeginOffset = (DWORD)m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel->GetCodeOffset(); pClause->cbHandlerLength = (DWORD)m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel->GetCodeOffset() - pClause->dwHandlerBeginOffset; } } void NDirectStubLinker::ClearCode() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ILStubLinker::ClearCode(); m_pCleanupTryBeginLabel = 0; m_pCleanupTryEndLabel = 0; m_pCleanupFinallyBeginLabel = 0; m_pCleanupFinallyEndLabel = 0; } #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED DWORD NDirectStubLinker::EmitProfilerBeginTransitionCallback(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(dwStubFlags) || SF_IsCALLIStub(dwStubFlags)) { // secret argument does not contain MD nor UMEntryThunk pcsEmit->EmitLoadNullPtr(); } else { EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); } if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(GetThreadLocalNum()); } else { // we use a null pThread to indicate reverse interop pcsEmit->EmitLDC(NULL); } // In the unmanaged delegate case, we need the "this" object to retrieve the MD // in StubHelpers::ProfilerEnterCallback(). if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { pcsEmit->EmitLoadThis(); } else { EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); // load UMEntryThunk* pcsEmit->EmitLDC(offsetof(UMEntryThunk, m_pObjectHandle)); pcsEmit->EmitADD(); pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_I(); // get OBJECTHANDLE pcsEmit->EmitLDIND_REF(); // get Delegate object } } else { pcsEmit->EmitLDC(NULL); } pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__PROFILER_BEGIN_TRANSITION_CALLBACK, 3, 1); // Store the MD for StubHelpers::ProfilerLeaveCallback(). DWORD dwMethodDescLocalNum = pcsEmit->NewLocal(ELEMENT_TYPE_I); pcsEmit->EmitSTLOC(dwMethodDescLocalNum); return dwMethodDescLocalNum; } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitProfilerEndTransitionCallback(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags, DWORD dwMethodDescLocalNum) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(dwMethodDescLocalNum); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { // we use a null pThread to indicate reverse interop pcsEmit->EmitLDC(NULL); } else { pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(GetThreadLocalNum()); } pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__PROFILER_END_TRANSITION_CALLBACK, 2, 0); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPPORTED #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP void NDirectStubLinker::EmitValidateLocal(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwLocalNum, bool fIsByref, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; pcsEmit->EmitLDLOC(dwLocalNum); if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { pcsEmit->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsEmit->EmitLoadThis(); } else if (SF_IsCALLIStub(dwStubFlags)) { pcsEmit->EmitLoadNullPtr(); pcsEmit->EmitLDNULL(); } else { // P/Invoke, CLR->COM EmitLoadStubContext(pcsEmit, dwStubFlags); pcsEmit->EmitLDNULL(); } if (fIsByref) { // StubHelpers.ValidateByref(byref, pMD, pThis) pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__VALIDATE_BYREF, 3, 0); } else { // StubHelpers.ValidateObject(obj, pMD, pThis) pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__VALIDATE_OBJECT, 3, 0); } } void NDirectStubLinker::EmitObjectValidation(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // generate validation callouts for pinned locals CQuickBytes qbLocalSig; DWORD cbSig = GetLocalSigSize(); qbLocalSig.AllocThrows(cbSig); PCOR_SIGNATURE pSig = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)qbLocalSig.Ptr(); GetLocalSig(pSig, cbSig); SigPointer ptr(pSig, cbSig); IfFailThrow(ptr.GetData(NULL)); // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG ULONG numLocals; IfFailThrow(ptr.GetData(&numLocals)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < numLocals; i++) { BYTE modifier; IfFailThrow(ptr.PeekByte(&modifier)); if (modifier == ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED) { IfFailThrow(ptr.GetByte(NULL)); IfFailThrow(ptr.PeekByte(&modifier)); EmitValidateLocal(pcsEmit, i, (modifier == ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF), dwStubFlags); } IfFailThrow(ptr.SkipExactlyOne()); } } #endif // VERIFY_HEAP // Loads the 'secret argument' passed to the stub. void NDirectStubLinker::EmitLoadStubContext(ILCodeStream* pcsEmit, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!SF_IsForwardDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!SF_IsFieldGetterStub(dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsFieldSetterStub(dwStubFlags)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(dwStubFlags) && SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { // we have the delegate 'this' but we need the EEImpl/Instantiated 'Invoke' MD pointer // (Delegate.GetInvokeMethod does not return exact instantiated MD so we call our own helper) pcsEmit->EmitLoadThis(); pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_DELEGATE_INVOKE_METHOD, 1, 1); } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { // get the secret argument via intrinsic pcsEmit->EmitCALL(METHOD__STUBHELPERS__GET_STUB_CONTEXT, 0, 1); } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP class DispatchStubState : public StubState // For CLR-to-COM late-bound/eventing calls { public: DispatchStubState() : m_dwStubFlags(0), m_lateBoundFlags(0) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } void SetLastError(BOOL fSetLastError) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!fSetLastError); } void BeginEmit(DWORD dwStubFlags) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)); m_dwStubFlags = dwStubFlags; } void MarshalReturn(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInfo)); } CONTRACTL_END; } void MarshalArgument(MarshalInfo* pInfo, int argOffset, UINT nativeStackOffset) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInfo)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (SF_IsCOMLateBoundStub(m_dwStubFlags) && pInfo->GetDispWrapperType() != 0) { m_lateBoundFlags |= ComPlusCallInfo::kRequiresArgumentWrapping; } } void MarshalLCID(int argIdx) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(MarshalInfo *, BOOL) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void MarshalFactoryReturn() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREACHABLE(); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP void EmitInvokeTarget(MethodDesc *pStubMD) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UNREACHABLE_MSG("Should never come to DispatchStubState::EmitInvokeTarget"); } void FinishEmit(MethodDesc *pMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // set flags directly on the interop MD _ASSERTE(pMD->IsComPlusCall()); ((ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)pMD)->SetLateBoundFlags(m_lateBoundFlags); } protected: DWORD m_dwStubFlags; BYTE m_lateBoundFlags; // ComPlusCallMethodDesc::Flags }; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PreInit(Module* pModule, MethodTable * pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // initialize data members m_wFlags = 0; m_pModule = pModule; m_callConv = (CorPinvokeMap)0; SetBestFitMapping (TRUE); SetThrowOnUnmappableChar (FALSE); SetLinkFlags (nlfNone); SetCharSet (nltAnsi); m_error = 0; // assembly/type level m_bestFit & m_bThrowOnUnmappableChar BOOL bBestFit; BOOL bThrowOnUnmappableChar; if (pMT != NULL) { EEClass::GetBestFitMapping(pMT, &bBestFit, &bThrowOnUnmappableChar); } else { ReadBestFitCustomAttribute(m_pModule->GetMDImport(), mdTypeDefNil, &bBestFit, &bThrowOnUnmappableChar); } SetBestFitMapping (bBestFit); SetThrowOnUnmappableChar (bThrowOnUnmappableChar); } void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PreInit(MethodDesc* pMD) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; PreInit(pMD->GetModule(), pMD->GetMethodTable()); SetIsStatic (pMD->IsStatic()); m_sig = pMD->GetSignature(); if (pMD->IsEEImpl()) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pMD->GetMethodTable()->IsDelegate()); SetIsDelegateInterop(TRUE); } } PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PInvokeStaticSigInfo( MethodDesc* pMD, LPCUTF8 *pLibName, LPCUTF8 *pEntryPointName, ThrowOnError throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; DllImportInit(pMD, pLibName, pEntryPointName); if (throwOnError) ReportErrors(); } PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PInvokeStaticSigInfo(MethodDesc* pMD, ThrowOnError throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; MethodTable * pMT = pMD->GetMethodTable(); if (!pMT->IsDelegate()) { DllImportInit(pMD, NULL, NULL); return; } // initialize data members to defaults PreInit(pMD); // System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute BYTE* pData = NULL; LONG cData = 0; CorPinvokeMap callConv = (CorPinvokeMap)0; HRESULT hRESULT = pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName( pMT->GetCl(), g_UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute, (const VOID **)(&pData), (ULONG *)&cData); IfFailThrow(hRESULT); if (cData != 0) { CustomAttributeParser ca(pData, cData); CaArg args[1]; args[0].InitEnum(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_I4, (ULONG)m_callConv); IfFailGo(ParseKnownCaArgs(ca, args, lengthof(args))); enum UnmanagedFunctionPointerNamedArgs { MDA_CharSet, MDA_BestFitMapping, MDA_ThrowOnUnmappableChar, MDA_SetLastError, MDA_Last, }; CaNamedArg namedArgs[MDA_Last]; namedArgs[MDA_CharSet].InitI4FieldEnum("CharSet", "System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet", (ULONG)GetCharSet()); namedArgs[MDA_BestFitMapping].InitBoolField("BestFitMapping", (ULONG)GetBestFitMapping()); namedArgs[MDA_ThrowOnUnmappableChar].InitBoolField("ThrowOnUnmappableChar", (ULONG)GetThrowOnUnmappableChar()); namedArgs[MDA_SetLastError].InitBoolField("SetLastError", 0); IfFailGo(ParseKnownCaNamedArgs(ca, namedArgs, lengthof(namedArgs))); callConv = (CorPinvokeMap)(args[0].val.u4 << 8); CorNativeLinkType nlt = (CorNativeLinkType)0; // XXX Tue 07/19/2005 // Keep in sync with the handling of CorPInvokeMap in // PInvokeStaticSigInfo::DllImportInit. switch( namedArgs[MDA_CharSet].val.u4 ) { case 0: case nltAnsi: nlt = nltAnsi; break; case nltUnicode: nlt = nltUnicode; break; case nltAuto: #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS nlt = nltUnicode; #else nlt = nltAnsi; // We don't have a utf8 charset in metadata yet, but ANSI == UTF-8 off-Windows #endif break; default: hr = E_FAIL; goto ErrExit; } SetCharSet ( nlt ); SetBestFitMapping (namedArgs[MDA_BestFitMapping].val.u1); SetThrowOnUnmappableChar (namedArgs[MDA_ThrowOnUnmappableChar].val.u1); if (namedArgs[MDA_SetLastError].val.u1) SetLinkFlags ((CorNativeLinkFlags)(nlfLastError | GetLinkFlags())); } ErrExit: if (hr != S_OK) SetError(IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL); InitCallConv(callConv, pMD->IsVarArg()); if (throwOnError) ReportErrors(); } PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PInvokeStaticSigInfo( Signature sig, Module* pModule, ThrowOnError throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); } CONTRACTL_END; PreInit(pModule, NULL); m_sig = sig; SetIsStatic (!(MetaSig::GetCallingConvention(pModule, sig) & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS)); InitCallConv((CorPinvokeMap)0, FALSE); if (throwOnError) ReportErrors(); } void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::DllImportInit(MethodDesc* pMD, LPCUTF8 *ppLibName, LPCUTF8 *ppEntryPointName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); // These preconditions to prevent multithreaded regression // where pMD->ndirect.m_szLibName was passed in directly, cleared // by this API, then accessed on another thread before being reset here. PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppLibName, NULL_OK) && (!ppLibName || *ppLibName == NULL)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppEntryPointName, NULL_OK) && (!ppEntryPointName || *ppEntryPointName == NULL)); } CONTRACTL_END; // initialize data members to defaults PreInit(pMD); // System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport = pMD->GetMDImport(); CorPinvokeMap mappingFlags = pmMaxValue; mdModuleRef modref = mdModuleRefNil; if (FAILED(pInternalImport->GetPinvokeMap(pMD->GetMemberDef(), (DWORD*)&mappingFlags, ppEntryPointName, &modref))) { #if !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) // IJW // The guessing heuristic has been broken with NGen for a long time since we stopped loading // images at NGen time using full LoadLibrary. The DLL references are not resolved correctly // without full LoadLibrary. // // Disable the heuristic consistently during NGen so that it does not kick in by accident. if (!IsCompilationProcess()) BestGuessNDirectDefaults(pMD); #endif InitCallConv((CorPinvokeMap)0, pMD->IsVarArg()); return; } // out parameter pEntryPointName if (ppEntryPointName && *ppEntryPointName == NULL) *ppEntryPointName = pMD->GetName(); // out parameter pLibName if (ppLibName != NULL) { if (FAILED(pInternalImport->GetModuleRefProps(modref, ppLibName))) { SetError(IDS_CLASSLOAD_BADFORMAT); return; } } // m_callConv InitCallConv((CorPinvokeMap)(mappingFlags & pmCallConvMask), pMD->IsVarArg()); // m_bestFit CorPinvokeMap bestFitMask = (CorPinvokeMap)(mappingFlags & pmBestFitMask); if (bestFitMask == pmBestFitEnabled) SetBestFitMapping (TRUE); else if (bestFitMask == pmBestFitDisabled) SetBestFitMapping (FALSE); // m_bThrowOnUnmappableChar CorPinvokeMap unmappableMask = (CorPinvokeMap)(mappingFlags & pmThrowOnUnmappableCharMask); if (unmappableMask == pmThrowOnUnmappableCharEnabled) SetThrowOnUnmappableChar (TRUE); else if (unmappableMask == pmThrowOnUnmappableCharDisabled) SetThrowOnUnmappableChar (FALSE); // inkFlags : CorPinvoke -> CorNativeLinkFlags if (mappingFlags & pmSupportsLastError) SetLinkFlags ((CorNativeLinkFlags)(GetLinkFlags() | nlfLastError)); if (mappingFlags & pmNoMangle) SetLinkFlags ((CorNativeLinkFlags)(GetLinkFlags() | nlfNoMangle)); // Keep in sync with the handling of CorNativeLinkType in // PInvokeStaticSigInfo::PInvokeStaticSigInfo. // charset : CorPinvoke -> CorNativeLinkType CorPinvokeMap charSetMask = (CorPinvokeMap)(mappingFlags & (pmCharSetNotSpec | pmCharSetAnsi | pmCharSetUnicode | pmCharSetAuto)); if (charSetMask == pmCharSetNotSpec || charSetMask == pmCharSetAnsi) { SetCharSet (nltAnsi); } else if (charSetMask == pmCharSetUnicode) { SetCharSet (nltUnicode); } else if (charSetMask == pmCharSetAuto) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS SetCharSet(nltUnicode); #else SetCharSet(nltAnsi); // We don't have a utf8 charset in metadata yet, but ANSI == UTF-8 off-Windows #endif } else { SetError(IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL); } } #if !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) // IJW // This function would work, but be unused on Unix. Ifdefing out to avoid build errors due to the unused function. #if !defined (FEATURE_PAL) static LPBYTE FollowIndirect(LPBYTE pTarget) { CONTRACT(LPBYTE) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; LPBYTE pRet = NULL; EX_TRY { AVInRuntimeImplOkayHolder AVOkay; #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ if (pTarget != NULL && !(pTarget[0] != 0xff || pTarget[1] != 0x25)) { pRet = **(LPBYTE**)(pTarget + 2); } #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) if (pTarget != NULL && !(pTarget[0] != 0xff || pTarget[1] != 0x25)) { INT64 rva = *(INT32*)(pTarget + 2); pRet = *(LPBYTE*)(pTarget + 6 + rva); } #endif } EX_CATCH { // Catch AVs here. } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); RETURN pRet; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL BOOL HeuristicDoesThisLookLikeAGetLastErrorCall(LPBYTE pTarget) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) static LPBYTE pGetLastError = NULL; if (!pGetLastError) { // No need to use a holder here, since no cleanup is necessary. HMODULE hMod = CLRGetModuleHandle(WINDOWS_KERNEL32_DLLNAME_W); if (hMod) { pGetLastError = (LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(hMod, "GetLastError"); if (!pGetLastError) { // This should never happen but better to be cautious. pGetLastError = (LPBYTE)-1; } } else { // We failed to get the module handle for kernel32.dll. This is almost impossible // however better to err on the side of caution. pGetLastError = (LPBYTE)-1; } } if (pTarget == pGetLastError) return TRUE; if (pTarget == NULL) return FALSE; LPBYTE pTarget2 = FollowIndirect(pTarget); if (pTarget2) { // jmp [xxxx] - could be an import thunk return pTarget2 == pGetLastError; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL return FALSE; } DWORD STDMETHODCALLTYPE FalseGetLastError() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetThread()->m_dwLastError; } void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::BestGuessNDirectDefaults(MethodDesc* pMD) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!pMD->IsNDirect()) return; NDirectMethodDesc* pMDD = (NDirectMethodDesc*)pMD; if (!pMDD->IsEarlyBound()) return; LPVOID pTarget = NULL; // NOTE: If we get inside this block, and this is a call to GetLastError, // then InitEarlyBoundNDirectTarget has not been run yet. if (pMDD->NDirectTargetIsImportThunk()) { // Get the unmanaged callsite. pTarget = (LPVOID)pMDD->GetModule()->GetInternalPInvokeTarget(pMDD->GetRVA()); // If this is a call to GetLastError, then we haven't overwritten m_pNativeNDirectTarget yet. if (HeuristicDoesThisLookLikeAGetLastErrorCall((LPBYTE)pTarget)) pTarget = (BYTE*)FalseGetLastError; } else { pTarget = pMDD->GetNativeNDirectTarget(); } } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE inline CorPinvokeMap GetDefaultCallConv(BOOL bIsVarArg) { #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX return pmCallConvCdecl; #else // PLATFORM_UNIX return bIsVarArg ? pmCallConvCdecl : pmCallConvStdcall; #endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX } void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::InitCallConv(CorPinvokeMap callConv, BOOL bIsVarArg) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END // Convert WinAPI methods to either StdCall or CDecl based on if they are varargs or not. if (callConv == pmCallConvWinapi) callConv = GetDefaultCallConv(bIsVarArg); CorPinvokeMap sigCallConv = (CorPinvokeMap)0; BOOL fSuccess = MetaSig::GetUnmanagedCallingConvention(m_pModule, m_sig.GetRawSig(), m_sig.GetRawSigLen(), &sigCallConv); if (!fSuccess) { SetError(IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL); //Bad metadata format } // Do the same WinAPI to StdCall or CDecl for the signature calling convention as well. We need // to do this before we check to make sure the PInvoke map calling convention and the // signature calling convention match for compatibility reasons. if (sigCallConv == pmCallConvWinapi) sigCallConv = GetDefaultCallConv(bIsVarArg); if (callConv != 0 && sigCallConv != 0 && callConv != sigCallConv) SetError(IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL_CALLCONV); if (callConv == 0 && sigCallConv == 0) m_callConv = GetDefaultCallConv(bIsVarArg); else if (callConv != 0) m_callConv = callConv; else m_callConv = sigCallConv; if (bIsVarArg && m_callConv != pmCallConvCdecl) SetError(IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL_VARARGS_CALLCONV); } void PInvokeStaticSigInfo::ReportErrors() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_error != 0) COMPlusThrow(kTypeLoadException, m_error); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Does a class or method have a NAT_L CustomAttribute? // // S_OK = yes // S_FALSE = no // FAILED = unknown because something failed. //--------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ HRESULT NDirect::HasNAT_LAttribute(IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport, mdToken token, DWORD dwMemberAttrs) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInternalImport)); PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtMethodDef); } CONTRACTL_END; // Check method flags first before trying to find the custom value if (!IsReallyMdPinvokeImpl(dwMemberAttrs)) return S_FALSE; DWORD mappingFlags; LPCSTR pszImportName; mdModuleRef modref; if (SUCCEEDED(pInternalImport->GetPinvokeMap(token, &mappingFlags, &pszImportName, &modref))) return S_OK; return S_FALSE; } // Either MD or signature & module must be given. /*static*/ BOOL NDirect::MarshalingRequired(MethodDesc *pMD, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig /*= NULL*/, Module *pModule /*= NULL*/) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(pMD != NULL || (pSig != NULL && pModule != NULL)); } CONTRACTL_END; // As a by-product, when returning FALSE we will also set the native stack size to the MD if it's // an NDirectMethodDesc. This number is needed to link the P/Invoke (it determines the @n entry // point name suffix and affects alignment thunk generation on the Mac). If this method returns // TRUE, the stack size will be set when building the marshaling IL stub. DWORD dwStackSize = 0; CorPinvokeMap callConv = (CorPinvokeMap)0; if (pMD != NULL) { if (pMD->IsNDirect() || pMD->IsComPlusCall()) { // HRESULT swapping is handled by stub if ((pMD->GetImplAttrs() & miPreserveSig) == 0) return TRUE; } // SetLastError is handled by stub PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo(pMD); if (sigInfo.GetLinkFlags() & nlfLastError) return TRUE; // LCID argument is handled by stub if (GetLCIDParameterIndex(pMD) != -1) return TRUE; // making sure that cctor has run may be handled by stub if (pMD->IsNDirect() && ((NDirectMethodDesc *)pMD)->IsClassConstructorTriggeredByILStub()) return TRUE; callConv = sigInfo.GetCallConv(); } if (pSig == NULL) { PREFIX_ASSUME(pMD != NULL); pSig = pMD->GetSig(); pModule = pMD->GetModule(); } // Check to make certain that the signature only contains types that marshal trivially SigPointer ptr(pSig); IfFailThrow(ptr.GetCallingConvInfo(NULL)); ULONG numArgs; IfFailThrow(ptr.GetData(&numArgs)); numArgs++; // +1 for return type // We'll need to parse parameter native types mdParamDef *pParamTokenArray = (mdParamDef *)_alloca(numArgs * sizeof(mdParamDef)); IMDInternalImport *pMDImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); SigTypeContext emptyTypeContext; mdMethodDef methodToken = mdMethodDefNil; if (pMD != NULL) { methodToken = pMD->GetMemberDef(); } CollateParamTokens(pMDImport, methodToken, numArgs - 1, pParamTokenArray); for (ULONG i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { SigPointer arg = ptr; CorElementType type; IfFailThrow(arg.PeekElemType(&type)); switch (type) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR: { IfFailThrow(arg.GetElemType(NULL)); // skip ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR IfFailThrow(arg.PeekElemType(&type)); if (type == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { if ((arg.HasCustomModifier(pModule, "Microsoft.VisualC.NeedsCopyConstructorModifier", ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD)) || (arg.HasCustomModifier(pModule, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsCopyConstructed", ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD))) { return TRUE; } } if (i > 0) dwStackSize += sizeof(SLOT); break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL: // this check is not functional in DAC and provides no security against a malicious dump // the DAC is prepared to receive an invalid type handle #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (pModule->IsSigInIL(arg.GetPtr())) THROW_BAD_FORMAT(BFA_BAD_SIGNATURE, (Module*)pModule); #endif /* Fall thru */ case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { TypeHandle hndArgType = arg.GetTypeHandleThrowing(pModule, &emptyTypeContext); // JIT can handle internal blittable value types if (!hndArgType.IsBlittable() && !hndArgType.IsEnum()) { return TRUE; } #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN_COMPILER if (IsReadyToRunCompilation()) { if (!hndArgType.AsMethodTable()->IsLayoutInCurrentVersionBubble()) return TRUE; } #endif // return value is fine as long as it can be normalized to an integer if (i == 0) { CorElementType normalizedType = hndArgType.GetInternalCorElementType(); if (normalizedType == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { // it is a structure even after normalization return TRUE; } } else { dwStackSize += StackElemSize(hndArgType.GetSize()); } break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: { // Bool requires marshaling // Char may require marshaling (MARSHAL_TYPE_ANSICHAR) return TRUE; } default: { if (CorTypeInfo::IsPrimitiveType(type) || type == ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR) { if (i > 0) dwStackSize += StackElemSize(CorTypeInfo::Size(type)); } else { // other non-primitive type - requires marshaling return TRUE; } } } // check for explicit MarshalAs NativeTypeParamInfo paramInfo; if (pParamTokenArray[i] != mdParamDefNil) { if (!ParseNativeTypeInfo(pParamTokenArray[i], pMDImport, ¶mInfo) || paramInfo.m_NativeType != NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT) { // Presence of MarshalAs does not necessitate marshaling (it could as well be the default // for the type), but it's a good enough heuristic. We definitely don't want to duplicate // the logic from code:MarshalInfo.MarshalInfo here. return TRUE; } } IfFailThrow(ptr.SkipExactlyOne()); } if (!FitsInU2(dwStackSize)) return TRUE; // do not set the stack size for varargs - the number is call site specific if (pMD != NULL && !pMD->IsVarArg()) { if (pMD->IsNDirect()) { ((NDirectMethodDesc *)pMD)->SetStackArgumentSize(static_cast(dwStackSize), callConv); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pMD->IsComPlusCall()) { // calling convention is always stdcall ((ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)pMD)->SetStackArgumentSize(static_cast(dwStackSize)); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } return FALSE; } // factorization of CreateNDirectStubWorker static MarshalInfo::MarshalType DoMarshalReturnValue(MetaSig& msig, mdParamDef* params, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags, UINT argidx, // this is used for reverse pinvoke hresult swapping StubState* pss, BOOL isInstanceMethod, int argOffset, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc *pMD, UINT& nativeStackOffset, bool& fStubNeedsCOM, int nativeArgIndex DEBUG_ARG(LPCUTF8 pDebugName) DEBUG_ARG(LPCUTF8 pDebugClassName) ) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(params)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pss)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; MarshalInfo::MarshalType marshalType = (MarshalInfo::MarshalType) 0xcccccccc; MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags)) ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_WINRT; else ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP; } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_NDIRECT; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsWinRTCtorStub(dwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(msig.GetReturnType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID); _ASSERTE(SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)); pss->MarshalFactoryReturn(); nativeStackOffset += sizeof(LPVOID); if (SF_IsWinRTCompositionStub(dwStubFlags)) { nativeStackOffset += 2 * sizeof(LPVOID); } } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (msig.GetReturnType() != ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) { MarshalInfo returnInfo(msig.GetModule(), msig.GetReturnProps(), msig.GetSigTypeContext(), params[0], ms, nlType, nlFlags, FALSE, argidx, msig.NumFixedArgs(), SF_IsBestFit(dwStubFlags), SF_IsThrowOnUnmappableChar(dwStubFlags), TRUE, isInstanceMethod, pMD, TRUE DEBUG_ARG(pDebugName) DEBUG_ARG(pDebugClassName) DEBUG_ARG(0) ); marshalType = returnInfo.GetMarshalType(); fStubNeedsCOM |= returnInfo.MarshalerRequiresCOM(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_HIDDENLENGTHARRAY) { // Hidden length arrays are only valid with HRESULT swapping if (!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_COM_UNSUPPORTED_SIG); } // We should be safe to cast here - giant signatures will fail to marashal later with IDS_EE_SIGTOOCOMPLEX returnInfo.SetHiddenLengthParamIndex(static_cast(nativeArgIndex)); // Inject the hidden argument so that it winds up at the end of the method signature pss->MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(&returnInfo, TRUE); nativeStackOffset += returnInfo.GetHiddenLengthParamStackSize(); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { ++argOffset; } } if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { // We don't support native methods that return VARIANTs, non-blittable structs, GUIDs, or DECIMALs directly. if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_OBJECT || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_VALUECLASS || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_GUID || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_DECIMAL) { if (!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsCOMLateBoundStub(dwStubFlags)) { COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_COM_UNSUPPORTED_SIG); } } pss->MarshalReturn(&returnInfo, argOffset); } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_BLITTABLEVALUECLASS || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_VALUECLASS || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_GUID || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_DECIMAL #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_DATETIME #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP ) { if (SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { // V1 restriction: we could implement this but it's late in the game to do so. COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_UNSUPPORTED_SIG); } } else if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_CURRENCY || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_ARRAYWITHOFFSET || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_ARGITERATOR #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_OLECOLOR #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP ) { // Each of these types are non-blittable and according to its managed size should be returned in a return buffer on x86 in stdcall. // However, its native size is small enough to be returned by-value. // We don't know the native type representation early enough to get this correct, so we throw an exception here. COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_UNSUPPORTED_SIG); } else if (IsUnsupportedTypedrefReturn(msig)) { COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_UNSUPPORTED_SIG); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_OBJECT && !SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { // No support for returning variants. This is a V1 restriction, due to the late date, // don't want to add the special-case code to support this in light of low demand. COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NOVARIANTRETURN); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP pss->MarshalReturn(&returnInfo, argOffset); } } return marshalType; } static inline UINT GetStackOffsetFromStackSize(UINT stackSize, bool fThisCall) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ if (fThisCall) { // -1 means that the argument is not on the stack return (stackSize >= sizeof(SLOT) ? (stackSize - sizeof(SLOT)) : (UINT)-1); } #endif // _TARGET_X86_ return stackSize; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP struct HiddenParameterInfo { MarshalInfo *pManagedParam; // Managed parameter which required the hidden parameter int nativeIndex; // 0 based index into the native method signature where the hidden parameter should be injected }; // Get the indexes of any hidden length parameters to be marshaled for the method // // At return, each value in the ppParamIndexes array is a 0 based index into the native method signature where // the length parameter for a hidden length array should be passed. The MarshalInfo objects will also be // updated such that they all have explicit marshaling information. // // The caller is responsible for freeing the memory pointed to by ppParamIndexes void CheckForHiddenParameters(DWORD cParamMarshalInfo, __in_ecount(cParamMarshalInfo) MarshalInfo *pParamMarshalInfo, __out DWORD *pcHiddenNativeParameters, __out HiddenParameterInfo **ppHiddenNativeParameters) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParamMarshalInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pcHiddenNativeParameters)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppHiddenNativeParameters)); } CONTRACTL_END; NewArrayHolder hiddenParamInfo(new HiddenParameterInfo[cParamMarshalInfo]); DWORD foundInfoCount = 0; for (DWORD iParam = 0; iParam < cParamMarshalInfo; ++iParam) { // Look for hidden length arrays, which all require additional parameters to be added if (pParamMarshalInfo[iParam].GetMarshalType() == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_HIDDENLENGTHARRAY) { DWORD currentNativeIndex = iParam + foundInfoCount; // The location of the length parameter is implicitly just before the array pointer. // We'll give it our current index, and bumping the found count will push us back a slot. // We should be safe to cast here - giant signatures will fail to marashal later with IDS_EE_SIGTOOCOMPLEX pParamMarshalInfo[iParam].SetHiddenLengthParamIndex(static_cast(currentNativeIndex)); hiddenParamInfo[foundInfoCount].nativeIndex = pParamMarshalInfo[iParam].HiddenLengthParamIndex(); hiddenParamInfo[foundInfoCount].pManagedParam = &(pParamMarshalInfo[iParam]); ++foundInfoCount; } } *pcHiddenNativeParameters = foundInfoCount; *ppHiddenNativeParameters = hiddenParamInfo.Extract(); } bool IsHiddenParameter(int nativeArgIndex, DWORD cHiddenParameters, __in_ecount(cHiddenParameters) HiddenParameterInfo *pHiddenParameters, __out HiddenParameterInfo **ppHiddenParameterInfo) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(cHiddenParameters == 0 || CheckPointer(pHiddenParameters)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppHiddenParameterInfo)); } CONTRACTL_END; *ppHiddenParameterInfo = NULL; for (DWORD i = 0; i < cHiddenParameters; ++i) { _ASSERTE(pHiddenParameters[i].nativeIndex != -1); if (pHiddenParameters[i].nativeIndex == nativeArgIndex) { *ppHiddenParameterInfo = &(pHiddenParameters[i]); return true; } } return false; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //--------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a new stub for a N/Direct call. Return refcount is 1. // Note that this function may now throw if it fails to create // a stub. //--------------------------------------------------------- static void CreateNDirectStubWorker(StubState* pss, StubSigDesc* pSigDesc, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags, CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc *pMD, mdParamDef* pParamTokenArray, int iLCIDArg ) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pss)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSigDesc)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(!pMD || pMD->IsILStub() || (0 != pMD->GetMethodTable()->IsDelegate()) == SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)); } CONTRACTL_END; SF_ConsistencyCheck(dwStubFlags); #ifdef _DEBUG if (g_pConfig->ShouldBreakOnInteropStubSetup(pSigDesc->m_pDebugName)) CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSGF(false, ("BreakOnInteropStubSetup: '%s' ", pSigDesc->m_pDebugName)); #endif // _DEBUG Stub* pstub = NULL; if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(0 == nlType); _ASSERTE(0 == nlFlags); _ASSERTE(0 == unmgdCallConv); } else { _ASSERTE(nlType == nltAnsi || nlType == nltUnicode); } Module *pModule = pSigDesc->m_pModule; // // Set up signature walking objects. // MetaSig msig(pSigDesc->m_sig, pModule, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext); if (SF_IsVarArgStub(dwStubFlags)) msig.SetTreatAsVarArg(); bool fThisCall = (unmgdCallConv == pmCallConvThiscall); pss->SetLastError(nlFlags & nlfLastError); // This has been in the product since forward P/Invoke via delegates was // introduced. It's wrong, but please keep it for backward compatibility. if (SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) pss->SetLastError(TRUE); pss->BeginEmit(dwStubFlags); if (-1 != iLCIDArg) { // LCID is not supported on WinRT _ASSERTE(!SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags)); // The code to handle the LCID will call MarshalLCID before calling MarshalArgument // on the argument the LCID should go after. So we just bump up the index here. iLCIDArg++; } int numArgs = msig.NumFixedArgs(); // thiscall must have at least one parameter (the "this") if (fThisCall && numArgs == 0) COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL_THISCALL); // // Now, emit the IL. // int argOffset = 0; MarshalInfo::MarshalType marshalType = (MarshalInfo::MarshalType) 0xcccccccc; // // Marshal the return value. // UINT nativeStackSize = (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags) ? sizeof(SLOT) : 0); bool fHasCopyCtorArgs = false; bool fStubNeedsCOM = SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags); // Normally we would like this to be false so that we use the correct signature // in the IL_STUB, (i.e if it returns a value class then the signature will use that) // When this bool is true we change the return type to void and explicitly add a // return buffer argument as the first argument so as to match the native calling convention correctly. BOOL fMarshalReturnValueFirst = FALSE; BOOL fReverseWithReturnBufferArg = FALSE; // Only consider ThisCall methods to be instance methods. // Techinically COM methods are also instance methods, but we don't want to change the behavior of the built-in // COM abi work because there are many users that rely on the current behavior (for example WPF). bool isInstanceMethod = fThisCall; // We can only change fMarshalReturnValueFirst to true when we are NOT doing HRESULT-swapping! // When we are HRESULT-swapping, the managed return type is actually the type of the last parameter and not the return type. // The native return type of an HRESULT-swapped function is an HRESULT, which never uses a return-buffer argument. // Since the managed return type is actually the last parameter, we need to marshal it after the last parameter in the managed signature // to make sure we match the native signature correctly (when marshalling parameters, we add them to the native stub signature). if (!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { // We cannot just use pSig.GetReturnType() here since it will return ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE for enums. bool isReturnTypeValueType = msig.GetRetTypeHandleThrowing().GetVerifierCorElementType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_) // JIT32 has problems in generating code for pinvoke ILStubs which do a return in return buffer. // Therefore instead we change the signature of calli to return void and make the return buffer as first // argument. This matches the ABI i.e. return buffer is passed as first arg. So native target will get the // return buffer in correct register. // The return structure secret arg comes first, however byvalue return is processed at // the end because it could be the HRESULT-swapped argument which always comes last. #ifdef UNIX_X86_ABI // For functions with value type class, managed and unmanaged calling convention differ fMarshalReturnValueFirst = HasRetBuffArgUnmanagedFixup(&msig); #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) fMarshalReturnValueFirst = HasRetBuffArg(&msig); #else // On Windows-X86, the native signature might need a return buffer when the managed doesn't (specifically when the native signature is a member function). fMarshalReturnValueFirst = HasRetBuffArg(&msig) || (isInstanceMethod && isReturnTypeValueType); #endif // UNIX_X86_ABI #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_ARM64_) fMarshalReturnValueFirst = isInstanceMethod && isReturnTypeValueType; #endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_) #ifdef _WIN32 fReverseWithReturnBufferArg = fMarshalReturnValueFirst && SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags); #endif } // // Marshal the arguments // MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags)) ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_WINRT; else ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP; } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { ms = MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_NDIRECT; } // Build up marshaling information for each of the method's parameters SIZE_T cbParamMarshalInfo; if (!ClrSafeInt::multiply(sizeof(MarshalInfo), numArgs, cbParamMarshalInfo)) { COMPlusThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); } NewArrayHolder pbParamMarshalInfo(new BYTE[cbParamMarshalInfo]); MarshalInfo *pParamMarshalInfo = reinterpret_cast(pbParamMarshalInfo.GetValue()); MetaSig paramInfoMSig(msig); for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) { paramInfoMSig.NextArg(); new(&(pParamMarshalInfo[i])) MarshalInfo(paramInfoMSig.GetModule(), paramInfoMSig.GetArgProps(), paramInfoMSig.GetSigTypeContext(), pParamTokenArray[i + 1], ms, nlType, nlFlags, TRUE, i + 1, numArgs, SF_IsBestFit(dwStubFlags), SF_IsThrowOnUnmappableChar(dwStubFlags), TRUE, isInstanceMethod ? TRUE : FALSE, pMD, TRUE DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugName) DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugClassName) DEBUG_ARG(i + 1)); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Check to see if we need to inject any additional hidden parameters DWORD cHiddenNativeParameters; NewArrayHolder pHiddenNativeParameters; CheckForHiddenParameters(numArgs, pParamMarshalInfo, &cHiddenNativeParameters, &pHiddenNativeParameters); // Hidden parameters and LCID do not mix _ASSERTE(!(cHiddenNativeParameters > 0 && iLCIDArg != -1)); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Marshal the parameters int argidx = 1; int nativeArgIndex = 0; // If we are generating a return buffer on a member function that is marked as thiscall (as opposed to being a COM method) // then we need to marshal the this parameter first and the return buffer second. // We don't need to do this for COM methods because the "this" is implied as argument 0 by the signature of the stub. if (fThisCall && fMarshalReturnValueFirst) { msig.NextArg(); MarshalInfo &info = pParamMarshalInfo[argidx - 1]; pss->MarshalArgument(&info, argOffset, GetStackOffsetFromStackSize(nativeStackSize, fThisCall)); nativeStackSize += info.GetNativeArgSize(); fStubNeedsCOM |= info.MarshalerRequiresCOM(); // make sure that the first parameter is enregisterable if (info.GetNativeArgSize() > sizeof(SLOT)) COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL_THISCALL); argidx++; } // If we're doing a native->managed call and are generating a return buffer, // we need to move all of the actual arguments over one and have the return value be the first argument (after the this pointer if applicable). if (fReverseWithReturnBufferArg) { ++argOffset; } if (fMarshalReturnValueFirst) { marshalType = DoMarshalReturnValue(msig, pParamTokenArray, nlType, nlFlags, 0, pss, isInstanceMethod, argOffset, dwStubFlags, pMD, nativeStackSize, fStubNeedsCOM, 0 DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugName) DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugClassName) ); if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_DATE || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_CURRENCY || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_ARRAYWITHOFFSET || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_HANDLEREF || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_ARGITERATOR #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_OLECOLOR #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP ) { // These are special non-blittable types returned by-ref in managed, // but marshaled as primitive values returned by-value in unmanaged. } else { // This is an ordinary value type - see if it is returned by-ref. MethodTable *pRetMT = msig.GetRetTypeHandleThrowing().AsMethodTable(); if (IsUnmanagedValueTypeReturnedByRef(pRetMT->GetNativeSize())) { nativeStackSize += sizeof(LPVOID); } } } while (argidx <= numArgs) { #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP HiddenParameterInfo *pHiddenParameter; // Check to see if we need to inject a hidden parameter if (IsHiddenParameter(nativeArgIndex, cHiddenNativeParameters, pHiddenNativeParameters, &pHiddenParameter)) { pss->MarshalHiddenLengthArgument(pHiddenParameter->pManagedParam, FALSE); nativeStackSize += pHiddenParameter->pManagedParam->GetHiddenLengthParamStackSize(); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { ++argOffset; } } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { // // Check to see if this is the parameter after which we need to insert the LCID. // if (argidx == iLCIDArg) { pss->MarshalLCID(argidx); nativeStackSize += sizeof(LPVOID); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) argOffset++; } msig.NextArg(); MarshalInfo &info = pParamMarshalInfo[argidx - 1]; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // For the hidden-length array, length parameters must occur before the parameter containing the array pointer _ASSERTE(info.GetMarshalType() != MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_HIDDENLENGTHARRAY || nativeArgIndex > info.HiddenLengthParamIndex()); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP pss->MarshalArgument(&info, argOffset, GetStackOffsetFromStackSize(nativeStackSize, fThisCall)); nativeStackSize += info.GetNativeArgSize(); fStubNeedsCOM |= info.MarshalerRequiresCOM(); if (fThisCall && argidx == 1) { // make sure that the first parameter is enregisterable if (info.GetNativeArgSize() > sizeof(SLOT)) COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_BADNATL_THISCALL); } fHasCopyCtorArgs = info.GetMarshalType() == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_BLITTABLEVALUECLASSWITHCOPYCTOR ? TRUE : FALSE; argidx++; } ++nativeArgIndex; } // Check to see if this is the parameter after which we need to insert the LCID. if (argidx == iLCIDArg) { pss->MarshalLCID(argidx); nativeStackSize += sizeof(LPVOID); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) argOffset++; } if (!fMarshalReturnValueFirst) { // This could be a HRESULT-swapped argument so it must come last. marshalType = DoMarshalReturnValue(msig, pParamTokenArray, nlType, nlFlags, argidx, pss, isInstanceMethod, argOffset, dwStubFlags, pMD, nativeStackSize, fStubNeedsCOM, nativeArgIndex DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugName) DEBUG_ARG(pSigDesc->m_pDebugClassName) ); // If the return value is a SafeHandle or CriticalHandle, mark the stub method. // Interop methods that use this stub will have an implicit reliability contract // (see code:TAStackCrawlCallBack). if (!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { if (marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_SAFEHANDLE || marshalType == MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_TYPE_CRITICALHANDLE) { if (pMD->IsDynamicMethod()) pMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->SetUnbreakable(true); } } } if (SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(dwStubFlags)) { if (msig.GetReturnType() != ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) nativeStackSize += sizeof(LPVOID); } if (pMD->IsDynamicMethod()) { // Set the native stack size to the IL stub MD. It is needed for alignment // thunk generation on the Mac and stdcall name decoration on Windows. // We do not store it directly in the interop MethodDesc here because due // to sharing we come here only for the first call with given signature and // the target MD may even be NULL. #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ if (fThisCall) { _ASSERTE(nativeStackSize >= sizeof(SLOT)); nativeStackSize -= sizeof(SLOT); } #else // _TARGET_X86_ // // The algorithm to compute nativeStackSize on the fly is x86-specific. // Recompute the correct size for other platforms from the stub signature. // if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags)) { // It would be nice to compute the correct value for forward stubs too. // The value is only used in MarshalNative::NumParamBytes right now, // and changing what MarshalNative::NumParamBytes returns is // a potential breaking change. } else { // native stack size is updated in code:ILStubState.SwapStubSignatures } #endif // _TARGET_X86_ if (!FitsInU2(nativeStackSize)) COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_SIGTOOCOMPLEX); DynamicMethodDesc *pDMD = pMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc(); pDMD->SetNativeStackArgSize(static_cast(nativeStackSize)); pDMD->SetHasCopyCtorArgs(fHasCopyCtorArgs); pDMD->SetStubNeedsCOMStarted(fStubNeedsCOM); } // FinishEmit needs to know the native stack arg size so we call it after the number // has been set in the stub MD (code:DynamicMethodDesc.SetNativeStackArgSize) pss->FinishEmit(pMD); } class NDirectStubHashBlob : public ILStubHashBlobBase { public: Module* m_pModule; WORD m_unmgdCallConv; BYTE m_nlType; // C_ASSERTS are in NDirect::CreateHashBlob BYTE m_nlFlags; DWORD m_StubFlags; INT32 m_iLCIDArg; INT32 m_nParams; BYTE m_rgbSigAndParamData[1]; // (dwParamAttr, cbNativeType) // length: number of parameters // NativeTypeBlob // length: number of parameters // BYTE m_rgbSigData[]; // length: determined by sig walk }; // For better performance and less memory fragmentation, // I'm using structure here to avoid allocating 3 different arrays. struct ParamInfo { DWORD dwParamAttr; ULONG cbNativeType; PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType; }; ILStubHashBlob* NDirect::CreateHashBlob(NDirectStubParameters* pParams) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NDirectStubHashBlob* pBlob; IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport = pParams->m_pModule->GetMDImport(); CQuickBytes paramInfoBytes; paramInfoBytes.AllocThrows(sizeof(ParamInfo)*pParams->m_nParamTokens); ParamInfo *paramInfos = (ParamInfo *)paramInfoBytes.Ptr(); ::ZeroMemory(paramInfos, sizeof(ParamInfo) * pParams->m_nParamTokens); size_t cbNativeTypeTotal = 0; // // Collect information for function parameters // for (int idx = 0; idx < pParams->m_nParamTokens; idx++) { mdParamDef token = pParams->m_pParamTokenArray[idx]; if (TypeFromToken(token) == mdtParamDef && mdParamDefNil != token) { USHORT usSequence_Ignore; // We don't need usSequence in the hash as the param array is already sorted LPCSTR szParamName_Ignore; IfFailThrow(pInternalImport->GetParamDefProps(token, &usSequence_Ignore, ¶mInfos[idx].dwParamAttr, &szParamName_Ignore)); if (paramInfos[idx].dwParamAttr & pdHasFieldMarshal) { IfFailThrow(pInternalImport->GetFieldMarshal(token, ¶mInfos[idx].pvNativeType, ¶mInfos[idx].cbNativeType)); cbNativeTypeTotal += paramInfos[idx].cbNativeType; } } } SigPointer sigPtr = pParams->m_sig.CreateSigPointer(); // note that ConvertToInternalSignature also resolves generics so different instantiations will get different // hash blobs for methods that have generic parameters in their signature SigBuilder sigBuilder; sigPtr.ConvertToInternalSignature(pParams->m_pModule, pParams->m_pTypeContext, &sigBuilder, /* bSkipCustomModifier = */ FALSE); DWORD cbSig; PVOID pSig = sigBuilder.GetSignature(&cbSig); // // Build hash blob for IL stub sharing // S_SIZE_T cbSizeOfBlob = S_SIZE_T(offsetof(NDirectStubHashBlob, m_rgbSigAndParamData)) + S_SIZE_T(sizeof(ULONG)) * S_SIZE_T(pParams->m_nParamTokens) + // Parameter attributes S_SIZE_T(sizeof(DWORD)) * S_SIZE_T(pParams->m_nParamTokens) + // Native type blob size S_SIZE_T(cbNativeTypeTotal) + // Native type blob data S_SIZE_T(cbSig); // Signature if (cbSizeOfBlob.IsOverflow()) COMPlusThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); static_assert_no_msg(nltMaxValue <= 0xFF); static_assert_no_msg(nlfMaxValue <= 0xFF); static_assert_no_msg(pmMaxValue <= 0xFFFF); NewArrayHolder pBytes = new BYTE[cbSizeOfBlob.Value()]; // zero out the hash bytes to ensure all bit fields are deterministically set ZeroMemory(pBytes, cbSizeOfBlob.Value()); pBlob = (NDirectStubHashBlob*)(BYTE*)pBytes; pBlob->m_pModule = NULL; if (SF_IsNGENedStub(pParams->m_dwStubFlags)) { // don't share across modules if we are ngening the stub pBlob->m_pModule = pParams->m_pModule; } pBlob->m_cbSizeOfBlob = cbSizeOfBlob.Value(); pBlob->m_unmgdCallConv = static_cast(pParams->m_unmgdCallConv); pBlob->m_nlType = static_cast(pParams->m_nlType); pBlob->m_nlFlags = static_cast(pParams->m_nlFlags & ~nlfNoMangle); // this flag does not affect the stub pBlob->m_iLCIDArg = pParams->m_iLCIDArg; pBlob->m_StubFlags = pParams->m_dwStubFlags; pBlob->m_nParams = pParams->m_nParamTokens; BYTE* pBlobParams = &pBlob->m_rgbSigAndParamData[0]; // // Write (dwParamAttr, cbNativeType) for parameters // // Note that these need to be aligned and it is why they are written before the byte blobs // I'm putting asserts here so that it will assert even in non-IA64 platforms to catch bugs // _ASSERTE((DWORD_PTR)pBlobParams % sizeof(DWORD) == 0); _ASSERTE(sizeof(DWORD) == sizeof(ULONG)); for (int i = 0; i < pParams->m_nParamTokens; ++i) { // We only care about In/Out/HasFieldMarshal // Other attr are about optional/default values which are not used in marshalling, // but only used in compilers *((DWORD *)pBlobParams) = paramInfos[i].dwParamAttr & (pdIn | pdOut | pdHasFieldMarshal); pBlobParams += sizeof(DWORD); *((ULONG *)pBlobParams) = paramInfos[i].cbNativeType; pBlobParams += sizeof(ULONG); } // // Write native type blob for parameters // for (int i = 0; i < pParams->m_nParamTokens; ++i) { memcpy(pBlobParams, paramInfos[i].pvNativeType, paramInfos[i].cbNativeType); pBlobParams += paramInfos[i].cbNativeType; } // // Copy signature // memcpy(pBlobParams, pSig, cbSig); // Verify that we indeed have reached the end _ASSERTE(pBlobParams + cbSig == (BYTE *)pBlob + cbSizeOfBlob.Value()); pBytes.SuppressRelease(); return (ILStubHashBlob*)pBlob; } // static inline ILStubCache* NDirect::GetILStubCache(NDirectStubParameters* pParams) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Use the m_pLoaderModule instead of m_pModule // They could be different for methods on generic types. return pParams->m_pLoaderModule->GetILStubCache(); } // static MethodDesc* NDirect::GetStubMethodDesc( MethodDesc *pTargetMD, NDirectStubParameters* pParams, ILStubHashBlob* pHashParams, AllocMemTracker* pamTracker, bool& bILStubCreator, MethodDesc* pLastMD) { CONTRACT(MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams)); PRECONDITION(!pParams->m_sig.IsEmpty()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams->m_pModule)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pTargetMD, NULL_OK)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; MethodDesc* pMD; ILStubCache* pCache = NDirect::GetILStubCache(pParams); pMD = pCache->GetStubMethodDesc(pTargetMD, pHashParams, pParams->m_dwStubFlags, pParams->m_pModule, pParams->m_sig.GetRawSig(), pParams->m_sig.GetRawSigLen(), pamTracker, bILStubCreator, pLastMD); RETURN pMD; } // static void NDirect::RemoveILStubCacheEntry(NDirectStubParameters* pParams, ILStubHashBlob* pHashParams) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHashParams)); PRECONDITION(!pParams->m_sig.IsEmpty()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams->m_pModule)); } CONTRACTL_END; LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO1000, "Exception happened when generating IL of stub clr!CreateInteropILStub StubMD: %p, HashBlob: %p \n", pParams, pHashParams)); ILStubCache* pCache = NDirect::GetILStubCache(pParams); pCache->DeleteEntry(pHashParams); } // static void NDirect::AddMethodDescChunkWithLockTaken(NDirectStubParameters* pParams, MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams)); PRECONDITION(!pParams->m_sig.IsEmpty()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pParams->m_pModule)); } CONTRACTL_END; ILStubCache* pCache = NDirect::GetILStubCache(pParams); pCache->AddMethodDescChunkWithLockTaken(pMD); } // // Additional factorization of CreateNDirectStub. This hoists all the metadata accesses // into one location so that we can leave CreateNDirectStubWorker to just generate the // IL. This allows us to cache a stub based on the inputs to CreateNDirectStubWorker // instead of having to generate the IL first before doing the caching. // void CreateNDirectStubAccessMetadata(StubSigDesc* pSigDesc, // IN CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv, // IN DWORD* pdwStubFlags, // IN/OUT int* piLCIDArg, // OUT int* pNumArgs // OUT ) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (SF_IsCOMStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(0 == unmgdCallConv); } else { if (unmgdCallConv != pmCallConvStdcall && unmgdCallConv != pmCallConvCdecl && unmgdCallConv != pmCallConvThiscall) { COMPlusThrow(kTypeLoadException, IDS_INVALID_PINVOKE_CALLCONV); } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsDelegateStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(!SF_IsWinRTStub(*pdwStubFlags)); if (pSigDesc->m_pMD->GetMethodTable()->IsProjectedFromWinRT()) { // We do not allow P/Invoking via WinRT delegates to better segregate WinRT // from classic interop scenarios. COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_DELEGATEPINVOKE_WINRT); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP MetaSig msig(pSigDesc->m_sig, pSigDesc->m_pModule, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext); if (SF_IsVarArgStub(*pdwStubFlags)) msig.SetTreatAsVarArg(); (*pNumArgs) = msig.NumFixedArgs(); IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport = pSigDesc->m_pModule->GetMDImport(); _ASSERTE(!SF_IsHRESULTSwapping(*pdwStubFlags)); mdMethodDef md = pSigDesc->m_tkMethodDef; if (md != mdMethodDefNil) { DWORD dwDescrOffset; DWORD dwImplFlags; IfFailThrow(pInternalImport->GetMethodImplProps( md, &dwDescrOffset, &dwImplFlags)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsWinRTStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { // All WinRT methods do HRESULT swapping if (IsMiPreserveSig(dwImplFlags)) { COMPlusThrow(kMarshalDirectiveException, IDS_EE_PRESERVESIG_WINRT); } (*pdwStubFlags) |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING; } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsReverseStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { // only COM-to-CLR call supports hresult swapping in the reverse direction if (SF_IsCOMStub(*pdwStubFlags) && !IsMiPreserveSig(dwImplFlags)) { (*pdwStubFlags) |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING; } } else { // fwd pinvoke, fwd com interop support hresult swapping. // delegate to an unmanaged method does not. if (!IsMiPreserveSig(dwImplFlags) && !SF_IsDelegateStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { (*pdwStubFlags) |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING; } } } if (pSigDesc->m_pMD != NULL) { (*piLCIDArg) = GetLCIDParameterIndex(pSigDesc->m_pMD); } else { (*piLCIDArg) = -1; } // Check to see if we need to do LCID conversion. if ((*piLCIDArg) != -1 && (*piLCIDArg) > (*pNumArgs)) { COMPlusThrow(kIndexOutOfRangeException, IDS_EE_INVALIDLCIDPARAM); } if (SF_IsCOMStub(*pdwStubFlags) && !SF_IsWinRTStaticStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(msig.HasThis()); } else { if (msig.HasThis() && !SF_IsDelegateStub(*pdwStubFlags)) { COMPlusThrow(kInvalidProgramException, VLDTR_E_FMD_PINVOKENOTSTATIC); } } } void NDirect::PopulateNDirectMethodDesc(NDirectMethodDesc* pNMD, PInvokeStaticSigInfo* pSigInfo, BOOL throwOnError /*= TRUE*/) { if (pNMD->IsSynchronized() && throwOnError) COMPlusThrow(kTypeLoadException, IDS_EE_NOSYNCHRONIZED); WORD ndirectflags = 0; if (pNMD->MethodDesc::IsVarArg()) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kVarArgs; LPCUTF8 szLibName = NULL, szEntryPointName = NULL; new (pSigInfo) PInvokeStaticSigInfo(pNMD, &szLibName, &szEntryPointName, (throwOnError ? PInvokeStaticSigInfo::THROW_ON_ERROR : PInvokeStaticSigInfo::NO_THROW_ON_ERROR)); if (pSigInfo->GetCharSet() == nltAnsi) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kNativeAnsi; CorNativeLinkFlags linkflags = pSigInfo->GetLinkFlags(); if (linkflags & nlfLastError) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kLastError; if (linkflags & nlfNoMangle) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kNativeNoMangle; CorPinvokeMap callConv = pSigInfo->GetCallConv(); if (callConv == pmCallConvStdcall) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kStdCall; if (callConv == pmCallConvThiscall) ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kThisCall; if (pNMD->GetLoaderModule()->IsSystem() && strcmp(szLibName, "QCall") == 0) { ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kIsQCall; } else { EnsureWritablePages(&pNMD->ndirect); pNMD->ndirect.m_pszLibName.SetValueMaybeNull(szLibName); pNMD->ndirect.m_pszEntrypointName.SetValueMaybeNull(szEntryPointName); } #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ if (ndirectflags & NDirectMethodDesc::kStdCall) { // Compute the kStdCallWithRetBuf flag which is needed at link time for entry point mangling. MetaSig msig(pNMD); ArgIterator argit(&msig); if (argit.HasRetBuffArg()) { MethodTable *pRetMT = msig.GetRetTypeHandleThrowing().AsMethodTable(); if (IsUnmanagedValueTypeReturnedByRef(pRetMT->GetNativeSize())) { ndirectflags |= NDirectMethodDesc::kStdCallWithRetBuf; } } } #endif // _TARGET_X86_ // Call this exactly ONCE per thread. Do not publish incomplete prestub flags // or you will introduce a race condition. pNMD->InterlockedSetNDirectFlags(ndirectflags); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Find the MethodDesc of the predefined IL stub method by either // 1) looking at redirected adapter interfaces, OR // 2) looking at special attributes for the specific interop scenario (specified by dwStubFlags). // Currently only ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute is supported. // It returns NULL if no such attribute(s) can be found. // But if the attribute is found and is invalid, or something went wrong in the looking up // process, an exception will be thrown. If everything goes well, you'll get the MethodDesc // of the stub method HRESULT FindPredefinedILStubMethod(MethodDesc *pTargetMD, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc **ppRetStubMD) { CONTRACT(HRESULT) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pTargetMD)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppRetStubMD)); PRECONDITION(*ppRetStubMD == NULL); } CONTRACT_END; HRESULT hr; MethodTable *pTargetMT = pTargetMD->GetMethodTable(); // Check if this is a redirected interface - we have static stubs in mscorlib for those. if (SF_IsForwardCOMStub(dwStubFlags) && pTargetMT->IsInterface()) { // Redirect generic redirected interfaces to the corresponding adapter methods in mscorlib if (pTargetMT->HasInstantiation()) { MethodDesc *pAdapterMD = WinRTInterfaceRedirector::GetStubMethodForRedirectedInterfaceMethod(pTargetMD, TypeHandle::Interop_ManagedToNative); if (pAdapterMD != NULL) { *ppRetStubMD = pAdapterMD; return S_OK; } } } // // Find out if we have the attribute // const void *pBytes; ULONG cbBytes; // Support v-table forward classic COM interop calls only if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags) && SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags) && !SF_IsWinRTStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (pTargetMT->HasInstantiation()) { // ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute is not supported with generics return E_FAIL; } if (pTargetMD->IsFCall()) { // ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute is not supported on FCalls (i.e. methods on legacy // interfaces forwarded to CustomMarshalers.dll such as IEnumerable::GetEnumerator) return E_FAIL; } _ASSERTE(pTargetMD->IsComPlusCall()); if (pTargetMD->IsInterface()) { _ASSERTE(!pTargetMD->GetAssembly()->IsWinMD()); hr = pTargetMD->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName( pTargetMD->GetMemberDef(), FORWARD_INTEROP_STUB_METHOD_TYPE, &pBytes, &cbBytes); if (FAILED(hr)) RETURN hr; // GetCustomAttributeByName returns S_FALSE when it cannot find the attribute but nothing fails... // Translate that to E_FAIL else if (hr == S_FALSE) RETURN E_FAIL; } else { // We are dealing with the class, use the interface MD instead // After second thought I believe we don't need to check the class MD. // We can think stubs as part of public interface, and if the interface is public, // the stubs should also be accessible MethodDesc *pInterfaceMD = pTargetMD->GetInterfaceMD(); if (pInterfaceMD) { hr = FindPredefinedILStubMethod(pInterfaceMD, dwStubFlags, ppRetStubMD); RETURN hr; } else RETURN E_FAIL; } } else RETURN E_FAIL; // // Parse the attribute // CustomAttributeParser parser(pBytes, cbBytes); IfFailRet(parser.SkipProlog()); LPCUTF8 pTypeName; ULONG cbTypeName; IfFailRet(parser.GetNonEmptyString(&pTypeName, &cbTypeName)); LPCUTF8 pMethodName; ULONG cbMethodName; IfFailRet(parser.GetNonEmptyString(&pMethodName, &cbMethodName)); StackSString typeName(SString::Utf8, pTypeName, cbTypeName); StackSString methodName(SString::Utf8, pMethodName, cbMethodName); // // Retrieve the type // TypeHandle stubClassType; stubClassType = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(typeName.GetUnicode(), pTargetMT->GetAssembly()); MethodTable *pStubClassMT = stubClassType.AsMethodTable(); StackSString stubClassName; pStubClassMT->_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAware(stubClassName); StackSString targetInterfaceName; pTargetMT->_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAware(targetInterfaceName); // Restrict to same assembly only to reduce test cost if (stubClassType.GetAssembly() != pTargetMT->GetAssembly()) { COMPlusThrow( kArgumentException, IDS_EE_INTEROP_STUB_CA_MUST_BE_WITHIN_SAME_ASSEMBLY, stubClassName.GetUnicode(), targetInterfaceName.GetUnicode() ); } if (stubClassType.HasInstantiation()) { COMPlusThrow( kArgumentException, IDS_EE_INTEROP_STUB_CA_STUB_CLASS_MUST_NOT_BE_GENERIC, stubClassName.GetUnicode() ); } if (stubClassType.IsInterface()) { COMPlusThrow( kArgumentException, IDS_EE_INTEROP_STUB_CA_STUB_CLASS_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERFACE, stubClassName.GetUnicode() ); } // // Locate the MethodDesc for the stub method // MethodDesc *pStubMD = NULL; { PCCOR_SIGNATURE pTargetSig = NULL; DWORD pcTargetSig = 0; SigTypeContext typeContext; // NO generics supported pTargetMD->GetSig(&pTargetSig, &pcTargetSig); MetaSig msig(pTargetSig, pcTargetSig, pTargetMD->GetModule(), &typeContext); _ASSERTE(msig.HasThis()); SigBuilder stubSigBuilder; // // Append calling Convention, NumOfArgs + 1, // stubSigBuilder.AppendByte(msig.GetCallingConvention() & ~IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS); stubSigBuilder.AppendData(msig.NumFixedArgs() + 1); // // Append return type // SigPointer pReturn = msig.GetReturnProps(); LPBYTE pReturnTypeBegin = (LPBYTE)pReturn.GetPtr(); IfFailThrow(pReturn.SkipExactlyOne()); LPBYTE pReturnTypeEnd = (LPBYTE)pReturn.GetPtr(); stubSigBuilder.AppendBlob(pReturnTypeBegin, pReturnTypeEnd - pReturnTypeBegin); // // Append 'this' // stubSigBuilder.AppendElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS); stubSigBuilder.AppendToken(pTargetMT->GetCl()); // // Copy rest of the arguments // if (msig.NextArg() != ELEMENT_TYPE_END) { SigPointer pFirstArg = msig.GetArgProps(); LPBYTE pArgBegin = (LPBYTE) pFirstArg.GetPtr(); LPBYTE pArgEnd = (LPBYTE) pTargetSig + pcTargetSig; stubSigBuilder.AppendBlob(pArgBegin, pArgEnd - pArgBegin); } // // Allocate new memory and copy over // DWORD pcStubSig = 0; PCCOR_SIGNATURE pStubSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) stubSigBuilder.GetSignature(&pcStubSig); // // Find method using name + signature // StackScratchBuffer buffer; LPCUTF8 szMethodNameUTF8 = methodName.GetUTF8(buffer); pStubMD = MemberLoader::FindMethod(stubClassType.GetMethodTable(), szMethodNameUTF8, pStubSig, pcStubSig, pTargetMT->GetModule()); if (pStubMD == NULL) { CQuickBytes qbSig; PrettyPrintSig( pStubSig, pcStubSig, szMethodNameUTF8, &qbSig, pTargetMD->GetMDImport(), NULL); // Unfortunately the PrettyPrintSig doesn't print 'static' when the function is static // so we need to append 'static' here. No need to localize SString signature(SString::Utf8, (LPCUTF8)"static "); signature.AppendUTF8((LPCUTF8) qbSig.Ptr()); COMPlusThrow( kMissingMethodException, IDS_EE_INTEROP_STUB_CA_STUB_METHOD_MISSING, signature.GetUnicode(), stubClassName.GetUnicode() ); } } // // Check the Stub MD // // Verify that the target interop method can call the stub method _ASSERTE(pTargetMD != NULL); StaticAccessCheckContext accessContext(pTargetMD, pTargetMT); if (!ClassLoader::CanAccess( &accessContext, pStubClassMT, stubClassType.GetAssembly(), pStubMD->GetAttrs(), pStubMD, NULL)) { StackSString interopMethodName(SString::Utf8, pTargetMD->GetName()); COMPlusThrow( kMethodAccessException, IDS_EE_INTEROP_STUB_CA_NO_ACCESS_TO_STUB_METHOD, interopMethodName.GetUnicode(), methodName.GetUnicode() ); } // The FindMethod call will make sure that it is static by matching signature. // So there is no need to check and throw _ASSERTE(pStubMD->IsStatic()); *ppRetStubMD = pStubMD; RETURN S_OK; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP MethodDesc* CreateInteropILStub( ILStubState* pss, StubSigDesc* pSigDesc, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags, CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv, DWORD dwStubFlags, // NDirectStubFlags int nParamTokens, mdParamDef* pParamTokenArray, int iLCIDArg ) { CONTRACT(MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSigDesc)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; /////////////////////////////// // // MethodDesc creation // /////////////////////////////// MethodDesc* pStubMD = NULL; Module* pModule = pSigDesc->m_pModule; Module* pLoaderModule = pSigDesc->m_pLoaderModule; MethodDesc* pTargetMD = pSigDesc->m_pMD; // // pTargetMD may be null in the case of calli pinvoke // and vararg pinvoke. // #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // // Try to locate predefined IL stub either defined in user code or hardcoded in CLR // If there is one, use the pointed method as the stub. // Skip pTargetMD == NULL case for reverse interop calls // if (pTargetMD && SUCCEEDED(FindPredefinedILStubMethod(pTargetMD, dwStubFlags, &pStubMD))) { #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // We are about to execute method in pStubMD which could be in another module. // Call EnsureActive before make the call // This cannot be done during NGEN/PEVerify (in PASSIVE_DOMAIN) so I've moved it here pStubMD->EnsureActive(); if (pStubMD->IsPreImplemented()) RestoreNGENedStub(pStubMD); #endif RETURN pStubMD; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Otherwise, fall back to generating IL stub on-the-fly NDirectStubParameters params(pSigDesc->m_sig, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext, pModule, pLoaderModule, nlType, nlFlags, unmgdCallConv, dwStubFlags, nParamTokens, pParamTokenArray, iLCIDArg ); // The following two ILStubCreatorHelperHolder are to recover the status when an // exception happen during the generation of the IL stubs. We need to free the // memory allocated and restore the ILStubCache. // // The following block is logically divided into two phases. The first phase is // CreateOrGet IL Stub phase which we take a domain level lock. The second phase // is IL generation phase which we take a MethodDesc level lock. Taking two locks // is mainly designed for performance. // // ilStubCreatorHelper contains an instance of AllocMemTracker which tracks the // allocated memory during the creation of MethodDesc so that we are able to remove // them when releasing the ILStubCreatorHelperHolder or destructing ILStubCreatorHelper // When removing IL Stub from Cache, we have a constraint that only the thread which // creates the stub can remove it. Otherwise, any thread hits cache and gets the stub will // remove it from cache if OOM occurs { ILStubCreatorHelper ilStubCreatorHelper(pTargetMD, ¶ms); // take the domain level lock ListLockHolder pILStubLock(pLoaderModule->GetDomain()->GetILStubGenLock()); { // The holder will free the allocated MethodDesc and restore the ILStubCache // if exception happen. ILStubCreatorHelperHolder pCreateOrGetStubHolder(&ilStubCreatorHelper); pStubMD = pCreateOrGetStubHolder->GetStubMD(); /////////////////////////////// // // IL generation // /////////////////////////////// { // take the MethodDesc level locker ListLockEntryHolder pEntry(ListLockEntry::Find(pILStubLock, pStubMD, "il stub gen lock")); ListLockEntryLockHolder pEntryLock(pEntry, FALSE); // We can release the holder for the first phase now pCreateOrGetStubHolder.SuppressRelease(); { // The holder will free the allocated MethodDesc and restore the ILStubCache // if exception happen. The reason to get the holder again is to ILStubCreatorHelperHolder pGenILHolder(&ilStubCreatorHelper); if (!pEntryLock.DeadlockAwareAcquire()) { // the IL generation is not recursive! UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected deadlock in IL stub generation!"); } if (SF_IsSharedStub(params.m_dwStubFlags)) { // Assure that pStubMD we have now has not been destroyed by other threads pGenILHolder->GetStubMethodDesc(); while (pStubMD != pGenILHolder->GetStubMD()) { pStubMD = pGenILHolder->GetStubMD(); pEntry.Assign(ListLockEntry::Find(pILStubLock, pStubMD, "il stub gen lock")); pEntryLock.Assign(pEntry, FALSE); if (!pEntryLock.DeadlockAwareAcquire()) { // the IL generation is not recursive! UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected deadlock in IL stub generation!"); } pGenILHolder->GetStubMethodDesc(); } } for (;;) { // We have the entry lock now, we can release the global lock pILStubLock.Release(); if (pEntry->m_hrResultCode != S_FALSE) { // We came in to generate the IL but someone // beat us so there's nothing to do break; } ILStubResolver* pResolver = pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->GetILStubResolver(); CONSISTENCY_CHECK((NULL == pResolver->GetStubMethodDesc()) || (pStubMD == pResolver->GetStubMethodDesc())); if (pResolver->IsILGenerated()) { // this stub already has its IL generated break; } // // Check that the stub signature and MethodDesc are compatible. The JIT // interface functions depend on this. // { SigPointer ptr = pSigDesc->m_sig.CreateSigPointer(); ULONG callConvInfo; IfFailThrow(ptr.GetCallingConvInfo(&callConvInfo)); BOOL fSigIsStatic = !(callConvInfo & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS); // CreateNDirectStubWorker will throw an exception for these cases. BOOL fCanHaveThis = SF_IsDelegateStub(dwStubFlags) || SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags); if (fSigIsStatic || fCanHaveThis) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pStubMD->IsStatic() == (DWORD)fSigIsStatic); } } { ILStubGenHolder sgh(pResolver); pResolver->SetStubMethodDesc(pStubMD); pResolver->SetStubTargetMethodDesc(pTargetMD); CreateNDirectStubWorker(pss, pSigDesc, nlType, nlFlags, unmgdCallConv, dwStubFlags, pStubMD, pParamTokenArray, iLCIDArg); pResolver->SetTokenLookupMap(pss->GetTokenLookupMap()); pResolver->SetStubTargetMethodSig( pss->GetStubTargetMethodSig(), pss->GetStubTargetMethodSigLength()); // we successfully generated the IL stub sgh.SuppressRelease(); } pEntry->m_hrResultCode = S_OK; break; } // Link the MethodDesc onto the method table with the lock taken NDirect::AddMethodDescChunkWithLockTaken(¶ms, pStubMD); pGenILHolder.SuppressRelease(); } } } ilStubCreatorHelper.SuppressRelease(); } #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) if (SF_IsForwardStub(dwStubFlags) && pTargetMD != NULL && !pTargetMD->IsVarArg()) { // copy the stack arg byte count from the stub MD to the target MD - this number is computed // during stub generation and is copied to all target MDs that share the stub // (we don't set it for varargs - the number is call site specific) // also copy the "takes parameters with copy constructors" flag which is needed to generate // appropriate intercept stub WORD cbStackArgSize = pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->GetNativeStackArgSize(); BOOL fHasCopyCtorArgs = pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->HasCopyCtorArgs(); if (pTargetMD->IsNDirect()) { NDirectMethodDesc *pTargetNMD = (NDirectMethodDesc *)pTargetMD; pTargetNMD->SetStackArgumentSize(cbStackArgSize, (CorPinvokeMap)0); pTargetNMD->SetHasCopyCtorArgs(fHasCopyCtorArgs); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else { if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { ComPlusCallInfo *pComInfo = ComPlusCallInfo::FromMethodDesc(pTargetMD); if (pComInfo != NULL) { pComInfo->SetStackArgumentSize(cbStackArgSize); pComInfo->SetHasCopyCtorArgs(fHasCopyCtorArgs); } } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } #endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) RETURN pStubMD; } MethodDesc* NDirect::CreateCLRToNativeILStub( StubSigDesc* pSigDesc, CorNativeLinkType nlType, CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags, CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv, DWORD dwStubFlags) // NDirectStubFlags { CONTRACT(MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSigDesc)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; int iLCIDArg = 0; int numArgs = 0; int numParamTokens = 0; mdParamDef* pParamTokenArray = NULL; CreateNDirectStubAccessMetadata(pSigDesc, unmgdCallConv, &dwStubFlags, &iLCIDArg, &numArgs); Module *pModule = pSigDesc->m_pModule; numParamTokens = numArgs + 1; pParamTokenArray = (mdParamDef*)_alloca(numParamTokens * sizeof(mdParamDef)); CollateParamTokens(pModule->GetMDImport(), pSigDesc->m_tkMethodDef, numArgs, pParamTokenArray); MethodDesc *pMD = pSigDesc->m_pMD; NewHolder pStubState; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { pStubState = new COMToCLR_ILStubState(pModule, pSigDesc->m_sig, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext, dwStubFlags, iLCIDArg, pMD); } else { pStubState = new CLRToCOM_ILStubState(pModule, pSigDesc->m_sig, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext, dwStubFlags, iLCIDArg, pMD); } } else #endif { pStubState = new PInvoke_ILStubState(pModule, pSigDesc->m_sig, &pSigDesc->m_typeContext, dwStubFlags, unmgdCallConv, iLCIDArg, pMD); } MethodDesc* pStubMD; pStubMD = CreateInteropILStub( pStubState, pSigDesc, nlType, nlFlags, unmgdCallConv, dwStubFlags, numParamTokens, pParamTokenArray, iLCIDArg); RETURN pStubMD; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP MethodDesc* NDirect::CreateFieldAccessILStub( PCCOR_SIGNATURE szMetaSig, DWORD cbMetaSigSize, Module* pModule, mdFieldDef fd, DWORD dwStubFlags, // NDirectStubFlags FieldDesc* pFD) { CONTRACT(MethodDesc*) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(szMetaSig)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pFD, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(SF_IsFieldGetterStub(dwStubFlags) || SF_IsFieldSetterStub(dwStubFlags)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; int numArgs = (SF_IsFieldSetterStub(dwStubFlags) ? 1 : 0); int numParamTokens = numArgs + 1; // make sure we capture marshaling metadata mdParamDef* pParamTokenArray = (mdParamDef *)_alloca(numParamTokens * sizeof(mdParamDef)); pParamTokenArray[0] = mdParamDefNil; pParamTokenArray[numArgs] = (mdParamDef)fd; // fields are never preserve-sig dwStubFlags |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DOHRESULTSWAPPING; // convert field signature to getter/setter signature SigBuilder sigBuilder; sigBuilder.AppendData(IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT | IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_HASTHIS); sigBuilder.AppendData(numArgs); if (SF_IsFieldSetterStub(dwStubFlags)) { // managed setter returns void sigBuilder.AppendElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID); } CONSISTENCY_CHECK(*szMetaSig == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); sigBuilder.AppendBlob((const PVOID)(szMetaSig + 1), cbMetaSigSize - 1); szMetaSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)sigBuilder.GetSignature(&cbMetaSigSize); StubSigDesc sigDesc(NULL, Signature(szMetaSig, cbMetaSigSize), pModule); #ifdef _DEBUG sigDesc.m_pDebugName = pFD->GetDebugName(); sigDesc.m_pDebugClassName = pFD->GetEnclosingMethodTable()->GetDebugClassName(); #endif // _DEBUG Signature signature(szMetaSig, cbMetaSigSize); NewHolder pStubState = new COMToCLRFieldAccess_ILStubState(pModule, signature, &sigDesc.m_typeContext, dwStubFlags, pFD); MethodDesc* pStubMD; pStubMD = CreateInteropILStub( pStubState, &sigDesc, (CorNativeLinkType)0, (CorNativeLinkFlags)0, (CorPinvokeMap)0, dwStubFlags, numParamTokens, pParamTokenArray, -1); RETURN pStubMD; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP MethodDesc* NDirect::CreateCLRToNativeILStub(PInvokeStaticSigInfo* pSigInfo, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc* pMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; StubSigDesc sigDesc(pMD, pSigInfo); if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(pMD->IsEEImpl()); return CreateCLRToNativeILStub(&sigDesc, (CorNativeLinkType)0, (CorNativeLinkFlags)0, (CorPinvokeMap)0, (pSigInfo->GetStubFlags() | dwStubFlags) & ~NDIRECTSTUB_FL_DELEGATE); } else { return CreateCLRToNativeILStub(&sigDesc, pSigInfo->GetCharSet(), pSigInfo->GetLinkFlags(), pSigInfo->GetCallConv(), pSigInfo->GetStubFlags() | dwStubFlags); } } MethodDesc* NDirect::GetILStubMethodDesc(NDirectMethodDesc* pNMD, PInvokeStaticSigInfo* pSigInfo, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; MethodDesc* pStubMD = NULL; if (!pNMD->IsVarArgs() || SF_IsForNumParamBytes(dwStubFlags)) { if (pNMD->IsClassConstructorTriggeredByILStub()) { dwStubFlags |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_TRIGGERCCTOR; } pStubMD = CreateCLRToNativeILStub( pSigInfo, dwStubFlags & ~NDIRECTSTUB_FL_FOR_NUMPARAMBYTES, pNMD); } return pStubMD; } MethodDesc* GetStubMethodDescFromInteropMethodDesc(MethodDesc* pMD, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; BOOL fGcMdaEnabled = FALSE; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsReverseCOMStub(dwStubFlags)) { #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT if (fGcMdaEnabled) return NULL; // reverse COM stubs live in a hash table StubMethodHashTable *pHash = pMD->GetLoaderModule()->GetStubMethodHashTable(); return (pHash == NULL ? NULL : pHash->FindMethodDesc(pMD)); #else return NULL; #endif } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (pMD->IsNDirect()) { NDirectMethodDesc* pNMD = (NDirectMethodDesc*)pMD; return ((fGcMdaEnabled && !pNMD->IsQCall()) ? NULL : pNMD->ndirect.m_pStubMD.GetValueMaybeNull()); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pMD->IsComPlusCall() || pMD->IsGenericComPlusCall()) { if (fGcMdaEnabled) return NULL; ComPlusCallInfo *pComInfo = ComPlusCallInfo::FromMethodDesc(pMD); return (pComInfo == NULL ? NULL : pComInfo->m_pStubMD.GetValueMaybeNull()); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pMD->IsEEImpl()) { if (fGcMdaEnabled) return NULL; DelegateEEClass *pClass = (DelegateEEClass *)pMD->GetClass(); if (SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)) { return pClass->m_pReverseStubMD; } else { #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (SF_IsWinRTDelegateStub(dwStubFlags)) { return pClass->m_pComPlusCallInfo->m_pStubMD.GetValueMaybeNull(); } else #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { return pClass->m_pForwardStubMD; } } } else if (pMD->IsIL()) { // these are currently only created at runtime, not at NGEN time return NULL; } else { UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected type of MethodDesc"); } } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE PCODE NDirect::GetStubForILStub(MethodDesc* pManagedMD, MethodDesc** ppStubMD, DWORD dwStubFlags) { CONTRACT(PCODE) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pManagedMD)); POSTCONDITION(RETVAL != NULL); } CONTRACT_END; // pStubMD, if provided, must be preimplemented. CONSISTENCY_CHECK( (*ppStubMD == NULL) || (*ppStubMD)->IsPreImplemented() ); if (NULL == *ppStubMD) { PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo(pManagedMD); *ppStubMD = NDirect::CreateCLRToNativeILStub(&sigInfo, dwStubFlags, pManagedMD); } RETURN JitILStub(*ppStubMD); } PCODE NDirect::GetStubForILStub(NDirectMethodDesc* pNMD, MethodDesc** ppStubMD, DWORD dwStubFlags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PCODE pStub = NULL; // pStubMD, if provided, must be preimplemented. CONSISTENCY_CHECK( (*ppStubMD == NULL) || (*ppStubMD)->IsPreImplemented() ); if (NULL == *ppStubMD) { PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo; NDirect::PopulateNDirectMethodDesc(pNMD, &sigInfo, /* throwOnError = */ !SF_IsForNumParamBytes(dwStubFlags)); *ppStubMD = NDirect::GetILStubMethodDesc(pNMD, &sigInfo, dwStubFlags); } if (SF_IsForNumParamBytes(dwStubFlags)) return NULL; if (*ppStubMD) { pStub = JitILStub(*ppStubMD); } else { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pNMD->IsVarArgs()); // // varargs goes through vararg NDirect stub // pStub = TheVarargNDirectStub(pNMD->HasRetBuffArg()); } if (pNMD->IsEarlyBound()) { pNMD->InitEarlyBoundNDirectTarget(); } else { NDirectLink(pNMD); } // // NOTE: there is a race in updating this MethodDesc. We depend on all // threads getting back the same DynamicMethodDesc for a particular // NDirectMethodDesc, in that case, the locking around the actual JIT // operation will prevent the code from being jitted more than once. // By the time we get here, all threads get the same address of code // back from the JIT operation and they all just fill in the same value // here. // // In the NGEN case, all threads will get the same preimplemented code // address much like the JIT case. // return pStub; } PCODE JitILStub(MethodDesc* pStubMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PCODE pCode = pStubMD->GetNativeCode(); if (pCode == NULL) { /////////////////////////////// // // Code generation // /////////////////////////////// if (pStubMD->IsDynamicMethod()) { // // A dynamically generated IL stub // pCode = pStubMD->PrepareInitialCode(); _ASSERTE(pCode == pStubMD->GetNativeCode()); } else { // // A static IL stub that is pointing to a static method in user assembly // Compile it and return the native code // // This returns the stable entry point pCode = pStubMD->DoPrestub(NULL); _ASSERTE(pCode == pStubMD->GetStableEntryPoint()); } } if (!pStubMD->IsDynamicMethod()) { // We need an entry point that can be called multiple times pCode = pStubMD->GetMultiCallableAddrOfCode(); } return pCode; } MethodDesc* RestoreNGENedStub(MethodDesc* pStubMD) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pStubMD)); } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT pStubMD->CheckRestore(); PCODE pCode = pStubMD->GetPreImplementedCode(); if (pCode != NULL) { TADDR pFixupList = pStubMD->GetFixupList(); if (pFixupList != NULL) { Module* pZapModule = pStubMD->GetZapModule(); _ASSERTE(pZapModule != NULL); if (!pZapModule->FixupDelayList(pFixupList)) { _ASSERTE(!"FixupDelayList failed"); ThrowHR(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } } #if defined(HAVE_GCCOVER) if (GCStress::IsEnabled()) SetupGcCoverage(pStubMD, (BYTE*) pCode); #endif // HAVE_GCCOVER } else { // We only pass a non-NULL pStubMD to GetStubForILStub() below if pStubMD is preimplemeneted. pStubMD = NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT return pStubMD; } PCODE GetStubForInteropMethod(MethodDesc* pMD, DWORD dwStubFlags, MethodDesc **ppStubMD) { CONTRACT(PCODE) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); PRECONDITION(pMD->IsNDirect() || pMD->IsComPlusCall() || pMD->IsGenericComPlusCall() || pMD->IsEEImpl() || pMD->IsIL()); } CONTRACT_END; PCODE pStub = NULL; MethodDesc* pStubMD = NULL; pStubMD = GetStubMethodDescFromInteropMethodDesc(pMD, dwStubFlags); if (pStubMD != NULL) { pStubMD = RestoreNGENedStub(pStubMD); } if ((NULL == pStubMD) && (SF_IsNGENedStub(dwStubFlags))) { // Return NULL -- the caller asked only for an ngened stub and // one does not exist, so don't do any more work. CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pStub == NULL); } else if (pMD->IsNDirect()) { NDirectMethodDesc* pNMD = (NDirectMethodDesc*)pMD; pStub = NDirect::GetStubForILStub(pNMD, &pStubMD, dwStubFlags); } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pMD->IsComPlusCall() || pMD->IsGenericComPlusCall()) { pStub = ComPlusCall::GetStubForILStub(pMD, &pStubMD); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP else if (pMD->IsEEImpl()) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pMD->GetMethodTable()->IsDelegate()); EEImplMethodDesc* pDelegateMD = (EEImplMethodDesc*)pMD; pStub = COMDelegate::GetStubForILStub(pDelegateMD, &pStubMD, dwStubFlags); } else if (pMD->IsIL()) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(SF_IsReverseStub(dwStubFlags)); pStub = NDirect::GetStubForILStub(pMD, &pStubMD, dwStubFlags); } else { UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected MethodDesc type"); } if (pStubMD != NULL && pStubMD->IsILStub() && pStubMD->AsDynamicMethodDesc()->IsStubNeedsCOMStarted()) { // the stub uses COM so make sure that it is started EnsureComStarted(); } if (ppStubMD != NULL) *EnsureWritablePages(ppStubMD) = pStubMD; RETURN pStub; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void CreateCLRToDispatchCOMStub( MethodDesc * pMD, DWORD dwStubFlags) // NDirectStubFlags { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(SF_IsCOMLateBoundStub(dwStubFlags) || SF_IsCOMEventCallStub(dwStubFlags)); // If we are dealing with a COM event call, then we need to initialize the // COM event call information. if (SF_IsCOMEventCallStub(dwStubFlags)) { _ASSERTE(pMD->IsComPlusCall()); // no generic COM eventing ((ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)pMD)->InitComEventCallInfo(); } // Get the call signature information StubSigDesc sigDesc(pMD); int iLCIDArg = 0; int numArgs = 0; int numParamTokens = 0; mdParamDef* pParamTokenArray = NULL; CreateNDirectStubAccessMetadata(&sigDesc, (CorPinvokeMap)0, &dwStubFlags, &iLCIDArg, &numArgs); numParamTokens = numArgs + 1; pParamTokenArray = (mdParamDef*)_alloca(numParamTokens * sizeof(mdParamDef)); CollateParamTokens(sigDesc.m_pModule->GetMDImport(), sigDesc.m_tkMethodDef, numArgs, pParamTokenArray); DispatchStubState MyStubState; CreateNDirectStubWorker(&MyStubState, &sigDesc, (CorNativeLinkType)0, (CorNativeLinkFlags)0, (CorPinvokeMap)0, dwStubFlags | NDIRECTSTUB_FL_COM, pMD, pParamTokenArray, iLCIDArg); _ASSERTE(pMD->IsComPlusCall()); // no generic disp-calls ((ComPlusCallMethodDesc *)pMD)->InitRetThunk(); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP /*static*/ LPVOID NDirect::NDirectGetEntryPoint(NDirectMethodDesc *pMD, HINSTANCE hMod) { // GetProcAddress cannot be called while preemptive GC is disabled. // It requires the OS to take the loader lock. CONTRACT(LPVOID) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; g_IBCLogger.LogNDirectCodeAccess(pMD); RETURN pMD->FindEntryPoint(hMod); } VOID NDirectMethodDesc::SetNDirectTarget(LPVOID pTarget) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(IsNDirect()); PRECONDITION(pTarget != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; Stub *pInterceptStub = NULL; NDirectWriteableData* pWriteableData = GetWriteableData(); EnsureWritablePages(pWriteableData); g_IBCLogger.LogNDirectCodeAccess(this); if (pInterceptStub != NULL) { ndirect.m_pNativeNDirectTarget = pTarget; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) pTarget = (PVOID)pInterceptStub->GetEntryPoint(); LPVOID oldTarget = GetNDirectImportThunkGlue()->GetEntrypoint(); if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer(&pWriteableData->m_pNDirectTarget, pTarget, oldTarget) != oldTarget) { pInterceptStub->DecRef(); } #else _ASSERTE(pInterceptStub == NULL); // we don't intercept for anything else than host on !_TARGET_X86_ #endif } else { pWriteableData->m_pNDirectTarget = pTarget; } } // Preserving good error info from DllImport-driven LoadLibrary is tricky because we keep loading from different places // if earlier loads fail and those later loads obliterate error codes. // // This tracker object will keep track of the error code in accordance to priority: // // low-priority: unknown error code (should never happen) // medium-priority: dll not found // high-priority: dll found but error during loading // // We will overwrite the previous load's error code only if the new error code is higher priority. // class LoadLibErrorTracker { private: static const DWORD const_priorityNotFound = 10; static const DWORD const_priorityAccessDenied = 20; static const DWORD const_priorityCouldNotLoad = 99999; public: LoadLibErrorTracker() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_hr = E_FAIL; m_priorityOfLastError = 0; } VOID TrackErrorCode() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD priority; #ifdef FEATURE_PAL SetMessage(PAL_GetLoadLibraryError()); #else DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); switch (dwLastError) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND: priority = const_priorityNotFound; break; // If we can't access a location, we can't know if the dll's there or if it's good. // Still, this is probably more unusual (and thus of more interest) than a dll-not-found // so give it an intermediate priority. case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: priority = const_priorityAccessDenied; // Assume all others are "dll found but couldn't load." default: priority = const_priorityCouldNotLoad; break; } UpdateHR(priority, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError)); #endif } // Sets the error code to HRESULT as could not load DLL void TrackHR_CouldNotLoad(HRESULT hr) { UpdateHR(const_priorityCouldNotLoad, hr); } HRESULT GetHR() { return m_hr; } SString& GetMessage() { return m_message; } void DECLSPEC_NORETURN Throw(SString &libraryNameOrPath) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; #if defined(__APPLE__) COMPlusThrow(kDllNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_LOADLIB_MAC, libraryNameOrPath.GetUnicode(), GetMessage()); #elif defined(FEATURE_PAL) COMPlusThrow(kDllNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_LOADLIB_LINUX, libraryNameOrPath.GetUnicode(), GetMessage()); #else // __APPLE__ HRESULT theHRESULT = GetHR(); if (theHRESULT == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT)) { COMPlusThrow(kBadImageFormatException); } else { SString hrString; GetHRMsg(theHRESULT, hrString); COMPlusThrow(kDllNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_LOADLIB_WIN, libraryNameOrPath.GetUnicode(), hrString); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL __UNREACHABLE(); } private: void UpdateHR(DWORD priority, HRESULT hr) { if (priority > m_priorityOfLastError) { m_hr = hr; m_priorityOfLastError = priority; } } void SetMessage(LPCSTR message) { m_message = SString(SString::Utf8, message); } HRESULT m_hr; DWORD m_priorityOfLastError; SString m_message; }; // class LoadLibErrorTracker // Load the library directly. On Unix systems, don't register it yet with PAL. // * External callers like AssemblyNative::InternalLoadUnmanagedDllFromPath() and the upcoming // System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.Load() need the raw system handle // * Internal callers like LoadLibraryModule() can convert this handle to a HMODULE via PAL APIs on Unix static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE LocalLoadLibraryHelper( LPCWSTR name, DWORD flags, LoadLibErrorTracker *pErrorTracker ) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if ((flags & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0 #ifndef FEATURE_CORESYSTEM && NDirect::SecureLoadLibrarySupported() #endif // !FEATURE_CORESYSTEM ) { hmod = CLRLoadLibraryEx(name, NULL, flags & 0xFFFFFF00); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { pErrorTracker->TrackErrorCode(); return hmod; } } hmod = CLRLoadLibraryEx(name, NULL, flags & 0xFF); #else // !FEATURE_PAL hmod = PAL_LoadLibraryDirect(name); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL if (hmod == NULL) { pErrorTracker->TrackErrorCode(); } return hmod; } #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) bool NDirect::s_fSecureLoadLibrarySupported = false; #endif #define TOLOWER(a) (((a) >= W('A') && (a) <= W('Z')) ? (W('a') + (a - W('A'))) : (a)) #define TOHEX(a) ((a)>=10 ? W('a')+(a)-10 : W('0')+(a)) #ifdef FEATURE_PAL #define PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_W PAL_SHLIB_SUFFIX_W #define PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_PREFIX_W PAL_SHLIB_PREFIX_W #else // !FEATURE_PAL #define PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_W W(".dll") #define PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_PREFIX_W W("") #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // The Bit 0x2 has different semantics in DllImportSearchPath and LoadLibraryExA flags. // In DllImportSearchPath enum, bit 0x2 represents SearchAssemblyDirectory -- which is performed by CLR. // Unlike other bits in this enum, this bit shouldn't be directly passed on to LoadLibrary() #define DLLIMPORTSEARCHPATH_ASSEMBLYDIRECTORY 0x2 // DllImportSearchPathFlags is a special enumeration, whose values are tied closely with LoadLibrary flags. // There is no "default" value DllImportSearchPathFlags. In the absence of DllImportSearchPath attribute, // CoreCLR's LoadLibrary implementation uses the following defaults. // Other implementations of LoadLibrary callbacks/events are free to use other default conventions. void GetDefaultDllImportSearchPathFlags(DWORD *dllImportSearchPathFlags, BOOL *searchAssemblyDirectory) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; *searchAssemblyDirectory = TRUE; *dllImportSearchPathFlags = 0; } // If a module has the DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute, get DllImportSearchPathFlags from it, and return true. // Otherwise, get CoreCLR's default value for DllImportSearchPathFlags, and return false. BOOL GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(Module *pModule, DWORD *dllImportSearchPathFlags, BOOL *searchAssemblyDirectory) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pModule->HasDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute()) { *dllImportSearchPathFlags = pModule->DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeCachedValue(); *searchAssemblyDirectory = pModule->DllImportSearchAssemblyDirectory(); return TRUE; } GetDefaultDllImportSearchPathFlags(dllImportSearchPathFlags, searchAssemblyDirectory); return FALSE; } // If a pInvoke has the DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute, get DllImportSearchPathFlags from it, and returns true. // Otherwise, if the containing assembly has the DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute, get DllImportSearchPathFlags from it, and returns true. // Otherwise, get CoreCLR's default value for DllImportSearchPathFlags, and return false. BOOL GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, DWORD *dllImportSearchPathFlags, BOOL *searchAssemblyDirectory) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pMD->HasDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute()) { *dllImportSearchPathFlags = pMD->DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeCachedValue(); *searchAssemblyDirectory = pMD->DllImportSearchAssemblyDirectory(); return TRUE; } return GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(pMD->GetModule(), dllImportSearchPathFlags, searchAssemblyDirectory); } // static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryFromPath(LPCWSTR libraryPath, BOOL throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(libraryPath)); } CONTRACTL_END; LoadLibErrorTracker errorTracker; const NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(libraryPath, GetLoadWithAlteredSearchPathFlag(), &errorTracker); if (throwOnError && (hmod == nullptr)) { SString libraryPathSString(libraryPath); errorTracker.Throw(libraryPathSString); } return hmod; } // static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryByName(LPCWSTR libraryName, Assembly *callingAssembly, BOOL hasDllImportSearchFlags, DWORD dllImportSearchFlags, BOOL throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(libraryName)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(callingAssembly)); } CONTRACTL_END; LoadLibErrorTracker errorTracker; // First checks if a default dllImportSearchPathFlags was passed in, if so, use that value. // Otherwise checks if the assembly has the DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute attribute. // If so, use that value. BOOL searchAssemblyDirectory; DWORD dllImportSearchPathFlags; if (hasDllImportSearchFlags) { dllImportSearchPathFlags = dllImportSearchFlags & ~DLLIMPORTSEARCHPATH_ASSEMBLYDIRECTORY; searchAssemblyDirectory = dllImportSearchFlags & DLLIMPORTSEARCHPATH_ASSEMBLYDIRECTORY; } else { GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(callingAssembly->GetManifestModule(), &dllImportSearchPathFlags, &searchAssemblyDirectory); } NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = LoadLibraryModuleBySearch(callingAssembly, searchAssemblyDirectory, dllImportSearchPathFlags, &errorTracker, libraryName); if (throwOnError && (hmod == nullptr)) { SString libraryPathSString(libraryName); errorTracker.Throw(libraryPathSString); } return hmod; } // static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryModuleBySearch(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, LoadLibErrorTracker * pErrorTracker, PCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; BOOL searchAssemblyDirectory; DWORD dllImportSearchPathFlags; GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(pMD, &dllImportSearchPathFlags, &searchAssemblyDirectory); Assembly* pAssembly = pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetAssembly(); return LoadLibraryModuleBySearch(pAssembly, searchAssemblyDirectory, dllImportSearchPathFlags, pErrorTracker, wszLibName); } // static void NDirect::FreeNativeLibrary(NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE handle) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // FreeLibrary doesn't throw if the input is null. // This avoids further null propagation/check while freeing resources (ex: in finally blocks) if (handle == NULL) return; #ifndef FEATURE_PAL BOOL retVal = FreeLibrary(handle); #else // !FEATURE_PAL BOOL retVal = PAL_FreeLibraryDirect(handle); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL if (retVal == 0) COMPlusThrow(kInvalidOperationException, W("Arg_InvalidOperationException")); } //static INT_PTR NDirect::GetNativeLibraryExport(NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE handle, LPCWSTR symbolName, BOOL throwOnError) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(handle)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(symbolName)); } CONTRACTL_END; MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE(lpstr, symbolName); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL INT_PTR address = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress((HMODULE)handle, lpstr)); if ((address == NULL) && throwOnError) COMPlusThrow(kEntryPointNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_GETPROCADDR_WIN_DLL, symbolName); #else // !FEATURE_PAL INT_PTR address = reinterpret_cast(PAL_GetProcAddressDirect((NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE)handle, lpstr)); if ((address == NULL) && throwOnError) COMPlusThrow(kEntryPointNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_GETPROCADDR_UNIX_SO, symbolName); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL return address; } #ifndef PLATFORM_UNIX BOOL IsWindowsAPISet(PCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // This is replicating quick check from the OS implementation of api sets. return SString::_wcsnicmp(wszLibName, W("api-"), 4) == 0 || SString::_wcsnicmp(wszLibName, W("ext-"), 4) == 0; } #endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX // static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryModuleViaHost(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, PCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; //Dynamic Pinvoke Support: //Check if we need to provide the host a chance to provide the unmanaged dll #ifndef PLATFORM_UNIX if (IsWindowsAPISet(wszLibName)) { // Prevent Overriding of Windows API sets. return NULL; } #endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; AppDomain* pDomain = GetAppDomain(); CLRPrivBinderCoreCLR *pTPABinder = pDomain->GetTPABinderContext(); Assembly* pAssembly = pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetAssembly(); PEFile *pManifestFile = pAssembly->GetManifestFile(); PTR_ICLRPrivBinder pBindingContext = pManifestFile->GetBindingContext(); //Step 0: Check if the assembly was bound using TPA. // The Binding Context can be null or an overridden TPA context if (pBindingContext == NULL) { // If we do not have any binder associated, then return to the default resolution mechanism. return NULL; } UINT_PTR assemblyBinderID = 0; IfFailThrow(pBindingContext->GetBinderID(&assemblyBinderID)); ICLRPrivBinder *pCurrentBinder = reinterpret_cast(assemblyBinderID); // For assemblies bound via TPA binder, we should use the standard mechanism to make the pinvoke call. if (AreSameBinderInstance(pCurrentBinder, pTPABinder)) { return NULL; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP CLRPrivBinderWinRT *pWinRTBinder = pDomain->GetWinRtBinder(); if (AreSameBinderInstance(pCurrentBinder, pWinRTBinder)) { // We could be here when a non-WinRT assembly load is triggerred by a winmd (e.g. System.Runtime being loaded due to // types being referenced from Windows.Foundation.Winmd) or when dealing with a winmd (which is bound using WinRT binder). // // For this, we should use the standard mechanism to make pinvoke call as well. return NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //Step 1: If the assembly was not bound using TPA, // Call System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUnamanagedDll to give // The custom assembly context a chance to load the unmanaged dll. GCX_COOP(); STRINGREF pUnmanagedDllName; pUnmanagedDllName = StringObject::NewString(wszLibName); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(pUnmanagedDllName); // Get the pointer to the managed assembly load context INT_PTR ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext = ((CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext *)pCurrentBinder)->GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext(); // Prepare to invoke System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUnamanagedDll method. PREPARE_NONVIRTUAL_CALLSITE(METHOD__ASSEMBLYLOADCONTEXT__RESOLVEUNMANAGEDDLL); DECLARE_ARGHOLDER_ARRAY(args, 2); args[ARGNUM_0] = STRINGREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(pUnmanagedDllName); args[ARGNUM_1] = PTR_TO_ARGHOLDER(ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext); // Make the call CALL_MANAGED_METHOD(hmod, NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE, args); GCPROTECT_END(); return hmod; } // Return the AssemblyLoadContext for an assembly INT_PTR GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext(Assembly* pAssembly) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PTR_ICLRPrivBinder pBindingContext = pAssembly->GetManifestFile()->GetBindingContext(); if (pBindingContext == NULL) { // GetBindingContext() returns NULL for System.Private.CoreLib return NULL; } UINT_PTR assemblyBinderID = 0; IfFailThrow(pBindingContext->GetBinderID(&assemblyBinderID)); AppDomain *pDomain = GetAppDomain(); ICLRPrivBinder *pCurrentBinder = reinterpret_cast(assemblyBinderID); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (AreSameBinderInstance(pCurrentBinder, pDomain->GetWinRtBinder())) { // No ALC associated handle with WinRT Binders. return NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // The code here deals with two implementations of ICLRPrivBinder interface: // - CLRPrivBinderCoreCLR for the TPA binder in the default ALC, and // - CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext for custom ALCs. // in order obtain the associated ALC handle. INT_PTR ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext = AreSameBinderInstance(pCurrentBinder, pDomain->GetTPABinderContext()) ? ((CLRPrivBinderCoreCLR *)pCurrentBinder)->GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext() : ((CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext *)pCurrentBinder)->GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext(); return ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext; } // static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryModuleViaEvent(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, PCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; Assembly* pAssembly = pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetAssembly(); INT_PTR ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext = GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext(pAssembly); if (ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext == NULL) { return NULL; } GCX_COOP(); struct { STRINGREF DllName; OBJECTREF AssemblyRef; } gc = { NULL, NULL }; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); gc.DllName = StringObject::NewString(wszLibName); gc.AssemblyRef = pAssembly->GetExposedObject(); // Prepare to invoke System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUnmanagedDllUsingEvent method // While ResolveUnmanagedDllUsingEvent() could compute the AssemblyLoadContext using the AssemblyRef // argument, it will involve another pInvoke to the runtime. So AssemblyLoadContext is passed in // as an additional argument. PREPARE_NONVIRTUAL_CALLSITE(METHOD__ASSEMBLYLOADCONTEXT__RESOLVEUNMANAGEDDLLUSINGEVENT); DECLARE_ARGHOLDER_ARRAY(args, 3); args[ARGNUM_0] = STRINGREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(gc.DllName); args[ARGNUM_1] = OBJECTREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(gc.AssemblyRef); args[ARGNUM_2] = PTR_TO_ARGHOLDER(ptrManagedAssemblyLoadContext); // Make the call CALL_MANAGED_METHOD(hmod, NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE, args); GCPROTECT_END(); return hmod; } NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryModuleViaCallback(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, LPCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pMD->GetModule()->IsSystem()) { // Don't attempt to callback on Corelib itself. // The LoadLibrary callback stub is managed code that requires CoreLib return NULL; } DWORD dllImportSearchPathFlags; BOOL searchAssemblyDirectory; BOOL hasDllImportSearchPathFlags = GetDllImportSearchPathFlags(pMD, &dllImportSearchPathFlags, &searchAssemblyDirectory); dllImportSearchPathFlags |= searchAssemblyDirectory ? DLLIMPORTSEARCHPATH_ASSEMBLYDIRECTORY : 0; Assembly* pAssembly = pMD->GetMethodTable()->GetAssembly(); NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE handle = NULL; GCX_COOP(); struct { STRINGREF libNameRef; OBJECTREF assemblyRef; } gc = { NULL, NULL }; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); gc.libNameRef = StringObject::NewString(wszLibName); gc.assemblyRef = pAssembly->GetExposedObject(); PREPARE_NONVIRTUAL_CALLSITE(METHOD__NATIVELIBRARY__LOADLIBRARYCALLBACKSTUB); DECLARE_ARGHOLDER_ARRAY(args, 4); args[ARGNUM_0] = STRINGREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(gc.libNameRef); args[ARGNUM_1] = OBJECTREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(gc.assemblyRef); args[ARGNUM_2] = BOOL_TO_ARGHOLDER(hasDllImportSearchPathFlags); args[ARGNUM_3] = DWORD_TO_ARGHOLDER(dllImportSearchPathFlags); // Make the call CALL_MANAGED_METHOD(handle, NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE, args); GCPROTECT_END(); return handle; } // Try to load the module alongside the assembly where the PInvoke was declared. NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadFromPInvokeAssemblyDirectory(Assembly *pAssembly, LPCWSTR libName, DWORD flags, LoadLibErrorTracker *pErrorTracker) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; SString path = pAssembly->GetManifestFile()->GetPath(); SString::Iterator lastPathSeparatorIter = path.End(); if (PEAssembly::FindLastPathSeparator(path, lastPathSeparatorIter)) { lastPathSeparatorIter++; path.Truncate(lastPathSeparatorIter); path.Append(libName); hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(path, flags, pErrorTracker); } return hmod; } // Try to load the module from the native DLL search directories NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadFromNativeDllSearchDirectories(LPCWSTR libName, DWORD flags, LoadLibErrorTracker *pErrorTracker) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; AppDomain* pDomain = GetAppDomain(); if (pDomain->HasNativeDllSearchDirectories()) { AppDomain::PathIterator pathIter = pDomain->IterateNativeDllSearchDirectories(); while (hmod == NULL && pathIter.Next()) { SString qualifiedPath(*(pathIter.GetPath())); qualifiedPath.Append(libName); if (!Path::IsRelative(qualifiedPath)) { hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(qualifiedPath, flags, pErrorTracker); } } } return hmod; } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL static const int MaxVariationCount = 4; static void DetermineLibNameVariations(const WCHAR** libNameVariations, int* numberOfVariations, const SString& libName, bool libNameIsRelativePath) { // Supported lib name variations static auto NameFmt = W("%.0s%s%.0s"); static auto PrefixNameFmt = W("%s%s%.0s"); static auto NameSuffixFmt = W("%.0s%s%s"); static auto PrefixNameSuffixFmt = W("%s%s%s"); _ASSERTE(*numberOfVariations >= MaxVariationCount); int varCount = 0; if (!libNameIsRelativePath) { libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameFmt; } else { // We check if the suffix is contained in the name, because on Linux it is common to append // a version number to the library name (e.g. 'libicuuc.so.57'). bool containsSuffix = false; SString::CIterator it = libName.Begin(); if (libName.Find(it, PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_W)) { it += COUNTOF(PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_W); containsSuffix = it == libName.End() || *it == (WCHAR)'.'; } // If the path contains a path delimiter, we don't add a prefix it = libName.Begin(); bool containsDelim = libName.Find(it, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_W); if (containsSuffix) { libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameFmt; if (!containsDelim) libNameVariations[varCount++] = PrefixNameFmt; libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameSuffixFmt; if (!containsDelim) libNameVariations[varCount++] = PrefixNameSuffixFmt; } else { libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameSuffixFmt; if (!containsDelim) libNameVariations[varCount++] = PrefixNameSuffixFmt; libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameFmt; if (!containsDelim) libNameVariations[varCount++] = PrefixNameFmt; } } *numberOfVariations = varCount; } #else // FEATURE_PAL static const int MaxVariationCount = 2; static void DetermineLibNameVariations(const WCHAR** libNameVariations, int* numberOfVariations, const SString& libName, bool libNameIsRelativePath) { // Supported lib name variations static auto NameFmt = W("%.0s%s%.0s"); static auto NameSuffixFmt = W("%.0s%s%s"); _ASSERTE(*numberOfVariations >= MaxVariationCount); int varCount = 0; // The purpose of following code is to workaround LoadLibrary limitation: // LoadLibrary won't append extension if filename itself contains '.'. Thus it will break the following scenario: // [DllImport("A.B")] // The full name for file is "A.B.dll". This is common code pattern for cross-platform PInvoke // The workaround for above scenario is to call LoadLibrary with "A.B" first, if it fails, then call LoadLibrary with "A.B.dll" auto it = libName.Begin(); if (!libNameIsRelativePath || !libName.Find(it, W('.')) || libName.EndsWith(W(".")) || libName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(W(".dll")) || libName.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(W(".exe"))) { // Follow LoadLibrary rules in MSDN doc: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684175(v=vs.85).aspx // If the string specifies a full path, the function searches only that path for the module. // If the string specifies a module name without a path and the file name extension is omitted, the function appends the default library extension .dll to the module name. // To prevent the function from appending .dll to the module name, include a trailing point character (.) in the module name string. libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameFmt; } else { libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameFmt; libNameVariations[varCount++] = NameSuffixFmt; } *numberOfVariations = varCount; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL // Search for the library and variants of its name in probing directories. //static NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE NDirect::LoadLibraryModuleBySearch(Assembly *callingAssembly, BOOL searchAssemblyDirectory, DWORD dllImportSearchPathFlags, LoadLibErrorTracker * pErrorTracker, LPCWSTR wszLibName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NATIVE_LIBRARY_HANDLE hmod = NULL; #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) && !defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) // Try to go straight to System32 for Windows API sets. This is replicating quick check from // the OS implementation of api sets. if (IsWindowsAPISet(wszLibName)) { hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(wszLibName, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32, pErrorTracker); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } } #endif // FEATURE_CORESYSTEM && !FEATURE_PAL AppDomain* pDomain = GetAppDomain(); DWORD loadWithAlteredPathFlags = GetLoadWithAlteredSearchPathFlag(); bool libNameIsRelativePath = Path::IsRelative(wszLibName); // P/Invokes are often declared with variations on the actual library name. // For example, it's common to leave off the extension/suffix of the library // even if it has one, or to leave off a prefix like "lib" even if it has one // (both of these are typically done to smooth over cross-platform differences). // We try to dlopen with such variations on the original. const WCHAR* prefixSuffixCombinations[MaxVariationCount] = {}; int numberOfVariations = COUNTOF(prefixSuffixCombinations); DetermineLibNameVariations(prefixSuffixCombinations, &numberOfVariations, wszLibName, libNameIsRelativePath); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariations; i++) { SString currLibNameVariation; currLibNameVariation.Printf(prefixSuffixCombinations[i], PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_PREFIX_W, wszLibName, PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_W); // NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES set by host is considered well known path hmod = LoadFromNativeDllSearchDirectories(currLibNameVariation, loadWithAlteredPathFlags, pErrorTracker); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } if (!libNameIsRelativePath) { DWORD flags = loadWithAlteredPathFlags; if ((dllImportSearchPathFlags & LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR) != 0) { // LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR is the only flag affecting absolute path. Don't OR the flags // unconditionally as all absolute path P/Invokes could then lose LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH. flags |= dllImportSearchPathFlags; } hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(currLibNameVariation, flags, pErrorTracker); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } } else if ((callingAssembly != nullptr) && searchAssemblyDirectory) { hmod = LoadFromPInvokeAssemblyDirectory(callingAssembly, currLibNameVariation, loadWithAlteredPathFlags | dllImportSearchPathFlags, pErrorTracker); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } } hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(currLibNameVariation, dllImportSearchPathFlags, pErrorTracker); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod; } } // This may be an assembly name // Format is "fileName, assemblyDisplayName" MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE(szLibName, wszLibName); char *szComma = strchr(szLibName, ','); if (szComma) { *szComma = '\0'; // Trim white spaces while (COMCharacter::nativeIsWhiteSpace(*(++szComma))); AssemblySpec spec; if (SUCCEEDED(spec.Init(szComma))) { // Need to perform case insensitive hashing. CQuickBytes qbLC; { UTF8_TO_LOWER_CASE(szLibName, qbLC); szLibName = (LPUTF8) qbLC.Ptr(); } Assembly *pAssembly = spec.LoadAssembly(FILE_LOADED); Module *pModule = pAssembly->FindModuleByName(szLibName); hmod = LocalLoadLibraryHelper(pModule->GetPath(), loadWithAlteredPathFlags | dllImportSearchPathFlags, pErrorTracker); } } return hmod; } // This Method returns an instance of the PAL-Registered handle HINSTANCE NDirect::LoadLibraryModule(NDirectMethodDesc * pMD, LoadLibErrorTracker * pErrorTracker) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION( CheckPointer( pMD ) ); } CONTRACTL_END; LPCUTF8 name = pMD->GetLibName(); if ( !name || !*name ) return NULL; PREFIX_ASSUME( name != NULL ); MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8( wszLibName, name ); ModuleHandleHolder hmod = LoadLibraryModuleViaCallback(pMD, wszLibName); if (hmod != NULL) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL hmod = PAL_RegisterLibraryDirect(hmod, wszLibName); #endif // FEATURE_PAL return hmod.Extract(); } AppDomain* pDomain = GetAppDomain(); // AssemblyLoadContext is not supported in AppX mode and thus, // we should not perform PInvoke resolution via it when operating in AppX mode. if (!AppX::IsAppXProcess()) { hmod = LoadLibraryModuleViaHost(pMD, wszLibName); if (hmod != NULL) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL hmod = PAL_RegisterLibraryDirect(hmod, wszLibName); #endif // FEATURE_PAL return hmod.Extract(); } } hmod = pDomain->FindUnmanagedImageInCache(wszLibName); if (hmod != NULL) { return hmod.Extract(); } hmod = LoadLibraryModuleBySearch(pMD, pErrorTracker, wszLibName); if (hmod != NULL) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL hmod = PAL_RegisterLibraryDirect(hmod, wszLibName); #endif // FEATURE_PAL // If we have a handle add it to the cache. pDomain->AddUnmanagedImageToCache(wszLibName, hmod); return hmod.Extract(); } if (!AppX::IsAppXProcess()) { hmod = LoadLibraryModuleViaEvent(pMD, wszLibName); if (hmod != NULL) { #ifdef FEATURE_PAL hmod = PAL_RegisterLibraryDirect(hmod, wszLibName); #endif // FEATURE_PAL return hmod.Extract(); } } return hmod.Extract(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Loads the DLL and finds the procaddress for an N/Direct call. //--------------------------------------------------------- /* static */ VOID NDirect::NDirectLink(NDirectMethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD)); } CONTRACTL_END; // // On the phone, we only allow platform assemblies to define pinvokes // unless the host has asked us otherwise. // if (pMD->IsClassConstructorTriggeredAtLinkTime()) { pMD->GetMethodTable()->CheckRunClassInitThrowing(); } if (pMD->IsQCall()) { LPVOID pvTarget = pMD->ndirect.m_pNativeNDirectTarget; // Do not repeat the lookup if the QCall was hardbound during ngen if (pvTarget == NULL) { pvTarget = ECall::GetQCallImpl(pMD); } else { _ASSERTE(pvTarget == ECall::GetQCallImpl(pMD)); } pMD->SetNDirectTarget(pvTarget); return; } // Loading unmanaged dlls can trigger dllmains which certainly count as code execution! pMD->EnsureActive(); LoadLibErrorTracker errorTracker; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HINSTANCE hmod = LoadLibraryModule( pMD, &errorTracker ); if ( hmod ) { LPVOID pvTarget = NDirectGetEntryPoint(pMD, hmod); if (pvTarget) { pMD->SetNDirectTarget(pvTarget); fSuccess = TRUE; } } if (!fSuccess) { if (pMD->GetLibName() == NULL) COMPlusThrow(kEntryPointNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_GETPROCADDRESS_NONAME); StackSString ssLibName(SString::Utf8, pMD->GetLibName()); if (!hmod) { errorTracker.Throw(ssLibName); } WCHAR wszEPName[50]; if (WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)pMD->GetEntrypointName(), -1, wszEPName, sizeof(wszEPName)/sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0) { wszEPName[0] = W('?'); wszEPName[1] = W('\0'); } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL COMPlusThrow(kEntryPointNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_GETPROCADDRESS_UNIX, ssLibName.GetUnicode(), wszEPName); #else COMPlusThrow(kEntryPointNotFoundException, IDS_EE_NDIRECT_GETPROCADDRESS_WIN, ssLibName.GetUnicode(), wszEPName); #endif } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // One-time init //--------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ void NDirect::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; #if !defined(FEATURE_PAL) // Check if the OS supports the new secure LoadLibraryEx flags introduced in KB2533623 HMODULE hMod = CLRGetModuleHandle(WINDOWS_KERNEL32_DLLNAME_W); _ASSERTE(hMod != NULL); if (GetProcAddress(hMod, "AddDllDirectory") != NULL) { // The AddDllDirectory export was added in KB2533623 together with the new flag support s_fSecureLoadLibrarySupported = true; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL } //========================================================================== // This function is reached only via NDirectImportThunk. It's purpose // is to ensure that the target DLL is fully loaded and ready to run. // // FUN FACTS: Though this function is actually entered in unmanaged mode, // it can reenter managed mode and throw a COM+ exception if the DLL linking // fails. //========================================================================== EXTERN_C LPVOID STDCALL NDirectImportWorker(NDirectMethodDesc* pMD) { LPVOID ret = NULL; BEGIN_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; INSTALL_MANAGED_EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER; // this function is called by CLR to native assembly stubs which are called by // managed code as a result, we need an unwind and continue handler to translate // any of our internal exceptions into managed exceptions. INSTALL_UNWIND_AND_CONTINUE_HANDLER; if (pMD->IsEarlyBound()) { if (!pMD->IsZapped()) { // we need the MD to be populated in case we decide to build an intercept // stub to wrap the target in InitEarlyBoundNDirectTarget PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo; NDirect::PopulateNDirectMethodDesc(pMD, &sigInfo); } pMD->InitEarlyBoundNDirectTarget(); } else { // // Otherwise we're in an inlined pinvoke late bound MD // INDEBUG(Thread *pThread = GetThread()); { _ASSERTE(pThread->GetFrame()->GetVTablePtr() == InlinedCallFrame::GetMethodFrameVPtr()); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pMD->IsNDirect()); // // With IL stubs, we don't have to do anything but ensure the DLL is loaded. // if (!pMD->IsZapped()) { PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo; NDirect::PopulateNDirectMethodDesc(pMD, &sigInfo); } else { // must have been populated at NGEN time _ASSERTE(pMD->GetLibName() != NULL); } pMD->CheckRestore(); NDirect::NDirectLink(pMD); } } ret = pMD->GetNDirectTarget(); UNINSTALL_UNWIND_AND_CONTINUE_HANDLER; UNINSTALL_MANAGED_EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER; END_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; return ret; } //=========================================================================== // Support for Pinvoke Calli instruction // //=========================================================================== EXTERN_C void STDCALL VarargPInvokeStubWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock, VASigCookie *pVASigCookie, MethodDesc *pMD) { BEGIN_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_COOPERATIVE; STATIC_CONTRACT_ENTRY_POINT; MAKE_CURRENT_THREAD_AVAILABLE(); #ifdef _DEBUG Thread::ObjectRefFlush(CURRENT_THREAD); #endif FrameWithCookie frame(pTransitionBlock, pMD); PrestubMethodFrame * pFrame = &frame; pFrame->Push(CURRENT_THREAD); _ASSERTE(pVASigCookie == pFrame->GetVASigCookie()); _ASSERTE(pMD == pFrame->GetFunction()); GetILStubForCalli(pVASigCookie, pMD); pFrame->Pop(CURRENT_THREAD); END_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; } EXTERN_C void STDCALL GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock, VASigCookie * pVASigCookie, PCODE pUnmanagedTarget) { BEGIN_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_COOPERATIVE; STATIC_CONTRACT_ENTRY_POINT; MAKE_CURRENT_THREAD_AVAILABLE(); #ifdef _DEBUG Thread::ObjectRefFlush(CURRENT_THREAD); #endif FrameWithCookie frame(pTransitionBlock, pVASigCookie, pUnmanagedTarget); PInvokeCalliFrame * pFrame = &frame; pFrame->Push(CURRENT_THREAD); _ASSERTE(pVASigCookie == pFrame->GetVASigCookie()); GetILStubForCalli(pVASigCookie, NULL); pFrame->Pop(CURRENT_THREAD); END_PRESERVE_LAST_ERROR; } PCODE GetILStubForCalli(VASigCookie *pVASigCookie, MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACT(PCODE) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; ENTRY_POINT; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pVASigCookie)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMD, NULL_OK)); POSTCONDITION(RETVAL != NULL); } CONTRACT_END; PCODE pTempILStub = NULL; INSTALL_MANAGED_EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER; // this function is called by CLR to native assembly stubs which are called by // managed code as a result, we need an unwind and continue handler to translate // any of our internal exceptions into managed exceptions. INSTALL_UNWIND_AND_CONTINUE_HANDLER; // Force a GC if the stress level is high enough GCStress::MaybeTrigger(); GCX_PREEMP(); Signature signature = pVASigCookie->signature; CorPinvokeMap unmgdCallConv = pmNoMangle; DWORD dwStubFlags = NDIRECTSTUB_FL_BESTFIT; // The MethodDesc pointer may in fact be the unmanaged target, see PInvokeStubs.asm. if (pMD == NULL || (UINT_PTR)pMD & 0x1) { pMD = NULL; dwStubFlags |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_UNMANAGED_CALLI; // need to convert the CALLI signature to stub signature with managed calling convention switch (MetaSig::GetCallingConvention(pVASigCookie->pModule, pVASigCookie->signature)) { case IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_C: unmgdCallConv = pmCallConvCdecl; break; case IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_STDCALL: unmgdCallConv = pmCallConvStdcall; break; case IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_THISCALL: unmgdCallConv = pmCallConvThiscall; break; case IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FASTCALL: unmgdCallConv = pmCallConvFastcall; break; default: COMPlusThrow(kTypeLoadException, IDS_INVALID_PINVOKE_CALLCONV); } LoaderHeap *pHeap = pVASigCookie->pModule->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetHighFrequencyHeap(); PCOR_SIGNATURE new_sig = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)(void *)pHeap->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(signature.GetRawSigLen())); CopyMemory(new_sig, signature.GetRawSig(), signature.GetRawSigLen()); // make the stub IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT *new_sig &= ~IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK; *new_sig |= IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT; signature = Signature(new_sig, signature.GetRawSigLen()); } else { _ASSERTE(pMD->IsNDirect()); dwStubFlags |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_CONVSIGASVARARG; // vararg P/Invoke must be cdecl unmgdCallConv = pmCallConvCdecl; if (((NDirectMethodDesc *)pMD)->IsClassConstructorTriggeredByILStub()) { dwStubFlags |= NDIRECTSTUB_FL_TRIGGERCCTOR; } } mdMethodDef md; CorNativeLinkFlags nlFlags; CorNativeLinkType nlType; if (pMD != NULL) { PInvokeStaticSigInfo sigInfo(pMD); md = pMD->GetMemberDef(); nlFlags = sigInfo.GetLinkFlags(); nlType = sigInfo.GetCharSet(); } else { md = mdMethodDefNil; nlFlags = nlfNone; nlType = nltAnsi; } StubSigDesc sigDesc(pMD, signature, pVASigCookie->pModule); MethodDesc* pStubMD = NDirect::CreateCLRToNativeILStub(&sigDesc, nlType, nlFlags, unmgdCallConv, dwStubFlags); pTempILStub = JitILStub(pStubMD); InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&pVASigCookie->pNDirectILStub, pTempILStub, NULL); UNINSTALL_UNWIND_AND_CONTINUE_HANDLER; UNINSTALL_MANAGED_EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER; RETURN pVASigCookie->pNDirectILStub; } #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // // Truncates a SString by first converting it to unicode and truncate it // if it is larger than size. "..." will be appended if it is truncated. // void TruncateUnicodeString(SString &string, COUNT_T bufSize) { string.Normalize(); if ((string.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) > bufSize) { _ASSERTE(bufSize / sizeof(WCHAR) > 4); string.Truncate(string.Begin() + bufSize / sizeof(WCHAR) - 4); string.Append(W("...")); } }