// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "disassembler.h" #include "dllimport.h" #if USE_DISASSEMBLER // TODO: Which contracts should be used where? Currently, everything is using LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT. #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER HMODULE Disassembler::s_libraryHandle = nullptr; InitDisasm_t *Disassembler::External_InitDisasm = nullptr; FinishDisasm_t *Disassembler::External_FinishDisasm = nullptr; DisasmInstruction_t *Disassembler::External_DisasmInstruction = nullptr; #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER Disassembler::ExternalDisassembler *Disassembler::s_availableExternalDisassembler = nullptr; #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_X86_) // static bool Disassembler::IsRexPrefix(UINT8 potentialRexByte) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ return (potentialRexByte & 0xf0) == REX_PREFIX_BASE; #else // !_TARGET_AMD64_ return false; #endif // _TARGET_AMD64_ } // static UINT8 Disassembler::DecodeModFromModRm(UINT8 modRm) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return modRm >> 6; } // static UINT8 Disassembler::DecodeRegOrOpCodeFromModRm(UINT8 modRm) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (modRm >> 3) & 0x7; } // static UINT8 Disassembler::DecodeRmFromModRm(UINT8 modRm) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return modRm & 0x7; } #endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_X86_) // static bool Disassembler::IsAvailable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER return s_libraryHandle != nullptr; #else // !USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER return true; #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER } void Disassembler::StaticInitialize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER _ASSERTE(!IsAvailable()); HMODULE libraryHandle = nullptr; PathString libPath; DWORD result = WszGetModuleFileName(nullptr, libPath); if (result == 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG wprintf( W("GetModuleFileName failed, function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"), GetLastError()); #endif // _DEBUG return; } #if defined(FEATURE_PAL) WCHAR delim = W('/'); #else WCHAR delim = W('\\'); #endif LPCWSTR libFileName = MAKEDLLNAME(W("coredistools")); PathString::Iterator iter = libPath.End(); if (libPath.FindBack(iter, delim)) { libPath.Truncate(++iter); libPath.Append(libFileName); } else { _ASSERTE(!"unreachable"); } LPCWSTR libraryName = libPath.GetUnicode(); libraryHandle = CLRLoadLibrary(libraryName); do { if (libraryHandle == nullptr) { #ifdef _DEBUG wprintf(W("LoadLibrary failed for '%s': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError()); #endif // _DEBUG break; } External_InitDisasm = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "InitDisasm")); if (External_InitDisasm == nullptr) { #ifdef _DEBUG wprintf( W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'InitDisasm': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError()); #endif // _DEBUG break; } External_DisasmInstruction = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "DisasmInstruction")); if (External_DisasmInstruction == nullptr) { #ifdef _DEBUG wprintf( W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError()); #endif // _DEBUG break; } External_FinishDisasm = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "FinishDisasm")); if (External_FinishDisasm == nullptr) { #ifdef _DEBUG wprintf( W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'FinishDisasm': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError()); #endif // _DEBUG break; } // Set this last to indicate successful load of the library and all exports s_libraryHandle = libraryHandle; _ASSERTE(IsAvailable()); return; } while (false); _ASSERTE(!IsAvailable()); #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER } // static void Disassembler::StaticClose() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (!IsAvailable()) { return; } #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER CLRFreeLibrary(s_libraryHandle); s_libraryHandle = nullptr; #endif } Disassembler::Disassembler() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsAvailable()); // TODO: Is it ok to save and reuse an instance of the LLVM-based disassembler? It may later be used from a different // thread, and it may be deleted from a different thread than the one from which it was created. // Try to get an external disassembler that is already available for use before creating one ExternalDisassembler *externalDisassembler = FastInterlockExchangePointer(&s_availableExternalDisassembler, static_cast(nullptr)); if (externalDisassembler == nullptr) { #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER // First parameter: // - Empty string for the current architecture // - A string of the form "x86_64-pc-win32" externalDisassembler = External_InitDisasm(Target_Host); #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ externalDisassembler = ExternalDisassembler::PdisNew(ExternalDisassembler::distX86); #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) externalDisassembler = ExternalDisassembler::PdisNew(ExternalDisassembler::distX8664); #endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER } _ASSERTE(externalDisassembler != nullptr); m_externalDisassembler = externalDisassembler; } Disassembler::~Disassembler() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsAvailable()); // Save the external disassembler for future use. We only save one instance, so delete a previously saved one. ExternalDisassembler *externalDisassemblerToDelete = FastInterlockExchangePointer(&s_availableExternalDisassembler, m_externalDisassembler); if (externalDisassemblerToDelete == nullptr) { return; } #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER External_FinishDisasm(externalDisassemblerToDelete); #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER delete externalDisassemblerToDelete; #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER } SIZE_T Disassembler::DisassembleInstruction(const UINT8 *code, SIZE_T codeLength, InstructionType *instructionTypeRef) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsAvailable()); #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER SIZE_T instructionLength = External_DisasmInstruction(m_externalDisassembler, code, code, codeLength); #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER SIZE_T instructionLength = m_externalDisassembler->CbDisassemble(reinterpret_cast(code), code, codeLength); #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER _ASSERTE(instructionLength <= codeLength); if (instructionTypeRef != nullptr) { if (instructionLength == 0) { *instructionTypeRef = InstructionType::Unknown; } else { #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER *instructionTypeRef = DetermineInstructionType(code, instructionLength); #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER *instructionTypeRef = DetermineInstructionType(m_externalDisassembler->Trmt()); #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER } } return instructionLength; } // static InstructionType Disassembler::DetermineInstructionType( #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER const UINT8 *instructionCode, SIZE_T instructionCodeLength #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER ExternalDisassembler::TRMT terminationType #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER ) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #if USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER _ASSERTE(instructionCodeLength != 0); SIZE_T i = 0; if (Disassembler::IsRexPrefix(instructionCode[i])) { ++i; } switch (instructionCode[i]) { case 0xe8: // call near rel #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ case 0x9a: // call far ptr #endif // _TARGET_X86_ return InstructionType::Call_DirectUnconditional; case 0xff: ++i; if (i >= instructionCodeLength) { break; } switch (Disassembler::DecodeRegOrOpCodeFromModRm(instructionCode[i])) { case 2: // call near r/m case 3: // call far m return InstructionType::Call_IndirectUnconditional; case 4: // jmp near r/m case 5: // jmp far m return InstructionType::Branch_IndirectUnconditional; } break; } #elif USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER switch (terminationType) { case ExternalDisassembler::trmtCall: return InstructionType::Call_DirectUnconditional; case ExternalDisassembler::trmtCallInd: return InstructionType::Call_IndirectUnconditional; case ExternalDisassembler::trmtBraInd: return InstructionType::Branch_IndirectUnconditional; } #endif // USE_COREDISTOOLS_DISASSEMBLER || USE_MSVC_DISASSEMBLER return InstructionType::Unknown; } #endif // USE_DISASSEMBLER