// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #include "dataimage.h" #include "compile.h" #include "field.h" // // Include Zapper infrastructure here // // dataimage.cpp is the only place where Zapper infrasture should be used directly in the VM. // The rest of the VM should never use Zapper infrastructure directly for good layering. // The long term goal is to move all NGen specific parts like Save and Fixup methods out of the VM, // and remove the dataimage.cpp completely. // #include "zapper.h" #include "../zap/zapwriter.h" #include "../zap/zapimage.h" #include "../zap/zapimport.h" #include "inlinetracking.h" #define NodeTypeForItemKind(kind) ((ZapNodeType)(ZapNodeType_StoredStructure + kind)) class ZapStoredStructure : public ZapNode { DWORD m_dwSize; BYTE m_kind; BYTE m_align; public: ZapStoredStructure(DWORD dwSize, BYTE kind, BYTE align) : m_dwSize(dwSize), m_kind(kind), m_align(align) { } void * GetData() { return this + 1; } DataImage::ItemKind GetKind() { return (DataImage::ItemKind)m_kind; } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_dwSize; } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return m_align; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return NodeTypeForItemKind(m_kind); } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); }; inline ZapStoredStructure * AsStoredStructure(ZapNode * pNode) { // Verify that it is one of the StoredStructure subtypes _ASSERTE(pNode->GetType() >= ZapNodeType_StoredStructure); return (ZapStoredStructure *)pNode; } struct InternedStructureKey { InternedStructureKey(const void * data, DWORD dwSize, DataImage::ItemKind kind) : m_data(data), m_dwSize(dwSize), m_kind(kind) { } const void *m_data; DWORD m_dwSize; DataImage::ItemKind m_kind; }; class InternedStructureTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef InternedStructureKey key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return InternedStructureKey(e->GetData(), e->GetSize(), e->GetKind()); } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (k1.m_dwSize == k2.m_dwSize) && (k1.m_kind == k2.m_kind) && memcmp(k1.m_data, k2.m_data, k1.m_dwSize) == 0; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)k.m_dwSize ^ (count_t)k.m_kind ^ HashBytes((BYTE *)k.m_data, k.m_dwSize); } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e == NULL; } }; DataImage::DataImage(Module *module, CEEPreloader *preloader) : m_module(module), m_preloader(preloader), m_iCurrentFixup(0), // Dev11 bug 181494 instrumentation m_pInternedStructures(NULL), m_pCurrentAssociatedMethodTable(NULL) { m_pZapImage = m_preloader->GetDataStore()->GetZapImage(); m_pZapImage->m_pDataImage = this; m_pInternedStructures = new InternedStructureHashTable(); m_inlineTrackingMap = new InlineTrackingMap(); } DataImage::~DataImage() { delete m_pInternedStructures; delete m_inlineTrackingMap; } void DataImage::PreSave() { #ifndef ZAP_HASHTABLE_TUNING Preallocate(); #endif } void DataImage::PostSave() { #ifdef ZAP_HASHTABLE_TUNING // If ZAP_HASHTABLE_TUNING is defined, preallocate is overloaded to print the tunning constants Preallocate(); #endif } DWORD DataImage::GetMethodProfilingFlags(MethodDesc * pMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // We are not differentiating unboxing stubs vs. normal method descs in IBC data yet if (pMD->IsUnboxingStub()) pMD = pMD->GetWrappedMethodDesc(); const MethodProfilingData * pData = m_methodProfilingData.LookupPtr(pMD); return (pData != NULL) ? pData->flags : 0; } void DataImage::SetMethodProfilingFlags(MethodDesc * pMD, DWORD flags) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; const MethodProfilingData * pData = m_methodProfilingData.LookupPtr(pMD); if (pData != NULL) { const_cast(pData)->flags |= flags; return; } MethodProfilingData data; data.pMD = pMD; data.flags = flags; m_methodProfilingData.Add(data); } void DataImage::Preallocate() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // TODO: Move to ZapImage PEDecoder pe((void *)m_module->GetFile()->GetManagedFileContents()); COUNT_T cbILImage = pe.GetSize(); // Curb the estimate to handle corner cases gracefuly cbILImage = min(cbILImage, 50000000); PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE(DataImage::m_structures, 0.019, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_ARRAY(DataImage::m_structuresInOrder, 0.0088, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_ARRAY(DataImage::m_Fixups, 0.046, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE(DataImage::m_surrogates, 0.0025, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE((*DataImage::m_pInternedStructures), 0.0007, cbILImage); } ZapHeap * DataImage::GetHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pZapImage->GetHeap(); } void DataImage::AddStructureInOrder(ZapNode *pNode, BOOL fMaintainSaveOrder /*=FALSE*/) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SavedNodeEntry entry; entry.pNode = pNode; entry.dwAssociatedOrder = 0; if (fMaintainSaveOrder) { entry.dwAssociatedOrder = MAINTAIN_SAVE_ORDER; } else if (m_pCurrentAssociatedMethodTable) { TypeHandle th = TypeHandle(m_pCurrentAssociatedMethodTable); entry.dwAssociatedOrder = m_pZapImage->LookupClassLayoutOrder(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE(th.AsPtr())); } m_structuresInOrder.Append(entry); } ZapStoredStructure * DataImage::StoreStructureHelper(const void *data, SIZE_T size, DataImage::ItemKind kind, int align, BOOL fMaintainSaveOrder) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; S_SIZE_T cbAllocSize = S_SIZE_T(sizeof(ZapStoredStructure)) + S_SIZE_T(size); if(cbAllocSize.IsOverflow()) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); void * pMemory = new (GetHeap()) BYTE[cbAllocSize.Value()]; // PE files cannot be larger than 4 GB if (DWORD(size) != size) ThrowHR(E_UNEXPECTED); ZapStoredStructure * pStructure = new (pMemory) ZapStoredStructure((DWORD)size, static_cast(kind), static_cast(align)); if (data != NULL) { CopyMemory(pStructure->GetData(), data, size); BindPointer(data, pStructure, 0); } m_pLastLookup = NULL; AddStructureInOrder(pStructure, fMaintainSaveOrder); return pStructure; } // Bind pointer to the relative offset in ZapNode void DataImage::BindPointer(const void *p, ZapNode * pNode, SSIZE_T offset) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_structures.LookupPtr(p) == NULL); StructureEntry e; e.ptr = p; e.pNode = pNode; e.offset = offset; m_structures.Add(e); m_pLastLookup = NULL; } void DataImage::CopyData(ZapStoredStructure * pNode, const void * p, ULONG size) { memcpy(pNode->GetData(), p, size); } void DataImage::CopyDataToOffset(ZapStoredStructure * pNode, ULONG offset, const void * p, ULONG size) { SIZE_T target = (SIZE_T) (pNode->GetData()); target += offset; memcpy((void *) target, p, size); } void DataImage::PlaceStructureForAddress(const void * data, CorCompileSection section) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (data == NULL) return; const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(data); if (pEntry == NULL) return; ZapNode * pNode = pEntry->pNode; if (!pNode->IsPlaced()) { ZapVirtualSection * pSection = m_pZapImage->GetSection(section); pSection->Place(pNode); } } void DataImage::PlaceInternedStructureForAddress(const void * data, CorCompileSection sectionIfReused, CorCompileSection sectionIfSingleton) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (data == NULL) return; const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(data); if (pEntry == NULL) return; ZapNode * pNode = pEntry->pNode; if (!pNode->IsPlaced()) { CorCompileSection section = m_reusedStructures.Contains(pNode) ? sectionIfReused : sectionIfSingleton; ZapVirtualSection * pSection = m_pZapImage->GetSection(section); pSection->Place(pNode); } } void DataImage::FixupPointerField(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PVOID pTarget = *(PVOID UNALIGNED *)((BYTE *)p + offset); if (pTarget == NULL) { ZeroPointerField(p, offset); return; } FixupField(p, offset, pTarget); } void DataImage::FixupRelativePointerField(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PVOID pTarget = RelativePointer::GetValueMaybeNullAtPtr((TADDR)p + offset); if (pTarget == NULL) { ZeroPointerField(p, offset); return; } FixupField(p, offset, pTarget, 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } static void EncodeTargetOffset(PVOID pLocation, SSIZE_T targetOffset, ZapRelocationType type) { // Store the targetOffset into the location of the reloc temporarily switch (type) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR: case IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR: *(UNALIGNED TADDR *)pLocation = (TADDR)targetOffset; break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: *(UNALIGNED DWORD *)pLocation = (DWORD)targetOffset; break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE_TAGGED: _ASSERTE(targetOffset == 0); *(UNALIGNED TADDR *)pLocation = 0; break; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) case IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32: *(UNALIGNED INT32 *)pLocation = (INT32)targetOffset; break; #endif // _TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_ default: _ASSERTE(0); } } static SSIZE_T DecodeTargetOffset(PVOID pLocation, ZapRelocationType type) { // Store the targetOffset into the location of the reloc temporarily switch (type) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR: case IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR: return (SSIZE_T)*(UNALIGNED TADDR *)pLocation; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: return *(UNALIGNED DWORD *)pLocation; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE_TAGGED: _ASSERTE(*(UNALIGNED TADDR *)pLocation == 0); return 0; #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) case IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32: return *(UNALIGNED INT32 *)pLocation; #endif // _TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_ default: _ASSERTE(0); return 0; } } void DataImage::FixupField(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, PVOID pTarget, SSIZE_T targetOffset, ZapRelocationType type) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_iCurrentFixup++; // Dev11 bug 181494 instrumentation const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_pLastLookup; if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->ptr != p) { pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(p); _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL && "StoreStructure or BindPointer have to be called on all save data."); m_pLastLookup = pEntry; } offset += pEntry->offset; _ASSERTE(0 <= offset && (DWORD)offset < pEntry->pNode->GetSize()); const StructureEntry * pTargetEntry = m_pLastLookup; if (pTargetEntry == NULL || pTargetEntry->ptr != pTarget) { pTargetEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(pTarget); _ASSERTE(pTargetEntry != NULL && "The target of the fixup is not saved into the image"); } targetOffset += pTargetEntry->offset; _ASSERTE(0 <= targetOffset && (DWORD)targetOffset <= pTargetEntry->pNode->GetSize()); FixupEntry entry; entry.m_type = type; entry.m_offset = (DWORD)offset; entry.m_pLocation = AsStoredStructure(pEntry->pNode); entry.m_pTargetNode = pTargetEntry->pNode; AppendFixup(entry); EncodeTargetOffset((BYTE *)AsStoredStructure(pEntry->pNode)->GetData() + offset, targetOffset, type); } void DataImage::FixupFieldToNode(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapNode * pTarget, SSIZE_T targetOffset, ZapRelocationType type) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_iCurrentFixup++; // Dev11 bug 181494 instrumentation const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_pLastLookup; if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->ptr != p) { pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(p); _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL && "StoreStructure or BindPointer have to be called on all save data."); m_pLastLookup = pEntry; } offset += pEntry->offset; _ASSERTE(0 <= offset && (DWORD)offset < pEntry->pNode->GetSize()); _ASSERTE(pTarget != NULL); FixupEntry entry; entry.m_type = type; entry.m_offset = (DWORD)offset; entry.m_pLocation = AsStoredStructure(pEntry->pNode); entry.m_pTargetNode = pTarget; AppendFixup(entry); EncodeTargetOffset((BYTE *)AsStoredStructure(pEntry->pNode)->GetData() + offset, targetOffset, type); } DWORD DataImage::GetRVA(const void *data) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(data); _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL); return pEntry->pNode->GetRVA() + (DWORD)pEntry->offset; } void DataImage::ZeroField(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, SIZE_T size) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ZeroMemory(GetImagePointer(p, offset), size); } void * DataImage::GetImagePointer(ZapStoredStructure * pNode) { return pNode->GetData(); } void * DataImage::GetImagePointer(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_pLastLookup; if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->ptr != p) { pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(p); _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL && "StoreStructure or BindPointer have to be called on all save data."); m_pLastLookup = pEntry; } offset += pEntry->offset; _ASSERTE(0 <= offset && (DWORD)offset < pEntry->pNode->GetSize()); return (BYTE *)AsStoredStructure(pEntry->pNode)->GetData() + offset; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetNodeForStructure(PVOID p, SSIZE_T * pOffset) { const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_pLastLookup; if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->ptr != p) { pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(p); _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL && "StoreStructure or BindPointer have to be called on all save data."); } *pOffset = pEntry->offset; return pEntry->pNode; } ZapStoredStructure * DataImage::StoreInternedStructure(const void *data, ULONG size, DataImage::ItemKind kind, int align) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ZapStoredStructure * pStructure = m_pInternedStructures->Lookup(InternedStructureKey(data, size, kind)); if (pStructure != NULL) { // Just add a new mapping for to the interned structure BindPointer(data, pStructure, 0); // Track that this structure has been successfully reused by interning NoteReusedStructure(data); } else { // We have not seen this structure yet. Create a new one. pStructure = StoreStructure(data, size, kind); m_pInternedStructures->Add(pStructure); } return pStructure; } void DataImage::NoteReusedStructure(const void *data) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsStored(data)); const StructureEntry * pEntry = m_structures.LookupPtr(data); if (!m_reusedStructures.Contains(pEntry->pNode)) { m_reusedStructures.Add(pEntry->pNode); } } // Save the info of an RVA into m_rvaInfoVector. void DataImage::StoreRvaInfo(FieldDesc * pFD, DWORD rva, UINT size, UINT align) { RvaInfoStructure rvaInfo; _ASSERTE(m_module == pFD->GetModule()); _ASSERTE(m_module == pFD->GetLoaderModule()); rvaInfo.pFD = pFD; rvaInfo.rva = rva; rvaInfo.size = size; rvaInfo.align = align; m_rvaInfoVector.Append(rvaInfo); } // qsort compare function. // Primary key: rva (ascending order). Secondary key: size (descending order). int __cdecl DataImage::rvaInfoVectorEntryCmp(const void* a_, const void* b_) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_TOLERANT; DataImage::RvaInfoStructure *a = (DataImage::RvaInfoStructure *)a_; DataImage::RvaInfoStructure *b = (DataImage::RvaInfoStructure *)b_; int rvaComparisonResult = (int)(a->rva - b->rva); if (rvaComparisonResult!=0) return rvaComparisonResult; // Ascending order on rva return (int)(b->size - a->size); // Descending order on size } // Sort the list of RVA statics in an ascending order wrt the RVA and save them. // For RVA structures with the same RVA, we will only store the one with the largest size. void DataImage::SaveRvaStructure() { if (m_rvaInfoVector.IsEmpty()) return; // No RVA static to save // Use qsort to sort the m_rvaInfoVector qsort (&m_rvaInfoVector[0], // start of array m_rvaInfoVector.GetCount(), // array size in elements sizeof(RvaInfoStructure), // element size in bytes rvaInfoVectorEntryCmp); // comparere function RvaInfoStructure * previousRvaInfo = NULL; for (COUNT_T i=0; irva are actually monotonically increasing and // rvaInfo->size are monotonically decreasing if rva are the same. _ASSERTE(previousRvaInfo==NULL || previousRvaInfo->rva < rvaInfo->rva || previousRvaInfo->rva == rvaInfo->rva && previousRvaInfo->size >= rvaInfo->size ); if (previousRvaInfo==NULL || previousRvaInfo->rva != rvaInfo->rva) { void * pRVAData = rvaInfo->pFD->GetStaticAddressHandle(NULL); // Note that we force the structures to be laid out in the order we save them StoreStructureInOrder(pRVAData, rvaInfo->size, DataImage::ITEM_RVA_STATICS, rvaInfo->align); } previousRvaInfo = rvaInfo; } } void DataImage::RegisterSurrogate(PVOID ptr, PVOID surrogate) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_surrogates.Add(ptr, surrogate); } PVOID DataImage::LookupSurrogate(PVOID ptr) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; const KeyValuePair * pEntry = m_surrogates.LookupPtr(ptr); if (pEntry == NULL) return NULL; return pEntry->Value(); } // Please read comments in corcompile.h for ZapVirtualSectionType before // putting data items into sections. FORCEINLINE static CorCompileSection GetSectionForNodeType(ZapNodeType type) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; switch ((int)type) { // SECTION_MODULE case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_MODULE): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_MODULE; // CORCOMPILE_SECTION_WRITE (Hot Writeable) // things only go in here if they are: // (a) explicitly identified by profiling data // or (b) if we have no profiling for these items but they are frequently written to case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FILEREF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_ASSEMREF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DYNAMIC_STATICS_INFO_TABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DYNAMIC_STATICS_INFO_ENTRY): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_CER_RESTORE_FLAGS): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_WRITE; // CORCOMPILE_SECTION_WRITEABLE (Cold Writeable) case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_TABLE_SPECIAL_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_TABLE_DATA_COLD_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DICTIONARY_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FROZEN_OBJECTS): // sometimes the objhdr is modified return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_WRITEABLE; // SECTION_HOT // Other things go in here if // (a) identified as reads by the profiling runs // (b) if we have no profiling for these items but are identified as typically being read case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_CER_ROOT_TABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_RID_MAP_HOT): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_BINDER): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_MODULE_SECDESC): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_DESC_HOT): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_HOT; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_BINDER_ITEMS): // these are the guaranteed to be hot items return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_READONLY_SHARED_HOT; // SECTION_READONLY_HOT case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GC_STATIC_HANDLES_HOT): // this is assumed to be hot. it is not written to. case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_MODULE_CCTOR_INFO_HOT): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_BUCKETLIST_HOT): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_ENTRIES_RO_HOT): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_READONLY_HOT; // SECTION_HOT_WRITEABLE case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_DESC_HOT_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_TABLE_DATA_HOT_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_HOT): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_ENTRIES_HOT): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_HOT_WRITEABLE; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_PRECODE_HOT_WRITEABLE): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_WRITE; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_PRECODE_HOT): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_HOT; // SECTION_RVA_STATICS case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_RVA_STATICS): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_RVA_STATICS_COLD; // This MUST go in this section // SECTION_WARM case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GUID_INFO): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DICTIONARY_LAYOUT): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS_WARM): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_WARM; // SECTION_READONLY_WARM case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_TABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_VTABLE_CHUNK): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_INTERFACE_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DICTIONARY): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DISPATCH_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GENERICS_STATIC_FIELDDESCS): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GC_STATIC_HANDLES_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_MODULE_CCTOR_INFO_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_STORED_METHOD_NAME): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_PROPERTY_NAME_SET): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_STORED_METHOD_SIG_READONLY_WARM): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_READONLY_WARM; // SECTION_CLASS_COLD case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_PARAM_TYPEDESC): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_ARRAY_TYPEDESC): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FIELD_MARSHALERS): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FPTR_TYPEDESC): #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_SPARSE_VTABLE_MAP_TABLE): #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_CLASS_COLD; //SECTION_READONLY_COLD case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FIELD_DESC_LIST): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_ENUM_VALUES): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_ENUM_NAME_POINTERS): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_ENUM_NAME): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_BUCKETLIST_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_ENTRIES_RO_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_STORED_METHOD_SIG_READONLY): #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_SPARSE_VTABLE_MAP_ENTRIES): #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_CLASS_VARIANCE_INFO): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_READONLY_COLD; // SECTION_CROSS_DOMAIN_INFO case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_CROSS_DOMAIN_INFO): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_VTS_INFO): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_CROSS_DOMAIN_INFO; // SECTION_METHOD_DESC_COLD case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_DESC_COLD): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_DESC_COLD; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_DESC_COLD_WRITEABLE): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_STORED_METHOD_SIG): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_DESC_COLD_WRITEABLE; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD; case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD_WRITEABLE): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD_WRITEABLE; // SECTION_MODULE_COLD case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_TYPEDEF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_TYPEREF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_METHODDEF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_FIELDDEF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_MEMBERREF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GENERICPARAM_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_GENERICTYPEDEF_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_PROPERTYINFO_MAP): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_TYVAR_TYPEDESC): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_CER_METHOD_LIST): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_COLD): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_NGEN_HASH_ENTRIES_COLD): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_MODULE_COLD; // SECTION_DEBUG_COLD case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_DEBUG): case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_INLINING_DATA): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_DEBUG_COLD; // SECTION_COMPRESSED_MAPS case NodeTypeForItemKind(DataImage::ITEM_COMPRESSED_MAP): return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_COMPRESSED_MAPS; default: _ASSERTE(!"Missing mapping between type and section"); return CORCOMPILE_SECTION_MODULE_COLD; } } static int __cdecl LayoutOrderCmp(const void* a_, const void* b_) { DWORD a = ((DataImage::SavedNodeEntry*)a_)->dwAssociatedOrder; DWORD b = ((DataImage::SavedNodeEntry*)b_)->dwAssociatedOrder; if (a > b) { return 1; } else { return (a < b) ? -1 : 0; } } void DataImage::PlaceRemainingStructures() { if (m_pZapImage->HasClassLayoutOrder()) { // The structures are currently in save order; since we are going to change // that to class layout order, first place any that require us to maintain save order. // Note that this is necessary because qsort is not stable. for (COUNT_T iStructure = 0; iStructure < m_structuresInOrder.GetCount(); iStructure++) { if (m_structuresInOrder[iStructure].dwAssociatedOrder == MAINTAIN_SAVE_ORDER) { ZapNode * pStructure = m_structuresInOrder[iStructure].pNode; if (!pStructure->IsPlaced()) { ZapVirtualSection * pSection = m_pZapImage->GetSection(GetSectionForNodeType(pStructure->GetType())); pSection->Place(pStructure); } } } qsort(&m_structuresInOrder[0], m_structuresInOrder.GetCount(), sizeof(SavedNodeEntry), LayoutOrderCmp); } // Place the unplaced structures, which may have been re-sorted according to class-layout order for (COUNT_T iStructure = 0; iStructure < m_structuresInOrder.GetCount(); iStructure++) { ZapNode * pStructure = m_structuresInOrder[iStructure].pNode; if (!pStructure->IsPlaced()) { ZapVirtualSection * pSection = m_pZapImage->GetSection(GetSectionForNodeType(pStructure->GetType())); pSection->Place(pStructure); } } } int __cdecl DataImage::fixupEntryCmp(const void* a_, const void* b_) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FixupEntry *a = (FixupEntry *)a_; FixupEntry *b = (FixupEntry *)b_; return (a->m_pLocation->GetRVA() + a->m_offset) - (b->m_pLocation->GetRVA() + b->m_offset); } void DataImage::FixupRVAs() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; FixupModuleRVAs(); FixupRvaStructure(); // Dev11 bug 181494 instrumentation if (m_Fixups.GetCount() != m_iCurrentFixup) EEPOLICY_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(COR_E_EXECUTIONENGINE); qsort(&m_Fixups[0], m_Fixups.GetCount(), sizeof(FixupEntry), fixupEntryCmp); // Sentinel FixupEntry entry; entry.m_type = 0; entry.m_offset = 0; entry.m_pLocation = NULL; entry.m_pTargetNode = NULL; m_Fixups.Append(entry); // Dev11 bug 181494 instrumentation if (m_Fixups.GetCount() -1 != m_iCurrentFixup) EEPOLICY_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(COR_E_EXECUTIONENGINE); m_iCurrentFixup = 0; } void DataImage::SetRVAsForFields(IMetaDataEmit * pEmit) { for (COUNT_T i=0; ipFD->GetStaticAddressHandle(NULL); DWORD dwOffset = GetRVA(pRVAData); pEmit->SetRVA(rvaInfo->pFD->GetMemberDef(), dwOffset); } } void ZapStoredStructure::Save(ZapWriter * pWriter) { DataImage * image = ZapImage::GetImage(pWriter)->m_pDataImage; DataImage::FixupEntry * pPrevFixupEntry = NULL; for (;;) { DataImage::FixupEntry * pFixupEntry = &(image->m_Fixups[image->m_iCurrentFixup]); if (pFixupEntry->m_pLocation != this) { _ASSERTE(pFixupEntry->m_pLocation == NULL || GetRVA() + GetSize() <= pFixupEntry->m_pLocation->GetRVA()); break; } PVOID pLocation = (BYTE *)GetData() + pFixupEntry->m_offset; if (pPrevFixupEntry == NULL || pPrevFixupEntry->m_offset != pFixupEntry->m_offset) { SSIZE_T targetOffset = DecodeTargetOffset(pLocation, pFixupEntry->m_type); #ifdef _DEBUG // All pointers in EE datastructures should be aligned. This is important to // avoid stradling relocations that cause issues with ASLR. if (pFixupEntry->m_type == IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR) { _ASSERTE(IS_ALIGNED(pWriter->GetCurrentRVA() + pFixupEntry->m_offset, sizeof(TADDR))); } #endif ZapImage::GetImage(pWriter)->WriteReloc( GetData(), pFixupEntry->m_offset, pFixupEntry->m_pTargetNode, (int)targetOffset, pFixupEntry->m_type); } else { // It's fine to have duplicate fixup entries, but they must target the same data. // If this assert fires, Fixup* was called twice on the same field in an NGen'd // structure with different targets, which likely indicates the current structure // was illegally interned or shared. _ASSERTE(pPrevFixupEntry->m_type == pFixupEntry->m_type); _ASSERTE(pPrevFixupEntry->m_pTargetNode== pFixupEntry->m_pTargetNode); } pPrevFixupEntry = pFixupEntry; image->m_iCurrentFixup++; } pWriter->Write(GetData(), m_dwSize); } void DataImage::FixupSectionRange(SIZE_T offset, ZapNode * pNode) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pNode->GetSize() != 0) { FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offset, pNode); SIZE_T * pSize = (SIZE_T *)((BYTE *)GetImagePointer(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo) + offset + sizeof(TADDR)); *pSize = pNode->GetSize(); } } void DataImage::FixupSectionPtr(SIZE_T offset, ZapNode * pNode) { if (pNode->GetSize() != 0) FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offset, pNode); } void DataImage::FixupJumpStubPtr(SIZE_T offset, CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum) { ZapNode * pNode = m_pZapImage->GetHelperThunkIfExists(ftnNum); if (pNode != NULL) FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offset, pNode); } void DataImage::FixupModuleRVAs() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_CodeSections[0]), m_pZapImage->m_pHotCodeSection); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_CodeSections[1]), m_pZapImage->m_pCodeSection); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_CodeSections[2]), m_pZapImage->m_pColdCodeSection); NGenLayoutInfo * pSavedNGenLayoutInfo = (NGenLayoutInfo *)GetImagePointer(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo); COUNT_T nHotRuntimeFunctions = m_pZapImage->m_pHotRuntimeFunctionSection->GetNodeCount(); if (nHotRuntimeFunctions != 0) { pSavedNGenLayoutInfo->m_nRuntimeFunctions[0] = nHotRuntimeFunctions; FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_UnwindInfoLookupTable[0]), m_pZapImage->m_pHotRuntimeFunctionLookupSection); pSavedNGenLayoutInfo->m_UnwindInfoLookupTableEntryCount[0] = m_pZapImage->m_pHotRuntimeFunctionLookupSection->GetSize() / sizeof(DWORD) - 1; FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_MethodDescs[0]), m_pZapImage->m_pHotCodeMethodDescsSection); FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pRuntimeFunctions[0]), m_pZapImage->m_pHotRuntimeFunctionSection); } COUNT_T nRuntimeFunctions = m_pZapImage->m_pRuntimeFunctionSection->GetNodeCount(); if (nRuntimeFunctions != 0) { pSavedNGenLayoutInfo->m_nRuntimeFunctions[1] = nRuntimeFunctions; FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_UnwindInfoLookupTable[1]), m_pZapImage->m_pRuntimeFunctionLookupSection); pSavedNGenLayoutInfo->m_UnwindInfoLookupTableEntryCount[1] = m_pZapImage->m_pRuntimeFunctionLookupSection->GetSize() / sizeof(DWORD) - 1; FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_MethodDescs[1]), m_pZapImage->m_pCodeMethodDescsSection); FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pRuntimeFunctions[1]), m_pZapImage->m_pRuntimeFunctionSection); } COUNT_T nColdRuntimeFunctions = m_pZapImage->m_pColdRuntimeFunctionSection->GetNodeCount(); if (nColdRuntimeFunctions != 0) { pSavedNGenLayoutInfo->m_nRuntimeFunctions[2] = nColdRuntimeFunctions; FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pRuntimeFunctions[2]), m_pZapImage->m_pColdRuntimeFunctionSection); } if (m_pZapImage->m_pColdCodeMapSection->GetNodeCount() != 0) { FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_ColdCodeMap), m_pZapImage->m_pColdCodeMapSection); } FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_Precodes[0]), m_pZapImage->GetSection(CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_HOT)); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_Precodes[1]), m_pZapImage->GetSection(CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD)); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_Precodes[2]), m_pZapImage->GetSection(CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_WRITE)); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_Precodes[3]), m_pZapImage->GetSection(CORCOMPILE_SECTION_METHOD_PRECODE_COLD_WRITEABLE)); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_JumpStubs), m_pZapImage->m_pHelperTableSection); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_StubLinkStubs), m_pZapImage->m_pStubsSection); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_VirtualMethodThunks), m_pZapImage->m_pVirtualImportThunkSection); FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_ExternalMethodThunks), m_pZapImage->m_pExternalMethodThunkSection); if (m_pZapImage->m_pExceptionInfoLookupTable->GetSize() != 0) FixupSectionRange(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_ExceptionInfoLookupTable), m_pZapImage->m_pExceptionInfoLookupTable); FixupJumpStubPtr(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pPrestubJumpStub), CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRESTUB); #ifdef HAS_FIXUP_PRECODE FixupJumpStubPtr(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pPrecodeFixupJumpStub), CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRECODE_FIXUP); #endif FixupJumpStubPtr(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pVirtualImportFixupJumpStub), CORINFO_HELP_EE_VTABLE_FIXUP); FixupJumpStubPtr(offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_pExternalMethodFixupJumpStub), CORINFO_HELP_EE_EXTERNAL_FIXUP); ZapNode * pFilterPersonalityRoutine = m_pZapImage->GetHelperThunkIfExists(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PERSONALITY_ROUTINE_FILTER_FUNCLET); if (pFilterPersonalityRoutine != NULL) FixupFieldToNode(m_module->m_pNGenLayoutInfo, offsetof(NGenLayoutInfo, m_rvaFilterPersonalityRoutine), pFilterPersonalityRoutine, 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE); } void DataImage::FixupRvaStructure() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; for (COUNT_T i=0; ipFD->GetStaticAddressHandle(NULL); DWORD dwOffset = GetRVA(pRVAData); FieldDesc * pNewFD = (FieldDesc *)GetImagePointer(rvaInfo->pFD); pNewFD->SetOffset(dwOffset); } } ZapNode * DataImage::GetCodeAddress(MethodDesc * method) { ZapMethodHeader * pMethod = m_pZapImage->GetCompiledMethod((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)method); return (pMethod != NULL) ? pMethod->GetCode() : NULL; } BOOL DataImage::CanDirectCall(MethodDesc * method, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags) { return m_pZapImage->canIntraModuleDirectCall(NULL, (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)method, NULL, accessFlags); } ZapNode * DataImage::GetFixupList(MethodDesc * method) { ZapMethodHeader * pMethod = m_pZapImage->GetCompiledMethod((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)method); return (pMethod != NULL) ? pMethod->GetFixupList() : NULL; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetHelperThunk(CorInfoHelpFunc ftnNum) { return m_pZapImage->GetHelperThunk(ftnNum); } ZapNode * DataImage::GetTypeHandleImport(TypeHandle th, PVOID pUniqueId) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetClassHandleImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE(th.AsPtr()), pUniqueId); if (!pImport->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceImport(pImport); return pImport; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetMethodHandleImport(MethodDesc * pMD) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetMethodHandleImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE(pMD)); if (!pImport->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceImport(pImport); return pImport; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetFieldHandleImport(FieldDesc * pMD) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetFieldHandleImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE(pMD)); if (!pImport->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceImport(pImport); return pImport; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetModuleHandleImport(Module * pModule) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetModuleHandleImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE(pModule)); if (!pImport->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceImport(pImport); return pImport; } DWORD DataImage::GetModuleImportIndex(Module * pModule) { return m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetIndexOfModule((CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE)pModule); } ZapNode * DataImage::GetExistingTypeHandleImport(TypeHandle th) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetExistingClassHandleImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE(th.AsPtr())); return (pImport != NULL && pImport->IsPlaced()) ? pImport : NULL; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetExistingMethodHandleImport(MethodDesc * pMD) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetExistingMethodHandleImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE(pMD)); return (pImport != NULL && pImport->IsPlaced()) ? pImport : NULL; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetExistingFieldHandleImport(FieldDesc * pFD) { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetExistingFieldHandleImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE(pFD)); return (pImport != NULL && pImport->IsPlaced()) ? pImport : NULL; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetVirtualImportThunk(MethodTable * pMT, MethodDesc * pMD, int slotNumber) { _ASSERTE(pMD == pMT->GetMethodDescForSlot(slotNumber)); _ASSERTE(!pMD->IsGenericMethodDefinition()); ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetVirtualImportThunk(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE(pMD), slotNumber); if (!pImport->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceVirtualImportThunk(pImport); return pImport; } ZapNode * DataImage::GetGenericSignature(PVOID signature, BOOL fMethod) { ZapGenericSignature * pGenericSignature = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetGenericSignature(signature, fMethod); if (!pGenericSignature->IsPlaced()) m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceBlob(pGenericSignature); return pGenericSignature; } #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) class ZapStubPrecode : public ZapNode { protected: MethodDesc * m_pMD; DataImage::ItemKind m_kind; public: ZapStubPrecode(MethodDesc * pMethod, DataImage::ItemKind kind) : m_pMD(pMethod), m_kind(kind) { } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return sizeof(StubPrecode); } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return PRECODE_ALIGNMENT; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return NodeTypeForItemKind(m_kind); } virtual DWORD ComputeRVA(ZapWriter * pZapWriter, DWORD dwPos) { dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, GetAlignment()); // Alignment for straddlers. Need a cast to help gcc choose between AlignmentTrim(UINT,UINT) and (UINT64,UINT). if (AlignmentTrim(static_cast(dwPos + offsetof(StubPrecode, m_pMethodDesc)), RELOCATION_PAGE_SIZE) > RELOCATION_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(TADDR)) dwPos += GetAlignment(); SetRVA(dwPos); dwPos += GetSize(); return dwPos; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter) { ZapImage * pImage = ZapImage::GetImage(pZapWriter); StubPrecode precode; precode.Init(m_pMD); SSIZE_T offset; ZapNode * pNode = pImage->m_pDataImage->GetNodeForStructure(m_pMD, &offset); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(StubPrecode, m_pMethodDesc), pNode, (int)offset, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(StubPrecode, m_rel32), pImage->GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRESTUB), 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32); pZapWriter->Write(&precode, sizeof(precode)); } }; #ifdef HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE class ZapNDirectImportPrecode : public ZapStubPrecode { public: ZapNDirectImportPrecode(MethodDesc * pMD, DataImage::ItemKind kind) : ZapStubPrecode(pMD, kind) { } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter) { ZapImage * pImage = ZapImage::GetImage(pZapWriter); StubPrecode precode; precode.Init(m_pMD); SSIZE_T offset; ZapNode * pNode = pImage->m_pDataImage->GetNodeForStructure(m_pMD, &offset); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(StubPrecode, m_pMethodDesc), pNode, (int)offset, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(StubPrecode, m_rel32), pImage->GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PINVOKE_FIXUP), 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32); pZapWriter->Write(&precode, sizeof(precode)); } }; #endif // HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE #ifdef HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE class ZapRemotingPrecode : public ZapNode { MethodDesc * m_pMD; DataImage::ItemKind m_kind; BOOL m_fIsPrebound; public: ZapRemotingPrecode(MethodDesc * pMethod, DataImage::ItemKind kind, BOOL fIsPrebound) : m_pMD(pMethod), m_kind(kind), m_fIsPrebound(fIsPrebound) { } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return sizeof(RemotingPrecode); } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return PRECODE_ALIGNMENT; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return NodeTypeForItemKind(m_kind); } virtual DWORD ComputeRVA(ZapWriter * pZapWriter, DWORD dwPos) { dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, GetAlignment()); // Alignment for straddlers if (AlignmentTrim(dwPos + offsetof(RemotingPrecode, m_pMethodDesc), RELOCATION_PAGE_SIZE) > RELOCATION_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(TADDR)) dwPos += GetAlignment(); SetRVA(dwPos); dwPos += GetSize(); return dwPos; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter) { ZapImage * pImage = ZapImage::GetImage(pZapWriter); RemotingPrecode precode; precode.Init(m_pMD); SSIZE_T offset; ZapNode * pNode = pImage->m_pDataImage->GetNodeForStructure(m_pMD, &offset); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(RemotingPrecode, m_pMethodDesc), pNode, offset, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(RemotingPrecode, m_callRel32), pImage->GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_REMOTING_THUNK), 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32); if (m_fIsPrebound) { pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(RemotingPrecode, m_rel32), pImage->m_pDataImage->GetCodeAddress(m_pMD), 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32); } else { pImage->WriteReloc(&precode, offsetof(RemotingPrecode, m_rel32), pImage->GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRESTUB), 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32); } pZapWriter->Write(&precode, sizeof(precode)); } BOOL IsPrebound(ZapImage * pImage) { // This will make sure that when IBC logging is on, the precode goes thru prestub. if (GetAppDomain()->ToCompilationDomain()->m_fForceInstrument) return FALSE; // Prebind the remoting precode if possible return pImage->m_pDataImage->CanDirectCall(m_pMD, CORINFO_ACCESS_THIS); } }; #endif // HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE void DataImage::SavePrecode(PVOID ptr, MethodDesc * pMD, PrecodeType t, ItemKind kind, BOOL fIsPrebound) { ZapNode * pNode = NULL; switch (t) { case PRECODE_STUB: pNode = new (GetHeap()) ZapStubPrecode(pMD, kind); GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRESTUB); break; #ifdef HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE case PRECODE_NDIRECT_IMPORT: pNode = new (GetHeap()) ZapNDirectImportPrecode(pMD, kind); GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PINVOKE_FIXUP); break; #endif // HAS_NDIRECT_IMPORT_PRECODE #ifdef HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE case PRECODE_REMOTING: pNode = new (GetHeap()) ZapRemotingPrecode(pMD, kind, fIsPrebound); GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_REMOTING_THUNK); if (!fIsPrebound) { GetHelperThunk(CORINFO_HELP_EE_PRESTUB); } break; #endif // HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE default: _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected precode type"); break; } BindPointer(ptr, pNode, 0); AddStructureInOrder(pNode); } #endif // _TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_ void DataImage::FixupModulePointer(Module * pModule, PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapRelocationType type) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pModule != NULL) { if (CanEagerBindToModule(pModule) && CanHardBindToZapModule(pModule)) { FixupField(p, offset, pModule, 0, type); } else { ZapNode * pImport = GetModuleHandleImport(pModule); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pImport, FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION, type); } } } void DataImage::FixupMethodTablePointer(MethodTable * pMT, PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapRelocationType type) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pMT != NULL) { if (CanEagerBindToMethodTable(pMT) && CanHardBindToZapModule(pMT->GetLoaderModule())) { FixupField(p, offset, pMT, 0, type); } else { ZapNode * pImport = GetTypeHandleImport(pMT); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pImport, FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION, type); } } } void DataImage::FixupTypeHandlePointer(TypeHandle th, PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapRelocationType type) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (!th.IsNull()) { if (th.IsTypeDesc()) { if (CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(th) && CanHardBindToZapModule(th.GetLoaderModule())) { FixupField(p, offset, th.AsTypeDesc(), 2); } else { ZapNode * pImport = GetTypeHandleImport(th); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pImport, FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION, type); } } else { MethodTable * pMT = th.AsMethodTable(); FixupMethodTablePointer(pMT, p, offset, type); } } } void DataImage::FixupMethodDescPointer(MethodDesc * pMD, PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapRelocationType type /*=IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR*/) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pMD != NULL) { if (CanEagerBindToMethodDesc(pMD) && CanHardBindToZapModule(pMD->GetLoaderModule())) { FixupField(p, offset, pMD, 0, type); } else { ZapNode * pImport = GetMethodHandleImport(pMD); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pImport, FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION, type); } } } void DataImage::FixupFieldDescPointer(FieldDesc * pFD, PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, ZapRelocationType type /*=IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR*/) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pFD != NULL) { if (CanEagerBindToFieldDesc(pFD) && CanHardBindToZapModule(pFD->GetLoaderModule())) { FixupField(p, offset, pFD, 0, type); } else { ZapNode * pImport = GetFieldHandleImport(pFD); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pImport, FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION, type); } } } void DataImage::FixupMethodTablePointer(PVOID p, FixupPointer * ppMT) { FixupMethodTablePointer(ppMT->GetValue(), p, (BYTE *)ppMT - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); } void DataImage::FixupTypeHandlePointer(PVOID p, FixupPointer * pth) { FixupTypeHandlePointer(pth->GetValue(), p, (BYTE *)pth - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); } void DataImage::FixupMethodDescPointer(PVOID p, FixupPointer * ppMD) { FixupMethodDescPointer(ppMD->GetValue(), p, (BYTE *)ppMD - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); } void DataImage::FixupFieldDescPointer(PVOID p, FixupPointer * ppFD) { FixupFieldDescPointer(ppFD->GetValue(), p, (BYTE *)ppFD - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_PTR); } void DataImage::FixupModulePointer(PVOID p, RelativeFixupPointer * ppModule) { FixupModulePointer(ppModule->GetValueMaybeNull(), p, (BYTE *)ppModule - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } void DataImage::FixupMethodTablePointer(PVOID p, RelativeFixupPointer * ppMT) { FixupMethodTablePointer(ppMT->GetValueMaybeNull(), p, (BYTE *)ppMT - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } void DataImage::FixupTypeHandlePointer(PVOID p, RelativeFixupPointer * pth) { FixupTypeHandlePointer(pth->GetValueMaybeNull(), p, (BYTE *)pth - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } void DataImage::FixupMethodDescPointer(PVOID p, RelativeFixupPointer * ppMD) { FixupMethodDescPointer(ppMD->GetValueMaybeNull(), p, (BYTE *)ppMD - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } void DataImage::FixupFieldDescPointer(PVOID p, RelativeFixupPointer * ppFD) { FixupFieldDescPointer(ppFD->GetValueMaybeNull(), p, (BYTE *)ppFD - (BYTE *)p, IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR); } BOOL DataImage::CanHardBindToZapModule(Module *targetModule) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(targetModule == m_module || targetModule->HasNativeImage()); return targetModule == m_module; } BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(TypeHandle th, BOOL fRequirePrerestore, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; Module * pLoaderModule = th.GetLoaderModule(); BOOL fCanEagerBind; if (th.IsTypeDesc()) { fCanEagerBind = CanEagerBindTo(pLoaderModule, Module::GetPreferredZapModuleForTypeDesc(th.AsTypeDesc()), th.AsTypeDesc()); } else { fCanEagerBind = CanEagerBindTo(pLoaderModule, Module::GetPreferredZapModuleForMethodTable(th.AsMethodTable()), th.AsMethodTable()); } if (GetModule() != th.GetLoaderModule()) { if (th.IsTypeDesc()) { return FALSE; } // As a performance optimization, don't eager bind to arrays. They are currently very expensive to // fixup so we want to do it lazily. if (th.AsMethodTable()->IsArray()) { return FALSE; } // For correctness in the face of targeted patching, do not eager bind to any instantiation // in the target module that might go away. if (!th.IsTypicalTypeDefinition() && !Module::IsAlwaysSavedInPreferredZapModule(th.GetInstantiation(), Instantiation())) { return FALSE; } // #DoNotEagerBindToTypesThatNeedRestore // // It is important to avoid eager binding to structures that require restore. The code here stops // this from happening for cross-module fixups. For intra-module cases, eager fixups are allowed to // (and often do) target types that require restore, even though this is generally prone to all of // the same problems described below. Correctness is preserved only because intra-module eager // fixups are ignored in Module::RunEagerFixups (so their semantics are very close to normal // non-eager fixups). // // For performance, this is the most costly type of eager fixup (and may require otherwise-unneeded // assemblies to be loaded) and has the lowest benefit, since it does not avoid the need for the // referencing type to require restore. // // More importantly, this kind of fixup can compromise correctness by causing type loads to occur // during eager fixup resolution. The system is not designed to cope with this and a variety of // subtle failures can occur when it happens. As an example, consider a scenario involving the // following assemblies and types: // o A1: softbinds to A2, contains "class A1!Level2 extends A2!Level1" // o A2: hardbinds to A3, contains "class A2!Level1 extends Object", contains methods that use A3!Level3. // o A3: softbinds to A1, contains "class A3!Level3 extends A1!Level2" // // If eager fixups are allowed to target types that need restore, then it's possible for A2 to end // up with an eager fixup targeting A3!Level3, setting up this sequence: // 1 Type load starts for A1!Level2. // 2 Loading base class A2!Level1 triggers assembly load for A2. // 3 Loading A2 involves synchronously resolving its eager fixups, including the fixup to A3!Level3. // 4 A3!Level3 needs restore, so type load starts for A3!Level3. // 5 Loading A3!Level3 requires loading base class A1!Level2. // 6 A1!Level2 is already being loaded on this thread (in #1 above), so type load fails. // 7 Since eager fixup resolution failed, FileLoadException is thrown for A2. fRequirePrerestore = TRUE; } if (fCanEagerBind && fRequirePrerestore) { fCanEagerBind = !th.ComputeNeedsRestore(this, pVisited); } return fCanEagerBind; } BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindToMethodTable(MethodTable *pMT, BOOL fRequirePrerestore, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; TypeHandle th = TypeHandle(pMT); return DataImage::CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(th, fRequirePrerestore, pVisited); } BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindToMethodDesc(MethodDesc *pMD, BOOL fRequirePrerestore, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; BOOL fCanEagerBind = CanEagerBindTo(pMD->GetLoaderModule(), Module::GetPreferredZapModuleForMethodDesc(pMD), pMD); // Performance optimization -- see comment in CanEagerBindToTypeHandle if (GetModule() != pMD->GetLoaderModule()) { // For correctness in the face of targeted patching, do not eager bind to any instantiation // in the target module that might go away. if (!pMD->IsTypicalMethodDefinition() && !Module::IsAlwaysSavedInPreferredZapModule(pMD->GetClassInstantiation(), pMD->GetMethodInstantiation())) { return FALSE; } fRequirePrerestore = TRUE; } if (fCanEagerBind && fRequirePrerestore) { fCanEagerBind = !pMD->ComputeNeedsRestore(this, pVisited); } return fCanEagerBind; } BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindToFieldDesc(FieldDesc *pFD, BOOL fRequirePrerestore, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (!CanEagerBindTo(pFD->GetLoaderModule(), Module::GetPreferredZapModuleForFieldDesc(pFD), pFD)) return FALSE; MethodTable * pMT = pFD->GetApproxEnclosingMethodTable(); return CanEagerBindToMethodTable(pMT, fRequirePrerestore, pVisited); } BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindToModule(Module *pModule) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; return GetAppDomain()->ToCompilationDomain()->CanEagerBindToZapFile(pModule); } // "address" is a data-structure belonging to pTargetModule. // This function returns whether the Module currently being ngenned can // hardbind "address" /* static */ BOOL DataImage::CanEagerBindTo(Module *pTargetModule, Module *pPreferredZapModule, void *address) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (pTargetModule != pPreferredZapModule) return FALSE; if (GetModule() == pTargetModule) return TRUE; BOOL eagerBindToZap = GetAppDomain()->ToCompilationDomain()->CanEagerBindToZapFile(pTargetModule); BOOL isPersisted = pTargetModule->IsPersistedObject(address); return eagerBindToZap && isPersisted; } BOOL DataImage::CanPrerestoreEagerBindToTypeHandle(TypeHandle th, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(th, TRUE, pVisited); } BOOL DataImage::CanPrerestoreEagerBindToMethodTable(MethodTable *pMT, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return CanEagerBindToMethodTable(pMT, TRUE, pVisited); } BOOL DataImage::CanPrerestoreEagerBindToMethodDesc(MethodDesc *pMD, TypeHandleList *pVisited) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return CanEagerBindToMethodDesc(pMD, TRUE, pVisited); } void DataImage::HardBindTypeHandlePointer(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(*(TypeHandle UNALIGNED*)((BYTE *)p + offset))); } CONTRACTL_END; TypeHandle thCopy = *(TypeHandle UNALIGNED*)((BYTE *)p + offset); if (!thCopy.IsNull()) { if (thCopy.IsTypeDesc()) { FixupField(p, offset, thCopy.AsTypeDesc(), 2); } else { FixupField(p, offset, thCopy.AsMethodTable()); } } } // This is obsolete in-place fixup that we should get rid of. For now, it is used for: // - FnPtrTypeDescs. These should not be stored in NGen images at all. // - stubs-as-il signatures. These should use tokens when stored in NGen image. // void DataImage::FixupTypeHandlePointerInPlace(PVOID p, SSIZE_T offset, BOOL fForceFixup /*=FALSE*/) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; TypeHandle thCopy = *(TypeHandle UNALIGNED*)((BYTE *)p + offset); if (!thCopy.IsNull()) { if (!fForceFixup && CanEagerBindToTypeHandle(thCopy) && CanHardBindToZapModule(thCopy.GetLoaderModule())) { HardBindTypeHandlePointer(p, offset); } else { ZapImport * pImport = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->GetClassHandleImport((CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE)thCopy.AsPtr()); ZapNode * pBlob = m_pZapImage->GetImportTable()->PlaceImportBlob(pImport); FixupFieldToNode(p, offset, pBlob, 0, IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE_TAGGED); } } } void DataImage::BeginRegion(CorInfoRegionKind regionKind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_pZapImage->BeginRegion(regionKind); } void DataImage::EndRegion(CorInfoRegionKind regionKind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_pZapImage->EndRegion(regionKind); } void DataImage::ReportInlining(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inliner, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinee) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_inlineTrackingMap); m_inlineTrackingMap->AddInlining(GetMethod(inliner), GetMethod(inlinee)); } InlineTrackingMap * DataImage::GetInlineTrackingMap() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_inlineTrackingMap; } // // Compressed LookupMap Support // // See the large comment near the top of ceeload.h for a much more detailed discussion of this. // // Basically we support a specialized node, ZapCompressedLookupMap, which knows how to compress the array of // intra-module pointers present in certain types of LookupMap. // // A simple class to write a sequential sequence of variable sized bit-fields into a pre-allocated buffer. I // was going to use the version defined by GcInfoEncoder (the reader side in ceeload.cpp uses GcInfoDecoder's // BitStreamReader) but unfortunately the code is not currently factored to make this easy and the resources // were not available to perform a non-trivial refactorization of the code. In any event the writer is fairly // trivial and doesn't represent a huge duplication of effort. // The class requires that the input buffer is DWORD-aligned and sized (it uses a DWORD cache and always // writes data to the buffer in DWORD-sized chunks). class BitStreamWriter { public: // Initialize a writer and point it at the start of a pre-allocated buffer (large enough to accomodate all // future writes). The buffer must be DWORD-aligned (we use this for some performance optimization). BitStreamWriter(DWORD *pStart) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Buffer must be DWORD-aligned. _ASSERTE(((TADDR)pStart & 0x3) == 0); m_pNext = pStart; // Point at the start of the buffer m_dwCurrent = 0; // We don't have any cached data waiting to write m_cCurrentBits = 0; // Ditto m_cBitsWritten = 0; // We haven't written any bits } // Write the low-order cBits of dwData to the stream. void Write(DWORD dwData, DWORD cBits) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We can only write between 1 and 32 bits of data at a time. _ASSERTE(cBits > 0 && cBits <= kBitsPerDWORD); // Check that none of the unused high-order bits of dwData have stale data in them (we can use this to // optimize paths below). Use two conditions here because << of 32-bits or more (on x86) doesn't // do what you might expect (the RHS is modulo 32 so "<< 32" is a no-op rather than zero-ing the // result). _ASSERTE((cBits == kBitsPerDWORD) || ((dwData & ((1U << cBits) - 1)) == dwData)); // Record the input bits as written (we can't fail and we have multiple exit paths below so it's // convenient to update our counter here). m_cBitsWritten += cBits; // We cache up to a DWORD of data to be written to the stream and only write back to the buffer when // we have a full DWORD. Calculate how many bits of the input we're going to write first (either the // rest of the input or the remaining bits of space in the current DWORD cache, whichever is smaller). DWORD cInitialBits = min(cBits, kBitsPerDWORD - m_cCurrentBits); if (cInitialBits == kBitsPerDWORD) { // Deal with this special case (we're writing all the input, an entire DWORD all at once) since it // ensures that none of the << operations below have to deal with a LHS that == 32 (see the << // comment in one of the asserts above for why this matters). // Because of the calculations above we should only come here if our DWORD cache was empty and the // caller is trying to write a full DWORD (which simplifies many things). _ASSERTE(m_dwCurrent == 0 && m_cCurrentBits == 0 && cBits == kBitsPerDWORD); *m_pNext++ = dwData; // Write a full DWORD directly from the input // That's it, there's no more data to write and the only state update to the write was advancing // the buffer pointer (cache DWORD is already in the correct state, see asserts above). return; } // Calculate a mask of the low-order bits we're going to extract from the input data. DWORD dwInitialMask = (1U << cInitialBits) - 1; // OR those bits into the cache (properly shifted to fit above the data already there). m_dwCurrent |= (dwData & dwInitialMask) << m_cCurrentBits; // Update the cache bit counter for the new data. m_cCurrentBits += cInitialBits; if (m_cCurrentBits == kBitsPerDWORD) { // The cache filled up. Write the DWORD to the buffer and reset the cache state to empty. *m_pNext++ = m_dwCurrent; m_dwCurrent = 0; m_cCurrentBits = 0; } // If the bits we just inserted comprised all the input bits we're done. if (cInitialBits == cBits) return; // There's more data to write. But we can only get here if we just flushed the cache. So there is a // whole DWORD free in the cache and we're guaranteed to have less than a DWORD of data left to write. // As a result we can simply populate the low-order bits of the cache with our remaining data (simply // shift down by the number of bits we've already written) and we're done. _ASSERTE(m_dwCurrent == 0 && m_cCurrentBits == 0); m_dwCurrent = dwData >>= cInitialBits; m_cCurrentBits = cBits - cInitialBits; } // Because we cache a DWORD of data before writing it it's possible that there are still unwritten bits // left in the cache once you've finished writing data. Call this operation after all Writes() are // completed to flush any such data to memory. It's not legal to call Write() again after a Flush(). void Flush() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Nothing to do if the cache is empty. if (m_cCurrentBits == 0) return; // Write what we have to memory (unused high-order bits will be zero). *m_pNext = m_dwCurrent; // Catch any attempt to make a further Write() call. m_pNext = NULL; } // Get the count of bits written so far (logically, this number does not take caching into account). DWORD GetBitsWritten() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cBitsWritten; } private: enum { kBitsPerDWORD = sizeof(DWORD) * 8 }; DWORD *m_pNext; // Pointer to the next DWORD that will be written in the buffer DWORD m_dwCurrent; // We cache up to a DWORD of data before writing it to the buffer DWORD m_cCurrentBits; // Count of valid (low-order) bits in the buffer above DWORD m_cBitsWritten; // Count of bits given to Write() (ignores caching) }; // A specialized node used to write the compressed portions of a LookupMap to an ngen image. This is // (optionally) allocated by a call to DataImage::StoreCompressedLayoutMap from LookupMapBase::Save() and // handles allocation and initialization of the compressed table and an index used to navigate the table // efficiently. The allocation of the map itself and any hot item list is still handled externally but this // node will perform any fixups in the base map required to refer to the new compressed data. // // Since the compression algorithm used depends on the precise values of the RVAs referenced by the LookupMap // the compression doesn't happen until ComputeRVA is called (don't call GetSize() until after ComputeRVA() // returns). Additionally we must ensure that this node's ComputeRVA() is not called until after that of every // node on those RVA it depends. Currently this is ensured by placing this node near the end of the .text // section (after pointers to any read-only data structures referenced by LookupMaps and after the .data // section containing writeable structures). class ZapCompressedLookupMap : public ZapNode { DataImage *m_pImage; // Back pointer to the allocating DataImage LookupMapBase *m_pMap; // Back pointer to the LookupMap we're compressing BYTE *m_pTable; // ComputeRVA allocates a compressed table here BYTE *m_pIndex; // ComputeRVA allocates a table index here DWORD m_cbTable; // Size (in bytes) of the table above (after ComputeRVA) DWORD m_cbIndex; // Size (in bytes) of the index above (after ComputeRVA) DWORD m_cBitsPerIndexEntry; // Number of bits in each index entry DWORD m_rgHistogram[kBitsPerRVA]; // Table of frequencies of different delta lengths BYTE m_rgEncodingLengths[kLookupMapLengthEntries]; // Table of different bit lengths value deltas can take BYTE m_eKind; // Item kind (DataImage::ITEM_COMPRESSED_MAP currently) public: ZapCompressedLookupMap(DataImage *pImage, LookupMapBase *pMap, BYTE eKind) : m_pImage(pImage), m_pMap(pMap), m_eKind(eKind) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } DataImage::ItemKind GetKind() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (DataImage::ItemKind)m_eKind; } virtual DWORD GetSize() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (!ShouldCompressedMapBeSaved()) return 0; // This isn't legal until ComputeRVA() is called. Check this by seeing if the compressed version of // the table is allocated yet. _ASSERTE(m_pTable != NULL); return m_cbIndex + m_cbTable; } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (!ShouldCompressedMapBeSaved()) return 1; // The table and index have no pointers but do require DWORD alignment. return sizeof(DWORD); } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; return NodeTypeForItemKind(m_eKind); } virtual DWORD ComputeRVA(ZapWriter *pZapWriter, DWORD dwPos) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (ShouldCompressedMapBeSaved()) { // This is the earliest opportunity at which all data is available in order to compress the table. In // particular all values in the table (currently MethodTable* or MethodDesc*) point to structures // which have been assigned final RVAs in the image. We can thus compute a compressed table value that // relies on the relationship between these RVAs. // Phase 1: Look through all the entries in the table. Look at the deltas between RVAs for adjacent // items and build a histogram of how many entries require a specific number to encode their delta // (using a scheme we we discard non-significant low and high-order zero bits). This call will // initialize m_rgHistogram so that entry 0 contains the number of entries that require 1 bit to // encode their delta, entry 1 the count of those that require 2 bits etc. up to the last entry (how // many entries require the full 32 bits). Note that even on 64-bit platforms we only currently // support 32-bit RVAs. DWORD cRids = AnalyzeTable(); // Phase 2: Given the histogram above, calculate the set of delta lengths for the encoding table // (m_rgEncodingLengths) that will result in optimal table size. We have a fixed size encoding length // so we don't have to embed a large fixed-size length field for every compressed entry but we can // still cope with the relatively rare but ever-present worst case entries which require many bits of // delta entry. OptimizeEncodingLengths(); // Phase 3: We now have enough data to allocate the final data structures (the compressed table itself // and an index that bookmarks every kLookupMapIndexStride'th entry). Both structures must start // DWORD-aligned and have a DWORD-aligned size (requirements of BitStreamWriter). // PredictCompressedSize() returns its result in bits so we must convert (rounding up) to bytes before // DWORD aligning. m_cbTable = AlignUp((PredictCompressedSize(m_rgEncodingLengths) + 7) / 8, sizeof(DWORD)); // Each index entry contains a bit offset into the compressed stream (so we must size for the worst // case of an offset at the end of the stream) plus an RVA. m_cBitsPerIndexEntry = BitsRequired(m_cbTable * 8) + kBitsPerRVA; _ASSERTE(m_cBitsPerIndexEntry > 0); // Our first index entry is for entry 0 (rather than entry kLookupMapIndexStride) so we must be // sure to round up the number of index entries we need in order to cover the table. DWORD cIndexEntries = (cRids + (kLookupMapIndexStride - 1)) / kLookupMapIndexStride; // Since we calculate the index size in bits we need to round up to bytes before DWORD aligning. m_cbIndex = AlignUp(((m_cBitsPerIndexEntry * cIndexEntries) + 7) / 8, sizeof(DWORD)); // Allocate both table and index from a single chunk of memory. BYTE *pMemory = new BYTE[m_cbIndex + m_cbTable]; m_pTable = pMemory; m_pIndex = pMemory + m_cbTable; // Phase 4: We've now calculated all the input data we need and allocated memory for the output so we // can go ahead and fill in the compressed table and index. InitializeTableAndIndex(); // Phase 5: Go back up update the saved version of the LookupMap (redirect the table pointer to the // compressed table and fill in the other fields which aren't valid until the table is compressed). LookupMapBase *pSaveMap = (LookupMapBase*)m_pImage->GetImagePointer(m_pMap); pSaveMap->pTable = (TADDR*)m_pTable; pSaveMap->pIndex = m_pIndex; pSaveMap->cIndexEntryBits = m_cBitsPerIndexEntry; pSaveMap->cbTable = m_cbTable; pSaveMap->cbIndex = m_cbIndex; memcpy(pSaveMap->rgEncodingLengths, m_rgEncodingLengths, sizeof(m_rgEncodingLengths)); // Schedule fixups for the map pointers to the compressed table and index. m_pImage->FixupFieldToNode(m_pMap, offsetof(LookupMapBase, pTable), this, 0); m_pImage->FixupFieldToNode(m_pMap, offsetof(LookupMapBase, pIndex), this, m_cbTable); } // We're done with generating the compressed table. Now we need to do the work ComputeRVA() is meant // to do: dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, GetAlignment()); // Satisfy our alignment requirements SetRVA(dwPos); // Set the RVA of the node (both table and index) dwPos += GetSize(); // Advance the RVA past our node return dwPos; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter *pZapWriter) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (!ShouldCompressedMapBeSaved()) return; // Save both the table and index. pZapWriter->Write(m_pTable, m_cbTable); pZapWriter->Write(m_pIndex, m_cbIndex); } private: // It's possible that our node has been created and only later the decision is made to store the full // uncompressed table. In this case, we want to early out of our work and make saving our node a no-op. BOOL ShouldCompressedMapBeSaved() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // To identify whether compression is desired, use the flag from LookupMapBase::Save return (m_pMap->cIndexEntryBits > 0); } // Phase 1: Look through all the entries in the table. Look at the deltas between RVAs for adjacent items // and build a histogram of how many entries require a specific number to encode their delta (using a // scheme we we discard non-significant low and high-order zero bits). This call will initialize // m_rgHistogram so that entry 0 contains the number of entries that require 1 bit to encode their delta, // entry 1 the count of those that require 2 bits etc. up to the last entry (how many entries require the // full 32 bits). Note that even on 64-bit platforms we only currently support 32-bit RVAs. DWORD AnalyzeTable() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; LookupMapBase *pMap = m_pMap; DWORD dwLastValue = 0; DWORD cRids = 0; // Initialize the histogram to all zeroes. memset(m_rgHistogram, 0, sizeof(m_rgHistogram)); // Walk each node in the map. while (pMap) { // Walk each entry in this node. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pMap->dwCount; i++) { DWORD dwCurrentValue = ComputeElementRVA(pMap, i); // Calculate the delta from the last entry. We split the delta into two-components: a bool // indicating whether the RVA was higher or lower and an absolute (non-negative) size. Sort of // like a ones-complement signed number. bool fIncreasingDelta = dwCurrentValue > dwLastValue; DWORD dwDelta = fIncreasingDelta ? (dwCurrentValue - dwLastValue) : (dwLastValue - dwCurrentValue); // Determine the minimum number of bits required to represent the delta (by stripping // non-significant leading zeros) and update the count in the histogram of the number of // deltas that required this many bits. We never encode anything with zero bits (only the // value zero would be eligibil and it's not a common value) so the first histogram entry // records the number of deltas encodable with one bit and so on. m_rgHistogram[BitsRequired(dwDelta) - 1]++; dwLastValue = dwCurrentValue; cRids++; } pMap = pMap->pNext; } return cRids; } // Phase 2: Given the histogram above, calculate the set of delta lengths for the encoding table // (m_rgEncodingLengths) that will result in optimal table size. We have a fixed size encoding length so // we don't have to embed a large fixed-size length field for every compressed entry but we can still cope // with the relatively rare but ever-present worst case entries which require many bits of delta entry. void OptimizeEncodingLengths() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Find the longest delta (search from the large end of the histogram down for the first non-zero // entry). BYTE bMaxBits = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(suppress:6293) // Prefast doesn't understand the unsigned modulo-8 arithmetic below. #endif for (BYTE i = kBitsPerRVA - 1; i < 0xff; i--) if (m_rgHistogram[i] > 0) { bMaxBits = i + 1; // +1 because we never encode anything with zero bits. break; } _ASSERTE(bMaxBits >= 1); // Now find the smallest delta in a similar fashion. BYTE bMinBits = bMaxBits; for (BYTE i = 0; i < kBitsPerRVA; i++) if (m_rgHistogram[i] > 0) { bMinBits = i + 1; // +1 because we never encode anything with zero bits. break; } _ASSERTE(bMinBits <= bMaxBits); // The encoding lengths table is a sorted list of bit field lengths we can use to encode any // entry-to-entry delta in the compressed table. We go through a table so we can use a small number of // bits in the compressed stream (the table index) to express a very flexible range of deltas. The one // entry we know in advance is the largest (the last). That's because we know we have to be able to // encode the largest delta we found in the table or else we couldn't be functionally correct. m_rgEncodingLengths[kLookupMapLengthEntries - 1] = bMaxBits; // Now find optimal values for the other entries one by one. It doesn't really matter which order we // do them in. For each entry we'll loop through all the possible encoding lengths, dwMinBits <= // length < dwMaxBits, setting all the uninitialized entries to the candidate value and calculating // the resulting compressed size of the table. We don't enforce that the candidate sizes get smaller // for each entry so in that if the best use of an extra table entry is to add a larger length rather // than a smaller one then we'll take that. The downside is that we have to sort the table before // calculating the table size (the sizing algorithm is only fast for a sorted table). Luckily our // table is very small (currently 4 entries) and we don't have to sort one of the entries (the last is // always largest) so this isn't such a huge deal. for (DWORD i = 0; i < kLookupMapLengthEntries - 1; i++) { DWORD dwBestSize = 0xffffffff; // Best overall table size so far BYTE bBestLength = bMaxBits; // The candidate value that lead to the above // Iterate over all the values that could generate a good result (no point trying values smaller // than the smallest delta we have or as large as the maximum table entry we've already fixed). for (BYTE j = bMinBits; j < bMaxBits; j++) { // Build a temporary (unsorted) encoding table. BYTE rgTempBuckets[kLookupMapLengthEntries]; // Entries before the current one are set to the values we've already determined in previous // iterations. for (DWORD k = 0; k < i; k++) rgTempBuckets[k] = m_rgEncodingLengths[k]; // The current entry and the remaining uninitialized entries are all set to the current // candidate value (this is logically the equivalent of removing the non-current uninitialized // entries from the table altogether). for (DWORD k = i; k < kLookupMapLengthEntries - 1; k++) rgTempBuckets[k] = j; // The last entry is always the maximum bit length. rgTempBuckets[kLookupMapLengthEntries - 1] = bMaxBits; // Sort the temporary table so that the call to PredictCompressedSize() below behaves // correctly (and fast). SortLengthBuckets(rgTempBuckets); // See what size of table this would generate. DWORD dwTestSize = PredictCompressedSize(rgTempBuckets); if (dwTestSize < dwBestSize) { // The result is better than our current best, remember it. dwBestSize = dwTestSize; bBestLength = j; } } // Set the current entry to the best length we found. m_rgEncodingLengths[i] = bBestLength; } // We've picked optimal values for all entries, but the result is unsorted. Fix that now. SortLengthBuckets(m_rgEncodingLengths); } // Phase 4: We've now calculated all the input data we need and allocated memory for the output so we can // go ahead and fill in the compressed table and index. void InitializeTableAndIndex() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // Initialize bit stream writers to the start of the compressed table and index. BitStreamWriter sTableStream((DWORD*)m_pTable); BitStreamWriter sIndexStream((DWORD*)m_pIndex); DWORD dwRid = 0; DWORD dwLastValue = 0; LookupMapBase *pMap = m_pMap; // Walk each node in the map. while (pMap) { // Walk each entry in this node. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pMap->dwCount; i++) { DWORD dwCurrentValue = ComputeElementRVA(pMap, i); // Calculate the delta from the last entry. We split the delta into two-components: a bool // indicating whether the RVA was higher or lower and an absolute (non-negative) size. Sort of // like a ones-complement signed number. bool fIncreasingDelta = dwCurrentValue > dwLastValue; DWORD dwDelta = fIncreasingDelta ? (dwCurrentValue - dwLastValue) : (dwLastValue - dwCurrentValue); // As a trade-off we can't store deltas with their most efficient length (because just // encoding the length can dominate the space requirement when we have to cope with worst-case // deltas). Instead we encode a relatively short index into the table of encoding lengths we // calculated back in phase 2. So some deltas will encode in more bits than necessary but // overall we'll win due to lowered prefix bit requirements. // Look through all the table entries and choose the first that's large enough to accomodate // our delta. DWORD dwDeltaBitLength = BitsRequired(dwDelta); DWORD j; for (j = 0; j < kLookupMapLengthEntries; j++) { if (m_rgEncodingLengths[j] >= dwDeltaBitLength) { dwDeltaBitLength = m_rgEncodingLengths[j]; break; } } _ASSERTE(j < kLookupMapLengthEntries); // Write the entry into the compressed table. sTableStream.Write(j, kLookupMapLengthBits); // The index for the delta length sTableStream.Write(fIncreasingDelta ? 1 : 0, 1); // The +/- delta indicator sTableStream.Write(dwDelta, dwDeltaBitLength); // The delta itself // Is this entry one that requires a corresponding index entry? if ((dwRid % kLookupMapIndexStride) == 0) { // Write an index entry: // * The current (map-relative) RVA. // * The position in the table bit stream of the next entry. sIndexStream.Write(dwCurrentValue, kBitsPerRVA); sIndexStream.Write(sTableStream.GetBitsWritten(), m_cBitsPerIndexEntry - kBitsPerRVA); } dwRid++; dwLastValue = dwCurrentValue; } pMap = pMap->pNext; } // Flush any remaining bits in the caches of the table and index stream writers. sTableStream.Flush(); sIndexStream.Flush(); // Make sure what we wrote fitted in what we allocated. _ASSERTE((sTableStream.GetBitsWritten() / 8) <= m_cbTable); _ASSERTE((sIndexStream.GetBitsWritten() / 8) <= m_cbIndex); // Also check that we didn't have more than 31 bits of excess space allocated either (we should have // allocated DWORD aligned lengths). _ASSERTE(((m_cbTable * 8) - sTableStream.GetBitsWritten()) < 32); _ASSERTE(((m_cbIndex * 8) - sIndexStream.GetBitsWritten()) < 32); } // Determine the final, map-relative RVA of the element at a specified index DWORD ComputeElementRVA(LookupMapBase *pMap, DWORD index) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // We base our RVAs on the RVA of the map (rather than the module). This is purely because individual // maps don't store back pointers to their owning module so it's easier to recover pointer values at // runtime using the map address instead. DWORD rvaBase = m_pImage->GetRVA(m_pMap); // Retrieve the pointer value in the specified entry. This is tricky since the pointer is // encoded as a RelativePointer. DWORD dwFinalRVA; TADDR entry = RelativePointer::GetValueMaybeNullAtPtr((TADDR)&pMap->pTable[index]); if (entry == 0) { // The pointer was null. We encode this as a zero RVA (RVA pointing to the map itself, // which should never happen otherwise). dwFinalRVA = 0; } else { // Non-null pointer, go get the RVA it's been mapped to. Transform this RVA into our // special map-relative variant by substracting the map base. // Some of the pointer alignment bits may have been used as flags; preserve them. DWORD flags = entry & ((1 << kFlagBits) - 1); entry -= flags; // We only support compressing maps of pointers to saved objects (e.g. no indirected FixupPointers) // so there is guaranteed to be a valid RVA at this point. If this does not hold, GetRVA will assert. DWORD rvaEntry = m_pImage->GetRVA((void*)entry); dwFinalRVA = rvaEntry - rvaBase + flags; } return dwFinalRVA; } // Determine the number of bits required to represent the significant portion of a value (i.e. the value // without any leading 0s). Always return 1 as a minimum (we do not encode 0 in 0 bits). DWORD BitsRequired(DWORD dwValue) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #if (defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)) && defined(_MSC_VER) // This this operation could impact the performance of ngen (we call this a *lot*) we'll try and // optimize this where we can. x86 and amd64 actually have instructions to find the least and most // significant bits in a DWORD and MSVC exposes this as a builtin. DWORD dwHighBit; if (_BitScanReverse(&dwHighBit, dwValue)) return dwHighBit + 1; else return 1; #else // (_TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_) && _MSC_VER // Otherwise we'll calculate this the slow way. Pick off the 32-bit case first due to avoid the // usual << problem (x << 32 == x, not 0). if (dwValue > 0x7fffffff) return 32; DWORD cBits = 1; while (dwValue > ((1U << cBits) - 1)) cBits++; return cBits; #endif // (_TARGET_X86_ || _TARGET_AMD64_) && _MSC_VER } // Sort the given input array (of kLookupMapLengthEntries entries, where the last entry is already sorted) // from lowest to highest value. void SortLengthBuckets(BYTE rgBuckets[]) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // This simplistic insertion sort algorithm is probably the fastest for small values of // kLookupMapLengthEntries. _ASSERTE(kLookupMapLengthEntries < 10); // Iterate over every entry apart from the last two, moving the correct sorted value into each in // turn. Don't do the last value because it's already sorted and the second last because it'll be // sorted by the time we've done all the rest. for (DWORD i = 0; i < (kLookupMapLengthEntries - 2); i++) { BYTE bLowValue = rgBuckets[i]; // The lowest value we've seen so far DWORD dwLowIndex = i; // The index which held that value // Look through the unsorted entries for the smallest. for (DWORD j = i + 1; j < (kLookupMapLengthEntries - 1); j++) { if (rgBuckets[j] < bLowValue) { // Got a bette candidate for smallest. bLowValue = rgBuckets[j]; dwLowIndex = j; } } // If the original value at the current index wasn't the smallest, swap it with the one that was. if (dwLowIndex != i) { rgBuckets[dwLowIndex] = rgBuckets[i]; rgBuckets[i] = bLowValue; } } #ifdef _DEBUG // Check the table really is sorted. for (DWORD i = 1; i < kLookupMapLengthEntries; i++) _ASSERTE(rgBuckets[i] >= rgBuckets[i - 1]); #endif // _DEBUG } // Given the histogram of the delta lengths and a prospective table of the subset of those lengths that // we'd utilize to encode the table, return the size (in bits) of the compressed table we'd get as a // result. The algorithm requires that the encoding length table is sorted (smallest to largest length). DWORD PredictCompressedSize(BYTE rgBuckets[]) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD cTotalBits = 0; // Iterate over each entry in the histogram (first entry is the number of deltas that can be encoded // in 1 bit, the second is the number of entries encodable in 2 bits etc.). for (DWORD i = 0; i < kBitsPerRVA; i++) { // Start by assuming that we can encode entries in this bucket with their exact length. DWORD cBits = i + 1; // Look through the encoding table to find the first (lowest) encoding length that can encode the // values for this bucket. for (DWORD j = 0; j < kLookupMapLengthEntries; j++) { if (cBits <= rgBuckets[j]) { // This is the best encoding we can do. Remember the real cost of all entries in this // histogram bucket. cBits = rgBuckets[j]; break; } } // Each entry for this histogram bucket costs a fixed size index into the encoding length table // (kLookupMapLengthBits), a single bit of delta sign plus the number of bits of delta magnitude // that we calculated above. cTotalBits += (kLookupMapLengthBits + 1 + cBits) * m_rgHistogram[i]; } return cTotalBits; } }; // Allocate a special zap node that will compress the cold rid map associated with the given LookupMap. void DataImage::StoreCompressedLayoutMap(LookupMapBase *pMap, ItemKind kind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; ZapNode *pNode = new (GetHeap()) ZapCompressedLookupMap(this, pMap, static_cast(kind)); AddStructureInOrder(pNode); } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT