// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: contractimpl.cpp // // Keeps track of contract implementations, used primarily in stub dispatch. // // // // ============================================================================ #include "common.h" // Precompiled header #include "contractimpl.h" #include "virtualcallstub.h" #include "decodemd.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #include "compile.h" #endif #if defined(_DEBUG) DummyGlobalContract ___contract; #endif #ifdef LOGGING //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- StubDispatchStats g_sdStats = {0}; #endif // LOGGING #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MethodDesc * DispatchSlot::GetMethodDesc() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (IsNull()) return NULL; else return MethodTable::GetMethodDescForSlotAddress(GetTarget()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TypeIDMap::Init(UINT32 idStartValue, UINT32 idIncrementValue, BOOL fUseFatTokensForUniqueness) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; LockOwner lock = {&m_lock, IsOwnerOfCrst}; m_idMap.Init(11, TRUE, &lock); m_mtMap.Init(11, TRUE, &lock); m_idProvider.Init(idStartValue, idIncrementValue); m_entryCount = 0; m_fUseFatIdsForUniqueness = fUseFatTokensForUniqueness; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the ID of the type if found. If not found, returns INVALID_TYPE_ID UINT32 TypeIDMap::LookupTypeID(PTR_MethodTable pMT) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(GetThread())); if (GetThread()->PreemptiveGCDisabled()) { GC_NOTRIGGER; } else { GC_TRIGGERS; } } CONTRACTL_END; UINT32 id = (UINT32) m_mtMap.LookupValue((UPTR)dac_cast(pMT), 0); _ASSERTE(!m_fUseFatIdsForUniqueness || !pMT->RequiresFatDispatchTokens() || (DispatchToken::RequiresDispatchTokenFat(id, 0))); return id; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the ID of the type if found. If not found, returns INVALID_TYPE_ID PTR_MethodTable TypeIDMap::LookupType(UINT32 id) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; SO_TOLERANT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(GetThread())); if (GetThread()->PreemptiveGCDisabled()) { GC_NOTRIGGER; } else { GC_TRIGGERS; } PRECONDITION(id <= TypeIDProvider::MAX_TYPE_ID); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!m_idProvider.OwnsID(id)) return NULL; UPTR ret = m_idMap.LookupValue((UPTR)id, 0); if (ret == static_cast(INVALIDENTRY)) return NULL; ret <<= 1; return PTR_MethodTable(ret); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the ID of the type if found. If not found, assigns the ID and // returns the new ID. UINT32 TypeIDMap::GetTypeID(PTR_MethodTable pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; // Lookup the value. UINT32 id = LookupTypeID(pMT); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // If the value is not in the table, take the lock, get a new ID, and // insert the new pair. if (id == TypeIDProvider::INVALID_TYPE_ID) { // Take the lock CrstHolder lh(&m_lock); // Check to see if someone beat us to the punch id = LookupTypeID(pMT); if (id != TypeIDProvider::INVALID_TYPE_ID) { return id; } // Get the next ID if (m_fUseFatIdsForUniqueness && pMT->RequiresFatDispatchTokens()) { id = GetNextFatID(); } else { id = GetNextID(); } CONSISTENCY_CHECK(id <= TypeIDProvider::MAX_TYPE_ID); // Insert the pair, with lookups in both directions CONSISTENCY_CHECK((((UPTR)pMT) & 0x1) == 0); m_idMap.InsertValue((UPTR)id, (UPTR)pMT >> 1); m_mtMap.InsertValue((UPTR)pMT, (UPTR)id); m_entryCount++; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(GetThread()->GetDomain()->IsCompilationDomain() || (LookupType(id) == pMT)); } #else // DACCESS_COMPILE if (id == TypeIDProvider::INVALID_TYPE_ID) DacError(E_FAIL); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Return the ID for this type. return id; } // TypeIDMap::GetTypeID #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Remove all types that belong to the passed in LoaderAllocator void TypeIDMap::RemoveTypes(LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; // Take the lock CrstHolder lh(&m_lock); for (HashMap::Iterator it = m_mtMap.begin(); !it.end(); ++it) { if (((MethodTable*)it.GetKey())->GetLoaderAllocator() == pLoaderAllocator) { // Note: the entry is just marked for deletion, the removal happens in Compact below m_mtMap.DeleteValue(it.GetKey(), it.GetValue()); } } m_mtMap.Compact(); for (HashMap::Iterator it = m_idMap.begin(); !it.end(); ++it) { if (((MethodTable*)(it.GetValue() << 1))->GetLoaderAllocator() == pLoaderAllocator) { // Note: the entry is just marked for deletion, the removal happens in Compact below m_idMap.DeleteValue(it.GetKey(), it.GetValue()); } } m_idMap.Compact(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // If TRUE, it points to a matching entry. // If FALSE, it is at the insertion point. BOOL DispatchMapBuilder::Find( DispatchMapTypeID typeID, UINT32 slotNumber, Iterator & it) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { if (typeID == it.GetTypeID()) { if (slotNumber == it.GetSlotNumber()) { return TRUE; } if (slotNumber < it.GetSlotNumber()) { return FALSE; } } else if (typeID < it.GetTypeID()) { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } // DispatchMapBuilder::Find //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // If TRUE, contains such an entry. // If FALSE, no such entry exists. BOOL DispatchMapBuilder::Contains(DispatchMapTypeID typeID, UINT32 slotNumber) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Iterator it(this); return Find(typeID, slotNumber, it); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DispatchMapBuilder::InsertMDMapping( DispatchMapTypeID typeID, UINT32 slotNumber, MethodDesc * pMDTarget, BOOL fIsMethodImpl) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; // Find a matching entry, or move the iterator to insertion point. Iterator it(this); BOOL fFound = Find(typeID, slotNumber, it); // If we find an existing matching entry, fail. if (fFound) { _ASSERTE(false); COMPlusThrowHR(COR_E_TYPELOAD); } // Create and initialize a new entry DispatchMapBuilderNode * pNew = NewEntry(); pNew->Init(typeID, slotNumber, pMDTarget); if (fIsMethodImpl) pNew->SetIsMethodImpl(); // Insert at the point of the iterator pNew->m_next = NULL; if (it.IsValid()) { pNew->m_next = it.EntryNode(); } *(it.EntryNodePtr()) = pNew; m_cEntries++; } // DispatchMapBuilder::InsertMDMapping //-------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT32 DispatchMapBuilder::Iterator::GetTargetSlot() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(IsValid()); if (GetTargetMD() != NULL) { return EntryNode()->m_pMDTarget->GetSlot(); } else { return 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ DispatchMapBuilderNode * DispatchMapBuilder::NewEntry() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; return new (m_pAllocator) DispatchMapBuilderNode(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DispatchMap::DispatchMap( BYTE * pMap, UINT32 cbMap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(pMap)); memcpyNoGCRefs(m_rgMap, pMap, cbMap); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This mapping consists of a list of the following entries. // ]>. This is implemented as // // flag: 0 if the map is a part of a JIT'd module // 1 if the map is a part of an NGEN'd module. // count: number of types that have entries // { // type: The ID current type being mapped // count: Number of subentries for the current type // bool: Whether or not the target slot/index values can be negative. // { // slot: The slot of type that is being mapped // index/slot: This is a slot mapping for the current type. The implementation search is // modified to and the search is restarted from the initial type. // } // } void DispatchMap::CreateEncodedMapping( MethodTable * pMT, DispatchMapBuilder * pMapBuilder, StackingAllocator * pAllocator, BYTE ** ppbMap, UINT32 * pcbMap) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMapBuilder)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pAllocator)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppbMap)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pcbMap)); } CONTRACTL_END; ///////////////////////////////// // Phase 1 - gather entry counts UINT32 cNumTypes = 0; UINT32 cNumEntries = 0; { DispatchMapBuilder::Iterator it(pMapBuilder); // We don't want to record overrides or methodImpls in the dispatch map since // we have vtables to track this information. it.SkipThisTypeEntries(); if (it.IsValid()) { DispatchMapTypeID curType = DispatchMapTypeID::FromUINT32(INVALIDENTRY); do { cNumEntries++; if (curType != it.GetTypeID()) { cNumTypes++; curType = it.GetTypeID(); } } while (it.Next()); } } ///////////////////////////////// // Phase 2 - allocate space // Now that we have stats about the overall absolute maximum map size, we can allocate // some working space for createing the encoded map in. // Sizes: flag==UINT32, typeID==UINT32, slot==UINT32, index/slot==UINT32 S_UINT32 scbMap = S_UINT32(sizeof(UINT32)) + S_UINT32(cNumTypes) * S_UINT32(sizeof(UINT32)) + S_UINT32(cNumEntries) * S_UINT32((sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT32))); BYTE * pbMap = (BYTE *)pAllocator->Alloc(scbMap); ///////////////////////////////// // Phase 3 - encode the map { // Create the encoder over the newly allocated memory Encoder e(pbMap); // Encode the count of type entries e.Encode((unsigned)cNumTypes); // Start encoding the map DispatchMapBuilder::Iterator it(pMapBuilder); it.SkipThisTypeEntries(); INT32 curType = -1; INT32 prevType; INT32 deltaType; while (it.IsValid()) { // Encode the type ID prevType = curType; curType = (INT32)it.GetTypeID().ToUINT32(); deltaType = curType - prevType - ENCODING_TYPE_DELTA; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(0 <= deltaType); e.Encode((unsigned)deltaType); // Variables for slot delta calculations BOOL fHasNegatives = FALSE; // Source slot INT32 curSlot = -1; INT32 prevSlot = -1; // Target slot for virtual mappings INT32 curTargetSlot = -1; INT32 prevTargetSlot = -1; // Count and encode the number of sub entries for this type UINT32 cSubEntries = 0; DispatchMapBuilder::Iterator subIt(it); do { prevTargetSlot = curTargetSlot; curTargetSlot = (INT32)subIt.GetTargetSlot(); INT32 deltaTargetSlot = curTargetSlot - prevTargetSlot - ENCODING_TARGET_SLOT_DELTA; if (deltaTargetSlot < 0) { fHasNegatives = TRUE; } cSubEntries++; } while (subIt.Next() && (subIt.GetTypeID().ToUINT32() == (UINT32)curType)); e.Encode((unsigned)cSubEntries); e.Encode((unsigned)fHasNegatives); e.ContainsNegatives(fHasNegatives); // Iterate each subentry and encode it curTargetSlot = -1; do { // Only virtual targets can be mapped virtually. CONSISTENCY_CHECK((it.GetTargetMD() == NULL) || it.GetTargetMD()->IsVirtual()); // Encode the slot prevSlot = curSlot; curSlot = it.GetSlotNumber(); INT32 deltaSlot = curSlot - prevSlot - ENCODING_SLOT_DELTA; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(0 <= deltaSlot); e.Encode((unsigned)deltaSlot); // Calculate and encode the target slot delta prevTargetSlot = curTargetSlot; curTargetSlot = (INT32)it.GetTargetSlot(); INT32 delta = curTargetSlot - prevTargetSlot - ENCODING_TARGET_SLOT_DELTA; if (fHasNegatives) { e.EncodeSigned((signed)delta); } else { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(0 <= delta); e.Encode((unsigned)delta); } } while (it.Next() && it.GetTypeID().ToUINT32() == (UINT32)curType); } // while (it.IsValid()) // Finish and finalize the map, and set the out params. e.Done(); *pcbMap = e.Contents(ppbMap); } #ifdef _DEBUG // Let's verify the mapping { EncodedMapIterator itMap(*ppbMap); DispatchMapBuilder::Iterator itBuilder(pMapBuilder); itBuilder.SkipThisTypeEntries(); while (itMap.IsValid()) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK(itBuilder.IsValid()); DispatchMapEntry * pEntryMap = itMap.Entry(); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pEntryMap->GetTypeID() == itBuilder.GetTypeID()); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pEntryMap->GetTargetSlotNumber() == itBuilder.GetTargetSlot()); itMap.Next(); itBuilder.Next(); } CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!itBuilder.IsValid()); } #endif //_DEBUG } // DispatchMap::CreateEncodedMapping #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DispatchMap::Save(DataImage * image) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!image->IsStored(this)); UINT32 cbMap = GetMapSize(); UINT32 cbObj = GetObjectSize(cbMap); image->StoreInternedStructure( this, cbObj, DataImage::ITEM_DISPATCH_MAP, sizeof(void *)); #ifdef LOGGING g_sdStats.m_cNGENDispatchMap++; g_sdStats.m_cbNGENDispatchMap += cbObj; #endif //LOGGING } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DispatchMap::Fixup(DataImage *image) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; } #endif //FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE //------------------------------------------------------------------------ UINT32 DispatchMap::GetMapSize() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; EncodedMapIterator it(this); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { } CONSISTENCY_CHECK(dac_cast(it.m_d.End()) > PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(DispatchMap, this, m_rgMap)); return (UINT32)(dac_cast(it.m_d.End()) - PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(DispatchMap, this, m_rgMap)); } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DispatchMap::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; DAC_ENUM_DTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p DispatchMap\n", dac_cast(this))); DacEnumMemoryRegion(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(DispatchMap,this,m_rgMap), GetMapSize()); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::Invalidate() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; m_numTypes = 0; m_curType = 0; m_numEntries = 0; m_curEntry = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::Init(PTR_BYTE pbMap) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbMap, NULL_OK)); SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; if (pbMap != NULL) { // Initialize the map decoder m_d.Init(pbMap); m_numTypes = m_d.Next(); m_curType = -1; m_curTypeId = DispatchMapTypeID::FromUINT32(static_cast(-1)); m_numEntries = 0; m_curEntry = -1; m_curTargetSlot = static_cast(-1); } else { Invalidate(); } Next(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::EncodedMapIterator(MethodTable * pMT) { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; INSTANCE_CHECK; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; if (pMT->HasDispatchMap()) { DispatchMap * pMap = pMT->GetDispatchMap(); Init(PTR_BYTE(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(DispatchMap, pMap, m_rgMap))); } else { Init(NULL); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This should be used only when a dispatch map needs to be used // separately from its MethodTable. DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::EncodedMapIterator(DispatchMap * pMap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; PTR_BYTE pBytes = NULL; if (pMap != NULL) { pBytes = PTR_BYTE(PTR_HOST_MEMBER_TADDR(DispatchMap, pMap,m_rgMap)); } Init(pBytes); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::EncodedMapIterator(PTR_BYTE pbMap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; Init(pbMap); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::Next() { CONTRACTL { GC_NOTRIGGER; NOTHROW; INSTANCE_CHECK; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsValid()) { return FALSE; } m_curEntry++; if (m_curEntry == m_numEntries) { m_curType++; if (m_curType == m_numTypes) { return FALSE; } m_curTypeId = DispatchMapTypeID::FromUINT32( (UINT32)((INT32)m_curTypeId.ToUINT32() + (INT32)m_d.Next() + ENCODING_TYPE_DELTA)); _ASSERTE(!m_curTypeId.IsThisClass()); m_curEntry = 0; m_numEntries = m_d.Next(); m_fCurTypeHasNegativeEntries = (BOOL)m_d.Next(); m_curSlot = static_cast(-1); m_curTargetSlot = static_cast(-1); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_numEntries != 0); } // Now gather enough info to initialize the dispatch entry // Get the source slot m_curSlot = (UINT32)((INT32)m_curSlot + (INT32)m_d.Next() + ENCODING_SLOT_DELTA); // If virtual, get the target virtual slot number m_curTargetSlot = (UINT32)((INT32)m_curTargetSlot + ENCODING_TARGET_SLOT_DELTA + (INT32)(m_fCurTypeHasNegativeEntries ? m_d.NextSigned() : m_d.Next())); m_e.InitVirtualMapping(m_curTypeId, m_curSlot, m_curTargetSlot); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(IsValid()); return TRUE; } // DispatchMap::EncodedMapIterator::Next //-------------------------------------------------------------------- DispatchMap::Iterator::Iterator(MethodTable * pMT) : m_mapIt(pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DispatchMap::Iterator::IsValid() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_mapIt.IsValid(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DispatchMap::Iterator::Next() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!m_mapIt.Entry()->GetTypeID().IsThisClass()); if (m_mapIt.IsValid()) { m_mapIt.Next(); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!m_mapIt.IsValid() || !m_mapIt.Entry()->GetTypeID().IsThisClass()); } return IsValid(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- DispatchMapEntry * DispatchMap::Iterator::Entry() { /* CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; MODE_ANY; if (FORBIDGC_LOADER_USE_ENABLED()) NOTHROW; else THROWS; if (FORBIDGC_LOADER_USE_ENABLED()) GC_NOTRIGGER; else GC_TRIGGERS; if (FORBIDGC_LOADER_USE_ENABLED()) FORBID_FAULT; else { INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } PRECONDITION(IsValid()); } CONTRACTL_END; */ WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(IsValid()); DispatchMapEntry * pEntry = NULL; if (m_mapIt.IsValid()) { pEntry = m_mapIt.Entry(); } CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(pEntry)); return pEntry; }