// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // // Contains the types that implement code:ICLRPrivBinder and code:ICLRPrivAssembly for WinRT binding. // //============================================================================================= #include "common.h" // precompiled header #ifdef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER #include "utilcode.h" #include "sstring.h" #include "stringarraylist.h" #endif #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR #include "assemblyusagelogmanager.h" #endif #include "clr/fs/file.h" #include "clrprivbinderwinrt.h" #include "clrprivbinderutil.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //===================================================================================================================== #include "sstring.h" #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION #include "fusionlogging.h" #include "policy.h" #include "imprthelpers.h" // in fusion/inc #include "asmimprt.h" #endif #ifdef FEATURE_APPX #include "appxutil.h" #endif #include #include "delayloadhelpers.h" #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR #include "../binder/inc/applicationcontext.hpp" #include "../binder/inc/assemblybinder.hpp" #include "../binder/inc/assembly.hpp" #include "../binder/inc/debuglog.hpp" #include "../binder/inc/utils.hpp" #include "../binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp" #endif #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #include "crossgenroresolvenamespace.h" #include "../binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp" #endif #ifdef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER #include "fakepeimage.h" #include "coreclr/corebindresult.inl" #endif using namespace CLRPrivBinderUtil; //===================================================================================================================== #define WINDOWS_NAMESPACE W("Windows") #define WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX WINDOWS_NAMESPACE W(".") #define WINDOWS_NAMESPACEA "Windows" #define WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIXA WINDOWS_NAMESPACEA "." //===================================================================================================================== static BOOL IsWindowsNamespace(const WCHAR * wszNamespace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (wcsncmp(wszNamespace, WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, (_countof(WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX) - 1)) == 0) { return TRUE; } else if (wcscmp(wszNamespace, WINDOWS_NAMESPACE) == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //===================================================================================================================== BOOL IsWindowsNamespace(const char * wszNamespace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (strncmp(wszNamespace, WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIXA, (_countof(WINDOWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIXA) - 1)) == 0) { return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(wszNamespace, WINDOWS_NAMESPACEA) == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //===================================================================================================================== DELAY_LOADED_FUNCTION(WinTypes, RoResolveNamespace); //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT RoResolveNamespace( _In_opt_ const HSTRING name, _In_opt_ const HSTRING windowsMetaDataDir, _In_ const DWORD packageGraphDirsCount, _In_reads_opt_(packageGraphDirsCount) const HSTRING *packageGraphDirs, _Out_opt_ DWORD *metaDataFilePathsCount, _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_(*metaDataFilePathsCount) HSTRING **metaDataFilePaths, _Out_opt_ DWORD *subNamespacesCount, _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_(*subNamespacesCount) HSTRING **subNamespaces) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; decltype(RoResolveNamespace) * pFunc = nullptr; IfFailRet(DelayLoad::WinTypes::RoResolveNamespace.GetValue(&pFunc)); return (*pFunc)( name, windowsMetaDataDir, packageGraphDirsCount, packageGraphDirs, metaDataFilePathsCount, metaDataFilePaths, subNamespacesCount, subNamespaces); } //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivBinderWinRT * CLRPrivBinderWinRT::s_pSingleton = nullptr; //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivBinderWinRT::CLRPrivBinderWinRT( ICLRPrivBinder * pParentBinder, CLRPrivTypeCacheWinRT * pWinRtTypeCache, LPCWSTR * rgwzAltPath, UINT cAltPaths, NamespaceResolutionKind fNamespaceResolutionKind, BOOL fCanUseNativeImages) : m_pTypeCache(clr::SafeAddRef(pWinRtTypeCache)) , m_pParentBinder(pParentBinder) // Do not addref, lifetime directly tied to parent. #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION , m_fCanUseNativeImages(fCanUseNativeImages) #endif , m_fNamespaceResolutionKind(fNamespaceResolutionKind) #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR , m_pApplicationContext(nullptr) , m_appLocalWinMDPath(nullptr) #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST , m_fCanSetLocalWinMDPath(TRUE) #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pWinRtTypeCache)); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER // - To prevent deadlock with GC thread, we cannot trigger GC while holding the lock // - To prevent deadlock with profiler thread, we cannot allow thread suspension m_MapsLock.Init( CrstCLRPrivBinderMaps, (CrstFlags)(CRST_REENTRANCY // Reentracy is needed for code:CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::Release | CRST_GC_NOTRIGGER_WHEN_TAKEN | CRST_DEBUGGER_THREAD INDEBUG(| CRST_DEBUG_ONLY_CHECK_FORBID_SUSPEND_THREAD))); m_MapsAddLock.Init(CrstCLRPrivBinderMapsAdd); #endif // CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST m_localWinMDPathLock.Init(CrstCrstCLRPrivBinderLocalWinMDPath); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST // Copy altpaths if (cAltPaths > 0) { m_rgAltPaths.Allocate(cAltPaths); for (UINT iAltPath = 0; iAltPath < cAltPaths; iAltPath++) { IfFailThrow(WindowsCreateString( rgwzAltPath[iAltPath], (UINT32)wcslen(rgwzAltPath[iAltPath]), m_rgAltPaths.GetRawArray() + iAltPath)); } } #if defined(FEATURE_APPX) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) else if (AppX::IsAppXNGen()) { // If this is an NGen worker process for AppX, then the process doesn't actually run in the package, // and RoResolveNamespace won't work without some help. AppX::GetCurrentPackageInfo can give us the // package graph, which we can pass to RoResolveNamespace to make it work properly. UINT32 cbBuffer = 0; UINT32 nCount = 0; HRESULT hr = AppX::GetCurrentPackageInfo(PACKAGE_FILTER_CLR_DEFAULT, &cbBuffer, nullptr, nullptr); if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) ThrowHR(hr); NewArrayHolder pbBuffer(new (nothrow) BYTE[cbBuffer]); IfNullThrow(pbBuffer); IfFailThrow(AppX::GetCurrentPackageInfo(PACKAGE_FILTER_CLR_DEFAULT, &cbBuffer, pbBuffer, &nCount)); m_rgAltPaths.Allocate(nCount); PCPACKAGE_INFO pPackageInfo = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(pbBuffer)); for (UINT32 iAltPath = 0; iAltPath < nCount; iAltPath++) { IfFailThrow(WindowsCreateString( pPackageInfo[iAltPath].path, (UINT32)wcslen(pPackageInfo[iAltPath].path), m_rgAltPaths.GetRawArray() + iAltPath)); } } #endif //FEATURE_APPX && !FEATURE_CORECLR #endif //CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION IfFailThrow(RuntimeCreateCachingILFingerprintFactory(&m_pFingerprintFactory)); #endif } //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivBinderWinRT::~CLRPrivBinderWinRT() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #if !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) AssemblyUsageLogManager::UnRegisterBinderFromUsageLog((UINT_PTR)this); #endif if (m_pTypeCache != nullptr) { m_pTypeCache->Release(); } } //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivBinderWinRT * CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetOrCreateBinder( CLRPrivTypeCacheWinRT * pWinRtTypeCache, NamespaceResolutionKind fNamespaceResolutionKind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This should be allocated directly by CLRPrivBinderAppX in the AppX scenario. #ifdef FEATURE_APPX_BINDER _ASSERTE(!AppX::IsAppXProcess()); #endif if (s_pSingleton == nullptr) { ReleaseHolder pBinder; pBinder = clr::SafeAddRef(new CLRPrivBinderWinRT( nullptr, // pParentBinder pWinRtTypeCache, nullptr, // rgwzAltPath 0, // cAltPaths fNamespaceResolutionKind, TRUE // fCanUseNativeImages )); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&s_pSingleton, pBinder, nullptr) == nullptr) { pBinder.SuppressRelease(); } #if !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) // Create and register WinRT usage log ReleaseHolder pNewWinRTUsageLog; IfFailThrow(AssemblyUsageLogManager::GetUsageLogForContext(W("WinRT"), W("NotApp"), &pNewWinRTUsageLog)); UINT_PTR winRTBinderId; IfFailThrow(pBinder->GetBinderID(&winRTBinderId)); IfFailThrow(AssemblyUsageLogManager::RegisterBinderWithUsageLog(winRTBinderId, pNewWinRTUsageLog)); #endif } _ASSERTE(s_pSingleton->m_fNamespaceResolutionKind == fNamespaceResolutionKind); return clr::SafeAddRef(s_pSingleton); } //===================================================================================================================== STDAPI CreateAssemblyNameObjectFromMetaData( LPASSEMBLYNAME *ppAssemblyName, LPCOLESTR szAssemblyName, ASSEMBLYMETADATA *pamd, LPVOID pvReserved); //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindWinRTAssemblyByName( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT ** ppAssembly, BOOL fPreBind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ReleaseHolder pAssembly; #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR NewArrayHolder wszAssemblySimpleName; #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR fusion::logging::StatusScope logStatus(0, ID_FUSLOG_BINDING_STATUS_WINRT, &hr); #else BINDER_SPACE::BINDER_LOG_ENTER(W("CLRPrivBinderWinRT_CoreCLR::BindWinRTAssemblyByName")); #endif #endif VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pAssemblyName != nullptr); VALIDATE_ARG_RET(ppAssembly != nullptr); DWORD dwContentType = AssemblyContentType_Default; IfFailGo(hr = fusion::util::GetProperty(pAssemblyName, ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE, &dwContentType)); if ((hr != S_OK) || (dwContentType != AssemblyContentType_WindowsRuntime)) { IfFailGo(CLR_E_BIND_UNRECOGNIZED_IDENTITY_FORMAT); } // Note: WinRT type resolution is supported also on pre-Win8 with DesignerResolveEvent if (!WinRTSupported() && (m_fNamespaceResolutionKind != NamespaceResolutionKind_DesignerResolveEvent)) { IfFailGo(COR_E_PLATFORMNOTSUPPORTED); } #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR IfFailGo(fusion::util::GetProperty(pAssemblyName, ASM_NAME_NAME, &wszAssemblySimpleName)); #else WCHAR wszAssemblySimpleName[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchAssemblySimpleName = _MAX_PATH; IfFailGo(pAssemblyName->GetName(&cchAssemblySimpleName, wszAssemblySimpleName)); #endif LPWSTR wszFullTypeName = wcschr(wszAssemblySimpleName, W('!')); if (wszFullTypeName != nullptr) { _ASSERTE(wszAssemblySimpleName < wszFullTypeName); if (!(wszAssemblySimpleName < wszFullTypeName)) { IfFailGo(E_UNEXPECTED); } // Turns wszAssemblySimpleName into simple name, wszFullTypeName into type name. *wszFullTypeName++ = W('\0'); CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList * pFileNameList = nullptr; BOOL fIsWindowsNamespace = FALSE; { // don't look past the first generics backtick (if any) WCHAR *pGenericBegin = (WCHAR*)wcschr(wszFullTypeName, W('`')); if (pGenericBegin != nullptr) *pGenericBegin = W('\0'); LPWSTR wszSimpleTypeName = wcsrchr(wszFullTypeName, W('.')); // restore the generics backtick if (pGenericBegin != nullptr) *pGenericBegin = W('`'); if (wszSimpleTypeName == nullptr) { IfFailGo(CLR_E_BIND_UNRECOGNIZED_IDENTITY_FORMAT); } // Turns wszFullTypeName into namespace name (without simple type name) *wszSimpleTypeName = W('\0'); IfFailGo(GetFileNameListForNamespace(wszFullTypeName, &pFileNameList)); fIsWindowsNamespace = IsWindowsNamespace(wszFullTypeName); // Turns wszFullTypeName back into full type name (was namespace name) *wszSimpleTypeName = W('.'); } if (pFileNameList == nullptr) { // There are no file associated with the namespace IfFailGo(CLR_E_BIND_TYPE_NOT_FOUND); } CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringListElem * pFileNameElem = pFileNameList->GetHead(); for (; pFileNameElem != nullptr; pFileNameElem = CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList::GetNext(pFileNameElem)) { const WCHAR * wszFileName = pFileNameElem->GetValue(); pAssembly = FindAssemblyByFileName(wszFileName); WCHAR wszFileNameStripped[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; SplitPath(wszFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, wszFileNameStripped, _MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); if (pAssembly == nullptr) { NewHolder pResource( new CLRPrivResourcePathImpl(wszFileName)); ReleaseHolder pAssemblyDefName; // Instead of using the metadata of the assembly to get the AssemblyDef name, fake one up from the filename. // This ties in with the PreBind binding behavior and ngen. This particular logic was implemented in order // to provide best performance as actually reading the metadata was prohibitively slow. (Due to the cost of opening // the assembly file.) We use a zeroed out ASSEMBLYMETADATA structure to create the assembly name object // in order to ensure that every field of the assembly name is filled out as if this was created from a normal // assembly def row. // See comment on CLRPrivBinderWinRT::PreBind for further details about NGEN binding and WinMDs. ASSEMBLYMETADATA asmd = { 0 }; IfFailGo(CreateAssemblyNameObjectFromMetaData(&pAssemblyDefName, wszFileNameStripped, &asmd, NULL)); DWORD dwAsmContentType = AssemblyContentType_WindowsRuntime; IfFailGo(pAssemblyDefName->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE, (LPBYTE)&dwAsmContentType, sizeof(dwAsmContentType))); // // Creating the BindResult we will pass to the native binder to find native images. // We strip off the type from the assembly name, leaving the simple assembly name. // The native binder stores native images under subdirectories named after their // simple name so we only want to pass the simple name portion of the name to it, // which it uses along with the fingerprint matching in BindResult to find the // native image for this WinRT assembly. // The WinRT team has said that WinMDs will have the same simple name as the filename. // IfFailGo(pAssemblyDefName->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, wszFileNameStripped, (lstrlenW(wszFileNameStripped) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION NewHolder pBindResult( new CLRPrivAssemblyBindResultWrapper(pAssemblyDefName, wszFileName, m_pFingerprintFactory)); #else NewHolder pBindResult(new CoreBindResult()); StackSString sAssemblyPath(pResource->GetPath()); ReleaseHolder pBinderAssembly; IfFailGo(GetAssemblyAndTryFindNativeImage(sAssemblyPath, wszFileNameStripped, &pBinderAssembly)); // We have set bInGac to TRUE here because the plan is full trust for WinRT. If this changes, we may need to check with // AppDomain to verify trust based on the WinMD's path pBindResult->Init(pBinderAssembly, TRUE); #endif NewHolder pNewAssembly( new CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT(this, pResource, pBindResult, fIsWindowsNamespace)); // pNewAssembly holds references to these now pResource.SuppressRelease(); pBindResult.SuppressRelease(); // Add the assembly into cache (multi-thread aware) pAssembly = AddFileNameToAssemblyMapping(pResource->GetPath(), pNewAssembly); // We did not find an existing assembly in the cache and are using the newly created pNewAssembly. // Stop it from being deleted when we go out of scope. if (pAssembly == pNewAssembly) { pNewAssembly.SuppressRelease(); } #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR if (fPreBind) { // We are pre-binding to this WinMD and do not want to open it // Compare the filename to the assembly simple name. This is legal to do with WinRT because at NGen time // we embed a WinRT dependency as assembly def name component plus a namespace and type from it. // At bind time, this type should still exist in the same assembly. If it doesn't, and has been moved, // the native image validation will fail anyway and we'll fall back to IL. This is because if the type has // been moved to another WinMD, it must have been removed from the first one because WinRT allows no duplicates. // See comment on CLRPrivBinderWinRT::PreBind for further details. if (!_wcsicmp(wszAssemblySimpleName, wszFileNameStripped)) { *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); return (hr = S_OK); } else { continue; } } #endif } #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR else if (fPreBind) { // We are pre-binding to this WinMD and do not want to force it to be loaded into the runtime yet. // Compare the filename to the assembly simple name. This is legal to do with WinRT because at NGen time // we embed a WinRT dependency as assembly def name component plus a namespace and type from it. // At bind time, this type should still exist in the same assembly. If it doesn't, and has been moved, // the native image validation will fail anyway and we'll fall back to IL. This is because if the type has // been moved to another WinMD, it must have been removed from the first one because WinRT allows no duplicates. // See comment on CLRPrivBinderWinRT::PreBind for further details. if (!_wcsicmp(wszAssemblySimpleName, wszFileNameStripped)) { *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); return (hr = S_OK); } else { continue; } } #endif // // Look to see if there's a native image available. // hr = pAssembly->EnsureAvailableImageTypes(); // Determine if this is the assembly we really want to find. IfFailGo(hr = m_pTypeCache->ContainsType(pAssembly, wszFullTypeName)); if (hr == S_OK) { // The type we are looking for has been found in this assembly #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR fusion::logging::LogMessage(0, ID_FUSLOG_BINDING_STATUS_FOUND, wszFileName); #else BINDER_SPACE::BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("CLRPrivBinderWinRT_CoreCLR::BindWinRTAssemblyByName"), hr); #endif #endif *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); return (hr = S_OK); } _ASSERTE(hr == S_FALSE); } } // The type has not been found in any of the files from the type's namespace hr = CLR_E_BIND_TYPE_NOT_FOUND; ErrExit: #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR BINDER_SPACE::BINDER_LOG_LEAVE_HR(W("CLRPrivBinderWinRT_CoreCLR::BindWinRTAssemblyByName"), hr); #endif return hr; } // CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindWinRTAssemblyByName #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindAssemblyToNativeAssembly(CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT *pAssembly) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!m_fCanUseNativeImages) return hr; ReleaseHolder pIBindResultIL; IfFailRet(pAssembly->GetIBindResult(&pIBindResultIL)); _ASSERTE(pIBindResultIL != nullptr); NewArrayHolder wzZapSet = DuplicateStringThrowing(g_pConfig->ZapSet()); NativeConfigData cfgData = { wzZapSet, PEFile::GetNativeImageConfigFlags() }; ReleaseHolder pIBindContext; IfFailRet(GetParentIBindContext(&pIBindContext)); // Fire BindingNgenPhaseStart ETW event if enabled. { InlineSString<_MAX_PATH> ssAssemblyName; FireEtwBindingNgenPhaseStart( (AppDomain::GetCurrentDomain()->GetId().m_dwId), LOADCTX_TYPE_HOSTED, ETWFieldUnused, ETWLoaderLoadTypeNotAvailable, NULL, pAssembly->m_pResourceIL->GetPath(), GetClrInstanceId()); } IfFailRet(BindToNativeAssembly(pIBindResultIL, &cfgData, pIBindContext, fusion::logging::GetCurrentFusionBindLog())); // Fire BindingNgenPhaseEnd ETW event if enabled. { InlineSString<_MAX_PATH> ssAssemblyName; FireEtwBindingNgenPhaseEnd( (AppDomain::GetCurrentDomain()->GetId().m_dwId), LOADCTX_TYPE_HOSTED, ETWFieldUnused, ETWLoaderLoadTypeNotAvailable, NULL, pAssembly->m_pResourceIL->GetPath(), GetClrInstanceId()); } // BindToNativeAssembly can return S_FALSE, but this could be misleading. if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = S_OK; return hr; } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) BOOL CLRPrivBinderWinRT::SetLocalWinMDPath(HSTRING localWinMDPath) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; CrstHolder lock(&m_localWinMDPathLock); // We use the empty string as a sential, so don't allow explicitly setting the binding base to empty. if (localWinMDPath == nullptr) { return FALSE; } // If we've already set a binding base, then the current base must match the exisitng one exactly if (!m_localWinMDPath.IsEmpty()) { return m_localWinMDPath.CompareOrdinal(clr::winrt::StringReference(localWinMDPath)) == 0; } // If we've already done WinRT binding, we can't set the binding base because that could lead to inconsistent results when binding // the same name after the base is set. if (!m_fCanSetLocalWinMDPath) { return FALSE; } m_localWinMDPath.Initialize(localWinMDPath); return TRUE; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindWinRTAssemblyByName( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppPrivAssembly, BOOL fPreBind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ReleaseHolder pWinRTAssembly; IfFailRet(BindWinRTAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, &pWinRTAssembly, fPreBind)); IfFailRet(pWinRTAssembly->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ICLRPrivAssembly), (LPVOID *)ppPrivAssembly)); return hr; } //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindWinRTAssemblyByName( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, IBindResult ** ppIBindResult, BOOL fPreBind) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pAssemblyName != nullptr); VALIDATE_ARG_RET(ppIBindResult != nullptr); ReleaseHolder pWinRTAssembly; IfFailRet(BindWinRTAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, &pWinRTAssembly, fPreBind)); IfFailRet(pWinRTAssembly->GetIBindResult(ppIBindResult)); return hr; } #ifndef FEATURE_FUSION // // This method opens the assembly using the CoreCLR Binder, which has logic supporting opening either the IL or // even just the native image without IL present. // RoResolveNamespace has already told us the IL file to open. We try and find a native image to open instead // by looking in the TPA list and the App_Ni_Paths. // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetAssemblyAndTryFindNativeImage(SString &sWinmdFilename, LPCWSTR pwzSimpleName, BINDER_SPACE::Assembly ** ppAssembly) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR if (!m_pApplicationContext->IsTpaListProvided()) return COR_E_FILENOTFOUND; BINDER_SPACE::SimpleNameToFileNameMap * tpaMap = m_pApplicationContext->GetTpaList(); const BINDER_SPACE::SimpleNameToFileNameMapEntry *pTpaEntry = tpaMap->LookupPtr(pwzSimpleName); if (pTpaEntry != nullptr) { ReleaseHolder pAssembly; if (pTpaEntry->m_wszNIFileName != nullptr) { SString fileName(pTpaEntry->m_wszNIFileName); // A GetAssembly overload perhaps, or just another parameter to the existing method hr = BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyBinder::GetAssembly(fileName, FALSE, /* fInspectionOnly */ TRUE, /* fIsInGAC */ TRUE /* fExplicitBindToNativeImage */, &pAssembly, sWinmdFilename.GetUnicode() ); // On file not found, simply fall back to app ni path probing if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { // Any other error is fatal IfFailRet(hr); *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); return (hr = S_OK); } } } StringArrayList *pBindingPaths = m_pApplicationContext->GetAppNiPaths(); // Loop through the binding paths looking for a matching assembly for (DWORD i = 0; i < pBindingPaths->GetCount(); i++) { ReleaseHolder pAssembly; LPCWSTR wszBindingPath = (*pBindingPaths)[i]; SString simpleName(pwzSimpleName); SString fileName(wszBindingPath); BINDER_SPACE::CombinePath(fileName, simpleName, fileName); fileName.Append(W(".ni.DLL")); hr = BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyBinder::GetAssembly(fileName, FALSE, /* fInspectionOnly */ FALSE, /* fIsInGAC */ TRUE /* fExplicitBindToNativeImage */, &pAssembly); // Since we're probing, file not founds are ok and we should just try another // probing path if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { continue; } IfFailRet(hr); *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); return (hr = S_OK); } // We did not find a native image for this WinMD; open the WinMD file itself as the assembly to return. hr = BINDER_SPACE::AssemblyBinder::GetAssembly(sWinmdFilename, FALSE, /* fInspectionOnly */ FALSE, /* fIsInGAC */ FALSE /* fExplicitBindToNativeImage */, ppAssembly); #else ReleaseHolder pAssembly; // This codepath is used for desktop crossgen pAssembly = new BINDER_SPACE::Assembly(); pAssembly->SetPEImage(PEImage::OpenImage(sWinmdFilename, MDInternalImport_Default)); pAssembly->m_assemblyPath.Set(sWinmdFilename); *ppAssembly = pAssembly.Extract(); #endif return hr; } #endif // !FEATURE_FUSION #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::SetApplicationContext(BINDER_SPACE::ApplicationContext *pApplicationContext, SString &appLocalWinMD) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(pApplicationContext != nullptr); m_pApplicationContext = pApplicationContext; StringArrayList * pAppPaths = m_pApplicationContext->GetAppPaths(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE DWORD cAppPaths = pAppPaths->GetCount(); m_rgAltPaths.Allocate(cAppPaths); for (DWORD i = 0; i < cAppPaths; i++) { IfFailRet(WindowsCreateString( pAppPaths->Get(i).GetUnicode(), (UINT32)(pAppPaths->Get(i).GetCount()), m_rgAltPaths.GetRawArray() + i)); } if (!appLocalWinMD.IsEmpty()) { m_appLocalWinMDPath = DuplicateStringThrowing(appLocalWinMD.GetUnicode()); } #else Crossgen::SetAppPaths(pAppPaths); #endif return hr; } #endif //FEATURE_CORECLR //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::BindAssemblyByName. // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::BindAssemblyByName( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly) { STANDARD_BIND_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VALIDATE_ARG_RET((pAssemblyName != nullptr) && (ppAssembly != nullptr)); EX_TRY { if (m_pParentBinder != nullptr) { // Delegate to parent binder. hr = m_pParentBinder->BindAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, ppAssembly); } else { hr = BindWinRTAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, ppAssembly); } } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } //===================================================================================================================== ReleaseHolder CLRPrivBinderWinRT::FindAssemblyByFileName( PCWSTR wszFileName) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry * pEntry = m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.LookupPtr(wszFileName); return (pEntry == nullptr) ? nullptr : clr::SafeAddRef(pEntry->m_pAssembly); } } //===================================================================================================================== // Add FileName -> CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * mapping to the map (multi-thread safe). // ReleaseHolder CLRPrivBinderWinRT::AddFileNameToAssemblyMapping( PCWSTR wszFileName, CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * pAssembly) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pAssembly != nullptr); #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER // We have to serialize all Add operations CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsAddLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER // Wrapper for m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.Add that avoids call out into host FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMap::AddPhases addCall; // 1. Preallocate one element addCall.PreallocateForAdd(&m_FileNameToAssemblyMap); { // 2. Take the reader lock which can be taken during stack walking // We cannot call out into host from ForbidSuspend region (i.e. no allocations/deallocations) #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry * pEntry = m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.LookupPtr(wszFileName); CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * pResultAssembly = nullptr; if (pEntry != nullptr) { pResultAssembly = pEntry->m_pAssembly; // 3a. Use the newly allocated table (if any) to avoid allocation in the next call (no call out into host) addCall.AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable(); } else { // 3b. Add the element to the hash table (no call out into host) FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry e; e.m_wszFileName = wszFileName; e.m_pAssembly = pAssembly; addCall.Add(e); pResultAssembly = pAssembly; } return clr::SafeAddRef(pResultAssembly); } } // 4. Cleanup the old memory (if any) - will be called by destructor of addCall //addCall.DeleteOldTable(); } //===================================================================================================================== void CLRPrivBinderWinRT::RemoveFileNameToAssemblyMapping( PCWSTR wszFileName) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.Remove(wszFileName); } } //===================================================================================================================== // Returns list of file names from code:m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap for the namespace // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetFileNameListForNamespace( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList ** ppFileNameList) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList * pFileNameList = nullptr; { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry * pEntry = m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap.LookupPtr(wszNamespace); if (pEntry != nullptr) { // Entries from the map are never removed, so we do not have to protect the file name list with a lock pFileNameList = pEntry->m_pFileNameList; } } } if (pFileNameList != nullptr) { *ppFileNameList = pFileNameList; } else { CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringListHolder hFileNameList; LPCWSTR wszNamespaceRoResolve = wszNamespace; #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if (m_fNamespaceResolutionKind == NamespaceResolutionKind_WindowsAPI) { CoTaskMemHSTRINGArrayHolder hFileNames; UINT32 cchNamespaceRoResolve; IfFailRet(StringCchLength(wszNamespaceRoResolve, &cchNamespaceRoResolve)); CLRConfigStringHolder wszWinMDPathConfig; LPWSTR wszWinMDPath = nullptr; UINT32 cchWinMDPath = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR wszWinMDPath = m_appLocalWinMDPath; #else if (AppX::IsAdaptiveApp()) { IfFailRet(AppX::GetWinMetadataDirForAdaptiveApps(&wszWinMDPath)); } else if (AppX::IsAppXDesignMode() || IsNgenOffline()) { wszWinMDPathConfig = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_WinMDPath); wszWinMDPath = wszWinMDPathConfig; } #endif // FEATURE_CORECLR if (wszWinMDPath != nullptr) { IfFailRet(StringCchLength(wszWinMDPath, &cchWinMDPath)); } DWORD cFileNames = 0; HSTRING * rgFileNames = nullptr; hr = RoResolveNamespace( WinRtStringRef(wszNamespaceRoResolve, cchNamespaceRoResolve), wszWinMDPath != nullptr ? (HSTRING)WinRtStringRef(wszWinMDPath, cchWinMDPath) : nullptr, // hsWindowsSdkPath m_rgAltPaths.GetCount(), // cPackageGraph m_rgAltPaths.GetRawArray(), // rgPackageGraph &cFileNames, &rgFileNames, nullptr, // pcDirectNamespaceChildren nullptr); // rgDirectNamespaceChildren #ifdef FEATURE_CORECLR // For CoreCLR, if the process is not AppX, deliver more appropriate error message // when trying to bind to 3rd party WinMDs that is not confusing. if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_PACKAGE) == hr) { if (!AppX::IsAppXProcess()) { IfFailRet(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED)); } } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST // If we failed to find the requested name, but we have an application local probing path setup, then // we can use that to try to find the name now. if (hr == RO_E_METADATA_NAME_NOT_FOUND || hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_PACKAGE)) { // We only want to probe the application local path for 3rd party WinMDs as these are the only ones // which do not have code sharing enabled. Although we currently only allow a single alternate probing // path per process, shutting this off now will give us easier behavior to support in the future if we // do need to enable per-domain local paths. if (!IsWindowsNamespace(wszNamespaceRoResolve)) { HSTRING localWinMDPath = nullptr; { CrstHolder lock(&m_localWinMDPathLock); localWinMDPath = m_localWinMDPath.Get(); // If the host has not configured the local winmd path, and we have not yet done any winmd probing // then see if we have config to setup a local winmd path. if (localWinMDPath == nullptr && m_fCanSetLocalWinMDPath) { NewArrayHolder configWinMDPath(CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LocalWinMDPath)); if (!configWinMDPath.IsNull()) { m_localWinMDPath.Initialize(configWinMDPath); localWinMDPath = m_localWinMDPath.Get(); } } // Do not allow any further setting of the application binding base at this point, since if it // is not currently set, setting it in the future could result in different binding results. m_fCanSetLocalWinMDPath = FALSE; } if (localWinMDPath != nullptr) { hr = RoResolveNamespace( WinRtStringRef(wszNamespaceRoResolve, cchNamespaceRoResolve), wszWinMDPath != nullptr ? (HSTRING)WinRtStringRef(wszWinMDPath, cchWinMDPath) : nullptr, // hsWindowsSdkPath 1, // cPackageGraph &localWinMDPath, // rgPackageGraph &cFileNames, &rgFileNames, nullptr, // pcDirectNamespaceChildren nullptr); // rgDirectNamespaceChildren } } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_WINRT_DESKTOP_HOST IfFailRet(hr); if (hr != S_OK) { // Not expecting success codes other than S_OK. IfFailRet(E_UNEXPECTED); } hFileNames.Init(rgFileNames, cFileNames); for (DWORD i = 0; i < hFileNames.GetCount(); i++) { UINT32 cchFileName = 0; LPCWSTR wszFileName = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer( hFileNames.GetAt(i), &cchFileName); BOOL fSkipFilename = FALSE; #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // If we have a specified path list. Be certain to only find filenames in that list. // NGen for AppX is an exception, where the path list contains the package graph, and we can // accept files found elsewhere (e.g., in the Windows WinMD directory). // On CoreCLR, we have no concept of an AppX package, so we want the passed in app // paths to additively contribute to the set of WinMDs the API can find. if (m_rgAltPaths.GetCount() > 0 && !AppX::IsAppXNGen()) { fSkipFilename = TRUE; for (DWORD iAltPath = 0; iAltPath < m_rgAltPaths.GetCount(); iAltPath++) { UINT32 cchAltPath = 0; LPCWSTR wszAltPath = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer( m_rgAltPaths.GetAt(iAltPath), &cchAltPath); if (cchAltPath >= cchFileName) continue; if (wcsncmp(wszAltPath, wszFileName, cchAltPath) == 0) { fSkipFilename = FALSE; break; } } } #endif if (!fSkipFilename) hFileNameList.InsertTail(wszFileName); } } else { #if !defined(CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER) // This code is desktop specific. _ASSERTE(m_fNamespaceResolutionKind == NamespaceResolutionKind_DesignerResolveEvent); EX_TRY { m_pTypeCache->RaiseDesignerNamespaceResolveEvent(wszNamespace, &hFileNameList); } EX_CATCH { Exception * ex = GET_EXCEPTION(); if (!ex->IsTransient()) { // Exception was caused by user code // Cache empty file name list for this namespace (void)AddFileNameListForNamespace(wszNamespace, nullptr, ppFileNameList); } EX_RETHROW; } EX_END_CATCH_UNREACHABLE #endif // !defined(CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER) } #else //CROSSGEN_COMPILE DWORD cFileNames = 0; SString * rgFileNames = nullptr; hr = Crossgen::CrossgenRoResolveNamespace( wszNamespaceRoResolve, &cFileNames, &rgFileNames); IfFailRet(hr); if (cFileNames > 0) { _ASSERTE(cFileNames == 1); //only support mapping to one file in coregen hFileNameList.InsertTail(rgFileNames->GetUnicode()); delete rgFileNames; } #endif //CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Add the Namespace -> File name list entry into cache (even if the file name list is empty) if (AddFileNameListForNamespace(wszNamespace, hFileNameList.GetValue(), ppFileNameList)) { // The file name list was added to the cache - do not delete it _ASSERTE(*ppFileNameList == hFileNameList.GetValue()); (void)hFileNameList.Extract(); } } return hr; } // CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetFileNameListForNamespace //===================================================================================================================== // Adds (thread-safe) list of file names to code:m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap for the namespace - returns the cached value. // Returns TRUE, if pFileNameList was added to the cache and caller should NOT delete it. // Returns FALSE, if pFileNameList was not added to the cache and caller should delete it. // BOOL CLRPrivBinderWinRT::AddFileNameListForNamespace( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList * pFileNameList, CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList ** ppFileNameList) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NewArrayHolder wszEntryNamespace = DuplicateStringThrowing(wszNamespace); NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry entry; entry.m_wszNamespace = wszEntryNamespace.GetValue(); entry.m_pFileNameList = pFileNameList; #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER // We have to serialize all Add operations CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsAddLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER // Wrapper for m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap.Add that avoids call out into host NamespaceToFileNameListMap::AddPhases addCall; // Status if the element was added to the hash table or not BOOL fAddedToCache = FALSE; // 1. Preallocate one element addCall.PreallocateForAdd(&m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap); { // 2. Take the reader lock which can be taken during stack walking // We cannot call out into host from ForbidSuspend region (i.e. no allocations/deallocations) #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry * pEntry = m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap.LookupPtr(wszNamespace); if (pEntry == nullptr) { // 3a. Add the element to the hash table (no call out into host) addCall.Add(entry); // These values are now owned by the hash table element wszEntryNamespace.SuppressRelease(); *ppFileNameList = pFileNameList; fAddedToCache = TRUE; } else { // Another thread beat us adding this entry to the hash table *ppFileNameList = pEntry->m_pFileNameList; // 3b. Use the newly allocated table (if any) to avoid allocation in the next call (no call out into host) addCall.AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable(); _ASSERTE(fAddedToCache == FALSE); } } } // 4. Cleanup the old memory (if any), also called from the destructor of addCall addCall.DeleteOldTable(); return fAddedToCache; } // CLRPrivBinderWinRT::AddFileNameListForNamespace #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE //===================================================================================================================== // Finds assembly with WinRT type if it is already loaded. // #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER PTR_Assembly CLRPrivBinderWinRT::FindAssemblyForTypeIfLoaded( PTR_AppDomain pAppDomain, LPCUTF8 szNamespace, LPCUTF8 szClassName) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END WCHAR wszNamespace[MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH]; int cchNamespace = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szNamespace, -1, wszNamespace, _countof(wszNamespace)); if (cchNamespace == 0) { return NULL; } CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringListElem * pFileNameElem= nullptr; const NamespaceToFileNameListMapEntry * pNamespaceEntry; { ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; { CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); pNamespaceEntry = m_NamespaceToFileNameListMap.LookupPtr(wszNamespace); if ((pNamespaceEntry == nullptr) || (pNamespaceEntry->m_pFileNameList == nullptr)) { return NULL; } pFileNameElem = pNamespaceEntry->m_pFileNameList->GetHead(); } } while (pFileNameElem != nullptr) { const WCHAR * wszFileName = pFileNameElem->GetValue(); PTR_CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT pPrivAssembly=NULL; const FileNameToAssemblyWinRTMapEntry * pFileNameEntry; { ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; { CrstHolder lock(&m_MapsLock); pFileNameEntry = m_FileNameToAssemblyMap.LookupPtr(wszFileName); if (pFileNameEntry == nullptr || pFileNameEntry->m_pAssembly == nullptr) { return NULL; } pPrivAssembly = pFileNameEntry->m_pAssembly; } } if (pPrivAssembly == NULL) { return NULL; } _ASSERT(((void *)(CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT *)0x100) == ((void *)(ICLRPrivAssembly *)(CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT *)0x100)); PTR_Assembly pAssembly = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pTypeCache->ContainsTypeIfLoaded( pAppDomain, dac_cast(pPrivAssembly), szNamespace, szClassName, &pAssembly); if (hr == S_OK) { // The type we are looking for has been found in this assembly _ASSERTE(pAssembly != nullptr); return pAssembly; } if (FAILED(hr)) { // Assembly was not loaded return NULL; } // Type was not found in the assembly _ASSERTE(hr == S_FALSE); // Try next file name for this namespace pFileNameElem = CLRPrivBinderUtil::WStringList::GetNext(pFileNameElem); } return NULL; } // CLRPrivBinderWinRT::FindAssemblyForTypeIfLoaded #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:IBindContext::PreBind. // // Prebinding to WinMD files follows a special contract. We want to avoid loading the actual target assembly // and we need to validate that all dependencies of the file remain equivalent to that which was available at ngen time // We do this by comparing the filename to the assembly simple name. This is legal to do with WinRT because at NGen time // we embed a WinRT dependency as assembly def name component plus a namespace and type from it. // At bind time, this type should still exist in the same assembly. If it doesn't, and has been moved, // the native image validation will fail anyway and we'll fall back to IL. This is because if the type has // been moved to another WinMD, it must have been removed from the first one because WinRT allows no duplicates. // This no duplicate rule is obviously not actually gauranteed by the WinRT runtime for 3rd party assemblies, // but violating the rule is known to cause a number of binding behavior errors that we do not attempt to protect against. HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::PreBind( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, DWORD dwPreBindFlags, IBindResult ** ppIBindResult) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Assert that we are only working with a binder that supports native images _ASSERTE(m_fCanUseNativeImages); ReleaseHolder pIBindContext; IfFailRet(GetParentIBindContext(&pIBindContext)); DWORD dwContentType = AssemblyContentType_Default; DWORD cbContentTypeSize = sizeof(dwContentType); IfFailRet(pAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE, &dwContentType, &cbContentTypeSize)); if (dwContentType == AssemblyContentType_Default) { hr = pIBindContext->PreBind(pAssemblyName, dwPreBindFlags, ppIBindResult); } else { hr = BindWinRTAssemblyByName(pAssemblyName, ppIBindResult, TRUE); } return hr; } //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:IBindContext::IsDefaultContext. // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::IsDefaultContext() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return S_OK; } #endif //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT( CLRPrivBinderWinRT * pBinder, CLRPrivResourcePathImpl * pResourceIL, IBindResult * pIBindResult, BOOL fShareable) : m_pBinder(nullptr), m_pResourceIL(nullptr), m_pIResourceNI(nullptr), m_pIBindResult(nullptr), m_fShareable(fShareable), m_dwImageTypes(0) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; VALIDATE_ARG_THROW((pBinder != nullptr) && (pResourceIL != nullptr) && (pIBindResult != nullptr)); m_pBinder = clr::SafeAddRef(pBinder); m_pResourceIL = clr::SafeAddRef(pResourceIL); m_pIBindResult = clr::SafeAddRef(pIBindResult); } //===================================================================================================================== CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::~CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; clr::SafeRelease(m_pIResourceNI); } //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:IUnknown::Release. // Overridden to implement self-removal from assembly map code:CLRPrivBinderWinRT::m_FileNameToAssemblyMap. // ULONG CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::Release() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; _ASSERTE(m_cRef > 0); ULONG cRef; { // To achieve proper lifetime semantics, the name to assembly map elements' CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT // instances are not ref counted. We cannot allow discovery of the object via m_FileNameToAssemblyMap // when the ref count is 0 (to prevent another thread to AddRef and Release it back to 0 in parallel). // All uses of the map are guarded by the map lock, so we have to decrease the ref count under that // lock (to avoid the chance that 2 threads are running Release to ref count 0 at once). #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER { #ifndef CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER CrstHolder lock(&m_pBinder->m_MapsLock); #endif // !CLR_STANDALONE_BINDER cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (cRef == 0) { m_pBinder->RemoveFileNameToAssemblyMapping(m_pResourceIL->GetPath()); } } } // Note: We cannot deallocate memory in the ForbidSuspendThread region if (cRef == 0) { delete this; } return cRef; } // CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::Release //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::IsShareable. // HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::IsShareable( BOOL * pbIsShareable) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pbIsShareable != nullptr); *pbIsShareable = m_fShareable; return S_OK; } //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::GetAvailableImageTypes. // HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::GetAvailableImageTypes( LPDWORD pdwImageTypes) { STANDARD_BIND_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pdwImageTypes != nullptr); EX_TRY { IfFailGo(EnsureAvailableImageTypes()); *pdwImageTypes = m_dwImageTypes; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: ; } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION static ICLRPrivResource * GetResourceForBindResult( IBindResult * pIBindResult) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; VALIDATE_ARG_THROW(pIBindResult != nullptr); WCHAR wzPath[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchPath = NumItems(wzPath); ReleaseHolder pIAssemLoc; IfFailThrow(pIBindResult->GetAssemblyLocation(&pIAssemLoc)); IfFailThrow(pIAssemLoc->GetPath(wzPath, &cchPath)); return ToInterface(new CLRPrivResourcePathImpl(wzPath)); } #endif //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivAssembly::GetImageResource. // HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::GetImageResource( DWORD dwImageType, DWORD * pdwImageType, ICLRPrivResource ** ppIResource) { STANDARD_BIND_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VALIDATE_ARG_RET((ppIResource != nullptr) && (m_pIBindResult != nullptr)); EX_TRY { IfFailGo(EnsureAvailableImageTypes()); DWORD _dwImageType; if (pdwImageType == nullptr) { pdwImageType = &_dwImageType; } if ((dwImageType & ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_NATIVE) == ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_NATIVE) { if (m_pIResourceNI == nullptr) { IfFailGo(CLR_E_BIND_IMAGE_UNAVAILABLE); } *ppIResource = clr::SafeAddRef(m_pIResourceNI); *pdwImageType = ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_NATIVE; } else if ((dwImageType & ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_IL) == ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_IL) { *ppIResource = clr::SafeAddRef(m_pResourceIL); *pdwImageType = ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_IL; } else { hr = CLR_E_BIND_IMAGE_UNAVAILABLE; } ErrExit: ; } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::VerifyBind. // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::VerifyBind( IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName, ICLRPrivAssembly * pAssembly, ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo * pAssemblyInfo) { STANDARD_BIND_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pAssemblyInfo != nullptr); UINT_PTR binderID; IfFailRet(pAssembly->GetBinderID(&binderID)); if (binderID != reinterpret_cast(this)) { return pAssembly->VerifyBind(pAssemblyName, pAssembly, pAssemblyInfo); } // Since WinRT types are bound by type name and not assembly name, assembly-level version validation // does not make sense here. Just return S_OK. return S_OK; } //===================================================================================================================== // Implements interface method code:ICLRPrivBinder::GetBinderID. // HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetBinderID( UINT_PTR * pBinderId) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; *pBinderId = reinterpret_cast(this); return S_OK; } #if defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) || defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::FindWinRTAssemblyBySpec( LPVOID pvAppDomain, LPVOID pvAssemblySpec, HRESULT * pResult, ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly) { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; return E_FAIL; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::FindWinRTAssemblyBySpec( LPVOID pvAppDomain, LPVOID pvAssemblySpec, HRESULT * pResult, ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT;; HRESULT hr = S_OK; AppDomain* pAppDomain = reinterpret_cast(pvAppDomain); AssemblySpec* pAssemblySpec = reinterpret_cast(pvAssemblySpec); VALIDATE_PTR_RET(pAppDomain); VALIDATE_PTR_RET(pAssemblySpec); VALIDATE_PTR_RET(pResult); VALIDATE_PTR_RET(ppAssembly); if (pAssemblySpec->IsContentType_WindowsRuntime()) { // FindAssemblyBySpec is not supported by this binder. *pResult = CLR_E_BIND_TYPE_NOT_FOUND; *ppAssembly = nullptr; return S_OK; } else { return CLR_E_BIND_UNRECOGNIZED_IDENTITY_FORMAT; } } //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivBinderWinRT::GetParentIBindContext( IBindContext **ppIBindContext) { STANDARD_BIND_CONTRACT; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(ppIBindContext != nullptr); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_pParentBinder != nullptr) { _ASSERTE(AppX::IsAppXProcess()); IfFailRet(m_pParentBinder->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBindContext), (void**)ppIBindContext)); } else { _ASSERTE(!AppX::IsAppXProcess()); EX_TRY { AppDomain* pDomain = AppDomain::GetCurrentDomain(); hr = GetBindContextFromApplicationContext(pDomain->CreateFusionContext(), ppIBindContext); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } _ASSERTE(FAILED(hr) || *ppIBindContext != nullptr); return hr; } #endif //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::GetIBindResult( IBindResult ** ppIBindResult) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(ppIBindResult != nullptr); VALIDATE_CONDITION((m_pIBindResult != nullptr), return E_UNEXPECTED); *ppIBindResult = clr::SafeAddRef(m_pIBindResult); return S_OK; } //===================================================================================================================== HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::EnsureAvailableImageTypes() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwImageTypesLocal = m_dwImageTypes; // If image types has not yet been set, attempt to bind to native assembly if (dwImageTypesLocal == 0) { #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION CLRPrivBinderWinRT *pBinder = m_pBinder; IfFailGo(pBinder->BindAssemblyToNativeAssembly(this)); #endif if (m_pIResourceNI == nullptr) { #ifdef FEATURE_FUSION ReleaseHolder pIBindResultNI; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIBindResult->GetNativeImage(&pIBindResultNI, nullptr)) && pIBindResultNI != nullptr) { ReleaseHolder pResourceNI = GetResourceForBindResult(pIBindResultNI); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pIResourceNI, pResourceNI, nullptr) == nullptr) pResourceNI.SuppressRelease(); } #else if (m_pIBindResult->HasNativeImage()) { SString sPath = m_pIBindResult->GetNativeImage()->GetPath(); m_pIResourceNI = new CLRPrivResourcePathImpl(sPath.GetUnicode()); m_pIResourceNI->AddRef(); } #endif IfFailGo(hr); } DWORD dwImageTypes = 0; if (m_pResourceIL != nullptr) dwImageTypes |= ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_IL; if (m_pIResourceNI != nullptr) dwImageTypes |= ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPE_NATIVE; m_dwImageTypes = dwImageTypes; } ErrExit: return hr; } //===================================================================================================================== //static HRESULT CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT::GetIBindResult( ICLRPrivAssembly * pPrivAssembly, IBindResult ** ppIBindResult) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr; VALIDATE_ARG_RET(pPrivAssembly != nullptr); ReleaseHolder pAssemblyID; IfFailRet(pPrivAssembly->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ICLRPrivAssemblyID_WinRT), (LPVOID *)&pAssemblyID)); // QI succeeded, we can cast up: CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT * pPrivAssemblyWinRT = static_cast(pPrivAssembly); return pPrivAssemblyWinRT->GetIBindResult(ppIBindResult); } #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE