// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*============================================================ ** ** COMWaitHandle.cpp ** ** Purpose: Native methods on System.WaitHandle ** ** ===========================================================*/ #include "common.h" #include "object.h" #include "field.h" #include "excep.h" #include "comwaithandle.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ObjArrayHolder : ideal for holding a managed array of items. Will run // the ACQUIRE method sequentially on each item. Assume the ACQUIRE method // may possibly fail. If it does, only release the ones we've acquired. // Note: If a GC occurs during the ACQUIRE or RELEASE methods, you'll have to // explicitly gc protect the objectref. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class ObjArrayHolder { public: ObjArrayHolder() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_numAcquired = 0; m_pValues = NULL; } // Assuming ACQUIRE can throw an exception, we must put this logic // somewhere outside of the constructor. In C++, the destructor won't be // run if the constructor didn't complete. void Initialize(const unsigned int numElements, PTRARRAYREF* pValues) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_numAcquired == 0); m_numElements = numElements; m_pValues = pValues; for (unsigned int i=0; iGetAt(i); ACQUIRE(value); m_numAcquired++; } } ~ObjArrayHolder() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; GCX_COOP(); for (unsigned int i=0; iGetAt(i); RELEASEF(value); } } private: unsigned int m_numElements; unsigned int m_numAcquired; PTRARRAYREF* m_pValues; FORCEINLINE ObjArrayHolder &operator=(const ObjArrayHolder &holder) { _ASSERTE(!"No assignment allowed"); return NULL; } FORCEINLINE ObjArrayHolder(const ObjArrayHolder &holder) { _ASSERTE(!"No copy construction allowed"); } }; void AcquireSafeHandleFromWaitHandle(WAITHANDLEREF wh) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; SO_INTOLERANT; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(wh != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!wh->IsTransparentProxy()); SAFEHANDLEREF sh = wh->GetSafeHandle(); if (sh == NULL) COMPlusThrow(kObjectDisposedException); sh->AddRef(); } void ReleaseSafeHandleFromWaitHandle(WAITHANDLEREF wh) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(wh != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; SAFEHANDLEREF sh = wh->GetSafeHandle(); _ASSERTE(sh); sh->Release(); } typedef ObjArrayHolder WaitHandleArrayHolder; INT64 AdditionalWait(INT64 sPauseTime, INT64 sTime, INT64 expDuration) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(g_PauseTime >= sPauseTime); INT64 pauseTime = g_PauseTime - sPauseTime; // No pause was used inbetween this handle if(pauseTime <= 0) return 0; INT64 actDuration = CLRGetTickCount64() - sTime; // In case the CLR is paused inbetween a wait, this method calculates how much // the wait has to be adjusted to account for the CLR Freeze. Essentially all // pause duration has to be considered as "time that never existed". // // Two cases exists, consider that 10 sec wait is issued // Case 1: All pauses happened before the wait completes. Hence just the // pause time needs to be added back at the end of wait // 0 3 8 10 // |-----------|###################|------> // 5-sec pause // ....................> // Additional 5 sec wait // |=========================> // // Case 2: Pauses ended after the wait completes. // 3 second of wait was left as the pause started at 7 so need to add that back // 0 7 10 // |---------------------------|###########> // 5-sec pause 12 // ...................> // Additional 3 sec wait // |==================> // // Both cases can be expressed in the same calculation // pauseTime: sum of all pauses that were triggered after the timer was started // expDuration: expected duration of the wait (without any pauses) 10 in the example // actDuration: time when the wait finished. Since the CLR is frozen during pause it's // max of timeout or pause-end. In case-1 it's 10, in case-2 it's 12 INT64 additional = expDuration - (actDuration - pauseTime); if(additional < 0) additional = 0; return additional; } FCIMPL4(INT32, WaitHandleNative::CorWaitOneNative, SafeHandle* safeWaitHandleUNSAFE, INT32 timeout, CLR_BOOL hasThreadAffinity, CLR_BOOL exitContext) { FCALL_CONTRACT; INT32 retVal = 0; SAFEHANDLEREF sh(safeWaitHandleUNSAFE); HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_RET_1(sh); _ASSERTE(sh != NULL); Thread* pThread = GET_THREAD(); DWORD res = (DWORD) -1; Context* targetContext; targetContext = pThread->GetContext(); _ASSERTE(targetContext); Context* defaultContext; defaultContext = pThread->GetDomain()->GetDefaultContext(); _ASSERTE(defaultContext); SafeHandleHolder shh(&sh); // Note that SafeHandle is a GC object, and RequestCallback and // DoAppropriateWait work on an array of handles. Don't pass the address // of the handle field - that's a GC hole. Instead, pass this temp // array. HANDLE handles[1]; handles[0] = sh->GetHandle(); #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING if (exitContext != NULL && targetContext != defaultContext) { Context::WaitArgs waitOneArgs = {1, handles, TRUE, timeout, TRUE, &res}; Context::CallBackInfo callBackInfo = {Context::Wait_callback, (void*) &waitOneArgs}; Context::RequestCallBack(CURRENT_APPDOMAIN_ID,defaultContext, &callBackInfo); } else #else _ASSERTE(exitContext == NULL || targetContext == defaultContext); #endif { // Support for pause/resume (FXFREEZE) while(true) { INT64 sPauseTime = g_PauseTime; INT64 sTime = CLRGetTickCount64(); res = pThread->DoAppropriateWait(1,handles,TRUE,timeout, WaitMode_Alertable /*alertable*/); if(res != WAIT_TIMEOUT) break; timeout = (INT32)AdditionalWait(sPauseTime, sTime, timeout); if(timeout == 0) break; } } retVal = res; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); return retVal; } FCIMPLEND FCIMPL4(INT32, WaitHandleNative::CorWaitMultipleNative, Object* waitObjectsUNSAFE, INT32 timeout, CLR_BOOL exitContext, CLR_BOOL waitForAll) { FCALL_CONTRACT; INT32 retVal = 0; OBJECTREF waitObjects = (OBJECTREF) waitObjectsUNSAFE; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_RET_1(waitObjects); _ASSERTE(waitObjects); Thread* pThread = GET_THREAD(); PTRARRAYREF pWaitObjects = (PTRARRAYREF)waitObjects; // array of objects on which to wait int numWaiters = pWaitObjects->GetNumComponents(); // Note: this should really be FEATURE_COMINTEROP_APARTMENT_SUPPORT. // Because it's not, CoreCLR will allow WaitAll on STA threads. // But fixing this would be a breaking change at this point, since we already shipped // SL 2 and 3 this way. // Perhaps in a future release we can fix this, if we aren't quite so concerned about // compatibility.... WaitHandleArrayHolder arrayHolder; arrayHolder.Initialize(numWaiters, (PTRARRAYREF*) &waitObjects); pWaitObjects = (PTRARRAYREF)waitObjects; // array of objects on which to wait HANDLE* internalHandles = (HANDLE*) _alloca(numWaiters*sizeof(HANDLE)); for (int i=0;im_Array[i]; _ASSERTE(waitObject != NULL); //If the size of the array is 1 and m_handle is INVALID_HANDLE then WaitForMultipleObjectsEx will // return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE but DoAppropriateWait will convert to WAIT_OBJECT_0. i.e Success, // this behavior seems wrong but someone explicitly coded that condition so it must have been for a reason. internalHandles[i] = waitObject->m_handle; } DWORD res = (DWORD) -1; Context* targetContext; targetContext = pThread->GetContext(); _ASSERTE(targetContext); Context* defaultContext; defaultContext = pThread->GetDomain()->GetDefaultContext(); _ASSERTE(defaultContext); #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING if (exitContext != NULL && targetContext != defaultContext) { Context::WaitArgs waitMultipleArgs = {numWaiters, internalHandles, waitForAll, timeout, TRUE, &res}; Context::CallBackInfo callBackInfo = {Context::Wait_callback, (void*) &waitMultipleArgs}; Context::RequestCallBack(CURRENT_APPDOMAIN_ID,defaultContext, &callBackInfo); } else #else _ASSERTE(exitContext == NULL || targetContext == defaultContext); #endif { // Support for pause/resume (FXFREEZE) while(true) { INT64 sPauseTime = g_PauseTime; INT64 sTime = CLRGetTickCount64(); res = pThread->DoAppropriateWait(numWaiters, internalHandles, waitForAll, timeout, WaitMode_Alertable /*alertable*/); if(res != WAIT_TIMEOUT) break; timeout = (INT32)AdditionalWait(sPauseTime, sTime, timeout); if(timeout == 0) break; } } retVal = res; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); return retVal; } FCIMPLEND #ifndef FEATURE_PAL FCIMPL5(INT32, WaitHandleNative::CorSignalAndWaitOneNative, SafeHandle* safeWaitHandleSignalUNSAFE,SafeHandle* safeWaitHandleWaitUNSAFE, INT32 timeout, CLR_BOOL hasThreadAffinity, CLR_BOOL exitContext) { FCALL_CONTRACT; INT32 retVal = 0; SAFEHANDLEREF shSignal(safeWaitHandleSignalUNSAFE); SAFEHANDLEREF shWait(safeWaitHandleWaitUNSAFE); HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_RET_2(shSignal,shWait); if(shSignal == NULL || shWait == NULL) COMPlusThrow(kObjectDisposedException); _ASSERTE(safeWaitHandleSignalUNSAFE != NULL); _ASSERTE( safeWaitHandleWaitUNSAFE != NULL); Thread* pThread = GET_THREAD(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (pThread->GetApartment() == Thread::AS_InSTA) { COMPlusThrow(kNotSupportedException, W("NotSupported_SignalAndWaitSTAThread")); // Change this message } #endif DWORD res = (DWORD) -1; Context* targetContext = pThread->GetContext(); _ASSERTE(targetContext); Context* defaultContext = pThread->GetDomain()->GetDefaultContext(); _ASSERTE(defaultContext); SafeHandleHolder shhSignal(&shSignal); SafeHandleHolder shhWait(&shWait); // Don't pass the address of the handle field // - that's a GC hole. Instead, pass this temp array. HANDLE handles[2]; handles[0] = shSignal->GetHandle(); handles[1] = shWait->GetHandle(); #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTING if (exitContext != NULL && targetContext != defaultContext) { Context::SignalAndWaitArgs signalAndWaitArgs = {handles, timeout, TRUE, &res}; Context::CallBackInfo callBackInfo = {Context::SignalAndWait_callback, (void*) &signalAndWaitArgs}; Context::RequestCallBack(CURRENT_APPDOMAIN_ID,defaultContext, &callBackInfo); } else #else _ASSERTE(exitContext == NULL || targetContext == defaultContext); #endif { res = pThread->DoSignalAndWait(handles,timeout,TRUE /*alertable*/); } retVal = res; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); return retVal; } FCIMPLEND #endif // !FEATURE_PAL