// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // =========================================================================== // File: compile.h // // Interfaces and support for zap compiler and zap files // // =========================================================================== /* The preloader is used to serialize internal EE data structures in the zapped image. The object model looks like the following: +--------------------+ | | | ZapperModule | | | +--------------------+ | * ICorCompileDataStore Zapper ===================================================== ICorCompilePreloader EE * | +--------------------+ | | | CEEPreloader | | | +--------------------+ | * DataImage::IDataStore +--------------------+ | | | DataImage | | | +--------------------+ ZapperModule - Created by the zapper for each module. It implements the ICorCompileDataStore interface that the preloader uses to allocate space for the EE data structures. Currently it allocates space in a single PE section (though the DataImage has logic to further subdivide the space into subsections). CEEPreloader - Created by ZapperModule in order to serialize EE data structures. It implements two interfaces. ICorCompilePreloader is used by ZapperModule to inquire about the offsets of various EE data structures inside the preloader section. DataImage::IDataStore is used by DataImage to manage the PE section memory, and the implementation in the CEEPreloader mostly forwards the calls to the zapper (ICorCompileDataStore). DataImage - Created by CEEPreloader to keep track of memory used by EE data structures. Even though it uses only one PE section, it allows the EE to allocate memory in multiple subsections. This is accomplished by splitting the work into three phases (there are comments in dataimage.h that explain this in detail). The CEEPreloader is created when ZapperModule::Preload calls m_zapper->m_pEECompileInfo->PreloadModule. PreloadModule creates the CEEPreloader and then calls its Preload method, which explicitely loads all the EE objects into memory (Module::ExpandAll), and then allocates space for them in the preloader section (Module::Save). Each EE data structure that needs to be serialized implements a Save method. A Save method is required to: 1) Store all of its data (including strings and other buffers that it uses) in the preloader section. This is accomplished by calling on one of the DataImage storage methods (such as DataImage::StoreStructure). 2) Call the Save method on the objects that it owns. The interesting part of the hierarchy looks like: Module::Save MethodTable::Save (in profile order) EEClass::Save MethodDescChunk::Save (method desc chunks can be split into hot and cold based on profile info) MethodDesc::Save Note that while the architecture requires the data structures in the preloader sections to look like their EE counterparts, it is possible to work around that limitation by constructing multiple submappings of these data structures. Sometimes the submappings require a change to the actual data (i.e. each method desc has information that tells you how far it is from the MethodDescChunk, and that needs to change when reordering method descs). In such cases you create new copies of that memory and construct a regular copying map for each of the new updated copies (DataImage::StoreStructure), and a pointer update map for each of the original EE data structures (DataImage::StoreStructureUsingSurrogate). See MethodDescChunk::Save for an example on how to do this. Fixups: once everything has been layout out in memory, the ZapperModule calls CEEPreloader::Link to generate fixups for the data. CEEPreloader::Link calls Module::Fixup, which results in a data structure walk very similar to that of Module::Save. Each data structure calls one of the FixupPointerField methods on the DataImage, which in turn forwards the call to CEEPreloader::AddFixup, which forwards it to the zapper (ZapperModule::AddFixup). */ #ifndef COMPILE_H_ #define COMPILE_H_ #ifndef FEATURE_PREJIT #error FEATURE_PREJIT is required for this file #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT struct ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey { ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey(Module *pDefinitionModule, mdToken token, Instantiation classInst, Instantiation methodInst) : m_inst(classInst, methodInst) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; this->m_pDefinitionModule = pDefinitionModule; this->m_token = token; } Module *m_pDefinitionModule; mdToken m_token; SigTypeContext m_inst; } ; struct ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry { ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry(): key(0,0,Instantiation(),Instantiation()) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; this->result = 0; } ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey &_key,Module *_result) : key(_key) { this->result = _result; } ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey key; Module *result; } ; class ZapperLoaderModuleTableTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits > { public: typedef const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey *key_t; static const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey * GetKey(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry &e) { return &e.key; } static count_t Hash(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey * k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD dwHash = 5381; dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ (unsigned int)(SIZE_T)k->m_pDefinitionModule; dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ (unsigned int)(SIZE_T)k->m_token; dwHash = ((dwHash << 5) + dwHash) ^ EEInstantiationHashTableHelper:: Hash(&k->m_inst); return dwHash; } static BOOL Equals(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey *e1, const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey *e2) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return e1->m_pDefinitionModule == e2->m_pDefinitionModule && e1->m_token == e2->m_token && SigTypeContext::Equal(&e1->m_inst, &e2->m_inst); } static const ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry Null() { return ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry(); } static bool IsNull(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e.key.m_pDefinitionModule == 0 && e.key.m_token == 0 && e.key.m_inst.IsEmpty(); } }; typedef SHash ZapperLoaderModuleTable; class CEECompileInfo : public ICorCompileInfo { public: virtual ~CEECompileInfo() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } HRESULT Startup( BOOL fForceDebug, BOOL fForceProfiling, BOOL fForceInstrument); HRESULT CreateDomain(ICorCompilationDomain **ppDomain, IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pEmitter, BOOL fForceDebug, BOOL fForceProfiling, BOOL fForceInstrument, BOOL fForceFulltrustDomain #ifdef MDIL , MDILCompilationFlags mdilCompilationFlags #endif ); HRESULT MakeCrossDomainCallback( ICorCompilationDomain* pDomain, CROSS_DOMAIN_CALLBACK pfnCallback, LPVOID pArgs); HRESULT DestroyDomain(ICorCompilationDomain *pDomain); HRESULT LoadAssemblyByPath(LPCWSTR wzPath, BOOL fExplicitBindToNativeImage, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE *pHandle); #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION HRESULT LoadAssemblyByName(LPCWSTR wzName, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE *pHandle); HRESULT LoadAssemblyRef(IMDInternalImport *pAssemblyImport, mdAssemblyRef ref, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE *pHandle, IAssemblyName **refAssemblyName = NULL); HRESULT LoadAssemblyByIAssemblyName( IAssemblyName *pAssemblyName, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE *pHandle ); #endif //FEATURE_FUSION #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP HRESULT LoadTypeRefWinRT(IMDInternalImport *pAssemblyImport, mdTypeRef ref, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE *pHandle); #endif BOOL IsInCurrentVersionBubble(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE hModule); HRESULT LoadAssemblyModule(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly, mdFile file, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE *pHandle); #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // Check if the assembly supports automatic NGen BOOL SupportsAutoNGen(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly); HRESULT SetCachedSigningLevel(HANDLE hNI, HANDLE *pModules, COUNT_T nModules); #endif BOOL CheckAssemblyZap( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly, __out_ecount_opt(*cAssemblyManifestModulePath) LPWSTR assemblyManifestModulePath, LPDWORD cAssemblyManifestModulePath); #ifdef MDIL DWORD GetMdilModuleSecurityFlags( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly); BOOL CompilerRelaxationNoStringInterningPermitted( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly); BOOL RuntimeCompatibilityWrapExceptions( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly); DWORD CERReliabilityContract( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly); #endif //MDIL HRESULT SetCompilationTarget(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE assembly, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module); IMDInternalImport * GetAssemblyMetaDataImport(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE scope); IMDInternalImport * GetModuleMetaDataImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetAssemblyModule(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE module); CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE GetModuleAssembly(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module); PEDecoder * GetModuleDecoder(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE scope); void GetModuleFileName(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, SString &result); void EncodeModuleAsIndexes( CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE fromHandle, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, DWORD *pAssemblyIndex, DWORD *pModuleIndex, IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemblyEmit); void EncodeClass( CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE referencingModule, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle, SigBuilder *pSigBuilder, LPVOID encodeContext, ENCODEMODULE_CALLBACK pfnEncodeModule); void EncodeMethod( CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE referencingModule, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methHnd, SigBuilder *pSigBuilder, LPVOID encodeContext, ENCODEMODULE_CALLBACK pfnEncodeModule, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pConstrainedResolvedToken); virtual mdToken TryEncodeMethodAsToken(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE * referencingModule); virtual DWORD TryEncodeMethodSlot(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); void EncodeField( CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE referencingModule, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, SigBuilder *pSigBuilder, LPVOID encodeContext, ENCODEMODULE_CALLBACK pfnEncodeModule, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); // Encode generic dictionary signature virtual void EncodeGenericSignature( LPVOID signature, BOOL fMethod, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder, LPVOID encodeContext, ENCODEMODULE_CALLBACK pfnEncodeModule); BOOL IsEmptyString(mdString token, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module); BOOL IsNativeCallableMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); BOOL IsCachingOfInliningHintsEnabled() { return m_fCachingOfInliningHintsEnabled; } void DisableCachingOfInliningHints() { m_fCachingOfInliningHintsEnabled = FALSE; } HRESULT GetTypeDef( CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle, mdTypeDef *token); HRESULT GetMethodDef( CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, mdMethodDef *token); HRESULT GetFieldDef( CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fieldHandle, mdFieldDef *token); void SetAssemblyHardBindList(__in_ecount( cHardBindList ) LPWSTR *pHardBindList, DWORD cHardBindList); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetLoaderModuleForMscorlib(); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetLoaderModuleForEmbeddableType(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetLoaderModuleForEmbeddableMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetLoaderModuleForEmbeddableField(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fieldHandle); ICorCompilePreloader * PreloadModule(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle, ICorCompileDataStore *pData, CorProfileData *profileData); #if MDIL HRESULT ShouldCompile(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle); #endif // MDIL #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION HRESULT GetAssemblyName( CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE hAssembly, DWORD dwFlags, __out_z LPWSTR wzAssemblyName, LPDWORD cchAssemblyName); #endif //FEATURE_FUSION HRESULT GetLoadHint(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE hAssembly, CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE hAssemblyDependency, LoadHintEnum *loadHint, LoadHintEnum *defaultLoadHint = NULL // for MDIL we want to separate the default load hint on the assembly // from the load hint on the dependency ); HRESULT GetAssemblyVersionInfo(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE Handle, CORCOMPILE_VERSION_INFO *pInfo); void GetAssemblyCodeBase(CORINFO_ASSEMBLY_HANDLE hAssembly, SString &result); void GetCallRefMap(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, GCRefMapBuilder * pBuilder); void CompressDebugInfo( IN ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping * pOffsetMapping, IN ULONG iOffsetMapping, IN ICorDebugInfo::NativeVarInfo * pNativeVarInfo, IN ULONG iNativeVarInfo, IN OUT SBuffer * pDebugInfoBuffer); HRESULT SetVerboseLevel( IN VerboseLevel level); HRESULT GetBaseJitFlags( IN CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, OUT DWORD *pFlags); #ifdef _WIN64 SIZE_T getPersonalityValue(); #endif void* GetStubSize(void *pStubAddress, DWORD *pSizeToCopy); HRESULT GetStubClone(void *pStub, BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize); BOOL GetIsGeneratingNgenPDB(); void SetIsGeneratingNgenPDB(BOOL fGeneratingNgenPDB); #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN_COMPILER CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND GetFieldBaseOffset( CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHnd, DWORD * pBaseOffset); BOOL NeedsTypeLayoutCheck(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHnd); void EncodeTypeLayout(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHandle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder); BOOL AreAllClassesFullyLoaded(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle); #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ZapperLoaderModules and the ZapperLoaderModuleTable // // When NGEN'ing we want to adjust the // places where some items (i.e. generic instantiations) are placed, in order to get some of them // placed into the module we are compiling. However, the // results of ComputeLoaderModule must be stable for the duration // of an entire instance of the VM, i.e. for the duration of a compilation // process. Thus each time we place an item into a non-standard LoaderModule we record // that fact. Module *LookupZapperLoaderModule(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey *pKey) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; const ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry *pEntry = m_ZapperLoaderModuleTable.LookupPtr(pKey); if (pEntry) return pEntry->result; return NULL; } void RecordZapperLoaderModule(const ZapperLoaderModuleTableKey *pKey, Module *pZapperLoaderModuleTable) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; ZapperLoaderModuleTableEntry entry(*pKey, pZapperLoaderModuleTable); m_ZapperLoaderModuleTable.Add(entry); } ZapperLoaderModuleTable m_ZapperLoaderModuleTable; private: BOOL m_fCachingOfInliningHintsEnabled; BOOL m_fGeneratingNgenPDB; }; extern CEECompileInfo *g_pCEECompileInfo; BOOL IsNgenPDBCompilationProcess(); // // See comment at top of file for an explanation on the preloader // architecture. // class CEEPreloader : public ICorCompilePreloader { private: DataImage *m_image; ICorCompileDataStore *m_pData; class MethodSetTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef MethodDesc *key_t; static MethodDesc * GetKey(MethodDesc *md) { return md; } static count_t Hash(MethodDesc *md) { return (count_t) (UINT_PTR) md; } static BOOL Equals(MethodDesc *md1, MethodDesc *md2) { return md1 == md2; } }; class TypeSetTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef TypeHandle key_t; static const TypeHandle Null() { return TypeHandle(); } static bool IsNull(const TypeHandle &th) { return !!th.IsNull(); } static TypeHandle GetKey(TypeHandle th) { return th; } static count_t Hash(TypeHandle th) { return (count_t) th.AsTAddr(); } static BOOL Equals(TypeHandle th1, TypeHandle th2) { return th1 == th2; } }; // Cached results of instantiations triage SHash m_acceptedTypes; SHash m_acceptedMethods; SHash m_rejectedTypes; SHash m_rejectedMethods; #ifdef FEATURE_FULL_NGEN // Tentatively accepted instantiations InlineSArray m_speculativeTypes; BOOL m_fSpeculativeTriage; BOOL m_fDictionariesPopulated; #endif struct CompileMethodEntry { MethodDesc * pMD; #ifndef FEATURE_FULL_NGEN // Unreferenced methods bool fReferenced; // true when this method was referenced by other code bool fScheduled; // true when this method was scheduled for compilation #endif }; class CompileMethodSetTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef MethodDesc *key_t; static MethodDesc * GetKey(CompileMethodEntry e) { return e.pMD; } static count_t Hash(MethodDesc *md) { return (count_t) (UINT_PTR) md; } static BOOL Equals(MethodDesc *md1, MethodDesc *md2) { return md1 == md2; } static const CompileMethodEntry Null() { CompileMethodEntry e; e.pMD = NULL; return e; } static bool IsNull(const CompileMethodEntry &e) { return e.pMD == NULL; } }; SHash m_compileMethodsHash; // Array of methods that we need to compile. SArray m_uncompiledMethods; struct DuplicateMethodEntry { MethodDesc * pMD; MethodDesc * pDuplicateMD; }; class DuplicateMethodTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef MethodDesc *key_t; static MethodDesc * GetKey(DuplicateMethodEntry e) { return e.pMD; } static count_t Hash(MethodDesc *md) { return (count_t) (UINT_PTR) md; } static BOOL Equals(MethodDesc *md1, MethodDesc *md2) { return md1 == md2; } static const DuplicateMethodEntry Null() { DuplicateMethodEntry e; e.pMD = NULL; return e; } static bool IsNull(const DuplicateMethodEntry &e) { return e.pMD == NULL; } }; SHash m_duplicateMethodsHash; MethodDesc * CompileMethodStubIfNeeded( MethodDesc *pMD, MethodDesc *pStubMD, ICorCompilePreloader::CORCOMPILE_CompileStubCallback pfnCallback, LPVOID pCallbackContext); public: CEEPreloader(Module *pModule, ICorCompileDataStore *pData); virtual ~CEEPreloader(); void Preload(CorProfileData * profileData); DataImage * GetDataImage() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_image; } ICorCompileDataStore * GetDataStore() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pData; } // // ICorCompilerPreloader // DWORD MapMethodEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapFieldHandle(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapAddressOfPInvokeFixup(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapGenericHandle(CORINFO_GENERIC_HANDLE handle); DWORD MapModuleIDHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle); void AddMethodToTransitiveClosureOfInstantiations(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); void AddTypeToTransitiveClosureOfInstantiations(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); BOOL IsMethodInTransitiveClosureOfInstantiations(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); BOOL IsTypeInTransitiveClosureOfInstantiations(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); void MethodReferencedByCompiledCode(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); BOOL IsUncompiledMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); #ifdef MDIL void AddMDILCodeFlavorsToUncompiledMethods(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); #endif private: void AddToUncompiledMethods(MethodDesc *pMethod, BOOL fForStubs); void ApplyTypeDependencyProductionsForType(TypeHandle t); void ApplyTypeDependencyForSZArrayHelper(MethodTable * pInterfaceMT, TypeHandle elemTypeHnd); friend class Module; void TriageTypeForZap(TypeHandle th, BOOL fAcceptIfNotSure, BOOL fExpandDependencies = TRUE); void TriageMethodForZap(MethodDesc* pMethod, BOOL fAcceptIfNotSure, BOOL fExpandDependencies = TRUE); void ExpandTypeDependencies(TypeHandle th); void ExpandMethodDependencies(MethodDesc * pMD); void TriageTypeSpecsFromSoftBoundModule(Module * pSoftBoundModule); void TriageTypeFromSoftBoundModule(TypeHandle th, Module * pSoftBoundModule); void TriageSpeculativeType(TypeHandle th); void TriageSpeculativeInstantiations(); // Returns TRUE if new types or methods have been added by the triage BOOL TriageForZap(BOOL fAcceptIfNotSure, BOOL fExpandDependencies = TRUE); public: CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE NextUncompiledMethod(); void PrePrepareMethodIfNecessary(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod); void GenerateMethodStubs( CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, bool fNgenProfileImage, CORCOMPILE_CompileStubCallback pfnCallback, LPVOID pCallbackContext); bool IsDynamicMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod); void SetMethodProfilingFlags(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE hMethod, DWORD flags); bool CanSkipMethodPreparation ( CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE callerHnd, /* IN */ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE calleeHnd, /* IN */ CorInfoIndirectCallReason *pReason = NULL, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags = CORINFO_ACCESS_ANY); BOOL CanEmbedClassID (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE typeHandle); BOOL CanEmbedModuleID (CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle); BOOL CanEmbedModuleHandle(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle); BOOL CanEmbedClassHandle (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE typeHandle); BOOL CanEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE contextHandle); BOOL CanEmbedFieldHandle (CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fieldHandle); BOOL CanPrerestoreEmbedClassHandle (CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHnd); BOOL CanPrerestoreEmbedMethodHandle(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHnd); BOOL CanEmbedFunctionEntryPoint(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE contextHandle, CORINFO_ACCESS_FLAGS accessFlags = CORINFO_ACCESS_ANY); BOOL DoesMethodNeedRestoringBeforePrestubIsRun(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle); BOOL CanSkipDependencyActivation(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE context, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleFrom, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleTo); CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE GetPreferredZapModuleForClassHandle(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE classHnd); void NoteDeduplicatedCode(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE duplicateMethod); CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE LookupMethodDef(mdMethodDef token); CorCompileILRegion GetILRegion(mdMethodDef token); CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE FindTypeForProfileEntry(CORBBTPROF_BLOB_PARAM_SIG_ENTRY * profileBlobEntry); CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE FindMethodForProfileEntry(CORBBTPROF_BLOB_PARAM_SIG_ENTRY * profileBlobEntry); void ReportInlining(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inliner, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE inlinee); void Link(); void FixupRVAs(); void SetRVAsForFields(IMetaDataEmit * pEmit); void GetRVAFieldData(mdFieldDef fd, PVOID * ppData, DWORD * pcbSize, DWORD * pcbAlignment); ULONG Release(); void Error(mdToken token, Exception * pException); }; struct RefCache { RefCache(Module *pModule) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END m_pModule = pModule; { // HashMap::Init can throw due to OOM. Our ctor can't. Since this whole // thing is for use inside CEECompileInfo methods, it doesn't make sense to // use an exception model. Thus we probably have to move the hashmap init // calls out of the ctor so can catch these exceptions and translate them to // hresults. // CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation|FaultViolation); m_sAssemblyRefMap.Init(FALSE,NULL); } } Module *m_pModule; HashMap m_sAssemblyRefMap; }; struct AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry { AssemblySpec * m_pDef; AssemblySpec * m_pRef; }; class AssemblySpecDefRefMapTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits > { public: typedef const AssemblySpec *key_t; static const AssemblySpec * GetKey(const AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry &e) { return e.m_pDef; } static count_t Hash(const AssemblySpec * k) { return const_cast(k)->Hash(); } static BOOL Equals(const AssemblySpec * lhs, const AssemblySpec * rhs) { return const_cast(lhs)->CompareEx(const_cast(rhs), AssemblySpec::ASC_DefinitionEquality); } static const AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry Null() { AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry e; e.m_pDef = NULL; return e; } static bool IsNull(const AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry &e) { return e.m_pDef == NULL; } void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(const AssemblySpecDefRefMapEntry& e) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; delete e.m_pDef; delete e.m_pRef; } static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = true; }; typedef SHash AssemblySpecMapDefRefMapTable; class CompilationDomain : public AppDomain, public ICorCompilationDomain { #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR VPTR_MULTI_VTABLE_CLASS(CompilationDomain, AppDomain); #endif public: BOOL m_fForceDebug; BOOL m_fForceProfiling; BOOL m_fForceInstrument; // TODO: During ngen, we need to determine whether we can call NeedsRestore // before the preloader has been initialized. This is accomplished via this // method. This code needs to be cleaned up. See bug #284709 for background. BOOL canCallNeedsRestore() { return (m_pTargetImage != NULL); }; // DDB 175659: Make sure that canCallNeedsRestore() returns FALSE during compilation // domain shutdown. void setCannotCallNeedsRestore() { m_pTargetImage = NULL; } private: Assembly *m_pTargetAssembly; // Assembly being compiled Module *m_pTargetModule; // Module currently being compiled. Needed for multi-module assemblies DataImage *m_pTargetImage; // Data image CEEPreloader *m_pTargetPreloader; ReleaseHolder m_pEmit; NewHolder m_pDependencyRefSpecs; AssemblySpecMapDefRefMapTable m_dependencyDefRefMap; CORCOMPILE_DEPENDENCY *m_pDependencies; USHORT m_cDependenciesCount, m_cDependenciesAlloc; CQuickArray m_rRefCaches; HRESULT AddDependencyEntry(PEAssembly *pFile, mdAssemblyRef ref,mdAssemblyRef def); void ReleaseDependencyEmitter(); #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // hardbinding PtrHashMap m_hardBoundModules; // Hard dependency on native image of these dependency modules PtrHashMap m_cantHardBindModules; void UpdateDependencyEntryForHardBind(PEAssembly * pDependencyAssembly); void IncludeHardBindClosure(PEAssembly * pDependencyAssembly); void CheckHardBindToZapFile(SString dependencyNameFromCustomAttribute); void CheckLoadHints(); #endif public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE CompilationDomain(BOOL fForceDebug = FALSE, BOOL fForceProfiling = FALSE, BOOL fForceInstrument = FALSE); ~CompilationDomain(); #endif void Init( #ifdef MDIL MDILCompilationFlags mdilCompilationFlags #endif ); HRESULT AddDependency(AssemblySpec *pRefSpec, PEAssembly *pFile); AssemblySpec* FindAssemblyRefSpecForDefSpec( AssemblySpec* pDefSpec); PEAssembly *BindAssemblySpec( AssemblySpec *pSpec, BOOL fThrowOnFileNotFound, BOOL fRaisePrebindEvents, StackCrawlMark *pCallerStackMark = NULL, AssemblyLoadSecurity *pLoadSecurity = NULL, BOOL fUseHostBinderIfAvailable = TRUE) DAC_EMPTY_RET(NULL); BOOL CanEagerBindToZapFile(Module *targetModule, BOOL limitToHardBindList = TRUE); #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // hardbinding PtrHashMap::PtrIterator IterateHardBoundModules(); // List of full display names of assemblies to hard-bind to SArray m_assemblyHardBindList; BOOL m_useHardBindList; BOOL IsInHardBindRequestList(Assembly * pAssembly); BOOL IsInHardBindRequestList(PEAssembly * pAssembly); BOOL IsSafeToHardBindTo(PEAssembly * pAssembly); void SetAssemblyHardBindList( __in_ecount( cHardBindList ) LPWSTR *pHardBindList, DWORD cHardBindList); #endif #if defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) void ComputeAssemblyHardBindList(IMDInternalImport * pImport); BOOL IsInHardBindList(SString& simpleName); static BOOL FindImage(const SString& fileName, MDInternalImportFlags flags, PEImage ** ppImage); #endif // Returns NULL on out-of-memory RefCache *GetRefCache(Module *pModule) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END unsigned uSize = (unsigned) m_rRefCaches.Size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < uSize; i++) if (m_rRefCaches[i]->m_pModule == pModule) return m_rRefCaches[i]; // Add a new cache entry HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = m_rRefCaches.ReSizeNoThrow(uSize + 1))) { _ASSERTE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; } m_rRefCaches[uSize] = new (nothrow) RefCache(pModule); return m_rRefCaches[uSize]; } void SetTarget(Assembly * pAssembly, Module *pModule); void SetTargetImage(DataImage * pImage, CEEPreloader * pPreloader); DataImage * GetTargetImage() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTargetImage; } Assembly * GetTargetAssembly() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTargetAssembly; } Module * GetTargetModule() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTargetModule; } // ICorCompilationDomain HRESULT SetContextInfo(LPCWSTR exePath, BOOL isExe) DAC_EMPTY_RET(E_FAIL); HRESULT GetDependencies(CORCOMPILE_DEPENDENCY **ppDependencies, DWORD *cDependencies) DAC_EMPTY_RET(E_FAIL); #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION HRESULT GetIBindContext(IBindContext **ppBindCtx) DAC_EMPTY_RET(E_FAIL); #endif #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE HRESULT SetPlatformWinmdPaths(LPCWSTR pwzPlatformWinmdPaths) DAC_EMPTY_RET(E_FAIL); #endif void SetDependencyEmitter(IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pEmitter); }; #endif // COMPILE_H_