// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: crosscomp.cpp // // =========================================================================== // This file contains stubbed out implementations for cross-platform NGen. // // The stubbed out implementations are concentrated in this file to reduce number // of ifdefs that has to be sprinkled through the code. // =========================================================================== #include "common.h" #include "comdelegate.h" #include "compile.h" #include "constrainedexecutionregion.h" #include "security.h" #include "invokeutil.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING #include "remoting.h" #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Pull in some implementation files from other places in the tree // #include "../../dlls/mscoree/mscoree.cpp" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Helper function for features unsupported under crossgen // #undef ExitProcess void CrossGenNotSupported(const char * message) { _ASSERTE(!"CrossGenNotSupported"); fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: %s\n", message); ExitProcess(CORSECATTR_E_BAD_ACTION); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // There is always only one thread and one appdomain in crossgen. // extern CompilationDomain * theDomain; AppDomain * GetAppDomain() { return theDomain; } Thread theThread; Thread * GetThread() { return (Thread*)&theThread; } Thread * GetThreadNULLOk() { return GetThread(); } #ifdef _DEBUG BOOL Debug_IsLockedViaThreadSuspension() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return FALSE; } #endif // _DEBUG #if defined(FEATURE_MERGE_JIT_AND_ENGINE) && defined(FEATURE_IMPLICIT_TLS) void* theJitTls; extern "C" { void* GetJitTls() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT return theJitTls; } void SetJitTls(void* v) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT theJitTls = v; } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // All locks are nops because of there is always only one thread. // void CrstBase::InitWorker(INDEBUG_COMMA(CrstType crstType) CrstFlags flags) { m_dwFlags = flags; } void CrstBase::Destroy() { } void CrstBase::Enter(INDEBUG(enum CrstBase::NoLevelCheckFlag)) { } void CrstBase::Leave() { } BOOL __SwitchToThread(DWORD, DWORD) { return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Globals and misc other // GPTR_IMPL(IGCHeap,g_pGCHeap); BOOL g_fEEOtherStartup=FALSE; BOOL g_fEEComActivatedStartup=FALSE; GVAL_IMPL_INIT(DWORD, g_fHostConfig, 0); #ifdef FEATURE_SVR_GC SVAL_IMPL_INIT(uint32_t,IGCHeap,gcHeapType,IGCHeap::GC_HEAP_WKS); #endif void UpdateGCSettingFromHost() { } HRESULT GetExceptionHResult(OBJECTREF throwable) { return E_FAIL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dynamically unreachable implementation of profiler callbacks. Note that we can't just // disable PROFILING_SUPPORTED for crossgen because of it affects data layout and FCall tables. // UINT_PTR EEToProfInterfaceImpl::EEFunctionIDMapper(FunctionID funcId, BOOL * pbHookFunction) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::JITInlining( /* [in] */ FunctionID callerId, /* [in] */ FunctionID calleeId, /* [out] */ BOOL * pfShouldInline) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ModuleLoadStarted(ModuleID moduleId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ModuleLoadFinished( ModuleID moduleId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ModuleUnloadStarted( ModuleID moduleId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ModuleUnloadFinished( ModuleID moduleId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ModuleAttachedToAssembly( ModuleID moduleId, AssemblyID AssemblyId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ClassLoadStarted( ClassID classId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::ClassLoadFinished( ClassID classId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AppDomainCreationFinished( AppDomainID appDomainId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AppDomainCreationStarted( AppDomainID appDomainId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AppDomainShutdownFinished( AppDomainID appDomainId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AppDomainShutdownStarted( AppDomainID appDomainId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AssemblyLoadStarted( AssemblyID assemblyId) { UNREACHABLE(); } HRESULT EEToProfInterfaceImpl::AssemblyLoadFinished( AssemblyID assemblyId, HRESULT hrStatus) { UNREACHABLE(); } ClassID TypeHandleToClassID(TypeHandle th) { UNREACHABLE(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Stubed-out implementations of functions that can do anything useful only when we are actually running managed code // MethodTable *Object::GetTrueMethodTable() { UNREACHABLE(); } FuncPtrStubs::FuncPtrStubs() : m_hashTableCrst(CrstFuncPtrStubs, CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE) { } PCODE MethodDesc::GetMultiCallableAddrOfCode(CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags) { return 0x321; } PCODE MethodDesc::TryGetMultiCallableAddrOfCode(CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags) { return 0x321; } #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ BOOL Runtime_Test_For_SSE2() { return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ INT32 rel32UsingJumpStub(INT32 UNALIGNED * pRel32, PCODE target, MethodDesc *pMethod, LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator /* = NULL */) { // crossgen does not have jump stubs return 0; } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTING) && !defined(HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE) void CRemotingServices::DestroyThunk(MethodDesc* pMD) { UNREACHABLE(); } #endif CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE JIT_GenericHandleWorker(MethodDesc * pMD, MethodTable * pMT, LPVOID signature, DWORD dictionaryIndexAndSlot, Module* pModule) { UNREACHABLE(); } void CrawlFrame::GetExactGenericInstantiations(Instantiation *pClassInst, Instantiation *pMethodInst) { UNREACHABLE(); } OBJECTREF AppDomain::GetExposedObject() { UNREACHABLE(); } BOOL Object::SupportsInterface(OBJECTREF pObj, MethodTable* pInterfaceMT) { UNREACHABLE(); } GCFrame::GCFrame(OBJECTREF *pObjRefs, UINT numObjRefs, BOOL maybeInterior) { } void GCFrame::GcScanRoots(promote_func *fn, ScanContext* sc) { UNREACHABLE(); } void HijackFrame::GcScanRoots(promote_func *fn, ScanContext* sc) { UNREACHABLE(); } VOID GCFrame::Pop() { } void Frame::Push() { } void Frame::Pop() { } PCODE COMDelegate::GetSecureInvoke(MethodDesc* pMD) { return (PCODE)(0x12345); } Assembly * SystemDomain::GetCallersAssembly(StackCrawlMark * stackMark, AppDomain ** ppAppDomain) { return NULL; } void EnableStressHeapHelper() { UNREACHABLE(); } void ReflectionModule::CaptureModuleMetaDataToMemory() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Empty implementations of shutdown-related functions. We don't do any cleanup for shutdown during crossgen. // Assembly::~Assembly() { } void Assembly::StartUnload() { } void Module::StartUnload() { } void DynamicMethodTable::Destroy() { } void SyncClean::AddEEHashTable(EEHashEntry** entry) { } void SyncClean::AddHashMap(Bucket *bucket) { } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP LONG ComCallWrapperTemplate::Release() { UNREACHABLE(); } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Security-related functions. They are reachable in theory for legacy security attributes. The legacy security // attributes should not be used in code running on CoreCLR. We fail fast for number of these just in case somebody // tries to use the legacy security attributes. // void SecurityDeclarative::FullTrustInheritanceDemand(Assembly *pTargetAssembly) { CrossGenNotSupported("FullTrustInheritanceDemand"); } void SecurityDeclarative::InheritanceLinkDemandCheck(Assembly *pTargetAssembly, MethodDesc * pMDLinkDemand) { CrossGenNotSupported("InheritanceLinkDemandCheck"); } void ApplicationSecurityDescriptor::PreResolve(BOOL *pfIsFullyTrusted, BOOL *pfIsHomogeneous) { // virtual method unreachable in crossgen UNREACHABLE(); } extern "C" UINT_PTR STDCALL GetCurrentIP() { return 0; } void EEPolicy::HandleFatalError(UINT exitCode, UINT_PTR address, LPCWSTR pszMessage, PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionInfo) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: %08x\n", exitCode); ExitProcess(exitCode); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly * AppDomain::RaiseAssemblyResolveEvent(AssemblySpec * pSpec, BOOL fIntrospection, BOOL fPreBind) { return NULL; } Assembly * AppDomain::RaiseResourceResolveEvent(DomainAssembly* pAssembly, LPCSTR szName) { return NULL; } DomainAssembly * AppDomain::RaiseTypeResolveEventThrowing(DomainAssembly* pAssembly, LPCSTR szName, ASSEMBLYREF *pResultingAssemblyRef) { return NULL; } void AppDomain::RaiseLoadingAssemblyEvent(DomainAssembly *pAssembly) { } #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR BOOL AppDomain::BindingByManifestFile() { return FALSE; } #endif ReJitManager::ReJitManager() { }