// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*============================================================ ** ** Header: Map associated with a ComMethodTable that contains ** information on its members. ===========================================================*/ #include "common.h" #include "commtmemberinfomap.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "field.h" #include "caparser.h" #define BASE_OLEAUT_DISPID 0x60020000 static LPCWSTR szDefaultValue = W("Value"); static LPCWSTR szGetEnumerator = W("GetEnumerator"); // ============================================================================ // This structure and class definition are used to implement the hash table // used to make sure that there are no duplicate class names. // ============================================================================ struct WSTRHASH : HASHLINK { LPCWSTR szName; // Ptr to hashed string. }; class CWStrHash : public CChainedHash { public: virtual bool InUse(WSTRHASH *pItem) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pItem)); } CONTRACTL_END; return (pItem->szName != NULL); } virtual void SetFree(WSTRHASH *pItem) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pItem)); } CONTRACTL_END; pItem->szName = NULL; } virtual ULONG Hash(const void *pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Do case-insensitive hash return (HashiString(reinterpret_cast(pData))); } virtual int Cmp(const void *pData, void *pItem) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pItem)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; return SString::_wcsicmp(reinterpret_cast(pData),reinterpret_cast(pItem)->szName); } }; // class CWStrHash : public CChainedHash // ============================================================================ // Token and module pair hashtable. // ============================================================================ EEHashEntry_t * EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry(EEModuleTokenPair *pKey, BOOL bDeepCopy, void *pHeap) { CONTRACT (EEHashEntry_t*) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(CONTRACT_RETURN NULL); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; _ASSERTE(!bDeepCopy && "Deep copy is not supported by the EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper"); EEHashEntry_t *pEntry = (EEHashEntry_t *) new (nothrow) BYTE[SIZEOF_EEHASH_ENTRY + sizeof(EEModuleTokenPair)]; if (!pEntry) RETURN NULL; EEModuleTokenPair *pEntryKey = (EEModuleTokenPair *) pEntry->Key; pEntryKey->m_tk = pKey->m_tk; pEntryKey->m_pModule = pKey->m_pModule; RETURN pEntry; } // EEHashEntry_t * EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::AllocateEntry() void EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, AllocationHeap Heap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pEntry)); } CONTRACTL_END; delete [] (BYTE*)pEntry; } // void EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::DeleteEntry() BOOL EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::CompareKeys(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry, EEModuleTokenPair *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pEntry)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); } CONTRACTL_END; EEModuleTokenPair *pEntryKey = (EEModuleTokenPair*) pEntry->Key; // Compare the token. if (pEntryKey->m_tk != pKey->m_tk) return FALSE; // Compare the module. if (pEntryKey->m_pModule != pKey->m_pModule) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // BOOL EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::CompareKeys() DWORD EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::Hash(EEModuleTokenPair *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); } CONTRACTL_END; size_t val = (size_t) ((DWORD_PTR)pKey->m_tk + (DWORD_PTR)pKey->m_pModule); #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ return (DWORD)val; #else // @TODO IA64: Is this a good hashing mechanism on IA64? return (DWORD)(val >> 3); #endif } // DWORD EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::Hash() EEModuleTokenPair *EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::GetKey(EEHashEntry_t *pEntry) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pEntry)); } CONTRACTL_END; return (EEModuleTokenPair*)pEntry->Key; } // EEModuleTokenPair *EEModuleTokenHashTableHelper::GetKey() // ============================================================================ // ComMethodTable member info map. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::Init(size_t sizeOfPtr) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; mdTypeDef td; // Token for the class. BYTE const *pData; // Pointer to a custom attribute blob. ULONG cbData; // Size of a custom attribute blob. // Get the TypeDef and some info about it. td = m_pMT->GetCl(); m_bHadDuplicateDispIds = FALSE; // See if there is a default property. m_DefaultProp[0] = 0; // init to 'none'. hr = m_pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName( td, INTEROP_DEFAULTMEMBER_TYPE, reinterpret_cast(&pData), &cbData); if (hr == S_FALSE) { hr = m_pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName( td, "System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute", reinterpret_cast(&pData), &cbData); } if (hr == S_OK && cbData > 5 && pData[0] == 1 && pData[1] == 0) { CustomAttributeParser cap(pData, cbData); // Already verified prolog before entering block. // Technically, we should have done that but I'm // leaving it to avoid causing a breaking change. VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(cap.ValidateProlog())); LPCUTF8 szString; ULONG cbString; if (SUCCEEDED(cap.GetNonNullString(&szString, &cbString))) { // Copy the data, then null terminate (CA blob's string may not be). m_DefaultProp.ReSizeThrows(cbString+1); memcpy(m_DefaultProp.Ptr(), szString, cbString); m_DefaultProp[cbString] = 0; } } // Set up the properties for the type. if (m_pMT->IsInterface()) SetupPropsForInterface(sizeOfPtr); else SetupPropsForIClassX(sizeOfPtr); // Initiliaze the hashtable. m_TokenToComMTMethodPropsMap.Init((DWORD)m_MethodProps.Size(), NULL, NULL); // Populate the hashtable that maps from token to member info. PopulateMemberHashtable(); } // HRESULT ComMTMemberInfoMap::Init() ComMTMethodProps *ComMTMemberInfoMap::GetMethodProps(mdToken tk, Module *pModule) { CONTRACT (ComMTMethodProps*) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; EEModuleTokenPair TokenModulePair(tk, pModule); HashDatum Data; if (m_TokenToComMTMethodPropsMap.GetValue(&TokenModulePair, &Data)) RETURN (ComMTMethodProps *)Data; RETURN NULL; } // ComMTMethodProps *ComMTMemberInfoMap::GetMethodProps() void ComMTMemberInfoMap::SetupPropsForIClassX(size_t sizeOfPtr) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; ComMethodTable *pCMT; // ComMethodTable for the Class Vtable. MethodDesc *pMeth; // A method descriptor. ComCallMethodDesc *pFieldMeth; // A method descriptor for a field. FieldDesc *pField; // Actual FieldDesc for field. DWORD nSlots; // Number of vtable slots. UINT i; // Loop control. LPCUTF8 pszName; // A name in UTF8. CQuickArray rName; // A name. ULONG dispid; // A dispid. SHORT oVftBase; // Offset in vtable, if not system defined. int cVisibleMembers = 0; // The count of methods that are visible to COM. HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. DWORD dwTIFlags = 0; // TypeLib flags. // Get the vtable for the class. pCMT = ComCallWrapperTemplate::SetupComMethodTableForClass(m_pMT, TRUE); nSlots = pCMT->GetSlots(); // IDispatch derived. oVftBase = 7 * (SHORT)sizeOfPtr; // Build array of descriptive information. m_MethodProps.ReSizeThrows(nSlots); for (i=0; iIsSlotAField(i)) { // Fields better come in pairs. _ASSERTE(i < nSlots-1); pFieldMeth = pCMT->GetFieldCallMethodDescForSlot(i); pField = pFieldMeth->GetFieldDesc(); DWORD dwFlags; IfFailThrow(pField->GetMDImport()->GetFieldDefProps(pField->GetMemberDef(), &dwFlags)); BOOL bReadOnly = IsFdInitOnly(dwFlags) || IsFdLiteral(dwFlags); BOOL bFieldVisibleFromCom = IsMemberVisibleFromCom(pField->GetApproxEnclosingMethodTable(), pField->GetMemberDef(), mdTokenNil); // Get the assigned dispid, or DISPID_UNKNOWN. hr = pField->GetMDImport()->GetDispIdOfMemberDef(pField->GetMemberDef(), &dispid); IfFailThrow(pField->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(pField->GetMemberDef(), &pszName)); IfFailThrow(Utf2Quick(pszName, rName)); ULONG cchpName = ((int)wcslen(rName.Ptr())) + 1; m_MethodProps[i].pName = reinterpret_cast(m_sNames.Alloc(cchpName * sizeof(WCHAR))); m_MethodProps[i].pMeth = (MethodDesc*)pFieldMeth; // It's safe to do the following case becasue that FieldSemanticOffset is 100, msSetter = 1, msGetter = 2 m_MethodProps[i].semantic = static_cast(FieldSemanticOffset + (pFieldMeth->IsFieldGetter() ? msGetter : msSetter)); m_MethodProps[i].property = mdPropertyNil; wcscpy_s(m_MethodProps[i].pName, cchpName, rName.Ptr()); m_MethodProps[i].dispid = dispid; m_MethodProps[i].oVft = 0; m_MethodProps[i].bMemberVisible = bFieldVisibleFromCom && (!bReadOnly || pFieldMeth->IsFieldGetter()); m_MethodProps[i].bFunction2Getter = FALSE; ++i; pFieldMeth = pCMT->GetFieldCallMethodDescForSlot(i); m_MethodProps[i].pMeth = (MethodDesc*)pFieldMeth; // It's safe to do the following case becasue that FieldSemanticOffset is 100, msSetter = 1, msGetter = 2 m_MethodProps[i].semantic = static_cast(FieldSemanticOffset + (pFieldMeth->IsFieldGetter() ? msGetter : msSetter)); m_MethodProps[i].property = i - 1; m_MethodProps[i].dispid = dispid; m_MethodProps[i].oVft = 0; m_MethodProps[i].bMemberVisible = bFieldVisibleFromCom && (!bReadOnly || pFieldMeth->IsFieldGetter()); m_MethodProps[i].bFunction2Getter = FALSE; } else { // Retrieve the method desc on the current class. This involves looking up the method // desc in the vtable if it is a virtual method. pMeth = pCMT->GetMethodDescForSlot(i); if (pMeth->IsVirtual()) { WORD wSlot = InteropMethodTableData::GetSlotForMethodDesc(m_pMT, pMeth); _ASSERTE(wSlot != MethodTable::NO_SLOT); pMeth = m_pMT->GetComInteropData()->pVTable[wSlot].pMD; } m_MethodProps[i].pMeth = pMeth; // Retrieve the properties of the method. GetMethodPropsForMeth(pMeth, i, m_MethodProps, m_sNames); // Turn off dispids that look system-assigned. if (m_MethodProps[i].dispid >= 0x40000000 && m_MethodProps[i].dispid <= 0x7fffffff) m_MethodProps[i].dispid = DISPID_UNKNOWN; } } // COM+ supports properties in which the getter and setter have different signatures, // but TypeLibs do not. Look for mismatched signatures, and break apart the properties. for (i=0; iGetMethodDescForSlot((unsigned)ixSet); pMeth->GetSig(&pbSet, &cbSet); pMeth = pCMT->GetMethodDescForSlot((unsigned)ixGet); pMeth->GetSig(&pbGet, &cbGet); // Now reuse ixGet, ixSet to index through signature. ixGet = ixSet = 0; // Eat calling conventions. ULONG callconv; ixGet += CorSigUncompressData(&pbGet[ixGet], &callconv); _ASSERTE((callconv & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK) != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); ixSet += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSet[ixSet], &callconv); _ASSERTE((callconv & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK) != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); // Argument count. ULONG acGet, acSet; ixGet += CorSigUncompressData(&pbGet[ixGet], &acGet); ixSet += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSet[ixSet], &acSet); // Setter must take exactly on more parameter. if (acSet != acGet+1) goto UnLink; // All matched, so on to next. continue; // Unlink the properties, and turn them into ordinary functions. UnLink: // Get the indices of the getter and setter (again). if (m_MethodProps[i].semantic == msGetter) ixGet = i, ixSet = m_MethodProps[i].property; else ixSet = i, ixGet = m_MethodProps[i].property; // Eliminate the semantics. m_MethodProps[ixGet].semantic = 0; m_MethodProps[ixSet].semantic = 0; // Decorate the names. // These are the names of properties when properties don't have signatures // that match, and the "get" and "set" below don't have to match the CLS // property names. This is an obscure corner case. m_MethodProps[i].pName = m_MethodProps[m_MethodProps[i].property].pName; WCHAR *pNewName; //string length + "get" + null terminator. //XXX Fri 11/19/2004 Why is this + 4 rather than +3? ULONG cchpNewName = ((int)wcslen(m_MethodProps[ixGet].pName)) + 4 + 1; pNewName = reinterpret_cast(m_sNames.Alloc(cchpNewName * sizeof(WCHAR))); wcscpy_s(pNewName, cchpNewName, W("get")); wcscat_s(pNewName, cchpNewName, m_MethodProps[ixGet].pName); m_MethodProps[ixGet].pName = pNewName; pNewName = reinterpret_cast(m_sNames.Alloc((int)((4+wcslen(m_MethodProps[ixSet].pName))*sizeof(WCHAR)+2))); wcscpy_s(pNewName, cchpNewName, W("set")); wcscat_s(pNewName, cchpNewName, m_MethodProps[ixSet].pName); m_MethodProps[ixSet].pName = pNewName; // If the methods share a dispid, kill them both. if (m_MethodProps[ixGet].dispid == m_MethodProps[ixSet].dispid) m_MethodProps[ixGet].dispid = m_MethodProps[ixSet].dispid = DISPID_UNKNOWN; // Unlink from each other. m_MethodProps[i].property = mdPropertyNil; } } // Assign vtable offsets. for (i = 0; i < nSlots; ++i) { SHORT oVft = oVftBase + static_cast(i * sizeOfPtr); m_MethodProps[i].oVft = oVft; } // Resolve duplicate dispids. EliminateDuplicateDispIds(m_MethodProps, nSlots); // Pick something for the "Value". AssignDefaultMember(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Check to see if there is something to assign DISPID_NEWENUM to. AssignNewEnumMember(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Resolve duplicate names. EliminateDuplicateNames(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Do some PROPERTYPUT/PROPERTYPUTREF translation. FixupPropertyAccessors(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Fix up all properties so that they point to their shared name. for (i=0; i rSlotMap; // Array to map vtable slots. DWORD nSlots; // Number of vtable slots. ULONG ulComSlotMin = ULONG_MAX; // Find first COM+ slot. ULONG ulComSlotMax = 0; // Find last COM+ slot. int bSlotRemap = false; // True if slots need to be mapped, due to holes. HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Retrieve the number of vtable slots the interface has. nSlots = m_pMT->GetNumVirtuals(); // IDispatch, IUnknown, or IInspectable derived? ifaceType = (m_pMT->IsInterface() ? m_pMT->GetComInterfaceType() : ifDual); oVftBase = ComMethodTable::GetNumExtraSlots(ifaceType) * (SHORT)sizeOfPtr; // Find lowest slot number. for (iMD=0; iMD < nSlots; ++iMD) { MethodDesc* pMD = m_pMT->GetMethodDescForSlot(iMD); _ASSERTE(pMD != NULL); ULONG tmp = pMD->GetComSlot(); if (tmp < ulComSlotMin) ulComSlotMin = tmp; if (tmp > ulComSlotMax) ulComSlotMax = tmp; } // Used a couple of times. MethodTable::MethodIterator it(m_pMT); if (ulComSlotMax-ulComSlotMin >= nSlots) { bSlotRemap = true; // Resize the array. rSlotMap.ReSizeThrows(ulComSlotMax+1); // Init to "slot not used" value of -1. memset(rSlotMap.Ptr(), -1, rSlotMap.Size()*sizeof(int)); // See which vtable slots are used. it.MoveToBegin(); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { if (it.IsVirtual()) { MethodDesc* pMD = it.GetMethodDesc(); _ASSERTE(pMD != NULL); ULONG tmp = pMD->GetComSlot(); rSlotMap[tmp] = 0; } } // Assign incrementing table indices to the slots. ULONG ix=0; for (iMD=0; iMD<=ulComSlotMax; ++iMD) if (rSlotMap[iMD] != -1) rSlotMap[iMD] = ix++; } // Iterate over the members in the interface and build the list of methods. m_MethodProps.ReSizeThrows(nSlots); it.MoveToBegin(); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { if (it.IsVirtual()) { pMeth = it.GetMethodDesc(); if (pMeth != NULL) { ULONG ixSlot = pMeth->GetComSlot(); if (bSlotRemap) ixSlot = rSlotMap[ixSlot]; else ixSlot -= ulComSlotMin; m_MethodProps[ixSlot].pMeth = pMeth; } } } // Now have a list of methods in vtable order. Go through and build names, semantic. for (iMD=0; iMD < nSlots; ++iMD) { pMeth = m_MethodProps[iMD].pMeth; GetMethodPropsForMeth(pMeth, iMD, m_MethodProps, m_sNames); } // Assign vtable offsets. for (iMD=0; iMD < nSlots; ++iMD) { SHORT oVft = oVftBase + static_cast((m_MethodProps[iMD].pMeth->GetComSlot() -ulComSlotMin) * sizeOfPtr); m_MethodProps[iMD].oVft = oVft; } // Resolve duplicate dispids. EliminateDuplicateDispIds(m_MethodProps, nSlots); // Pick something for the "Value". AssignDefaultMember(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Check to see if there is something to assign DISPID_NEWENUM to. AssignNewEnumMember(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Take care of name collisions due to overloading, inheritance. EliminateDuplicateNames(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Do some PROPERTYPUT/PROPERTYPUTREF translation. FixupPropertyAccessors(m_MethodProps, m_sNames, nSlots); // Fix up all properties so that they point to their shared name. for (iMD=0; iMD < m_pMT->GetNumVirtuals(); ++iMD) { if (TypeFromToken(m_MethodProps[iMD].property) != mdtProperty) { m_MethodProps[iMD].pName = m_MethodProps[m_MethodProps[iMD].property].pName; m_MethodProps[iMD].dispid = m_MethodProps[m_MethodProps[iMD].property].dispid; } } // If the interface is IDispatch based, then assign the default dispids. if (IsDispatchBasedItf(ifaceType)) AssignDefaultDispIds(); } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::SetupPropsForInterface() // ============================================================================ // Given a MethodDesc*, get the name of the method or property that the // method is a getter/setter for, plus the semantic for getter/setter. // In the case of properties, look for a previous getter/setter for this // property, and if found, link them, so that only one name participates in // name decoration. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::GetMethodPropsForMeth( MethodDesc *pMeth, // MethodDesc * for method. int ix, // Slot. CQuickArray &rProps, // Array of method property information. CDescPool &sNames) // Pool of possibly decorated names. { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMeth)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. LPCUTF8 pszName; // Name in UTF8. CQuickArray rName; // Buffer for unicode conversion. LPCWSTR pName; // Pointer to a name, after possible substitution. mdProperty pd; // Property token. LPCUTF8 pPropName; // Pointer to propterty name. ULONG uSemantic; // Property semantic. ULONG dispid; // A property dispid. // Get any user-assigned dispid. rProps[ix].dispid = pMeth->GetComDispid(); // Assume system-defined vtable offsets. rProps[ix].oVft = 0; // Generally don't munge function into a getter. rProps[ix].bFunction2Getter = FALSE; // See if there is property information for this member. hr = pMeth->GetModule()->GetPropertyInfoForMethodDef(pMeth->GetMemberDef(), &pd, &pPropName, &uSemantic); IfFailThrow(hr); if (hr == S_OK) { // There is property information. // See if there a method is already associated with this property. rProps[ix].property = pd; int i; for (i=ix-1; i>=0; --i) { // Same property in same scope? if (rProps[i].property == pd && rProps[i].pMeth->GetMDImport() == pMeth->GetMDImport()) { rProps[ix].property = i; break; } } // If there wasn't another method for this property, save the name on // this method, for duplicate elimination. if (i < 0) { // Save the name. Have to convert from UTF8. int iLen = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pPropName, -1, 0, 0); rProps[ix].pName = reinterpret_cast(sNames.Alloc(iLen*sizeof(WCHAR))); if (rProps[ix].pName == NULL) { ThrowHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pPropName, -1, rProps[ix].pName, iLen); // Check whether the property has a dispid attribute. hr = pMeth->GetMDImport()->GetDispIdOfMemberDef(pd, &dispid); if (dispid != DISPID_UNKNOWN) rProps[ix].dispid = dispid; // If this is the default property, and the method or property doesn't have a dispid already, // use DISPID_DEFAULT. if (rProps[ix].dispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN) { if (strcmp(pPropName, m_DefaultProp.Ptr()) == 0) { rProps[ix].dispid = DISPID_VALUE; // Don't want to try to set multiple as default property. m_DefaultProp[0] = 0; } } } // Save the semantic. rProps[ix].semantic = static_cast(uSemantic); // Determine if the property is visible from COM. rProps[ix].bMemberVisible = IsMethodVisibleFromCom(pMeth) ? 1 : 0; } else { // Not a property, just an ordinary method. rProps[ix].property = mdPropertyNil; rProps[ix].semantic = 0; // Get the name. pszName = pMeth->GetName(); if (pszName == NULL) ThrowHR(E_FAIL); if (stricmpUTF8(pszName, szInitName) == 0) { pName = szInitNameUse; } else { IfFailThrow(Utf2Quick(pszName, rName)); pName = rName.Ptr(); // If this is a "ToString" method, make it a property get. if (SString::_wcsicmp(pName, szDefaultToString) == 0) { rProps[ix].semantic = msGetter; rProps[ix].bFunction2Getter = TRUE; } } ULONG len = ((int)wcslen(pName)) + 1; rProps[ix].pName = reinterpret_cast(sNames.Alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (rProps[ix].pName == NULL) { ThrowHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wcscpy_s(rProps[ix].pName, len, pName); // Determine if the method is visible from COM. rProps[ix].bMemberVisible = !pMeth->IsArray() && IsMethodVisibleFromCom(pMeth); } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::GetMethodPropsForMeth() // ============================================================================ // Process the function names for an interface, checking for duplicates. If // any duplicates are found, decorate the names with "_n". // // NOTE: Two implementations are provided, one using nested for-loops and a // second which implements a hashtable. The first is faster when // the number of elements is less than 20, otherwise the hashtable // is the way to go. The code-size of the first implementation is 574 // bytes. The hashtable code is 1120 bytes. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::EliminateDuplicateNames( CQuickArray &rProps, // Array of method property information. CDescPool &sNames, // Pool of possibly decorated names. UINT nSlots) // Count of entries { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; CQuickBytes qb; UINT iCur; CorIfaceAttr ifaceType; // VTBL, Dispinterface, IDispatch, or IInspectable ULONG cBaseNames; // Count of names in base interface. BOOL bDup; // Is the name a duplicate? HRESULT hr = S_OK; const size_t cchrcName = MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH; LPWSTR rcName = (LPWSTR)qb.AllocThrows(cchrcName * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Tables of names of methods on IUnknown, IDispatch, and IInspectable. static const LPCWSTR rBaseNames_Dispatch[] = { W("QueryInterface"), W("AddRef"), W("Release"), W("GetTypeInfoCount"), W("GetTypeInfo"), W("GetIDsOfNames"), W("Invoke") }; static const LPCWSTR rBaseNames_Inspectable[] = { W("QueryInterface"), W("AddRef"), W("Release"), W("GetIIDs"), W("GetRuntimeClassName"), W("GetTrustLevel") }; // Determine which names are in the base interface. ifaceType = (m_pMT->IsInterface() ? m_pMT->GetComInterfaceType() : ifDual); const LPCWSTR * rBaseNames = (ifaceType == ifInspectable ? rBaseNames_Inspectable : rBaseNames_Dispatch); // Is it pure dispinterface? if (ifaceType == ifDispatch) { cBaseNames = 0; } else { // Or is it IUnknown, IDispatch, IInspectable derived cBaseNames = ComMethodTable::GetNumExtraSlots(ifaceType); } // we're wasting time if there aren't at least two items! if (nSlots < 2 && cBaseNames == 0) return; else if (nSlots < 20) { // Eliminate duplicates. for (iCur=0; iCur MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH-cchDuplicateDecoration) cchName = MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH-cchDuplicateDecoration; wcsncpy_s(rcName, cchrcName, rProps[iCur].pName, cchName); LPWSTR pSuffix = rcName + cchName; for (iSuffix=2; ; ++iSuffix) { // Form a new name. _snwprintf_s(pSuffix, cchDuplicateDecoration, _TRUNCATE, szDuplicateDecoration, iSuffix); // Compare against ALL names. for (iTry=0; iTry(sNames.Alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (rProps[iCur].pName == NULL) { ThrowHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wcscpy_s(rProps[iCur].pName, len, rcName); // Don't need to look at this iCur any more, since we know it is completely unique. } } } else { CWStrHash htNames; WSTRHASH *pItem; CUnorderedArray uaDuplicates; // array to keep track of non-unique names // Add the base interface names. Already know there are no duplicates there. for (iCur=0; iCurszName = rBaseNames[iCur]; } for (iCur=0; iCurszName = rProps[iCur].pName; } else { // name is a duplicate, so keep track of this index for later decoration ULONG *piAppend = uaDuplicates.Append(); IfNullThrow(piAppend); *piAppend = iCur; } } ULONG i; ULONG iSize = uaDuplicates.Count(); ULONG *piTable = uaDuplicates.Table(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { // get index to decorate iCur = piTable[i]; // Copy name into local buffer DWORD cchName = (DWORD) wcslen(rProps[iCur].pName); if (cchName > MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH-cchDuplicateDecoration) cchName = MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH-cchDuplicateDecoration; wcsncpy_s(rcName, cchrcName, rProps[iCur].pName, cchName); LPWSTR pSuffix = rcName + cchName; UINT iSuffix = 2; // We know this is a duplicate, so immediately decorate name. do { _snwprintf_s(pSuffix, cchDuplicateDecoration, _TRUNCATE, szDuplicateDecoration, iSuffix); iSuffix++; // keep going while we find this name in the hashtable } while (htNames.Find(rcName) != NULL); // Now rcName has an acceptable (unique) name. Remember the new name. ULONG len = ((int)wcslen(rcName)) + 1; rProps[iCur].pName = reinterpret_cast(sNames.Alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (rProps[iCur].pName == NULL) { ThrowHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wcscpy_s(rProps[iCur].pName, len, rcName); // Stick it in the table. pItem = htNames.Add(rProps[iCur].pName); IfNullThrow(pItem); pItem->szName = rProps[iCur].pName; } } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::EliminateDuplicateNames() // ============================================================================ // Process the dispids for an interface, checking for duplicates. If // any duplicates are found, change them to DISPID_UNKNOWN. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::EliminateDuplicateDispIds( CQuickArray &rProps, // Array of method property information. UINT nSlots) // Count of entries { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result. UINT ix; // Loop control. UINT cDispids = 0; // Dispids actually assigned. CQuickArray rDispid; // Array of dispids. // Count the Dispids. for (ix=0; ix sorter(rDispid.Ptr(), cDispids); sorter.Sort(); } // Look through the sorted dispids, looking for duplicates. for (ix=0; ix &rProps, // Array of method property information. CDescPool &sNames, // Pool of possibly decorated names. UINT nSlots) // Count of entries { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; int ix; // Loop control. int defDispid=-1; // Default via dispid. int defValueProp=-1; // Default via szDefaultValue on a method. int defValueMeth=-1; // Default via szDefaultValue on a property. int defToString=-1; // Default via szDefaultToString. int *pDef=0; // Pointer to one of the def* variables. LPWSTR pName=NULL; // Pointer to a name. ULONG cbSig=0; // Size of Cor signature. ULONG ixSig=0; // Index into COM+ signature. ULONG callconv=0; // A member's calling convention. ULONG cParams=0; // A member's parameter count. ULONG retval=0; // A default member's return type. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig; // Pointer to Cor signature. for (ix=0; ix<(int)nSlots; ++ix) { // If this is the explicit default, done. if (rProps[ix].dispid == DISPID_VALUE) { defDispid = ix; break; } // If this has an assigned dispid, honor it. if (rProps[ix].dispid != DISPID_UNKNOWN) continue; // Skip linked properties and non-properties. if (TypeFromToken(rProps[ix].property) != mdtProperty) continue; pName = rProps[ix].pName; if (SString::_wcsicmp(pName, szDefaultValue) == 0) { if (rProps[ix].semantic != 0) pDef = &defValueProp; else pDef = &defValueMeth; } else if (SString::_wcsicmp(pName, szDefaultToString) == 0) { pDef = &defToString; } // If a potential match was found, see if it is "simple" enough. A field is OK; // a property get function is OK if it takes 0 params; a put is OK with 1. if (pDef) { // Fields are by definition simple enough, so only check if some sort of func. if (rProps[ix].semantic < FieldSemanticOffset) { // Get the signature, skip the calling convention, get the param count. rProps[ix].pMeth->GetSig(&pbSig, &cbSig); ixSig = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig, &callconv); _ASSERTE(callconv != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &cParams); // If too many params, don't consider this one any more. if (cParams > 1 || (cParams == 1 && rProps[ix].semantic != msSetter)) pDef = 0; } // If we made it through the above checks, save the index of this member. if (pDef) *pDef = ix, pDef = 0; } } // If there wasn't a DISPID_VALUE already assigned... if (defDispid == -1) { // Was there a "Value" or "ToSTring" if (defValueMeth > -1) defDispid = defValueMeth; else if (defValueProp > -1) defDispid = defValueProp; else if (defToString > -1) defDispid = defToString; // Make it the "Value" if (defDispid >= 0) rProps[defDispid].dispid = DISPID_VALUE; } else { // This was a pre-assigned DISPID_VALUE. If it is a function, try to // turn into a propertyget. if (rProps[defDispid].semantic == 0) { // See if the function returns anything. rProps[defDispid].pMeth->GetSig(&pbSig, &cbSig); PREFIX_ASSUME(pbSig != NULL); ixSig = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig, &callconv); _ASSERTE(callconv != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &cParams); ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &retval); if (retval != ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) { rProps[defDispid].semantic = msGetter; rProps[defDispid].bFunction2Getter = TRUE; } } } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::AssignDefaultMember() // ============================================================================ // Assign a DISPID_NEWENUM member based on "GetEnumerator", unless there is // already a member with DISPID_NEWENUM. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::AssignNewEnumMember( CQuickArray &rProps, // Array of method property information. CDescPool &sNames, // Pool of possibly decorated names. UINT nSlots) // Count of entries { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // HRESULT. int ix; // Loop control. int enumDispid=-1; // Default via dispid. int badEnumDispid=-1; // Misdefined default via dispid. int enumGetEnumMeth=-1; // Default via szGetEnumerator on a method. int *pNewEnum=0; // Pointer to one of the def* variables. ULONG elem; // The element type. mdToken tkTypeRef; // Token for a TypeRef/TypeDef LPWSTR pName; // Pointer to a name. ULONG cbSig; // Size of Cor signature. ULONG ixSig; // Index into COM+ signature. ULONG callconv; // A member's calling convention. ULONG cParams; // A member's parameter count. MethodDesc *pMeth; // A method desc. LPCUTF8 pclsname; // Class name for ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS. CQuickArray rName; // Library name. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig; // Pointer to Cor signature. for (ix=0; ix<(int)nSlots; ++ix) { // If we previously found a poorly defined newenum member, we need to clear it. if (badEnumDispid != -1) { rProps[badEnumDispid].dispid = DISPID_UNKNOWN; badEnumDispid = -1; } // In case we have a poorly defined newenum member, we need to remember it. if (rProps[ix].dispid == DISPID_NEWENUM) badEnumDispid = ix; // Only consider method. if (rProps[ix].semantic != 0) continue; // Skip any members that have explicitly assigned DISPID's unless it's the newenum dispid. if ((rProps[ix].dispid != DISPID_UNKNOWN) && (rProps[ix].dispid != DISPID_NEWENUM)) continue; // Check to see if the member is GetEnumerator. pName = rProps[ix].pName; if (SString::_wcsicmp(pName, szGetEnumerator) != 0) continue; pMeth = rProps[ix].pMeth; // Get the signature, skip the calling convention, get the param count. pMeth->GetSig(&pbSig, &cbSig); PREFIX_ASSUME(pbSig != NULL); ixSig = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig, &callconv); _ASSERTE(callconv != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &cParams); // If too many params, don't consider this one any more. Also disregard // this method if it doesn't have a return type. if (cParams != 0 || ixSig >= cbSig) continue; ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &elem); if (elem != ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) continue; // Get the TD/TR. ixSig = CorSigUncompressToken(&pbSig[ixSig], &tkTypeRef); LPCUTF8 pNS; if (TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeDef) { // Get the name of the TypeDef. if (FAILED(pMeth->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(tkTypeRef, &pclsname, &pNS))) { continue; } } else { // Get the name of the TypeRef. _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeRef); if (FAILED(pMeth->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeRef(tkTypeRef, &pNS, &pclsname))) { continue; } } if (pNS) { // Pre-pend the namespace to the class name. rName.ReSizeThrows((int)(strlen(pclsname)+strlen(pNS)+2)); strcpy_s(rName.Ptr(), rName.Size(), pNS); strcat_s(rName.Ptr(), rName.Size(), NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_STR); strcat_s(rName.Ptr(), rName.Size(), pclsname); pclsname = rName.Ptr(); } // Make sure the returned type is an IEnumerator. if (stricmpUTF8(pclsname, g_CollectionsEnumeratorClassName) != 0) continue; // If assigned the newenum dispid, that's it. if (rProps[ix].dispid == DISPID_NEWENUM) { enumDispid = ix; break; } // The method is a valid GetEnumerator method. enumGetEnumMeth = ix; } // If there wasn't a DISPID_NEWENUM already assigned... if (enumDispid == -1) { // If there was a GetEnumerator then give it DISPID_NEWENUM. if (enumGetEnumMeth > -1) rProps[enumGetEnumMeth].dispid = DISPID_NEWENUM; } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::AssignNewEnumMember() //***************************************************************************** // Signature utilities. //***************************************************************************** class MetaSigExport : public MetaSig { public: MetaSigExport(MethodDesc *pMD) : MetaSig(pMD) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } BOOL IsVbRefType() { CONTRACT(BOOL) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACT_END; // Get the arg, and skip decorations. SigPointer pt = GetArgProps(); CorElementType mt; if (FAILED(pt.PeekElemType(&mt))) return FALSE; while (mt == ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF || mt == ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR) { // Eat the one just examined, and peek at the next one. if (FAILED(pt.GetElemType(NULL)) || FAILED(pt.PeekElemType(&mt))) return FALSE; } // Is it just Object? if (mt == ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT) RETURN TRUE; // A particular class? if (mt == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) { // Exclude "string". if (pt.IsStringType(m_pModule, GetSigTypeContext())) RETURN FALSE; RETURN TRUE; } // A particular valuetype? if (mt == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { // Include "variant". if (pt.IsClass(m_pModule, g_VariantClassName, GetSigTypeContext())) RETURN TRUE; RETURN FALSE; } // An array, a string, or POD. RETURN FALSE; } }; // class MetaSigExport : public MetaSig // ============================================================================ // For each property set and let functions, determine PROPERTYPUT and // PROPERTYPUTREF. // ============================================================================ void ComMTMemberInfoMap::FixupPropertyAccessors( CQuickArray &rProps, // Array of method property information. CDescPool &sNames, // Pool of possibly decorated names. UINT nSlots) // Count of entries { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; UINT ix; // Loop control. UINT j; // Inner loop. int iSet; // Index of Set method. int iOther; // Index of Other method. for (ix=0; ixdispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN) { if (pProps->semantic > FieldSemanticOffset) { // We are dealing with a field. pProps->dispid = BASE_OLEAUT_DISPID + i; m_MethodProps[i + 1].dispid = BASE_OLEAUT_DISPID + i; // Skip the next method since field methods always come in pairs. _ASSERTE(i + 1 < nSlots && m_MethodProps[i + 1].property == i); i++; } else if (pProps->property == mdPropertyNil) { // Make sure that this is either a real method or a method transformed into a getter. _ASSERTE(pProps->semantic == 0 || pProps->semantic == msGetter); // We are dealing with a method. pProps->dispid = BASE_OLEAUT_DISPID + i; } else { // We are dealing with a property. if (TypeFromToken(pProps->property) == mdtProperty) { pProps->dispid = BASE_OLEAUT_DISPID + i; } else { pProps->dispid = m_MethodProps[pProps->property].dispid; } } } } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::AssignDefaultDispIds() void ComMTMemberInfoMap::PopulateMemberHashtable() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD nSlots = (DWORD)m_MethodProps.Size(); // Go through the members and add them to the hashtable. for (DWORD i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) { // Retrieve the properties for the current member. ComMTMethodProps *pProps = &m_MethodProps[i]; if (pProps->semantic > FieldSemanticOffset) { // We are dealing with a field. ComCallMethodDesc *pFieldMeth = reinterpret_cast(pProps->pMeth); FieldDesc *pFD = pFieldMeth->GetFieldDesc(); // Insert the member into the hashtable. EEModuleTokenPair Key(pFD->GetMemberDef(), pFD->GetModule()); m_TokenToComMTMethodPropsMap.InsertValue(&Key, (HashDatum)pProps); // Skip the next method since field methods always come in pairs. _ASSERTE(i + 1 < nSlots && m_MethodProps[i + 1].property == i); i++; } else if (pProps->property == mdPropertyNil) { // Make sure that this is either a real method or a method transformed into a getter. _ASSERTE(pProps->semantic == 0 || pProps->semantic == msGetter); // We are dealing with a method. MethodDesc *pMD = pProps->pMeth; EEModuleTokenPair Key(pMD->GetMemberDef(), pMD->GetModule()); m_TokenToComMTMethodPropsMap.InsertValue(&Key, (HashDatum)pProps); } else { // We are dealing with a property. if (TypeFromToken(pProps->property) == mdtProperty) { // This is the first method of the property. MethodDesc *pMD = pProps->pMeth; EEModuleTokenPair Key(pProps->property, pMD->GetModule()); m_TokenToComMTMethodPropsMap.InsertValue(&Key, (HashDatum)pProps); } } } } // void ComMTMemberInfoMap::PopulateMemberHashtable()