// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*============================================================ ** ** Header: Com Callable wrapper classes ** ===========================================================*/ #ifndef _COMCALLABLEWRAPPER_H #define _COMCALLABLEWRAPPER_H #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "vars.hpp" #include "stdinterfaces.h" #include "threads.h" #include "comutilnative.h" #include "spinlock.h" #include "comtoclrcall.h" #include "dispatchinfo.h" #include "wrappers.h" #include "internalunknownimpl.h" #include "rcwwalker.h" #include "util.hpp" class CCacheLineAllocator; class ConnectionPoint; class MethodTable; class ComCallWrapper; struct SimpleComCallWrapper; class RCWHolder; struct ComMethodTable; typedef DPTR(struct SimpleComCallWrapper) PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper; // Terminator to indicate that indicates the end of a chain of linked wrappers. #define LinkedWrapperTerminator (PTR_ComCallWrapper)-1 class ComCallWrapperCache { public: // Encapsulate a SpinLockHolder, so that clients of our lock don't have to know // the details of our implementation. class LockHolder : public CrstHolder { public: LockHolder(ComCallWrapperCache *pCache) : CrstHolder(&pCache->m_lock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } }; ComCallWrapperCache(); ~ComCallWrapperCache(); // create a new WrapperCache (one per each LoaderAllocator) static ComCallWrapperCache* Create(LoaderAllocator *pLoaderAllocator); // refcount LONG AddRef(); LONG Release(); CCacheLineAllocator* GetCacheLineAllocator() { CONTRACT (CCacheLineAllocator*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pCacheLineAllocator; } LoaderAllocator* GetLoaderAllocator() { CONTRACT (LoaderAllocator*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pLoaderAllocator; } private: LONG m_cbRef; CCacheLineAllocator* m_pCacheLineAllocator; LoaderAllocator* m_pLoaderAllocator; // spin lock for fast synchronization Crst m_lock; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COM called wrappers on CLR objects // Purpose: Expose CLR objects as COM classic Interfaces // Reqmts: Wrapper has to have the same layout as the COM2 interface // // The wrapper objects are aligned at 16 bytes, and the original this // pointer is replicated every 16 bytes, so for any COM2 interface // within the wrapper, the original 'this' can be obtained by masking // low 4 bits of COM2 IP. // // 16 byte aligned COM2 Vtable // +-----------+ // | Org. this | // +-----------+ +-----+ // COM2 IP-->| VTable ptr|----------------------------->|slot1| // +-----------+ +-----+ +-----+ // COM2 IP-->| VTable ptr|---------->|slot1| |slot2| // +-----------+ +-----+ + + // | VTable ptr| | ....| | ... | // +-----------+ + + + + // | Org. this | |slotN| |slotN| // + + +-----+ +-----+ // | .... | // + + // | | // +-----------+ // // // The first slot of the first CCW is used to hold the basic interface - // an interface that implements the methods of IUnknown & IDispatch. The basic // interface's IDispatch implementation will call through to the class methods // as if it were the class interface. // // The second slot of the first CCW is used to hold the IClassX interface - // an interface that implements IUnknown, IDispatch, and a custom interface // that contains all of the members of the class and its hierarchy. This // will only be generated on demand and is only usable if the class and all // of its parents are visible to COM. // // VTable and Stubs: can share stub code, we need to have different vtables // for different interfaces, so the stub can jump to different // marshalling code. // Stubs : adjust this pointer and jump to the approp. address, // Marshalling params and results, based on the method signature the stub jumps to // approp. code to handle marshalling and unmarshalling. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WinRTManagedClassFactory; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COM callable wrappers for CLR objects //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef DPTR(class ComCallWrapperTemplate) PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate; class ComCallWrapperTemplate { friend class ClrDataAccess; public: // Small "L1" cache to speed up QI's on CCWs with variance. It caches both positive and negative // results (i.e. also keeps track of IIDs that the QI doesn't respond to). class IIDToInterfaceTemplateCache { enum { // There is a small number of types that the class is castable to via variance and QI'ed for // (typically just IFoo where the class implements IFoo and IFoo is covariant). // There is also some number of IIDs QI'ed for by external code (e.g. Jupiter) that we won't // recognize - this number is potentially unbounded so even if this was a different data // structure, we would want to limit its size. Simple sequentially searched array seems to // work the best both in terms of memory footprint and lookup performance. CACHE_SIZE = 16, }; struct CacheItem { IID m_iid; // The lowest bit indicates whether this item is being used (since NULL is a legal value). // The second lowest bit indicates whether the item has been accessed since the last eviction. // The rest of the bits contain ComCallWrapperTemplate pointer. SIZE_T m_pTemplate; bool IsFree() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_pTemplate == 0); } bool IsHot() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((m_pTemplate & 0x2) == 0x2); } ComCallWrapperTemplate *GetTemplate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (ComCallWrapperTemplate *)(m_pTemplate & ~0x3); } void SetTemplate(ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pTemplate = ((SIZE_T)pTemplate | 0x1); } void MarkHot() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pTemplate |= 0x2; } void MarkCold() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pTemplate &= ~0x2; } }; // array of cache items CacheItem m_items[CACHE_SIZE]; // spin lock to protect concurrent access to m_items SpinLock m_lock; public: IIDToInterfaceTemplateCache() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(IIDToInterfaceTemplateCache)); m_lock.Init(LOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); } bool LookupInterfaceTemplate(REFIID riid, ComCallWrapperTemplate **ppTemplate); void InsertInterfaceTemplate(REFIID riid, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate); }; // Iterates COM-exposed interfaces of a class. Handles arrays which support IIterable, // IVector, and IVectorView, as well as WinRT class factories which support factory // and static interfaces. It is also aware of redirected interfaces - both the .NET and the // corresponding WinRT type are reported class CCWInterfaceMapIterator { private: struct InterfaceProps { MethodTable *m_pItfMT; WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex m_RedirectedIndex; // valid if m_dwIsRedirectedInterface is set DWORD m_dwIsRedirectedInterface : 1; DWORD m_dwIsFactoryInterface : 1; DWORD m_dwIsStaticInterface : 1; }; StackSArray m_Interfaces; COUNT_T m_Index; inline const InterfaceProps &GetCurrentInterfaceProps() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_Interfaces[(COUNT_T)m_Index]; } InterfaceProps &AppendInterface(MethodTable *pItfMT, bool isRedirected); public: CCWInterfaceMapIterator(TypeHandle thClass, WinRTManagedClassFactory *pClsFact, bool fIterateRedirectedInterfaces); BOOL Next() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (++m_Index < GetCount()); } MethodTable *GetInterface() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetCurrentInterfaceProps().m_pItfMT; } DWORD GetIndex() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_Index; } DWORD GetCount() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_Interfaces.GetCount(); } void Reset() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Index = (COUNT_T)-1; } BOOL IsFactoryInterface() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetCurrentInterfaceProps().m_dwIsFactoryInterface; } BOOL IsStaticInterface() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetCurrentInterfaceProps().m_dwIsStaticInterface; } BOOL IsRedirectedInterface() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetCurrentInterfaceProps().m_dwIsRedirectedInterface; } WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex GetRedirectedInterfaceIndex() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetCurrentInterfaceProps().m_RedirectedIndex; } }; // Static initializer run at startup. static void Init(); // Template accessor, creates a template if one is not already cached. static ComCallWrapperTemplate* GetTemplate(TypeHandle thClass); // Ref-count the templates LONG AddRef(); LONG Release(); // Properties ComMethodTable* GetClassComMT(); ComMethodTable* GetComMTForItf(MethodTable *pItfMT); ComMethodTable* GetComMTForIndex(ULONG ulItfIndex); ComMethodTable* GetBasicComMT(); ULONG GetNumInterfaces(); SLOT* GetVTableSlot(ULONG index); void CheckParentComVisibility(BOOL fForIDispatch); BOOL CheckParentComVisibilityNoThrow(BOOL fForIDispatch); // Calls GetDefaultInterfaceForClassInternal and caches the result. DefaultInterfaceType GetDefaultInterface(MethodTable **ppDefaultItf); // Sets up the class method table for the IClassX and also lays it out. static ComMethodTable *SetupComMethodTableForClass(MethodTable *pMT, BOOL bLayOutComMT); MethodDesc * GetICustomQueryInterfaceGetInterfaceMD(); IIDToInterfaceTemplateCache *GetOrCreateIIDToInterfaceTemplateCache(); BOOL HasInvisibleParent() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_InvisibleParent); } BOOL SupportsICustomQueryInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_ImplementsICustomQueryInterface); } BOOL SupportsIInspectable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_SupportsIInspectable); } BOOL SupportsVariantInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_SupportsVariantInterface); } BOOL RepresentsVariantInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_RepresentsVariantInterface); } BOOL IsUseOleAutDispatchImpl() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_UseOleAutDispatchImpl); } BOOL ImplementsIMarshal() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_ImplementsIMarshal); } BOOL SupportsIClassX() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_flags & enum_SupportsIClassX); } TypeHandle GetClassType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_thClass; } MethodTable *GetWinRTRuntimeClass() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pWinRTRuntimeClass; } BOOL IsSafeTypeForMarshalling(); // Creates a new Template and caches it on the MethodTable/ArrayTypeDesc or class factory. static ComCallWrapperTemplate *CreateTemplate(TypeHandle thClass, WinRTManagedClassFactory *pClsFact = NULL); // Creates a new Template for just one interface. Used for lazily created CCWs for interfaces with variance. static ComCallWrapperTemplate *CreateTemplateForInterface(MethodTable *pItfMT); private: // Hide the constructor ComCallWrapperTemplate(); // Cleanup called when the ref-count hits zero. void Cleanup(); // Helper method called by code:CreateTemplate. ComMethodTable* InitializeForInterface(MethodTable *pParentMT, MethodTable *pItfMT, DWORD dwIndex); // Create a non laid out COM method table for the specified class or interface. ComMethodTable* CreateComMethodTableForClass(MethodTable *pClassMT); ComMethodTable* CreateComMethodTableForInterface(MethodTable* pInterfaceMT); ComMethodTable* CreateComMethodTableForBasic(MethodTable* pClassMT); ComMethodTable* CreateComMethodTableForDelegate(MethodTable *pDelegateMT); void DetermineComVisibility(); ComCallWrapperTemplate* FindInvisibleParent(); private: LONG m_cbRefCount; ComCallWrapperTemplate* m_pParent; TypeHandle m_thClass; MethodTable* m_pDefaultItf; MethodTable* m_pWinRTRuntimeClass; ComMethodTable* m_pClassComMT; ComMethodTable* m_pBasicComMT; enum { // first 3 bits are interpreted as DefaultInterfaceType enum_DefaultInterfaceTypeMask = 0x7, enum_DefaultInterfaceTypeComputed = 0x10, enum_InvisibleParent = 0x20, enum_ImplementsICustomQueryInterface = 0x40, enum_SupportsIInspectable = 0x80, enum_SupportsIClassX = 0x100, enum_SupportsVariantInterface = 0x200, // this is a template for a class that implements an interface with variance enum_RepresentsVariantInterface = 0x400, // this is a template for an interface with variance enum_UseOleAutDispatchImpl = 0x800, // the class is decorated with IDispatchImplAttribute(CompatibleImpl) enum_ImplementsIMarshal = 0x1000, // the class implements a managed interface with Guid == IID_IMarshal enum_IsSafeTypeForMarshalling = 0x2000, // The class can be safely marshalled out of process via DCOM }; DWORD m_flags; MethodDesc* m_pICustomQueryInterfaceGetInterfaceMD; Volatile m_pIIDToInterfaceTemplateCache; ULONG m_cbInterfaces; SLOT* m_rgpIPtr[1]; }; inline void ComCallWrapperTemplateRelease(ComCallWrapperTemplate *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (value) { value->Release(); } } typedef Wrapper, ComCallWrapperTemplateRelease, NULL> ComCallWrapperTemplateHolder; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Header on top of Vtables that we create for COM callable interfaces //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) struct IUnkVtable { SLOT m_qi; // IUnk::QI SLOT m_addref; // IUnk::AddRef SLOT m_release; // IUnk::Release }; struct IDispatchVtable : IUnkVtable { // idispatch methods SLOT m_GetTypeInfoCount; SLOT m_GetTypeInfo; SLOT m_GetIDsOfNames; SLOT m_Invoke; }; struct IInspectableVtable : IUnkVtable { SLOT m_GetIIDs; SLOT m_GetRuntimeClassName; SLOT m_GetTrustLevel; }; enum Masks { enum_InterfaceTypeMask = 0x00000003, enum_ClassInterfaceTypeMask = 0x00000003, enum_ClassVtableMask = 0x00000004, enum_LayoutComplete = 0x00000010, enum_ComVisible = 0x00000040, enum_SigClassCannotLoad = 0x00000080, enum_SigClassLoadChecked = 0x00000100, enum_ComClassItf = 0x00000200, enum_GuidGenerated = 0x00000400, // enum_unused = 0x00001000, enum_IsBasic = 0x00002000, enum_IsWinRTDelegate = 0x00004000, enum_IsWinRTTrivialAggregate = 0x00008000, enum_IsWinRTFactoryInterface = 0x00010000, enum_IsWinRTStaticInterface = 0x00020000, enum_IsWinRTRedirectedInterface = 0x00040000, enum_WinRTRedirectedInterfaceMask = 0xFF000000, // the highest byte contains redirected interface index }; typedef DPTR(struct ComMethodTable) PTR_ComMethodTable; struct ComMethodTable { friend class ComCallWrapperTemplate; // Cleanup, frees all the stubs and the vtable void Cleanup(); // The appropriate finalize method must be called before the COM method table is // exposed to COM or before any methods are called on it. void LayOutClassMethodTable(); BOOL LayOutInterfaceMethodTable(MethodTable* pClsMT); void LayOutBasicMethodTable(); void LayOutDelegateMethodTable(); // Accessor for the IDispatch information. DispatchInfo* GetDispatchInfo(); LONG AddRef() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cbRefCount); } LONG Release() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_cbRefCount > 0); } CONTRACTL_END; // use a different var here becuase cleanup will delete the object // so can no longer make member refs LONG cbRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cbRefCount); if (cbRef == 0) Cleanup(); return cbRef; } CorIfaceAttr GetInterfaceType() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (IsIClassXOrBasicItf()) return ifDual; else return (CorIfaceAttr)(m_Flags & enum_InterfaceTypeMask); } CorClassIfaceAttr GetClassInterfaceType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(IsIClassXOrBasicItf()); return (CorClassIfaceAttr)(m_Flags & enum_ClassInterfaceTypeMask); } BOOL IsIClassX() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (IsIClassXOrBasicItf() && !IsBasic()); } BOOL IsIClassXOrBasicItf() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_ClassVtableMask) != 0; } BOOL IsComClassItf() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_ComClassItf) != 0; } BOOL IsLayoutComplete() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_LayoutComplete) != 0; } BOOL IsComVisible() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_ComVisible) != 0; } BOOL IsBasic() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsBasic) != 0; } BOOL IsWinRTDelegate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsWinRTDelegate) != 0; } BOOL IsWinRTTrivialAggregate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsWinRTTrivialAggregate) != 0; } BOOL IsWinRTFactoryInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsWinRTFactoryInterface) != 0; } BOOL IsWinRTStaticInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsWinRTStaticInterface) != 0; } VOID SetIsWinRTFactoryInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Flags |= enum_IsWinRTFactoryInterface; } VOID SetIsWinRTStaticInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Flags |= enum_IsWinRTStaticInterface; } BOOL IsWinRTRedirectedInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_IsWinRTRedirectedInterface) != 0; } WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex GetWinRTRedirectedInterfaceIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex)((m_Flags & enum_WinRTRedirectedInterfaceMask) >> 24); } void SetWinRTRedirectedInterfaceIndex(WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Flags |= ((size_t)index << 24); m_Flags |= enum_IsWinRTRedirectedInterface; _ASSERTE(GetWinRTRedirectedInterfaceIndex() == index); } BOOL HasInvisibleParent() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((ComCallWrapperTemplate*)m_pMT->GetComCallWrapperTemplate())->HasInvisibleParent(); } BOOL IsSigClassLoadChecked() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_Flags & enum_SigClassLoadChecked) != 0; } BOOL IsSigClassCannotLoad() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 0 != (m_Flags & enum_SigClassCannotLoad); } VOID SetSigClassCannotLoad() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Flags |= enum_SigClassCannotLoad; } VOID SetSigClassLoadChecked() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_Flags |= enum_SigClassLoadChecked; } DWORD GetSlots() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbSlots; } ITypeInfo *GetITypeInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pITypeInfo; } void SetITypeInfo(ITypeInfo *pITI); static WORD GetNumExtraSlots(CorIfaceAttr ItfType) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; switch (ItfType) { case ifVtable: return (sizeof(IUnkVtable) / sizeof(SLOT)); case ifInspectable: return (sizeof(IInspectableVtable) / sizeof(SLOT)); default: return (sizeof(IDispatchVtable) / sizeof(SLOT)); } } // Gets the ComCallMethodDesc out of a Vtable slot correctly for all platforms ComCallMethodDesc* ComCallMethodDescFromSlot(unsigned i); BOOL IsSlotAField(unsigned i) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(IsLayoutComplete()); PRECONDITION(i < m_cbSlots); } CONTRACTL_END; i += GetNumExtraSlots(GetInterfaceType()); ComCallMethodDesc* pCMD = ComCallMethodDescFromSlot(i); return pCMD->IsFieldCall(); } MethodDesc* GetMethodDescForSlot(unsigned i) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(IsLayoutComplete()); PRECONDITION(i < m_cbSlots); PRECONDITION(!IsSlotAField(i)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; i += GetNumExtraSlots(GetInterfaceType()); ComCallMethodDesc* pCMD; pCMD = ComCallMethodDescFromSlot(i); _ASSERTE(pCMD->IsMethodCall()); RETURN pCMD->GetMethodDesc(); } ComCallMethodDesc* GetFieldCallMethodDescForSlot(unsigned i) { CONTRACT (ComCallMethodDesc*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(IsLayoutComplete()); PRECONDITION(i < m_cbSlots); PRECONDITION(IsSlotAField(i)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; i += GetNumExtraSlots(GetInterfaceType()); ComCallMethodDesc* pCMD = ComCallMethodDescFromSlot(i); _ASSERTE(pCMD->IsFieldCall()); RETURN (ComCallMethodDesc *)pCMD; } BOOL OwnedbyThisMT(unsigned slotIndex) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsIClassXOrBasicItf()) return TRUE; if (m_pMDescr != NULL) { // These are the methods from the default interfaces such as IUnknown. unsigned cbExtraSlots = GetNumExtraSlots(GetInterfaceType()); // Refer to ComMethodTable::LayOutClassMethodTable(). ULONG cbSize = *(ULONG *)m_pMDescr; ULONG cbNewSlots = cbSize / (COMMETHOD_PREPAD + sizeof(ComCallMethodDesc)); _ASSERTE( (cbSize % (COMMETHOD_PREPAD + sizeof(ComCallMethodDesc))) == 0); // m_cbSlots is the total number of methods in addition to the ones from the // default interfaces. cbNewSlots is the total number of methods introduced // by this class (== m_cbSlots - ). return (slotIndex >= (cbExtraSlots + m_cbSlots - cbNewSlots)); } return FALSE; } ComMethodTable *GetParentClassComMT(); static inline PTR_ComMethodTable ComMethodTableFromIP(PTR_IUnknown pUnk) { CONTRACT (PTR_ComMethodTable) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; PTR_ComMethodTable pMT = dac_cast(*PTR_TADDR(pUnk) - sizeof(ComMethodTable)); // validate the object _ASSERTE((SLOT)(size_t)0xDEADC0FF == pMT->m_ptReserved ); RETURN pMT; } ULONG GetNumSlots() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbSlots; } PTR_MethodTable GetMethodTable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pMT; } inline REFIID GetIID() { // Cannot use a normal CONTRACT since the return type is ref type which // causes problems with normal CONTRACTs. CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Generate the IClassX IID if it hasn't been generated yet. if (!(m_Flags & enum_GuidGenerated)) { GenerateClassItfGuid(TypeHandle(m_pMT), &m_IID); m_Flags |= enum_GuidGenerated; } return m_IID; } void CheckParentComVisibility(BOOL fForIDispatch) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ((ComCallWrapperTemplate*)m_pMT->GetComCallWrapperTemplate())->CheckParentComVisibility(fForIDispatch); } BOOL CheckParentComVisibilityNoThrow(BOOL fForIDispatch) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ((ComCallWrapperTemplate*)m_pMT->GetComCallWrapperTemplate())->CheckParentComVisibilityNoThrow(fForIDispatch); } private: // Helper methods. BOOL CheckSigTypesCanBeLoaded(MethodTable *pItfClass); SLOT m_ptReserved; //= (SLOT) 0xDEADC0FF; reserved PTR_MethodTable m_pMT; // pointer to the VMs method table ULONG m_cbSlots; // number of slots in the interface (excluding IUnk/IDisp) LONG m_cbRefCount; // ref-count the vtable as it is being shared size_t m_Flags; // make sure this is initialized to zero LPVOID m_pMDescr; // pointer to methoddescr.s owned by this MT ITypeInfo* m_pITypeInfo; // cached pointer to ITypeInfo DispatchInfo* m_pDispatchInfo; // The dispatch info used to expose IDispatch to COM. IID m_IID; // The IID of the interface. }; #pragma pack(pop) struct GetComIPFromCCW { enum flags { None = 0, CheckVisibility = 1, SuppressSecurityCheck = 2, SuppressCustomizedQueryInterface = 4 }; }; inline GetComIPFromCCW::flags operator|(GetComIPFromCCW::flags lhs, GetComIPFromCCW::flags rhs) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); } inline GetComIPFromCCW::flags operator|=(GetComIPFromCCW::flags & lhs, GetComIPFromCCW::flags rhs) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; lhs = static_cast(static_cast(lhs) | static_cast(rhs)); return lhs; } class ComCallWrapper { friend class MarshalNative; friend class ClrDataAccess; private: enum { #ifdef _WIN64 NumVtablePtrs = 5, enum_ThisMask = ~0x3f, // mask on IUnknown ** to get at the OBJECT-REF handle #else NumVtablePtrs = 5, enum_ThisMask = ~0x1f, // mask on IUnknown ** to get at the OBJECT-REF handle #endif Slot_IClassX = 1, Slot_Basic = 0, Slot_FirstInterface = 2, }; public: BOOL IsHandleWeak(); VOID MarkHandleWeak(); VOID ResetHandleStrength(); BOOL IsComActivated(); VOID MarkComActivated(); OBJECTHANDLE GetObjectHandle() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_ppThis; } // don't instantiate this class directly ComCallWrapper() = delete; ~ComCallWrapper() = delete; protected: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE inline static void SetNext(ComCallWrapper* pWrap, ComCallWrapper* pNextWrapper) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWrap)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pNextWrapper, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; pWrap->m_pNext = pNextWrapper; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE inline static PTR_ComCallWrapper GetNext(PTR_ComCallWrapper pWrap) { CONTRACT (PTR_ComCallWrapper) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWrap)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN (LinkedWrapperTerminator == pWrap->m_pNext ? NULL : pWrap->m_pNext); } // Helper to create a wrapper, pClassCCW must be specified if pTemplate->RepresentsVariantInterface() static ComCallWrapper* CreateWrapper(OBJECTREF* pObj, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate, ComCallWrapper *pClassCCW); // helper to get the IUnknown* within a wrapper static SLOT** GetComIPLocInWrapper(ComCallWrapper* pWrap, unsigned iIndex); // helper to get index within the interface map for an interface that matches // the interface MT static signed GetIndexForIntfMT(ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate, MethodTable *pIntfMT); // helper to get wrapper from sync block static PTR_ComCallWrapper GetStartWrapper(PTR_ComCallWrapper pWrap); // helper to create a wrapper from a template static ComCallWrapper* CopyFromTemplate(ComCallWrapperTemplate* pTemplate, ComCallWrapperCache *pWrapperCache, OBJECTHANDLE oh); // helper to find a covariant supertype of pMT with the given IID static MethodTable *FindCovariantSubtype(MethodTable *pMT, REFIID riid); // Like GetComIPFromCCW, but will try to find riid/pIntfMT among interfaces implemented by this // object that have variance. Assumes that call GetComIPFromCCW with same arguments has failed. IUnknown *GetComIPFromCCWUsingVariance(REFIID riid, MethodTable *pIntfMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags); static IUnknown * GetComIPFromCCW_VariantInterface( ComCallWrapper * pWrap, REFIID riid, MethodTable * pIntfMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags, ComCallWrapperTemplate * pTemplate); inline static IUnknown * GetComIPFromCCW_VisibilityCheck( IUnknown * pIntf, MethodTable * pIntfMT, ComMethodTable * pIntfComMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags); static IUnknown * GetComIPFromCCW_HandleExtendsCOMObject( ComCallWrapper * pWrap, REFIID riid, MethodTable * pIntfMT, ComCallWrapperTemplate * pTemplate, signed imapIndex, unsigned intfIndex); static IUnknown * GetComIPFromCCW_ForIID_Worker( ComCallWrapper * pWrap, REFIID riid, MethodTable * pIntfMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags, ComCallWrapperTemplate * pTemplate); static IUnknown * GetComIPFromCCW_ForIntfMT_Worker( ComCallWrapper * pWrap, MethodTable * pIntfMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags); public: static bool GetComIPFromCCW_HandleCustomQI( ComCallWrapper * pWrap, REFIID riid, MethodTable * pIntfMT, IUnknown ** ppUnkOut); // walk the list and free all blocks void FreeWrapper(ComCallWrapperCache *pWrapperCache); BOOL IsWrapperActive(); // IsLinkedWrapper inline BOOL IsLinked() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pNext != NULL; } // wrapper is not guaranteed to be present // accessor to wrapper object in the sync block inline static PTR_ComCallWrapper GetWrapperForObject(OBJECTREF pObj, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate = NULL) { CONTRACT (PTR_ComCallWrapper) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; SUPPORTS_DAC; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; PTR_SyncBlock pSync = pObj->PassiveGetSyncBlock(); if (!pSync) RETURN NULL; PTR_InteropSyncBlockInfo pInteropInfo = pSync->GetInteropInfoNoCreate(); if (!pInteropInfo) RETURN NULL; PTR_ComCallWrapper pCCW = pInteropInfo->GetCCW(); if (pTemplate != NULL) { // make sure we use the right CCW - the object may have multiple CCWs associated // with it which were created based on different CCW templates while (pCCW != NULL && pCCW->GetComCallWrapperTemplate() != pTemplate) { pCCW = GetNext(pCCW); } } RETURN pCCW; } // get inner unknown HRESULT GetInnerUnknown(void **pv); // Init outer unknown void InitializeOuter(IUnknown* pOuter); // is the object aggregated by a COM component BOOL IsAggregated(); // is the object extends from (aggregates) a COM component BOOL IsExtendsCOMObject(); // get syncblock stored in the simplewrapper SyncBlock* GetSyncBlock(); // get the CCW template this wrapper is based on PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate GetComCallWrapperTemplate(); // get outer unk IUnknown* GetOuter(); // Get IClassX interface pointer from the wrapper. // The inspectionOnly parameter should only be true to this function if you are // only passively inspecting the value and not using the interface (such as // passing out the pointer via ETW or in the dac). IUnknown* GetIClassXIP(bool inspectionOnly=false); // Get the basic interface pointer from the wrapper. // The inspectionOnly parameter should only be true to this function if you are // only passively inspecting the value and not using the interface (such as // passing out the pointer via ETW or in the dac). IUnknown* GetBasicIP(bool inspectionOnly=false); // Get the IDispatch interface pointer from the wrapper. IDispatch *GetIDispatchIP(); // Get ObjectRef from wrapper - this is called by GetObjectRef and GetStartWrapper. // Need this becuase GetDomainSynchronized will call GetStartWrapper which will call // GetObjectRef which will cause a little bit of nasty infinite recursion. inline OBJECTREF GetObjectRef() { CONTRACT (OBJECTREF) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(m_ppThis)); } CONTRACT_END; if (m_ppThis == NULL) { // Force a fail fast if this CCW is already neutered AccessNeuteredCCW_FailFast(); } RETURN ObjectFromHandle(m_ppThis); } // // Force a fail fast for better diagnostics // Don't inline so that this call would show up in the callstack // NOINLINE void AccessNeuteredCCW_FailFast() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; EEPOLICY_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(COR_E_ACCESSING_CCW); } // A MODE_ANY helper to get the MethodTable of the 'this' object. This helper keeps // the GCX_COOP transition out of the caller (it implies a holder which implies an // FS:0 handler on x86). MethodTable* GetMethodTableOfObjectRef(); // clean up an object wrapper void Cleanup(); // If the object gets collected while the CCW is still active, neuter (disconnect) the CCW. void Neuter(); void ClearHandle(); // fast access to wrapper for a com+ object, // inline check, and call out of line to create, out of line version might cause gc //to be enabled static ComCallWrapper* __stdcall InlineGetWrapper(OBJECTREF* pObj, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate = NULL, ComCallWrapper *pClassCCW = NULL); // Get RefCount inline ULONG GetRefCount(); // AddRef a wrapper inline ULONG AddRef(); // AddRef a wrapper inline ULONG AddRefWithAggregationCheck(); // Release for a Wrapper object inline ULONG Release(); // Get Jupiter RefCount inline ULONG GetJupiterRefCount(); // AddRef Jupiter Ref Count // Jupiter Ref count becomes strong ref if pegged, otherwise weak ref inline ULONG AddJupiterRef(); // Release Jupiter Ref Count // Jupiter Ref count becomes strong ref if pegged, otherwise weak ref inline ULONG ReleaseJupiterRef(); // Return whether this CCW is pegged or not by Jupiter inline BOOL IsPegged(); // Return whether this CCW is pegged or not (either by Jupiter, or globally) // We globally peg every Jupiter CCW outside Gen 2 GCs inline BOOL IsConsideredPegged(); // Initialize the simple wrapper. static void InitSimpleWrapper(ComCallWrapper* pWrap, SimpleComCallWrapper* pSimpleWrap); // Clear the simple wrapper. This must be called on the start wrapper. static void ClearSimpleWrapper(ComCallWrapper* pWrap); //Get Simple wrapper, for std interfaces such as IProvideClassInfo PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper GetSimpleWrapper() { CONTRACT (PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pSimpleWrapper; } // Get wrapper from IP, for std. interfaces like IDispatch inline static PTR_ComCallWrapper GetWrapperFromIP(PTR_IUnknown pUnk); #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) inline static ComCallWrapper* GetStartWrapperFromIP(IUnknown* pUnk) { CONTRACT (ComCallWrapper*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; ComCallWrapper* pWrap = GetWrapperFromIP(pUnk); if (pWrap->IsLinked()) pWrap = GetStartWrapper(pWrap); RETURN pWrap; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Get an interface from wrapper, based on riid or pIntfMT static IUnknown* GetComIPFromCCW(ComCallWrapper *pWrap, REFIID riid, MethodTable* pIntfMT, GetComIPFromCCW::flags flags = GetComIPFromCCW::None); private: // pointer to OBJECTREF OBJECTHANDLE m_ppThis; // Pointer to the simple wrapper. PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper m_pSimpleWrapper; // Block of vtable pointers. SLOT* m_rgpIPtr[NumVtablePtrs]; // Pointer to the next wrapper. PTR_ComCallWrapper m_pNext; }; FORCEINLINE void CCWRelease(ComCallWrapper* p) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; p->Release(); } class CCWHolder : public Wrapper { public: CCWHolder(ComCallWrapper* p = NULL) : Wrapper(p) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } FORCEINLINE void operator=(ComCallWrapper* p) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Wrapper::operator=(p); } }; typedef DPTR(class WeakReferenceImpl) PTR_WeakReferenceImpl; // // Represents a domain-bound weak reference to the object (not the CCW) // class WeakReferenceImpl : public IUnknownCommon { private: OBJECTHANDLE m_ppObject; // Short weak global handle points back to the object, public: WeakReferenceImpl(SimpleComCallWrapper *pSimpleWrapper, Thread *pCurrentThread); virtual ~WeakReferenceImpl(); // IWeakReference methods virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resolve(REFIID riid, IInspectable **ppvObject); private : static void Resolve_Callback(LPVOID lpData); static void Resolve_Callback_SwitchToPreemp(LPVOID lpData); HRESULT ResolveInternal(Thread *pThread, REFIID riid, IInspectable **ppvObject); HRESULT Cleanup(); }; // // Uncommonly used data on Simple CCW // Created on-demand // // We used to have two fields now it only has one field, and I'm keeping this structure // just in case we want to put more stuff in here later // struct SimpleCCWAuxData { VolatilePtr m_pDispatchExInfo; // Information required by the IDispatchEx standard interface // Not available on WinRT types SimpleCCWAuxData() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pDispatchExInfo = NULL; } ~SimpleCCWAuxData() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_pDispatchExInfo) { delete m_pDispatchExInfo; m_pDispatchExInfo = NULL; } } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // simple ComCallWrapper for all simple std interfaces, that are not used very often // like IProvideClassInfo, ISupportsErrorInfo etc. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SimpleComCallWrapper { private: friend class ComCallWrapper; friend class ClrDataAccess; friend class WeakReferenceImpl; enum SimpleComCallWrapperFlags { enum_IsAggregated = 0x1, enum_IsExtendsCom = 0x2, enum_IsHandleWeak = 0x4, enum_IsComActivated = 0x8, // unused = 0x10, enum_IsPegged = 0x80, // unused = 0x100, enum_CustomQIRespondsToIMarshal = 0x200, enum_CustomQIRespondsToIMarshal_Inited = 0x400, }; public : enum : LONGLONG { CLEANUP_SENTINEL = 0x0000000080000000, // Sentinel -> 1 bit COM_REFCOUNT_MASK = 0x000000007FFFFFFF, // COM -> 31 bits JUPITER_REFCOUNT_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000, // Jupiter -> 32 bits JUPITER_REFCOUNT_SHIFT = 32, JUPITER_REFCOUNT_INC = 0x0000000100000000, EXT_COM_REFCOUNT_MASK = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, // For back-compat, preserve the higher-bit so that outside can observe it ALL_REFCOUNT_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFF, }; #define GET_JUPITER_REF(x) ((ULONG)(((x) & SimpleComCallWrapper::JUPITER_REFCOUNT_MASK) >> SimpleComCallWrapper::JUPITER_REFCOUNT_SHIFT)) #define GET_COM_REF(x) ((ULONG)((x) & SimpleComCallWrapper::COM_REFCOUNT_MASK)) #define GET_EXT_COM_REF(x) ((ULONG)((x) & SimpleComCallWrapper::EXT_COM_REFCOUNT_MASK)) #ifdef _WIN64 #define READ_REF(x) (x) #else #define READ_REF(x) (::InterlockedCompareExchange64((LONGLONG *)&x, 0, 0)) #endif public: HRESULT IErrorInfo_hr(); BSTR IErrorInfo_bstrDescription(); BSTR IErrorInfo_bstrSource(); BSTR IErrorInfo_bstrHelpFile(); DWORD IErrorInfo_dwHelpContext(); GUID IErrorInfo_guid(); // non virtual methods SimpleComCallWrapper(); VOID Cleanup(); // Used to neuter a CCW if its AD is being unloaded underneath it. VOID Neuter(bool fSkipHandleCleanup = false); ~SimpleComCallWrapper(); VOID ResetSyncBlock() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pSyncBlock = NULL; } SyncBlock* GetSyncBlock() { CONTRACT (SyncBlock*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pSyncBlock; } // Init pointer to the vtable of the interface // and the main ComCallWrapper if the interface needs it void InitNew(OBJECTREF oref, ComCallWrapperCache *pWrapperCache, ComCallWrapper* pWrap, ComCallWrapper *pClassWrap, SyncBlock* pSyncBlock, ComCallWrapperTemplate* pTemplate); // used by reconnect wrapper to new object void ReInit(SyncBlock* pSyncBlock); void InitOuter(IUnknown* pOuter); void ResetOuter(); IUnknown* GetOuter(); // get inner unknown HRESULT GetInnerUnknown(void **ppv) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppv)); } CONTRACTL_END; *ppv = QIStandardInterface(enum_InnerUnknown); if (*ppv) return S_OK; else return E_NOINTERFACE; } OBJECTREF GetObjectRef() { CONTRACT (OBJECTREF) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACT_END; RETURN (GetMainWrapper()->GetObjectRef()); } ComCallWrapperCache* GetWrapperCache() { CONTRACT (ComCallWrapperCache*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pWrapperCache; } // Connection point helper methods. BOOL FindConnectionPoint(REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint **ppCP); void EnumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnumCP); // is the object aggregated by a COM component BOOL IsAggregated() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags & enum_IsAggregated; } void MarkAggregated() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr((ULONG*)&m_flags, enum_IsAggregated); } void UnMarkAggregated() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; FastInterlockAnd((ULONG*)&m_flags, ~enum_IsAggregated); } BOOL IsHandleWeak() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags & enum_IsHandleWeak; } void MarkHandleWeak() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr((ULONG*)&m_flags, enum_IsHandleWeak); } VOID ResetHandleStrength() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; FastInterlockAnd((ULONG*)&m_flags, ~enum_IsHandleWeak); } // is the object extends from (aggregates) a COM component BOOL IsExtendsCOMObject() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags & enum_IsExtendsCom; } BOOL IsComActivated() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags & enum_IsComActivated; } void MarkComActivated() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr((ULONG*)&m_flags, enum_IsComActivated); } inline BOOL IsPegged() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_flags & enum_IsPegged; } inline void MarkPegged() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr((ULONG*)&m_flags, enum_IsPegged); } inline void UnMarkPegged() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockAnd((ULONG*)&m_flags, ~enum_IsPegged); } // Used for the creation and deletion of simple wrappers static SimpleComCallWrapper* CreateSimpleWrapper(); // Determines if the type associated with the ComCallWrapper supports exceptions. static BOOL SupportsExceptions(MethodTable *pMT); static BOOL SupportsIStringable(MethodTable *pMT); // Determines if the type supports IReflect / IExpando. static BOOL SupportsIReflect(MethodTable *pMT); static BOOL SupportsIExpando(MethodTable *pMT); NOINLINE BOOL ShouldUseManagedIProvideClassInfo(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieves the simple wrapper from an IUnknown pointer that is for one // of the interfaces exposed by the simple wrapper. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper GetWrapperFromIP(PTR_IUnknown pUnk) { CONTRACT (SimpleComCallWrapper*) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACT_END; int i = GetStdInterfaceKind(pUnk); PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper pSimpleWrapper = dac_cast(dac_cast(pUnk) - sizeof(LPBYTE) * i - offsetof(SimpleComCallWrapper,m_rgpVtable)); // We should never getting back a built-in interface from a SimpleCCW that represents a variant interface _ASSERTE(pSimpleWrapper->m_pClassWrap == NULL); RETURN pSimpleWrapper; } // get the main wrapper PTR_ComCallWrapper GetMainWrapper() { CONTRACT (PTR_ComCallWrapper) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; INSTANCE_CHECK; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pWrap; } inline PTR_ComCallWrapper GetClassWrapper() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_pMT->IsInterface()); _ASSERTE(m_pClassWrap != NULL); return m_pClassWrap; } inline ULONG GetRefCount() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GET_COM_REF(READ_REF(m_llRefCount)); } // Returns the unmarked raw ref count // Make sure we always make a copy of the value instead of inlining NOINLINE LONGLONG GetRealRefCount() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return READ_REF(m_llRefCount); } inline BOOL IsNeutered() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return !!(READ_REF(m_llRefCount) & CLEANUP_SENTINEL); } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) // CCW refcount logging consists of two steps. BuildRefCountLogMessage is an instance method which // must be called at a point where the CCW is guaranteed to be alive. LogRefCount is static because // we generally don't know the new refcount (the one we want to log) until the CCW is at risk of // having been destroyed by other threads. void BuildRefCountLogMessage(LPCWSTR wszOperation, StackSString &ssMessage, ULONG dwEstimatedRefCount); static void LogRefCount(ComCallWrapper *pWrap, StackSString &ssMessage, ULONG dwRefCountToLog); NOINLINE HRESULT LogCCWAddRef(ULONG newRefCount) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; SetupForComCallHRNoHostNotifNoCheckCanRunManagedCode(); // we can safely assume that the CCW is still alive since this is an AddRef StackSString ssMessage; BuildRefCountLogMessage(W("AddRef"), ssMessage, newRefCount); LogRefCount(GetMainWrapper(), ssMessage, newRefCount); return S_OK; } inline ULONG AddRef() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pClassWrap) { // Forward to the real wrapper if this CCW represents a variant interface return m_pClassWrap->GetSimpleWrapper()->AddRef(); } LONGLONG newRefCount = ::InterlockedIncrement64(&m_llRefCount); if (g_pConfig->LogCCWRefCountChangeEnabled()) { LogCCWAddRef(GET_EXT_COM_REF(newRefCount)); } return GET_EXT_COM_REF(newRefCount); } inline ULONG AddRefWithAggregationCheck() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // aggregation check IUnknown* pOuter = this->GetOuter(); if (pOuter != NULL) return SafeAddRef(pOuter); return this->AddRef(); } private: LONGLONG ReleaseImplWithLogging(LONGLONG * pRefCount); NOINLINE void ReleaseImplCleanup() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!CanRunManagedCode()) return; m_pWrap->Cleanup(); } public: inline ULONG Release() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pClassWrap) { // Forward to the real wrapper if this CCW represents a variant interface return m_pClassWrap->GetSimpleWrapper()->Release(); } LONGLONG *pRefCount = &m_llRefCount; ULONG ulComRef = GET_COM_REF(READ_REF(*pRefCount)); if (ulComRef <= 0) { _ASSERTE(!"Invalid Release() call on already released object. A managed object exposed to COM is being over-released from unmanaged code"); return -1; } // Null the outer pointer if refcount is about to drop to 0. We cannot perform this // operation after decrementing the refcount as that would race with the finalizer // that may clean this CCW up any time after the refcount drops to 0. With this pre- // decrement reset, we are racing with other Release's and may call ResetOuter multiple // times (which is fine - it's thread safe and idempotent) or call it when the refcount // doesn't really drop to 0 (which is also fine - it would have dropped to 0 under // slightly different timing and the COM client is responsible for preventing this). if (ulComRef == 1) ResetOuter(); LONGLONG newRefCount; if (g_pConfig->LogCCWRefCountChangeEnabled()) { newRefCount = ReleaseImplWithLogging(pRefCount); } else { // Decrement the ref count newRefCount = ::InterlockedDecrement64(pRefCount); } // IMPORTANT: Do not touch instance fields or any other data associated with the CCW beyond this // point unless newRefCount equals CLEANUP_SENTINEL (it's the only case when we know that Neuter // or another Release could not swoop in and destroy our data structures). // If we hit the sentinel value in COM ref count and jupiter ref count == 0, it's our responsibility to clean up. if (newRefCount == CLEANUP_SENTINEL) { ReleaseImplCleanup(); return 0; } return GET_EXT_COM_REF(newRefCount); } inline ULONG AddJupiterRef() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LONGLONG llOldRefCount; LONGLONG llNewRefCount; do { llOldRefCount = m_llRefCount; llNewRefCount = llOldRefCount + JUPITER_REFCOUNT_INC; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(&m_llRefCount, llNewRefCount, llOldRefCount) != llOldRefCount); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO1000, "SimpleComCallWrapper::AddJupiterRef() called on SimpleComCallWrapper 0x%p, cbRef = 0x%x, cbJupiterRef = 0x%x\n", this, GET_COM_REF(llNewRefCount), GET_JUPITER_REF(llNewRefCount))); return GET_JUPITER_REF(llNewRefCount); } inline ULONG ReleaseJupiterRef() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LONGLONG llOldRefCount; LONGLONG llNewRefCount; do { llOldRefCount = m_llRefCount; llNewRefCount = llOldRefCount - JUPITER_REFCOUNT_INC; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(&m_llRefCount, llNewRefCount, llOldRefCount) != llOldRefCount); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO1000, "SimpleComCallWrapper::ReleaseJupiterRef() called on SimpleComCallWrapper 0x%p, cbRef = 0x%x, cbJupiterRef = 0x%x\n", this, GET_COM_REF(llNewRefCount), GET_JUPITER_REF(llNewRefCount))); if (llNewRefCount == CLEANUP_SENTINEL) { // If we hit the sentinel value, it's our responsibility to clean up. m_pWrap->Cleanup(); } return GET_JUPITER_REF(llNewRefCount); } #endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) inline ULONG GetJupiterRefCount() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GET_JUPITER_REF(READ_REF(m_llRefCount)); } MethodTable* GetMethodTable() { CONTRACT (MethodTable*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN m_pMT; } DispatchExInfo* GetDispatchExInfo() { CONTRACT (DispatchExInfo*) { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; } CONTRACT_END; if (m_pAuxData.Load() == NULL) RETURN NULL; else RETURN m_pAuxData->m_pDispatchExInfo; } BOOL SupportsICustomQueryInterface() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTemplate->SupportsICustomQueryInterface(); } PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate GetComCallWrapperTemplate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pTemplate; } // Creates new AddRef-ed IWeakReference* IWeakReference *CreateWeakReference(Thread *pCurrentThread) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(pCurrentThread == GetThread()); } CONTRACTL_END; // Create a WeakReferenceImpl with RefCount = 1 // No need to call AddRef WeakReferenceImpl *pWeakRef = new WeakReferenceImpl(this, pCurrentThread); return pWeakRef; } // Returns TRUE if the ICustomQI implementation returns Handled or Failed for IID_IMarshal. BOOL CustomQIRespondsToIMarshal(); SimpleCCWAuxData *GetOrCreateAuxData() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pAuxData.Load()) return m_pAuxData; NewHolder pAuxData = new SimpleCCWAuxData(); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pAuxData, (SimpleCCWAuxData *)pAuxData, NULL) == NULL) pAuxData.SuppressRelease(); return m_pAuxData; } private: // Methods to initialize the DispatchEx and exception info. void InitExceptionInfo(); void InitDispatchExInfo(); // Methods to set up the connection point list. void SetUpCPList(); void SetUpCPListHelper(MethodTable **apSrcItfMTs, int cSrcItfs); ConnectionPoint *CreateConnectionPoint(ComCallWrapper *pWrap, MethodTable *pEventMT); ConnectionPoint *TryCreateConnectionPoint(ComCallWrapper *pWrap, MethodTable *pEventMT); CQuickArray *CreateCPArray(); // QI for well known interfaces from within the runtime direct fetch, instead of guid comparisons IUnknown* QIStandardInterface(Enum_StdInterfaces index); // QI for well known interfaces from within the runtime based on an IID. IUnknown* QIStandardInterface(REFIID riid); CQuickArray* m_pCPList; // syncblock for the ObjecRef SyncBlock* m_pSyncBlock; //outer unknown cookie IUnknown* m_pOuter; // array of pointers to std. vtables SLOT const* m_rgpVtable[enum_LastStdVtable]; PTR_ComCallWrapper m_pWrap; // the first ComCallWrapper associated with this SimpleComCallWrapper PTR_ComCallWrapper m_pClassWrap; // the first ComCallWrapper associated with the class (only if m_pMT is an interface) MethodTable* m_pMT; ComCallWrapperCache* m_pWrapperCache; PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate m_pTemplate; // Points to uncommonly used data that are dynamically allocated VolatilePtr m_pAuxData; DWORD m_flags; // This maintains both COM ref and Jupiter ref in 64-bit LONGLONG m_llRefCount; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ComCallWrapper* ComCallWrapper::InlineGetWrapper(OBJECTREF* ppObj, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate) // returns the wrapper for the object, if not yet created, creates one // returns null for out of memory scenarios. // Note: the wrapper is returned AddRef'd and should be Released when finished // with. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline ComCallWrapper* __stdcall ComCallWrapper::InlineGetWrapper(OBJECTREF* ppObj, ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate /*= NULL*/, ComCallWrapper *pClassCCW /*= NULL*/) { CONTRACT (ComCallWrapper*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppObj)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; // get the wrapper for this com+ object ComCallWrapper* pWrap = GetWrapperForObject(*ppObj, pTemplate); if (NULL == pWrap) { pWrap = CreateWrapper(ppObj, pTemplate, pClassCCW); } _ASSERTE(pTemplate == NULL || pTemplate == pWrap->GetSimpleWrapper()->GetComCallWrapperTemplate()); // All threads will have the same resulting CCW at this point, and // they should all check to see if the CCW they got back is // appropriate for the current AD. If not, then we must mark the // CCW as agile. // If we are creating a CCW that represents a variant interface, use the pClassCCW (which is the main CCW) ComCallWrapper *pMainWrap; if (pClassCCW) pMainWrap = pClassCCW; else pMainWrap = pWrap; pWrap->AddRef(); RETURN pWrap; } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::GetRefCount() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->GetRefCount(); } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::AddRef() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->AddRef(); } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::AddRefWithAggregationCheck() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_pSimpleWrapper->AddRefWithAggregationCheck(); } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::Release() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(m_pSimpleWrapper)); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->Release(); } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::AddJupiterRef() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->AddJupiterRef(); } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::ReleaseJupiterRef() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(m_pSimpleWrapper)); } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->ReleaseJupiterRef(); } inline void ComCallWrapper::InitSimpleWrapper(ComCallWrapper* pWrap, SimpleComCallWrapper* pSimpleWrap) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWrap)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSimpleWrap)); PRECONDITION(pSimpleWrap->GetMainWrapper() == pWrap); } CONTRACTL_END; while (pWrap) { pWrap->m_pSimpleWrapper = pSimpleWrap; pWrap = GetNext(pWrap); } } inline void ComCallWrapper::ClearSimpleWrapper(ComCallWrapper* pWrap) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWrap)); } CONTRACTL_END; // clear the m_pSimpleWrapper field in all wrappers that share the same SimpleComCallWrapper SimpleComCallWrapper *pSimpleWrapper = pWrap->m_pSimpleWrapper; while (pWrap && pWrap->m_pSimpleWrapper == pSimpleWrapper) { pWrap->m_pSimpleWrapper = NULL; pWrap = GetNext(pWrap); } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE inline BOOL ComCallWrapper::IsPegged() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->IsPegged(); } inline BOOL ComCallWrapper::IsConsideredPegged() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_pSimpleWrapper->IsPegged() || RCWWalker::IsGlobalPeggingOn(); } inline ULONG ComCallWrapper::GetJupiterRefCount() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INSTANCE_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_pSimpleWrapper->GetJupiterRefCount(); } inline PTR_ComCallWrapper ComCallWrapper::GetWrapperFromIP(PTR_IUnknown pUnk) { CONTRACT (PTR_ComCallWrapper) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACT_END; // This code path may be exercised from out-of-process. Unfortunately, we need to manipulate the // target address here, and so we need to do some non-trivial casting. First, cast the PTR type // to the target address first, and then mask off the least significant bits. Then use the end // result as a target address to instantiate a ComCallWrapper. The line below is equivalent to: // ComCallWrapper* pWrap = (ComCallWrapper*)((size_t)pUnk & enum_ThisMask); PTR_ComCallWrapper pWrap = dac_cast(dac_cast(pUnk) & enum_ThisMask); // Use class wrapper if this CCW represents a variant interface PTR_ComCallWrapper pClassWrapper = pWrap->GetSimpleWrapper()->m_pClassWrap; if (pClassWrapper) { _ASSERTE(pClassWrapper->GetSimpleWrapper()->m_pClassWrap == NULL); RETURN pClassWrapper; } RETURN pWrap; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PTR_ComCallWrapper ComCallWrapper::GetStartWrapper(PTR_ComCallWrapper pWrap) // get outermost wrapper, given a linked wrapper // get the start wrapper from the sync block //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline PTR_ComCallWrapper ComCallWrapper::GetStartWrapper(PTR_ComCallWrapper pWrap) { CONTRACT (PTR_ComCallWrapper) { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWrap)); PRECONDITION(pWrap->IsLinked()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; PTR_SimpleComCallWrapper pSimpleWrap = pWrap->GetSimpleWrapper(); RETURN (pSimpleWrap->GetMainWrapper()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate ComCallWrapper::GetComCallWrapperTemplate() inline PTR_ComCallWrapperTemplate ComCallWrapper::GetComCallWrapperTemplate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetSimpleWrapper()->GetComCallWrapperTemplate(); } inline BOOL ComCallWrapper::IsWrapperActive() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // Since its called by GCPromote, we assume that this is the start wrapper LONGLONG llRefCount = m_pSimpleWrapper->GetRealRefCount(); ULONG cbRef = GET_COM_REF(llRefCount); ULONG cbJupiterRef = GET_JUPITER_REF(llRefCount); // We only consider jupiter ref count to be a "strong" ref count if it is pegged and it is alive // Note that there is no concern for resurrecting this CCW in the next Gen0/1 GC // because this CCW will be promoted to Gen 2 very quickly BOOL bHasJupiterStrongRefCount = (cbJupiterRef > 0 && IsConsideredPegged()); BOOL bHasStrongCOMRefCount = ((cbRef > 0) || bHasJupiterStrongRefCount); BOOL bIsWrapperActive = (bHasStrongCOMRefCount && !m_pSimpleWrapper->IsHandleWeak()); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO1000, "CCW 0x%p: cbRef = 0x%x, cbJupiterRef = 0x%x, IsPegged = %d, GlobalPegging = %d, IsHandleWeak = %d\n", this, cbRef, cbJupiterRef, m_pSimpleWrapper->IsPegged(), RCWWalker::IsGlobalPeggingOn(), m_pSimpleWrapper->IsHandleWeak())); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO1000, "CCW 0x%p: IsWrapperActive returned %d\n", this, bIsWrapperActive)); return bIsWrapperActive; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #endif // _COMCALLABLEWRAPPER_H