// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: ComInterfaceMarshaler.cpp // #include "common.h" #include "vars.hpp" #include "excep.h" #include "stdinterfaces.h" #include "interoputil.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "runtimecallablewrapper.h" #include "cominterfacemarshaler.h" #include "interopconverter.h" #include "notifyexternals.h" #include "comdelegate.h" #include "winrttypenameconverter.h" #include "olecontexthelpers.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMInterfaceMarshaler::COMInterfaceMarshaler() // ctor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMInterfaceMarshaler::COMInterfaceMarshaler() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; m_pWrapperCache = RCWCache::GetRCWCache(); _ASSERTE(m_pWrapperCache); m_pUnknown = NULL; m_pIdentity = NULL; m_fIReference = false; m_fIReferenceArray = false; m_fNonRCWType = false; m_flags = RCW::CF_None; m_pCallback = NULL; m_pThread = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMInterfaceMarshaler::~COMInterfaceMarshaler() // dtor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMInterfaceMarshaler::~COMInterfaceMarshaler() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::Init(IUnknown* pUnk, MethodTable* pClassMT, Thread *pThread, DWORD flags) // init //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::Init(IUnknown* pUnk, MethodTable* pClassMT, Thread *pThread, DWORD flags /*= RCW::CF_None*/) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClassMT, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThread)); PRECONDITION(m_typeHandle.IsNull() && m_pUnknown == NULL && m_pIdentity == NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; // NOTE ** this struct is temporary, // so NO ADDREF of the COM Interface pointers m_pUnknown = pUnk; // for now use the IUnknown as the Identity m_pIdentity = pUnk; m_typeHandle = TypeHandle(pClassMT); m_pThread = pThread; m_flags = flags; if (!SupportsIInspectable()) { if (!m_typeHandle.IsNull() && m_typeHandle.IsProjectedFromWinRT()) m_flags |= RCW::CF_SupportsIInspectable; } } // Returns true if the type is WinRT-redirected and requires special marshaler functionality // to convert an interface pointer to its corresponding managed instance. static bool IsRedirectedToNonRCWType(MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (pMT == nullptr) { return false; } WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index; if (!WinRTTypeNameConverter::ResolveRedirectedType(pMT, &index)) { return false; } if (index == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_Collections_Generic_KeyValuePair) { // we need to convert IKeyValuePair to boxed KeyValuePair return true; } // redirected runtime classes are not RCWs WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind kind; WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeInfo(index, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &kind); return kind == WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind_Runtimeclass; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::InitializeObjectClass() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::InitializeObjectClass(IUnknown *pIncomingIP) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!DontResolveClass()) { // If we are not in an APPX process, and an object could have a strongly typed RCW as a COM CoClass, // we prefer that to the WinRT class.This preserves compatibility for exisitng code. // If we are in an APPX process we do not check for IProvideClassInfo. if (m_typeHandle.IsNull() && !AppX::IsAppXProcess()) { EX_TRY { m_typeHandle = GetClassFromIProvideClassInfo(m_pUnknown); if (!m_typeHandle.IsNull() && !m_typeHandle.IsComObjectType()) { m_typeHandle = TypeHandle(); // Clear the existing one. } } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions); if(!m_typeHandle.IsNull()) return; } // Note that the actual type may be a subtype of m_typeHandle if it's not sealed. if ((m_typeHandle.IsNull() || !m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->IsSealed()) && WinRTSupported()) { bool fInspectable = SupportsIInspectable(); EX_TRY { // QI for IInspectable first. m_fInspectable at this point contains information about the interface // pointer that we could gather from the signature or API call. But, since an object can be acquired // as a plain IUnknown and later started being treated as a WinRT object, we always eagerly QI for // IInspectable as part of the IInspectable::GetRuntimeClassName call. Also note that we may discover // this IInspectable is really a IReference or IReferenceArray for WinRT-compatible T's. TypeHandle typeHandle = GetClassFromIInspectable(pIncomingIP, &fInspectable, &m_fIReference, &m_fIReferenceArray); if (!typeHandle.IsNull()) { // GetRuntimeClassName could return a interface or projected value type name if (m_fIReference || m_fIReferenceArray) { // this has already been pre-processed - it is the IReference/IReferenceArray generic argument m_typeHandle = typeHandle; } if (typeHandle.IsInterface()) { m_itfTypeHandle = typeHandle; } else if (IsRedirectedToNonRCWType(typeHandle.GetMethodTable())) { m_typeHandle = typeHandle; m_fNonRCWType = true; } else if (!typeHandle.IsValueType()) { // if the type returned from GetRuntimeClassName is a class, it must be derived from __ComObject // or be a WinRT delegate for us to be able to build an RCW for it if (typeHandle.IsComObjectType() || (!typeHandle.IsTypeDesc() && typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->IsDelegate() && (typeHandle.IsProjectedFromWinRT() || WinRTTypeNameConverter::IsRedirectedType(typeHandle.GetMethodTable())))) { m_typeHandle = typeHandle; } } } } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions); if (fInspectable) { m_flags |= RCW::CF_SupportsIInspectable; } else { _ASSERTE_MSG(m_typeHandle.IsNull() || !SupportsIInspectable(), "Acquired an object which should be IInspectable according to metadata but the QI failed."); } } } if (m_typeHandle.IsNull()) m_typeHandle = TypeHandle(g_pBaseCOMObject); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void COMInterfaceMarshaler::CreateObjectRef(BOOL fDuplicate, OBJECTREF *pComObj) // Creates an RCW of the proper type. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COMInterfaceMarshaler::CreateObjectRef(BOOL fDuplicate, OBJECTREF *pComObj, IUnknown **ppIncomingIP, MethodTable *pIncomingItfMT, bool bIncomingIPAddRefed) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame(pComObj)); PRECONDITION(!m_typeHandle.IsNull()); PRECONDITION(m_typeHandle.IsComObjectType() || (m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->IsDelegate() && (m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->IsProjectedFromWinRT() || WinRTTypeNameConverter::IsRedirectedType(m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable())))); PRECONDITION(m_pThread == GetThread()); PRECONDITION(pIncomingItfMT == NULL || pIncomingItfMT->IsInterface()); } CONTRACTL_END; BOOL fExisting = FALSE; // instantiate an instance of m_typeHandle if (*pComObj != NULL) { // the instance already exists and was passed in *pComObj fExisting = TRUE; } else if (m_typeHandle.IsComObjectType()) { // ordinary RCW *pComObj = ComObject::CreateComObjectRef(m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()); } else { // If delegates were to take this path, we need to fix the identity in MethodPtrAux later _ASSERTE(!(m_flags & RCW::CF_QueryForIdentity)); // delegate backed by a WinRT interface pointer *pComObj = COMDelegate::ConvertWinRTInterfaceToDelegate(m_pIdentity, m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()); } // make sure we "pin" the syncblock before switching to preemptive mode SyncBlock *pSB = (*pComObj)->GetSyncBlock(); pSB->SetPrecious(); DWORD dwSyncBlockIndex = pSB->GetSyncBlockIndex(); NewRCWHolder pNewRCW; pNewRCW = RCW::CreateRCW(m_pUnknown, dwSyncBlockIndex, m_flags, m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()); if (fDuplicate) { // let us fix the identity to be the wrapper, // so looking up this IUnknown won't return this wrapper // this would allow users to call WrapIUnknownWithCOMObject // to create duplicate wrappers pNewRCW->m_pIdentity = pNewRCW; m_pIdentity = (IUnknown*)(LPVOID)pNewRCW; } else if (m_flags & RCW::CF_QueryForIdentity) { // pNewRCW has the real Identity in this case and we need to use it to insert into RCW cache m_pIdentity = (IUnknown *)pNewRCW->m_pIdentity; } // If the class is an extensible RCW (managed class deriving from a ComImport class) if (fExisting) { MethodTable *pClassMT = (*pComObj)->GetMethodTable(); if (pClassMT != g_pBaseCOMObject && pClassMT->IsExtensibleRCW()) { // WinRT scenario: we're initializing an RCW for a managed object that is // already in the process of being constructed (we're at the point of calling // to the base class ctor. // Just mark the RCW as aggregated (in this scenario we don't go down // ComClassFactory::CreateAggregatedInstance) pNewRCW->MarkURTAggregated(); } } else { if (m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable() != g_pBaseCOMObject && m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->IsExtensibleRCW()) { // Normal COM aggregation case - we're just in the process of allocating the object // If the managed class has a default constructor then call it MethodDesc *pCtorMD = m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()->GetDefaultConstructor(); if (pCtorMD) { PREPARE_NONVIRTUAL_CALLSITE_USING_METHODDESC(pCtorMD); DECLARE_ARGHOLDER_ARRAY(CtorArgs, 1); CtorArgs[ARGNUM_0] = OBJECTREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(*pComObj); // Call the ctor... CALL_MANAGED_METHOD_NORET(CtorArgs); } } } // We expect that, at most, the first entry will already be allocated. // (SetJupiterObject gets the first shot at this.) int nNextFreeIdx = pNewRCW->m_aInterfaceEntries[0].IsFree() ? 0 : 1; // Only cache WinRT interfaces // Note that we can't use SupportsIInspectable here because we could be talking to a CCW // which supports IInspectable by default if (ppIncomingIP != NULL && *ppIncomingIP != NULL && pIncomingItfMT != NULL && pIncomingItfMT->IsLegalNonArrayWinRTType()) { _ASSERTE(pIncomingItfMT->IsInterface()); _ASSERTE(pNewRCW->m_aInterfaceEntries[nNextFreeIdx].IsFree()); // // The incoming interface pointer is of type m_pItfMT // Cache the result into RCW for better performance and for variance support // For example, GetFilesAsync() returns Windows.Storage.StorageFileView and this type // is not in any WinMD. Because GetFilesAsync actually returns IVectorView, // we know this RCW supports this interface, and putting it into the cache would make sure // casting this RCW to IVectorView works // pNewRCW->m_aInterfaceEntries[nNextFreeIdx++].Init(pIncomingItfMT, *ppIncomingIP); // Don't hold ref count if RCW is aggregated if (!pNewRCW->IsURTAggregated()) { if (bIncomingIPAddRefed) { // Transfer the ref from ppIncomingIP to internal cache // This will only happen in WinRT scenarios to reduce risk of this change *ppIncomingIP = NULL; } else { // Otherwise AddRef by ourselves RCW_VTABLEPTR(pNewRCW); SafeAddRef(*ppIncomingIP); } RCWWalker::AfterInterfaceAddRef(pNewRCW); } // Save GetEnumerator method if necessary // Do this after we "AddRef" on ppIncomingIP otherwise we would call Release on it // without a AddRef pNewRCW->SetGetEnumeratorMethod(pIncomingItfMT); } if (!m_itfTypeHandle.IsNull() && !m_itfTypeHandle.IsTypeDesc()) { MethodTable *pItfMT = m_itfTypeHandle.AsMethodTable(); // Just in case we've already cached it with pIncomingItfMT if (pItfMT != pIncomingItfMT) { // We know that the object supports pItfMT but we don't have the right interface pointer at this point // (*ppIncomingIP is not necessarily the right one) so we'll QI for it. Note that this is not just a // perf optimization, we need to store pItfMT in the RCW in case it has variance and/or provide the // non-generic IEnumerable::GetEnumerator method. IID iid; SafeComHolder pItfIP; if (SUCCEEDED(pNewRCW->CallQueryInterface(pItfMT, Instantiation(), &iid, &pItfIP))) { _ASSERTE(pNewRCW->m_aInterfaceEntries[nNextFreeIdx].IsFree()); pNewRCW->m_aInterfaceEntries[nNextFreeIdx].Init(pItfMT, pItfIP); // Don't hold ref count if RCW is aggregated if (!pNewRCW->IsURTAggregated()) { pItfIP.SuppressRelease(); RCWWalker::AfterInterfaceAddRef(pNewRCW); } } } } { // Make sure that RCWHolder is declared before GC is forbidden - its destructor may trigger GC. RCWHolder pRCW(m_pThread); pRCW.InitNoCheck(pNewRCW); // We may get back an RCW from another STA thread (mainly in WinRT factory cache scenario, // as those factories are typically singleton), and we can only touch the RCW if we hold the lock, // otherwise we may AV if the STA thread dies and takes the RCW with it RCWCache::LockHolder lh(m_pWrapperCache); GCX_FORBID(); // see if somebody beat us to it.. BOOL fInserted = m_pWrapperCache->FindOrInsertWrapper_NoLock(m_pIdentity, &pRCW, !fExisting); if (!fInserted) { // somebody beats us in creating a wrapper. Let's determine whether we should insert our // wrapper as a duplicate, or use the other wrapper that is already in the cache // If the object instance already exists, we have no choice but to insert this wrapper // as a duplicate. If we return the one that is already in the cache, we would return // a different object! BOOL fInsertAsDuplicateWrapper = fExisting; if (!fInsertAsDuplicateWrapper) { // Shall we use the RCW that is already in the cache? if (m_pCallback && !m_pCallback->ShouldUseThisRCW(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe())) { // No - let's insert our wrapper as a duplicate instead fInsertAsDuplicateWrapper = TRUE; // Initialize pRCW again and make sure sure pRCW is indeed our new wrapper pRCW.UnInit(); pRCW.InitNoCheck(pNewRCW); } } if (fInsertAsDuplicateWrapper) { // we need to keep this wrapper separate so we'll insert it with the alternate identity // (just as if fDuplicate was TRUE) pNewRCW->m_pIdentity = pNewRCW; m_pIdentity = (IUnknown*)(LPVOID)pNewRCW; fInserted = m_pWrapperCache->FindOrInsertWrapper_NoLock(m_pIdentity, &pRCW, !fExisting); _ASSERTE(fInserted); pNewRCW.SuppressRelease(); if (m_pCallback) m_pCallback->OnRCWCreated(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe()); } else { // Somebody beat us in creating the wrapper. Let's use that if (m_pCallback) m_pCallback->OnRCWCacheHit(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe()); // grab the new object *pComObj = (OBJECTREF)pRCW->GetExposedObject(); } } else { // If we did insert this wrapper in the table, make sure we don't delete it. pNewRCW.SuppressRelease(); if (m_pCallback) m_pCallback->OnRCWCreated(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe()); } } _ASSERTE(*pComObj != NULL); #ifdef _DEBUG if (!m_typeHandle.IsNull() && m_typeHandle.IsComObjectType()) { // make sure this object supports all the COM Interfaces in the class EnsureCOMInterfacesSupported(*pComObj, m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable()); } #endif } // OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceUnbox() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceUnbox(IUnknown **ppIncomingIP, OBJECTREF *poref, bool bIncomingIPAddRefed) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(m_fIReference); PRECONDITION(m_pThread == GetThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF unboxed = NULL; _ASSERTE(m_typeHandle.AsMethodTable()->IsLegalNonArrayWinRTType()); // Create a temporary RCW. Call into managed. Let managed query for a closed generic instantiation // like IReference (including the GUID calculation & QI) then call the Value property. That // will use the existing interop code to safely marshal the value. // Also, make sure we create a duplicate RCW in this case so that next time we won't end up getting // this RCW from cache COMInterfaceMarshaler marshaler; DWORD flags = RCW::CF_DontResolveClass | RCW::CF_NeedUniqueObject; marshaler.Init(m_pUnknown, g_pBaseCOMObject, m_pThread, flags); if (m_pCallback) marshaler.SetCallback(m_pCallback); OBJECTREF oref = marshaler.FindOrCreateObjectRefInternal(ppIncomingIP, /* pIncomingItfMT = */ NULL, bIncomingIPAddRefed); IReferenceOrIReferenceArrayUnboxWorker(oref, m_typeHandle, FALSE, poref); } // void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceOrIReferenceArrayUnboxWorker() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceOrIReferenceArrayUnboxWorker(OBJECTREF oref, TypeHandle thT, BOOL fIsIReferenceArray, OBJECTREF *porefResult) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref); // Get IReference or IReferenceArray Instantiation inst(&thT, 1); TypeHandle openType; MethodDesc* pMD = NULL; if (fIsIReferenceArray) { openType = TypeHandle(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLRIREFERENCEARRAYIMPL)); pMD = MscorlibBinder::GetMethod(METHOD__CLRIREFERENCEARRAYIMPL__UNBOXHELPER); } else { openType = TypeHandle(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLRIREFERENCEIMPL)); pMD = MscorlibBinder::GetMethod(METHOD__CLRIREFERENCEIMPL__UNBOXHELPER); } TypeHandle closedType = openType.Instantiate(inst); // Call managed helper to get the real unboxed object now MethodDesc* method = MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc( pMD, closedType.AsMethodTable(), FALSE, Instantiation(), FALSE); _ASSERTE(method != NULL); MethodDescCallSite unboxHelper(method); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(oref), }; // Call CLRIReferenceImpl::UnboxHelper(Object) or CLRIReferenceArrayImpl::UnboxHelper(Object) *porefResult = unboxHelper.Call_RetOBJECTREF(args); GCPROTECT_END(); } // void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IKeyValuePairUnboxWorker() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IKeyValuePairUnboxWorker(OBJECTREF oref, OBJECTREF *porefResult) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref); _ASSERTE(oref->GetMethodTable()->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLRIKEYVALUEPAIRIMPL))); MethodDesc *method = MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc( MscorlibBinder::GetMethod(METHOD__CLRIKEYVALUEPAIRIMPL__UNBOXHELPER), oref->GetMethodTable(), FALSE, Instantiation(), FALSE); _ASSERTE(method != NULL); MethodDescCallSite unboxHelper(method); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(oref), }; // Call CLRIKeyValuePair::UnboxHelper(Object) *porefResult = unboxHelper.Call_RetOBJECTREF(args); GCPROTECT_END(); } // OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceArrayUnbox() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COMInterfaceMarshaler::IReferenceArrayUnbox(IUnknown **ppIncomingIP, OBJECTREF *poref, bool bIncomingIPAddRefed) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(m_fIReferenceArray); PRECONDITION(m_pThread == GetThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF unboxed = NULL; // Remember all reference type array method tables are shared. TypeHandle elementType = m_typeHandle.GetElementType(); _ASSERTE(elementType.AsMethodTable()->IsLegalNonArrayWinRTType()); // Create a temporary RCW. Call into managed. Let managed query for a closed generic instantiation // like IReferenceArray (including the GUID calculation & QI) then call the Value property. That // will use the existing interop code to safely marshal the value. // Also, make sure we create a duplicate RCW in this case so that next time we won't end up getting // this RCW from cache COMInterfaceMarshaler marshaler; DWORD flags = RCW::CF_DontResolveClass | RCW::CF_NeedUniqueObject; marshaler.Init(m_pUnknown, g_pBaseCOMObject, m_pThread, flags); if (m_pCallback) marshaler.SetCallback(m_pCallback); OBJECTREF oref = marshaler.FindOrCreateObjectRefInternal(ppIncomingIP, /* pIncomingItfMT = */ NULL, bIncomingIPAddRefed); IReferenceOrIReferenceArrayUnboxWorker(oref, elementType, TRUE, poref); } void COMInterfaceMarshaler::MarshalToNonRCWType(OBJECTREF *poref) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(m_fNonRCWType); } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(IsRedirectedToNonRCWType(m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable())); struct { OBJECTREF refMarshaled; STRINGREF refRawURI; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index = static_cast(-1); WinRTTypeNameConverter::ResolveRedirectedType(m_typeHandle.GetMethodTable(), &index); _ASSERTE(index != -1); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc) switch (index) { case WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_Uri: { WinRtString hsRawUri; { GCX_PREEMP(); SafeComHolderPreemp pUriRuntimeClass; HRESULT hr = SafeQueryInterfacePreemp(m_pUnknown, ABI::Windows::Foundation::IID_IUriRuntimeClass, (IUnknown **) &pUriRuntimeClass); LogInteropQI(m_pUnknown, ABI::Windows::Foundation::IID_IUriRuntimeClass, hr, "IUriRuntimeClass"); IfFailThrow(hr); IfFailThrow(pUriRuntimeClass->get_RawUri(hsRawUri.Address())); } UINT32 cchRawUri; LPCWSTR pwszRawUri = hsRawUri.GetRawBuffer(&cchRawUri); gc.refRawURI = StringObject::NewString(pwszRawUri, cchRawUri); UriMarshalingInfo *pUriMarshalingInfo = GetAppDomain()->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetMarshalingData()->GetUriMarshalingInfo(); MethodDesc* pSystemUriCtorMD = pUriMarshalingInfo->GetSystemUriCtorMD(); MethodTable *pMTSystemUri = pUriMarshalingInfo->GetSystemUriType().AsMethodTable(); pMTSystemUri->EnsureInstanceActive(); gc.refMarshaled = AllocateObject(pMTSystemUri, false); MethodDescCallSite uriCtor(pSystemUriCtorMD); ARG_SLOT ctorArgs[] = { ObjToArgSlot(gc.refMarshaled), ObjToArgSlot(gc.refRawURI) }; uriCtor.Call(ctorArgs); } break; case WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_Collections_Generic_KeyValuePair: { MethodDesc *pMD = MscorlibBinder::GetMethod(METHOD__KEYVALUEPAIRMARSHALER__CONVERT_TO_MANAGED_BOX); pMD = MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc( pMD, pMD->GetMethodTable(), FALSE, // forceBoxedEntryPoint m_typeHandle.GetInstantiation(), // methodInst FALSE, // allowInstParam TRUE); // forceRemotableMethod MethodDescCallSite marshalMethod(pMD); ARG_SLOT methodArgs[] = { PtrToArgSlot(m_pUnknown) }; gc.refMarshaled = marshalMethod.Call_RetOBJECTREF(methodArgs); } break; case WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_Collections_Specialized_NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs: case WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_ComponentModel_PropertyChangedEventArgs: { MethodDesc *pMD; EventArgsMarshalingInfo *pInfo = GetAppDomain()->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetMarshalingData()->GetEventArgsMarshalingInfo(); if (index == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_System_Collections_Specialized_NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) pMD = pInfo->GetWinRTNCCEventArgsToSystemNCCEventArgsMD(); else pMD = pInfo->GetWinRTPCEventArgsToSystemPCEventArgsMD(); MethodDescCallSite marshalMethod(pMD); ARG_SLOT methodArgs[] = { PtrToArgSlot(m_pUnknown) }; gc.refMarshaled = marshalMethod.Call_RetOBJECTREF(methodArgs); } break; default: { // If we get here then there is a new redirected type being introduced to the system. You must // add code to marshal that type above. Additionally, code may need to be added to GetComIPFromObjectRef, // in order to handle the reverse case. UNREACHABLE(); } } *poref = gc.refMarshaled; GCPROTECT_END(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::FindOrCreateObjectRef() // Find the wrapper for this COM IP, might have to create one if not found. // It will return null for out-of memory scenarios. It also notices if we have // an IP that is disguised as an unmanaged object, sitting on top of a // managed object. // // The ppIncomingIP parameter serves two purposes - it lets COMInterfaceMarshaler call methods on the // interface pointer that came in from unmanaged code (pUnk could be the result of QI'ing such an IP for IUnknown), // and it also implements the CF_SuppressAddRef flag in a reliable way by assigning NULL to *ppIncomingIP if and // only if COMInterfaceMarshaler ended up creating a new RCW which took ownership of the interface pointer. // // If pIncomingItfMT is not NULL, we'll cache ppIncomingIP into the created RCW, so that // 1) RCW variance would work if we can't load the right type from RuntimeClassName, but the method returns a interface // 2) avoid a second QI for the same interface type //-------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::FindOrCreateObjectRef(IUnknown **ppIncomingIP, MethodTable *pIncomingItfMT /* = NULL */) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return FindOrCreateObjectRefInternal(ppIncomingIP, pIncomingItfMT, /* bIncomingIPAddRefed = */ true); } OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::FindOrCreateObjectRef(IUnknown *pIncomingIP, MethodTable *pIncomingItfMT /* = NULL */) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return FindOrCreateObjectRefInternal(&pIncomingIP, pIncomingItfMT, /* bIncomingIPAddRefed = */ false); } OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::FindOrCreateObjectRefInternal(IUnknown **ppIncomingIP, MethodTable *pIncomingItfMT, bool bIncomingIPAddRefed) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(m_pThread == GetThread()); PRECONDITION(pIncomingItfMT == NULL || pIncomingItfMT->IsInterface()); } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF oref = NULL; // (I) // Initial check in our cache // Skip if we want a unique object. if (!NeedUniqueObject()) { // Protect oref as SafeAddRef may trigger GC GCPROTECT_BEGIN_THREAD(m_pThread, oref); { // We may get back an RCW from another STA thread (mainly in WinRT factory cache scenario, // as those factories are typically singleton), and we can only touch the RCW if we hold the lock, // otherwise we may AV if the STA thread dies and takes the RCW with it RCWCache::LockHolder lh(m_pWrapperCache); RCWHolder pRCW(m_pThread); m_pWrapperCache->FindWrapperInCache_NoLock( m_pIdentity, &pRCW); if (!pRCW.IsNull()) { bool bShouldUseThisRCW = true; if (m_pCallback) bShouldUseThisRCW = m_pCallback->ShouldUseThisRCW(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe()); if (bShouldUseThisRCW) { oref = (OBJECTREF)pRCW->GetExposedObject(); if (m_pCallback) m_pCallback->OnRCWCacheHit(pRCW.GetRawRCWUnsafe()); } } } GCPROTECT_END(); if (oref != NULL) return oref; } // (II) // okay let us create a wrapper and an instance for this IUnknown // Find a suitable class to instantiate the instance if (ppIncomingIP != NULL) { InitializeObjectClass(*ppIncomingIP); } else { InitializeObjectClass(m_pUnknown); } GCPROTECT_BEGIN_THREAD(m_pThread, oref) { if (m_fIReference) IReferenceUnbox(ppIncomingIP, &oref, bIncomingIPAddRefed); else if (m_fIReferenceArray) IReferenceArrayUnbox(ppIncomingIP, &oref, bIncomingIPAddRefed); else if (m_fNonRCWType) MarshalToNonRCWType(&oref); else CreateObjectRef(NeedUniqueObject(), &oref, ppIncomingIP, pIncomingItfMT, bIncomingIPAddRefed); } GCPROTECT_END(); return oref; } VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::InitializeExistingComObject(OBJECTREF *pComObj, IUnknown **ppIncomingIP) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(!m_typeHandle.IsNull()); PRECONDITION(IsProtectedByGCFrame(pComObj)); } CONTRACTL_END; CreateObjectRef(NeedUniqueObject(), pComObj, ppIncomingIP, /* pIncomingItfMT = */ NULL, /* bIncomingIPAddRefed = */ true); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper to wrap an IUnknown with COM object //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECTREF COMInterfaceMarshaler::WrapWithComObject() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF oref = NULL; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref) { CreateObjectRef( TRUE, // fDuplicate &oref, // pComObj NULL, // ppIncomingIP NULL, // pIncomingItfMT false // bIncomingIPAddRefed ); } GCPROTECT_END(); return oref; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VOID EnsureCOMInterfacesSupported(OBJECTREF oref, MethodTable* pClassMT) // Make sure the oref supports all the COM interfaces in the class VOID COMInterfaceMarshaler::EnsureCOMInterfacesSupported(OBJECTREF oref, MethodTable* pClassMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClassMT)); PRECONDITION(pClassMT->IsComObjectType()); } CONTRACTL_END; // Make sure the COM object supports all the COM imported interfaces that the new // wrapper class implements. GCPROTECT_BEGIN(oref); MethodTable::InterfaceMapIterator it = pClassMT->IterateInterfaceMap(); while (it.Next()) { MethodTable *pItfMT = it.GetInterface(); if (!pItfMT) COMPlusThrow(kInvalidCastException, IDS_EE_CANNOT_COERCE_COMOBJECT); if (pItfMT->IsComImport()) { if (!Object::SupportsInterface(oref, pItfMT)) COMPlusThrow(kInvalidCastException, IDS_EE_CANNOT_COERCE_COMOBJECT); } } GCPROTECT_END(); } bool COMInterfaceMarshaler::SupportsIInspectable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & RCW::CF_SupportsIInspectable) != 0; } bool COMInterfaceMarshaler::DontResolveClass() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & RCW::CF_DontResolveClass) != 0; } bool COMInterfaceMarshaler::NeedUniqueObject() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & RCW::CF_NeedUniqueObject) != 0; }