// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: clsload.inl // // // // ============================================================================ #ifndef _CLSLOAD_INL_ #define _CLSLOAD_INL_ inline PTR_Assembly ClassLoader::GetAssembly() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_pAssembly; } inline PTR_Module ClassLoader::ComputeLoaderModuleForFunctionPointer(TypeHandle* pRetAndArgTypes, DWORD NumArgsPlusRetType) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; return ComputeLoaderModuleWorker(NULL, 0, Instantiation(pRetAndArgTypes, NumArgsPlusRetType), Instantiation()); } inline PTR_Module ClassLoader::ComputeLoaderModuleForParamType(TypeHandle paramType) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; // // Call GetLoaderModule directly instead of ComputeLoaderModuleWorker to avoid exponential recursion for collectible types // // It is safe to do it even during NGen because of we do not create duplicate copies of arrays and other param types // (see code:CEEPreloader::TriageTypeForZap). // return paramType.GetLoaderModule(); } //****************************************************************************** inline void AccessCheckOptions::Initialize( AccessCheckType accessCheckType, BOOL throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, MethodTable * pTargetMT, MethodDesc * pTargetMethod, FieldDesc * pTargetField, BOOL skipCheckForCriticalCode /*=FALSE*/) { CONTRACTL { SO_TOLERANT; THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; // At most one of these can be non-NULL. They can all be NULL if: // 1. we are doing a normal accessibility check, or // 2. we are not going to throw an exception if the accessibility check fails PRECONDITION(accessCheckType == kNormalAccessibilityChecks || !throwIfTargetIsInaccessible || ((pTargetMT ? 1 : 0) + (pTargetMethod ? 1 : 0) + (pTargetField ? 1 : 0)) == 1); // m_pAccessContext can only be set for kRestrictedMemberAccess #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR PRECONDITION(m_pAccessContext == NULL || accessCheckType == AccessCheckOptions::kRestrictedMemberAccess); #else PRECONDITION(m_pAccessContext == NULL || accessCheckType == AccessCheckOptions::kUserCodeOnlyRestrictedMemberAccess || accessCheckType == AccessCheckOptions::kRestrictedMemberAccess); #endif } CONTRACTL_END; m_accessCheckType = accessCheckType; m_fThrowIfTargetIsInaccessible = throwIfTargetIsInaccessible; m_pTargetMT = pTargetMT; m_pTargetMethod = pTargetMethod; m_pTargetField = pTargetField; m_fSkipCheckForCriticalCode = skipCheckForCriticalCode; } //****************************************************************************** inline AccessCheckOptions::AccessCheckOptions( AccessCheckType accessCheckType, DynamicResolver * pAccessContext, BOOL throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, MethodTable * pTargetMT) : m_pAccessContext(pAccessContext) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Initialize( accessCheckType, throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, pTargetMT, NULL, NULL); } inline AccessCheckOptions::AccessCheckOptions( AccessCheckType accessCheckType, DynamicResolver * pAccessContext, BOOL throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, MethodDesc * pTargetMethod) : m_pAccessContext(pAccessContext) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Initialize( accessCheckType, throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, NULL, pTargetMethod, NULL); } inline AccessCheckOptions::AccessCheckOptions( AccessCheckType accessCheckType, DynamicResolver * pAccessContext, BOOL throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, FieldDesc * pTargetField) : m_pAccessContext(pAccessContext) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Initialize( accessCheckType, throwIfTargetIsInaccessible, NULL, NULL, pTargetField); } #endif // _CLSLOAD_INL_