// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: CEEMAIN.CPP // =========================================================================== // // // // The CLR code base uses a hyperlink feature of the HyperAddin plugin for Visual Studio. If you don't see // 'HyperAddin' in your Visual Studio menu bar you don't have this support. To get it type // // \\clrmain\tools\installCLRAddins // // After installing HyperAddin, your first run of VS should be as an administrator so HyperAddin can update // some registry information. // // At this point the code: prefixes become hyperlinks in Visual Studio and life is good. See // http://mswikis/clr/dev/Pages/CLR%20Team%20Commenting.aspx for more information // // There is a bug associated with Visual Studio where it does not recognise the hyperlink if there is a :: // preceeding it on the same line. Since C++ uses :: as a namespace separator, this can often mean that the // second hyperlink on a line does not work. To work around this it is better to use '.' instead of :: as // the namespace separators in code: hyperlinks. // // #StartHere // #TableOfContents The .NET Runtime Table of contents // // This comment is mean to be a nexus that allows you to jump quickly to various interesting parts of the // runtime. // // You can refer to product studio bugs using urls like the following // * http://bugcheck/bugs/DevDivBugs/2320.asp // * http://bugcheck/bugs/VSWhidbey/601210.asp // // Dev10 Bugs can be added with URLs like the following (for Dev10 bug 671409) // * http://tkbgitvstfat01:8090/wi.aspx?id=671409 // //************************************************************************************************* // // * Introduction to the runtime file:../../Documentation/botr/botr-faq.md // // #MajorDataStructures. The major data structures associated with the runtime are // * code:Thread (see file:threads.h#ThreadClass) - the additional thread state the runtime needs. // * code:AppDomain - The managed version of a process // * code:Assembly - The unit of deployment and versioning (may be several DLLs but often is only one). // * code:Module - represents a Module (DLL or EXE). // * code:MethodTable - represents the 'hot' part of a type (needed during normal execution) // * code:EEClass - represents the 'cold' part of a type (used during compilation, interop, ...) // * code:MethodDesc - represents a Method // * code:FieldDesc - represents a Field. // * code:Object - represents a object on the GC heap allocated with code:Alloc // // * ECMA specifications // * Partition I Concepts // http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/C/1/DC1B219F-3B11-4A05-9DA3-2D0F98B20917/Partition%20I%20Architecture.doc // * Partition II Meta Data // http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/C/1/DC1B219F-3B11-4A05-9DA3-2D0F98B20917/Partition%20II%20Metadata.doc // * Partition III IL // http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/C/1/DC1B219F-3B11-4A05-9DA3-2D0F98B20917/Partition%20III%20CIL.doc // // * Serge Liden (worked on the CLR and owned ILASM / ILDASM for a long time wrote a good book on IL // * Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler http://www.amazon.com/Expert-NET-2-0-IL-Assembler/dp/1590596463 // // * This is also a pretty nice overview of what the CLR is at // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/aa497266.aspx // // * code:EEStartup - This routine must be called before any interesting runtime services are used. It is // invoked as part of mscorwks's DllMain logic. // * code:#EEShutDown - Code called before we shut down the EE. // // * file:..\inc\corhdr.h#ManagedHeader - From a data structure point of view, this is the entry point into // the runtime. This is how all other data in the EXE are found. // // * code:ICorJitCompiler#EEToJitInterface - This is the interface from the the EE to the Just in time (JIT) // compiler. The interface to the JIT is relatively simple (compileMethod), however the EE provides a // rich set of callbacks so the JIT can get all the information it needs. See also // file:../../Documentation/botr/ryujit-overview.md for general information on the JIT. // // * code:VirtualCallStubManager - This is the main class that implements interface dispatch // // * Precode - Every method needs entry point for other code to call even if that native code does not // actually exist yet. To support this methods can have code:Precode that is an entry point that exists // and will call the JIT compiler if the code does not yet exist. // // * NGEN - NGen stands for Native code GENeration and it is the runtime way of precomiling IL and IL // Meta-data into native code and runtime data structures. At compilation time the most // fundamental data structures is the code:ZapNode which represents something that needs to go into the // NGEN image. // // * What is cooperative / preemtive mode ? file:threads.h#CooperativeMode and // file:threads.h#SuspendingTheRuntime and file:../../Documentation/botr/threading.md // * Garbage collection - file:gc.cpp#Overview and file:../../Documentation/botr/garbage-collection.md // * code:AppDomain - The managed version of a process. // * Calling Into the runtime (FCALLs QCalls) file:../../Documentation/botr/mscorlib.md // * Exceptions - file:../../Documentation/botr/exceptions.md. The most important routine to start // with is code:COMPlusFrameHandler which is the routine that we hook up to get called when an unmanaged // exception happens. // * Assembly Loading file:../../Documentation/botr/type-loader.md // * Profiling file:../../Documentation/botr/profiling.md and file:../../Documentation/botr/profilability.md // * FCALLS QCALLS (calling into the runtime from managed code) // file:../../Documentation/botr/mscorlib.md // * Event Tracing for Windows // * file:../inc/eventtrace.h#EventTracing - // * This is the main file dealing with event tracing in CLR // * The implementation of this class is available in file:eventtrace.cpp // * file:../inc/eventtrace.h#CEtwTracer - This is the main class dealing with event tracing in CLR. // Follow the link for more information on how this feature has been implemented // * http://mswikis/clr/dev/Pages/CLR%20ETW%20Events%20Wiki.aspx - Follow the link for more information on how to // use this instrumentation feature. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Features in the runtime that have been given hyperlinks // // * code:Nullable#NullableFeature - the Nullable type has special runtime semantics associated with // boxing this describes this feature. #include "common.h" #include "vars.hpp" #include "log.h" #include "ceemain.h" #include "clsload.hpp" #include "object.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ecall.h" #include "ceemain.h" #include "dllimport.h" #include "syncblk.h" #include "eeconfig.h" #include "stublink.h" #include "handletable.h" #include "method.hpp" #include "codeman.h" #include "frames.h" #include "threads.h" #include "stackwalk.h" #include "gcheaputilities.h" #include "interoputil.h" #include "security.h" #include "fieldmarshaler.h" #include "dbginterface.h" #include "eedbginterfaceimpl.h" #include "debugdebugger.h" #include "cordbpriv.h" #include "comdelegate.h" #include "appdomain.hpp" #include "perfcounters.h" #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN #include "ipcmanagerinterface.h" #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #include "eventtrace.h" #include "corhost.h" #include "binder.h" #include "olevariant.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "apithreadstress.h" #include "ipcfunccall.h" #include "perflog.h" #include "../dlls/mscorrc/resource.h" #ifdef FEATURE_USE_LCID #include "nlsinfo.h" #endif #include "util.hpp" #include "shimload.h" #include "comthreadpool.h" #include "stackprobe.h" #include "posterror.h" #include "virtualcallstub.h" #include "strongnameinternal.h" #include "syncclean.hpp" #include "typeparse.h" #include "debuginfostore.h" #include "mdaassistants.h" #include "eemessagebox.h" #include "finalizerthread.h" #include "threadsuspend.h" #include "disassembler.h" #include "gcenv.ee.h" #ifndef FEATURE_PAL #include "dwreport.h" #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #include "stringarraylist.h" #include "stubhelpers.h" #include "perfdefaults.h" #ifdef FEATURE_STACK_SAMPLING #include "stacksampler.h" #endif #include #include "bbsweep.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "runtimecallablewrapper.h" #include "notifyexternals.h" #include "mngstdinterfaces.h" #include "rcwwalker.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_APARTMENT_SUPPORT #include "olecontexthelpers.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_APARTMENT_SUPPORT #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED #include "proftoeeinterfaceimpl.h" #include "profilinghelper.h" #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #include "newapis.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "synchronizationcontextnative.h" // For SynchronizationContextNative::Cleanup #endif #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER #include "interpreter.h" #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER #include "../binder/inc/coreclrbindercommon.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PERFMAP #include "perfmap.h" #endif #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // Included for referencing __security_cookie #include "process.h" #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN static HRESULT InitializeIPCManager(void); static void PublishIPCManager(void); static void TerminateIPCManager(void); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE static int GetThreadUICultureId(__out LocaleIDValue* pLocale); // TODO: This shouldn't use the LCID. We should rely on name instead static HRESULT GetThreadUICultureNames(__inout StringArrayList* pCultureNames); #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE HRESULT EEStartup(COINITIEE fFlags); BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE ExecuteEXE(HMODULE hMod); BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE ExecuteEXE(__in LPWSTR pImageNameIn); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE static void InitializeGarbageCollector(); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED static void InitializeDebugger(void); static void TerminateDebugger(void); extern "C" HRESULT __cdecl CorDBGetInterface(DebugInterface** rcInterface); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE extern "C" IExecutionEngine* __stdcall IEE(); // Remember how the last startup of EE went. HRESULT g_EEStartupStatus = S_OK; // Flag indicating if the EE has been started. This is set prior to initializing the default AppDomain, and so does not indicate that // the EE is fully able to execute arbitrary managed code. To ensure the EE is fully started, call EnsureEEStarted rather than just // checking this flag. Volatile g_fEEStarted = FALSE; // Flag indicating if the EE should be suspended on shutdown. BOOL g_fSuspendOnShutdown = FALSE; // Flag indicating if the finalizer thread should be suspended on shutdown. BOOL g_fSuspendFinalizerOnShutdown = FALSE; // Flag indicating if the EE was started up by an managed exe. BOOL g_fEEManagedEXEStartup = FALSE; // Flag indicating if the EE was started up by an IJW dll. BOOL g_fEEIJWStartup = FALSE; // Flag indicating if the EE was started up by COM. extern BOOL g_fEEComActivatedStartup; // flag indicating that EE was not started up by IJW, Hosted, COM or my managed exe. extern BOOL g_fEEOtherStartup; // The OS thread ID of the thread currently performing EE startup, or 0 if there is no such thread. DWORD g_dwStartupThreadId = 0; // Event to synchronize EE shutdown. static CLREvent * g_pEEShutDownEvent; static DangerousNonHostedSpinLock g_EEStartupLock; HRESULT InitializeEE(COINITIEE flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE if(!(g_fEEComActivatedStartup || g_fEEManagedEXEStartup || g_fEEIJWStartup)) g_fEEOtherStartup = TRUE; #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE return EnsureEEStarted(flags); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: EnsureEEStarted() // // Description: Ensure the CLR is started. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT EnsureEEStarted(COINITIEE flags) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; ENTRY_POINT; } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_fEEShutDown) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; // On non x86 platforms, when we load mscorlib.dll during EEStartup, we will // re-enter _CorDllMain with a DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for mscorlib.dll. We are // far enough in startup that this is allowed, however we don't want to // re-start the startup code so we need to check to see if startup has // been initiated or completed before we call EEStartup. // // We do however want to make sure other threads block until the EE is started, // which we will do further down. if (!g_fEEStarted) { BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; #if defined(FEATURE_APPX) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) STARTUP_FLAGS startupFlags = CorHost2::GetStartupFlags(); // On CoreCLR, the host is in charge of determining whether the process is AppX or not. AppX::SetIsAppXProcess(!!(startupFlags & STARTUP_APPX_APP_MODEL)); #endif #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // The sooner we do this, the sooner we avoid probing registry entries. // (Perf Optimization for VSWhidbey:113373.) REGUTIL::InitOptionalConfigCache(); #endif BOOL bStarted=FALSE; { DangerousNonHostedSpinLockHolder lockHolder(&g_EEStartupLock); // Now that we've acquired the lock, check again to make sure we aren't in // the process of starting the CLR or that it hasn't already been fully started. // At this point, if startup has been inited we don't have anything more to do. // And if EEStartup already failed before, we don't do it again. if (!g_fEEStarted && !g_fEEInit && SUCCEEDED (g_EEStartupStatus)) { g_dwStartupThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); EEStartup(flags); bStarted=g_fEEStarted; hr = g_EEStartupStatus; g_dwStartupThreadId = 0; } else { hr = g_EEStartupStatus; if (SUCCEEDED(g_EEStartupStatus)) { hr = S_FALSE; } } } #ifdef FEATURE_TESTHOOKS if(bStarted) TESTHOOKCALL(RuntimeStarted(RTS_INITIALIZED)); #endif END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; } else { // // g_fEEStarted is TRUE, but startup may not be complete since we initialize the default AppDomain // *after* setting that flag. g_fEEStarted is set inside of g_EEStartupLock, and that lock is // not released until the EE is really started - so we can quickly check whether the EE is definitely // started by checking if that lock is currently held. If it is not, then we know the other thread // (that is actually doing the startup) has finished startup. If it is currently held, then we // need to wait for the other thread to release it, which we do by simply acquiring the lock ourselves. // // We do not want to do this blocking if we are the thread currently performing EE startup. So we check // that first. // // Note that the call to IsHeld here is an "acquire" barrier, as is acquiring the lock. And the release of // the lock by the other thread is a "release" barrier, due to the volatile semantics in the lock's // implementation. This assures us that once we observe the lock having been released, we are guaranteed // to observe a fully-initialized EE. // // A note about thread affinity here: we're using the OS thread ID of the current thread without // asking the host to pin us to this thread, as we did above. We can get away with this, because we are // only interested in a particular thread ID (that of the "startup" thread) and *that* particular thread // is already affinitized by the code above. So if we get that particular OS thread ID, we know for sure // we are really the startup thread. // if (g_EEStartupLock.IsHeld() && g_dwStartupThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { DangerousNonHostedSpinLockHolder lockHolder(&g_EEStartupLock); } hr = g_EEStartupStatus; if (SUCCEEDED(g_EEStartupStatus)) { hr = S_FALSE; } } return hr; } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // This is our Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, etc. handler. static BOOL WINAPI DbgCtrlCHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_TOLERANT; #if defined(DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED) // Note that if a managed-debugger is attached, it's actually attached with the native // debugging pipeline and it will get a control-c notifications via native debug events. // However, if we let the native debugging pipeline handle the event and send the notification // to the debugger, then we break pre-V4 behaviour because we intercept handlers registered // in-process. See Dev10 Bug 846455 for more information. if (CORDebuggerAttached() && (dwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT || dwCtrlType == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)) { return g_pDebugInterface->SendCtrlCToDebugger(dwCtrlType); } else #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED { g_fInControlC = true; // only for weakening assertions in checked build. return FALSE; // keep looking for a real handler. } } #endif // A host can specify that it only wants one version of hosting interface to be used. BOOL g_singleVersionHosting; void InitializeStartupFlags() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; STARTUP_FLAGS flags = CorHost2::GetStartupFlags(); if (flags & STARTUP_CONCURRENT_GC) g_IGCconcurrent = 1; else g_IGCconcurrent = 0; InitializeHeapType((flags & STARTUP_SERVER_GC) != 0); #ifdef FEATURE_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION g_dwGlobalSharePolicy = (flags&STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_MASK)>>1; #endif } #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // BBSweepStartFunction is the first function to execute in the BBT sweeper thread. // It calls WatchForSweepEvent where we wait until a sweep occurs. DWORD __stdcall BBSweepStartFunction(LPVOID lpArgs) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; class CLRBBSweepCallback : public ICLRBBSweepCallback { virtual HRESULT WriteProfileData() { BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Module::WriteAllModuleProfileData(false); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return S_OK; } } clrCallback; EX_TRY { g_BBSweep.WatchForSweepEvents(&clrCallback); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptions) return 0; } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitGSCookie() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; GSCookie * pGSCookiePtr = GetProcessGSCookiePtr(); DWORD oldProtection; if(!ClrVirtualProtect((LPVOID)pGSCookiePtr, sizeof(GSCookie), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtection)) { ThrowLastError(); } #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // The GSCookie cannot be in a writeable page assert(((oldProtection & (PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_WRITECOPY|PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE| PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY|PAGE_WRITECOMBINE)) == 0)); // Forces VC cookie to be initialized. void * pf = &__security_check_cookie; pf = NULL; GSCookie val = (GSCookie)(__security_cookie ^ GetTickCount()); #else // !FEATURE_PAL // REVIEW: Need something better for PAL... GSCookie val = (GSCookie)GetTickCount(); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #ifdef _DEBUG // In _DEBUG, always use the same value to make it easier to search for the cookie val = (GSCookie) WIN64_ONLY(0x9ABCDEF012345678) NOT_WIN64(0x12345678); #endif // To test if it is initialized. Also for ICorMethodInfo::getGSCookie() if (val == 0) val ++; *pGSCookiePtr = val; if(!ClrVirtualProtect((LPVOID)pGSCookiePtr, sizeof(GSCookie), oldProtection, &oldProtection)) { ThrowLastError(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: EEStartupHelper // // Parameters: // fFlags - Initialization flags for the engine. See the // EEStartupFlags enumerator for valid values. // // Returns: // S_OK - On success // // Description: // Reserved to initialize the EE runtime engine explicitly. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef IfFailGotoLog #define IfFailGotoLog(EXPR, LABEL) \ do { \ hr = (EXPR);\ if(FAILED(hr)) { \ STRESS_LOG2(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "%s failed with code %x", #EXPR, hr);\ goto LABEL; \ } \ else \ STRESS_LOG1(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "%s completed", #EXPR);\ } while (0) #endif #ifndef IfFailGoLog #define IfFailGoLog(EXPR) IfFailGotoLog(EXPR, ErrExit) #endif void EEStartupHelper(COINITIEE fFlags) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL { extern void ContractRegressionCheck(); ContractRegressionCheck(); } #endif HRESULT hr = S_OK; static ConfigDWORD breakOnEELoad; EX_TRY { g_fEEInit = true; #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef _DEBUG DisableGlobalAllocStore(); #endif //_DEBUG #ifndef FEATURE_PAL ::SetConsoleCtrlHandler(DbgCtrlCHandler, TRUE/*add*/); #endif #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE // SString initialization // This needs to be done before config because config uses SString::Empty() SString::Startup(); // Initialize EEConfig if (!g_pConfig) { IfFailGo(EEConfig::Setup()); } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Initialize Numa and CPU group information // Need to do this as early as possible. Used by creating object handle // table inside Ref_Initialization() before GC is initialized. NumaNodeInfo::InitNumaNodeInfo(); CPUGroupInfo::EnsureInitialized(); // Initialize global configuration settings based on startup flags // This needs to be done before the EE has started InitializeStartupFlags(); InitThreadManager(); STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "Returned successfully from InitThreadManager"); #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE // Initialize event tracing early so we can trace CLR startup time events. InitializeEventTracing(); // Fire the EE startup ETW event ETWFireEvent(EEStartupStart_V1); #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Give PerfMon a chance to hook up to us // Do this both *before* and *after* ipcman init so corperfmonext.dll // has a chance to release stale private blocks that IPCMan could collide with. // do this early to maximize window between perfmon refresh and ipc block creation. IPCFuncCallSource::DoThreadSafeCall(); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN InitGSCookie(); Frame::Init(); #ifdef FEATURE_TESTHOOKS IfFailGo(CLRTestHookManager::CheckConfig()); #endif #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef STRESS_LOG if (REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StressLog, g_pConfig->StressLog ()) != 0) { unsigned facilities = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFacility, LF_ALL); unsigned level = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_LogLevel, LL_INFO1000); unsigned bytesPerThread = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_StressLogSize, STRESSLOG_CHUNK_SIZE * 4); unsigned totalBytes = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_TotalStressLogSize, STRESSLOG_CHUNK_SIZE * 1024); StressLog::Initialize(facilities, level, bytesPerThread, totalBytes, GetModuleInst()); g_pStressLog = &StressLog::theLog; } #endif #ifdef LOGGING InitializeLogging(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PERF_LOG PerfLog::PerfLogInitialize(); #endif //ENABLE_PERF_LOG #ifdef FEATURE_PERFMAP PerfMap::Initialize(); #endif STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "===================EEStartup Starting==================="); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef FEATURE_PAL IfFailGoLog(EnsureRtlFunctions()); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL InitEventStore(); #endif // Fusion // Initialize the general Assembly Binder infrastructure IfFailGoLog(CCoreCLRBinderHelper::Init()); if (g_pConfig != NULL) { IfFailGoLog(g_pConfig->sync()); } // Fire the runtime information ETW event ETW::InfoLog::RuntimeInformation(ETW::InfoLog::InfoStructs::Normal); if (breakOnEELoad.val(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_BreakOnEELoad) == 1) { #ifdef _DEBUG _ASSERTE(!"Start loading EE!"); #else DebugBreak(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_STARTUP_DELAY PREFIX_ASSUME(NULL != g_pConfig); if (g_pConfig->StartupDelayMS()) { ClrSleepEx(g_pConfig->StartupDelayMS(), FALSE); } #endif #if USE_DISASSEMBLER if ((g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() & (EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_JIT | EEConfig::GCSTRESS_INSTR_NGEN)) != 0) { Disassembler::StaticInitialize(); if (!Disassembler::IsAvailable()) { fprintf(stderr, "External disassembler is not available.\n"); IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } } #endif // USE_DISASSEMBLER // Monitors, Crsts, and SimpleRWLocks all use the same spin heuristics // Cache the (potentially user-overridden) values now so they are accessible from asm routines InitializeSpinConstants(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Initialize the sweeper thread. if (g_pConfig->GetZapBBInstr() != NULL) { DWORD threadID; HANDLE hBBSweepThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) BBSweepStartFunction, NULL, 0, &threadID); _ASSERTE(hBBSweepThread); g_BBSweep.SetBBSweepThreadHandle(hBBSweepThread); } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Initialize all our InterProcess Communications with COM+ IfFailGoLog(InitializeIPCManager()); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifdef ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS hr = PerfCounters::Init(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); IfFailGo(hr); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Marks the data in the IPC blocks as initialized so that readers know // that it is safe to read data from the blocks PublishIPCManager(); #endif //FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER Interpreter::Initialize(); #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER StubManager::InitializeStubManagers(); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL { // Record mscorwks geometry PEDecoder pe(g_pMSCorEE); g_runtimeLoadedBaseAddress = (SIZE_T)pe.GetBase(); g_runtimeVirtualSize = (SIZE_T)pe.GetVirtualSize(); InitCodeAllocHint(g_runtimeLoadedBaseAddress, g_runtimeVirtualSize, GetRandomInt(64)); } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Set up the cor handle map. This map is used to load assemblies in // memory instead of using the normal system load PEImage::Startup(); AccessCheckOptions::Startup(); MscorlibBinder::Startup(); Stub::Init(); StubLinkerCPU::Init(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Initialize remoting // weak_short, weak_long, strong; no pin if (!Ref_Initialize()) IfFailGo(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Initialize contexts Context::Initialize(); g_pEEShutDownEvent = new CLREvent(); g_pEEShutDownEvent->CreateManualEvent(FALSE); #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Initialize CCLRSecurityAttributeManager CCLRSecurityAttributeManager::ProcessInit(); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN VirtualCallStubManager::InitStatic(); GCInterface::m_MemoryPressureLock.Init(CrstGCMemoryPressure); #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Setup the domains. Threads are started in a default domain. // Static initialization PEAssembly::Attach(); BaseDomain::Attach(); SystemDomain::Attach(); // Start up the EE intializing all the global variables ECall::Init(); COMDelegate::Init(); ExecutionManager::Init(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // Watson initialization must precede InitializeDebugger() and InstallUnhandledExceptionFilter() // because on CoreCLR when Waston is enabled, debugging service needs to be enabled and UEF will be used. if (!InitializeWatson(fFlags)) { IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } // Note: In Windows 7, the OS will take over the job of error reporting, and so most // of our watson code should not be used. In such cases, we will however still need // to provide some services to windows error reporting, such as computing bucket // parameters for a managed unhandled exception. if (RunningOnWin7() && IsWatsonEnabled() && !RegisterOutOfProcessWatsonCallbacks()) { IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if(!NingenEnabled()) { // Initialize the debugging services. This must be done before any // EE thread objects are created, and before any classes or // modules are loaded. InitializeDebugger(); // throws on error } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED #ifdef MDA_SUPPORTED ManagedDebuggingAssistants::EEStartupActivation(); #endif #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED // Initialize the profiling services. hr = ProfilingAPIUtility::InitializeProfiling(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); IfFailGo(hr); #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED InitializeExceptionHandling(); // // Install our global exception filter // if (!InstallUnhandledExceptionFilter()) { IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } // throws on error SetupThread(); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Notify debugger once the first thread is created to finish initialization. if (g_pDebugInterface != NULL) { g_pDebugInterface->StartupPhase2(GetThread()); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Give PerfMon a chance to hook up to us // Do this both *before* and *after* ipcman init so corperfmonext.dll // has a chance to release stale private blocks that IPCMan could collide with. IPCFuncCallSource::DoThreadSafeCall(); STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "Returned successfully from second call to IPCFuncCallSource::DoThreadSafeCall"); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN InitPreStubManager(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP InitializeComInterop(); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP StubHelpers::Init(); NDirect::Init(); // Before setting up the execution manager initialize the first part // of the JIT helpers. InitJITHelpers1(); InitJITHelpers2(); SyncBlockCache::Attach(); // Set up the sync block SyncBlockCache::Start(); StackwalkCache::Init(); // Start up security Security::Start(); AppDomain::CreateADUnloadStartEvent(); // In coreclr, clrjit is compiled into it, but SO work in clrjit has not been done. #ifdef FEATURE_STACK_PROBE if (CLRHosted() && GetEEPolicy()->GetActionOnFailure(FAIL_StackOverflow) == eRudeUnloadAppDomain) { InitStackProbes(); } #endif InitializeGarbageCollector(); InitializePinHandleTable(); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Make a call to publish the DefaultDomain for the debugger // This should be done before assemblies/modules are loaded into it (i.e. SystemDomain::Init) // and after its OK to switch GC modes and syncronize for sending events to the debugger. // @dbgtodo synchronization: this can probably be simplified in V3 LOG((LF_CORDB | LF_SYNC | LF_STARTUP, LL_INFO1000, "EEStartup: adding default domain 0x%x\n", SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain())); SystemDomain::System()->PublishAppDomainAndInformDebugger(SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()); #endif #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE SystemDomain::System()->Init(); #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED // This is to compensate for the DefaultDomain workaround contained in // SystemDomain::Attach in which the first user domain is created before profiling // services can be initialized. Profiling services cannot be moved to before the // workaround because it needs SetupThread to be called. SystemDomain::NotifyProfilerStartup(); #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if (CLRHosted() #ifdef _DEBUG || ((fFlags & COINITEE_DLL) == 0 && g_pConfig->GetHostTestADUnload()) #endif ) { // If we are hosted, a host may specify unloading AD when a managed allocation in // critical region fails. We need to precreate a thread to unload AD. AppDomain::CreateADUnloadWorker(); } #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE g_fEEInit = false; SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()->LoadSystemAssemblies(); SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()->SetupSharedStatics(); #ifdef _DEBUG APIThreadStress::SetThreadStressCount(g_pConfig->GetAPIThreadStressCount()); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STACK_SAMPLING StackSampler::Init(); #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if (!NingenEnabled()) { // Perform any once-only SafeHandle initialization. SafeHandle::Init(); } #ifdef FEATURE_MINIMETADATA_IN_TRIAGEDUMPS // retrieve configured max size for the mini-metadata buffer (defaults to 64KB) g_MiniMetaDataBuffMaxSize = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MiniMdBufferCapacity); // align up to OS_PAGE_SIZE, with a maximum of 1 MB g_MiniMetaDataBuffMaxSize = (DWORD) min(ALIGN_UP(g_MiniMetaDataBuffMaxSize, OS_PAGE_SIZE), 1024 * 1024); // allocate the buffer. this is never touched while the process is running, so it doesn't // contribute to the process' working set. it is needed only as a "shadow" for a mini-metadata // buffer that will be set up and reported / updated in the Watson process (the // DacStreamsManager class coordinates this) g_MiniMetaDataBuffAddress = (TADDR) ClrVirtualAlloc(NULL, g_MiniMetaDataBuffMaxSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); #endif // FEATURE_MINIMETADATA_IN_TRIAGEDUMPS // Load mscorsn.dll if the app requested the legacy mode in its configuration file. if (g_pConfig->LegacyLoadMscorsnOnStartup()) IfFailGo(LoadMscorsn()); #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE g_fEEStarted = TRUE; g_EEStartupStatus = S_OK; hr = S_OK; STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_ALWAYS, "===================EEStartup Completed==================="); #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) //if g_fEEStarted was false when we loaded the System Module, we did not run ExpandAll on it. In //this case, make sure we run ExpandAll here. The rationale is that if we Jit before g_fEEStarted //is true, we can't initialize Com, so we can't jit anything that uses Com types. Also, it's //probably not safe to Jit while g_fEEStarted is false. // //Also, if you run this it's possible we'll call CoInitialize, which defaults to MTA. This might //mess up an application that uses STA. However, this mode is only supported for certain limited //jit testing scenarios, so it can live with the limitation. if (g_pConfig->ExpandModulesOnLoad()) { SystemDomain::SystemModule()->ExpandAll(); } //For a similar reason, let's not run VerifyAllOnLoad either. if (g_pConfig->VerifyModulesOnLoad()) { SystemDomain::SystemModule()->VerifyAllMethods(); } // Perform mscorlib consistency check if requested g_Mscorlib.CheckExtended(); #endif // _DEBUG && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE ErrExit: ; } EX_CATCH { #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // for minimal impact we won't update hr for regular builds hr = GET_EXCEPTION()->GetHR(); _ASSERTE(FAILED(hr)); StackSString exceptionMessage; GET_EXCEPTION()->GetMessage(exceptionMessage); fprintf(stderr, "%S\n", exceptionMessage.GetUnicode()); #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTerminalExceptionsWithInitCheck) if (!g_fEEStarted) { if (g_fEEInit) g_fEEInit = false; if (!FAILED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; g_EEStartupStatus = hr; } if (breakOnEELoad.val(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_BreakOnEELoad) == 2) { #ifdef _DEBUG _ASSERTE(!"Done loading EE!"); #else DebugBreak(); #endif } } LONG FilterStartupException(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS p, PVOID pv) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(p)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pv)); } CONTRACTL_END; g_EEStartupStatus = (HRESULT)p->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0]; // Make sure we got a failure code in this case if (!FAILED(g_EEStartupStatus)) g_EEStartupStatus = E_FAIL; // Initializations has failed so reset the g_fEEInit flag. g_fEEInit = false; if (p->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == BOOTUP_EXCEPTION_COMPLUS) { // Don't ever handle the exception in a checked build #ifndef _DEBUG return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; #endif } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } // EEStartup is responcible for all the one time intialization of the runtime. Some of the highlights of // what it does include // * Creates the default and shared, appdomains. // * Loads mscorlib.dll and loads up the fundamental types (System.Object ...) // // see code:EEStartup#TableOfContents for more on the runtime in general. // see code:#EEShutdown for a analagous routine run during shutdown. // HRESULT EEStartup(COINITIEE fFlags) { // Cannot use normal contracts here because of the PAL_TRY. STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; _ASSERTE(!g_fEEStarted && !g_fEEInit && SUCCEEDED (g_EEStartupStatus)); PAL_TRY(COINITIEE *, pfFlags, &fFlags) { #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE InitializeClrNotifications(); #ifdef FEATURE_PAL InitializeJITNotificationTable(); DacGlobals::Initialize(); #endif #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE EEStartupHelper(*pfFlags); } PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER (FilterStartupException) { // The filter should have set g_EEStartupStatus to a failure HRESULT. _ASSERTE(FAILED(g_EEStartupStatus)); } PAL_ENDTRY #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if(SUCCEEDED(g_EEStartupStatus) && (fFlags & COINITEE_MAIN) == 0) g_EEStartupStatus = SystemDomain::SetupDefaultDomainNoThrow(); #endif return g_EEStartupStatus; } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP void InnerCoEEShutDownCOM() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; static LONG AlreadyDone = -1; if (g_fEEStarted != TRUE) return; if (FastInterlockIncrement(&AlreadyDone) != 0) return; g_fShutDownCOM = true; // Release IJupiterGCMgr * RCWWalker::OnEEShutdown(); // Release all of the RCWs in all contexts in all caches. ReleaseRCWsInCaches(NULL); // Release all marshaling data in all AppDomains AppDomainIterator i(TRUE); while (i.Next()) i.GetDomain()->DeleteMarshalingData(); // Release marshaling data in shared domain as well SharedDomain::GetDomain()->DeleteMarshalingData(); #ifdef FEATURE_APPX // Cleanup cached factory pointer in SynchronizationContextNative SynchronizationContextNative::Cleanup(); #endif } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: CoEEShutdownCOM() // // Parameters: // none // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // COM Objects shutdown stuff should be done here // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CoEEShutDownCOM() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; ENTRY_POINT; } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_fEEStarted != TRUE) return; HRESULT hr; BEGIN_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT(&hr) InnerCoEEShutDownCOM(); END_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT; // API doesn't allow us to communicate a failure HRESULT. MDAs can // be enabled to catch failure inside CanRunManagedCode. // _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: ForceEEShutdown() // // Description: Force the EE to shutdown now. // // Note: returns when sca is SCA_ReturnWhenShutdownComplete. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ForceEEShutdown(ShutdownCompleteAction sca) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Don't bother to take the lock for this case. STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, INFO3, "EEShutdown invoked from ForceEEShutdown"); EEPolicy::HandleExitProcess(sca); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: ExternalShutdownHelper // // Parameters: // int exitCode :: process exit code // ShutdownCompleteAction sca :: indicates whether ::ExitProcess() is // called or if the function returns. // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // This is a helper shared by CorExitProcess and ShutdownRuntimeWithoutExiting // which causes the runtime to shutdown after the appropriate checks. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ExternalShutdownHelper(int exitCode, ShutdownCompleteAction sca) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; ENTRY_POINT; } CONTRACTL_END; CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation | ModeViolation | SOToleranceViolation); if (g_fEEShutDown || !g_fEEStarted) return; if (HasIllegalReentrancy()) { return; } else if (!CanRunManagedCode()) { return; } // The exit code for the process is communicated in one of two ways. If the // entrypoint returns an 'int' we take that. Otherwise we take a latched // process exit code. This can be modified by the app via System.SetExitCode(). SetLatchedExitCode(exitCode); ForceEEShutdown(sca); // @TODO: If we cannot run ManagedCode, BEGIN_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT will skip // the shutdown. We could call ::ExitProcess in that failure case, but that // would violate our hosting agreement. We are supposed to go through EEPolicy:: // HandleExitProcess(). Is this legal if !CanRunManagedCode()? } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CorExitProcess(int exitCode) // // Parameters: // int exitCode :: process exit code // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // COM Objects shutdown stuff should be done here // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CorExitProcess(int exitCode) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ExternalShutdownHelper(exitCode, SCA_ExitProcessWhenShutdownComplete); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: ShutdownRuntimeWithoutExiting // // Parameters: // int exitCode :: process exit code // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // This is a helper used only by the v4+ Shim to shutdown this runtime and // and return when the work has completed. It is exposed to the Shim via // GetCLRFunction. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ShutdownRuntimeWithoutExiting(int exitCode) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ExternalShutdownHelper(exitCode, SCA_ReturnWhenShutdownComplete); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: IsRuntimeStarted // // Parameters: // pdwStartupFlags: out parameter that is set to the startup flags if the // runtime is started. // // Returns: // TRUE if the runtime has been started, FALSE otherwise. // // Description: // This is a helper used only by the v4+ Shim to determine if this runtime // has ever been started. It is exposed ot the Shim via GetCLRFunction. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsRuntimeStarted(DWORD *pdwStartupFlags) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (pdwStartupFlags != NULL) // this parameter is optional { *pdwStartupFlags = 0; } return g_fEEStarted; } static bool WaitForEndOfShutdown_OneIteration() { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // We are shutting down. GC triggers does not have any effect now. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation); // If someone calls EEShutDown while holding OS loader lock, the thread we created for shutdown // won't start running. This is a deadlock we can not fix. Instead, we timeout and continue the // current thread. DWORD timeout = GetEEPolicy()->GetTimeout(OPR_ProcessExit); timeout *= 2; ULONGLONG endTime = CLRGetTickCount64() + timeout; bool done = false; EX_TRY { ULONGLONG curTime = CLRGetTickCount64(); if (curTime > endTime) { done = true; } else { #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED if (CORProfilerPresent()) { // A profiler is loaded, so just wait without timeout. This allows // profilers to complete potentially lengthy post processing, without the // CLR killing them off first. The Office team's server memory profiler, // for example, does a lot of post-processing that can exceed the 80 // second imit we normally impose here. The risk of waiting without // timeout is that, if there really is a deadlock, shutdown will hang. // Since that will only happen if a profiler is loaded, that is a // reasonable compromise timeout = INFINITE; } else #endif //PROFILING_SUPPORTED { timeout = static_cast(endTime - curTime); } DWORD status = g_pEEShutDownEvent->Wait(timeout,TRUE); if (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { done = true; } else { done = false; } } } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); return done; } void WaitForEndOfShutdown() { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // We are shutting down. GC triggers does not have any effect now. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(GCViolation); Thread *pThread = GetThread(); // After a thread is blocked in WaitForEndOfShutdown, the thread should not enter runtime again, // and block at WaitForEndOfShutdown again. if (pThread) { _ASSERTE(!pThread->HasThreadStateNC(Thread::TSNC_BlockedForShutdown)); pThread->SetThreadStateNC(Thread::TSNC_BlockedForShutdown); } while (!WaitForEndOfShutdown_OneIteration()); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: EEShutDownHelper(BOOL fIsDllUnloading) // // The real meat of shut down happens here. See code:#EEShutDown for details, including // what fIsDllUnloading means. // void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EEShutDownHelper(BOOL fIsDllUnloading) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Used later for a callback. CEEInfo ceeInf; if(fIsDllUnloading) { ETW::EnumerationLog::ProcessShutdown(); } #if defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) // Get the current thread. Thread * pThisThread = GetThread(); #endif // If the process is detaching then set the global state. // This is used to get around FreeLibrary problems. if(fIsDllUnloading) g_fProcessDetach = true; if (IsDbgHelperSpecialThread()) { // Our debugger helper thread does not allow Thread object to be set up. // We should not run shutdown code on debugger helper thread. _ASSERTE(fIsDllUnloading); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG // stop API thread stress APIThreadStress::SetThreadStressCount(0); #endif STRESS_LOG1(LF_STARTUP, LL_INFO10, "EEShutDown entered unloading = %d", fIsDllUnloading); #ifdef _DEBUG if (_DbgBreakCount) _ASSERTE(!"An assert was hit before EE Shutting down"); if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_BreakOnEEShutdown)) _ASSERTE(!"Shutting down EE!"); #endif #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // This is a nasty, terrible, horrible thing. If we're being // called from our DLL main, then the odds are good that our DLL // main has been called as the result of some person calling // ExitProcess. That rips the debugger helper thread away very // ungracefully. This check is an attempt to recognize that case // and avoid the impending hang when attempting to get the helper // thread to do things for us. if ((g_pDebugInterface != NULL) && g_fProcessDetach) g_pDebugInterface->EarlyHelperThreadDeath(); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED BOOL fFinalizeOK = FALSE; EX_TRY { ClrFlsSetThreadType(ThreadType_Shutdown); if (!fIsDllUnloading) { ProcessEventForHost(Event_ClrDisabled, NULL); } else if (g_fEEShutDown) { // I'm in the final shutdown and the first part has already been run. goto part2; } // Indicate the EE is the shut down phase. g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Start; fFinalizeOK = TRUE; // Terminate the BBSweep thread g_BBSweep.ShutdownBBSweepThread(); // We perform the final GC only if the user has requested it through the GC class. // We should never do the final GC for a process detach if (!g_fProcessDetach && !g_fFastExitProcess) { g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Finalize1; FinalizerThread::EnableFinalization(); fFinalizeOK = FinalizerThread::FinalizerThreadWatchDog(); } // Ok. Let's stop the EE. if (!g_fProcessDetach) { // Convert key locks into "shutdown" mode. A lock in shutdown mode means: // - Only the finalizer/helper/shutdown threads will be able to take the the lock. // - Any other thread that tries takes it will just get redirected to an endless WaitForEndOfShutdown(). // // The only managed code that should run after this point is the finalizers for shutdown. // We convert locks needed for running + debugging such finalizers. Since such locks may need to be // juggled between multiple threads (finalizer/helper/shutdown), no single thread can take the // lock and not give it up. // // Each lock needs its own shutdown flag (they can't all be converted at once). // To avoid deadlocks, we need to convert locks in order of crst level (biggest first). // Notify the debugger that we're going into shutdown to convert debugger-lock to shutdown. if (g_pDebugInterface != NULL) { g_pDebugInterface->LockDebuggerForShutdown(); } // This call will convert the ThreadStoreLock into "shutdown" mode, just like the debugger lock above. g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Finalize2; if (fFinalizeOK) { fFinalizeOK = FinalizerThread::FinalizerThreadWatchDog(); } if (!fFinalizeOK) { // One of the calls to FinalizerThreadWatchDog failed due to timeout, so we need to prevent // any thread from running managed code, including the finalizer. ThreadSuspend::SuspendEE(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_FOR_SHUTDOWN); g_fSuspendOnShutdown = TRUE; g_fSuspendFinalizerOnShutdown = TRUE; ThreadStore::TrapReturningThreads(TRUE); ThreadSuspend::RestartEE(FALSE, TRUE); } } #ifdef FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE // Flush managed object allocation logging data. // We do this after finalization is complete and returning threads have been trapped, so that // no there will be no more managed allocations and no more GCs which will manipulate the // allocation sampling data structures. ETW::TypeSystemLog::FlushObjectAllocationEvents(); #endif // FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE #ifdef FEATURE_PERFMAP // Flush and close the perf map file. PerfMap::Destroy(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT { // If we're doing basic block profiling, we need to write the log files to disk. static BOOL fIBCLoggingDone = FALSE; if (!fIBCLoggingDone) { if (g_IBCLogger.InstrEnabled()) Module::WriteAllModuleProfileData(true); fIBCLoggingDone = TRUE; } } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT ceeInf.JitProcessShutdownWork(); // Do anything JIT-related that needs to happen at shutdown. #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER // This will check a flag and do nothing if not enabled. Interpreter::PrintPostMortemData(); #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER FastInterlockExchange((LONG*)&g_fForbidEnterEE, TRUE); if (g_fProcessDetach) { ThreadStore::TrapReturningThreads(TRUE); } if (!g_fProcessDetach && !fFinalizeOK) { goto lDone; } #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED // If profiling is enabled, then notify of shutdown first so that the // profiler can make any last calls it needs to. Do this only if we // are not detaching if (CORProfilerPresent()) { // If EEShutdown is not being called due to a ProcessDetach event, so // the profiler should still be present if (!g_fProcessDetach) { BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerPresent()); GCX_PREEMP(); g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->Shutdown(); END_PIN_PROFILER(); } g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Profiler; // Free the interface objects. ProfilingAPIUtility::TerminateProfiling(); } #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED #ifdef _DEBUG g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_SyncBlock; #endif { // From here on out we might call stuff that violates mode requirements, but we ignore these // because we are shutting down. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ModeViolation); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // We need to call CoUninitialize in part one to ensure orderly shutdown of COM dlls. if (!g_fFastExitProcess) { if (pThisThread!= NULL) { pThisThread->CoUninitialize(); } } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP } // This is the end of Part 1. part2: // If process shutdown is in progress and Crst locks to be used in shutdown phase 2 // are already in use, then skip phase 2. This will happen only when those locks // are orphaned. In Vista, the penalty for attempting to enter such locks is // instant process termination. if (g_fProcessDetach) { // The assert below is a bit too aggresive and has generally brought cases that have been race conditions // and not easily reproed to validate a bug. A typical race scenario is when there are two threads, // T1 and T2, with T2 having taken a lock (e.g. SystemDomain lock), the OS terminates // T2 for some reason. Later, when we enter the shutdown thread, we would assert on such // a lock leak, but there is not much we can do since the OS wont notify us prior to thread // termination. And this is not even a user bug. // // Converting it to a STRESS LOG to reduce noise, yet keep things in radar if they need // to be investigated. //_ASSERTE_MSG(g_ShutdownCrstUsageCount == 0, "Some locks to be taken during shutdown may already be orphaned!"); if (g_ShutdownCrstUsageCount > 0) { STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_INFO10, "Some locks to be taken during shutdown may already be orphaned!"); goto lDone; } } { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ModeViolation); // On the new plan, we only do the tear-down under the protection of the loader // lock -- after the OS has stopped all other threads. if (fIsDllUnloading && (g_fEEShutDown & ShutDown_Phase2) == 0) { g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Phase2; // Shutdown finalizer before we suspend all background threads. Otherwise we // never get to finalize anything. Obviously. #ifdef _DEBUG if (_DbgBreakCount) _ASSERTE(!"An assert was hit After Finalizer run"); #endif // No longer process exceptions g_fNoExceptions = true; // // Remove our global exception filter. If it was NULL before, we want it to be null now. // UninstallUnhandledExceptionFilter(); // @TODO: This does things which shouldn't occur in part 2. Namely, // calling managed dll main callbacks (AppDomain::SignalProcessDetach), and // RemoveAppDomainFromIPC. // // (If we move those things to earlier, this can be called only if fShouldWeCleanup.) if (!g_fFastExitProcess) { SystemDomain::DetachBegin(); } #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Terminate the debugging services. TerminateDebugger(); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED StubManager::TerminateStubManagers(); #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER Interpreter::Terminate(); #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER #ifdef SHOULD_WE_CLEANUP if (!g_fFastExitProcess) { Ref_Shutdown(); // shut down the handle table } #endif /* SHOULD_WE_CLEANUP */ #ifdef ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS // Terminate Perf Counters as late as we can (to get the most data) PerfCounters::Terminate(); #endif // ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS //@TODO: find the right place for this VirtualCallStubManager::UninitStatic(); #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Terminate the InterProcess Communications with COM+ TerminateIPCManager(); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifdef ENABLE_PERF_LOG PerfLog::PerfLogDone(); #endif //ENABLE_PERF_LOG #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // Give PerfMon a chance to hook up to us // Have perfmon resync list *after* we close IPC so that it will remove // this process IPCFuncCallSource::DoThreadSafeCall(); #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN Frame::Term(); if (!g_fFastExitProcess) { SystemDomain::DetachEnd(); } TerminateStackProbes(); // Unregister our vectored exception and continue handlers from the OS. // This will ensure that if any other DLL unload (after ours) has an exception, // we wont attempt to process that exception (which could lead to various // issues including AV in the runtime). // // This should be done: // // 1) As the last action during the shutdown so that any unexpected AVs // in the runtime during shutdown do result in FailFast in VEH. // // 2) Only when the runtime is processing DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. CLRRemoveVectoredHandlers(); #if USE_DISASSEMBLER Disassembler::StaticClose(); #endif // USE_DISASSEMBLER #ifdef _DEBUG if (_DbgBreakCount) _ASSERTE(!"EE Shutting down after an assert"); #endif #ifdef LOGGING extern unsigned FcallTimeHist[11]; #endif LOG((LF_STUBS, LL_INFO10, "FcallHist %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", FcallTimeHist[0], FcallTimeHist[1], FcallTimeHist[2], FcallTimeHist[3], FcallTimeHist[4], FcallTimeHist[5], FcallTimeHist[6], FcallTimeHist[7], FcallTimeHist[8], FcallTimeHist[9], FcallTimeHist[10])); WriteJitHelperCountToSTRESSLOG(); STRESS_LOG0(LF_STARTUP, LL_INFO10, "EEShutdown shutting down logging"); #if 0 // Dont clean up the stress log, so that even at process exit we have a log (after all the process is going away if (!g_fFastExitProcess) StressLog::Terminate(TRUE); #endif if (g_pConfig != NULL) g_pConfig->Cleanup(); #ifdef LOGGING ShutdownLogging(); #endif } } lDone: ; } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); ClrFlsClearThreadType(ThreadType_Shutdown); if (!g_fProcessDetach) { g_pEEShutDownEvent->Set(); } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP BOOL IsThreadInSTA() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // If ole32.dll is not loaded if (WszGetModuleHandle(W("ole32.dll")) == NULL) { return FALSE; } BOOL fInSTA = TRUE; // To be conservative, check if finalizer thread is around EX_TRY { Thread *pFinalizerThread = FinalizerThread::GetFinalizerThread(); if (!pFinalizerThread || pFinalizerThread->Join(0, FALSE) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { fInSTA = FALSE; } } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (!fInSTA) { return FALSE; } THDTYPE type; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = GetCurrentThreadTypeNT5(&type); if (hr == S_OK) { fInSTA = (type == THDTYPE_PROCESSMESSAGES) ? TRUE : FALSE; // If we get back THDTYPE_PROCESSMESSAGES, we are guaranteed to // be an STA thread. If not, we are an MTA thread, however // we can't know if the thread has been explicitly set to MTA // (via a call to CoInitializeEx) or if it has been implicitly // made MTA (if it hasn't been CoInitializeEx'd but CoInitialize // has already been called on some other thread in the process. } else { // CoInitialize hasn't been called in the process yet so assume the current thread // is MTA. fInSTA = FALSE; } return fInSTA; } #endif BOOL g_fWeOwnProcess = FALSE; static LONG s_ActiveShutdownThreadCount = 0; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: EEShutDownProcForSTAThread(LPVOID lpParameter) // // Parameters: // LPVOID lpParameter: unused // // Description: // When EEShutDown decides that the shut down logic must occur on another thread, // EEShutDown creates a new thread, and this function acts as the thread proc. See // code:#STAShutDown for details. // DWORD WINAPI EEShutDownProcForSTAThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_INTOLERANT;; ClrFlsSetThreadType(ThreadType_ShutdownHelper); EEShutDownHelper(FALSE); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { if (s_ActiveShutdownThreadCount) { return 0; } __SwitchToThread(20, CALLER_LIMITS_SPINNING); } EPolicyAction action = GetEEPolicy()->GetDefaultAction(OPR_ProcessExit, NULL); if (action < eRudeExitProcess) { action = eRudeExitProcess; } UINT exitCode; if (g_fWeOwnProcess) { exitCode = GetLatchedExitCode(); } else { exitCode = HOST_E_EXITPROCESS_TIMEOUT; } EEPolicy::HandleExitProcessFromEscalation(action, exitCode); return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #EEShutDown // // Function: EEShutDown(BOOL fIsDllUnloading) // // Parameters: // BOOL fIsDllUnloading: // * TRUE => Called from CLR's DllMain (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH). Not safe point for // full cleanup // * FALSE => Called some other way (e.g., end of the CLR's main). Safe to do // full cleanup. // // Description: // // All ee shutdown stuff should be done here. EEShutDown is generally called in one // of two ways: // * 1. From code:EEPolicy::HandleExitProcess (via HandleExitProcessHelper), with // fIsDllUnloading == FALSE. This code path is typically invoked by the CLR's // main just falling through to the end. Full cleanup can be performed when // EEShutDown is called this way. // * 2. From CLR's DllMain (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH), with fIsDllUnloading == TRUE. When // called this way, much cleanup code is unsafe to run, and is thus skipped. // // Actual shut down logic is factored out to EEShutDownHelper which may be called // directly by EEShutDown, or indirectly on another thread (see code:#STAShutDown). // // In order that callees may also know the value of fIsDllUnloading, EEShutDownHelper // sets g_fProcessDetach = fIsDllUnloading, and g_fProcessDetach may then be retrieved // via code:IsAtProcessExit. // // NOTE 1: Actually, g_fProcessDetach is set to TRUE if fIsDllUnloading is TRUE. But // g_fProcessDetach doesn't appear to be explicitly set to FALSE. (Apparently // g_fProcessDetach is implicitly initialized to FALSE as clr.dll is loaded.) // // NOTE 2: EEDllMain(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) already sets g_fProcessDetach to TRUE, so it // appears EEShutDownHelper doesn't have to. // void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EEShutDown(BOOL fIsDllUnloading) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; SO_TOLERANT; // we don't need to cleanup 'cus we're shutting down PRECONDITION(g_fEEStarted); } CONTRACTL_END; // If we have not started runtime successfully, it is not safe to call EEShutDown. if (!g_fEEStarted || g_fFastExitProcess == 2) { return; } // Stop stack probing and asserts right away. Once we're shutting down, we can do no more. // And we don't want to SO-protect anything at this point anyway. This really only has impact // on a debug build. TerminateStackProbes(); // The process is shutting down. No need to check SO contract. SO_NOT_MAINLINE_FUNCTION; // We only do the first part of the shutdown once. static LONG OnlyOne = -1; if (!fIsDllUnloading) { if (FastInterlockIncrement(&OnlyOne) != 0) { // I'm in a regular shutdown -- but another thread got here first. // It's a race if I return from here -- I'll call ExitProcess next, and // rip things down while the first thread is half-way through a // nice cleanup. Rather than do that, I should just wait until the // first thread calls ExitProcess(). I'll die a nice death when that // happens. GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR(); WaitForEndOfShutdown(); return; } #ifdef FEATURE_MULTICOREJIT if (!AppX::IsAppXProcess()) // When running as Appx, make the delayed timer driven writing be the only option { MulticoreJitManager::StopProfileAll(); } #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (!fIsDllUnloading && IsThreadInSTA()) { // #STAShutDown // // During shutdown, we may need to release STA interface on the shutdown thread. // It is possible that the shutdown thread may deadlock. During shutdown, all // threads are blocked, except the shutdown thread and finalizer thread. If a // lock is held by one of these suspended threads, it can deadlock the process if // the shutdown thread tries to enter the lock. To mitigate this risk, create // another thread (B) to do shutdown activities (i.e., EEShutDownHelper), while // this thread (A) waits. If B deadlocks, A will time out and immediately return // from EEShutDown. A will then eventually call the OS's ExitProcess, which will // kill the deadlocked thread (and all other threads). // // Many Windows Forms-based apps will also execute the code below to shift shut // down logic to a separate thread, even if they don't use COM objects. Reason // being that they will typically use a main UI thread to pump all Windows // messages (including messages that facilitate cross-thread COM calls to STA COM // objects), and will set that thread up as an STA thread just in case there are // such cross-thread COM calls to contend with. In fact, when you use VS's // File.New.Project to make a new Windows Forms project, VS will mark Main() with // [STAThread] DWORD thread_id = 0; if (CreateThread(NULL,0,EEShutDownProcForSTAThread,NULL,0,&thread_id)) { GCX_PREEMP_NO_DTOR(); ClrFlsSetThreadType(ThreadType_Shutdown); WaitForEndOfShutdown(); FastInterlockIncrement(&s_ActiveShutdownThreadCount); ClrFlsClearThreadType(ThreadType_Shutdown); } } else // Otherwise, this thread calls EEShutDownHelper directly. First switch to // cooperative mode if this is a managed thread #endif if (GetThread()) { GCX_COOP(); EEShutDownHelper(fIsDllUnloading); if (!fIsDllUnloading) { FastInterlockIncrement(&s_ActiveShutdownThreadCount); } } else { EEShutDownHelper(fIsDllUnloading); if (!fIsDllUnloading) { FastInterlockIncrement(&s_ActiveShutdownThreadCount); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: IsRuntimeActive() // // Parameters: // none // // Returns: // TRUE or FALSE // // Description: Indicates if the runtime is active or not. "Active" implies // that the runtime has started and is in a position to run // managed code. If either of these conditions are false, the // function return FALSE. // // Why couldnt we add !g_fEEStarted check in CanRunManagedCode? // // // ExecuteDLL in ceemain.cpp could start the runtime // (due to DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) after invoking CanRunManagedCode. // If the function were to be modified, then this scenario could fail. // Hence, I have built over CanRunManagedCode in IsRuntimeActive. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsRuntimeActive() { // If the runtime has started AND we can run managed code, // then runtime is considered "active". BOOL fCanRunManagedCode = CanRunManagedCode(); return (g_fEEStarted && fCanRunManagedCode); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: CanRunManagedCode() // // Parameters: // none // // Returns: // true or false // // Description: Indicates if one is currently allowed to run managed code. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOINLINE BOOL CanRunManagedCodeRare(LoaderLockCheck::kind checkKind, HINSTANCE hInst /*= 0*/) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; if (checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::ForMDA) { GC_TRIGGERS; } else { GC_NOTRIGGER; }; // because of the CustomerDebugProbe MODE_ANY; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; // If we are shutting down the runtime, then we cannot run code. if (g_fForbidEnterEE) return FALSE; // If pre-loaded objects are not present, then no way. if (g_pPreallocatedOutOfMemoryException == NULL) return FALSE; // If we are finaling live objects or processing ExitProcess event, // we can not allow managed method to run unless the current thread // is the finalizer thread if ((g_fEEShutDown & ShutDown_Finalize2) && !FinalizerThread::IsCurrentThreadFinalizer()) return FALSE; #if defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) && defined(MDA_SUPPORTED) if ((checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::ForMDA) && (NULL == MDA_GET_ASSISTANT(LoaderLock))) return TRUE; if (checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::None) return TRUE; // If we are checking whether the OS loader lock is held by the current thread, then // it better not be. Note that ShouldCheckLoaderLock is a cached test for whether // we are checking this probe. So we can call AuxUlibIsDLLSynchronizationHeld before // verifying that the probe is still enabled. // // What's the difference between ignoreLoaderLock & ShouldCheckLoaderLock? // ShouldCheckLoaderLock is a process-wide flag. In a few places where we // *know* we are in the loader lock but haven't quite reached the dangerous // point, we call CanRunManagedCode suppressing/deferring this check. BOOL IsHeld; if (ShouldCheckLoaderLock(FALSE) && AuxUlibIsDLLSynchronizationHeld(&IsHeld) && IsHeld) { if (checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::ForMDA) { MDA_TRIGGER_ASSISTANT(LoaderLock, ReportViolation(hInst)); } else { return FALSE; } } #endif // defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) && defined(MDA_SUPPORTED) return TRUE; } #include BOOL CanRunManagedCode(LoaderLockCheck::kind checkKind, HINSTANCE hInst /*= 0*/) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; if (checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::ForMDA) { GC_TRIGGERS; } else { GC_NOTRIGGER; }; // because of the CustomerDebugProbe MODE_ANY; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; // Special-case the common success cases // (Try not to make any calls here so that we don't have to spill our incoming arg regs) if (!g_fForbidEnterEE && (g_pPreallocatedOutOfMemoryException != NULL) && !(g_fEEShutDown & ShutDown_Finalize2) && (((checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::ForMDA) #ifdef MDA_SUPPORTED && (NULL == MDA_GET_ASSISTANT(LoaderLock)) #endif // MDA_SUPPORTED ) || (checkKind == LoaderLockCheck::None))) { return TRUE; } // Then call a helper for everything else. return CanRunManagedCodeRare(checkKind, hInst); } #include // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: CoInitializeEE(DWORD fFlags) // // Parameters: // fFlags - Initialization flags for the engine. See the // COINITIEE enumerator for valid values. // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // Initializes the EE if it hasn't already been initialized. This function // no longer maintains a ref count since the EE doesn't support being // unloaded and re-loaded. It simply ensures the EE has been started. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CoInitializeEE(DWORD fFlags) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; hr = InitializeEE((COINITIEE)fFlags); END_ENTRYPOINT_NOTHROW; return hr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // %%Function: CoUninitializeEE // // Parameters: // BOOL fIsDllUnloading :: is it safe point for full cleanup // // Returns: // Nothing // // Description: // Must be called by client on shut down in order to free up the system. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CoUninitializeEE(BOOL fIsDllUnloading) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; // This API is unfortunately publicly exported so we cannot get rid // of it. However since the EE doesn't currently support being unloaded // and re-loaded, it is useless to do any ref counting here or to pretend // to unload it. The proper way to shutdown the EE is to call CorExitProcess. //END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; } //***************************************************************************** BOOL ExecuteDLL_ReturnOrThrow(HRESULT hr, BOOL fFromThunk) { CONTRACTL { if (fFromThunk) THROWS; else NOTHROW; WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; // If we have a failure result, and we're called from a thunk, // then we need to throw an exception to communicate the error. if (FAILED(hr) && fFromThunk) { COMPlusThrowHR(hr); } return SUCCEEDED(hr); } Volatile g_bIsGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized = FALSE; void SetGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; g_bIsGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized = TRUE; } // Tells whether the garbage collector is fully initialized // Stronger than IsGCHeapInitialized BOOL IsGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return g_bIsGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized; } // // Initialize the Garbage Collector // void InitializeGarbageCollector() { CONTRACTL{ THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // Build the special Free Object used by the Generational GC _ASSERT(g_pFreeObjectMethodTable == NULL); g_pFreeObjectMethodTable = (MethodTable *) new BYTE[sizeof(MethodTable)]; ZeroMemory(g_pFreeObjectMethodTable, sizeof(MethodTable)); // As the flags in the method table indicate there are no pointers // in the object, there is no gc descriptor, and thus no need to adjust // the pointer to skip the gc descriptor. g_pFreeObjectMethodTable->SetBaseSize(ObjSizeOf (ArrayBase)); g_pFreeObjectMethodTable->SetComponentSize(1); #ifdef FEATURE_STANDALONE_GC IGCToCLR* gcToClr = new (nothrow) GCToEEInterface(); if (!gcToClr) ThrowOutOfMemory(); #else IGCToCLR* gcToClr = nullptr; #endif IGCHeap *pGCHeap; if (!InitializeGarbageCollector(gcToClr, &pGCHeap, &g_gc_dac_vars)) { ThrowOutOfMemory(); } assert(pGCHeap != nullptr); g_pGCHeap = pGCHeap; g_gcDacGlobals = &g_gc_dac_vars; // Apparently the Windows linker removes global variables if they are never // read from, which is a problem for g_gcDacGlobals since it's expected that // only the DAC will read from it. This forces the linker to include // g_gcDacGlobals. volatile void* _dummy = g_gcDacGlobals; hr = pGCHeap->Initialize(); IfFailThrow(hr); // Thread for running finalizers... FinalizerThread::FinalizerThreadCreate(); // Now we really have fully initialized the garbage collector SetGarbageCollectorFullyInitialized(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* This is here only so that if we get an exception we stop before we catch it */ LONG DllMainFilter(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS p, PVOID pv) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(!"Exception happened in mscorwks!DllMain!"); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } //***************************************************************************** // This is the part of the old-style DllMain that initializes the // stuff that the EE team works on. It's called from the real DllMain // up in MSCOREE land. Separating the DllMain tasks is simply for // convenience due to the dual build trees. //***************************************************************************** BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE EEDllMain( // TRUE on success, FALSE on error. HINSTANCE hInst, // Instance handle of the loaded module. DWORD dwReason, // Reason for loading. LPVOID lpReserved) // Unused. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; // this runs at the top of a thread, SO is not a concern here... STATIC_CONTRACT_SO_NOT_MAINLINE; // HRESULT hr; // BEGIN_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT(&hr); // EE isn't spun up enough to use this macro struct Param { HINSTANCE hInst; DWORD dwReason; LPVOID lpReserved; void **pTlsData; } param; param.hInst = hInst; param.dwReason = dwReason; param.lpReserved = lpReserved; param.pTlsData = NULL; // Can't use PAL_TRY/EX_TRY here as they access the ClrDebugState which gets blown away as part of the // PROCESS_DETACH path. Must use special PAL_TRY_FOR_DLLMAIN, passing the reason were in the DllMain. PAL_TRY_FOR_DLLMAIN(Param *, pParam, ¶m, pParam->dwReason) { switch (pParam->dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { // We cache the SystemInfo for anyone to use throughout the // life of the DLL. GetSystemInfo(&g_SystemInfo); // Remember module instance g_pMSCorEE = pParam->hInst; // Set callbacks so that LoadStringRC knows which language our // threads are in so that it can return the proper localized string. // TODO: This shouldn't rely on the LCID (id), but only the name SetResourceCultureCallbacks(GetThreadUICultureNames, GetThreadUICultureId); InitEEPolicy(); break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { // lpReserved is NULL if we're here because someone called FreeLibrary // and non-null if we're here because the process is exiting. // Since nobody should ever be calling FreeLibrary on mscorwks.dll, lpReserved // should always be non NULL. _ASSERTE(pParam->lpReserved || !g_fEEStarted); g_fProcessDetach = TRUE; #if defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) && defined(FEATURE_STACK_PROBE) // We are shutting down process. No need to check SO contract. // And it is impossible to enforce SO contract in global dtor, like ModIntPairList. g_EnableDefaultRWValidation = FALSE; #endif if (g_fEEStarted) { // GetThread() may be set to NULL for Win9x during shutdown. Thread *pThread = GetThread(); if (GCHeapUtilities::IsGCInProgress() && ( (pThread && (pThread != ThreadSuspend::GetSuspensionThread() )) || !g_fSuspendOnShutdown)) { g_fEEShutDown |= ShutDown_Phase2; break; } LOG((LF_STARTUP, INFO3, "EEShutDown invoked from EEDllMain")); EEShutDown(TRUE); // shut down EE if it was started up } else { CLRRemoveVectoredHandlers(); } break; } case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: { // Don't destroy threads here if we're in shutdown (shutdown will // clean up for us instead). // Store the TLS data; we'll need it later and we might NULL the slot in DetachThread. // This would be problematic because we can't depend on the FLS still existing. pParam->pTlsData = CExecutionEngine::CheckThreadStateNoCreate(0 #ifdef _DEBUG // When we get here, OS has destroyed FLS, so FlsGetValue returns NULL now. // We have validation code in CExecutionEngine::CheckThreadStateNoCreate to ensure that // our TLS and FLS data are consistent, but since FLS has been destroyed, we need // to silent the check there. The extra arg for check build is for this purpose. , TRUE #endif ); #ifdef FEATURE_IMPLICIT_TLS Thread* thread = GetThread(); #else // Don't use GetThread because perhaps we didn't initialize yet, or we // have already shutdown the EE. Note that there is a race here. We // might ask for TLS from a slot we just released. We are assuming that // nobody re-allocates that same slot while we are doing this. It just // isn't worth locking for such an obscure case. DWORD tlsVal = GetThreadTLSIndex(); Thread *thread = (tlsVal != (DWORD)-1)?(Thread *) UnsafeTlsGetValue(tlsVal):NULL; #endif if (thread) { #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // reset the CoInitialize state // so we don't call CoUninitialize during thread detach thread->ResetCoInitialized(); #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // For case where thread calls ExitThread directly, we need to reset the // frame pointer. Otherwise stackwalk would AV. We need to do it in cooperative mode. // We need to set m_GCOnTransitionsOK so this thread won't trigger GC when toggle GC mode if (thread->m_pFrame != FRAME_TOP) { #ifdef _DEBUG thread->m_GCOnTransitionsOK = FALSE; #endif GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR(); thread->m_pFrame = FRAME_TOP; GCX_COOP_NO_DTOR_END(); } thread->DetachThread(TRUE); } } } } PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(DllMainFilter) { } PAL_ENDTRY; if (dwReason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH || dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { CExecutionEngine::ThreadDetaching(param.pTlsData); } return TRUE; } #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN extern CCLRSecurityAttributeManager s_CLRSecurityAttributeManager; #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // // InitializeDebugger initialized the Runtime-side COM+ Debugging Services // static void InitializeDebugger(void) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Ensure that if we throw, we'll call TerminateDebugger to cleanup. // This makes our Init more atomic by avoiding partially-init states. class EnsureCleanup { BOOL fNeedCleanup; public: EnsureCleanup() { fNeedCleanup = TRUE; } void SuppressCleanup() { fNeedCleanup = FALSE; } ~EnsureCleanup() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_ANY; if (fNeedCleanup) { TerminateDebugger(); } } } hCleanup; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "Initializing left-side debugging services.\n")); FARPROC gi = (FARPROC) &CorDBGetInterface; // Init the interface the EE provides to the debugger, // ask the debugger for its interface, and if all goes // well call Startup on the debugger. EEDbgInterfaceImpl::Init(); _ASSERTE(g_pEEDbgInterfaceImpl != NULL); // throws on OOM // This allocates the Debugger object. typedef HRESULT __cdecl CORDBGETINTERFACE(DebugInterface**); hr = ((CORDBGETINTERFACE*)gi)(&g_pDebugInterface); IfFailThrow(hr); g_pDebugInterface->SetEEInterface(g_pEEDbgInterfaceImpl); { hr = g_pDebugInterface->Startup(); // throw on error _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // // If the debug pack is not installed, Startup will return S_FALSE // and we should cleanup and proceed without debugging support. // if (hr != S_OK) { return; } } LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "Left-side debugging services setup.\n")); hCleanup.SuppressCleanup(); return; } // // TerminateDebugger shuts down the Runtime-side COM+ Debugging Services // InitializeDebugger will call this if it fails. // This may be called even if the debugger is partially initialized. // This can be called multiple times. // static void TerminateDebugger(void) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "Shutting down left-side debugger services.\n")); // If initialized failed really early, then we didn't even get the Debugger object. if (g_pDebugInterface != NULL) { // Notify the out-of-process debugger that shutdown of the in-process debugging support has begun. This is only // really used in interop debugging scenarios. g_pDebugInterface->ShutdownBegun(); // This will kill the helper thread, delete the Debugger object, and free all resources. g_pDebugInterface->StopDebugger(); } g_CORDebuggerControlFlags = DBCF_NORMAL_OPERATION; } #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize InterProcess Communications for COM+ // 1. Allocate an IPCManager Implementation and hook it up to our interface * // 2. Call proper init functions to activate relevant portions of IPC block // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static HRESULT InitializeIPCManager(void) { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HINSTANCE hInstIPCBlockOwner = 0; DWORD pid = 0; // Allocate the Implementation. Everyone else will work through the interface g_pIPCManagerInterface = new (nothrow) IPCWriterInterface(); if (g_pIPCManagerInterface == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto errExit; } pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); // Do general init hr = g_pIPCManagerInterface->Init(); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto errExit; } // Generate private IPCBlock for our PID. Note that for the other side of the debugger, // they'll hook up to the debuggee's pid (and not their own). So we still // have to pass the PID in. EX_TRY { // This should go away in the future. hr = g_pIPCManagerInterface->CreateLegacyPrivateBlockTempV4OnPid(pid, FALSE, &hInstIPCBlockOwner); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { // We failed to create the IPC block because it has already been created. This means that // two mscoree's have been loaded into the process. PathString strFirstModule; PathString strSecondModule; EX_TRY { // Get the name and path of the first loaded MSCOREE.DLL. if (!hInstIPCBlockOwner || !WszGetModuleFileName(hInstIPCBlockOwner, strFirstModule)) strFirstModule.Set(W("")); // Get the name and path of the second loaded MSCOREE.DLL. if (!WszGetModuleFileName(g_pMSCorEE, strSecondModule)) strSecondModule.Set(W("")); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); // Load the format strings for the title and the message body. EEMessageBoxCatastrophic(IDS_EE_TWO_LOADED_MSCOREE_MSG, IDS_EE_TWO_LOADED_MSCOREE_TITLE, strFirstModule, strSecondModule); goto errExit; } else { PathString temp; if (!WszGetModuleFileName(GetModuleInst(), temp )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastErrorNA(); } else { EX_TRY { if (temp.GetCount() + 1 > MAX_LONGPATH) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { wcscpy_s((PWSTR)g_pIPCManagerInterface->GetInstancePath(),temp.GetCount() + 1,temp); } } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); } } // Generate public IPCBlock for our PID. EX_TRY { hr = g_pIPCManagerInterface->CreateSxSPublicBlockOnPid(pid); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); errExit: // If any failure, shut everything down. if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) TerminateIPCManager(); return hr; } #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Marks the IPC block as initialized so that other processes know that the // block is safe to read // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN static void PublishIPCManager(void) { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_pIPCManagerInterface != NULL) g_pIPCManagerInterface->Publish(); } #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifdef FEATURE_IPCMAN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Terminate all InterProcess operations // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void TerminateIPCManager(void) { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_pIPCManagerInterface != NULL) { g_pIPCManagerInterface->Terminate(); delete g_pIPCManagerInterface; g_pIPCManagerInterface = NULL; } } #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN #ifndef LOCALE_SPARENT #define LOCALE_SPARENT 0x0000006d #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Impl for UtilLoadStringRC Callback: In VM, we let the thread decide culture // copy culture name into szBuffer and return length // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static HRESULT GetThreadUICultureNames(__inout StringArrayList* pCultureNames) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCultureNames)); SO_INTOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { InlineSString sCulture; InlineSString sParentCulture; Thread * pThread = GetThread(); if (pThread != NULL) { // Switch to cooperative mode, since we'll be looking at managed objects // and we don't want them moving on us. GCX_COOP(); THREADBASEREF pThreadBase = (THREADBASEREF)pThread->GetExposedObjectRaw(); if (pThreadBase != NULL) { CULTUREINFOBASEREF pCurrentCulture = pThreadBase->GetCurrentUICulture(); if (pCurrentCulture != NULL) { STRINGREF cultureName = pCurrentCulture->GetName(); if (cultureName != NULL) { sCulture.Set(cultureName->GetBuffer(),cultureName->GetStringLength()); } CULTUREINFOBASEREF pParentCulture = pCurrentCulture->GetParent(); if (pParentCulture != NULL) { STRINGREF parentCultureName = pParentCulture->GetName(); if (parentCultureName != NULL) { sParentCulture.Set(parentCultureName->GetBuffer(),parentCultureName->GetStringLength()); } } } } } // If the lazily-initialized cultureinfo structures aren't initialized yet, we'll // need to do the lookup the hard way. if (sCulture.IsEmpty() || sParentCulture.IsEmpty()) { LocaleIDValue id ; int tmp; tmp = GetThreadUICultureId(&id); // TODO: We should use the name instead _ASSERTE(tmp!=0 && id != UICULTUREID_DONTCARE); SIZE_T cchParentCultureName=LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH; #ifdef FEATURE_USE_LCID SIZE_T cchCultureName=LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH; if (!NewApis::LCIDToLocaleName(id, sCulture.OpenUnicodeBuffer(static_cast(cchCultureName)), static_cast(cchCultureName), 0)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } sCulture.CloseBuffer(); #else sCulture.Set(id); #endif #ifndef FEATURE_PAL if (!NewApis::GetLocaleInfoEx((LPCWSTR)sCulture, LOCALE_SPARENT, sParentCulture.OpenUnicodeBuffer(static_cast(cchParentCultureName)),static_cast(cchParentCultureName))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } sParentCulture.CloseBuffer(); #else // !FEATURE_PAL sParentCulture = sCulture; #endif // !FEATURE_PAL } // (LPCWSTR) to restrict the size to null terminated size pCultureNames->AppendIfNotThere((LPCWSTR)sCulture); // Disabling for Dev10 for consistency with managed resource lookup (see AppCompat bug notes in ResourceFallbackManager.cs) // Also, this is in the wrong order - put after the parent culture chain. //AddThreadPreferredUILanguages(pCultureNames); pCultureNames->AppendIfNotThere((LPCWSTR)sParentCulture); pCultureNames->Append(SString::Empty()); } EX_CATCH { hr=E_OUTOFMEMORY; } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); return hr; } // The exit code for the process is communicated in one of two ways. If the // entrypoint returns an 'int' we take that. Otherwise we take a latched // process exit code. This can be modified by the app via System.SetExitCode(). static INT32 LatchedExitCode; void SetLatchedExitCode (INT32 code) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; STRESS_LOG1(LF_SYNC, LL_INFO10, "SetLatchedExitCode = %d\n", code); LatchedExitCode = code; } INT32 GetLatchedExitCode (void) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return LatchedExitCode; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Impl for UtilLoadStringRC Callback: In VM, we let the thread decide culture // Return an int uniquely describing which language this thread is using for ui. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Callers should use names, not LCIDs #ifdef FEATURE_USE_LCID static int GetThreadUICultureId(__out LocaleIDValue* pLocale) { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SO_INTOLERANT;; } CONTRACTL_END; int Result = UICULTUREID_DONTCARE; Thread * pThread = GetThread(); if (pThread != NULL) { // Switch to cooperative mode, since we'll be looking at managed objects // and we don't want them moving on us. GCX_COOP(); THREADBASEREF pThreadBase = (THREADBASEREF)pThread->GetExposedObjectRaw(); if (pThreadBase != NULL) { CULTUREINFOBASEREF pCurrentCulture = pThreadBase->GetCurrentUICulture(); if (pCurrentCulture != NULL) { STRINGREF cultureName = pCurrentCulture->GetName(); _ASSERT(cultureName != NULL); if ((Result = NewApis::LocaleNameToLCID(cultureName->GetBuffer(), 0)) == 0) Result = (int)UICULTUREID_DONTCARE; } } } if (Result == (int)UICULTUREID_DONTCARE) { // This thread isn't set up to use a non-default culture. Let's grab the default // one and return that. Result = COMNlsInfo::CallGetUserDefaultUILanguage(); if (Result == 0 || Result == (int)UICULTUREID_DONTCARE) Result = GetUserDefaultLangID(); _ASSERTE(Result != 0); if (Result == 0) { Result = (int)UICULTUREID_DONTCARE; } } *pLocale=Result; return Result; } #else // TODO: Callers should use names, not LCIDs static int GetThreadUICultureId(__out LocaleIDValue* pLocale) { CONTRACTL{ NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; SO_INTOLERANT;; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(sizeof(LocaleIDValue)/sizeof(WCHAR) >= LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); int Result = 0; Thread * pThread = GetThread(); if (pThread != NULL) { // Switch to cooperative mode, since we'll be looking at managed objects // and we don't want them moving on us. GCX_COOP(); THREADBASEREF pThreadBase = (THREADBASEREF)pThread->GetExposedObjectRaw(); if (pThreadBase != NULL) { CULTUREINFOBASEREF pCurrentCulture = pThreadBase->GetCurrentUICulture(); if (pCurrentCulture != NULL) { STRINGREF currentCultureName = pCurrentCulture->GetName(); if (currentCultureName != NULL) { int cchCurrentCultureNameResult = currentCultureName->GetStringLength(); if (cchCurrentCultureNameResult < LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) { memcpy(*pLocale, currentCultureName->GetBuffer(), cchCurrentCultureNameResult*sizeof(WCHAR)); (*pLocale)[cchCurrentCultureNameResult]='\0'; Result=cchCurrentCultureNameResult; } } } } } if (Result == 0) { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // This thread isn't set up to use a non-default culture. Let's grab the default // one and return that. Result = NewApis::GetUserDefaultLocaleName(*pLocale, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); _ASSERTE(Result != 0); #else // !FEATURE_PAL static const WCHAR enUS[] = W("en-US"); memcpy(*pLocale, enUS, sizeof(enUS)); Result = sizeof(enUS); #endif // !FEATURE_PAL } return Result; } #endif // FEATURE_USE_LCID // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Export shared logging code for JIT, et.al. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _DEBUG extern VOID LogAssert( LPCSTR szFile, int iLine, LPCSTR expr); extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) VOID STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_LogAssert( LPCSTR szFile, int iLine, LPCSTR expr) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; ENTRY_POINT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(szFile)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(expr)); } CONTRACTL_END; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; LogAssert(szFile, iLine, expr); END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; } extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; fRet = NoGuiOnAssert(); END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; return fRet; } extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) VOID STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; // __asm int 3; TerminateOnAssert(); END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; } #else // !_DEBUG extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) VOID STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_LogAssert( LPCSTR szFile, int iLine, LPCSTR expr) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; //END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; } extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; //END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; return FALSE; } extern "C" //__declspec(dllexport) VOID STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; //END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifndef ENABLE_PERF_COUNTERS // // perf counter stubs for builds which don't have perf counter support // These are needed because we export these functions in our DLL Perf_Contexts* STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPrivateContextsPerfCounters() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //BEGIN_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; //END_ENTRYPOINT_VOIDRET; return NULL; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // Returns TRUE if any contract violation suppressions are in effect. BOOL AreAnyViolationBitsOn() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SO_TOLERANT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; UINT_PTR violationMask = GetClrDebugState()->ViolationMask(); violationMask &= ~((UINT_PTR)CanFreeMe); //CanFreeMe is a borrowed bit and has nothing to do with violations if (violationMask & ((UINT_PTR)BadDebugState)) { return FALSE; } return violationMask != 0; } // This function is intentionally invoked inside a big CONTRACT_VIOLATION that turns on every violation // bit on the map. The dynamic contract at the beginning *should* turn off those violation bits. // The body of this function tests to see that it did exactly that. This is to prevent the VSWhidbey B#564831 fiasco // from ever recurring. void ContractRegressionCheckInner() { // DO NOT TURN THIS CONTRACT INTO A STATIC CONTRACT!!! The very purpose of this function // is to ensure that dynamic contracts disable outstanding contract violation bits. // This code only runs once at process startup so it's not going pooch the checked build perf. CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; LOADS_TYPE(CLASS_LOAD_BEGIN); CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END if (AreAnyViolationBitsOn()) { // If we got here, the contract above FAILED to turn off one or more violation bits. This is a // huge diagnostics hole and must be fixed immediately. _ASSERTE(!("WARNING: mscorwks has detected an internal error that may indicate contracts are" " being silently disabled across the runtime. Do not ignore this assert!")); } } // This function executes once per process to ensure our CONTRACT_VIOLATION() mechanism // is properly scope-limited by nested contracts. void ContractRegressionCheck() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; { // DO NOT "FIX" THIS CONTRACT_VIOLATION!!! // The existence of this CONTRACT_VIOLATION is not a bug. This is debug-only code specifically written // to test the CONTRACT_VIOLATION mechanism itself. This is needed to prevent a regression of // B#564831 (which left a huge swath of contracts silently disabled for over six months) PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation | GCViolation | FaultViolation | LoadsTypeViolation | TakesLockViolation , ReasonContractInfrastructure ); { FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); ContractRegressionCheckInner(); } } if (AreAnyViolationBitsOn()) { // If we got here, the CONTRACT_VIOLATION() holder left one or more violation bits turned ON // after we left its scope. This is a huge diagnostic hole and must be fixed immediately. _ASSERTE(!("WARNING: mscorwks has detected an internal error that may indicate contracts are" " being silently disabled across the runtime. Do not ignore this assert!")); } } #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE // // GetOSVersion - Gets the real OS version bypassing the OS compatibility shim // Mscoree.dll resides in System32 dir and is always excluded from compat shim. // This function calls mscoree!shim function via mscoreei ICLRRuntimeHostInternal interface // to get the OS version. We do not do this PAL or coreclr..we direclty call the OS // in that case. // BOOL GetOSVersion(LPOSVERSIONINFO lposVer) { // Fix for warnings when building against WinBlue build 9444.0.130614-1739 // warning C4996: 'GetVersionExW': was declared deprecated // externalapis\windows\winblue\sdk\inc\sysinfoapi.h(442) // Deprecated. Use VerifyVersionInfo* or IsWindows* macros from VersionHelpers. #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) return WszGetVersionEx(lposVer); #pragma warning( default : 4996 ) }