// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: CLASS.CPP // // // // ============================================================================ #include "common.h" #include "dllimport.h" #include "dllimportcallback.h" #include "fieldmarshaler.h" #include "constrainedexecutionregion.h" #include "customattribute.h" #include "encee.h" #include "typestring.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "clrtocomcall.h" #include "runtimecallablewrapper.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //#define DEBUG_LAYOUT #define SORT_BY_RID #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #include "methodtablebuilder.h" #endif #include "nsenumhandleallcases.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //******************************************************************************* EEClass::EEClass(DWORD cbFixedEEClassFields) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Cache size of fixed fields (this instance also contains a set of packed fields whose final size isn't // determined until the end of class loading). We store the size into a spare byte made available by // compiler field alignment, so we need to ensure we never allocate a flavor of EEClass more than 255 // bytes long. _ASSERTE(cbFixedEEClassFields <= 0xff); m_cbFixedEEClassFields = (BYTE)cbFixedEEClassFields; // All other members are initialized to zero } //******************************************************************************* void *EEClass::operator new( size_t size, LoaderHeap *pHeap, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; // EEClass (or sub-type) is always followed immediately by an EEClassPackedFields structure. This is // maximally sized at runtime but in the ngen scenario will be optimized into a smaller structure (which // is why it must go after all the fixed sized fields). S_SIZE_T safeSize = S_SIZE_T(size) + S_SIZE_T(sizeof(EEClassPackedFields)); void *p = pamTracker->Track(pHeap->AllocMem(safeSize)); // No need to memset since this memory came from VirtualAlloc'ed memory // memset (p, 0, size); return p; } //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::Destruct(MethodTable * pOwningMT) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; FORBID_FAULT; PRECONDITION(pOwningMT != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Not expected to be called for array EEClass _ASSERTE(!pOwningMT->IsArray()); #ifdef _DEBUG _ASSERTE(!IsDestroyed()); SetDestroyed(); #endif #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED // If profiling, then notify the class is getting unloaded. { BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerTrackClasses()); { // Calls to the profiler callback may throw, or otherwise fail, if // the profiler AVs/throws an unhandled exception/etc. We don't want // those failures to affect the runtime, so we'll ignore them. // // Note that the profiler callback may turn around and make calls into // the profiling runtime that may throw. This try/catch block doesn't // protect the profiler against such failures. To protect the profiler // against that, we will need try/catch blocks around all calls into the // profiling API. // // (Bug #26467) // FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); EX_TRY { GCX_PREEMP(); g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->ClassUnloadStarted((ClassID) pOwningMT); } EX_CATCH { // The exception here came from the profiler itself. We'll just // swallow the exception, since we don't want the profiler to bring // down the runtime. } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions); } END_PIN_PROFILER(); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // clean up any COM Data if (m_pccwTemplate) { m_pccwTemplate->Release(); m_pccwTemplate = NULL; } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_UNMANAGED_ACTIVATION if (GetComClassFactory()) { GetComClassFactory()->Cleanup(); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_UNMANAGED_ACTIVATION #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (IsDelegate()) { DelegateEEClass* pDelegateEEClass = (DelegateEEClass*)this; if (pDelegateEEClass->m_pStaticCallStub) { BOOL fStubDeleted = pDelegateEEClass->m_pStaticCallStub->DecRef(); if (fStubDeleted) { DelegateInvokeStubManager::g_pManager->RemoveStub(pDelegateEEClass->m_pStaticCallStub); } } if (pDelegateEEClass->m_pInstRetBuffCallStub) { pDelegateEEClass->m_pInstRetBuffCallStub->DecRef(); } // While m_pMultiCastInvokeStub is also a member, // it is owned by the m_pMulticastStubCache, not by the class // - it is shared across classes. So we don't decrement // its ref count here delete pDelegateEEClass->m_pUMThunkMarshInfo; } // We should never get here for thunking proxy because we do not destroy // default appdomain and mscorlib.dll module during shutdown _ASSERTE(!pOwningMT->IsTransparentProxy()); #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTING) && !defined(HAS_REMOTING_PRECODE) // Destruct the method descs by walking the chunks. MethodTable::IntroducedMethodIterator it(pOwningMT); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { MethodDesc * pMD = it.GetMethodDesc(); pMD->Destruct(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap() != NULL && !pOwningMT->IsZapped()) delete GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap(); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED // If profiling, then notify the class is getting unloaded. { BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerTrackClasses()); { // See comments in the call to ClassUnloadStarted for details on this // FAULT_NOT_FATAL marker and exception swallowing. FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); EX_TRY { GCX_PREEMP(); g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->ClassUnloadFinished((ClassID) pOwningMT, S_OK); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions); } END_PIN_PROFILER(); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE } //******************************************************************************* /*static*/ EEClass * EEClass::CreateMinimalClass(LoaderHeap *pHeap, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; return new (pHeap, pamTracker) EEClass(sizeof(EEClass)); } //******************************************************************************* //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note: this only loads the type to CLASS_DEPENDENCIES_LOADED as this can be called // indirectly from DoFullyLoad() as part of accessibility checking. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MethodTable *MethodTable::LoadEnclosingMethodTable(ClassLoadLevel targetLevel) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END mdTypeDef tdEnclosing = GetEnclosingCl(); if (tdEnclosing == mdTypeDefNil) { return NULL; } return ClassLoader::LoadTypeDefThrowing(GetModule(), tdEnclosing, ClassLoader::ThrowIfNotFound, ClassLoader::PermitUninstDefOrRef, tdNoTypes, targetLevel ).GetMethodTable(); } #ifdef EnC_SUPPORTED //******************************************************************************* VOID EEClass::FixupFieldDescForEnC(MethodTable * pMT, EnCFieldDesc *pFD, mdFieldDef fieldDef) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END Module * pModule = pMT->GetModule(); IMDInternalImport *pImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); #ifdef LOGGING if (LoggingEnabled()) { LPCSTR szFieldName; if (FAILED(pImport->GetNameOfFieldDef(fieldDef, &szFieldName))) { szFieldName = "Invalid FieldDef record"; } LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EEClass::InitializeFieldDescForEnC %s\n", szFieldName)); } #endif //LOGGING #ifdef _DEBUG BOOL shouldBreak = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EncFixupFieldBreak); if (shouldBreak > 0) { _ASSERTE(!"EncFixupFieldBreak"); } #endif // _DEBUG // MethodTableBuilder uses the stacking allocator for most of it's // working memory requirements, so this makes sure to free the memory // once this function is out of scope. CheckPointHolder cph(GetThread()->m_MarshalAlloc.GetCheckpoint()); MethodTableBuilder::bmtMetaDataInfo bmtMetaData; bmtMetaData.cFields = 1; bmtMetaData.pFields = (mdToken*)_alloca(sizeof(mdToken)); bmtMetaData.pFields[0] = fieldDef; bmtMetaData.pFieldAttrs = (DWORD*)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); IfFailThrow(pImport->GetFieldDefProps(fieldDef, &bmtMetaData.pFieldAttrs[0])); MethodTableBuilder::bmtMethAndFieldDescs bmtMFDescs; // We need to alloc the memory, but don't have to fill it in. InitializeFieldDescs // will copy pFD (1st arg) into here. bmtMFDescs.ppFieldDescList = (FieldDesc**)_alloca(sizeof(FieldDesc*)); MethodTableBuilder::bmtFieldPlacement bmtFP; // This simulates the environment that BuildMethodTableThrowing creates // just enough to run InitializeFieldDescs MethodTableBuilder::bmtErrorInfo bmtError; bmtError.pModule = pModule; bmtError.cl = pMT->GetCl(); bmtError.dMethodDefInError = mdTokenNil; bmtError.szMethodNameForError = NULL; MethodTableBuilder::bmtInternalInfo bmtInternal; bmtInternal.pModule = pModule; bmtInternal.pInternalImport = pImport; bmtInternal.pParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); MethodTableBuilder::bmtProperties bmtProp; bmtProp.fIsValueClass = !!pMT->IsValueType(); MethodTableBuilder::bmtEnumFieldInfo bmtEnumFields(bmtInternal.pInternalImport); if (pFD->IsStatic()) { bmtEnumFields.dwNumStaticFields = 1; } else { bmtEnumFields.dwNumInstanceFields = 1; } // We shouldn't have to fill this in b/c we're not allowed to EnC value classes, or // anything else with layout info associated with it. LayoutRawFieldInfo *pLayoutRawFieldInfos = (LayoutRawFieldInfo*)_alloca((2) * sizeof(LayoutRawFieldInfo)); // If not NULL, it means there are some by-value fields, and this contains an entry for each instance or static field, // which is NULL if not a by value field, and points to the EEClass of the field if a by value field. Instance fields // come first, statics come second. MethodTable **pByValueClassCache = NULL; EEClass * pClass = pMT->GetClass(); // InitializeFieldDescs are going to change these numbers to something wrong, // even though we already have the right numbers. Save & restore after. WORD wNumInstanceFields = pMT->GetNumInstanceFields(); WORD wNumStaticFields = pMT->GetNumStaticFields(); unsigned totalDeclaredFieldSize = 0; AllocMemTracker dummyAmTracker; BaseDomain * pDomain = pMT->GetDomain(); MethodTableBuilder builder(pMT, pClass, &GetThread()->m_MarshalAlloc, &dummyAmTracker); MethodTableBuilder::bmtGenericsInfo genericsInfo; OBJECTREF pThrowable = NULL; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(pThrowable); builder.SetBMTData(pMT->GetLoaderAllocator(), &bmtError, &bmtProp, NULL, NULL, NULL, &bmtMetaData, NULL, &bmtMFDescs, &bmtFP, &bmtInternal, NULL, NULL, &genericsInfo, &bmtEnumFields, NULL); EX_TRY { GCX_PREEMP(); builder.InitializeFieldDescs(pFD, pLayoutRawFieldInfos, &bmtInternal, &genericsInfo, &bmtMetaData, &bmtEnumFields, &bmtError, &pByValueClassCache, &bmtMFDescs, &bmtFP, NULL, // not needed as thread or context static are not allowed in EnC &totalDeclaredFieldSize); } EX_CATCH_THROWABLE(&pThrowable); dummyAmTracker.SuppressRelease(); // Restore now pClass->SetNumInstanceFields(wNumInstanceFields); pClass->SetNumStaticFields(wNumStaticFields); // PERF: For now, we turn off the fast equality check for valuetypes when a // a field is modified by EnC. Consider doing a check and setting the bit only when // necessary. if (pMT->IsValueType()) { pClass->SetIsNotTightlyPacked(); } if (pThrowable != NULL) { COMPlusThrow(pThrowable); } GCPROTECT_END(); pFD->SetMethodTable(pMT); // We set this when we first created the FieldDesc, but initializing the FieldDesc // may have overwritten it so we need to set it again. pFD->SetEnCNew(); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AddField - called when a new field is added by EnC // // Since instances of this class may already exist on the heap, we can't change the // runtime layout of the object to accomodate the new field. Instead we hang the field // off the syncblock (for instance fields) or in the FieldDesc for static fields. // // Here we just create the FieldDesc and link it to the class. The actual storage will // be created lazily on demand. // HRESULT EEClass::AddField(MethodTable * pMT, mdFieldDef fieldDef, EnCFieldDesc **ppNewFD) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; Module * pModule = pMT->GetModule(); IMDInternalImport *pImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); #ifdef LOGGING if (LoggingEnabled()) { LPCSTR szFieldName; if (FAILED(pImport->GetNameOfFieldDef(fieldDef, &szFieldName))) { szFieldName = "Invalid FieldDef record"; } LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EEClass::AddField %s\n", szFieldName)); } #endif //LOGGING // We can only add fields to normal classes if (pMT->HasLayout() || pMT->IsValueType()) { return CORDBG_E_ENC_CANT_ADD_FIELD_TO_VALUE_OR_LAYOUT_CLASS; } // We only add private fields. // This may not be strictly necessary, but helps avoid any semantic confusion with // existing code etc. DWORD dwFieldAttrs; IfFailThrow(pImport->GetFieldDefProps(fieldDef, &dwFieldAttrs)); LoaderAllocator* pAllocator = pMT->GetLoaderAllocator(); // Here we allocate a FieldDesc and set just enough info to be able to fix it up later // when we're running in managed code. EnCAddedFieldElement *pAddedField = (EnCAddedFieldElement *) (void*)pAllocator->GetHighFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem_NoThrow(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(EnCAddedFieldElement))); if (!pAddedField) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pAddedField->Init( fieldDef, IsFdStatic(dwFieldAttrs) ); EnCFieldDesc *pNewFD = &pAddedField->m_fieldDesc; // Get the EnCEEClassData for this class // Don't adjust EEClass stats b/c EnC fields shouldn't touch EE data structures. // We'll just update our private EnC structures instead. EnCEEClassData *pEnCClass = ((EditAndContinueModule*)pModule)->GetEnCEEClassData(pMT); if (! pEnCClass) return E_FAIL; // Add the field element to the list of added fields for this class pEnCClass->AddField(pAddedField); // Store the FieldDesc into the module's field list { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation); // B#25680 (Fix Enc violations): Must handle OOM's from Ensure pModule->EnsureFieldDefCanBeStored(fieldDef); } pModule->EnsuredStoreFieldDef(fieldDef, pNewFD); pNewFD->SetMethodTable(pMT); // Success, return the new FieldDesc if (ppNewFD) { *ppNewFD = pNewFD; } return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AddMethod - called when a new method is added by EnC // // The method has already been added to the metadata with token methodDef. // Create a new MethodDesc for the method. // HRESULT EEClass::AddMethod(MethodTable * pMT, mdMethodDef methodDef, RVA newRVA, MethodDesc **ppMethod) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; Module * pModule = pMT->GetModule(); IMDInternalImport *pImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); #ifdef LOGGING if (LoggingEnabled()) { LPCSTR szMethodName; if (FAILED(pImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(methodDef, &szMethodName))) { szMethodName = "Invalid MethodDef record"; } LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EEClass::AddMethod %s\n", szMethodName)); } #endif //LOGGING DWORD dwDescrOffset; DWORD dwImplFlags; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (FAILED(pImport->GetMethodImplProps(methodDef, &dwDescrOffset, &dwImplFlags))) { return COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT; } DWORD dwMemberAttrs; IfFailThrow(pImport->GetMethodDefProps(methodDef, &dwMemberAttrs)); // Refuse to add other special cases if (IsReallyMdPinvokeImpl(dwMemberAttrs) || (pMT->IsInterface() && !IsMdStatic(dwMemberAttrs)) || IsMiRuntime(dwImplFlags)) { _ASSERTE(! "**Error** EEClass::AddMethod only IL private non-virtual methods are supported"); LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "**Error** EEClass::AddMethod only IL private non-virtual methods are supported\n")); return CORDBG_E_ENC_EDIT_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #ifdef _DEBUG // Validate that this methodDef correctly has a parent typeDef mdTypeDef parentTypeDef; if (FAILED(hr = pImport->GetParentToken(methodDef, &parentTypeDef))) { _ASSERTE(! "**Error** EEClass::AddMethod parent token not found"); LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "**Error** EEClass::AddMethod parent token not found\n")); return E_FAIL; } #endif // _DEBUG EEClass * pClass = pMT->GetClass(); // @todo: OOM: InitMethodDesc will allocate loaderheap memory but leak it // on failure. This AllocMemTracker should be replaced with a real one. AllocMemTracker dummyAmTracker; LoaderAllocator* pAllocator = pMT->GetLoaderAllocator(); // Create a new MethodDescChunk to hold the new MethodDesc // Create the chunk somewhere we'll know is within range of the VTable MethodDescChunk *pChunk = MethodDescChunk::CreateChunk(pAllocator->GetHighFrequencyHeap(), 1, // methodDescCount mcInstantiated, TRUE /* fNonVtableSlot */, TRUE /* fNativeCodeSlot */, FALSE /* fComPlusCallInfo */, pMT, &dummyAmTracker); // Get the new MethodDesc (Note: The method desc memory is zero initialized) MethodDesc *pNewMD = pChunk->GetFirstMethodDesc(); // Initialize the new MethodDesc MethodTableBuilder builder(pMT, pClass, &GetThread()->m_MarshalAlloc, &dummyAmTracker); EX_TRY { INDEBUG(LPCSTR debug_szFieldName); INDEBUG(if (FAILED(pImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(methodDef, &debug_szFieldName))) { debug_szFieldName = "Invalid MethodDef record"; }); builder.InitMethodDesc(pNewMD, mcInstantiated, // Use instantiated methoddesc for EnC added methods to get space for slot methodDef, dwImplFlags, dwMemberAttrs, TRUE, // fEnC newRVA, pImport, NULL COMMA_INDEBUG(debug_szFieldName) COMMA_INDEBUG(pMT->GetDebugClassName()) COMMA_INDEBUG(NULL) ); pNewMD->SetTemporaryEntryPoint(pAllocator, &dummyAmTracker); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); if (S_OK != hr) return hr; dummyAmTracker.SuppressRelease(); _ASSERTE(pNewMD->IsEnCAddedMethod()); pNewMD->SetSlot(MethodTable::NO_SLOT); // we can't ever use the slot for EnC methods pClass->AddChunk(pChunk); // Store the new MethodDesc into the collection for this class pModule->EnsureMethodDefCanBeStored(methodDef); pModule->EnsuredStoreMethodDef(methodDef, pNewMD); LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EEClass::AddMethod new methoddesc %p for token %p\n", pNewMD, methodDef)); // Success - return the new MethodDesc _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); if (ppMethod) { *ppMethod = pNewMD; } return S_OK; } #endif // EnC_SUPPORTED //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check that the class type parameters are used consistently in this signature blob // in accordance with their variance annotations // The signature is assumed to be well-formed but indices and arities might not be correct // BOOL EEClass::CheckVarianceInSig( DWORD numGenericArgs, BYTE * pVarianceInfo, Module * pModule, SigPointer psig, CorGenericParamAttr position) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (pVarianceInfo == NULL) return TRUE; CorElementType typ; IfFailThrow(psig.GetElemType(&typ)); switch (typ) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID: case ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT: case ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF: case ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: return TRUE; case ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR: { DWORD index; IfFailThrow(psig.GetData(&index)); // This will be checked later anyway; so give up and don't indicate a variance failure if (index < 0 || index >= numGenericArgs) return TRUE; // Non-variant parameters are allowed to appear anywhere if (pVarianceInfo[index] == gpNonVariant) return TRUE; // Covariant and contravariant parameters can *only* appear in resp. covariant and contravariant positions return ((CorGenericParamAttr) (pVarianceInfo[index]) == position); } case ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST: { IfFailThrow(psig.GetElemType(&typ)); mdTypeRef typeref; IfFailThrow(psig.GetToken(&typeref)); // The number of type parameters follows DWORD ntypars; IfFailThrow(psig.GetData(&ntypars)); // If this is a value type, or position == gpNonVariant, then // we're disallowing covariant and contravariant completely if (typ == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE || position == gpNonVariant) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ntypars; i++) { if (!CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, gpNonVariant)) return FALSE; IfFailThrow(psig.SkipExactlyOne()); } } // Otherwise we need to take notice of the variance annotation on each type parameter to the generic type else { mdTypeDef typeDef; Module * pDefModule; // This will also be resolved later; so, give up and don't indicate a variance failure if (!ClassLoader::ResolveTokenToTypeDefThrowing(pModule, typeref, &pDefModule, &typeDef)) return TRUE; HENUMInternal hEnumGenericPars; if (FAILED(pDefModule->GetMDImport()->EnumInit(mdtGenericParam, typeDef, &hEnumGenericPars))) { pDefModule->GetAssembly()->ThrowTypeLoadException(pDefModule->GetMDImport(), typeDef, IDS_CLASSLOAD_BADFORMAT); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < ntypars; i++) { mdGenericParam tkTyPar; pDefModule->GetMDImport()->EnumNext(&hEnumGenericPars, &tkTyPar); DWORD flags; if (FAILED(pDefModule->GetMDImport()->GetGenericParamProps(tkTyPar, NULL, &flags, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { pDefModule->GetAssembly()->ThrowTypeLoadException(pDefModule->GetMDImport(), typeDef, IDS_CLASSLOAD_BADFORMAT); } CorGenericParamAttr genPosition = (CorGenericParamAttr) (flags & gpVarianceMask); // If the surrounding context is contravariant then we need to flip the variance of this parameter if (position == gpContravariant) { genPosition = genPosition == gpCovariant ? gpContravariant : genPosition == gpContravariant ? gpCovariant : gpNonVariant; } if (!CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, genPosition)) return FALSE; IfFailThrow(psig.SkipExactlyOne()); } pDefModule->GetMDImport()->EnumClose(&hEnumGenericPars); } return TRUE; } // Arrays behave covariantly case ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY: case ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: return CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, position); // Pointers behave non-variantly case ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF: case ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR: return CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, gpNonVariant); case ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR: { // Calling convention IfFailThrow(psig.GetData(NULL)); // Get arg count; ULONG cArgs; IfFailThrow(psig.GetData(&cArgs)); // Conservatively, assume non-variance of function pointer types if (!CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, gpNonVariant)) return FALSE; IfFailThrow(psig.SkipExactlyOne()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) { if (!CheckVarianceInSig(numGenericArgs, pVarianceInfo, pModule, psig, gpNonVariant)) return FALSE; IfFailThrow(psig.SkipExactlyOne()); } return TRUE; } default: THROW_BAD_FORMAT(IDS_CLASSLOAD_BAD_VARIANCE_SIG, pModule); } return FALSE; } // EEClass::CheckVarianceInSig void ClassLoader::LoadExactParentAndInterfacesTransitively(MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; TypeHandle thisTH(pMT); SigTypeContext typeContext(thisTH); IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport = pMT->GetMDImport(); MethodTable *pParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); if (pParentMT != NULL && pParentMT->HasInstantiation()) { // Fill in exact parent if it's instantiated mdToken crExtends; IfFailThrow(pInternalImport->GetTypeDefProps( pMT->GetCl(), NULL, &crExtends)); _ASSERTE(!IsNilToken(crExtends)); _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(crExtends) == mdtTypeSpec); TypeHandle newParent = ClassLoader::LoadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecThrowing(pMT->GetModule(), crExtends, &typeContext, ClassLoader::ThrowIfNotFound, ClassLoader::FailIfUninstDefOrRef, ClassLoader::LoadTypes, CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS, TRUE); MethodTable* pNewParentMT = newParent.AsMethodTable(); if (pNewParentMT != pParentMT) { LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO1000, "GENERICS: Replaced approximate parent %s with exact parent %s from token %x\n", pParentMT->GetDebugClassName(), pNewParentMT->GetDebugClassName(), crExtends)); // SetParentMethodTable is not used here since we want to update the indirection cell in the NGen case *EnsureWritablePages(pMT->GetParentMethodTablePtr()) = pNewParentMT; pParentMT = pNewParentMT; } } if (pParentMT != NULL) { EnsureLoaded(pParentMT, CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS); } if (pParentMT != NULL && pParentMT->HasPerInstInfo()) { // Copy down all inherited dictionary pointers which we // could not embed. DWORD nDicts = pParentMT->GetNumDicts(); for (DWORD iDict = 0; iDict < nDicts; iDict++) { if (pMT->GetPerInstInfo()[iDict] != pParentMT->GetPerInstInfo()[iDict]) *EnsureWritablePages(&pMT->GetPerInstInfo()[iDict]) = pParentMT->GetPerInstInfo()[iDict]; } } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Restore action, not in MethodTable::Restore because we may have had approx parents at that point if (pMT->IsZapped()) { MethodTable::InterfaceMapIterator it = pMT->IterateInterfaceMap(); while (it.Next()) { Module::RestoreMethodTablePointer(&it.GetInterfaceInfo()->m_pMethodTable, pMT->GetLoaderModule(), CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS); } } else #endif { MethodTableBuilder::LoadExactInterfaceMap(pMT); } #ifdef _DEBUG if (g_pConfig->ShouldDumpOnClassLoad(pMT->GetDebugClassName())) { pMT->Debug_DumpInterfaceMap("Exact"); } #endif //_DEBUG } // ClassLoader::LoadExactParentAndInterfacesTransitively // CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS phase of loading: // * Load the base class at exact instantiation // * Recurse LoadExactParents up parent hierarchy // * Load explicitly declared interfaces on this class at exact instantiation // * Fixup vtable // /*static*/ void ClassLoader::LoadExactParents(MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACT_VOID { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); POSTCONDITION(pMT->CheckLoadLevel(CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS)); } CONTRACT_END; MethodTable *pApproxParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); if (!pMT->IsCanonicalMethodTable()) { EnsureLoaded(TypeHandle(pMT->GetCanonicalMethodTable()), CLASS_LOAD_EXACTPARENTS); } LoadExactParentAndInterfacesTransitively(pMT); MethodTableBuilder::CopyExactParentSlots(pMT, pApproxParentMT); // We can now mark this type as having exact parents pMT->SetHasExactParent(); RETURN; } //******************************************************************************* // This is the routine that computes the internal type of a given type. It normalizes // structs that have only one field (of int/ptr sized values), to be that underlying type. // // * see code:MethodTable#KindsOfElementTypes for more // * It get used by code:TypeHandle::GetInternalCorElementType CorElementType EEClass::ComputeInternalCorElementTypeForValueType(MethodTable * pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; if (pMT->GetNumInstanceFields() == 1 && (!pMT->HasLayout() || pMT->GetNumInstanceFieldBytes() == 4 #ifdef _WIN64 || pMT->GetNumInstanceFieldBytes() == 8 #endif // _WIN64 )) // Don't do the optimization if we're getting specified anything but the trivial layout. { FieldDesc * pFD = pMT->GetApproxFieldDescListRaw(); CorElementType type = pFD->GetFieldType(); if (type == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { //@todo: Is it more apropos to call LookupApproxFieldTypeHandle() here? TypeHandle fldHnd = pFD->GetApproxFieldTypeHandleThrowing(); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(!fldHnd.IsNull()); type = fldHnd.GetInternalCorElementType(); } switch (type) { // "DDB 20951: vc8 unmanaged pointer bug." // If ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR were returned, Compiler::verMakeTypeInfo would have problem // creating a TI_STRUCT out of CORINFO_TYPE_PTR. // As a result, the importer would not be able to realize that the thing on the stack // is an instance of a valuetype (that contains one single "void*" field), rather than // a pointer to a valuetype. // Returning ELEMENT_TYPE_U allows verMakeTypeInfo to go down the normal code path // for creating a TI_STRUCT. case ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR: type = ELEMENT_TYPE_U; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: #ifdef _WIN64 case ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: #endif // _WIN64 { return type; } default: break; } } return ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE; } #if defined(CHECK_APP_DOMAIN_LEAKS) || defined(_DEBUG) //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::GetPredefinedAgility(Module *pModule, mdTypeDef td, BOOL *pfIsAgile, BOOL *pfCheckAgile) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END // // There are 4 settings possible: // IsAgile CheckAgile // F F (default) Use normal type logic to determine agility // T F "Proxy" Treated as agile even though may not be. // F T "Maybe" Not agile, but specific instances can be made agile. // T T "Force" All instances are forced agile, even though not typesafe. // // Also, note that object arrays of agile or maybe agile types are made maybe agile. // static const struct PredefinedAgility { const char *name; BOOL isAgile; BOOL checkAgile; } // Matches based on name with the first records having higher precedence than subsequent ones // so that when there is an ambiguity, the first one will be used: // System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException // comes before // System.Globalization.* // // although System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException matches both records, the first // is the one that will be used agility[] = { // The Thread leak across context boundaries. // We manage the leaks manually { g_ThreadClassName, TRUE, FALSE }, // The SharedStatics class is a container for process-wide data { g_SharedStaticsClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, // The extra dot at the start is to accomodate the string comparison logic below // when there is no namespace for a type {".StringMaker", FALSE, TRUE }, {g_StringBufferClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.ActivationArguments", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.AppDomainSetup" , FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.AppDomainInitializerInfo", FALSE, TRUE }, // Make all containers maybe agile { "System.Collections.*", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Collections.Generic.*", FALSE, TRUE }, // Make all globalization objects agile except for System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException // The exception inherits from ArgumentException so needs the same agility // this must come before the more general declaration below so that it will match first { "System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException", FALSE, FALSE }, // We have CultureInfo objects on thread. Because threads leak across // app domains, we have to be prepared for CultureInfo to leak across. // CultureInfo exposes all of the other globalization objects, so we // just make the entire namespace app domain agile. { "System.Globalization.*", FALSE, TRUE }, // Remoting structures for legally smuggling messages across app domains { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.SmuggledMethodCallMessage", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.SmuggledMethodReturnMessage", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.SmuggledObjRef", FALSE, TRUE}, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.ChannelInfo", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.CrossAppDomainData", FALSE, TRUE }, // Remoting cached data structures are all in mscorlib { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.RemotingCachedData", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.RemotingFieldCachedData", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.RemotingParameterCachedData", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.RemotingMethodCachedData", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.RemotingTypeCachedData", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapFieldAttribute", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapMethodAttribute",FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapParameterAttribute", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapTypeAttribute", FALSE, TRUE }, // Reflection types { g_ReflectionMemberInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_TypeClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionConstructorInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionConstructorName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionEventInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionEventName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionFieldInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionFieldName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_MethodBaseName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionMethodInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionMethodName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionPropertyInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionPropInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionParamInfoName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ReflectionParamName, FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.RuntimeType+RuntimeTypeCache", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.RuntimeType+RuntimeTypeCache+MemberInfoCache`1", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.RuntimeType+RuntimeTypeCache+MemberInfoCache`1+Filter", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Reflection.CerHashtable`2", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Reflection.CerHashtable`2+Table", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Reflection.MdFieldInfo", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Signature", FALSE, TRUE }, { "System.Reflection.MetadataImport", FALSE, TRUE }, // LogSwitches are agile even though we can't prove it // @todo: do they need really to be? { "System.Diagnostics.LogSwitch", FALSE, TRUE }, // There is a process global PermissionTokenFactory { "System.Security.PermissionToken", FALSE, TRUE }, { g_PermissionTokenFactoryName, FALSE, TRUE }, // Mark all the exceptions we throw agile. This makes // most BVTs pass even though exceptions leak // // Note that making exception checked automatically // makes a bunch of subclasses checked as well. // // Pre-allocated exceptions { g_ExceptionClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_OutOfMemoryExceptionClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_StackOverflowExceptionClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, { g_ExecutionEngineExceptionClassName, FALSE, TRUE }, // SecurityDocument contains pointers and other agile types { "System.Security.SecurityDocument", TRUE, TRUE }, // BinaryFormatter smuggles these across appdomains. { "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryObjectWithMap", TRUE, FALSE}, { "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryObjectWithMapTyped", TRUE, FALSE}, { NULL } }; if (pModule == SystemDomain::SystemModule()) { while (TRUE) { LPCUTF8 pszName; LPCUTF8 pszNamespace; HRESULT hr; mdTypeDef tdEnclosing; if (FAILED(pModule->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(td, &pszName, &pszNamespace))) { break; } // We rely the match algorithm matching the first items in the list before subsequent ones // so that when there is an ambiguity, the first one will be used: // System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException // comes before // System.Globalization.* // // although System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException matches both records, the first // is the one that will be used const PredefinedAgility *p = agility; while (p->name != NULL) { SIZE_T length = strlen(pszNamespace); if (strncmp(pszNamespace, p->name, length) == 0 && (strcmp(pszName, p->name + length + 1) == 0 || strcmp("*", p->name + length + 1) == 0)) { *pfIsAgile = p->isAgile; *pfCheckAgile = p->checkAgile; return; } p++; } // Perhaps we have a nested type like 'bucket' that is supposed to be // agile or checked agile by virtue of being enclosed in a type like // hashtable, which is itself inside "System.Collections". tdEnclosing = mdTypeDefNil; hr = pModule->GetMDImport()->GetNestedClassProps(td, &tdEnclosing); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BAD_FORMAT_NOTHROW_ASSERT(tdEnclosing != td && TypeFromToken(tdEnclosing) == mdtTypeDef); td = tdEnclosing; } else break; } } *pfIsAgile = FALSE; *pfCheckAgile = FALSE; } //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::SetAppDomainAgileAttribute(MethodTable * pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); // PRECONDITION(!IsAppDomainAgilityDone()); } CONTRACTL_END EEClass * pClass = pMT->GetClass(); // // The most general case for provably a agile class is // (1) No instance fields of non-sealed or non-agile types // (2) Class is in system domain (its type must be not unloadable // & loaded in all app domains) // (3) The class can't have a finalizer // (4) The class can't be a COMClass // _ASSERTE(!pClass->IsAppDomainAgilityDone()); BOOL fCheckAgile = FALSE; BOOL fAgile = FALSE; BOOL fFieldsAgile = TRUE; WORD nFields = 0; if (!pMT->GetModule()->IsSystem()) { // // No types outside of the system domain can even think about // being agile // goto exit; } if (pMT->IsComObjectType()) { // // No COM type is agile, as there is domain specific stuff in the sync block // goto exit; } if (pMT->IsInterface()) { // // Don't mark interfaces agile // goto exit; } if (pMT->ContainsGenericVariables()) { // Types containing formal type parameters aren't agile goto exit; } // // See if we need agile checking in the class // GetPredefinedAgility(pMT->GetModule(), pMT->GetCl(), &fAgile, &fCheckAgile); if (pMT->HasFinalizer()) { if (!fAgile && !fCheckAgile) { // // If we're finalizable, we need domain affinity. Otherwise, we may appear // to a particular app domain not to call the finalizer (since it may run // in a different domain.) // // Note: do not change this assumption. The eager finalizaton code for // appdomain unloading assumes that no obects other than those in mscorlib // can be agile and finalizable // goto exit; } else { // Note that a finalizable object will be considered potentially agile if it has one of the two // predefined agility bits set. This will cause an assert in the eager finalization code if you add // a finalizer to such a class - we don't want to have them as we can't run them eagerly and running // them after we've cleared the roots/handles means it can't do much safely. Right now thread is the // only one we allow. _ASSERTE(g_pThreadClass == NULL || pMT->IsAgileAndFinalizable()); } } // // Now see if the type is "naturally agile" - that is, it's type structure // guarantees agility. // if (pMT->GetParentMethodTable() != NULL) { EEClass * pParentClass = pMT->GetParentMethodTable()->GetClass(); // // Make sure our parent was computed. This should only happen // when we are prejitting - otherwise it is computed for each // class as its loaded. // _ASSERTE(pParentClass->IsAppDomainAgilityDone()); if (!pParentClass->IsAppDomainAgile()) { fFieldsAgile = FALSE; if (fCheckAgile) _ASSERTE(pParentClass->IsCheckAppDomainAgile()); } // // To save having to list a lot of trivial (layout-wise) subclasses, // automatically check a subclass if its parent is checked and // it introduces no new fields. // if (!fCheckAgile && pParentClass->IsCheckAppDomainAgile() && pClass->GetNumInstanceFields() == pParentClass->GetNumInstanceFields()) fCheckAgile = TRUE; } nFields = pMT->GetNumInstanceFields() - (pMT->GetParentMethodTable() == NULL ? 0 : pMT->GetParentMethodTable()->GetNumInstanceFields()); if (fFieldsAgile || fCheckAgile) { FieldDesc *pFD = pClass->GetFieldDescList(); FieldDesc *pFDEnd = pFD + nFields; while (pFD < pFDEnd) { switch (pFD->GetFieldType()) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: { // // There is a bit of a problem in computing the classes which are naturally agile - // we don't want to load types of non-value type fields. So for now we'll // err on the side of conservatism and not allow any non-value type fields other than // the forced agile types listed above. // MetaSig sig(pFD); CorElementType type = sig.NextArg(); SigPointer sigPtr = sig.GetArgProps(); // // Don't worry about strings // if (type == ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING) break; // Find our field's token so we can proceed cautiously mdToken token = mdTokenNil; if (type == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) IfFailThrow(sigPtr.GetToken(&token)); // // First, a special check to see if the field is of our own type. // if (token == pMT->GetCl() && pMT->IsSealed()) break; // // Now, look for the field's TypeHandle. // // @todo: there is some ifdef'd code here to to load the type if it's // not already loading. This code has synchronization problems, as well // as triggering more aggressive loading than normal. So it's disabled // for now. // TypeHandle th; #if 0 if (TypeFromToken(token) == mdTypeDef && GetClassLoader()->FindUnresolvedClass(GetModule, token) == NULL) th = pFD->GetFieldTypeHandleThrowing(); else #endif // 0 th = pFD->LookupFieldTypeHandle(); // // See if the referenced type is agile. Note that there is a reasonable // chance that the type hasn't been loaded yet. If this is the case, // we just have to assume that it's not agile, since we can't trigger // extra loads here (for fear of circular recursion.) // // If you have an agile class which runs into this problem, you can solve it by // setting the type manually to be agile. // if (th.IsNull() || !th.IsAppDomainAgile() || (!th.IsTypeDesc() && !th.AsMethodTable()->IsSealed())) { // // Treat the field as non-agile. // fFieldsAgile = FALSE; if (fCheckAgile) pFD->SetDangerousAppDomainAgileField(); } } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { TypeHandle th; { // Loading a non-self-ref valuetype field. OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED); th = pFD->GetApproxFieldTypeHandleThrowing(); } _ASSERTE(!th.IsNull()); if (!th.IsAppDomainAgile()) { fFieldsAgile = FALSE; if (fCheckAgile) pFD->SetDangerousAppDomainAgileField(); } } break; default: break; } pFD++; } } if (fFieldsAgile || fAgile) pClass->SetAppDomainAgile(); if (fCheckAgile && !fFieldsAgile) pClass->SetCheckAppDomainAgile(); exit: LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO1000, "CLASSLOADER: AppDomainAgileAttribute for %s is %d\n", pClass->GetDebugClassName(), pClass->IsAppDomainAgile())); pClass->SetAppDomainAgilityDone(); } #endif // defined(CHECK_APP_DOMAIN_LEAKS) || defined(_DEBUG) //******************************************************************************* // // Debugger notification // BOOL TypeHandle::NotifyDebuggerLoad(AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL attaching) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (!CORDebuggerAttached()) { return FALSE; } if (!GetModule()->IsVisibleToDebugger()) { return FALSE; } return g_pDebugInterface->LoadClass( *this, GetCl(), GetModule(), pDomain); } //******************************************************************************* void TypeHandle::NotifyDebuggerUnload(AppDomain *pDomain) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (!GetModule()->IsVisibleToDebugger()) return; if (!pDomain->IsDebuggerAttached()) return; g_pDebugInterface->UnloadClass(GetCl(), GetModule(), pDomain); } //******************************************************************************* // Given the (generics-shared or generics-exact) value class method, find the // (generics-shared) unboxing Stub for the given method . We search the vtable. // // This is needed when creating a delegate to an instance method in a value type MethodDesc* MethodTable::GetBoxedEntryPointMD(MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc *) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); PRECONDITION(IsValueType()); PRECONDITION(!pMD->ContainsGenericVariables()); PRECONDITION(!pMD->IsUnboxingStub()); POSTCONDITION(RETVAL->IsUnboxingStub()); } CONTRACT_END; RETURN MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc(pMD, pMD->GetMethodTable(), TRUE /* get unboxing entry point */, pMD->GetMethodInstantiation(), FALSE /* no allowInstParam */ ); } //******************************************************************************* // Given the unboxing value class method, find the non-unboxing method // This is used when generating the code for an BoxedEntryPointStub. MethodDesc* MethodTable::GetUnboxedEntryPointMD(MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc *) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); PRECONDITION(IsValueType()); // reflection needs to call this for methods in non instantiated classes, // so move the assert to the caller when needed //PRECONDITION(!pMD->ContainsGenericVariables()); PRECONDITION(pMD->IsUnboxingStub()); POSTCONDITION(!RETVAL->IsUnboxingStub()); } CONTRACT_END; BOOL allowInstParam = (pMD->GetNumGenericMethodArgs() == 0); RETURN MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc(pMD, this, FALSE /* don't get unboxing entry point */, pMD->GetMethodInstantiation(), allowInstParam); } //******************************************************************************* // Given the unboxing value class method, find the non-unboxing method // This is used when generating the code for an BoxedEntryPointStub. MethodDesc* MethodTable::GetExistingUnboxedEntryPointMD(MethodDesc *pMD) { CONTRACT (MethodDesc *) { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); PRECONDITION(IsValueType()); // reflection needs to call this for methods in non instantiated classes, // so move the assert to the caller when needed //PRECONDITION(!pMD->ContainsGenericVariables()); PRECONDITION(pMD->IsUnboxingStub()); POSTCONDITION(!RETVAL->IsUnboxingStub()); } CONTRACT_END; BOOL allowInstParam = (pMD->GetNumGenericMethodArgs() == 0); RETURN MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc(pMD, this, FALSE /* don't get unboxing entry point */, pMD->GetMethodInstantiation(), allowInstParam, FALSE, /* forceRemotableMethod */ FALSE /* allowCreate */ ); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_HFA //******************************************************************************* CorElementType MethodTable::GetHFAType() { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); // we end up in the class loader which has the conditional contracts WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsHFA()) return ELEMENT_TYPE_END; MethodTable * pMT = this; for (;;) { _ASSERTE(pMT->IsValueType()); _ASSERTE(pMT->GetNumInstanceFields() > 0); PTR_FieldDesc pFirstField = pMT->GetApproxFieldDescListRaw(); CorElementType fieldType = pFirstField->GetFieldType(); // All HFA fields have to be of the same type, so we can just return the type of the first field switch (fieldType) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: pMT = pFirstField->LookupApproxFieldTypeHandle().GetMethodTable(); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: return fieldType; default: // This should never happen. MethodTable::IsHFA() should be set only on types // that have a valid HFA type when the flag is used to track HFA status. _ASSERTE(false); return ELEMENT_TYPE_END; } } } bool MethodTable::IsNativeHFA() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return HasLayout() ? GetLayoutInfo()->IsNativeHFA() : IsHFA(); } CorElementType MethodTable::GetNativeHFAType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return HasLayout() ? GetLayoutInfo()->GetNativeHFAType() : GetHFAType(); } #endif // FEATURE_HFA #ifdef FEATURE_64BIT_ALIGNMENT // Returns true iff the native view of this type requires 64-bit aligment. bool MethodTable::NativeRequiresAlign8() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (HasLayout()) { return (GetLayoutInfo()->GetLargestAlignmentRequirementOfAllMembers() >= 8); } return RequiresAlign8(); } #endif // FEATURE_64BIT_ALIGNMENT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP //========================================================================================== TypeHandle MethodTable::GetCoClassForInterface() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END EEClass * pClass = GetClass(); if (!pClass->IsComClassInterface()) return TypeHandle(); _ASSERTE(IsInterface()); TypeHandle th = pClass->GetCoClassForInterface(); if (!th.IsNull()) return th; return SetupCoClassForInterface(); } //******************************************************************************* TypeHandle MethodTable::SetupCoClassForInterface() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); PRECONDITION(IsComClassInterface()); } CONTRACTL_END TypeHandle CoClassType; const BYTE *pVal = NULL; ULONG cbVal = 0; if (!IsProjectedFromWinRT()) // ignore classic COM interop CA on WinRT types { HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(GetCl(), INTEROP_COCLASS_TYPE , (const void **)&pVal, &cbVal); if (hr == S_OK) { CustomAttributeParser cap(pVal, cbVal); IfFailThrow(cap.SkipProlog()); // Retrieve the COM source interface class name. ULONG cbName; LPCUTF8 szName; IfFailThrow(cap.GetNonNullString(&szName, &cbName)); // Copy the name to a temporary buffer and NULL terminate it. StackSString ss(SString::Utf8, szName, cbName); // Try to load the class using its name as a fully qualified name. If that fails, // then we try to load it in the assembly of the current class. CoClassType = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(ss.GetUnicode(), GetAssembly()); // Cache the coclass type g_IBCLogger.LogEEClassCOWTableAccess(this); GetClass_NoLogging()->SetCoClassForInterface(CoClassType); } } return CoClassType; } //******************************************************************************* void MethodTable::GetEventInterfaceInfo(MethodTable **ppSrcItfClass, MethodTable **ppEvProvClass) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END TypeHandle EventProvType; TypeHandle SrcItfType; const BYTE *pVal = NULL; ULONG cbVal = 0; // Retrieve the ComEventProviderAttribute CA. HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(GetCl(), INTEROP_COMEVENTINTERFACE_TYPE, (const void**)&pVal, &cbVal); if (FAILED(hr)) { COMPlusThrowHR(hr); } CustomAttributeParser cap(pVal, cbVal); // Skip the CA type prefix. IfFailThrow(cap.SkipProlog()); // Retrieve the COM source interface class name. LPCUTF8 szName; ULONG cbName; IfFailThrow(cap.GetNonNullString(&szName, &cbName)); // Copy the name to a temporary buffer and NULL terminate it. StackSString ss(SString::Utf8, szName, cbName); // Try to load the class using its name as a fully qualified name. If that fails, // then we try to load it in the assembly of the current class. SrcItfType = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(ss.GetUnicode(), GetAssembly()); // Retrieve the COM event provider class name. IfFailThrow(cap.GetNonNullString(&szName, &cbName)); // Copy the name to a temporary buffer and NULL terminate it. ss.SetUTF8(szName, cbName); // Try to load the class using its name as a fully qualified name. If that fails, // then we try to load it in the assembly of the current class. EventProvType = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(ss.GetUnicode(), GetAssembly()); // Set the source interface and event provider classes. *ppSrcItfClass = SrcItfType.GetMethodTable(); *ppEvProvClass = EventProvType.GetMethodTable(); } //******************************************************************************* TypeHandle MethodTable::GetDefItfForComClassItf() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END BAD_FORMAT_NOTHROW_ASSERT(GetClass()->IsComClassInterface()); // The COM class interface uses the normal scheme which is to have no // methods and to implement default interface and optionnally the // default source interface. In this scheme, the first implemented // interface is the default interface which we return. InterfaceMapIterator it = IterateInterfaceMap(); if (it.Next()) { return TypeHandle(it.GetInterface()); } else { // The COM class interface has the methods directly on the itself. // Because of this we need to consider it to be the default interface. return TypeHandle(this); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the metadata token of the outer type for a nested type // // Return Value: // The token of the outer class if this EEClass is nested, or mdTypeDefNil if the // EEClass is not a nested type // mdTypeDef MethodTable::GetEnclosingCl() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; mdTypeDef tdEnclosing = mdTypeDefNil; if (GetClass()->IsNested()) { HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetNestedClassProps(GetCl(), &tdEnclosing); if (FAILED(hr)) { ThrowHR(hr, BFA_UNABLE_TO_GET_NESTED_PROPS); } } return tdEnclosing; } //******************************************************************************* // // Helper routines for the macros defined at the top of this class. // You probably should not use these functions directly. // template SString &MethodTable::_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareInternal(SString &ssBuf) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; ssBuf.Clear(); LPCUTF8 pszNamespace; LPCUTF8 pszName; pszName = GetFullyQualifiedNameInfo(&pszNamespace); if (pszName == NULL) { return ssBuf; } StackSString ssName(SString::Utf8, pszName); mdTypeDef mdEncl = GetCl(); IMDInternalImport *pImport = GetMDImport(); // Check if the type is nested DWORD dwAttr; IfFailThrow(pImport->GetTypeDefProps(GetCl(), &dwAttr, NULL)); RedirectFunctor redirectFunctor; if (IsTdNested(dwAttr)) { StackSString ssFullyQualifiedName; StackSString ssPath; // Build the nesting chain. while (SUCCEEDED(pImport->GetNestedClassProps(mdEncl, &mdEncl))) { LPCUTF8 szEnclName; LPCUTF8 szEnclNameSpace; IfFailThrow(pImport->GetNameOfTypeDef( mdEncl, &szEnclName, &szEnclNameSpace)); ns::MakePath(ssPath, StackSString(SString::Utf8, redirectFunctor(szEnclNameSpace)), StackSString(SString::Utf8, szEnclName)); ns::MakeNestedTypeName(ssFullyQualifiedName, ssPath, ssName); ssName = ssFullyQualifiedName; } } ns::MakePath( ssBuf, StackSString(SString::Utf8, redirectFunctor(pszNamespace)), ssName); return ssBuf; } class PassThrough { public : LPCUTF8 operator() (LPCUTF8 szEnclNamespace) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return szEnclNamespace; } }; SString &MethodTable::_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAware(SString &ssBuf) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return _GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareInternal(ssBuf); } //******************************************************************************* SString &MethodTable::_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass(SString &ssBuf) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END ssBuf.Clear(); if (IsArray()) { TypeDesc::ConstructName(GetInternalCorElementType(), GetApproxArrayElementTypeHandle(), GetRank(), ssBuf); } else if (!IsNilToken(GetCl())) { LPCUTF8 szNamespace; LPCUTF8 szName; IfFailThrow(GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(GetCl(), &szName, &szNamespace)); ns::MakePath(ssBuf, StackSString(SString::Utf8, szNamespace), StackSString(SString::Utf8, szName)); } return ssBuf; } //******************************************************************************* // // Gets the namespace and class name for the class. The namespace // can legitimately come back NULL, however a return value of NULL indicates // an error. // // NOTE: this used to return array class names, which were sometimes squirreled away by the // class loader hash table. It's been removed because it wasted space and was basically broken // in general (sometimes wasn't set, sometimes set wrong). If you need array class names, // use GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass instead. // LPCUTF8 MethodTable::GetFullyQualifiedNameInfo(LPCUTF8 *ppszNamespace) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END if (IsArray()) { *ppszNamespace = NULL; return NULL; } else { LPCUTF8 szName; if (FAILED(GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(GetCl(), &szName, ppszNamespace))) { *ppszNamespace = NULL; return NULL; } return szName; } } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP //******************************************************************************* CorIfaceAttr MethodTable::GetComInterfaceType() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END // This should only be called on interfaces. BAD_FORMAT_NOTHROW_ASSERT(IsInterface()); // Check to see if we have already determined the COM interface type // of this interface. CorIfaceAttr ItfType = GetClass()->GetComInterfaceType(); if (ItfType != (CorIfaceAttr)-1) return ItfType; if (IsProjectedFromWinRT()) { // WinRT interfaces are always IInspectable-based ItfType = ifInspectable; } else { // Retrieve the interface type from the metadata. HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(GetCl(), (ULONG*)&ItfType); IfFailThrow(hr); if (hr != S_OK) { // if not found in metadata, use the default ItfType = ifDual; } } // Cache the interface type g_IBCLogger.LogEEClassCOWTableAccess(this); GetClass_NoLogging()->SetComInterfaceType(ItfType); return ItfType; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::GetBestFitMapping(MethodTable * pMT, BOOL *pfBestFitMapping, BOOL *pfThrowOnUnmappableChar) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; // OOM only GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; EEClass * pClass = pMT->GetClass(); // lazy init if (!(pClass->m_VMFlags & VMFLAG_BESTFITMAPPING_INITED)) { *pfBestFitMapping = FALSE; *pfThrowOnUnmappableChar = FALSE; ReadBestFitCustomAttribute(pMT->GetMDImport(), pMT->GetCl(), pfBestFitMapping, pfThrowOnUnmappableChar); DWORD flags = VMFLAG_BESTFITMAPPING_INITED; if (*pfBestFitMapping) flags |= VMFLAG_BESTFITMAPPING; if (*pfThrowOnUnmappableChar) flags |= VMFLAG_THROWONUNMAPPABLECHAR; FastInterlockOr(EnsureWritablePages(&pClass->m_VMFlags), flags); } else { *pfBestFitMapping = (pClass->m_VMFlags & VMFLAG_BESTFITMAPPING); *pfThrowOnUnmappableChar = (pClass->m_VMFlags & VMFLAG_THROWONUNMAPPABLECHAR); } } #ifdef _DEBUG //******************************************************************************* void MethodTable::DebugRecursivelyDumpInstanceFields(LPCUTF8 pszClassName, BOOL debug) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // It's a dev helper, who cares about contracts EX_TRY { StackSString ssBuff; DWORD cParentInstanceFields; DWORD i; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckLoadLevel(CLASS_LOAD_APPROXPARENTS)); MethodTable *pParentMT = GetParentMethodTable(); if (pParentMT != NULL) { cParentInstanceFields = pParentMT->GetClass()->GetNumInstanceFields(); DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClass(); LPCUTF8 name = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClass(pParentMT); pParentMT->DebugRecursivelyDumpInstanceFields(name, debug); } else { cParentInstanceFields = 0; } // Are there any new instance fields declared by this class? if (GetNumInstanceFields() > cParentInstanceFields) { // Display them if(debug) { ssBuff.Printf(W("%S:\n"), pszClassName); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_ALWAYS, "%s:\n", pszClassName)); } for (i = 0; i < (GetNumInstanceFields()-cParentInstanceFields); i++) { FieldDesc *pFD = &GetClass()->GetFieldDescList()[i]; #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT printf("offset %s%3d %s\n", pFD->IsByValue() ? "byvalue " : "", pFD->GetOffset_NoLogging(), pFD->GetName()); #endif if(debug) { ssBuff.Printf(W("offset %3d %S\n"), pFD->GetOffset_NoLogging(), pFD->GetName()); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_ALWAYS, "offset %3d %s\n", pFD->GetOffset_NoLogging(), pFD->GetName())); } } } } EX_CATCH { if(debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } //******************************************************************************* void MethodTable::DebugDumpFieldLayout(LPCUTF8 pszClassName, BOOL debug) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // It's a dev helper, who cares about contracts if (GetNumStaticFields() == 0 && GetNumInstanceFields() == 0) return; EX_TRY { StackSString ssBuff; DWORD i; DWORD cParentInstanceFields; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckLoadLevel(CLASS_LOAD_APPROXPARENTS)); if (GetParentMethodTable() != NULL) cParentInstanceFields = GetParentMethodTable()->GetNumInstanceFields(); else { cParentInstanceFields = 0; } if (debug) { ssBuff.Printf(W("Field layout for '%S':\n\n"), pszClassName); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "Field layout for '%s':\n\n", pszClassName)); } if (GetNumStaticFields() > 0) { if (debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("Static fields (stored at vtable offsets)\n")); WszOutputDebugString(W("----------------------------------------\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "Static fields (stored at vtable offsets)\n")); LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "----------------------------------------\n")); } for (i = 0; i < GetNumStaticFields(); i++) { FieldDesc *pFD = GetClass()->GetFieldDescList() + ((GetNumInstanceFields()-cParentInstanceFields) + i); if(debug) { ssBuff.Printf(W("offset %3d %S\n"), pFD->GetOffset_NoLogging(), pFD->GetName()); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "offset %3d %s\n", pFD->GetOffset_NoLogging(), pFD->GetName())); } } } if (GetNumInstanceFields() > 0) { if (GetNumStaticFields()) { if(debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } if (debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("Instance fields\n")); WszOutputDebugString(W("---------------\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "Instance fields\n")); LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "---------------\n")); } DebugRecursivelyDumpInstanceFields(pszClassName, debug); } if (debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } EX_CATCH { if (debug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } // MethodTable::DebugDumpFieldLayout //******************************************************************************* void MethodTable::DebugDumpGCDesc( LPCUTF8 pszClassName, BOOL fDebug) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // It's a dev helper, who cares about contracts EX_TRY { StackSString ssBuff; if (fDebug) { ssBuff.Printf(W("GC description for '%S':\n\n"), pszClassName); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "GC description for '%s':\n\n", pszClassName)); } if (ContainsPointersOrCollectible()) { CGCDescSeries *pSeries; CGCDescSeries *pHighest; if (fDebug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("GCDesc:\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "GCDesc:\n")); } pSeries = CGCDesc::GetCGCDescFromMT(this)->GetLowestSeries(); pHighest = CGCDesc::GetCGCDescFromMT(this)->GetHighestSeries(); while (pSeries <= pHighest) { if (fDebug) { ssBuff.Printf(W(" offset %5d (%d w/o Object), size %5d (%5d w/o BaseSize subtr)\n"), pSeries->GetSeriesOffset(), pSeries->GetSeriesOffset() - sizeof(Object), pSeries->GetSeriesSize(), pSeries->GetSeriesSize() + GetBaseSize() ); WszOutputDebugString(ssBuff.GetUnicode()); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, " offset %5d (%d w/o Object), size %5d (%5d w/o BaseSize subtr)\n", pSeries->GetSeriesOffset(), pSeries->GetSeriesOffset() - sizeof(Object), pSeries->GetSeriesSize(), pSeries->GetSeriesSize() + GetBaseSize() )); } pSeries++; } if (fDebug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } } EX_CATCH { if (fDebug) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } else { //LF_ALWAYS allowed here because this is controlled by special env var ShouldDumpOnClassLoad LOG((LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, "\n")); } } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); } // MethodTable::DebugDumpGCDesc #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP //******************************************************************************* CorClassIfaceAttr MethodTable::GetComClassInterfaceType() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!IsInterface()); } CONTRACTL_END // If the type is an open generic type, then it is considered ClassInterfaceType.None. if (ContainsGenericVariables()) return clsIfNone; // Classes that either have generic instantiations (G) or derive from classes // with generic instantiations (D : B) are always considered ClassInterfaceType.None. if (HasGenericClassInstantiationInHierarchy()) return clsIfNone; // If the class does not support IClassX because it derives from or implements WinRT types, // then it is considered ClassInterfaceType.None unless explicitly overriden by the CA if (!ClassSupportsIClassX(this)) return clsIfNone; return ReadClassInterfaceTypeCustomAttribute(TypeHandle(this)); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Substitution MethodTable::GetSubstitutionForParent( const Substitution * pSubst) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END mdToken crExtends; DWORD dwAttrClass; if (IsArray()) { return Substitution(GetModule(), SigPointer(), pSubst); } IfFailThrow(GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps( GetCl(), &dwAttrClass, &crExtends)); return Substitution(crExtends, GetModule(), pSubst); } // MethodTable::GetSubstitutionForParent #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_CER //******************************************************************************* DWORD EEClass::GetReliabilityContract() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return HasOptionalFields() ? GetOptionalFields()->m_dwReliabilityContract : RC_NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_CER //******************************************************************************* #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT DWORD EEClass::GetSize() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END; // Total instance size consists of the fixed ("normal") fields, cached at construction time and dependent // on whether we're a vanilla EEClass or DelegateEEClass etc., and a portion for the packed fields tacked on // the end. The size of the packed fields can be retrieved from the fields themselves or, if we were // unsuccessful in our attempts to compress the data, the full size of the EEClassPackedFields structure // (which is essentially just a DWORD array of all the field values). return m_cbFixedEEClassFields + (m_fFieldsArePacked ? GetPackedFields()->GetPackedSize() : sizeof(EEClassPackedFields)); } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // // Implementations of SparseVTableMap methods. // //******************************************************************************* SparseVTableMap::SparseVTableMap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Note that this will also zero out all gaps. It is important for NGen determinism. ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this)); } //******************************************************************************* SparseVTableMap::~SparseVTableMap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_MapList != NULL) { delete [] m_MapList; m_MapList = NULL; } } //******************************************************************************* // Allocate or expand the mapping list for a new entry. void SparseVTableMap::AllocOrExpand() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; if (m_MapEntries == m_Allocated) { Entry *maplist = new Entry[m_Allocated + MapGrow]; if (m_MapList != NULL) memcpy(maplist, m_MapList, m_MapEntries * sizeof(Entry)); m_Allocated += MapGrow; delete [] m_MapList; m_MapList = maplist; } } //******************************************************************************* // While building mapping list, record a gap in VTable slot numbers. void SparseVTableMap::RecordGap(WORD StartMTSlot, WORD NumSkipSlots) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE((StartMTSlot == 0) || (StartMTSlot > m_MTSlot)); _ASSERTE(NumSkipSlots > 0); // We use the information about the current gap to complete a map entry for // the last non-gap. There is a special case where the vtable begins with a // gap, so we don't have a non-gap to record. if (StartMTSlot == 0) { _ASSERTE((m_MTSlot == 0) && (m_VTSlot == 0)); m_VTSlot = NumSkipSlots; return; } // We need an entry, allocate or expand the list as necessary. AllocOrExpand(); // Update the list with an entry describing the last non-gap in vtable // entries. m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_Start = m_MTSlot; m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_Span = StartMTSlot - m_MTSlot; m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_MapTo = m_VTSlot; m_VTSlot += (StartMTSlot - m_MTSlot) + NumSkipSlots; m_MTSlot = StartMTSlot; m_MapEntries++; } //******************************************************************************* // Finish creation of mapping list. void SparseVTableMap::FinalizeMapping(WORD TotalMTSlots) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TotalMTSlots >= m_MTSlot); // If mapping ended with a gap, we have nothing else to record. if (TotalMTSlots == m_MTSlot) return; // Allocate or expand the list as necessary. AllocOrExpand(); // Update the list with an entry describing the last non-gap in vtable // entries. m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_Start = m_MTSlot; m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_Span = TotalMTSlots - m_MTSlot; m_MapList[m_MapEntries].m_MapTo = m_VTSlot; // Update VT slot cursor, because we use it to determine total number of // vtable slots for GetNumVirtuals m_VTSlot += TotalMTSlots - m_MTSlot; m_MapEntries++; } //******************************************************************************* // Lookup a VTable slot number from a method table slot number. WORD SparseVTableMap::LookupVTSlot(WORD MTSlot) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END // As an optimization, check the last entry which yielded a correct result. if ((MTSlot >= m_MapList[m_LastUsed].m_Start) && (MTSlot < (m_MapList[m_LastUsed].m_Start + m_MapList[m_LastUsed].m_Span))) return (MTSlot - m_MapList[m_LastUsed].m_Start) + m_MapList[m_LastUsed].m_MapTo; // Check all MT slots spans to see which one our input slot lies in. for (WORD i = 0; i < m_MapEntries; i++) { if ((MTSlot >= m_MapList[i].m_Start) && (MTSlot < (m_MapList[i].m_Start + m_MapList[i].m_Span))) { m_LastUsed = i; return (MTSlot - m_MapList[i].m_Start) + m_MapList[i].m_MapTo; } } _ASSERTE(!"Invalid MethodTable slot"); return ~0; } //******************************************************************************* // Retrieve the number of slots in the vtable (both empty and full). WORD SparseVTableMap::GetNumVTableSlots() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_VTSlot; } #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION //******************************************************************************* void SparseVTableMap::Save(DataImage *image) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; image->StoreStructure(this, sizeof(SparseVTableMap), DataImage::ITEM_SPARSE_VTABLE_MAP_TABLE); // Trim unused portion of the table m_Allocated = m_MapEntries; image->StoreInternedStructure(m_MapList, m_Allocated * sizeof(Entry), DataImage::ITEM_SPARSE_VTABLE_MAP_ENTRIES); } //******************************************************************************* void SparseVTableMap::Fixup(DataImage *image) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(SparseVTableMap, m_MapList)); } #endif //FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION #endif //FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::Save(DataImage *image, MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(this == pMT->GetClass()); PRECONDITION(pMT->IsCanonicalMethodTable()); PRECONDITION(pMT->IsFullyLoaded()); PRECONDITION(!image->IsStored(this)); PRECONDITION(image->GetModule()->GetAssembly() == GetAppDomain()->ToCompilationDomain()->GetTargetAssembly()); } CONTRACTL_END; LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO10000, "EEClass::Save %s (%p)\n", m_szDebugClassName, this)); // Optimize packable fields before saving into ngen image (the packable fields are located at the end of // the EEClass or sub-type instance and packing will transform them into a space-efficient format which // should reduce the result returned by the GetSize() call below). Packing will fail if the compression // algorithm would result in an increase in size. We track this in the m_fFieldsArePacked data member // which we use to determine whether to access the fields in their packed or unpacked format. // Special case: we don't attempt to pack fields for the System.Threading.OverlappedData class since a // host can change the size of this at runtime. This requires modifying one of the packable fields and we // don't support updates to such fields if they were successfully packed. if (g_pOverlappedDataClass == NULL) { g_pOverlappedDataClass = MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__OVERLAPPEDDATA); _ASSERTE(g_pOverlappedDataClass); } if (this != g_pOverlappedDataClass->GetClass()) m_fFieldsArePacked = GetPackedFields()->PackFields(); DWORD cbSize = GetSize(); // *************************************************************** // Only put new actions in this function if they really relate to EEClass // rather than MethodTable. For example, if you need to allocate // a per-type entry in some table in the NGEN image, then you will probably // need to allocate one such entry per MethodTable, e.g. per generic // instantiation. You probably don't want to allocate one that is common // to a group of shared instantiations. // *************************************************************** DataImage::ItemKind item = (!pMT->IsGenericTypeDefinition() && pMT->ContainsGenericVariables()) ? DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS_COLD // Until we get all the access paths for generics tidied up, many paths touch the EEClass, e.g. GetInstantiation() : pMT->HasInstantiation() ? DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS_WARM : DataImage::ITEM_EECLASS; // Save optional fields if we have any. if (HasOptionalFields()) image->StoreStructure(GetOptionalFields(), sizeof(EEClassOptionalFields), item); #ifdef _DEBUG if (!image->IsStored(m_szDebugClassName)) image->StoreStructure(m_szDebugClassName, (ULONG)(strlen(m_szDebugClassName)+1), DataImage::ITEM_DEBUG, 1); #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap() != NULL) GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap()->Save(image); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // // Save MethodDescs // MethodDescChunk *chunk = GetChunks(); if (chunk != NULL) { MethodDesc::SaveChunk methodDescSaveChunk(image); MethodTable::IntroducedMethodIterator it(pMT, TRUE); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { MethodDesc * pMD = it.GetMethodDesc(); // Do not save IL stubs that we have failed to generate code for if (pMD->IsILStub() && image->GetCodeAddress(pMD) == NULL) continue; methodDescSaveChunk.Append(pMD); } ZapStoredStructure * pChunksNode = methodDescSaveChunk.Save(); if (pChunksNode != NULL) image->BindPointer(chunk, pChunksNode, 0); } // // Save FieldDescs // SIZE_T fieldCount = FieldDescListSize(pMT); if (fieldCount != 0) { FieldDesc *pFDStart = GetFieldDescList(); FieldDesc *pFDEnd = pFDStart + fieldCount; FieldDesc *pFD = pFDStart; while (pFD < pFDEnd) { pFD->PrecomputeNameHash(); pFD++; } ZapStoredStructure * pFDNode = image->StoreStructure(pFDStart, (ULONG)(fieldCount * sizeof(FieldDesc)), DataImage::ITEM_FIELD_DESC_LIST); pFD = pFDStart; while (pFD < pFDEnd) { pFD->SaveContents(image); if (pFD != pFDStart) image->BindPointer(pFD, pFDNode, (BYTE *)pFD - (BYTE *)pFDStart); pFD++; } } // // Save MethodDescs // if (HasLayout()) { EEClassLayoutInfo *pInfo = &((LayoutEEClass*)this)->m_LayoutInfo; if (pInfo->m_numCTMFields > 0) { ZapStoredStructure * pNode = image->StoreStructure(pInfo->m_pFieldMarshalers, pInfo->m_numCTMFields * MAXFIELDMARSHALERSIZE, DataImage::ITEM_FIELD_MARSHALERS); for (UINT iField = 0; iField < pInfo->m_numCTMFields; iField++) { FieldMarshaler *pFM = (FieldMarshaler*)((BYTE *)pInfo->m_pFieldMarshalers + iField * MAXFIELDMARSHALERSIZE); pFM->Save(image); if (iField > 0) image->BindPointer(pFM, pNode, iField * MAXFIELDMARSHALERSIZE); } } } // Save dictionary layout information DictionaryLayout *pDictLayout = GetDictionaryLayout(); if (pMT->IsSharedByGenericInstantiations() && pDictLayout != NULL) { pDictLayout->Save(image); LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO10000, "ZAP: dictionary for %s has %d slots used out of possible %d\n", m_szDebugClassName, pDictLayout->GetNumUsedSlots(), pDictLayout->GetMaxSlots())); } if (GetVarianceInfo() != NULL) image->StoreInternedStructure(GetVarianceInfo(), pMT->GetNumGenericArgs(), DataImage::ITEM_CLASS_VARIANCE_INFO); image->StoreStructure(this, cbSize, item); if (pMT->IsInterface()) { // Make sure our guid is computed #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Generic WinRT types can have their GUID computed only if the instantiation is WinRT-legal if (!pMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT() || !pMT->SupportsGenericInterop(TypeHandle::Interop_NativeToManaged) || pMT->IsLegalNonArrayWinRTType()) #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP { GUID dummy; if (SUCCEEDED(pMT->GetGuidNoThrow(&dummy, TRUE, FALSE))) { GuidInfo* pGuidInfo = pMT->GetGuidInfo(); _ASSERTE(pGuidInfo != NULL); image->StoreStructure(pGuidInfo, sizeof(GuidInfo), DataImage::ITEM_GUID_INFO); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (pMT->IsLegalNonArrayWinRTType()) { Module *pModule = pMT->GetModule(); if (pModule->CanCacheWinRTTypeByGuid(pMT)) { pModule->CacheWinRTTypeByGuid(pMT, pGuidInfo); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } else { // make sure we don't store a GUID_NULL guid in the NGEN image // instead we'll compute the GUID at runtime, and throw, if appropriate m_pGuidInfo = NULL; } } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (IsDelegate()) { DelegateEEClass *pDelegateClass = (DelegateEEClass *)this; ComPlusCallInfo *pComInfo = pDelegateClass->m_pComPlusCallInfo; if (pComInfo != NULL && pComInfo->ShouldSave(image)) { image->StoreStructure(pDelegateClass->m_pComPlusCallInfo, sizeof(ComPlusCallInfo), item); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO10000, "EEClass::Save %s (%p) complete.\n", m_szDebugClassName, this)); } //******************************************************************************* DWORD EEClass::FieldDescListSize(MethodTable * pMT) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; EEClass * pClass = pMT->GetClass(); DWORD fieldCount = pClass->GetNumInstanceFields() + pClass->GetNumStaticFields(); MethodTable * pParentMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); if (pParentMT != NULL) fieldCount -= pParentMT->GetNumInstanceFields(); return fieldCount; } //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::Fixup(DataImage *image, MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(this == pMT->GetClass()); PRECONDITION(pMT->IsCanonicalMethodTable()); PRECONDITION(pMT->IsFullyLoaded()); PRECONDITION(image->IsStored(this)); } CONTRACTL_END; LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO10000, "EEClass::Fixup %s (%p)\n", GetDebugClassName(), this)); // Fixup pointer to optional fields if this class has any. This pointer is a relative pointer (to avoid // the need for base relocation fixups) and thus needs to use the IMAGE_REL_BASED_RELPTR fixup type. if (HasOptionalFields()) image->FixupRelativePointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_rpOptionalFields)); #ifdef _DEBUG image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_szDebugClassName)); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap() != NULL) { image->FixupPointerField(GetOptionalFields(), offsetof(EEClassOptionalFields, m_pSparseVTableMap)); GetSparseCOMInteropVTableMap()->Fixup(image); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP DictionaryLayout *pDictLayout = GetDictionaryLayout(); if (pDictLayout != NULL) { pDictLayout->Fixup(image, FALSE); image->FixupPointerField(GetOptionalFields(), offsetof(EEClassOptionalFields, m_pDictLayout)); } if (HasOptionalFields()) image->FixupPointerField(GetOptionalFields(), offsetof(EEClassOptionalFields, m_pVarianceInfo)); // // We pass in the method table, because some classes (e.g. remoting proxy) // have fake method tables set up in them & we want to restore the regular // one. // image->FixupField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pMethodTable), pMT); // // Fixup MethodDescChunk and MethodDescs // MethodDescChunk* pChunks = GetChunks(); if (pChunks!= NULL && image->IsStored(pChunks)) { image->FixupRelativePointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pChunks)); MethodTable::IntroducedMethodIterator it(pMT, TRUE); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { MethodDesc * pMD = it.GetMethodDesc(); // Skip IL stubs that were not saved into the image if (pMD->IsILStub() && !image->IsStored(pMD)) continue; it.GetMethodDesc()->Fixup(image); } } else { image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pChunks)); } // // Fixup FieldDescs // SIZE_T fieldCount = FieldDescListSize(pMT); if (fieldCount != 0) { image->FixupRelativePointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pFieldDescList)); FieldDesc *pField = GetFieldDescList(); FieldDesc *pFieldEnd = pField + fieldCount; while (pField < pFieldEnd) { pField->Fixup(image); pField++; } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // These fields will be lazy inited if we zero them if (HasOptionalFields()) image->ZeroPointerField(GetOptionalFields(), offsetof(EEClassOptionalFields, m_pCoClassForIntf)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_UNMANAGED_ACTIVATION if (HasOptionalFields()) image->ZeroPointerField(GetOptionalFields(), offsetof(EEClassOptionalFields, m_pClassFactory)); #endif image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pccwTemplate)); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (HasLayout()) { image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(LayoutEEClass, m_LayoutInfo.m_pFieldMarshalers)); EEClassLayoutInfo *pInfo = &((LayoutEEClass*)this)->m_LayoutInfo; FieldMarshaler *pFM = pInfo->m_pFieldMarshalers; FieldMarshaler *pFMEnd = (FieldMarshaler*) ((BYTE *)pFM + pInfo->m_numCTMFields*MAXFIELDMARSHALERSIZE); while (pFM < pFMEnd) { pFM->Fixup(image); ((BYTE*&)pFM) += MAXFIELDMARSHALERSIZE; } } else if (IsDelegate()) { image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pInvokeMethod)); image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pBeginInvokeMethod)); image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pEndInvokeMethod)); image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pUMThunkMarshInfo)); image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pStaticCallStub)); image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pMultiCastInvokeStub)); image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pMarshalStub)); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP DelegateEEClass *pDelegateClass = (DelegateEEClass *)this; ComPlusCallInfo *pComInfo = pDelegateClass->m_pComPlusCallInfo; if (image->IsStored(pComInfo)) { image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pComPlusCallInfo)); pComInfo->Fixup(image); } else { image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pComPlusCallInfo)); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pForwardStubMD)); image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(DelegateEEClass, m_pReverseStubMD)); } // // This field must be initialized at // load time // if (IsInterface() && GetGuidInfo() != NULL) image->FixupPointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pGuidInfo)); else image->ZeroPointerField(this, offsetof(EEClass, m_pGuidInfo)); LOG((LF_ZAP, LL_INFO10000, "EEClass::Fixup %s (%p) complete.\n", GetDebugClassName(), this)); } #endif // FEATURE_NATIVE_IMAGE_GENERATION //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::AddChunk (MethodDescChunk* pNewChunk) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; _ASSERTE(pNewChunk->GetNextChunk() == NULL); pNewChunk->SetNextChunk(GetChunks()); SetChunks(pNewChunk); } //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::AddChunkIfItHasNotBeenAdded (MethodDescChunk* pNewChunk) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; // return if the chunk has been added if (pNewChunk->GetNextChunk() != NULL) return; // even if pNewChunk->GetNextChunk() is NULL, this may still be the first chunk we added // (last in the list) so find the end of the list and verify that MethodDescChunk *chunk = GetChunks(); if (chunk != NULL) { while (chunk->GetNextChunk() != NULL) chunk = chunk->GetNextChunk(); if (chunk == pNewChunk) return; } pNewChunk->SetNextChunk(GetChunks()); SetChunks(pNewChunk); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE //******************************************************************************* // ApproxFieldDescIterator is used to iterate over fields in a given class. // It does not includes EnC fields, and not inherited fields. // ApproxFieldDescIterator is only used to iterate over static fields in one place, // and this will probably change anyway. After // we clean this up we should make ApproxFieldDescIterator work // over instance fields only ApproxFieldDescIterator::ApproxFieldDescIterator() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END m_iteratorType = 0; m_pFieldDescList = NULL; m_currField = -1; m_totalFields = 0; } //******************************************************************************* void ApproxFieldDescIterator::Init(MethodTable *pMT, int iteratorType) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END m_iteratorType = iteratorType; m_pFieldDescList = pMT->GetApproxFieldDescListRaw(); m_currField = -1; // This gets non-EnC fields. m_totalFields = pMT->GetNumIntroducedInstanceFields(); if (!(iteratorType & (int)INSTANCE_FIELDS)) { // if not handling instances then skip them by setting curr to last one m_currField = m_totalFields - 1; } if (iteratorType & (int)STATIC_FIELDS) { m_totalFields += pMT->GetNumStaticFields(); } } //******************************************************************************* PTR_FieldDesc ApproxFieldDescIterator::Next() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END // This will iterate through all non-inherited and non-EnC fields. ++m_currField; if (m_currField >= m_totalFields) { return NULL; } return m_pFieldDescList + m_currField; } //******************************************************************************* bool DeepFieldDescIterator::NextClass() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_curClass <= 0) { return false; } if (m_numClasses <= 0) { _ASSERTE(m_numClasses > 0); return false; } MethodTable * pMT; // // If we're in the cache just grab the cache entry. // // If we're deeper in the hierarchy than the // portion we cached we need to take the // deepest cache entry and search down manually. // if (--m_curClass < m_numClasses) { pMT = m_classes[m_curClass]; } else { pMT = m_classes[m_numClasses - 1]; int depthDiff = m_curClass - m_numClasses + 1; while (depthDiff--) { pMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); } } m_fieldIter.Init(pMT, m_fieldIter.GetIteratorType()); return true; } //******************************************************************************* void DeepFieldDescIterator::Init(MethodTable* pMT, int iteratorType, bool includeParents) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; MethodTable * lastClass = NULL; int numClasses; // // Walk up the parent chain, collecting // parent pointers and counting fields. // numClasses = 0; m_numClasses = 0; m_deepTotalFields = 0; m_lastNextFromParentClass = false; while (pMT) { if (m_numClasses < (int)NumItems(m_classes)) { m_classes[m_numClasses++] = pMT; } if ((iteratorType & ApproxFieldDescIterator::INSTANCE_FIELDS) != 0) { m_deepTotalFields += pMT->GetNumIntroducedInstanceFields(); } if ((iteratorType & ApproxFieldDescIterator::STATIC_FIELDS) != 0) { m_deepTotalFields += pMT->GetNumStaticFields(); } numClasses++; lastClass = pMT; if (includeParents) { pMT = pMT->GetParentMethodTable(); } else { break; } } // Start the per-class field iterator on the base-most parent. if (numClasses) { m_curClass = numClasses - 1; m_fieldIter.Init(lastClass, iteratorType); } else { m_curClass = 0; } } //******************************************************************************* FieldDesc* DeepFieldDescIterator::Next() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; FieldDesc* field; do { m_lastNextFromParentClass = m_curClass > 0; field = m_fieldIter.Next(); if (!field && !NextClass()) { return NULL; } } while (!field); return field; } //******************************************************************************* bool DeepFieldDescIterator::Skip(int numSkip) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; while (numSkip >= m_fieldIter.CountRemaining()) { numSkip -= m_fieldIter.CountRemaining(); if (!NextClass()) { return false; } } while (numSkip--) { m_fieldIter.Next(); } return true; } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE //******************************************************************************* void EEClass::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags, MethodTable * pMT) { SUPPORTS_DAC; DAC_ENUM_DTHIS(); EMEM_OUT(("MEM: %p EEClass\n", dac_cast(this))); // The DAC_ENUM_DTHIS above won't have reported the packed fields tacked on the end of this instance (they // aren't part of the static class definition because the fields are variably sized and thus have to come // right at the end of the structure, even for sub-types such as LayoutEEClass or DelegateEEClass). DacEnumMemoryRegion(dac_cast(GetPackedFields()), sizeof(EEClassPackedFields)); if (HasOptionalFields()) DacEnumMemoryRegion(dac_cast(GetOptionalFields()), sizeof(EEClassOptionalFields)); if (flags != CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_MINI && flags != CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_TRIAGE) { PTR_Module pModule = pMT->GetModule(); if (pModule.IsValid()) { pModule->EnumMemoryRegions(flags, true); } PTR_MethodDescChunk chunk = GetChunks(); while (chunk.IsValid()) { chunk->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); chunk = chunk->GetNextChunk(); } } PTR_FieldDesc pFieldDescList = GetFieldDescList(); if (pFieldDescList.IsValid()) { // add one to make sos's code happy. DacEnumMemoryRegion(dac_cast(pFieldDescList), (pMT->GetNumIntroducedInstanceFields() + GetNumStaticFields() + 1) * sizeof(FieldDesc)); } } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Get pointer to the packed fields structure attached to this instance. PTR_EEClassPackedFields EEClass::GetPackedFields() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return dac_cast(PTR_HOST_TO_TADDR(this) + m_cbFixedEEClassFields); } // Get the value of the given field. Works regardless of whether the field is currently in its packed or // unpacked state. DWORD EEClass::GetPackableField(EEClassFieldId eField) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SUPPORTS_DAC; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; return m_fFieldsArePacked ? GetPackedFields()->GetPackedField(eField) : GetPackedFields()->GetUnpackedField(eField); } // Set the value of the given field. The field *must* be in the unpacked state for this to be legal (in // practice all packable fields must be initialized during class construction and from then on remain // immutable). void EEClass::SetPackableField(EEClassFieldId eField, DWORD dwValue) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!m_fFieldsArePacked); GetPackedFields()->SetUnpackedField(eField, dwValue); }