// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // File: DispatchInfo.h // // // Definition of helpers used to expose IDispatch // and IDispatchEx to COM. // #ifndef _DISPATCHINFO_H #define _DISPATCHINFO_H #ifndef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #error FEATURE_COMINTEROP is required for this file #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "vars.hpp" #include "mlinfo.h" // Forward declarations. struct ComMethodTable; struct SimpleComCallWrapper; class ComMTMemberInfoMap; struct ComMTMethodProps; class DispParamMarshaler; class MarshalInfo; class DispatchInfo; enum BinderMethodID; // An enumeration of the types of managed MemberInfo's. This must stay in synch with // the ones defined in MemberInfo.cs. enum EnumMemberTypes { Uninitted = 0x00, Constructor = 0x01, Event = 0x02, Field = 0x04, Method = 0x08, Property = 0x10 }; enum {NUM_MEMBER_TYPES = 5}; enum CultureAwareStates { Aware, NonAware, Unknown }; // This structure represents a dispatch member. struct DispatchMemberInfo { DispatchMemberInfo(DispatchInfo *pDispInfo, DISPID DispID, SString& strName, OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj); ~DispatchMemberInfo(); // Helper method to ensure the entry is initialized. void EnsureInitialized(); BOOL IsNeutered() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_bNeutered) ? TRUE : FALSE; } // This method retrieves the ID's of the specified names. HRESULT GetIDsOfParameters(__in_ecount(NumNames) WCHAR **astrNames, int NumNames, DISPID *aDispIds, BOOL bCaseSensitive); // Accessors. PTRARRAYREF GetParameters(); BOOL IsParamInOnly(int iIndex) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(m_pParamInOnly)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Add one for the return type. return m_pParamInOnly[iIndex + 1]; } // Inline accessors. BOOL IsCultureAware() { CONTRACT (BOOL) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(Unknown != m_CultureAwareState); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN (Aware == m_CultureAwareState); } EnumMemberTypes GetMemberType() { CONTRACT (EnumMemberTypes) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(Uninitted != m_enumType); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_enumType; } int GetNumParameters() { CONTRACT (int) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_iNumParams != -1); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_iNumParams; } BOOL IsLastParamOleVarArg() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_bLastParamOleVarArg; } void SetHandle(OBJECTHANDLE objhnd) { m_hndMemberInfo = objhnd; } BOOL RequiresManagedObjCleanup() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_bRequiresManagedCleanup; } // Parameter marshaling methods. void MarshalParamNativeToManaged(int iParam, VARIANT *pSrcVar, OBJECTREF *pDestObj); void MarshalParamManagedToNativeRef(int iParam, OBJECTREF *pSrcObj, VARIANT *pRefVar); void CleanUpParamManaged(int iParam, OBJECTREF *pObj); void MarshalReturnValueManagedToNative(OBJECTREF *pSrcObj, VARIANT *pDestVar); // Static helper methods. static ComMTMethodProps *GetMemberProps(OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj, ComMTMemberInfoMap *pMemberMap); static DISPID GetMemberDispId(OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj, ComMTMemberInfoMap *pMemberMap); static LPWSTR GetMemberName(OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj, ComMTMemberInfoMap *pMemberMap); private: // Private helpers. void Neuter(); void Init(); void DetermineMemberType(); void DetermineParamCount(); void DetermineCultureAwareness(); void SetUpParamMarshalerInfo(); void SetUpMethodMarshalerInfo(MethodDesc *pMeth, BOOL bReturnValueOnly); void SetUpFieldMarshalerInfo(FieldDesc *pField); void SetUpDispParamMarshalerForMarshalInfo(int iParam, MarshalInfo *pInfo); void SetUpDispParamAttributes(int iParam, MarshalInfo* Info); public: DISPID m_DispID; OBJECTHANDLE m_hndMemberInfo; DispParamMarshaler** m_apParamMarshaler; BOOL* m_pParamInOnly; DispatchMemberInfo* m_pNext; SString m_strName; EnumMemberTypes m_enumType; int m_iNumParams; CultureAwareStates m_CultureAwareState; BOOL m_bRequiresManagedCleanup; BOOL m_bInitialized; BOOL m_bNeutered; DispatchInfo* m_pDispInfo; BOOL m_bLastParamOleVarArg; private: static MethodTable* s_pMemberTypes[NUM_MEMBER_TYPES]; static EnumMemberTypes s_memberTypes[NUM_MEMBER_TYPES]; static int s_iNumMemberTypesKnown; }; struct InvokeObjects { PTRARRAYREF ParamArray; PTRARRAYREF CleanUpArray; OBJECTREF MemberInfo; OBJECTREF OleAutBinder; OBJECTREF Target; OBJECTREF PropVal; OBJECTREF ByrefStaticArrayBackupPropVal; OBJECTREF RetVal; OBJECTREF TmpObj; OBJECTREF MemberName; OBJECTREF CultureInfo; OBJECTREF OldCultureInfo; PTRARRAYREF NamedArgArray; OBJECTREF ReflectionObj; }; class DispatchInfo { public: // Encapsulate a CrstHolder, so that clients of our lock don't have to know // the details of our implementation. class LockHolder : public CrstHolder { public: LockHolder(DispatchInfo *pDI) : CrstHolder(&pDI->m_lock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } }; // Constructor and destructor. DispatchInfo(MethodTable *pComMTOwner); virtual ~DispatchInfo(); // Methods to lookup members. DispatchMemberInfo* FindMember(DISPID DispID); DispatchMemberInfo* FindMember(SString& strName, BOOL bCaseSensitive); // Helper method that invokes the member with the specified DISPID. HRESULT InvokeMember(SimpleComCallWrapper *pSimpleWrap, DISPID id, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pdp, VARIANT *pVarRes, EXCEPINFO *pei, IServiceProvider *pspCaller, unsigned int *puArgErr); void InvokeMemberDebuggerWrapper(DispatchMemberInfo* pDispMemberInfo, InvokeObjects* pObjs, int NumParams, int NumArgs, int NumNamedArgs, int& NumByrefArgs, int& iSrcArg, DISPID id, DISPPARAMS* pdp, VARIANT* pVarRes, WORD wFlags, LCID lcid, DISPID* pSrcArgNames, VARIANT* pSrcArgs, OBJECTHANDLE* aByrefStaticArrayBackupObjHandle, int* pManagedMethodParamIndexMap, VARIANT** aByrefArgOleVariant, Frame * pFrame); void InvokeMemberWorker(DispatchMemberInfo* pDispMemberInfo, InvokeObjects* pObjs, int NumParams, int NumArgs, int NumNamedArgs, int& NumByrefArgs, int& iSrcArg, DISPID id, DISPPARAMS* pdp, VARIANT* pVarRes, WORD wFlags, LCID lcid, DISPID* pSrcArgNames, VARIANT* pSrcArgs, OBJECTHANDLE* aByrefStaticArrayBackupObjHandle, int* pManagedMethodParamIndexMap, VARIANT** aByrefArgOleVariant); // Method to NULL the handles inside DispatchMemberInfo void DestroyMemberInfoHandles(); // Methods to retrieve the cached MD's static MethodDesc* GetFieldInfoMD(BinderMethodID Method, TypeHandle hndFieldInfoType); static MethodDesc* GetPropertyInfoMD(BinderMethodID Method, TypeHandle hndPropInfoType); static MethodDesc* GetMethodInfoMD(BinderMethodID Method, TypeHandle hndMethodInfoType); static MethodDesc* GetCustomAttrProviderMD(TypeHandle hndCustomAttrProvider); // This method synchronizes the DispatchInfo's members with the ones in managed world. // The return value will be set to TRUE if the object was out of synch and members where // added and it will be set to FALSE otherwise. BOOL SynchWithManagedView(); // This method retrieves the OleAutBinder type. static OBJECTREF GetOleAutBinder(); // Returns TRUE if the argument is "Missing" static BOOL VariantIsMissing(VARIANT *pOle); protected: // Parameter marshaling helpers. void MarshalParamNativeToManaged(DispatchMemberInfo *pMemberInfo, int iParam, VARIANT *pSrcVar, OBJECTREF *pDestObj); void MarshalParamManagedToNativeRef(DispatchMemberInfo *pMemberInfo, int iParam, OBJECTREF *pSrcObj, OBJECTREF *pBackupStaticArray, VARIANT *pRefVar); void MarshalReturnValueManagedToNative(DispatchMemberInfo *pMemberInfo, OBJECTREF *pSrcObj, VARIANT *pDestVar); void CleanUpNativeParam(DispatchMemberInfo *pDispMemberInfo, int iParam, OBJECTREF *pBackupStaticArray, VARIANT *pArgVariant); // DISPID to named argument convertion helper. void SetUpNamedParamArray(DispatchMemberInfo *pMemberInfo, DISPID *pSrcArgNames, int NumNamedArgs, PTRARRAYREF *pNamedParamArray); // Helper method to retrieve the source VARIANT from the VARIANT contained in the disp params. VARIANT* RetrieveSrcVariant(VARIANT *pDispParamsVariant); // Helper method to determine if a member is publically accessible. bool IsPropertyAccessorVisible(bool fIsSetter, OBJECTREF* pMemberInfo); // Helper methods called from SynchWithManagedView() to retrieve the lists of members. virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrievePropList(); virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrieveFieldList(); virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrieveMethList(); // Virtual method to retrieve the InvokeMember method desc. virtual MethodDesc* GetInvokeMemberMD(); // Virtual method to retrieve the reflection object associated with the DispatchInfo. virtual OBJECTREF GetReflectionObject(); // Virtual method to retrieve the member info map. virtual ComMTMemberInfoMap* GetMemberInfoMap(); // This method generates a DISPID for a new member. DISPID GenerateDispID(); // Helper method to create an instance of a DispatchMemberInfo. virtual DispatchMemberInfo* CreateDispatchMemberInfoInstance(DISPID DispID, SString& strMemberName, OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj); // Helper function to fill in an EXCEPINFO for an InvocationException. static void GetExcepInfoForInvocationExcep(OBJECTREF objException, EXCEPINFO *pei); // This helper method converts the IDispatch::Invoke flags to BindingFlags. static int ConvertInvokeFlagsToBindingFlags(int InvokeFlags); // Helper function to determine if a VARIANT is a byref static safe array. static BOOL IsVariantByrefStaticArray(VARIANT *pOle); MethodTable* m_pMT; PtrHashMap m_DispIDToMemberInfoMap; DispatchMemberInfo* m_pFirstMemberInfo; Crst m_lock; int m_CurrentDispID; BOOL m_bAllowMembersNotInComMTMemberMap; BOOL m_bInvokeUsingInvokeMember; static OBJECTHANDLE m_hndOleAutBinder; }; class DispatchExInfo : public DispatchInfo { public: // Constructor and destructor. DispatchExInfo(SimpleComCallWrapper *pSimpleWrapper, MethodTable *pMT, BOOL bSupportsExpando); virtual ~DispatchExInfo(); // Returns true if this DispatchExInfo supports expando operations. BOOL SupportsExpando(); // Methods to lookup members. These methods synch with the managed view if they fail to // find the method. DispatchMemberInfo* SynchFindMember(DISPID DispID); DispatchMemberInfo* SynchFindMember(SString& strName, BOOL bCaseSensitive); // Helper method that invokes the member with the specified DISPID. These methods synch // with the managed view if they fail to find the method. HRESULT SynchInvokeMember(SimpleComCallWrapper *pSimpleWrap, DISPID id, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pdp, VARIANT *pVarRes, EXCEPINFO *pei, IServiceProvider *pspCaller, unsigned int *puArgErr); // Helper method to create an instance of a DispatchMemberInfo. virtual DispatchMemberInfo* CreateDispatchMemberInfoInstance(DISPID DispID, SString& strMemberName, OBJECTREF MemberInfoObj); // These methods return the first and next non deleted members. DispatchMemberInfo* GetFirstMember(); DispatchMemberInfo* GetNextMember(DISPID CurrMemberDispID); // Methods to add and delete members. DispatchMemberInfo* AddMember(SString& strName, BOOL bCaseSensitive); void DeleteMember(DISPID DispID); // Methods to retrieve the cached MD's MethodDesc* GetIReflectMD(BinderMethodID Method); MethodDesc* GetIExpandoMD(BinderMethodID Method); private: // Helper methods called from SynchWithManagedView() to retrieve the lists of members. virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrievePropList(); virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrieveFieldList(); virtual PTRARRAYREF RetrieveMethList(); // Virtual method to retrieve the InvokeMember method desc. virtual MethodDesc* GetInvokeMemberMD(); // Virtual method to retrieve the reflection object associated with the DispatchInfo. virtual OBJECTREF GetReflectionObject(); // Virtual method to retrieve the member info map. virtual ComMTMemberInfoMap* GetMemberInfoMap(); SimpleComCallWrapper* m_pSimpleWrapperOwner; BOOL m_bSupportsExpando; }; #endif // _DISPATCHINFO_H